How to store homemade plum marmalade. Plums for the winter - the best recipes

09.09.2016 12 249

Plums for the winter - best recipes

Many housewives, having collected a rich and generous harvest, begin to think and look for useful information about how to prepare plums for the winter. You can prepare a huge number of preparations from beautiful plums; we will focus on the most popular, light and simple recipes that any housewife can prepare...


Drying (curing) plums

How to dry plums? Unique prunes are always useful in the kitchen. Dried plums contain many vitamins, various microelements, and antioxidants. The beneficial substances contained in the composition prevent the growth of bacteria that cause caries. Such healthy fruit definitely need to be prepared for the winter.

In order for plums to dry properly and well, select only the ripest fruits that are falling from the tree or are ready to fall. Not all varieties are suitable for drying; the most suitable are Hungarian and plums with a high content of sucrose and pectin in their composition. An important condition for obtaining good prunes is the presence of dense pulp, easily removable bones when pressed, and the content of pectin and sugar in high quantities.

Healthy plums are selected, the bones are removed, then the fruit must be blanched for 1-2 minutes in boiling water, then dipped in cold water and taken out, allowed to dry a little, and excess liquid removed with napkins. To make the prunes shiny and dark, the plums are soaked in honey syrup (two parts boiling water to one part honey) for 3-5 minutes.

in the photo - a plum is dried (drying) in the sun

You can dry it outdoors, in the sun, or use a special dryer, gas or electric oven. To dry in the sun, spread the cream on a tray or baking sheet in one layer, turning occasionally. Time spent on sunlight is 4-5 days, you need to bring it indoors at night so that the fruit does not become damp. After the dew has dried, they are put outside again. After the specified time, the prunes need to be put in the shade to dry for several days (usually 3-4).

When the prunes are ready, no liquid should come out when pressed, they should be elastic and not crumble in your hands. It is customary to add ready-made dried fruits to meat dishes, use for baking, preparing various desserts or adding piquancy to salads.

Freezing fruits correctly

You can freeze plums to enjoy the natural taste in winter, or cook compote according to a recipe, add delicious dessert, bake a cake, etc. For freezing, dense varieties are used, with a high percentage of sugar content and thick skin, where the inner seed is easily separated. The Hungarian and Kuban Legend showed excellent qualities when frozen, and after thawing they retained their natural taste and shape.

The selected cream is washed thoroughly, but not over-exposed in water, then dried and bones are removed, cut into two parts. Also frozen whole, if necessary for culinary purposes. winter period. Plums are packaged in plastic bags or containers in one layer, sent to freezer.

in the photo - frozen plum

After an hour or two, check if the cream has set and hardened, put it away for a long freeze, putting all the plums in bags or plastic containers. If you put all the available plums in a bag at once and freeze it, in winter it will be difficult to remove the fruits, so the fruits will be easily separated from each other. The storage temperature for plums in the freezer is -16°...-18°C, in such conditions the product is stored for up to six months.

Preparing plum juice

The recipe for making juice is very easy and will not cause any trouble for novice cooks. All useful elements are preserved in plum juice, including insoluble pectin. To prepare plum juice, take 2 kg of fresh fruits, 0.4-0.5 liters of filtered clean water and 100 grams of granulated sugar.

in the photo - plum juice

Take only ripe and overripe plums, which must be washed and pitted. Place the plums in a saucepan, add water, and heat to a temperature of +75°...+80°C. Remove from heat, let stand for a while to soften the plums, then rub the fruit through a sieve or use a juicer.

Pour water from the pan in which the fruits were in the resulting thick consistency, add granulated sugar and put it on the stove again. We wait for the juice to heat up to a temperature of +85 °C and pour it into pre-prepared containers (jars, glass bottles), and roll it up. To adjust the richness of the juice, reduce or increase the amount of water at your discretion to achieve the desired consistency and sweetness.

Making delicious plum pastille and sweet marmalade

To prepare plum marshmallow you will need 1 kg of freshly picked fruits and a little vegetable oil. First, liquid puree is cooked by analogy with the recipe for making plum juice, then it is placed in a pan (not an aluminum one) and boiled until the volume is halved.

in the photo - plum pastille

The plum mass is cooled, laid out on baking sheets, trays, etc., having previously covered the bottom of the mold with parchment greased with oil. The layer of the mass should not be more than 2 cm. The plum mass, packaged in forms, is sent to the oven with an internal temperature of +80 ° ... +90 ° C. An important point When preparing marshmallows, keep the oven door slightly open, otherwise the resulting product will simply be baked. According to the recipe, the approximate cooking time for marshmallows in the oven is 3-4 hours.

