African red monkeys. Hussar monkey - a mustachioed monkey with a temper

primate, red monkey

Alternative descriptions

In Russia, since the time of Peter I, a soldier or officer of a cavalry regiment wearing a Hungarian-style uniform, which consisted of a dolman, a mentik, a fur hat with a plume or shako, chikchirs and low boots with spurs

IN tsarist army a soldier from the so-called light cavalry units who wore a Hungarian cap

And Denis Davydov and Lieutenant Rzhevsky

Cavalryman in some armies

Short-fruited cucumber hybrid prone to parthenocarpy

Light cavalryman in Russian and other armies

Representative of the noble cavalry militia

Brave, cheerful, reckless (ironic)

An ancient military profession

Verse by A. Pushkin

Verse by M. Lermontov

Accidentally pocketed ball in billiards

Poor guy with a broken word

Denis Davydov as a warrior

Poem by Pushkin

Cavalryman from the ballad

This is the name given to the mounted militia, which in the 16th century, at the request of the King of Hungary, had to be exhibited by every twenty noble families

Who wears a mentik?

The cavalryman to whom Eldar Ryazanov dedicated two comedies

Mikhail Lermontov as a cavalryman

Poor guy for whom you “put in a good word”

Warrior, ladies' favorite

Carrier dolman

Lermontov's military role

Rzhevsky as a warrior

Dashing cavalryman

Red monkey


Lieutenant Rzhevsky by military branch

Poem by Lermontov

Denis Davydov

Flying Cavalryman

. "flying" warrior

. "girl-...", Kony

The mustachioed warrior is a favorite of the ladies

Hungarian cavalryman

Cavalry Adventurer

Horseman in a shako

About him, about the poor man, say a word (c/f)

Light Cavalry

Lieutenant Rzhevsky as a warrior

Cavalryman not taking money

Flying cavalryman from the film squadron

Brave cavalryman with a mustache

Cavalryman in mentik and shako

Rzhevsky as a cavalryman

Poor cavalryman Eldara Ryazanova

The cavalryman who drove the girls crazy

Poet Denis Davydov

Warrior in tights

He doesn't take money from women

Both the warrior and the monkey

Servant in Mentik

Lieutenant Rzhevsky in service

Rider in mentik

Lieutenant Rzhevsky as a cavalryman

Warrior, favorite of women

. "squadron... of flying" (film)

Barbel in mentic

Light cavalry soldier in the Russian army

Red monkey

In the tsarist army, a soldier from the so-called light cavalry units, wearing a Hungarian

. "Flying" cavalryman, the dream of all women


Poem by M. Lermontov

Poem by A. Pushkin

. "Squadron... of flying" (film)

. "girl-...", Kony

. "flying" warrior

Poor guy for whom you “put in a good word”

Who wears a mentik

M. (from the click hussa, hurray?) a light-horse warrior, in Hungarian clothing; sometimes a servant of nobles, in the same clothes; Just like Cossacks, they call servants dressed like Cossacks. A gussar, a gussar, a little gussar or a little gussar will belittle. the little gussar will reproach you. Hussars enlarged Put someone in the hussar’s nose, tickle the sleepy one’s nose with a rolled-up piece of paper or grass. *This hussar will make you sneeze for a long time. Wire with a brush for cleaning pipes. in a billiard game, a ball made by chance that falls into a pocket in vain. Hussars don't count. Don't end the game with a hussar. Gusarov, belongs to him; hussar, characteristic of them or composed of hussars. Hussle, show off out of boasting, show off with youth. That's enough of a hussar for you! Look into someone's cards. The hussar, who hussars, excels in grasping techniques


The mustachioed warrior is a favorite of the ladies

Cavalryman in mentik

Lancer's Companion or Red Monkey

Anagram for the word "Argus"

Cavalryman in shako and mentik

Easy Russian army cavalryman

Bearer of mentik and dolman

The hussar monkey (lat. Erythrocebus patas) is a tailed monkey from the family Monkeys (lat. Cercopithecidae), currently the only representative of the genus Erythrocebus. He is distinguished by an extremely unfriendly and quarrelsome character, especially in old age.

She owes her name to the white color of her paws, reminiscent of the ceremonial leggings of Russian hussars early XIX century. The species first received scientific description in 1775 in the works of the German naturalist Johann von Schreber (1739-1810).

Monkeys are famous for their restlessness and passion for constantly running from place to place. Von Schreber's subtle humor was that real hussars could not boast of this.

