When does 1 snow fall? Temperatures expected to drop slightly

In the church you can order various requests, including the magpie for health. Let’s try to figure out what it is and what goal is achieved with its help. Sorokoust is a remembrance that takes place over 40 days in a row. It can be about health, well-being, or about the dead and their finding peace.

This commemoration occurs when the clergyman at the altar removes a particle from the liturgical bread, reading the names in the memorial. Let's talk about how to properly order a sorokoust for your health.

There are prosphoras for health and for repose. During the commemoration, after the sacrament of transfiguring the liturgical bread on the throne into the Body and Blood of Christ is completed, the particles are taken out and dropped into the Chalice.

This is necessary in order to wash away the sins of our neighbors, both in the material and spiritual world, and thus beg all our relatives and dear people.

Some parishioners are interested in whether it is possible to give memorials on the fortieth day during the Great Pentecost. During this period, the church does not serve daily liturgy. It is held only on certain days established by the church.

On Saturday and Sunday, services are held according to the rite of John Chrysostom and Basil the Great, where such Divine commemoration is performed.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to order a sorokoust about health on Lent. The fact is that during the Lenten period in weekdays The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts takes place, at which this rite is not performed.

It is practically impossible in each case to calculate forty liturgies in a row on Saturdays and Sundays, which period they will cover.

Attention! Usually on Holy Pentecost, in those churches where the liturgy is not served every day, a commemoration with a bloodless sacrifice is held, for example, for one or three, six, twelve months or more.

Feature of a custom note

In liturgical church practice there are such concepts as prayer and remembrance, which are different in meaning.

In the second case, custom notes are used, for example, order a magpie about your health.

The clergy take out a piece from the liturgical prosphora at the end of the service.

The Holy Fathers wash all the removed particles and wash them with the Blood of Christ, as a result of which many sins are forgiven to the people mentioned in the note.

Therefore, if we want the prayer for our loved ones to reach the Lord, and for the people for whom the prayer is being offered to come to Christ, be healed in soul and body, all their misfortunes dissipate and illnesses go away, as a rule, we order a magpie for health with removal particles. This is done so that they are washed from their sins by the Blood of Christ.

By submitting simple notes, we can only count on the names being read by novices, deacons, altar boys, sextons, whom the priest recruits as his assistants due to a shortage own strength and time.

As already mentioned, the names of the people commemorated in a simple note are only read, since, as a rule, there are a lot of them.

But this is not enough for real prayer. Therefore, you still need to ask personally your own or another clergyman whom you believe. You should hand the memorial directly into your hands and ask the priest to pray.

How to order correctly

Coming into this life, a person is subjected to a variety of trials and temptations. The situations we find ourselves in are different from each other.

Therefore, the church introduced into practice requirements (from the word requirements, that is, the needs of believers) or rites, the purpose of which is to ask for God’s help in certain situations:

  1. Diseases.
  2. Consecration of a home and objects, things, for example, a chariot (car).
  3. Prayer requests for the living.
  4. Funeral prayers for the deceased.
  5. Blessing of food (for Easter, Transfiguration).
  6. Many others.

The Church sanctifies the most different sides and spheres human life. Sorokousts are often ordered for seriously ill people. You can apply for a memorial to return a person to the bosom of the church if he is baptized, but unchurched.

What people should you not order magpies about:

  • those who have not undergone the Sacrament of Baptism according to the Orthodox rite;
  • suicides;
  • about inveterate atheists, fighters against God, including baptized ones;
  • about those glorified by the church as saints.

When do they order sorokoust? This must be done before or after the Divine Liturgy or other service.

The noise created around the candle shop often disturbs the activities taking place in the temple. common prayer. During the service you need to pray, and not stand in line and talk.

Advice! Notes should be submitted either the evening before or early in the morning before the service begins.

You should find out how to order magpie and what it is before submitting your note. To perform prayer, you must indicate the names of those people who need to be remembered.

As a rule, there are restrictions on the number of people, no more than ten in one note. Names must be listed on the form genitive case.

The memorial note should begin with clergy (monastics, lay clergy), if any are on the list.

It is possible and necessary, according to the commandment of Christ, to pray for your offenders and enemies. Firstly, in this way we step over our negativity and get rid of it, secondly, we ask God to correct these people and their attitude towards us in better side. It looks something like this.