When the puree thickens enough and stops sticking to your fingers, the plum pastille is ready. The finished marshmallow is taken out of the oven, cut into wide strips (along with parchment), placed in glass jars and put in the refrigerator for storage.

To make plum marmalade you need 1 kg of plum puree and 500-600 grams of sugar. It is better to cook in a saucepan with a thick bottom, into which the puree is placed, put on low heat and stirred constantly until the mass stops sticking to the bottom. At this point, during the cooking process, the volume will be reduced by half.

in the photo - plum marmalade

Be sure to taste the resulting mixture until it reaches a chewy candy consistency. If the puree is still quite viscous and easy to eat, boil until the required viscosity is obtained.

Line the prepared containers with parchment, spread the plum marmalade in a layer of no more than 2 cm, leave to cool and dry in a dry room for a couple of days. After 2-3 days, the marmalade will easily separate from parchment paper, cut into pieces, dip in sugar. Homemade plum marmalade should be stored in a closed, dry container.

Pickled plum - add piquancy to your dishes

Not every housewife has pickled plums in her kitchen; this product is not that popular, but in vain. Marinated plums will not only decorate dishes for the holiday table, but will also add an unusual taste to meat or side dishes.

For the recipe you will need 5 kg of plums, 1.5 kg of granulated sugar, 250 ml of wine vinegar, 20 g bay leaf, 10 grams of cloves. Ingredients such as ginger, cinnamon or allspice can be used in the recipe as desired.

The plums are placed in a container in small layers, sprinkling each layer with seasonings. The marinade is prepared separately - take 250 ml of wine vinegar, the specified amount of granulated sugar (don’t be alarmed by the thick consistency), mix, put on the flame and simmer until the ingredients are completely dissolved and a homogeneous composition is obtained. The resulting hot, almost boiling syrup is poured onto the plums. The plums may not be completely covered; the plum juice will fill the voids after a while, so no need to worry. Leave to cool for a day.

After 24 hours, the plums are carefully separated from the marinade and the procedure is repeated. Over the next three days, put it on the stove, bring it to a boil, then pour it in again and leave it to cool. It is advisable to drain and boil the marinade twice a day (morning and evening), but the recipe allows you to do it once.

After five days, the fruits are placed in previously prepared clean jars (necessarily sterilized), spices are added and boiling marinade is poured to the very edge of the jars, sealed or rolled up. Pickled plums not only diversify festive table, but will also become a delicious treat for guests.

We make jam and preserves for the whole family

Delicious plum jam will not only be a wonderful treat for tea on a frosty day. winter evening, but will also serve as an excellent filling for various confectionery delights, especially in combination with apples, chocolate, and lemon. After harvesting your plums, be sure to make a couple of jars of jam! There are quite a lot of jam recipes, we will focus on unusual version, very aromatic and unsurpassed in taste, the delicacy is sure to please children and adults.

photo shows the process of making plum jam

To prepare jam from plums in chocolate, according to the recipe, take 2 kg of washed fresh plums, 1 kg of granulated sugar, 40-45 grams of cocoa powder and 40 grams of vanilla sugar. A plum with dense pulp is cut into two parts, the seed is removed, 0.5 kg of sugar is added, carefully mixed, being careful not to crush it, and left for 24 hours in a cool room to release the juice.

After a day, add the remaining sugar, add vanilla and cocoa powder and place on low heat. Stir the plums with gentle movements and cook for 50-60 minutes. For each variety of plum, the cooking time may differ, and the ripeness of the fruit also affects the duration of the process - the riper it is, the faster it will cook. As soon as the plum jam is prepared, transfer the product into jars and roll up.

Plum jam is prepared using a different technology and differs from jam in its consistency, which has a jelly-like structure. For the recipe you will need 1 kg of plums, 1 kg of sugar, 2.5 g of citric acid, 125 ml of purified drinking water. The bones from the plums are removed, cut into 4 parts, placed in an enamel saucepan, and poured with boiling water. Then, stirring constantly, cook for 20 minutes over fairly low heat.

Then they start adding granulated sugar in small portions and cook for another 35-40 minutes, removing any foam that forms. At the end of cooking, add lemon, let simmer for one minute and pour into jars to seal. The jam will differ not only in taste, but also in its beautiful iridescent color.

