What date does Indian summer begin? Abnormal September: cold autumn will be replaced by Indian summer

Only the lazy have not heard that there is also a fifth season of the year, “Indian summer,” which, as a rule, occurs at the beginning of autumn. But weather forecasters and their forecasts will help you determine exactly when Indian summer will happen in 2017 in Moscow. During this period it should be sunny, cheerful and warm. Although, Indian summer lasts, as a rule, a maximum of several weeks.

If we consider such a strange, but no longer separable from our culture, concept as “Indian summer,” then it appeared in our country back in the 18th century. Moreover, today there are two versions of where exactly this concept came from. On the one hand, they say that Indian summer is associated with sunny and clear weather in the spring, which precedes the beginning of leaf fall.

On the other hand, Indian summer simply refers to the period of sharp warming just before a period of severe cooling begins. In any case, Indian summer is definitely associated with the sun and the last warmth of this calendar year, and many people are looking forward to this period. When do they start.

What dates to focus on

For middle zone In Russia, the Indian summer period, as a rule, falls at the beginning of autumn. This is the time when last days You will be able to enjoy the sun, warm air and clear weather without a single cloud in the sky. It is interesting that the duration of Indian summer in 2017 in Moscow or other regions is always different.

In some years, warm weather lasts for a week, this average duration autumn warmth. Although there are years when warm days last up to two weeks and this, of course, is for each person unforgettable holiday and opportunity last time in this calendar year enjoy summer and warmth.

If we consider some average calendar that has survived to this day from the people, then the young Indian summer falls at the end of August and lasts somewhere until September 11. After this, the old Indian summer also begins, which lasts from September 14 and can last until September 24.

Interesting! It is clear that during this period among the people, as usual, there are many signs and beliefs. For example, if the young Indian summer this year was distinguished by good weather, then the second half of this period will be with bad weather. However, if everything happens the other way around, then good, dry and sunny weather will fall in the old Indian summer. Relevant at any time of the year.

What do scientists say?

It is clear that much in the stories about Indian summer and its timing are folk observations associated with beliefs and some traditions. What do scientists say about this period? Meteorologists say that it is warm at this time in a simple and understandable way. scientific reason- because there is a movement of warm air masses, which actively accumulated in the atmosphere during the summer.

In combination with high pressure, which becomes larger in the fall, the masses begin their active movement inland. Due to this shift, you can get additional warm days, which will end immediately after the anticyclone arrives.

Scientists emphasize that it is quite difficult to predict exact dates Indian summer, because the boundaries of this period are blurred. As for forecasts for next year, they are not possible at all. However, to plan your vacation, you can listen to the advice of meteorologists, but do it extremely carefully.

Despite the fact that most people talk about Indian summer in our country, other countries also have such a period and have noticed it. For example, in Germany this period of warm autumn is called “grandmother’s summer”; the French call it “Summer of St. Martin”. It also happens that the residents of a certain country are unlucky and in a certain year the Indian summer does not occur at all, there is no need to despair. You should just try to find beautiful and wonderful moments in the golden and bright autumn, which is full of its own surprises, colors and interesting moods.

Interesting! Some people say that autumn is sometimes depressing, but the heritage of world culture says otherwise. After all, it was in autumn that many great writers, poets, artists and musicians found their inspiration. Despite or even despite the dampness and cloudiness.

When can we expect Indian summer in 2017?

So, it now remains to answer the main question of this material, when will the Indian summer be in 2017 in Moscow. The wonderful Indian summer begins at the end of August, which this year in the capital was marked by warmth and dryness. At the end of August the rains fell, and then September came and it was time for Indian summer. Because the thermometer crept up and began to show 25 degrees Celsius.

Already before the first ten days of September, the thermometer, slowly dropping, will show 15 degrees Celsius. As for the timing of the end of Indian summer, it will happen somewhere on the 20th of September, because it will rain and it will be cool.

From the tenth day of September, a real Indian summer will begin in Moscow, which will give residents days of warmth and comfort, the opportunity to say goodbye to a wonderful summer. It will be warm, but after a few days the temperature will begin to drop, a cyclone will arrive and the rains will begin. So, in 2017, Muscovites will be looking forward to Indian summer on September 10 and there is no need to hesitate, you need to engage in active recreation, enjoying the warmth and taking the last sunbathing this year.

Curious folk signs for Indian summer:
1. At the very beginning of Indian summer, you can see a rainbow; if this phenomenon appears in the sky, then this is a sign of future warm weather.
2. If it starts to rain in the first days of autumn, then you need to prepare for a rainy and cold autumn.
3. If you saddle a horse at the very beginning of Indian autumn, then next year diseases will bypass the cattle.

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The head of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, Roman Vilfand, said that the first half of the Indian summer in the capital region has come to an end, however, starting last weekend, Muscovites will face the second stage of the Indian summer. E

There is a chance that high temperatures will break records set more than a century ago, the Phobos weather center said.

