The most mysterious structures on the planet that have survived to this day. The strangest and most mysterious buildings in the world

Built thousands of years ago and miraculously preserved to this day, constructed from materials of unknown origin and hiding their true functions in incomprehensible forms - there are many mysterious structures on the planet with unsolvable mysteries associated with them. Some of them are able to amaze with their impressive age, others with their impressive size, and still others with truly fantastic architectural characteristics. Looking at such structures, one can only guess what our world was like thousands of years ago. How people managed to extract unique building materials and process them skillfully, erect indestructible stone walls and carve monoliths from rocks for unknown purposes - scientists continue to ponder these questions for hundreds of years.

In the northeastern part of Georgia there is a unique monument, which is known to the general public under the name “Tablets of Georgia”. The impressive size of the structure is a complex of six granite slabs, each of which is 6.1 meters high and weighs 20 tons. Commemorative inscriptions in eight languages ​​of the world were applied to the granite slabs; they represent a kind of instruction for those who will survive the apocalypse and will be engaged in the restoration of civilization.

The opening of an unusual monument in Georgia took place in 1980; its construction was carried out by employees of the construction organization Elberton Granite Finishing Company. The author of the idea for the unusual monument is not known for certain; according to one version, he is a certain Robert Christian, who ordered the construction of the monument privately. The monument is also notable for its astronomical orientation; it is oriented in such a way that it allows you to track the movement of the sun. In the central part of the monument there is a hole through which you can see the North Star at any time of the year.

Despite the fact that the age of the monument is relatively small, it never ceases to attract public attention. Of greatest interest to visitors is the mysterious message, which contains very fair and well-founded commandments. You can read the mysterious message in English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian, as well as in Hindi and Hebrew.

A unique structure is the ancient temple of the god Jupiter, located in the ancient Lebanese city of Baalbek. Despite the fact that today the ancient building is in ruins, it never ceases to amaze with its scale and design features. The main mystery of the temple is the huge platform slabs at its base, as well as carved marble columns, the height of which, according to rough estimates, reached 20 meters.

In Turkey, not far from the border with Syria, there is the Gobekli Tepe region, the megalithic circles discovered here brought worldwide fame. Each of them resembles a Stonehenge circle a little, but the circles at Gobekli Tepe were built about a thousand years earlier. The purpose of the stone circles is also unclear, as is the method of constructing such large-scale and regular structures.

Among the most incredible and amazing structures on the planet, the city of Machu Picchu occupies a very special place. This ancient Incan city has been the best preserved for thousands of years. Today, visitors to the unique archaeological complex have a unique opportunity to walk along the ancient streets and touch history in its true embodiment. The discoverer of the unique archaeological complex is Hiram Bingham; his group began excavations in 1911.

In Southern Africa there is a unique complex of ruins under common name“Great Zimbabwe”, not everyone knows that the African country of the same name got its name in honor of this archaeological site. According to historical data, more than a thousand years ago the Shona tribes lived in these places, and it was they who erected numerous buildings, the ruins of which today are of such interest to tourists and researchers.

Peru also has amazing structures that deserve the attention of the most sophisticated tourists, including the ruins ancient city Chavin de Huantar. They are located in the area of ​​the same name, which local residents have considered special and filled with magical powers since prehistoric times. The ancient city of Chavin de Huantar was founded in 327 BC, its main part was occupied by temples and places of worship.

In the state of Florida in the city of Homestead there is a unique Coral Castle, the so-called rock garden, which can safely be considered a real wonder of the world. The impressive complex of statues, whose total weight is 1,100 tons, was built by hand; the fact of its existence has surprised millions of people from all over the world for many years. The author of the unique rock garden is Ed Lidskalnin, an immigrant from Latvia, who was inspired to this feat by unhappy love.

In Laos, near the city of Phonsavan, there is the amazing Valley of Jars - an undeveloped area, which contains hundreds of amazing stone structures. With their outlines, these structures resemble real jugs; the only difference is their impressive size. The height of stone jugs ranges from 1 to 3.5 meters, and the average diameter is about 1 meter. The weight of the largest “jug” is approximately 6 tons; who and for what purpose many years ago created such a number of incomprehensible stone structures is one of the main mysteries of Laos.

Several amazing structures can be seen in the Japanese Asuka Park. Huge megaliths have rested here for many hundreds of years, the real purpose of which modern science can only guess at. According to the main version of researchers, huge megaliths with patterns carved on the surface are nothing more than ancient altars. One of the most interesting megaliths is called Sakafune Ishi; strange marks from wedges were discovered on its surface, which led researchers to think about the cult purpose of the stones.

Travelers who want to see incredible structures in India should definitely visit the city of Shravanabelagola. There are several amazing temples here, the main decoration of which are beautiful carved columns. The shape of the columns is unique; they were created more than a thousand years ago, in a century when lathes and chisels did not yet exist.

In Italy, among the most amazing buildings, it is worth noting the so-called “Fairy Houses” - Domus de Janus. They are unique stone buildings whose outlines truly resemble fairy-tale houses with a doorway and small windows. The largest number of such structures were discovered in Sardinia; currently there are about 2,800 structures in the region.

It’s not for nothing that ancient buildings are called portraits of the civilizations that built them. Moreover, these portraits conceal the mysteries of entire cultures. After all, these structures stood for thousands of years after their builders disappeared from the face of the earth. From strange burials to cities unknown until recently - all these architectural artifacts sometimes reveal ancient secrets, and sometimes confuse scientists even more.

1. Teotihuacan Tunnels

In 2017, a restoration project was launched to renovate one of Mexico's most famous sites, the pre-Aztec city of Teotihuacan. While working on the central square, archaeologists used non-invasive techniques to view underground voids. Scanning using electrical impedance tomography showed the unexpected - under the square there was a tunnel leading to the neighboring pyramid. Scientists are still wondering why the Pyramid of the Moon, which is a colossal feat of ancient architecture, could be connected to something else by an underground tunnel.

It is impossible to explore it yet, and one of the reasons is the depth at which the tunnel passes - 10 meters. Interestingly, this tunnel is very similar to another previously discovered in one of the temples of Teotihuacan. Considering that they were built by people who lived 2,000 years ago, it is difficult to say today whether the tunnels served a practical or mystical purpose.

2. Tungundzhi mounds

For more than 60 kilometers along Western Cape York, Australia's coastal region, a number of large mounds can be seen. Researchers have debated the specifics of this phenomenon for years. Apparently they did not take the local Aboriginal community seriously (the Tungundja people claimed that their ancestors were buried in the mounds). Not surprisingly, a number of strange theories have emerged. For example, some have suggested that these 250 mounds were created... by birds.

In 2018, when the mounds were illuminated with radar, it turned out that local residents and archaeologists who considered the mounds to be artificial were right. Eleven sand structures were scanned and many of them still contained human remains. Comparison of the interior also showed how burial procedures changed over time. But even at different times, different things were placed in all the tombs, such as flowers, spears and corals. The age of the mounds is not yet known, but some may be around 6,000 years old, meaning they were created around the same time that the Egyptians were building the pyramids.

3. Tel Edfu City Complex

In 2018, excavations at Tel Edfu in Egypt unearthed a 4,000-year-old two-story complex that was one of the earliest of the many large ruins in the region. Archaeologists have identified rooms that were used for storage, for smelting copper, and for the production of beer and bread. However, the purpose of other rooms has not been determined. The appearance of the building's facade was typical for ancient egypt, but at the same time it was very skillfully built. Another mystery is why people abandoned the complex after it was built.

Typically, such abandoned sites were dismantled into bricks for other construction projects. The same complex not only retained its 1.5-2 meter thick walls, but also its entrance doors. Considering that they were made from wood that was extremely rare in Egypt, the doors must have been stolen a long time ago. This brewery-bakery is unlike any other that has survived since the Old Kingdom. Scientists believe that the ancient city of Edfu was an important settlement and was the starting point for expeditions going to distant places.

4. Villa in Warwick

In the English city of Warwick, they recently decided to move a high school. Builders who were digging a pit discovered a large Roman villa. Its size was 28 meters long and 14.5 meters wide. In their own words, this villa was “the size of a medieval church.” Carved from local sandstone, it was probably part of an extensive estate in the second century AD.

The villa itself was a very impressive building. In addition to being the largest structure in the region, it was connected to a Roman road. The discovery of corn drying chambers showed that the building, in addition to being someone's home, was used for agriculture. Whoever lived in the villa left it about 200 years later.

5. Stonehenge Builders Camp

Within walking distance of Stonehenge there is military base in Larkhill. During preparations for new army exercises in 2018, the remains of an ancient fence were discovered. It is believed that ancient trade and meetings took place in such places. Nine wooden pillars stood in exactly the same position as the dolmens in the stone ring of Stonehenge.