About health:

  • Abbot Laurus and his brethren;
  • Abbess Marionilla and her sisters;
  • Archpriest Peter with relatives;
  • bol. Olga;
  • Sergius;
  • neg. Alexandra;
  • younger Elizabeth;
  • Feodosia;
  • Elena;
  • Alexey.

For each name you will be asked to make a certain contribution to the needs of the temple. This may be clearly marked a sum of money, or at the discretion and capabilities of the person submitting the note.

How much this or that requirement costs, you will be told in the icon shop or in the place where donations are accepted.

Attention! There is a myth that if you order a magpie about health in 3 churches, the effect of the commemoration will be many times stronger.

This misconception looks more like a magical perception of church rites and sacraments than living faith in Christ. Such people can be advised to fast, pray, and improve their lives more, so that they too can make their contribution to the salvation of their neighbors.

Useful video

Today, often on the Internet, when you search for “Sorokoust about health in three churches,” you find many options for the “correct” properties of these prayers: they help against damage and the evil eye, according to traditional healers, relieve serious illnesses, neutralize enemies and ill-wishers with forgiveness, restore energy shells, are based on powerful energy, etc.

All this makes me very sad.

Once, when I was a sexton, before Divine Liturgy On the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, I climbed the bell tower to ring for the service. Having gone down to the vestibule, I could not squeeze into the temple, since people were coming out of it en masse in a continuous stream. I was perplexed. But then it turned out that the priest made an announcement before the service: first the Liturgy is served, then, after the prayer behind the pulpit, the great consecration of water and, after that, sprinkling of holy water on the street.

After this, half the people left the temple! People stood around the church and patiently (in the Epiphany cold!) waited until this incomprehensibly long service was over, finally the priest would come out for fifteen minutes to sprinkle them and the jars and they could return home. They got irritated, saying barbs to the priest: why did it take so long, why didn’t he cut down the service, why didn’t he take pity on the freezing people, and so on.

And at this time, for them, the most important service was going on in the church - the Liturgy, and the heavens opened, and the grace of the Holy Spirit for the salvation of mankind transubstantiated the Holy Gifts...

This is all very scary.

In my priestly practice, there was a case when, at the end of the service, a man came into the temple who wanted to buy candles. At that time I was near the church bench, and something seemed to push me to ask why he needed candles. He answered honestly: I’m going to my grandmother, life has tortured me and so on, in general, I need to save myself. I told him that he needed to enter the temple, light candles, pray in silence to God about his things, or, if he wanted, we would pray together and serve a prayer service. But the man didn’t want to listen, he was in a rush for time. Grandma was waiting for him! I then said that I would not sell him candles. He started calling me names, saying, what kind of priest am I if I can’t help a suffering sick person, in this case, go to my grandmother.

Another example. In one of the villages where I serve, the temple was consecrated in honor of the Nativity of the Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John. Before the temple holiday, I quite often hear the question: “Is it going to be holy for you soon - Ivan Kupala?” And on July 7, you definitely need to go out in large numbers to festivities, barbecue, jump over a fire, etc.

Why am I telling all this? There's a pretty deep root here. There's a lot here serious problem, which needs to be talked about. What does it consist of? Today, ancient Slavic paganism no longer exists as a religion, but in the popular consciousness it is still rooted as a kind of imprint, a trace that is a constituent element of the national mentality. And, what is most difficult to admit, this paganism merges with church Orthodox ritual, giving rise to spiritual distortion, a kind of disease - “pseudo-church magic.”

Sorokoust in three churches is a phenomenon of the same order.

Ancient Slavic paganism is a rather amorphous, unsystematic religion with an undeveloped hierarchy. It was used according to need (the need for a good harvest, the success of a military campaign, protection from climatic disasters), and it was based on the worship of those forces of nature on which the ancient Slav directly depended.

Therefore, paganism among our ancestors is a purely material, material phenomenon. There is nothing spiritual about him. Hence, magic, as the implementation of pagan cults in ritual form, has its own rigid structure. It is absolutely formally mathematical and is directed not into the heart and soul of a person, but outward. For example, in order for vegetables to grow in the garden, you only need to strictly certain time get up before dawn (if you oversleep, nothing will work out!), walk around your land plot, pronouncing a specific plot. Also in pseudo-Orthodox magic: magpie in three churches, thirty-three candles need to be lit for health and calmly go home, everything will be fine with you. The formal ceremony is completed, “the aura is cleansed.”