According to weather forecasters, the city will experience subtropical warmth from the beginning of this week.

On September 13, there may be a repeat of the record of the distant 1909, when Moscow was plus 27.4

Earlier, weather forecasters said that the Indian summer in 2018 is different from what it was in previous years. Temperatures in late August and early September are influenced by the cyclone, which makes the weather very changeable.

This is an incredibly beautiful time, when it seems like it’s still summer, but autumn has already spread its magnificent carpet. Colorful leaves, bright petals, like burning gems. All this creates positive emotions, improves mood, people become softer, since nature itself seems to calm, incite kindness and peace.

Indian summer early period Westerners call it autumn Eastern Slavs. In the south it is called Gypsy, in Serbia - Mikhailov. In Croatia there is a third name - Martin's Summer. In German-speaking languages ​​- old woman's, in Holland - after-life, B North America– Indian/

In Italy - St. Martin, In France - St. Denis. In Portuguese-speaking - Veraniko (Letochko), in Spanish-speaking - several names that depend on the month.

For example, in August-September - St. Miguel, and in October or November - St. Juan.

The very first mentions were associated with the time when elderly women, before the cold weather, could bask in the sun for the last time that year. It was then that all work in the field ended, and the village peasant women took up other tasks: they soaked, ruffled and weaved flax.

In the old days, cucumbers were often salted during this period, as well as old conflicts were settled and peace was made. This period of time was considered a rural holiday. Indian summer, why was it called that: on these days, women often held gatherings, sang, spun, and when the cold came, they began to do needlework and tinker with canvases.

The name of this period of time was often associated with a popular expression: “when almost everything is lost, only a woman can warm it up greatly.”

When does Indian summer start in 2018?

Sometimes, after the onset of cold weather, people think about the question: will there be an Indian summer this year? Of course, yes, it happens every year. When does Indian summer start? It is impossible to determine the exact number, since it may “come” in different times and its duration may vary.

Most often it lasts one or two weeks, which occurs in mid-September, and sometimes it can extend to the beginning of October. In Russia, the approximate beginning of Indian summer is September 14. In other countries, months and dates may vary. Everything depends on the climate.

If we consider modern scientific explanation, then to the question “why is Indian summer called that”, you can get the following answer: this is the time when a persistent anticyclone is established, affecting the warming of the weather. During this period, the soil and air do not cool much at night, but warm up well during the day. But the heat is already a thing of the past.

Why does an anticyclone form? With the onset of cold weather, the foliage begins to fade sharply, and in the process large number heat. It rises up, completely disperses the clouds, helps to increase atmospheric pressure. This is how an anticyclone appears.

In August, meteorologists said that Indian summer was expected soon, by mid-September and would last until about the end of the month, at least in the European part of Russia. General Director of the Hydrometeorological Center of the Russian Federation Roman Vilfand said that average temperature will exceed the expected norm. According to forecasts, there is no point in saying goodbye to summer just yet.

In August, meteorologists said that Indian summer was expected soon, by mid-September and would last until about the end of the month, at least in the European part of Russia. General Director of the Hydrometeorological Center of the Russian Federation Roman Vilfand said that the average temperature will exceed the expected norm. According to forecasts, there is no point in saying goodbye to summer just yet.

Indian summer 2017 when it begins: History

This period of autumn is called "Indian Summer" because it is a short, warm and dry period between summer and actual autumn, usually occurring in late August - September. This is a fine line, a very beautiful period, sometimes even plants that bloom once a year bloom a second time in Indian summer, the weather seems to inspire calmness, peace, harmony in the soul. In the most ancient references to this time, it is known that these were the last warm days before the cold snap, when elderly women basked in the sun for the last time this year.

Indian summer 2017 when it starts: There are no exact forecasts

"Last Splash" summer period it is impossible to determine in a specific time frame, neither meteorologists nor astrologers can do this, this event is not in any calendar, even in the church. Forecasters believe that exact dates should not be given yet, but note that the temperature will be the same as in the last days of August, with possible precipitation. The shorter the period, the easier it is to determine the exact dates, so the Hydrometeorological Center will be happy to announce these dates soon.

Indian summer 2017 when it begins: Popular beliefs

In the old days, they knew several signs by which the arrival of this period of time was determined: firstly, after a cold snap, truly warm weather returns. Secondly, autumn cobwebs fly in the air, clinging to clothes, hair, eyelashes. Many beliefs and signs about Indian summer are related to farming and personal life. It was believed that if you ride a horse at such a time, it will become stronger and stronger.

What do we expect from autumn? This, of course, is the soft rustling of leaves and warm passing days. As a rule, the most beautiful weather occurs when Indian summer begins in nature. This event is not indicated at all in any calendar, in church dates the specified time is also not present. This time took its entire name from the people. Indian summer 2017, like any other, it will be gentle and affectionate. Expected given time in September, but no one can indicate the exact time. Not a single weather forecaster or modern astrologer is able to name the date and duration of a unique time period.