It showed that Larkhill was something of a design center for a major renovation of the famous temple, which was also once a modest ring of wooden pillars. The original version of Stonehenge was built around 3000 BC, but archaeologists believe the fence predates it by six to seven centuries. This was probably a construction camp.

6. Hardknott Pass Fort

During the reign of the Roman Emperor Hadrian (117-138 AD), the empire's territory included part of Britain. To protect this border, several forts were built. One fortress stands near Hardknott Pass in Cumbria. It was only in 2015 that scientists noticed that its gates align perfectly with the Sun during the solstices. Located in a square building, the gates face each other in two pairs.

On the longest day of the year (summer solstice), at sunrise the Sun shines through the northeastern gate, and at sunset it shines through the southwestern gate. On the shortest day (winter solstice), the process is repeated, but in reverse. Why this particular fort was made this way is unknown. It is also unclear why the four towers of the fort were built perfectly in accordance with the cardinal directions. One plausible idea suggests a connection between the fort and religion (this was found in several ancient religions).

7. Ritual hall and Moche throne

In 2018, news of a remarkable discovery appeared in the press after Peruvian archaeologists examined the Huaca Limon de Ucupe monument. They found two rooms of a mysterious culture. Long before the Incas, the Moche culture flourished in Peru. Existed for many centuries until 700 AD. this magnificent culture left behind monuments, golden artifacts and advanced agricultural technology. Any new discoveries could help explain the mysterious disappearance of this culture, or at least provide more knowledge about it.

In one room there was a beautiful ritual hall. Unlike the geometric and mythical paintings found elsewhere, the walls of the hall were decorated with realistic maritime scenes. One painting was 10 meters in size. More than 100 tables once held plates, hinting at large and varied banquets. Two stepped thrones faced each other. The taller one was intended for the ruler, and the other was probably intended for the patron of the holiday. There was a podium next to the door of the other room, perhaps for making announcements during meetings.

8. Sinister Stone Age Burial

In 2009, a strange grave was found in Sweden that puzzled even experts. In it, on a huge limestone platform measuring 12 by 14 meters, 11 skulls without jaws rested. Moreover, when this burial place was created 8,000 years ago, it was located at the bottom of a lake. The skeleton of a newborn and animal bones were also found. Why they were “buried” underwater is just one of the mysteries of the grave. Seven of the turtles showed signs of blunt force trauma. Men were hit from above or in front, and women from behind.

The sacrifice was unlikely. All injuries were apparently treated, and people lived for some time. The bones were also laid out strangely. The human skulls were in the middle, and two of them were pierced with stakes. There were bear bones in the south. Wild boar, deer and elk “decorated” the southeastern part. In addition, most of the bones were taken from the right side of the body. In truth, researchers cannot understand the location or meaning of the ritual.

9. Religious objects in the mountains of Eilat

In 2015 in Israeli mountains About 100 ritual objects were discovered in Eilat. In the Negev Desert, stone circles and phallus-shaped structures were located in dense groups. On an area of ​​80 hectares, archaeologists counted 44 places of worship. Although little is known about what happened in these places, themes of abundance and death were particularly common. About 8,000 years ago, male symbols were created on these sites, such as stone phalluses, indicating "female" stone circles with a diameter of 1.5-2.5 meters.

Flat areas with good views of the surrounding area were chosen as object locations. Given the sparse population and desert surroundings, the sheer number of monuments is a mystery. In addition, similar discoveries continue to be made in other places. In one study alone, 349 ritual sites were found outside the mountains of Eilat.

10. Mayan Archeology

During a recent aerial survey of northern Guatemala, more than 60,000 unknown Mayan archaeological sites were added to the map. Under the dense cover of forests, pyramids, walls, city fortifications, dams and defensive structures were found - all within 2,100 square kilometers. The research revealed entirely new places to explore, but also immediately hinted at other aspects of civilization.

The sheer number of private homes suggested that the Mayans outnumbered those living in the area today. They avoided clearing forests for agriculture like modern farmers, proving that large populations could thrive without deforestation. One fortress was strong enough to suggest that the Mayans fought serious wars. Although most of the new structures are houses, the number of roads is just as surprising.

Based on materials from

Built thousands of years ago and miraculously preserved to this day, constructed from materials of unknown origin and hiding their true functions in incomprehensible forms - there are many mysterious structures on the planet with unsolvable mysteries associated with them. Some of them are able to amaze with their impressive age, others with their impressive size, and still others with truly fantastic architectural characteristics. Looking at such structures, one can only guess what our world was like thousands of years ago. How people managed to extract unique building materials and process them skillfully, erect indestructible stone walls and carve monoliths from rocks for unknown purposes - scientists continue to ponder these questions for hundreds of years.

Georgia Tablets, USA

In the northeastern part of Georgia there is a unique monument, which is known to the general public under the name “Tablets of Georgia”. The impressive size of the structure is a complex of six granite slabs, each of which is 6.1 meters high and weighs 20 tons. Commemorative inscriptions in eight languages ​​of the world were applied to the granite slabs; they represent a kind of instruction for those who will survive the apocalypse and will be engaged in the restoration of civilization.

The opening of an unusual monument in Georgia took place in 1980; its construction was carried out by employees of the construction organization Elberton Granite Finishing Company. The author of the idea for the unusual monument is not known for certain; according to one version, he is a certain Robert Christian, who ordered the construction of the monument privately. The monument is also notable for its astronomical orientation; it is oriented in such a way that it allows you to track the movement of the sun. In the central part of the monument there is a hole through which you can see the North Star at any time of the year.

Despite the fact that the age of the monument is relatively small, it never ceases to attract public attention. Of greatest interest to visitors is the mysterious message, which contains very fair and well-founded commandments. You can read the mysterious message in English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian, as well as in Hindi and Hebrew.

Temple of Jupiter in Baalbek, Lebanon

A unique structure is the ancient temple of the god Jupiter, located in the ancient Lebanese city of Baalbek. Despite the fact that today the ancient building is in ruins, it never ceases to amaze with its scale and design features. The main mystery of the temple is the huge platform slabs at its base, as well as carved marble columns, the height of which, according to rough estimates, reached 20 meters.

How thousands of years ago people managed to construct structures of such a scale has not yet been understood. According to historical data, the temple in Baalbek existed for several hundred years and was partially destroyed during the reign of Emperor Theodosius. It is likely that thousands of years ago these places were considered truly special; it is impossible to find any other explanation for the appearance of the giant temple.

When trying to imagine the process of building a temple, a huge number of unanswerable questions arise. People managed to lift huge stone platforms, the weight of which reaches 1,000 tons, to a height of up to 7 meters. Even today, using the most modern technology, such a task would not be easy. Not far from the temple there is a quarry, where huge monoliths were carved out of the rocks; one of the monoliths was left untouched in the quarry. Its parameters are also impressive: the monolith is 21 meters long, 4.2 meters high, and about 5 meters wide. According to one version, the unique temple was built thousands of years ago by order of King Solomon.

Mysterious circles in Gobekli Tepe, Türkiye

In Turkey, not far from the border with Syria, there is the Gobekli Tepe region, the megalithic circles discovered here brought worldwide fame. Each of them resembles a Stonehenge circle a little, but the circles at Gobekli Tepe were built about a thousand years earlier. The purpose of the stone circles is also unclear, as is the method of constructing such large-scale and regular structures.

The megalithic structures were discovered by a group of archaeologists led by Klaus Schmidt; specialists began excavations in the designated area in 1994. In addition to the mysterious circles, scientists discovered the ruins of ancient temples and other structures, the age of which is about 12 thousand years. Archaeological excavations in the Gobekli Tepe area have been continuously conducted for more than ten years; over these years, scientists have managed to clear only a small part of the treasures hidden underground.

According to historians, thousands of years ago a complex of religious buildings was located in these places; it was here that people made sacrifices to the gods of fertility. Mysterious circles are nothing more than the central part of this cult complex, where the most significant rituals were performed. It is likely that the monolithic circles are only part of a huge temple complex, as evidenced by the monoliths with pictograms discovered nearby. The latter are of particular interest to those interested in history. ancient world. Among the variety of pictograms, not only images of animals were found, but also images of creatures that only vaguely resembled people.

Inca city Machu Picchu, Peru

Attendance at the Inca city of Machu Picchu in Peru is approximately 2,500 tourists per day.

Among the most incredible and amazing structures on the planet, the city of Machu Picchu occupies a very special place. This ancient Inca city has been the best preserved for thousands of years. Today, visitors to the unique archaeological complex have a unique opportunity to walk along the ancient streets and touch history in its true embodiment. The discoverer of the unique archaeological complex is Hiram Bingham; his group began excavations in 1911.