Why did this pseudo-church magic appear? Of course, these are the works of an unclean spirit. Satan's greatest desire is to desecrate the shrine. That is why grandmothers, fortune tellers, sorcerers, led by demons, use in their magical rituals icons, spells with the commemoration of the names of saints, etc. Quite often in priestly practice, the priest is faced with the following sentence: “Baptize the child, otherwise we need to go to the grandmother, but she does not accept unbaptized people.” Why doesn't the grandmother accept an unbaptized person? Because the Kingdom of God is closed to such people. And he accepts the baptized person, because the task of the demon is to violate the shrine. In this case, over the Sacrament of Baptism.
By the way, there was a case when the fortuneteller did not accept a child baptized by a priest of the “Kyiv Patriarchate”; the parents tried to convince her that the child was baptized, but she stubbornly stood her ground - “the child is not baptized.”

There is such a case in the life of Blessed Andrei the Fool...

The woman went to the magician to sort out her personal problems. He prepared some water, whispered something over it, poured something into it and told the woman to sprinkle it on the holy icons in the house. After this, the woman felt worse. She went to Saint Epiphanius, a disciple of Blessed Andrew the Fool, and he, after praying, showed her spiritually what the woman had done with the holy icons. It turns out that they were all sprinkled with sewage.

That's why, dear brothers and sisters, let us remember the words of the Holy Chief Apostle Paul: “That is why many of you are weak and sick, and many are dying” (1 Cor. 11:30). In this case, the holy apostle spoke about those people who unworthily, without due reverence and understanding of the holiness of the Eucharist, receive communion. IN Old Testament there is the following account: “Naddab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, each took his censer, and put fire in it, and put incense in it, and brought strange fire before the Lord, which He had not commanded them; and fire came out from the Lord and burned them, and they died before the Lord” (Lev. 10:1-3).

Therefore, let us not offer strange fire before the Lord.

Of course, you can order magpies in three churches, and in ten, and in more. This is good and important. As a result, the grace of God is invoked prayerfully, through the great Sacrament of the Bloodless Sacrifice, upon man. But with what, with what feeling, with what spirit is the magpie ordered? With a spirit of reverent fear of God? With the spirit of reverent and meek filial love for Him? Is this the Son crying out to His Heavenly Father: “Father, help me. I'm lost without you! Or is something else happening - the insertion into the church censer of an alien and even hostile element of paganism, a search for justification for one’s own sin? What does a person get in this case? Only, like Naddab and Abihu, the wrath of God. After all, a person who approaches the Chalice (and the magpie has a direct relation to the Eucharist) unworthily, with thoughts about the grandmother, about magic, about pagan rituals- a blasphemer and desecrator of the shrine. And what could be worse than this?!

Therefore, we should remember that in the Body and Blood of Christ we seek and find, first of all, the lost communion between God and man. This is the single most important goal of human life. In it lies the salvation of both our souls and our bodies.

Let us remember the words of the Lord: “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). By “all this” we mean earthly material goods, which God already generously gives to man.

Priest Andrey Chizhenko

Sorokoust is the commemoration of a person at the Divine Liturgy for 40 days. There is a magpie about health or repose. The second is ordered about a person who has recently died (preferably immediately after death). But the first one is in any difficult circumstances, for example, in a serious illness, a difficult session, buying or selling a home, pregnancy and childbirth.
Let us remind you that during Lent, the Liturgy is celebrated less frequently, 4 times a week, so at the beginning of Lent the magpie is often ordered: it will last until Easter.
Sorokoust and any commemoration during the Liturgy (this is what the notes “On Health” mean) are the most strong prayer. After all, the whole Church prays for a person during the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Preparing the bread and wine that will be transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ during the Sacrament, the priest uses a tiny spear to take prosphora (a round unleavened loaf of bread specially baked for Communion), cut out a piece from the top and say: “Remember, Lord, your servant (name) ..." Each name is a crumb in the Cup, bread that becomes the Body of Christ. That is, through prayers a person receives the great grace of God - that is why it is recommended that people attend the Liturgy and receive communion, especially in difficult moments of life.
The prosphora themselves are then distributed to the believers.

How to order the magpie about health in church

A note for 40th can be submitted in any church. Visit a temple, preferably before a service, to pray there. Men should not come in shorts, women should wear a skirt and cover their heads (skirts and scarves are provided for a while in almost all churches; they hang at the entrance).

Anyone can order a service, but only the names of baptized people are remembered during the Liturgy.

