“Why do you dream about a date in a dream? If you see a date in a dream, what does it mean? The magic of numbers.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Often in dreams dates and numbers- are a signal for determining some event in a dream, which will then be reflected in real life.

Dates in dreams- become pointers that direct you to some time or event that is the trigger for a given dream.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Celebrating someone's birthday in a dream- to aging.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Hear or see dates, year, day, month in a dream- to sudden death.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Collection of dream books

Celebrate a date in a dream- to good rumors.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Friday to Saturday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn it inside out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

You can understand why you dream about the date if you analyze the dream in detail, remembering every little detail. Dream Interpretation draws special attention on the dreamer’s feelings during this vision. In a dream, such a sign often gives an idea of ​​something - an action or phenomenon - which, in turn, is coming in the very near future or, on the contrary, should soon come to an end. What its influence will be - favorable or not - the details will tell.

Explanation of the dream

What does the date mean in dreams, dream books interpret it as the future important event: birthday, wedding and the like. It is possible that main reason The dreamer himself will celebrate the holiday. The dream book advises you to remember this number, because it is a sign from above and the dictates of fate itself. This symbol is also explained as the inevitable fulfillment of something from the dream itself in real life. If the number was an integer and ended in zero or it was someone’s anniversary, such a sign means early old age.

The dream book says that, among other things, the numbers of birthdays, weddings, funerals and other events play an important role. To interpret such a dream, you must first of all understand the meaning of the numbers themselves that you saw in the dream. If it becomes known about the death of another person, this good sign. It means that the dreamer will certainly get better if he is sick, and also portends long life And financial well-being and success.

The dream book will explain the reason for studying the holidays in the calendar in a dream. This sign predicts an imminent invitation from old friends. In the dream, the exact date of some event was determined - in reality the dreamer’s plans will undergo significant changes. Why you might dream of hearing a date is explained as an unkind sign. Great difficulties await the dreamer, so you need to prepare for them in advance. Reading the date means a big event. Writing is a sign of global changes, and this may concern not only pieces of furniture or even an apartment, but also social status.

To change

Seeing a number in a dream own day The dream book explains birth as a good omen if this day brings joy to the dreamer. He predicts good luck and success in the very near future. Among other things, you should pay attention to particularly important issues and take your time in making decisions. The wedding date is a significant symbol. It tells you the time of an important event in the dreamer’s life. And not in all cases it is a wedding.

The dream book explains that it is no coincidence that a pregnant girl dreams of the birth date and is often prophetic. The date of birth of a child, both his own and a step-child, is interpreted as follows: the dreamer’s plans are quite realistic, but their implementation will require a lot of effort and time.

Why dream about a number indicating the date of death of the dreamer or another person does not bode well. A dream predicts difficulties and anxieties. Things that have been going on for a very long time need to be completed as soon as possible. This does not promise a danger to the dreamer’s life, but relates to his professional sphere.

In a dream, the dreamer is unable to determine the date of his own death - a sign of change. The dreamer's plans will undergo significant changes in accordance with a different assessment of their importance. The dream book says that you will have to adapt to the changes happening around you.

Personal dates

Why do you dream about your wedding date? close relative or a friend? This dream means his success: luck will visit this person soon. Exact date the birth of a child of a girl friend or relative who is in a position, to a similar situation in reality. But besides this, such a sign may portend quick profit or a lucky coincidence.

The date of birth of a child, seen in a dream, means strong feelings about his future. And probably not unfounded. This possibility cannot be immediately denied, even if it seems unfounded - you should think carefully, perhaps something new will become clear. Such a date can also prophesy the success of planned plans, financial improvements, and fortunate circumstances.

At first I had a normal dream. I stood outside our stores while my mother was shopping. I made sure that the chickens running nearby had no water or food, but they did not leave the area. I picked some greens for them and threw them. They pounced on her and began to peck furiously... Now we need to get water somewhere. I look around the area and then I see a tray with food and next to it a drinking bowl with water. However, the chickens did not drink or eat from there, which is very strange. Then the owner came out of the store and shouted that there was no need to feed them, because... they are not hungry. Inside, I didn’t want to listen to her, because the chickens were hungry, since they were pecking with such fury the green round leaves of the plant, reminiscent of geranium leaves…. And there was no grass on the site itself. Or rather, it was there, but yellow, faded and completely dry. Here and there small sandy deserts formed on the ground.

I just stood and watched the chickens. Now they were grazing near a strange, rusted iron contraption. I approached him. It resembled a tall table with legs, but there were barriers on the tabletop itself. It was designed so that water could be poured into it. I noticed that there was already some water there and... Two common river crucian carp were floundering. I remembered that as a child I always dreamed of drawing a big bath with fish. Now I can do this... I turned the handle of the faucet that was nearby. The space gradually filled with water. Now the fish swam freely there... There were two of them... I turned off the tap. Now there is enough water and I can just watch the fish.