The history of the city of Machu Picchu is full of secrets and mysteries; for several hundred years it remained the residence of the ruler; even during its heyday, there were no more than 200 buildings on the territory of the city. In 1532, the history of the city mysteriously ended; according to one piece of evidence, all its inhabitants simply disappeared at the same time. Modern visitors to the archaeological complex will have the opportunity to see carefully restored fragments of ancient temples, residences, warehouses and other buildings that were used for domestic needs.

The mysterious disappearance of the city’s inhabitants is just one of the mysteries of Machu Picchu; the ancient city is a unique structure from an architectural point of view. Literally everything is of interest here, from the carefully processed stones from which the buildings are made, to the correct geometric shape of these buildings. Travelers who decide to walk through the archaeological area should take into account that only 2,500 tourists per day can visit it, so you should sign up for the excursion in advance.

Great Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

In the southern part of Africa there is a unique complex of ruins under the general name “Great Zimbabwe”; not everyone knows that the African country of the same name got its name in honor of this archaeological site. According to historical data, more than a thousand years ago the Shona tribes lived in these places, and it was they who erected numerous buildings, the ruins of which today are of such interest to tourists and researchers.

According to rough estimates, Greater Zimbabwe was founded in the 12th century BC; from its founding, the city existed for no more than 300 years. The reason why a large city was deserted after several hundred years remains unknown. Main feature ruins lies in their architectural characteristics. All buildings in Great Zimbabwe were built from identical stone monoliths of the correct shape, which were simply stacked on top of each other without the use of any fastening materials.

It is surprising that with such features of the buildings they managed to partially survive more than 3,000 years later. One of the most interesting parts of the archaeological complex is the so-called “road barrier” - a huge stone circle with a diameter of 89 meters. The total length of the stone wall is 244 meters, and the height of the structure is 10 meters. Modern scientists can only guess about the purpose of such structures.

Ruins of Chavin de Huantar, Peru

Peru also has amazing structures that deserve the attention of the most sophisticated tourists, including the ruins of the ancient city of Chavín de Huantar. They are located in the area of ​​the same name, which local residents have considered special and filled with magical powers since prehistoric times. The ancient city of Chavin de Huantar was founded in 327 BC, its main part was occupied by temples and places of worship.

For many years, the ancient city remained the site of complex cult rituals and sacrifices, as evidenced by the variety of artifacts discovered during excavations. It was here that shamans drew their strength; local residents still believe that while walking among the ruins you can “recharge” with magical powers. The central place of the archaeological complex today is occupied by two temples, in the courtyards of which religious monuments and obelisks are hidden.

Like many other prehistoric structures, the Chavín de Huantar complex is notable for its construction method; its temples are striking in their scale and dimensions of the building materials used. The internal structure of the temples is very complex; visitors can only walk through the labyrinthine corridors accompanied by a guide. The story of the discovery of the ancient city is also unusual; it was found by one of the local farmers. While cultivating the land, he noticed strange stones with carved petroglyphs. For more than a hundred years, the area discovered by the farmer has remained in the attention of archaeologists from all over the world.

Coral Castle, USA

In the state of Florida in the city of Homestead there is a unique Coral Castle, the so-called rock garden, which can safely be considered a real wonder of the world. The impressive complex of statues, whose total weight is 1,100 tons, was built by hand; the fact of its existence has surprised millions of people from all over the world for many years. The author of the unique rock garden is Ed Lidskalnin, an immigrant from Latvia, who was inspired to this feat by unhappy love.

Walking through the rock garden, you can see several beautiful sculptures in a romantic style, including a huge heart-shaped table. The crescent moon mounted on the pedestal is also very interesting, which always accurately points to the polar star. The largest structure is a tall square tower, weighing 243 tons. Main building material Coral stones were used in the construction of the sculptures; some of them weigh several tons.

Its author began construction of the Coral Castle in 1923 and continued it continuously until the day of his death. The fact that beautiful garden stones built by one person without using any special equipment seems simply fantastic. Considering that Ed Leedskalnin was a rather fragile man, the phenomenon of the existence of the Coral Castle cannot be explained at all. The man's height was only 152 cm and his weight was 45 kg.

Valley of the Jars, Laos

In Laos, near the city of Phonsavan, there is the amazing Valley of Jars - an undeveloped area, which contains hundreds of amazing stone structures. With their outlines, these structures resemble real jugs; the only difference is their impressive size. The height of stone jugs ranges from 1 to 3.5 meters, and the average diameter is about 1 meter. The weight of the largest “jug” is approximately 6 tons; who and for what purpose many years ago created such a number of incomprehensible stone structures is one of the main mysteries of Laos.

It is noteworthy that all the stone stupas were carved from stone, which is not typical for this area. There are many interesting legends associated with the Valley of Jars; according to one of them, huge stupas in ancient times were used by local residents for cremation of the dead. According to another version, huge stone stupas were used to store rice and wine. As scientists were able to establish, the age of the unusual stone formations is more than 2.5 thousand years.

There are just under 500 jars in the suburban areas of Phonsavan. It is an undeniable fact that all the huge stone stupas were carved from stone by hand, but how people managed to do this 2,500 years ago is a mystery. According to one of the Laotian legends, giants once lived in this picturesque valley, who created multi-ton stone structures. Archaeological research in the valley has been carried out since the 30s of the 20th century, and every year archaeologists manage to find out more and more unique facts.

Megaliths in Asuka Park, Japan

Several amazing structures can be seen in the Japanese Asuka Park. Huge megaliths have rested here for many hundreds of years, the real purpose of which modern science can only guess at. According to the main version of researchers, huge megaliths with patterns carved on the surface are nothing more than ancient altars. One of the most interesting megaliths is called Sakafune Ishi; strange marks from wedges were discovered on its surface, which led researchers to think about the cult purpose of the stones.

One of the largest in the park is the Masuda Iwafune monolith, which is 11 meters long, 8 meters wide, and 4.7 meters high. This huge stone, which was clearly carved from a single piece of granite by hand, weighs at least 7 tons. Surprisingly, the age of the monolith is more than 2.5 thousand years. Another amazing fact is that the granite rock from which the megaliths were made is incredibly strong, even with the use of modern equipment it is extremely difficult to leave even a scratch on its surface.

How thousands of years ago people managed to process solid granite and decorate it with clear patterns is a mystery to modern science. Local residents believe in the magical power of megaliths; many try to avoid them and are afraid to even touch the giant stones. Curious travelers who take pictures every day against the backdrop of huge granite stones are not at all confused by such legends.

Carved pillars of Shravanabelagola, India

Travelers who want to see incredible structures in India should definitely visit the city of Shravanabelagola. There are several amazing temples here, the main decoration of which are beautiful carved columns. The shape of the columns is unique; they were created more than a thousand years ago, in a century when lathes and chisels did not yet exist.

Today, carving such a column from stone is not particularly difficult, but how people did it 10-12 centuries ago and what secrets of stone processing they knew remains a mystery. Every day, the ancient temples of Shravanabelagola are visited by a huge number of tourists, and all in order to touch with their own hands the incredibly beautiful and slender columns with a perfect polished surface and intricate patterns.

After admiring the beautiful carved columns, you should definitely visit the nearby village of Hampi, which also has several noteworthy attractions. Here you can see some of the very first multi-storey buildings in India, which were erected from huge stone slabs and columns. One of the most remarkable archaeological areas is the ruins of Vijayanagara, where you can see the ruins of ancient two-story buildings.

Domus de Janus, Italy

In Italy, among the most amazing buildings, it is worth noting the so-called “Fairy Houses” - Domus de Janus. They are unique stone buildings whose outlines truly resemble fairy-tale houses with a doorway and small windows. The largest number of such structures were discovered in Sardinia; currently there are about 2,800 structures in the region.

Each house is unique, some of them were carved into rock ledges, while others were carved into separate boulders. One of the main features of the structures is their relatively small size. In order for at least one person to live in such a house, its size must be on average twice as large. It is for this reason that Domus de Janus is considered to be the home of magical creatures - fairies, and some believe that witches once lived in these miniature houses.

The houses carved into stones are also remarkable for their design; many mysterious symbols can be seen on their walls. According to approximate estimates of scientists, the Domus de Janus was built in the period from the 4th to the 2nd millennium BC. If we take into account generally accepted information about the level of development of civilization in those days, we can imagine how labor-intensive the process of building houses was. Travelers who visit this amazing landmark of Sardinia should definitely do magic ritual. In the center of each house there are small depressions, in which it is customary to place offerings for fairies.

Heirloom Stone, Japan

Length: 5.7 meters. Height: 7.2 meters. Width: 6.5 meters. The unique man-made formation is the Heirloom Stone, also known as the Oishi Shrine. Back in the Middle Ages, a huge stone was declared a shrine, and a temple was built next to it. The history of the origin of the stone is unknown for certain; it amazes with its impressive scale. The length of the monolith is 5.7 meters, width – 6.5 meters, and height 7.2 meters, respectively. According to rough estimates, the weight of the Heirloom stone is about 600 tons.