The rules for ordering a magpie are simple:

  • The note can be written both at home and in the temple. In the church they usually give a note form with the inscription “About health” at the top and blank lines where you need to write names. At home, you can simply divide an A4 sheet of paper into 4 parts and write “About health” at the top.
  • Under the words “About health” (or above them, it doesn’t matter) write “On 40th”
  • List the names - each will be paid separately. People must be baptized in Orthodoxy (otherwise you can only pray for them at home). Write in legible handwriting, neatly.
  • First, write the names of the clergy (if you want to pray for one of them), men, then women, and lastly the children (for “babies” - up to 7 years old and “youths” - after 7). If a person is seriously ill, write before the name “sick” - that is, “sick.”
  • Names are written in the genitive case, that is, “About health” - whom? - “Valeria, Catherine, sick Igor...”

How to pray during 40th and how to change your life for the better

Prayer is not just words or a conspiracy. This sincere appeal to God is not only yours, but that of the entire Church, a mysterious and great prayer. The Lord will manage everything as it benefits your soul and the person for whom you are ordering magpie. But you and the person in need of help must act on your own to receive God’s grace:

  • Be baptized. If you give magpie for yourself, you must be baptized. If not, but you believe in the Lord, be baptized.
  • Morning prayers and evening prayers by prayer book or online. The Church calls for reading them daily or, with the blessing of the priest, replacing them with the prayer of the rosary “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner” for 10-15 minutes.
  • Attend church services at least once or twice a month (you can do it on Saturday evenings. All-night vigil is a convenient time for everyone; if you work on weekends, evening services often occur on weekdays).
  • Communicate the Holy Mysteries of Christ approximately once every two months at the morning Liturgy, having previously prepared by fasting and prayer.
  • Work on yourself, your spiritual life. Learn about the correct way of life of Orthodox Christians, get rid of vices.

Superstitions and magpie

  • Sorokoust is not a conspiracy to change your life. This is the prayer of the Church, through which the Lord gives you gracious help and shows you the true path.
  • No special meaning is to definitely order the magpie in three churches. It is better to order at the nearest church and attend morning Liturgies more often, when they will remember you or your loved one, take communion.
  • Sorokoust will not “clean up the energy sector in 40 days.” Prayer is turning to God here and now. The Church will pray for God’s help for you, for God’s will to act in your life. After all, the devil acts without our consent, simply coming to people who are not protected by prayer and the Church Sacraments.
  • The order of the magpie does not have to be kept secret. On the contrary, you can tell your loved ones about this and come to the temple to pray together.

The truth is that often people who have firmly decided to be baptized, or who have been baptized but decide to begin a spiritual life, are attacked by demons. This is expressed in bad mood and irritability, sudden irritability in loved ones, transport breakdowns. These are real actions of dark spirits. Do not be afraid in any case: you are on the right path, and they are only trying to prevent you from coming under the protection of the Lord.
Since ancient times, the Church has advised in such cases to read the psalm “Living in Help” (that is, “Living with the help of God”), which contains a dialogue between a person and God who saves him:

He who lives with the help of the Almighty abides under the protection of the Heavenly God. He will say to the Lord: You are my Protector, I take refuge in You, You are my God and I trust in You. After all, God will deliver you from the snares of fishers, and from the words of rebels, He will cover you with His shoulders, and under His wings you will have hope: His truth will be your weapon. You will not be afraid of any fear at night, or an arrow flying during the day, anything that comes in the darkness and no meeting, and a demon at noon. Thousands will die around you and ten thousand next to you, but death will not come to you, you will only look at this and see the punishment of sinners. You will say: after all, the Lord is my hope, I consider the Most High my refuge.
Evil will not approach you, and there will be no wound on your body, because God told His angels to keep you in all your ways. They will even take you in their arms so that you do not stumble over a stone; You will tread on snakes and poisonous basilisks without harm, and you will defeat lions and wild beasts. The Lord says: he trusts in Me, and I will protect him: I will be his patron, because he calls on My Name. He will call Me and hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will deliver him from sorrow and glorify him, I will give him long days and save Him.

How to order a magpie for the repose

Sorokoust about the deceased is ordered in the same way as about health, it is better to do this as soon as possible after the death of the deceased. Then the commemoration of a person at the Divine Liturgy will last for 40 days, just until the fortieth day after death, when, according to Church tradition, visions and according to the testimonies of people who have experienced clinical death, the soul receives its permanent place stay after death - in heavenly abodes or in hell. You can order a commemoration of the deceased for six months, a year, or even forever: as on the 40th day, he will be remembered during the Liturgy all this time.