They floated, huddled close to each other and seemed to be whispering about something. They did not collide with barriers with their noses and swam closer to the surface of the water... I began to peer at them interesting behavior…. Then I thought about how the rusty iron walls would affect their health... I bent lower and was completely immersed in contemplation...

Ocean. A huge, spacious ocean. Large waves of water roll over the water surface and rock me... Somewhere nearby my mother is also rocking on the waves, I hear her voice, she talks all the time so that I can hear her and know that she has not been carried far by the current. A strong wind is blowing and a nasty, very light rain is pouring. Its drops prick your face like needles. The sky is dark, dark, just like everything around... I watch how the waves raise and lower me... It’s good that they roll smoothly and don’t foam, otherwise I would have drowned long ago... I hoped that it would bring us to the shore . However, I saw vast expanses of darkness in front of me. And so soothing was the voice of my mother, who did not stop talking and said that the trouble had not yet completely taken us by surprise...
Then some strange current carried me very quickly. Through the waves, I swam, probably, at a speed of 50 km. per hour Or maybe more. Mom was also carried along, although she was a little behind. It seemed to me that there was a shore nearby... Yes, that’s how it was! I saw dark sand... And at sharp speed I collided with a tree so that it ended up in my arms. I'm already on the shore. Only the shore was very strange... Strange twisted palm trees or larches grew on it, and they grew too close to the shore. It was night here, the sky was clear and complete absence storms, as well as any sounds. The silence was simply terrifying. The ocean here suddenly stopped raging, and it was also inaudible.

My mom. Yes, she too has reached the shore and is now calling me to explore this land. Yes, of course, I’m already on my way... In my dreams, I hardly see my mother, and it’s as if we exist separately from each other.
For some reason, my head no longer turned towards the ocean; I saw only a strip of trees in front of me. We entered this strip... We wandered around a little and saw some old, long wooden house. We decided to stop by. It was still dark, but the darkness was somehow gray, you could clearly see what was around you... And it was as if someone had turned on a high contrast effect.

Dry reeds crunched under our feet, lying in the very small hallway of the house... We began to explore the rooms.

They walked one after another in a straight line. Everything here was entwined with black cobwebs, the boards were black and stank of dampness. The air itself was saturated with it and dust, some old stuff. Some scraps of film, also black, could be seen on the ceiling and walls. Terrible mucus was smeared in places on the floor, and some strange stinking lumps were lying around. Everything was saturated with time, a time of horrors and fears. On the shelves were toys in which hordes of insect larvae were now buried. We wandered around these rooms and looked for a way out, which had disappeared somewhere. It felt like we had been in this house for a very long time. A couple of times I came across side door in the wall, it was put together from old boards that had been eaten, burnt here and there…. Once at a strange broken-down black window, like a window, with broken glass. There were no more windows in the house.

We came to the last room. There were no doors or exits. There was only the same, larger window... I looked outside and saw a dark garden overgrown with black thorns. It was as if he was alive and his prickly mouth, shrouded in darkness, growled menacingly. I stuck my head back in and moved to the penultimate room…. It was a library... There were a lot of books here, and I wanted to take everything with me... Almost all of them are related to black magic... Very shabby, old books…. However, one book caught my attention... It really stood out from the rest because it looked brand new and was untouched by dust. Among the eerie atmosphere, evoking horror and despair, which the other books created, something emanated from this one that inspired deceptive hope... The book was quite large sizes with a red, shiny cover. It seems that it was some kind of encyclopedia... I wondered how new it was and why it was preserved like that... I decided to look at the year of publication... Mom was also interested... I opened the paragraph. It says... 11.17 (and the 15th, it seems, I don’t remember)…. It can’t be... “NOW IS 2015!!!” - I yell in panic. I turn the book over and look... It says... The release date of the book is written in a few lines - THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND SEVENTEEN!!! - these numbers shouted... It can’t be... No... This is some kind of mistake... There was a whiff of something very ominous in the air, the house seemed to become darker... We urgently need to get out of the house! Mom begins to frantically look for a way out... I stagger around the rooms, bumping into nasty slime... I have to touch old pens that feel sticky to the touch. I see old, yellow beds... And everything you don’t touch sticks to your hands... We need to get out urgently! The house itself seems to swallow my life, every second of my life... I rush from window to window (there are only two of them)... One is too small and with shards of glass, the other opens into a creepy thorny garden...

I looked out again... I heard rustling on the street. It's mom! She somehow got out! Panic begins to choke me. There is nowhere to go and I climb out the window. I jump straight into the thorny thickets and run after my mother. Now I'm covered in wounds and cuts. The darkness is chasing us. Yes, that's exactly what he's chasing. You can't hesitate for a minute. But it’s also unclear where to run... But okay. The main task is to get out of the garden.
I’m still thinking about the strange book... 2017... A sloping fence flies before my eyes, some torn toys flash in the sandbox... A small pink scooter... And there was emptiness all around, not a soul... The space further was covered in a veil of fog...