The stone is located in a hard-to-reach rocky area, surrounded on all sides by steep cliffs. The monolith is surrounded on three sides by the rock from which it was carved, and the lower part of the stone was never separated from the general rock. One of the main features of the shrine is associated with the processing of the lower part of the monolith; even during the construction period, they tried to separate the monolith from the rock and dug under it.

It was never possible to complete what was started; as a result, a small depression formed under the monolith, which today is filled with water. At first glance, it may seem that a huge stone is literally floating above a small makeshift pool. According to some studies, the Heirlum stone may be part of an ancient Buddhist temple. Buddhist shrines were built according to the same principle - they were carved out of solid rock.

Goseck Circle, Germany

Year of appearance: 4900 BC. On the territory of the German city of Goseck there is an amazing Neolithic structure, which is called the “Goseck Circle”. It is a collection of several concentric ditches, the diameter of which is about 75 meters, as well as palisade rings, in certain places of which a kind of gate was built. The unusual structure was discovered by researchers quite recently, in 1991. While flying over the area in an airplane, the researchers noticed a strange round silhouette against the background of a wheat field.

In 2002, archaeological excavations began in the designated area, which were led by Francois Berthem from the University of Halle-Wittenberg. The strange Neolithic complex that was discovered by researchers once clearly had a serious and very specific purpose. The complex has a strict astronomical orientation; its southern passages precisely coincide with the points of sunrise and sunset on the days of the winter solstice.

Such features of the structure prompted researchers to think that an ancient astronomical laboratory could have previously been located on the site of the Goseck Circle. It is likely that thousands of years ago it was precisely such structures that helped people compile accurate lunar calendar. If scientists’ bold guesses are accurately confirmed, then the Goseck Circle can be considered the oldest existing solar observatory on the planet. According to rough estimates, the observatory was built no later than 4900 BC.

Delhi Pillar, India

Year of appearance: 415 Height: 7 meters. The Indian city of Delhi also has its own mysterious symbol - the Delhi Pillar. It is located in one of the remote areas of the city and was built, according to scientists, about 1,600 years ago. Despite the fact that the pillar was entirely built of iron, over such a long period it was completely unaffected by corrosion and has continued to remain unchanged for more than 16 centuries. Explanations for this amazing fact Scientists cannot find it, nor can they explain the method of erecting the pillar.

For local residents, the Delhi Pillar continues to be one of the main miracles; they believe in its magical powers. According to the testimony of many indigenous people, after touching the pillar, you can be healed of many diseases, and you can safely count on the fulfillment of your most cherished desires. The height of the huge iron column is 7 meters, and its approximate weight is about 6.5 tons.

Unlike many mysterious structures on the planet, the history of the appearance of the Delhi Pillar is precisely known; it was built in 415 in honor of King Chandragupta II, who died two years earlier, and was part of the temple complex. In 1050, by order of King Anang Pol, the column was transported to another part of Delhi, where it remains today. In the 5th century, iron was considered one of the key attributes of a rich and prosperous state, so it is not surprising that it was decided to build the column from it. For many years now, scientists have been trying to unravel at least part of the mysteries of the Delhi Pillar, but their hypotheses give rise to new questions. According to one assumption, it was forged from special, pure iron, but the fact that the latter was mined in such a huge quantity is still unclear.

Sacsayuman Fortress, Peru

Year of appearance: 15th century. In Peru, on the outskirts of the ancient Inca capital of Cusco, the mysterious fortress of Sacsayuman is located; it is also shrouded in a lot of interesting secrets and legends. The central place of the building is occupied by an impressively sized round-shaped stone structure - a solar calendar. Over hundreds of years, the castle has been perfectly preserved; on its territory you can see numerous outbuildings that were used to store water and food.

There are many legends about the skill of the Incas builders; the Sacsayuman fortress is a clear confirmation that many of them are not fiction. The fortress is made of huge stone blocks of regular shape, the method of processing of which delights even experienced modern builders. According to one legend, with the help of the juice of rare plants, the Incas were able to literally dissolve stones, and many believe that the builders were helped in their difficult work by higher powers.

Today, the Saksayuman fortress is the largest on the continent; for thousands of years it has retained its former power. Huge, multi-ton stone blocks are stacked so tightly that they cannot be moved, and it is often difficult to insert a sheet of paper between the blocks. According to some assumptions, many years ago the fortress was not only of strategic importance, but there was a large temple complex on its territory. According to historical data, the construction of the fortress began in the second half of the 15th century and lasted about 50 years. The fortress was never completed due to the outbreak of civil wars.

Old or new, with complex or simple structures, these buildings are undoubtedly the most incredible in the world. There are attractive ones, there are unusual ones, and there are just crazy buildings that are unlike anything else. Sometimes it can even be difficult to immediately understand what is in front of you - a house or something else?

Lotus Temple

(Delhi, India)

The main Bahai temple of India and neighboring countries, built in 1986. Located in New Delhi, the capital of India. A huge building made of snow-white Pentelic marble in the shape of a blooming lotus flower is one of the most popular attractions among tourists in Delhi. Known as the main temple of the Indian subcontinent and the main attraction of the city.

The Lotus Temple has won several architectural awards and has been featured in numerous newspaper and magazine articles. In 1921, the young Bombay Baha'i community asked 'Abdu'l-Bahá for permission to build a Baha'i temple in Bombay, to which the answer was allegedly given: "By the will of God, in the future a majestic temple of worship will be erected in one of the central cities of India," that is, in Delhi .

"Khan Shatyr"

(Astana, Kazakhstan)

A large shopping and entertainment center in the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana (architect - Norman Foster). Opened on July 6, 2010, it is considered the largest tent in the world. The total area of ​​“Khan Shatyr” is 127,000 m2. It houses retail, shopping and entertainment complexes, including a supermarket, a family park, cafes and restaurants, cinemas, gyms, a water park with an artificial beach and wave pools, service and office premises, parking for 700 spaces and much more.

The highlight of “Khan Shatyr” – beach resort with a tropical climate, plants and a temperature of +35°C all year round. The resort's sandy beaches are equipped with a heating system that creates the feeling of a real beach, and the sand is imported from the Maldives. The building is a giant 150 m high tent (spire), constructed from a network of steel cables, on which a transparent polymer coating ETFE. Thanks to its special chemical composition, it protects the interior of the complex from sudden temperature changes and creates a comfortable microclimate inside the complex. “Khan Shatyr” entered the top ten world eco-buildings according to Forbes Style magazine, becoming the only building from the entire CIS that the publication decided to include in its hit parade.

The opening of the Khan Shatyr shopping and entertainment center took place as part of the celebration of Astana Day with the participation of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. During the opening ceremony, a concert was held by world performer, Italian tenor of classical music Andrea Bocelli. The most interesting thing about this amazing place Any Tyumen resident can visit: Astana is only a nine-hour drive.

Guggenheim Museum

(Bilbao, Spain)

Designed by American architect Frank Gehry, the Guggenheim Museum is a magnificent example of the most innovative ideas in 20th century architecture. Constructed from titanium, it is decorated with wavy lines that change color under the sun's rays. The total area is 24,000 m2, 11,000 of which are dedicated to exhibitions.

The Guggenheim Museum is a true architectural landmark, a showcase of daring configurations and innovative design that provides a seductive backdrop to the artworks housed within. This building changed the world's view of modern architecture and museums and became a symbol of the renaissance of the industrial city of Bilbao.

National Library

(Minsk, Belarus)

The history of the National Library of Belarus begins on September 15, 1922. On this day, by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR, the Belarusian State and University Library was founded. The number of readers was constantly increasing. Over the course of its history, the library has replaced several buildings, and soon the need arose to build a new large and functional library building.

Back in 1989, a competition for designs for a new library building was held at the republican level. The “glass diamond” by architects Mikhail Vinogradov and Viktor Kramarenko was recognized as the best. On May 19, 1992, by Resolution of the Council of Ministers, the Belarusian State Library received national status. On March 7, 2002, the President of the Republic signed a decree on the construction of the building government agency"National Library of Belarus". But its construction began only in November 2002.

The opening ceremony of the “Belarusian diamond” took place on June 16, 2006. President of Belarus Alexander Grigorievich Lukashenko (who, by the way, received library card No. 1) noted at the opening ceremony that “this unique building combines the strict beauty of modern architecture and the latest scientific and technical solutions.” Indeed, the National Library of Belarus is a unique architectural, construction, software and hardware complex, built in accordance with the latest scientific and technical developments and aimed at meeting the information and sociocultural needs of society.