Unusual plum wine - a luxurious drink for the table

For plum wine, the recipe requires 10 kg of pitted plums, 4.7 kg of granulated sugar and 1 liter of filtered water. The prepared fruits, cut into 2 parts, are placed in a glass jar (bottle), water and granulated sugar are poured in and left in a warm room for 3-4 days, not forgetting to cover the neck with gauze.

in the photo - homemade plum wine

When the fermentation process begins, install a water seal on the bottle or put on a medical glove in the old fashioned way, making one or two punctures in the fingers, and leave for fermentation for 25-30 days.

After a month, the wort is carefully filtered. The pulp must be squeezed out thoroughly, and the wort must be filtered using a fine sieve several times. Now the wine is poured into a clean container (preferably glass), sealed and placed in a dark, cool room for further infusion. You will be able to taste delicious plum wine in 2-3 months.

The longer the wine sits, the tastier and richer it will be. Plum wine has an incredible aroma and pleasant taste, be sure to try it according to the recipe, you can’t buy it in a store! And from wines made from other fruits and berries, plum stands out noticeably.

Fruit marmalade homemade- a great alternative to traditional jam. Plum marmalade is a fairy tale!

Marmalade is a healthy sweet treat that does not spoil your figure. Of course, if it is prepared with all the subtleties. Marmalade made from those fruits that contain a lot of pectin rests on its laurels of championship. This is the one that keeps its shape perfectly. It also lasts longer and feels great in desserts and baked goods. There is a lot of natural pectin in apples, gooseberries, plums, cherries, and currants. Marmalade should not be sweet and cloying, which is why it is often found in many recipes. citric acid. It is taken at the rate of 1 gram per kilo of fruit. You can also use fresh ones.

Good marmalade, to which spices are added for taste. Cinnamon, cloves, etc. are ideal. However, you should add just one thing; a mixture of different spices will disrupt the transparency of the marmalade, it will turn out “cloudy.” We offer a recipe for plums; you can take any variety - both dark and light.

Homemade marmalade - recipe

Simple and delicious recipe Making homemade marmalade using plums as an example. These fruits are especially good for your favorite treat!

Ingredients for homemade marmalade:

  • plums of fleshy varieties - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 1/2 pcs;
  • sweet and sour apples - 1/2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • cinnamon or cardamom - 1 pinch (optional).

Step-by-step recipe for plum marmalade

  1. Pour the fruits into a bowl, wash, remove the stems, remove the seeds. Cut the plum halves into several more pieces (2-4 slices) and place in a thick-walled pan. Chop the apples into slices too and add them to the pan with the plums.
  2. Add sugar to the fruit, cook over moderate heat and stir without interruption. When the fruits have boiled and become soft, remove the plums and apples with a slotted spoon and grind using a metal sieve.
  3. Wash the lemon and grate the zest. Grind the fruit pulp with a blender. Transfer both the zest and lemon puree to the plum mixture. Add spices as desired, cook until the mixture thickens (about 40 minutes). The marmalade should barely boil. Ready?
  4. Immediately pour into pasteurized jars (200 g) and roll up the lids. Do not turn jars of marmalade over their lids! After a day, store it for storage.

There is another option - distribute the plum marmalade into silicone molds and store in the refrigerator. Dessert for any occasion!

Marmalade is a natural and very healthy delicacy. Unfortunately, what you can buy in stores today under this name has nothing in common with it - just a set of preservatives, thickeners and dyes. Real marmalade is prepared by boiling natural fruits and berries with the addition of sugar; you really can’t do without it. And while jam from sweet plums without sugar can still be cooked, the marmalade simply won’t thicken. Proportions are important here. To obtain soft marmalade, only 300 g of sugar per 1 kg is enough, while hard marmalade requires a 1:1 ratio.

And not every fruit is suitable for making marmalade; only those with a high pectin content are suitable. It is this that creates this unique jelly-like structure and makes marmalade so useful - it helps remove it from the human body harmful substances. Apples contain the most pectin, which is why it is still worth adding even to plum marmalade, which is also quite rich in this substance.

How to make plum marmalade for the winter?


  • plums – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 500 g.


Divide the ripe plums into halves and remove the pits. Cover the fruits with sugar and leave for a day - the plums will release a lot of juice. Boil them for about half an hour until soft. Then we rub the berries through a sieve or grind them with a blender. And simmer the resulting mass a little over low heat for about another half hour. Pour into jars and roll up plum marmalade for the winter.

Recipe for plum and apple marmalade


  • plums – 300 g;
  • apples – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • butter - for lubrication.


Peel and core the apples and cut them together with the plums (after removing the seeds from them) into small pieces. Place the fruits in a glass bowl, add sugar and put them in the microwave for 20 minutes, turning it on at full power. We stop the process several times and mix the fruit mass. Reduce the power to half and continue cooking for another 20 minutes, also stirring several times.