Tight leggings hampered their movement. They were put on wet with the help of orderlies on a naked body, often causing abrasions and chronic hemorrhoids after drying.

After the parades, the valiant warriors were forced to use medicinal lotions and other pain-relieving procedures for a long time. Emperor Nicholas I suffered from tight leggings no less than his subjects, but was very proud that they were much narrower than in the Prussian army, from where they were borrowed at the end of the 18th century.

European hussars did not suffer from similar problems, since they wore relatively cheap knitted leggings rather than expensive elk leather products.


Hussar monkeys live in the western and central regions of Africa. Their habitat extends from Senegal to Tanzania and Ethiopia. They have adapted to life in the area with different types vegetation, feeling great both in grassy savannah and in dry woodland. These monkeys are the fastest among primates, running at speeds of up to 55 km/h.

Frisky monkeys are active during the day and lead a predominantly terrestrial lifestyle. At noon they calm down a little and take a break from the scorching heat in the shade of the trees.

Mobile groups consist of 10-20 individuals and occupy a home range of up to 4 thousand hectares. They include a male and several females along with their offspring. Among the females, their own social hierarchy is formed. There are also bachelor groups consisting mainly of young males.

The diet of monkeys includes herbs, berries, mushrooms, fruits, leguminous plants and seeds. They often raid agricultural lands, so in many countries they are considered serious pests. Vegetarian menu periodically supplemented with insects, bird eggs and small invertebrates.

Monkeys spend the night in trees, split into small groups.

Hussars can reproduce all year round. After a 170-day pregnancy, one baby is born. Typically, birth coincides with the beginning of the rainy season, when there is an abundance of food.

The cub is fed milk and until the age of six months they are constantly with their mother. At 10 months, young males are expelled by the leader and join other groups. Females become sexually mature at 2.5-3 years. In males puberty occurs at 4-5 years.


The body length ranges from 58 to 75 cm, and the tail from 62 to 74 cm. Weight is 7.5-12.5 kg. Males are larger than females. The fur on the forearms is reddish-brown. The lower part of the body is light yellow.

The hind and forelimbs are long and white. The muzzle is decorated with white mustaches. The mouth is equipped with strong large fangs.

The maximum life expectancy of hussar monkeys reaches 23 years.

The hussar monkey belongs to the marmoset family and forms a genus in which there is only 1 species. These monkeys spend most of their time on the ground. They live south of the Sahara in the semi-arid regions of Western, Central and East Africa. These are semi-desert and grassy zones located north of the humid tropical forests. There is some confusion about the number of subspecies. Some experts call 4, while others only 2. This is a western subspecies, whose representatives have a black nose. And the eastern subspecies, characterized by a white nose.

The body of these primates is slender. The fore and hind limbs are long. The main coat color is reddish-brown. The lower body, limbs and end of the tail are gray white. Well-developed whiskers are white in adult monkeys and black in young ones. The muzzle is elongated with well-developed fangs. The tail is long and its size corresponds to the length of the body. There is a dark stripe above the eyes, expanding towards the ears.

The hands and feet of the limbs are elongated, but have short fingers. These animals are well adapted to move on land. While running they can reach a speed of 55 km/h. Males are noticeably larger than females. Average weight males weigh 12.5 kg, and females weigh on average 6.5 kg. The body length of representatives of the stronger sex ranges from 60 to 87.5 cm. A average length females are 49 cm.

Reproduction and lifespan

Pregnancy lasts 5.5 months. 1 cub is born. The female feeds him with milk for 2 years. Puberty occurs at the age of 4 years. After this, the males leave their mothers and form male groups. Young females stay with their mothers. IN wildlife The hussar monkey lives 21 years. The maximum recorded life expectancy is 21.6 years.

Behavior and nutrition

These primates have groups consisting of females and males. Females can unite into large groups of up to 60 individuals. In such a community there is always 1 adult male. It performs guard functions. During the breeding season, there is an influx of males into such groups. The rest of the time, the strong half lives in separate groups.

Monkeys spend most of their time on the ground, but they are good at climbing rocks and climbing trees. They move on 4 legs; when they stand on 2, they rely on their tail, which serves as a third fulcrum. At strong excitement animals jump from side to side. They are extremely silent, and the range of sounds when communicating is not very diverse. They climb into the treetops to sleep.

The diet is very varied. These are fruits, grass, seeds, tubers, honey, insects, bird eggs, chicks, adult birds, lizards, fish. During the day, hussar monkeys move 0.7-12 km in search of food. They try to stay close to bodies of water. Water becomes especially important during periods of drought. The number of the species is unknown. But these monkeys are found quite often, so their numbers do not cause serious concern among people.