O Lord and our God, do not forget Your servant (Your) (name) who died in faith and hope for eternal life. You are the Good and Loving Lord of all people, you forgive sins and destroy lies, forgive and forget all his sins and mistakes, accidental and intentional, deliver him from eternal torment and hellish flames, give him the sacrament and joy of Your eternal joys prepared for everyone, those who love you. Even if he (she) sinned, he did not depart from You, believed without a doubt in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Holy Trinity, You, the Lord in the Holy Trinity, One and Glorified, and until his last breath he confessed the Holy Trinity Orthodoxy. Be merciful to him (her), reward at least for faith instead of works, rest with all Your saints, as a Generous God: after all, there is no person who has lived life and not sinned. You, Lord, he is Sinless, Your righteousness is the Truth in all ages, only You are the God of mercy and generosity, May we all, living and dead, give eternal glory to You, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sorokoust from damage

Actually, corruption, in the understanding of the Church, is the possession of a person by a demon. It's like mental illness- but all people who are damaged, possessed, are afraid of visiting the temple, icons, priests, holy water.

In the popular imagination, damage or the evil eye is any influence of dark forces that comes from another person. It happens that people curse out of malice and wish evil. Can it harm a person?

Yes, if it is not protected by the Sacraments of the Church and prayer: if you are not baptized in Orthodoxy, have not been married, do not read prayers, do not attend services in church, do not confess and do not receive communion.

  • First of all, turn to the Lord and his saints for help through prayer. You need to visit the temple in the near future, talk with the priest and, if you believe in the existence of God and His help, accept Holy Baptism. The priest will tell you how to live the church life.
  • Immediately after Baptism, order a magpie for your health and partake of the Holy Mysteries. If you are baptized, take communion at the Liturgy, getting ready, after ordering the magpie.

May the Lord protect you through the prayers of all saints!

Turning to God helps a believer to find the right way out of difficult situations, gain strength to overcome pain, preserve the humanity in the soul in suffering under the burden of worries and illnesses, hatred of neighbors and betrayals of loved ones. This is how it was in past centuries, and this is how it is now. In times of despair and anxiety, people often resorted to prayer. To gain patronage higher powers, there are many ways. Here, confession and strict fasting, church services and sincere repentance, conversations with a priest, brothers and sisters in faith are often effective. One of the options to be heard by God and receive support from him is the magpie in three churches. This method, which has always enjoyed well-deserved trust and popularity among the Orthodox population, has been known since time immemorial.

What is magpie

This church sacrament got its name due to the fact that it usually lasts exactly forty days. In essence, this is a liturgy, specially enhanced and very effective prayer in churches, which can be ordered both for the health and for the repose of the person of interest, but only necessarily baptized in Orthodoxy, that is, a churchgoer. But it is carried out by clergy within the walls of churches not just once, but for forty days. Therefore it turns out that within specified period The name of the believer appears before God every day. Therefore, the Almighty has been influencing a person’s life all this time and helping in solving his problems.

The magpie in three churches turns out to be especially useful, because in this case the desired name will be mentioned in three places at once for forty days. Every day in these churches a piece of prosphora will be immersed in the Holy Chalice for this person. This rite personifies the Blood and Body of the Savior. This is a sacrifice for which forgiveness of sins and grace are granted.

You can order a prayer service not only for a specified period, but for six months or even a year, while the parishioner has the right to choose the days when exactly the ceremony should be performed and when not.

Special number 40

Why is a forty-day period usually chosen for the ritual? The number 40 has a meaning for believers symbolic meaning. The Virgin Mary, having received good news from the Angel, carried the Savior-son under her heart for exactly forty weeks. Jesus himself prayed for the same number of days in the desert in order to learn the highest truth and communicate it to the inhabitants of the Earth. He appeared to his disciples for forty days after his brilliant Resurrection.

This date was also mentioned in the Old Testament, because the fast of the world-famous prophet Moses also lasted forty days. During the same period continued Flood. And similar examples taken from the Holy Scriptures can be continued ad infinitum.

But why is the magpie ordered in three churches, why is it advisable to choose exactly this number of churches? We'll talk about this further.