And so we passed this garden. Now my mother and I are standing again strange trees. But the ocean is no more. Now you can see a bumpy road ahead that was once covered with asphalt. And she seems very familiar... But this is not the time to think! We must leave these places as soon as possible... However, we no longer have the strength to run...

Then I noticed that my mother was rolling a scooter... That same small pink scooter... Now I noticed that there were still flowers on it... We decided that I would drive, and my mother would sit in the back. The scooter started up... Instead of gas, it had three levers - low speed, medium and high. I pressed the middle button for a long time, not understanding what was happening at first. Apart from these three, there were no more buttons... I pressed this button all the way, but the scooter rolled at a walking speed and sometimes stopped... I noticed that it has pedals. I started spinning them. Let's go a little faster. Still slow...
I looked around and discovered that we were on the street, in our village!!! And we are leaving the house where I was born! There are no more strange shores, no ocean... This is my village... But it is also dark and quiet here. There are no lights on in any house. And it doesn’t look like night, or evening, morning, and especially day... Everything was strange and incomprehensible. There was a feeling that people in these places lived a long, long time ago and had already become extinct, died in their own homes and now their bones were smoldering and decomposing in their own places... As if death had overtaken them in an instant and the light had gone out in the world... And my mother and I …. We are in some kind of hole... Maybe... temporary? Meanwhile, a huge black pipe appeared in the sky. Second, third. They began to wriggle like snakes... Increasing in size.... They are descending on us... Huge pipes from oppressive darkness. She wants to crush us.

Now there is definitely no time to hesitate. I pressed the button high speed and pedaled furiously. Finally we went at the speed of a very good runner, it wasn't enough! The speed either decreased or increased... However, this is better than if we ran on our own... We would run slower and get tired quickly...

We managed to leave behind strange clots of darkness floating in the air in the form of huge writhing pipes... Now I can call this phenomenon that way...

We need transport faster. We are approaching the highway. Along which, as if nothing had happened, cars drive with their headlights on... But they also emanate horror... There cannot be people there. There were no people anywhere else, now we understood this clearly.

On the way we met a Lada car standing on the side of the road. We decided to transfer to it. Even though the car is old, it should probably go faster than a scooter and be safer in it. I got behind the wheel. Even though I’ve never driven, I’ll try to do everything right... I felt the key, turned it.... Hmm, it’s strange that he stayed in the car... But now there’s no time for that. The car started! I slowly press on the gas, getting ready to drive out onto the road. Then two cars appeared from behind, they were leaving the village, their headlights flashing ominously... The drivers didn’t seem to notice my Zhiguli leaving... Well, like drivers. It was so dark in all the cabins and the headlights were so shining in your eyes that it was impossible to see who or what was driving...

A small truck hit us and drove past. A foreign car was rolling behind him, which looked like a shark on the hunt... That's what I thought when I looked at it... Its headlights resembled eyes and they, blinking, seemed to be looking straight at me and grinning... Nevertheless, the car just drove by and turned onto the highway .

I press on the gas again. Hmm, where's the brake? I press another pedal... We need it soon. I can already see the pipes. They don't move fast, we'll make it in time. I step on the gas. I press… I press… I press…. Damn, why doesn't it click?! How frozen! Infection…. Let's press!!!

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Date in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Date

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about a date for a woman?

Read in a dream the date in a newspaper, on a poster or any other printed edition- awaits you in the near future important event; writing a date means a change in situation, place of residence, change in social status. Date of birth - do not rush into making an important decision

Summer Dream Interpreter

Date (birthday). - Celebrating someone's birthday in a dream means aging.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Celebrating a date in a dream means good rumors.

Spring Dream Interpreter

Hearing or seeing dates, year, day, month in a dream means sudden death, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had, read on if you want to know what the date is about in your dreams.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about Date according to the dream book?

Dates - We often dream about dates and numbers. This is a kind of signal about the timing of events that will happen in real life. In addition, dates seen in a dream may indicate an event that is the trigger for this dream.

Dream Interpretation Seasons - spring - renewal of life; summer is a period of development; autumn is the middle of life, the time of maturity; winter is a time of barrenness and cold.

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

Why do you dream about Date?

Seeing a Date - If you dream of a date, this means that a significant event awaits you soon.

See also: why do you dream about a calendar, why do you dream about numbers, why do you dream about a watch.

Dream Interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

Seeing the Date in a dream:

If you dreamed that you read a date in a newspaper, on a poster or any other printed publication, then an important event awaits you in the near future

When you write the date, a change of environment, place of residence, or change in social status awaits you.

If you dream about your date of birth, then you should not rush into making an important decision.

Big dream book

Why does the dreamer dream Date, interpretation:

We often see dates and numbers in our dreams. This is a kind of signal about the timing of events that will happen to us in reality.

In addition, dates seen in a dream may indicate an event that is the trigger for this dream.