The new library building houses 20 reading rooms, which can accommodate 2,000 users. All rooms are equipped with electronic departments for issuing documents, modern equipment that allows scanning and copying documents, printing from electronic copies. The halls have computerized workstations, workstations for visually impaired and blind users, equipped with special equipment.

crooked house

(Sopot, Poland)

In the Polish city of Sopot, on the Heroes of Monte Cassino Street, there is one of the most unusual houses on the planet - the Crooked House (in Polish - Krzywy Domek). It seems that it either melted in the sun, or it is an optical illusion, and this is not the house itself, but only its reflection in a huge crooked mirror.

A crooked house is truly crooked and does not contain a single flat place or corner. It was built in 2004 according to the design of two Polish architects – Szotinski and Zalewski – who were impressed by the drawings of artists Jan Marcin Schanzer and Per Oskar Dahlberg. The authors’ main task for the customer, which was the Resident shopping center, was to create the appearance of the building that would attract as many visitors as possible. The façade design uses the most different materials: from glass to stone, - and the roof of enamel plates resembles the back of a dragon. The doors and windows are just as asymmetrical and intricately curved, giving the house the appearance of some kind of fairy-tale hut.

The Crooked House is open 24 hours a day. During the day there is a shopping center, cafes and other establishments, and in the evening there are pubs and clubs. In the dark the house becomes even more beautiful. In 2009, the building was recognized as one of the Seven Wonders of the Tricity, which includes the cities of Gdynia, Gdansk and Sopot. According to a recent survey by The Village of Joy, Crooked House topped the list of the fifty most unusual buildings in the world.

teapot building

(Jiangsu, China)

In China, the construction of the cultural and exhibition center Wuxi Wanda Exhibition Center, made in the form of a clay teapot, is being completed. This building has already officially entered the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest teapot in the world. The choice of this form is not accidental: clay teapots have been considered symbols of the Celestial Empire since the 15th century. They are still produced in Jiangsu Province, where the Wuxi Wanda Exhibition Center is located. In addition to making clay teapots, China is also famous for its elite varieties of tea.

Developer The Wanda Group announced that 40 billion yuan ($6.4 billion) were spent on the construction of the cultural and exhibition center. The result was a structure with an area of ​​3.4 million m2, a height of 38.8 m and a diameter of 50 m. The outside of the building is sheathed with aluminum sheets, which provide the necessary curvature of the frame. In addition to them, stained glass windows of different sizes play an important role.

The center of Wuxi Wanda will feature exhibition halls, a water park, a roller coaster, and a Ferris wheel. In addition, each of the three floors of the building will be able to rotate on its own axis. The cultural and exhibition center is part of the Tourism City shopping and entertainment complex, the construction of which is planned to be completed by 2017.

"Habitat 67"

(Montreal, Canada)

The unusual residential complex in Montreal was designed by architect Moshe Safdie in 1966–1967. The complex was built for the start of Expo 67, one of the largest world exhibitions of that time, the theme of which was houses and residential construction.

The basis of the structure is 354 cubes, built on top of each other. It was they who made it possible to create this gray building with 146 apartments, where families live who exchanged a quiet house in a residential area for such a non-standard house. Most apartments have a private garden on the roof of the neighbor below.

The building style is considered brutalism. Habitat 67 was built more than 45 years ago, but still amazes with its scale. This is, without a doubt, one of the few modern utopias that not only came to life, but also became very popular and was even considered elite.

Dancing building

(Prague, Czech Republic)

An office building in Prague in the deconstructivist style consists of two cylindrical towers: a conventional one and a destructive one. The Dancing House, jokingly called "Ginger and Fred", is an architectural metaphor for the dancing couple Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire. One of the two cylindrical parts, which expands upward, symbolizes a male figure (Fred), and the second visually resembles a female figure with a thin waist and a fluttering skirt (Ginger).

Like many deconstructivist buildings, the building contrasts sharply with its neighbor - an integral architectural complex of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. An office center containing several international companies, is located in the Prague 2 district, on the corner of Resslova street and the embankment. On the roof there is a French restaurant overlooking Prague, La Perle de Prague.

Forest spiral building

(Darmstadt, Germany)

The Austrian genius Friedensreich Hundertwasser donated a unique building to the German city of Darmstadt in 2000. Painted in different colors, a magic house from a children's fairy tale with floating lines of a curved facade, it looks out onto the world with 1048 windows of non-repeating shapes, sizes and decor. Real trees grow from some of the windows.

This original structure in the form of a horseshoe spiraling upward is called “an unusual house among the usual monotony.” It was built in a “biomorphic” style, although, in fact, it is a real 12-story residential complex, or rather, a kind of fairy-tale green village. It includes not only a house with 105 comfortable apartments, but also a quiet courtyard with artificial lakes, shaped bridges and paths trodden right in the grass; artistically designed children's playgrounds; closed parking lots; shops; pharmacy and other elements of developed infrastructure.

Upside Down House

(Szymbark, Poland)

The unique house, which sits on the roof, is decorated in the socialist style of the 1970s. An upside-down house evokes strange sensations: the entrance is on the roof, everyone enters through the window, and guests walk on the ceiling. The interior is decorated in the style of socialist realism: there is a lounge room with a TV and a chest of drawers. There is also a table made from the longest solid board in the world - 36.83 m. Of course, the Guinness Book of Records did not ignore it.

The building took more time and money to construct than a conventional house of the same size. The foundation required 200 m³ of concrete. The author of the project was asked many times whether his project was related to commercial goals. The answer was always a stubborn “no.” However, the upside-down house turned out to be a commercial success.

Not only Poles, but also foreign tourists come to test their strength and look at the interesting structure. Through the attic window you can enter the house and, carefully maneuvering between the chandeliers, walk around the rooms. Some sources claim that the developer intended to use the new building as his own home. Whether this is so is unknown, but the upside-down house in Szymbark never became residential.

However, there is nothing to complain about: the line of tourists wanting to walk around inside does not dry out, so there would be no question of any quiet life. A few years ago, in the vicinity of the house, there was even a kind of gathering of local Santa Clauses, who not only discussed their problems, but also practiced getting inside the house through a pipe, since, fortunately for them, it rests on the ground.

Wat Rong Khun

(Chiang Rai, Thailand)

Wat Rong Khun, better known as the "White Temple", is considered one of the most recognizable temples in Thailand and undoubtedly one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. The temple is located outside the city of Chiang Rai and attracts large number visitors, Thai and foreign. This is one of the most visited attractions in Chiang Rai and the most unusual Buddhist temple.

Wat Rong Khun looks like an ice house. Because of its color, the building is noticeable from afar, and it sparkles in the sun thanks to the inclusions of glass pieces in the plaster. The white color signifies the purity of the Buddha, while the glass symbolizes the wisdom of the Buddha and the Dharma, the Buddhist teachings. They say the best time to visit the White Temple is at sunrise or sunset, when it reflects beautifully in the sun's rays.

Construction of the temple began in 1997 and is still ongoing. It is being built by Thai artist Chalermchai Kositpipat with his own funds, proceeds from the sale of paintings. The artist refused sponsors: he wants to make the temple the way only he wants.

Basket building

(Ohio, USA)

The basket building was built in 1997. The weight of the structure is approximately 8500 tons, the weight of the supporting supports is 150 tons. Almost 8,000 m3 of reinforced concrete was used during construction. The usable area of ​​the building is 180,000 square feet. The basket is located on an area of ​​​​about 20,000 square feet (approximately 2200 m2) and completely copies one of brands its owner.

When the project architect Nikolina Georgievsha found out what was in store for her, she exclaimed: “Wow! I’ve never done anything like this before!” Indeed, this building cannot be called standard. Unlike other buildings, it expands upward. This made it possible to significantly increase the working space of the offices: the building is designed for a staff of 500 employees. Not bad, considering that the building also has a seven-story atrium with an area of ​​3,300 m2, around which the offices are located. In addition, the ground floor is occupied by a theater-like auditorium with 142 seats. The building aspires to a certain pomp: the design takes into account two plates attached to the building with the owner’s trademark, coated with 23-karat gold.

(Sanji, Taiwan)

The strange and wonderful town of Sanji in Taiwan is an abandoned resort complex. The houses in it were shaped like a flying saucer, so they were called UFO houses. The city was acquired as a resort for American military personnel serving in East Asia.

The original idea for building such houses belonged to the owner of the Sanjhih Township plastics company, Mr. Yu-Ko Chow. The first construction license was issued in 1978. The design was developed by Finnish architect Matti Suuronen. But construction was stopped in 1980 when Yu-Chou declared bankruptcy. All efforts to resume work came to nothing. In addition, several serious accidents occurred during construction due to the allegedly disturbed spirit of the mythical Chinese dragon (as superstitious people claimed). Many believed that the place was haunted. As a result, the village was abandoned and soon became known as a ghost town.