Three is a special number

In Christianity, this is the famous trinity number. The meaning here is that God is essentially one, but appears to man in three Persons. There is no direct division here, and therefore such a riddle of the trinity is usually not entirely clear to a resident of the carnal world. The difference here is only in certain abstract properties. In this regard, the number 3 seems to any Orthodox Christian to be special, symbolic, carrying a sacred meaning.

It should be added to this that the number 3 is often used in church rituals and, like 40, is often mentioned in the scriptures, personifying Divine essences, and therefore is considered sacred. Here it is appropriate to mention the threefold glorification addressed to the Creator, the appearance of three angels to the biblical heroes, and much more. This is where the answer lies to why magpie is ordered in three churches: this corresponds to ancient customs, to which tribute is paid.

IN exceptional cases at serious illnesses and dire life situations, parishioners are advised to order a prayer service at seven at once (also sacred number) churches. But this is a very important sacrament, not everyone is allowed to participate in it, and one should prepare spiritually and physically for a long time, observing fasting. Otherwise, as the clergy say, the effect will be no greater than from one forty.

Why is sacrament needed?

For what reason and to whom funeral magpies should be ordered is quite clear. This may be especially important for those who have just died. Indeed, in Orthodoxy it is believed that the sentence of the soul is passed within 40 days, and it is during this period that the fate of the newly deceased is decided in Heaven. And before the expiration of the specified period, the prayers of the living remaining on Earth can help him.

It is more difficult to resolve the question of why and to whom the magpie about health in three churches might be useful and important. Some are sincerely convinced that such daily prayers, ordered in the temple, can be useful only to seriously ill people. But this is a misconception. This also helps in other difficult life circumstances: to strengthen the spirit of the weak, to establish a material base, to advance a career and improve relationships with others, as well as to protect against fatal accidents.

How to choose the right churches

The clergy claim that the magpie about health ordered in three churches puts incredibly strong spiritual protection around a person against life’s troubles, human malice, the evil eye and damage, and restores his moral state. Quite useful, isn't it?

In order to serve the magpie in three churches correctly and in compliance with all religious requirements, you must do the following. Select three suitable temples. It is desirable that their location form the most regular triangle. But if this is inconvenient and difficult, you should not get hung up on the requirement just mentioned. The main thing is that in these churches or monasteries services are held daily. If the temple only reserves certain days for this, that’s okay too. However, it should be borne in mind that the prayer service in this case will not last for a month and a half, but for a longer period. Next, they advise you to go around all the selected temples before 12 o’clock (noon) and order magpie everywhere.

How to order

When serving magpie, they usually find a church shop. This could be a room or just a corner of the temple or perhaps even outside it. There, nuns or novices, in accordance with the request of the applicant, enter the names of the people for whom the prayer service is intended in a special book. Sometimes these records are made by ordinary parishioners on their own, and in case of ignorance, you can consult with knowledgeable church ministers or believers.

It is very important to remember that the entire book must be written down. Orthodox name a person received at baptism, and not something else. If this church rite was not performed either immediately after birth or during the subsequent period of life (the person was not a church member), ordering a magpie in three churches is useless, because the rite has no meaning. After all, requests for unbaptized people, unfortunately, remain unanswered by God.

Who can I order from?

It is possible to order such an effective prayer not only for someone else, close or stranger, but also for yourself. The clergy claim that the magpie, read in three churches, helps especially quickly when it comes to a pregnant woman or child, because such prayers reach God before others. The main thing is not only to know, but also to correctly indicate their Orthodox names.

It is not necessary, but it is highly desirable that during the period when prayer services are held, the person who ordered them regularly visits the temples of his choice. It is also believed that women are especially helped by magpies served in nunneries, and men’s monasteries are very suitable for men.

About enemies and ill-wishers

It is not only possible, but also recommended to order prayers for health to your enemies. This often works and helps neutralize all the evil that they direct towards a person who needs the protection of higher powers. And such rituals allow him to find peace and peace of mind. As evidenced by reviews of the magpie, ordered in three churches, it often happens that haters and spiteful critics, after intense prayers, leave a person’s life for various reasons. It happens that illnesses and all sorts of troubles happen to them. But you shouldn’t wish your enemies harm, because only God has the right to decide what is fair in this life and what is not.

What time is best to choose

There are no special days for ordering sorokoust (to serve the demand, as is usually said in church language). That is, you can sign up for this sacrament at any time when a person wishes to ask the Almighty for help.