The article on the topic: “dream book of the date of birth of a child” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Dream Interpretation Date of Birth

Whose date of birth did you dream about?

I dreamed about the birth date of a child ▼

The ability to interpret dreams is a valuable gift, because sometimes it is in dreams that consciousness gives us the deepest and most important clues.

Did you dream about your date of birth, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Date of Birth in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

A woman with two faces (one ugly and the other beautiful) looks for me with her eyes in the crowd, constantly spins, and when she finds me, she tells me: “1 month and 11 days from your birthday - you will have a boy” in a dream there was a feeling fear, and after her words it was creepy. Not a single dream book mentions a two-faced woman (I don’t care about her words)

I used to be friends with two gypsy girls in reality. I'm pregnant now. I dreamed that we were sitting with these girls again and one of their relatives came up and, looking at my stomach, said that a child would be born within a couple of days of the preliminary date set by the doctors.

I dreamed that I forgot my date of birth

Hello! I dreamed from Thursday to Friday morning that I brought the children to the garden, while they were running, I sat down, took the album, found a more or less blank piece of paper, and began to write my details, name, and date of birth, my hand wrote it myself, and I realized, that this was the wrong date and began to correct it, I don’t remember the date the cat originally wrote.

I dream about expecting the birth of a child, it’s a girl, the belly is big. Everything should happen on the night of January 18-19. But morning comes and nothing happened, the belly has shrunk and the birth is postponed. IN at the moment I'm not pregnant.

I was hanging laundry on the street and my husband was sitting next to me, and in my husband’s phone I saw a reminder for the date 11/27/94. this is my date of birth

Hello, in a dream I saw how I gave birth to a daughter and gave birth to the name Ksyusha. When I was pregnant with my second child, they were expecting a girl and wanted to name her Ksyusha, but a boy was born. I see how I give birth and I can’t stop looking at her. And I tell my husband, look what a beautiful date.: 07/07/2017. But this date has already passed. What does this mean IT??

I dreamed that a good friend of mine said the time 13-15 several times, and I said that it was 13-17 for me. My friend answers me: you were happy, you survived the time when everyone is dying, live... and I woke up.

I dreamed that I gave birth to a son on May 17 and immediately a daughter on May 20. In the dream I was very happy. She gave birth to a loved one. But in reality I'm not pregnant

Read all dreams

  • Tsvetkova


  • Dream interpretation of child's birth date

    • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
    • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
    • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
    • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
    • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
    • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
    • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
    • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
    • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
    • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
    • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
    • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

    What is the date for in dreams, Loff’s dream book

    The appearance of a clearly defined date in a dream is definitely an indication of an important event, however, the dream, as a rule, requires complex decoding. Even if you dream of a specific date indicating the date, month and year, this does not mean that a fateful incident will happen on that day; in some cases it may be the starting point, and the period of time may be indicated in a dream in a different way. The date of death is especially hidden and veiled in a dream, however, its very presence in a dream is important and, in most cases, decipherable.

    The date of birth of the dreamer, seen or otherwise indicated in a dream, also appears for a reason. This may be a reminder of the course of life and an unfulfilled mission, an indication that this date has a hidden meaning that is not yet understood or deciphered by the sleeper, and the date of his death may also be hidden in it. In the latter case, all other circumstances of the dream are extremely important.

    Dreams in which a single dreamer becomes available to him are also very contradictory. future date weddings The dream has no direct interpretation. In a large number of cases, this can be an indication of a particularly dangerous day in the life (and for the life) of the sleeper, especially if it is a specific calendar date.

    If you dream about the date of the proposed wedding that has already been set in reality, most likely the wedding is scheduled for an unfavorable day for marriage. For example, Orthodox Church considers the course of Lent (especially Lent), as well as Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, to be such unfavorable days. The planned date may not correspond to your personal horoscope, etc.

    The date of birth that a pregnant woman sees in a dream is also very rarely subject to direct interpretation. If a specific year is not specified or it is a year from the future, perhaps this number will become fateful in the life of the unborn child. It may also indicate the date of birth of another person who will play a fundamentally important role in his life, etc.

    In any case, a dream in which a date is present always requires a strictly individual interpretation, personal decoding.

    Dream interpretation of child's birth date

    Realizing what a date means in a dream is not as easy as it seems to an inexperienced dreamer. Before starting work, he will have to analyze large number small details that are forgotten the first time you look at them. If you dreamed about a date, then you need to remember the events taking place, and only then turn to authoritative sources.

    Where to start?

    A dreamed date quite often reflects some actions or phenomena that should happen or end soon. In any case, such an image can be regarded as quite normal.

    Dream interpreters consider some atypical options:

    Dreaming of a solemn day of the calendar

    • if the numbers you dreamed about are solemn for you, then in reality you will become the culprit of some grandiose event;
    • to see a date in a dream that has nothing to do with you - to the implementation of your plans;
    • hear the date own death in a dream - to a long and happy life;
    • dreamed of a number - to significant incidents.