Stone house

(Fafe, Portugal)

The Casa do Penedo house in the mountains of Portugal, built between four boulders, resembles a Stone Age dwelling. The isolated hut was built in 1974 by Vitor Rodriguez and was intended for relaxation away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

The desire for simplicity did not make the Rodriguez family hermits, but brought them closer to a natural lifestyle without excesses. Electricity was never installed in the house; Candles are still used for lighting here. The room is heated using a fireplace carved into one of the boulders. The stone walls serve as a continuation of the interior decoration: even the steps leading to the second floor are carved directly into the stones.

The stone hut, reminiscent of the home of the characters in the American animated series “The Flintstones,” blended so organically into the surrounding landscape that it aroused great interest among architects and tourists. The curiosity of local residents and passing travelers forced the Rodriguez family to leave the house. Now no one lives in the hut, but the owners sometimes visit their unusual home. Only in this case there is a chance to see unusual interiors; at other times it is impossible to get inside Casa do Penedo.

Central Library

(Kansas City, Missouri, USA)

Located in the heart of Kansas City, it is one of the first projects aimed at revitalizing the city and its historical and tourism value. Residents were asked to remember the most famous books that were somehow connected with the name of Kansas City, and over the course of two years they selected twenty fiction books. The appearance of these publications was incorporated into the innovative design of the Central City Library to encourage visitation.

The library building looks like a bookshelf on which giant books are laid out. Each of them reaches seven meters in height and about two meters in width. Nowadays, libraries have at their disposal not only the most modern technologies and excellent quality of service, but also conference rooms, a cafe, an examination room and much more. Kansas City Public Library is different unique architecture, which boggles the mind. Today it is the pride of the residents of the city of Kansas. Its construction became one of the most significant events in the transformation of a provincial town into a thriving metropolis. The library has ten branches, the main one of which is the largest and has special collections. The library's arsenal is 2.5 million books, attendance is more than 2.4 million clients per year.

The history of the library begins in 1873, when it opened its doors to readers and immediately became not only a source of resources for education, but also an excellent alternative to other entertainment establishments of the time. The public library has moved many times, and in 1999 it was moved to the former First National Bank building. The century-old building was a true masterpiece of craftsmanship: marble columns, bronze doors and walls richly decorated with stucco. But still it required reconstruction. With the help of public-private cooperation, funds collected from the state and municipal budgets, as well as sponsorship, the doors of the Kansas Public Library were opened in 2004 in the form in which it is now.

Solar oven

(Odelio, France)

A stunning structure that looks like a furnace and is essentially one, the Solar Oven in France is designed to generate and concentrate high temperatures required for various processes. This happens by trapping sun rays and concentrating their energy in one place.

The structure is covered with curved mirrors, their radiance is so great that it is impossible to look at them. The structure was erected in 1970, and the Eastern Pyrenees was chosen as the most suitable location. To this day, the Furnace remains the largest in the world. The array of mirrors functions as a parabolic reflector, and the high temperature regime at the focus itself can reach up to 3500°C. You can regulate the temperature by changing the angles of the mirrors.

Using a natural resource such as sunlight,The solar oven is considered indispensable for obtaining high temperatures. And they, in turn, are used for a variety of processes. Thus, the production of hydrogen requires a temperature of 1400°C. Test modes for spacecraft and nuclear reactors require a temperature of 2500°C, and without a temperature of 3500°C it is impossible to create nanomaterials. In short, the Solar Furnace is not just an amazing building, but also vital and efficient. At the same time, it is considered an environmentally friendly and relatively cheap way to obtain high temperatures.

"Robert Ripley's House"

(Niagara Falls, Canada)

"Ripley's House" in Orlando is an illustration of the theme not of technological revolution, but of natural disasters. This house was built in memory of the magnitude 8 earthquake that happened here in 1812.

Today, the allegedly cracked building is recognized as one of the most photographed buildings in the world. “Believe it or not!” (Ripley's Believe It or Not!) is a patented network of so-called Ripley Auditoriums (museums of strange and incredible things), of which there are more than 30 in the world.

The idea came from Robert Ripley (1890–1949), an American cartoonist, entrepreneur and anthropologist. The first traveling collection, Ripley's Auditorium, was presented in Chicago in 1933 during the World's Fair. On a permanent basis, the first museum “Believe it or not!” was opened after Ripley's death, in 1950 in Florida, in the city of St. Augustine. The Canadian museum of the same name was founded in 1963 in the city of Niagara Falls (Niagara Falls, Ontario) and still has a reputation as the best museum in the city. The Auditorium building is built in the shape of the falling Empire State Building (New York) with King Kong standing on the roof.

Boot House

(Pennsylvania, USA)

The shoe house in Pennsylvania (York County) was conceived by a very successful businessman, Colonel Mahlon N. Heinz. At that time, he owned a thriving shoe company, which included about 40 shoe stores. At that time, Heinz was already 73 years old, but he loved his business so much that he commissioned an architect to create an unusual structure in the shape of a boot. This was in 1948. Already in 1949, the dream of a shoe businessman was realized, and the restless Mahlon N. Heinz was able not only to admire the extraordinary building, but also to live there.

The length of this house is 12 m, height – 8. Its facade was made as follows: first, a wooden frame was created, which was then filled with cement. Surprisingly, even mailbox This house is made in the shape of a shoe. There is a boot in the bars on the windows and doors. Near the house there is a dog kennel, which was also made in the shape of a shoe. And even the sign located on the road has shoes. But in fact, the shoe house has such an orientation only from the outside. Inside, this is a completely comfortable home, quite cozy and spacious. An external staircase (most likely a fire staircase) is mounted on the side of the house, allowing access to all five tiers of the unusual building.

Dome house

(Florida, USA)

After a series of destructive hurricanes and tropical storms in the state of Florida (USA), as a result of which Mark and Valeria Sigler were left without a roof over their heads each time, they decided to build a house that could withstand the pressure of the elements and at the same time be beautiful and comfortable. The result of their work was a house with an unusually strong structure and a unique design.

For people living in coastal areas, it is very important that they have somewhere to return to after a storm. Ordinary houses are very often destroyed to the ground, while the “Dome House” can stand as if nothing had happened even under a wind rushing at a speed of 450 km/h. At the same time, the Sigler house fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape: the dome perfectly suits the surroundings of dunes, ponds and vegetation. The structure of the building is created from modern environmentally friendly pure materials, which can last for several centuries.

Cube buildings

(Rotterdam, Netherlands)

A number of unusual houses were built in Rotterdam and Helmond according to the innovative design of the architect Piet Blom in 1984. Blom's radical decision was that he rotated the parallelepiped of the house by 45 degrees and placed it at an angle on a hexagonal pylon. There are 38 of these houses in Rotterdam and two more super-cubes, all of which are articulated with each other. From a bird's eye view, the complex has an intricate appearance, resembling an impossible triangle.

The houses consist of three floors:
● Ground floor – entrance.
● The first is a living room with a kitchen.
● Second – two bedrooms with a bathroom.
● Upper – sometimes a small garden is planted here.

The walls and windows are inclined at an angle of 54.7 degrees in relation to the floor. The total area of ​​the apartment is about 100 m2, but about a quarter of the space is unusable due to the walls, which are at an angle.

Burj Al Arab Hotel

(Dubai, United Arab Emirates)

Luxury hotel in Dubai, the largest city in the United Arab Emirates. The building stands in the sea at a distance of 280 m from the shore on an artificial island connected to the land by a bridge. With a height of 321 m, the hotel was considered the tallest hotel in the world until another Dubai hotel, the 333 m tall Rose Tower, opened in April 2008.

Construction of the hotel began in 1994, and it opened to visitors on December 1, 1999. The hotel was built in the shape of the sail of a dhow, an Arabian ship. Closer to the top there is a helipad, and on the other side is the El Muntaha restaurant (from Arabic - “the highest”). Both are supported by cantilever beams.

Absolute Towers

Just like any other booming suburb North America, Mississauga is looking for its new architectural identity. The Absolute Towers represent a new opportunity to respond to the needs of an ever-expanding city, to create a residential landmark that will claim to be more than just efficient housing. They can create a permanent emotional connection for residents with their hometown. Such a structure can easily be included in the list of the most beautiful skyscrapers in the world.

Instead of the simple, functional logic of modernism, the design of the towers expresses complex, multiple needs modern society. These buildings are much more than just multifunctional machines. It is something beautiful, human and alive. The towers play an important role as a gateway to the city, located at the intersection of two main city streets.