More than 400 species of monkeys live on our planet. Prosimians are also distinguished, which include lemurs, short-heeled and tupai. Primates are most similar to humans and have unique intelligence. Mammals differ significantly from each other depending on their habitat. Some can grow to just 15 cm (pygmy apes), while others reach sizes of up to 2 meters (male gorillas).

Classification of monkeys

Monkeys have been studied by scientists for a long period of time. There are a variety of classifications of mammals, the most common of which is considered to be the following:

  • a group of tarsiers;
  • broad-nosed primates;
  • marmoset monkeys;
  • callimiko mammals;
  • narrow-nosed group;
  • gibbons;
  • orangutans;
  • gorillas;
  • chimpanzee.

Each group has its own bright representatives, unlike anyone else. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Tarsier, broad-nosed and marmoset monkeys

The first three groups of mammals belong to small monkeys. The smallest of them are tarsier primates:


Sirikhta - the length of the animals is about 16 cm, the weight rarely exceeds 160 g. A distinctive feature of the monkeys is their huge, round, bulging eyes.

Bankan tarsier

The Bankan tarsier is a small primate that also has big eyes with a brownish iris.

Tarsier ghost

The tarsier ghost is one of the most rare species monkeys, having thin, long fingers and a woolen brush at the end of the tail.

Broad-nosed monkeys are distinguished from other mammals by the presence of a wide nasal septum and 36 teeth. They are presented in the following types:

Capuchin-like animals have a prehensile tail.


Crybaby – this type mammals are listed in the Red Book. The monkeys got their name due to their unique drawn-out sounds that they make.


Favi monkeys grow up to 36 cm, while their tail is about 70 cm. Small brown primates with black limbs.

White-breasted Capuchin

White-breasted capuchin - distinguished by a white spot on the chest and face of the primate. The brown coloring on the back and head resembles a hood and mantle.

Saki monk

Saki-monk - the monkey gives the impression of a sad and thoughtful mammal, has a hood hanging over its forehead and ears.

To the marmosets broad-nosed monkeys include the following types mammals:


Uistity - the length of the primate does not exceed 35 cm. A distinctive feature is the elongated claws on the toes, which allow you to jump from branch to branch and grasp them perfectly.

Pygmy marmoset

Dwarf marmoset - the length of the animal is 15 cm, while the tail grows up to 20 cm. The monkey has long and thick hair of a golden hue.

Black tamarin

The black tamarin is a small, dark monkey that grows up to 23 cm.

Crested tamarin

Crested tamarin - in some sources the monkey is called pinche. When the animal is excited, the crest on its head rises. Primates have a white chest and front legs, all other parts of the body are red or brown.

Piebald tamarin

Piebald tamarin – distinctive feature the monkey is completely bare-headed.

The small size allows you to keep some animals even at home.

Callimikos, narrow-nosed and gibbon monkeys

Callimico monkeys have recently been classified as a separate class. A prominent representative of mammals is:


Marmoset - animals united in themselves different features other species of monkeys. Primates have the structure of paws like marmosets, teeth like capuchins and a muzzle like tamarins.

Representatives of the narrow-nosed monkey group can be found in Africa, India, and Thailand. These include Monkeys - animals with fore and hind limbs of the same length; have no hair on the muzzle and stressed areas under the tail.


Hussars are monkeys with white noses and powerful, sharp fangs. The animals have a long-legged body and an elongated muzzle.

Green monkey

Green monkey - distinguished by marsh-colored fur on the tail, back and top of the head. Monkeys also have cheek pouches, like hamsters, in which they store food supplies.

Cynomolgus macaque

Cynomolgus macaque is another name for “crabeater.” Monkeys have beautiful eyes brown color and greenish fur, shimmering with grass.

Japanese macaque

Japanese macaques - animals have thick fur, which creates the impression of a large individual. In fact, monkeys are medium in size and their long hair makes them appear larger than they actually are.

The group of gibbon mammals is distinguished by palms, feet, face and ears, which are hairless, as well as elongated limbs.

Representatives of gibbons are:

Silver gibbon

Silver gibbons are small gray-silver animals with a bare face, arms and black feet.

yellow-cheeked crested gibbon

Yellow-cheeked crested gibbon - a distinctive feature of the animals is yellow cheeks, and at birth all individuals are light, and as they grow older they become black.

Eastern hoolock

Eastern hoolok is another name for “singing monkey.” Animals are distinguished by white fur located above the eyes of mammals. It seems that primates have gray eyebrows.