    Dates for the dreamer

    Each dream is unique, and therefore it is simply impossible to predict the dreamer’s scenario. To avoid this problem, different dream interpreters use special dating.

    What could be better than your date of birth? The dream interpreter suggests that such a sign portends favorable changes in life.

    Seeing name day in a dream

    You will be lucky in all your endeavors, and therefore the time has come to start projects that have been postponed for so long. However, we must not forget about common sense, since any decision requires a balanced approach.

    As the dream book describes, not every person remembers the wedding date, and therefore sometimes the subconscious tries to hint to the sleeping person that a temporary discord may have occurred in the relationship.

    According to another interpretation, the solemn symbols seen predict an unfavorable incident that is unlikely to be avoided.

    The dates of birth that a pregnant woman dreams about can actually be prophetic. If she gave birth successfully, then all the projects that have been planned for so long will be implemented, but a lot of time will have to be spent.

    Pregnancy in a dream often hides imaginary ideals, which sooner or later will have to be abandoned. Most likely, the chosen direction of development is far from the truth, and therefore you will have to adapt.

    Dreaming about someone

    I dreamed about my wedding day

    “When I dream about someone, after waking up I feel much calmer, unlike visions with my own participation” - such phrases can be heard not so rarely. Why do I dream about numbers that concern close relatives or acquaintances? To answer this question, use the tips below.

    If you happen to see someone making a marriage proposal, you will... great joy. The main thing is to use the information received correctly and not force events.

    Children's affairs

    If in a dream a non-pregnant friend is about to give birth, then we can talk about an imminent addition to the family. Your task is to warn her about this so that interesting situation didn't turn out to be a big problem.

    If a friend is safely preparing for a special event, then she should be warned about causeless anxiety. When she gives birth, you will have to spend more time with her and talk about the new stage of her life.

    Note to the sleeper

    Why does the dreamer look at the calendar in detail? ? According to the dream book, the number is a symbol of getting closer to old friends. If you manage to settle on a specific date, then a fateful meeting will occur in the foreseeable future.

    Why do you dream of a date heard from the lips of an enemy? Such a dream predicts possible troubles, for which you should prepare in advance. Writing a date is a sign that in the near future you will have to change your usual environment and even your status in society.

    If you have witnessed a friend give birth on the day of the death of a relative, then you cannot ignore such a dream. Most likely in your past life There are still unfinished matters that leave a mark on the current reality.

    The dreamer passed by a stand with a large number? Expect a pleasant surprise.

    House of Dreams

    what does every dream mean

    Dream interpretation date in a dream

    Dream Interpretation Date

    Why do you dream about Date in a dream according to the dream book?

    A specific date seen in a dream is a symbol associated with an extremely important event. A stunning action will take place that will surprise you unusual phenomenon. A dream can also indicate that a certain stage in fate is about to end.

    If the numbers have been heard but you haven't seen them, they're coming serious problems. It is recommended to be prepared to meet them.

    What event date did you dream about?

    Seeing your wedding date in a dream

    The dream book interprets the wedding date as a significant phenomenon that will surprise you in the very near future. If the number is associated with marriage loved one- there is a place in life for joyful moments. They will give you pleasure very soon and will become a pleasant surprise.

    How are other dream books interpreted?

    Why do you dream about the date?

    Let's find out why the date is dreamed about. If you dreamed of any date, this means that some important event will soon take place (birthday, anniversary, wedding, etc.) - this means that the sleeper will take part in this event, and perhaps you will even become the hero of the occasion itself .

    If in a dream a person chooses the date of some important event, in reality he will need to significantly reconsider his plans. If in a dream a person looks at a calendar (diary, list of holidays, celebrations, etc.) - soon old acquaintances will invite him to visit.

    If you dreamed about the date of your own death (your own or someone else’s) - this means that he has a lot of worries and troubles ahead, and death is still very far away.

    People believed that if you dreamed about a date, then some long-awaited event would happen on that day, since the date is a kind of indicator. If the date in a dream is round, old age is just around the corner. Therefore, often in a dream, dates and numbers are a signal for determining some event in a dream, which will then be reflected in real life.

    So it is believed that a date in a dream becomes a pointer that directs a person to some time or event that is the trigger for a given dream.

    If you dream about a date, it always gives some kind of clue. It can be interpreted; in order to avoid some complications in misinterpretation, you need to acquire a special dream book on the Internet.

    Dream Interpretation Date of Birth

    Why do you dream about Date of Birth in a dream according to the dream book?

    Did you see your date of birth? Felomena's dream book says that there is no need to rush. Accept important decisions It is recommended to carefully consider the possible consequences.

    The name day anniversary, seen in dreams, informs about upcoming very successful events for you that can lead to success.

    Writing in a dream the year you were born means a sharp turn in your destiny will occur. You can change your environment, move to another city, or improve your status in society.

    Whose date of birth did you dream about?