Despite the special status of these towers as a significant landmark, the emphasis in the design was not on their height, as is the case with most of the tallest buildings in the world. Thanks to design features continuous balconies surround the entire building, eliminating the vertical barriers traditionally used in high-rise architecture. The Absolute towers rotate in different projections on different levels, blending with the surrounding landscapes. The designers' goal was to provide a clear 360-degree view from anywhere in the building, as well as to bring residents into contact with natural elements, awakening in them a reverent attitude towards nature. The height of Tower A with 56 floors is 170 m, and Tower B with 50 floors is 150 m.

Pabellon de Aragon

(Zaragoza, Spain)

The building, which looks like a wicker basket, appeared in Zaragoza in 2008. The construction was timed to coincide with the full-scale exhibition Expo 2008, dedicated to the problems of water shortage on the planet. The Aragon Pavilion, literally woven from glass and steel, is crowned with strange-looking structures placed on the roof.

According to its creators, the structure reflects the deep imprint that five ancient civilizations left on the territory of Zaragoza. In addition, inside the building you can learn about the history of water and how man learned to control it. water resources on the planet.

(Graz, Austria)

This museum and gallery of contemporary art was opened as part of the European Capital of Culture program in 2003. The building concept was developed by London architects Peter Cook and Colin Fournier. The facade of the museum was made by realities:united using BIX technology as a media installation with an area of ​​900 m2, consisting of luminous elements that can be programmed using a computer. It allows the museum to communicate with the surrounding urban space.

The installation won a number of awards. The BIX façade was conceived when the rest of the building was already being worked out. In addition to the late deadlines, it was difficult to integrate into the concepts of other authors. In addition, the facade, without a doubt, became the dominant element of the architectural image. The architect-authors accepted the facade design because it was based on their original ideas about a large luminous surface.

Concert hall

(Canary Islands, Spain)

One of the most famous and recognizable buildings in Spain, the symbol of the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, one of the most significant works of modern architecture and one of the main attractions of the Canary Islands. The opera was built according to the design of Santiago Calatrava in 2003.

The Auditorio de Tenerife building is located in the city center, close to the Cesar Manrique Marine Park, the city port and the Twin Towers of Torres de Santa Cruz. There is a tram station nearby. You can enter the opera hall from both sides of the building. The Auditorio de Tenerife has two terraces overlooking the sea.

Coin building

(Guangzhou, China)

In the Chinese city of Guangzhou there is a unique building in the shape of a huge disk with a hole inside. It will house the Guangdong Plastics Exchange. The final cosmetic work is currently underway here.

The coin building, 33 floors and 138 meters high, has an opening with a diameter of almost 50 meters, which has a functional, as well as design, significance. The main shopping area will be located around it. It is obvious that the building has already become one of the main attractions of Guangdong province. However, opinions about it symbolic meaning divided.

The Italian company that developed the project claims that the shape is based on jade discs that were owned by ancient Chinese rulers and nobility. They symbolized high moral qualities person. In addition, together with its reflection in the Pearl River, on which the building stands, it forms the number 8. According to the Chinese, it brings good luck. However, many citizens of Guangzhou saw in this building a Chinese coin, symbolizing the desire for material wealth, and the people already nicknamed this building “the disk of the wasteful rich.” It has not yet been announced when the building will be open to visitors.

"Stone Cave"

(Barcelona, ​​Spain)

Construction began in 1906, and by 1910 the five-story building had already become one of the most famous buildings in Barcelona. Locals dubbed it “La Pedrera” - the stone cave. And indeed, the house resembled a real cave. When creating it, Gaudi basically abandoned straight lines. The five-story residential building was built without a single corner. The architect made the load-bearing structures not walls, but columns and vaults, which gave him unlimited scope in the layout of rooms, the heights of which were different.

In order for a sufficient amount of light to penetrate into each room with such a complex layout, Gaudi had to make several courtyards with light ovals. Thanks to these numerous ovals, windows and undulating balconies, the house looks like a block of solidified lava. Or on a cliff with caves.

Music building

(Huainan, China)

Piano House consists of two parts depicting two instruments: a transparent violin rests on a translucent piano. The unique building was built for music lovers, but has nothing to do with music. In the violin there is an escalator, and in the piano there is an exhibition complex in which plans of streets and districts of the city are presented to visitors. The facility was created at the suggestion of local authorities.

The unusual building seeks to attract the attention of Chinese residents and numerous tourists to the new developing area, in which it has become the most iconic object. Thanks to the continuous glazing of the facades with transparent and tinted glass, the premises of the complex receive the maximum possible natural light. And at night, the body of the object disappears in the darkness, leaving only the neon contours of the silhouettes of giant “tools” visible. Despite its popularity, the building is often criticized as a kind of postmodern kitsch and a typical student project, in which there is much more outrageousness than art and functionality.

CCTV Headquarters

(Beijing, China)

CCTV headquarters is a skyscraper in Beijing. The building will house the headquarters of China Central Television. Construction work began on September 22, 2004, and was completed in 2009. The architects of the building are Rem Koolhaas and Ole Scheeren (OMA company).

The skyscraper is 234 m high and consists of 44 floors. The main building is built in an unusual style and is a ring-shaped structure of five horizontal and vertical sections forming an irregular lattice on the building's façade with an empty center. The total floor area is 473,000 m².

The construction of the building was considered a difficult task, especially considering its location in an earthquake-prone zone. Because of its unusual shape, it has already acquired the nickname “pants”. The second building, the Television Cultural Centre, will house the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group, a visitor centre, a large public theater and exhibition space.

Ferrari World Amusement Park

(Yas Island, Abu Dhabi)

Ferrari Theme Park is housed under a 200,000 m² roof and is the world's largest indoor theme park. Ferrari World officially opened on November 4, 2010. It is also home to the world's fastest pneumatic roller coaster, Formula Rossa.

The symbolic roof of Ferrari World was designed by Benoy architects. It was designed based on the profile of the Ferrari GT. Ramboll provided structural engineering, integrated planning and urban design, geotechnical engineering and building façade design. The total roof area is 200,000 m² with a perimeter of 2,200 m, the park area is 86,000 m², making it the largest theme park in the world.

The roof of the building is decorated with the Ferrari logo measuring 65 by 48.5 m. This is the largest company logo ever created. 12,370 tons of steel were used to support the roof. In its center there is a hundred-meter glass funnel.

Innovative residential complex Reversible-Destiny Lofts

(Tokyo, Japan)

According to the architect's plan, the apartments in the complex he created are designed in such a way that their inhabitants are always on alert. Uneven multi-level floors, concave and convex walls, doors that you can only enter by bending over, rosettes on the ceiling - in a word, not life, but a complete adventure. It is impossible to relax in such conditions.

A person is constantly fighting with the environment, so there is simply no time left to mope or think about illnesses. Whether this is shock therapy or a joyful game is still unclear. But the Japanese, reserved and subservient to traditions and taste, are willing to pay twice as much for uncomfortable apartments as for comfortable and familiar ones located in the same area. It’s interesting that all the “apartments” are rented and are not sold as property. Moreover, the 83-year-old Buddhist nun and popular writer Jakute Setouchi, who was the first to settle in the new house, claims that since the move she began to feel younger and much better.

"Thin House"

(London, UK)

The unusual residential building, also known as the Thin House, is located near the Natural History Museum in South Kensington, London. This house became famous throughout the world thanks to its wedge-shaped shape, or rather, the width of one of the sides of the building - a little more than a meter.

At first glance, the incredibly narrow structure of the building is just an optical illusion. Despite this, The Thin House has become very popular among Londoners and tourists. The reason for this architectural idea is not accidental. The South Kensington underground train line runs directly behind the house.

Due to the unusual design of the house, the apartments do not have a standard rectangular shape, but a trapezoid shape. For narrow rooms it is necessary to select non-standard furniture. In any case, despite a number of disadvantages, apartments in “thin” buildings are very popular among those wishing to acquire new housing.

Air Force Academy Chapel

(Colorado, USA)

The striking appearance of the Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel in Colorado Springs caused some controversy when it was completed in 1963, but it is now considered one of the finest examples of modern American architecture.

Made from steel, aluminum and glass, the Cadet Chapel has 17 pointed spiers reminiscent of fighter jets taking to the skies. Inside there are two main levels and one basement. There is a Protestant chapel with 1,200 seats, a 500-seat Catholic chapel and a 100-seat Jewish chapel. Each chapel has a separate entrance, so sermons can be held simultaneously without interfering with each other.

The Protestant chapel, which occupies the upper level, has stained glass windows between the tetrahedral walls. The colors of the windows range from dark to light, representing God coming from darkness into light. The altar is made of a smooth marble slab 15 feet long, shaped like a ship, symbolizing the church. Church pews are designed in such a way that the end of each pew resembles the propeller of a World War I aircraft. Their backs are topped with a strip of aluminum like leading edge fighter plane wing. The walls of the chapel are decorated with paintings, which are divided into three groups: brotherhood, flight (in honor of the Air Force) and justice.