Siamang compound-toed

Siamang compound-toed - of this group, the siamang is considered the largest monkey. The presence of a throat pouch on the animal's neck distinguishes it from other representatives of gibbons.

Pygmy gibbon

Dwarf gibbon - animals have long forelimbs that drag along the ground when moving, so monkeys often walk with their arms behind their heads.

It should be noted that all gibbons do not have a tail.

Orangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees

Orangutans are massive, large apes with hooked fingers and fatty growths on their cheeks. Representatives of this group are:

Sumatran orangutan

Sumatran orangutan - animals have fiery color wool

Bornean orangutan

Bornean orangutan - primates can grow up to 140 cm and weigh about 180 kg. Monkeys have short legs, a large body and arms that hang below the knees.

Kalimantan orangutan

The Kalimantan orangutan is distinguished by its brown-red fur and concave skull in the front part. Monkeys have large teeth and a powerful lower jaw.

Representatives of the gorilla group include the following species of monkeys:

  • Coast gorilla – Weight Limit The animal weighs 170 kg, height – 170 cm. If the females are completely black, then the males have a silver stripe on their back.
  • Lowland gorilla - distinguished by brown-gray fur, habitat - mango thickets.
  • The mountain gorilla is an animal listed in the Red Book. They have thick and long hair, the skull is narrower, and the forelimbs are shorter than the hind limbs.

Chimpanzees rarely grow more than 150 cm and weigh more than 50 kg. The species of monkeys in this group include:


Bonobos are recognized as the smartest monkeys in the world. Primates have black fur, dark skin and pink lips.

common chimpanzee

The common chimpanzee has brown-black fur with white stripes around the mouth. Monkeys of this species move only on their feet.

Other monkeys include the black howler monkey, the crowned (blue) monkey, the pale saki, frilled baboon, kahau.

South of the Sahara, in the steppes and savannas of Africa, lives a fairly common species of large monkeys, hussars from the genus Marmosetidae. They can be seen mainly among dried grasses and shrubs in steppe groves and open areas. The body of the hussar monkey (Erythrocebus patas) is covered with light reddish hair, the legs are very long and light, the head is decorated with black stripes on the forehead and nose, dark eyebrows, lush sideburns and a whitish mustache. Sometimes the golden-orange hussar monkeys are called red monkeys.

These monkeys lead a terrestrial lifestyle and are more active during the day. In his natural environment habitat, the hussar monkey is well camouflaged, and in case of danger it presses to the ground and freezes, hidden by grass and bushes. The food of the hussar monkey consists of all soft parts, tubers and fruits of plants, as well as small vertebrates: birds, rodents and insects.

An adult male hussar monkey inspects the surroundings

Lifestyle of Hussar Monkeys

Hussar monkeys live in herds of 5-30 individuals, led by the strongest and most experienced male. The females of these monkeys are much smaller than the males. Family members live quite amicably. Hidden among the thickets, hussar monkeys call to each other, making characteristic grunting sounds. They constantly rise on their hind legs and stretch their heads, examining the surroundings over the grass and thickets. These monkeys have sharp eyesight and hearing. They are observant, notice the slightest changes in their surroundings and run very quickly, reaching a speed of 50-60 km/h. If necessary, they deftly climb onto tall trees where they prefer to spend the night. In the natural environment they are very widespread with a habitat in African countries: Uganda, Ethiopia, Senegal, Sudan.

Hussar monkey with tiny baby

Interesting to know. You can often see hussar monkeys grooming each other, running their fingers through the fur on each other's body. This is done mainly not for hygienic purposes, but to emphasize friendly relations and emphasizing the hierarchy of group members.

Reproduction and character traits of the hussar monkey

The female hussar monkey carries her only baby for approximately 24 weeks. After birth, the light-red baby stays under the mother’s belly for about 6 weeks, but leaves her quite early, being within her visibility and hearing range, playing with other monkeys. A year later, he finally moves away from his mother and joins a group of peers. The period of his puberty begins at 4 years.

Baby hussar monkey quickly becomes independent

Interesting to know. The body length of the hussar monkey is 60-85 cm, plus a tail of 50-70 cm. Weight 4-12 kg, life expectancy 15-20 years.

Hussar monkeys are very clean animals, so they are often kept at home. Young monkeys become very attached to their owners, but at the age of 5-7 years they can become dangerous and bite painfully with their extremely sharp teeth. The hussar monkey also uses its sharp fangs to crack the hard shells of nuts, which it likes to feast on.