Each of us associates summer with warmth. It is during this period of time that nature pampers a person with warm and hot days, scorching sun and gentle air. It’s rare that summer is rainy and dank; as a rule, even if it does happen, it’s still a few days a day. this season will be devoted to truly summer days.

Indian summer in 2017 is approximately expected from September 15 to September 25. Based on all temperature forecasts, it can be concluded that last month The summer will become cool, the nights will begin to become frosty, and the days will no longer become sultry and unbearable. The beginning of September will become even more severe, the temperature air environment will decrease noticeably, do not be surprised if the thermometer drops decisively to 15 degrees. This is a characteristic of nature; there is no need to be sad or angry about it. But after this period, when people begin to get used to the autumn season and Indian summer begins.

As already mentioned above, it is reliably known that the specified period of time will happen in the first month of autumn, but how long it will last is completely unknown to anyone. Indian summer forecast 2017 can be designated general events: the air temperature during the day will approach 25 degrees, there will be complete absence precipitation, the nights will also be warm, but the temperature will be slightly lower, and there will be no wind at all. This general description specified period in time.
In the future, nature itself will determine how long such a miracle of natural perfection will last. In past years, Indian summer lasted about a week and a half, after which a sharp cooling set in, and autumn fully came into its own. Some years were different in that this natural phenomenon lasted only a few days, but this time was enough for people to remember summer mood and warmth.

No matter how strange it may be, Indian summer in 2017 is a time of wedding ceremonies and significant dates. What is the reason for such a rush in time is not known. Perhaps people are happy about the returning warmth and are trying to capture their most intimate memories in this time period. significant events. Each person has his own reason to do something at the specified moment, but the time that nature gives cannot be missed; it is important to fully enjoy the warmth of the returning summer.

The weather in early September surprised the residents of Tatarstan. After hot sunny days there was a sharp cold snap. But don't despair, warmer weather is just around the corner.

Back on Saturday, September 2, it was real summer in Tatarstan; the air warmed up to 26 degrees during the day. The sharp cooling in the evening of August 3 was very noticeable. The republic was invaded by cold Arctic air in the rear of the cyclone. The temperature dropped to 9 degrees at night and 12-14 degrees during the day. Experts note that autumn begins when the average daily temperature drops below 15 degrees. It's cloudy and cold outside now. Such weather at the very beginning of autumn is considered abnormal.

According to the forecast of Hydromet of Russia, the average temperature in September in Tatarstan is expected to be 1 degree above the climate norm. The norm in the republic is 11 degrees with a plus sign. Monthly precipitation is forecast to be below the long-term average with a normal of 52 mm. At the same time, in the first ten days of September the temperature is expected to be 1.5 degrees above the climate norm,” Irina Trushchina, head of the meteorological forecast department of the Hydrometeorological Center of the Republic of Tatarstan, told Tatar-inform news agency.

Waves of heat and cold

The weather is currently unstable, with alternating cyclones and anticyclones. Over the next three days the air will gradually warm up; no significant precipitation is expected. The republic will be under the influence of the ridge of the northern anticyclone. But by the end of the week the weather will deteriorate again and rain will come. Long period with partly cloudy warm weather not expected this week.

“The cool weather will last for two or three days, and then the air will gradually warm up. Warming will begin on September 7; the thermometer during the day may rise to 19-20 degrees. In September there will be both heat waves and cold waves. Now we are experiencing a cold wave,” said Yuri Perevedentsev, head of the department of meteorology, climatology and atmospheric ecology at the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management of KFU.

The whims of Indian summer

Indian summer is a period when dry, sunny weather sets in after rain and bad weather. It is worth noting that this does not happen every year. Thus, in 2000 and 2016, it was not present on the territory of the republic at all. Last year, after a hot August, September turned out to be cold and rainy. Then there was only one “Indian” day - September 25, when the air temperature warmed up to 21.5 degrees, and there was no rain. In 2007, September was cold; the warm period began on September 28 and lasted only two days. Sometimes Indian summer lasts 2.5 weeks.

Indian summer will be in the second half of September. Let's hope it lasts a week. If there is an anticyclone and southern winds, the temperature may exceed 20 degrees. Over the past 17 years, there has been no Indian summer for two years. Therefore, there is a high probability that it will happen this year,” says Yuri Perevedentsev.

On average, Indian summer lasts 1–1.5 weeks. In 2008 it lasted for six days and the average daily temperature was 19 degrees. In 2015, “Indian summer” lasted from September 13 to September 29 – 17 days, and the average daily temperature was 18.5 degrees. It's pretty high temperature for September, forecasters say.

When is the heating season

The heating season begins when the average daily air temperature drops below 8 degrees Celsius. Usually the heat in houses is turned on in the second half of September. First, it is given to kindergartens, hospitals and schools. There is no weather forecast for the upcoming heating season – October and November. It will appear at the end of September.