    I dreamed about the birth date of a child

    If you dream about the date of birth of your child, projects started recently will be successfully implemented, but this will take quite a lot of time.

    Wedding date

    Dream Interpretation Wedding date had a dream, why do you dream about the wedding date? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see your wedding date in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

    Dream Interpretation – Wedding

    Dream Interpretation – Wedding

    Dream Interpretation – Wedding

    Dream Interpretation – Wedding

    If you see yourself at a wedding, know that you will soon find a way out of unpleasant circumstances.

    Dream Interpretation - Dates

    Dream Interpretation - Date

    Dream Interpretation - Dates

    Dream Interpretation – Wedding

    To be at a wedding means to experience troubles, sadness, perhaps the loss of a friend or illness.

    Dream Interpretation – Wedding

    Dream Interpretation – Wedding

    Funeral, not good, quarrel, betrayal (married), sadness (single), loss; to get married yourself - nothing will happen, the soul shows off // to get sick, the wife or husband will die, the husband and wife will quarrel, illness or death (married); to marry your husband is death; to be at a wedding - birth of children (married), wedding (single) // regret, longing; dance at a wedding - beware of the opposite sex; to be at a wedding either among men or only among women is confusion in life; wedding train - love.

    Hear event date

    Dream Interpretation Hear the date of the event dreamed of why you dream about hearing the date of an event? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Hear the date of an event by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream Interpretation - Dates

    Often in a dream, dates and numbers are a signal for determining some event in a dream, which will then be reflected in real life. In dreams, dates become pointers that direct you to some time or event that is the trigger for a given dream.

    Dream Interpretation - Date

    Dream Interpretation - Dates

    We often dream about dates and numbers. This is a kind of signal about the timing of events that will happen in real life. In addition, dates seen in a dream may indicate an event that is the trigger for this dream.

    Dream Interpretation - Date

    Dream Interpretation - Date

    Dream Interpretation - Date

    Seeing a date in a dream means that a significant event awaits you soon. Some dream interpreters recommend remembering it. They consider this a predestination of fate, news sent to you from above. See interpretation: also numbers, numbers.

    Dream Interpretation - Date

    Celebrating a date in a dream means good rumors.

    Dream Interpretation - Date

    Hearing or seeing dates, year, date, month in a dream means sudden death.

    Dream Interpretation – Date (birthday)

    Celebrating someone's birthday in a dream means aging.

    Dream Interpretation - Hear

    Seeing a drum but not hearing its sounds is unlucky.

    Date of death in a dream

    The date of your mother's death in a dream

    I came home this morning (I took a blood test for surgery) and my eldest son greeted me with tears and began to tell me his dream. It’s as if he’s driving in a car to his second cousin’s dacha for her birthday (we recently went to her birthday in Tomsk) and there he’s met by an old witch. Opens a book in which it is written about all people. She tells him that his mother will die on July 19, 2016.

    Date of death in a dream

    I dreamed about my date of death. It was like this: everything was black, only an old yellowed sheet with dts on it was visible. Mm. Gg.

    Date of death in a dream

    I don’t remember specifically the beginning of the dream, but I remember the essence well. I was talking to someone, there was no feeling of fear. So I don't think it's a dead man.

    Date of death in a dream

    I’m visiting a friend with whom we don’t communicate; we’re standing on the landing. Next to us, it’s as if her neighbor, who died several years ago, is spying on us. Her home phone rings and they ask for me.

    Date of death in a dream

    My sister saw in a dream a long time ago deceased grandmother. The grandmother held out a jar of urine in her hand. My sister refused to take it - there was something black in the jar.

    Date of death in a dream

    01.03. My daughter had a dream in which the deceased actor Sergei Bodrov Jr. pointed to the date 02.06, saying that this was the date of her death.

    I was predicted the date of death in a dream

    A year ago in January, my uncle died, and immediately after his death I dreamed that I was hugging him and saying - in a year I will come to you. And now the other day I dreamed that I was going up to my mother and telling her - Mom, I will die on January 14, before I reach my 39th birthday, and I repeat this several times. I feel uneasy after this dream, please help me figure it out, I just can’t calm down