On the lower level there are multi-faith rooms, defined as places of worship for cadets of other religious groups. They are left without religious symbolism so that they can be used by many people.

We fly into space, race to build skyscrapers, clone living organisms and do many things that only recently seemed impossible. And at the same time, they are still unable to solve the mysteries of the builders and thinkers who lived thousands of years ago. An ancient cobblestone weighing a hundred tons surprises us more than a computer the size of half a palm.

Goseck Circle, Germany, Goseck

The ring system of concentric ditches and wooden enclosures was created between 5000 and 4800 BC. The complex has now been reconstructed. Presumably it was used as a solar calendar.

Reptilian statues, French Polynesia, Nuku Hiva island

The statues in a place called Temehea Tohua in the Marquesas Islands depict strange creatures, the appearance of which in the popular consciousness is associated with aliens. They are different: there are large, large-mouthed “reptilians,” and there are others: with small bodies and disproportionately large elongated helmet heads with huge eyes. They have one thing in common - an angry expression on their faces. Whether these were aliens from other worlds or just masked priests is unknown. The statues date back to around the beginning of the 2nd millennium.

Stonehenge, UK, Salisbury

Altar, observatory, tomb, calendar? Scientists have not come to a consensus. Five thousand years ago, a ring ditch and ramparts around it with a diameter of 115 m appeared. A few centuries later, ancient builders brought here 80 four-ton stones, and a couple of centuries later - 30 megaliths weighing 25 tons. The stones were installed in a circle and in the shape of a horseshoe. The form in which Stonehenge has survived to this day is largely the result of human activity in recent centuries. People continued to work on the stones: peasants chipped away pieces of amulets from them, tourists marked the territory with inscriptions, and restorers figured out for the ancients how things stood correctly here.

Pyramid of Kukulcan, Mexico, Chichen Itza

Every year on the days of spring and autumn equinox Thousands of tourists gather at the foot of the sanctuary of the supreme Mayan deity - the Feathered Serpent. They witness the miracle of Kukulkan's "appearance": the Serpent moves down along the balustrade of the main staircase. The illusion is created by the play of triangular shadows cast by the nine platforms of the pyramid at the moment when the setting sun illuminates its northwestern corner for 10 minutes. If the sanctuary had been shifted even a degree, nothing like this would have happened.

Carnac stones, France, Brittany, Carnac

In total, about 4,000 megaliths up to four meters high are arranged in slender alleys near the city of Karnak. The rows run parallel to each other or fan out, forming circles here and there. The complex dates back to the 5th–4th millennium BC. There were legends in Brittany that it was the wizard Merlin who turned the ranks of Roman legionnaires to stone.

Stone balls, Costa Rica

Pre-Columbian artifacts scattered near the Pacific coast of Costa Rica were discovered in the 1930s by banana plantation workers. Hoping to find gold inside, vandals destroyed many of the balls. Now most of the remaining ones are kept in museums. The diameter of some stones reaches 2.5 meters, weight - 15 tons. Their purpose is unknown.

Georgia Tablets, USA, Georgia, Elbert

In 1979, someone under the pseudonym R.C. Christian ordered the construction company to manufacture and install the monument - a structure of six granite monoliths weighing more than 100 tons. The ten commandments to descendants are engraved on the four side plates in eight languages, including Russian. The last point says: “Don’t be a cancer for the Earth, leave room for nature too!”

Nuraghi of Sardinia, Italy, Sardinia

Semiconical structures resembling huge beehives (up to 20 m high) appeared in Sardinia at the end of the 2nd millennium BC, before the arrival of the Romans. The towers were built without a foundation, from stone blocks superimposed on each other, not fastened with any mortar and supported only by their own gravity. The purpose of the nuraghe is unclear. It is characteristic that archaeologists have more than once discovered miniature bronze models of these towers during excavations.

Sacsahuaman, Peru, Cusco

The archaeological park at an altitude of 3,700 meters and an area of ​​3,000 hectares is located north of the capital of the Inca Empire. The defensive and at the same time temple complex was built at the turn of the 15th–16th centuries. The zigzag battlements, reaching 400 meters in length and six in height, are made of multi-ton stone blocks, including 200-ton ones. How the Incas installed these blocks, how they adjusted them one after another is unknown. From above, Sacahuaman looks like the toothy head of a Cusco puma (the city was founded in the shape of the sacred animal of the Incas).

Arkaim, Russia, Chelyabinsk region

The Bronze Age settlement (III–II millennium BC) is located at the same latitude as Stonehenge. Coincidence? Scientists don't know. Two rows of circular walls (the diameter of the far one is 170 m), a drainage and sewer system, a well in every house are evidence of a highly developed culture. The monument was discovered by students and schoolchildren from an archaeological expedition in 1987. (The photo shows a reconstruction model.)

Newgrange, Ireland, Dublin

The Celts called it the fairy mound and considered it the home of one of their main gods. The circular structure made of stone, earth and rubble with a diameter of 85 meters was erected more than 5,000 years ago. A corridor leads inside the mound, ending in a ritual chamber. On the days of the winter solstice, this chamber is brightly illuminated for 15–20 minutes by a ray of sun falling through the window above the entrance to the tunnel.

Coral Castle, USA, Florida, Homestead

The bizarre structure was built single-handedly over 28 years (1923–1951) by Latvian emigrant Edward Lindskalnin in honor of a lost love. How a man of modest stature and build moved huge blocks in space remains a mystery.

Pyramids of Yonaguni, Japan, Ryukyu Archipelago

Monuments of huge stone platforms and pillars located underwater at a depth of 5 to 40 meters were discovered in 1986. The main one of these structures has the shape of a pyramid. Not far from it there is a large platform with steps, similar to a stadium with spectator stands. One of the objects resembles a huge head, like the moai statues on Easter Island. There is debate in the scientific community: many believe that the formations lying on the ocean floor have exclusively natural origin. But loners like Masaaki Kimura, a professor at the University of the Ryukyu, who has repeatedly dived to the ruins, insist that there was a human presence here.

Great Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe, Masvingo

One of the largest and oldest stone structures in South Africa was built in the 11th century, and was abandoned in the 15th century for an unknown reason. All structures (up to 11 meters in height and 250 in length) were erected using the dry masonry method. Presumably, up to 18,000 people lived in the settlement.

Delhi Column, India, New Delhi

The iron column, more than 7 meters high and weighing more than 6 tons, is part of the Qutub Minar architectural complex. It was cast in honor of King Chandragupta II in 415. For unknown reasons, the column, which is almost 100% iron, is virtually resistant to corrosion. Scientists are trying to explain this fact with various reasons: the special skill and technology of ancient Indian blacksmiths, dry air and specific climatic conditions in the Delhi region, the formation of a protective shell - in particular, as a result of the fact that the Hindus anointed the sacred monument with oils and incense. Ufologists, as usual, see in the column yet another evidence of the intervention of extraterrestrial intelligence. But the secret of “stainless steel” has not yet been solved.

Nazca Lines, Peru, Nazca Plateau

A 47-meter spider, a 93-meter hummingbird, a 134-meter eagle, a lizard, an alligator, a snake, and other zoomorphic and humanoid creatures... Giant images from a bird's eye view seem to be scratched on a rock devoid of vegetation, as if with one hand, in the same style . In fact, these are furrows up to 50 cm deep and up to 135 cm wide, made at different times in the 5th-7th centuries.

Nabta Observatory, Nubia, Sahara

In the sands next to a dry lake lies the oldest archaeoastronomical monument on the planet, 1000 years older than Stonehenge. The location of the megaliths makes it possible to determine the day of the summer solstice. Archaeologists believe that people lived here seasonally, when there was water in the lake, and therefore needed a calendar.

Antikythera Mechanism, Greece, Antikythera

A mechanical device with dials, hands and gears was found at the beginning of the 20th century on a sunken ship sailing from Rhodes (100 BC). After lengthy research and reconstruction, scientists found that the device served astronomical purposes - it made it possible to monitor the movement of celestial bodies and make very complex calculations.

Baalbek slabs, Lebanon

The Roman temple complex dates back to the 1st-2nd centuries AD. But the Romans did not build sanctuaries out of nowhere. At the base of the Temple of Jupiter lie more ancient slabs weighing 300 tons. The western retaining wall is made up of a series of "trilithons" - three limestone blocks, each over 19 m long, 4 m high and weighing about 800 tons. Roman technology was not able to lift such weight. By the way, not far from the complex, another block has been lying for more than one thousand years - under 1000 tons.

Gobekli Tepe, Türkiye

The complex on the Armenian Highlands is considered the oldest of the largest megalithic structures (approximately X-IX millennium BC). At that time, people were still hunting and gathering, but someone was able to erect circles of huge steles with images of animals.