Execution of the application begins on the next day after submission of the request. Knowing this, you need to calculate the order time taking into account the state of your own affairs, personal time and the needs of one or more interested parties. If someone close to you is about to undergo an important operation, a responsible event or a difficult journey, it is recommended to place a church order a week or five days before important event. Thus, it will be much easier to implement plans in accordance with your own ideas. You should also correctly calculate your capabilities, remember that at the time of submitting your application you will have to go to three churches on one day. This is how Sorokoust is ordered, as already mentioned.

Who cannot order

Of course, God strives to help all those who suffer. However, you should also take into account that it is necessary to prepare for the important serious ritual described with all responsibility. Firstly, the reason for filing an application should not be trivial, but still important. This remedy is usually resorted to if a person really needs help. Secondly, one should seriously prepare for the sacrament: before this, fast for nine days, cleanse oneself spiritually and live in accordance with the commandments. And only after this, ask for the magpie celebration to be held in three churches.

But that's not the only thing that matters. The clergyman has the full right to refuse to perform a ceremony for a parishioner if the person for whom care is being shown practically does not attend church, does not go to confession and does not consider it necessary to receive communion. And of course, prayer services are not held for sectarians and atheists, as well as for non-Orthodox people, that is, representatives of other religions. The same applies to those people who experience aversion to God, not recognizing the influence of the Almighty on earthly life, and also ignores his commandments.

What changes to expect

But what improvements can we expect? After all, if they don’t exist, why would the magpie be held in three churches at all? According to believers, changes in morale and life circumstances can in some cases be expected after several days have passed since the beginning of the sacrament. Sometimes just two or three services are enough. And the more dangerous the disease and the more severe the problems, the more noticeable the effect is often. But if you take into account the reviews, things don’t always work out so simply and smoothly.

How to explain the fact that the desired changes in fate did not happen (and such cases are known)? Sometimes it is useful to look for the reason within yourself. And it is not necessary to immediately begin to repent of your own sinfulness, although discord with God is quite capable of becoming a significant obstacle to the fulfillment of your plans. But in some cases, a person is simply not ready to accept the help of higher powers in the form in which it arrives. After all, it is difficult to immediately judge which changes should be considered positive and which should not. And it often happens that even a true believer asks the Almighty for something that is not at all for his good.

Sorokoust is a special commemoration that is performed daily for forty days.

The priest's answer: what is magpie and the service for health

Sorokoust is considered a very powerful service, since at each service the name of the specified person “stands before the Lord.”

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It is worth mentioning that there is a magpie about repose, which is especially important for the newly departed, and there is a magpie about health, which can be given for a living, but necessarily baptized, person. However, this whole division is rather arbitrary, since it is believed that “everyone is alive for the Almighty.”

When it is read and what happens to the person

Read during every church service excluding fasting, it lasts 40 days. In short, the magpie for health is a spiritual request to the Lord for help in solving one’s own: both spiritual and physical problems. Such a spiritual request never goes unheeded, and problems usually find their own “beautiful” solutions.

There is information that retribution for a love spell is inherited in the form of a family curse.

The entire clan of the customer suffers, down to the seventh generation.

A love spell is a terrible thing.

In essence, it is damage that cripples the victim, his health and his entire life in general.

You won’t envy the one who committed this black crime - the consequences of the love spell for the customer will be terrible.

— Consequences of a love spell

How much does it cost and how to order at the church

You can order a magpie in any church shop; to do this you need to give the person’s name and pay for the service. It stands differently in different churches. From 20 rubles in the outback, 200 dollars in the capital.

Is it possible to order for yourself and an unbaptized person?

You can order a magpie for yourself, but not for an unbaptized person.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that suits you best and find out what your hidden magical abilities are.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden capabilities.

Remember that the lack of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm, and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devil's influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With some effort and the support of higher powers, you can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help cope with them, ruptures in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications, he is a medium. It's about about the possibility of establishing a connection with spirits and even controlling the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is upset, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and power that could serve for good, I will move to another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all accounts, it’s witchcraft. You can study and cast damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an overwhelming task.

But everything must be used exclusively for the good and done so that others do not suffer, in their innocence, from your superpowers given from above.

Developing inner strength requires at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor.

What is most characteristic of you is telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small and, over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

When choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future, which may be overshadowed by the transition to dark side, if there is not enough strength to restrain yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, conspiracies, spells and everything connected with it are not just words, but yours life choice and the power that is given by the higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision similar to prophetic dream, which you can never forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise you will be swallowed up by darkness and this will be the beginning of the end.