    Predicting the date of death in a dream

    On the night from Sunday to Monday I had such a dream. I came to the psychic for some predictions. I don't remember what I wanted to know. The psychic man told me something, I don’t remember. But I suddenly got up and went out into the corridor to talk on the phone. I was talking to some young man. He did not agree to talk to me, citing the fact that he might die. I didn’t talk to him and returned to the room with the psychic, deciding to apologize for leaving the room. I remember everything that happened up to this moment as if in a fog. But from this moment on, everything is clear. I enter, the room is dim. But everything is in color. Instead of a male psychic, there is a female psychic. In her hands she has something similar to a rolled-up newspaper that is smoldering. In front of her is a bench on which people are sitting. It's like being in a queue. I entered and walked into the depths, sitting on a bench at the other end. She apologized for her temporary absence. But the psychic didn’t seem to hear me. She turns to some woman sitting first on the bench, as if continuing the conversation she had begun. She says: “And why did you come if you know for sure that your daughter will die soon. “I turned towards the woman to whom these words were addressed. And she was stunned. It was my mother, who died more than 10 years ago, and during all this time I dreamed of her only twice. (The dreams were prophetic. This dream was the third time I saw her). I shouted: “Wait, but this woman only has one daughter. And it's me! “After that, I rushed to my mother, knelt in front of her and asked: “Mom, is this about me? " She nodded. Then I asked her the following question. “Why will I die? “She answered: “From love.” “How is this? “- I was surprised. She replied: “You will marry your husband a second time. “I began to deny, to say that I didn’t need this. And in general, I’ve been married for the second time for 10 years. The argument seemed inappropriate to me and I asked another question: “When will I die? " She replied: "Soon." “When is soon? “- I asked. She replied: “In November.” I went into shock (it's May now). Suddenly my eldest son appeared nearby and said: “My father (my first deceased husband) says the same thing, only he says a different time.” "Which? “- I ask. He answers: “A year. “I’m completely stupefied. There is only one thought in my head: “What to do and how can this happen? “Suddenly the phone rings. I answer spontaneously and hear that person’s voice on the phone young man: “I agree 601.” And hangs up. I don't understand what he's talking about. But then for some reason I realize that he agrees to die in my place. And that this is the son of a psychic woman. I keep waking up in a cold sweat. What does this mean, am I really going to die soon?

    Date of my death or in a dream

    Evening or night. I am on the observation deck of a skyscraper, very high, but the room is not glazed, but simply equipped with handrails around the perimeter. I am not alone, but with a young man and a girl. I don’t remember their faces and names, but in the dream they seemed very close to me. In a dream (as well as in life), I am very afraid of heights, and I try not to let go of the handrails or stay closer to the center of the site, but sometimes I seem to be pulled to the edge and I am afraid of falling, but the young man holds me just in case so that I didn't fall. He gave me something like a spyglass and told me to look through it, then I could see my future. The first thing I saw was the child’s joyful smile; I didn’t see his face, only his smile. The thought flashed through my head that this was probably mine. unborn child. Then for some reason I saw myself in the middle of products (meat, fruits), neatly packaged in plastic, like in large supermarkets, and I was sprinkled edible ice. The last thing I saw through that pipe was the date (day and month) written above the door of some entrance. In the dream, I took this as an omen of my death. I took it quite calmly, without panic or hysterics, I just felt very sad. I thought that it was a pity to die so early and that I should tell my mother more often that I love her. In my dream, my friends were worried about me, but they seemed unable to change what was destined.

    Death of a daughter in a dream

    And I tell my husband that I definitely need to go, but he refuses and my brother agrees with him, invites me to barbecue, I swear at both of them, run out into the street, try to cry, but for some reason there are no tears, I just scream. And at some point in this dream, I remember that I looked at my daughter’s passport and under the date of birth there was a date of death: 16.04. But I didn’t remember or didn’t see the year. I'm very worried, maybe this is a warning?

    Death with a scythe in a dream

    The whole dream was about Death with a Grim Reaper - something unpleasant, I don’t remember the dream well, but it was chaotic.

    Mom's death in a dream

    Today I dreamed that my mother died of a stroke. Mom is alive and well; Yes, I have some health problems; I suffered a stroke several years ago. But now everything is fine (pah-pah-pah).

    Death without a scythe in a dream

    I had some kind of nightmare. My school was there, but it was built differently. I was in one of the offices on the second floor. An unfamiliar teacher who taught me a lesson asked me to find Svetlana Leonidovna (this is my history and social studies teacher) and gave me 100 rubles for it. She was not on the second floor, but there was a premonition that she was on the first. There could have been monsters on the first floor and I didn’t go there. I had to go back to class, where my friend (I didn’t even know her) tore my money. The teacher refused to replace them.

    Death of a loved one in a dream

    I dreamed about it terrible dream, which consisted of 2 dreams.

    Death without a scythe in a dream

    Today I had a dream: Death without a scythe.

    Date and number 9

    Dream Interpretation Date and number 9 dreamed of why you dream about the Date and the number 9? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see the Date and the number 9 in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream Interpretation - Dates and numbers

    Dream Interpretation - Numbers

    Dream Interpretation - Numbers

    Dream Interpretation - Numbers

    Dream Interpretation - Dates

    Often in a dream, dates and numbers are a signal for determining some event in a dream, which will then be reflected in real life. In dreams, dates become pointers that direct you to some time or event that is the trigger for a given dream.

    Dream Interpretation - Numbers

    Dream Interpretation - Date

    Dream Interpretation - Dates

    We often dream about dates and numbers. This is a kind of signal about the timing of events that will happen in real life. In addition, dates seen in a dream may indicate an event that is the trigger for this dream.

    Dream Interpretation - Numbers

    Numbers penetrate dreams through a variety of in various ways. The most common is through objects. For example, you can hold pebbles in your hand, or a STRANGER can give them to you. How many pebbles did you receive from a stranger?

    Dream Interpretation - Numbers

    Numbers in dreams often refer to significant dates in a given culture or dates in an individual's past, and can provide reliable clues to what might actually be happening during that period, or what was actually happening.

    Wedding dates and dates

    Dream Interpretation Dates and dates of wedding dreamed of why in a dream Wedding dates and dates? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see wedding dates and numbers in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream Interpretation - Dates and numbers

    If you dream about a number on the calendar, it means that something very important will happen on that day. Whether an event awaits you, joyful or sad, depends on the feeling you experienced in a dream when you saw this number.

    Dream Interpretation - Numbers

    The meaning of the dream depends on where exactly and in what form you saw the number you dreamed about, as well as on its meaning. If the number was on the calendar, this is a warning that an important event awaits you on this day that will change your whole life. When you wake up, you should write down this number and try to complete all important tasks and pay off all debts by this day so that the event does not take you by surprise. The number on the check - see Check. If you write any numbers in a notebook or just on a piece of paper, this means uncertainty in business, vanity, confusion and a lot of empty troubles. Prime (single digit) numbers mean that your problems are solved quite simply, in one move. You just need to sit down and think. Complex numbers (multi-digit) indicate that you will have to work hard to solve the pressing problem. Odd numbers- you will have to sort out all your affairs alone. Even - friends will help you. Remember that a dream has meaning only if you clearly remember the number (or series of numbers) you dreamed about. If, upon waking up, you do not remember specific numbers, you can forget about the dream. If you dream about the same number several nights in a row, numerology will come to the rescue. In this case, you need to write down the number and add all its components until you get a single-digit number. It must be interpreted based on the meanings of numerology. For example, you dreamed of the number 589. You add 5 + 8 + 9 = 22, 2 + 2 = 4. Four will be the key to solving the dream (see Numbers).

    Dream Interpretation - Numbers

    Even at the dawn of human history, numbers were seen as having a mystical meaning.

    Dream Interpretation - Numbers

    Appearing in dreams are the most difficult to interpret.

    Dream Interpretation - Dates

    Often in a dream, dates and numbers are a signal for determining some event in a dream, which will then be reflected in real life. In dreams, dates become pointers that direct you to some time or event that is the trigger for a given dream.

    Dream Interpretation - Numbers

    Numbers - In the case when the number, date is explicitly named: 1, 5, 8 - thoughts, ideas; 2, 4 – emotions; 3, 6 – sex; 7, 9 – spiritual sphere; 10 and tens – negative, negative meaning; 100 and hundreds - positive meaning, good luck; 1000, thousand or more - relate to society, the state. For example: 15 (people) - see “People” and what they do, for example, surround - therefore, the dream is deciphered as follows: you dream of events that will capture everyone, in the center of which you want to be, but these are just dreams, you have nothing it won't work out. 24th – see the context of the dream. 24 is an honest number, therefore, those events that the dream predicts will cause you negative emotions because it could lead to trouble for you personally. 57 meters - languor of spirit. See “Measure”: the dream suggests that your spiritual quest may reach a dead end because you are driven by curiosity. Sacramental numbers (clichés): 13 – luck, lucky chance; 666 – repetition previous mistakes, turn back. Successful or unlucky numbers from your life (for example, the 25th day brought you misfortune and you don’t like it) is interpreted accordingly in a dream (for example, 25 roses - unfortunately).

    Dream Interpretation - Date

    Dream Interpretation – Wedding

    Wedding - funeral. To get married is to die. If you dream of a wedding and a cemetery, there will be a dead person in the family. To be at a wedding is a great sorrow, to marry your husband is death. Take part in a wedding: for unmarried people - they will get married soon; for married people - children; dancing at a wedding - beware of people of the opposite status; see own weddingfamily happiness; being at a wedding among men or women means confusion in life. Seeing a wedding train means you will light up someone’s woman’s heart with love or seduce a man; food at a wedding - meeting with friends.

    Dream Interpretation – Wedding

    Hearing or taking part in a conversation about a wedding in a dream means sadness and chagrin. To be at a wedding or church ceremony in a dream is a sign of the disease of sadness and disappointment. Secret wedding in a dream means that you should behave more carefully so as not to damage your reputation.

    Dream Interpretation – Wedding

    There are many popular expressions dedicated to this wonderful event in a person’s life: “Snow and rain on the wedding train - live richly”, “Red wedding day - live red but poor”, “Blizzard on the wedding train - the whole blizzard will blow away”, “Under Throw money at the wedding footstool - the newlyweds will be rich”, “They take care of the wedding candle, but light it to help with the first birth”, “There is no wedding without divas” (without miracles), “When the newlyweds meet, a fire is laid out at the gate (from damage)” . A wedding could have appeared in your dream because some changes happened to you in real life.