The fruit mass will become thicker and begin to solidify on the spoon. Finish the marmalade for 15 minutes at minimum microwave power. Then transfer it to a pre-lubricated butter into a shallow pan or onto a baking sheet and leave to dry for a day. When the marmalade stops sticking to your hands, remove it from the mold and cut into arbitrary pieces. You can sprinkle them with sugar or, like Turkish delight, powdered sugar.

How to make plum and quince marmalade?


  • quince – 1 kg:
  • plums – 1 kg;
  • lemon – 1/2 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1 kg.


Pour about 1.5 liters of cold water into the pan and squeeze lemon juice. We cut the core out of the quince, cut it into small pieces and immediately, so as not to darken, throw it into the pan. Put it on the fire, bring it to a boil and cook for half an hour over low heat. Afterwards, we catch the quince with a slotted spoon, and place the seedless plum halves into the broth. Cook for about 5 minutes until soft. Then we also catch and grind together with the quince using a blender.

To make the marmalade more homogeneous, it is better to rub the puree through a sieve. Add sugar to the fruit mixture, mix and return to the stove. Boil, stirring occasionally, for about 3 hours. until the mixture darkens and thickens. We spread it into a mold lined with parchment in a layer no thicker than 2 cm and dry the marmalade for a day. Then remove it from the mold, remove the parchment and leave the other side to dry overnight. Using molds, cut out hearts, flowers and other figures from the finished layer, roll them in sugar and store the plum-quince marmalade in an airtight container. We deliberately do not indicate the shelf life, since you are unlikely to be able to hide this delicacy for a long time from the greedy eyes and hands of your family and friends.

Currently, autumn continues to give us its late berries and fruits. Since there are still cheap plums on sale, I decided to try it - make plum marmalade at home.

This delicacy pleases us because it is prepared without any additives, but only from healthy ingredients. It’s not difficult to prepare, and the end result is a healthy dessert that removes all harmful substances from our body, and in addition improves functioning digestive tract. I already have marmalade from and in my piggy bank, and now I’m also presenting plum marmalade.

Plum and apple marmalade

Children love plum and apple marmalade; remember the fairy tale by Korney Chukovsky, it is clearly stated there that Barmaley refused this delicacy for the sake of the children. The finished sweet delicacy can be consumed with hot drinks, used for sandwiches with butter and even with cheese or fried meat. Take my word for it - it’s very tasty!

What you need to take for plum and apple marmalade

  • plums - 800 grams;
  • sugar - 900-950 grams;
  • apples - 700 grams;
  • water - 0.5 cups;
  • pectin - 2 tablespoons.

Sequence of making plum and apple marmalade

First you need to prepare all the ingredients for plum marmalade. It is enough to take ripe Ugorka plums, pectin, granulated sugar, apples and water.

Wash the plums well in cold water, divide in half and remove the seeds.

Wash the fall apples too and cut them into four pieces.

Then peel them, remove the core and seeds.

Place the prepared plums and apples in a saucepan with a thick bottom.

Now cover the fruits with sugar and leave for 3-4 hours.

After this time, place the bowl with fruit on the stove and simmer for 20 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. It is advisable to cook in two stages.

Then add pectin, stir and boil for 5-6 minutes.

Cover the selected molds with cellophane; you can use thin food bags or gauze. Pour the finished puree evenly and refrigerate for 3 hours.

Plum and apple marmalade is ready, now cut into slices and test the taste.

It can be cut into cubes or squares, layered with baking paper and folded beautifully into a stack.

For children, you can put the plum-apple delicacy in mini molds.

Plum and orange marmalade

Here is another option for making marmalade with oranges and hiding it temporarily in mini jars for short-term storage in the refrigerator. This dessert is very tasty, since in addition to the mentioned fruits there is also chocolate. Let's cook and try.

Set of raw materials for plum and orange marmalade

  • plums - 1.2 kilograms;
  • orange - 3 pieces;
  • sugar - 1.2 grams;
  • bitter chocolate - 120 grams;
  • pectin 1 tablespoon.

Technology for making plum and orange marmalade

Plums good quality wash under running water and remove the seeds.

Remove a thin layer of zest from bright orange oranges using a special tool. Separate the juice from the pulp.

Place the plums in a saucepan, pour in the juice and pulp, sprinkle zest and sugar on top and set aside the marmalade preparation for four hours.

After this time, place the contents on the stove and cook for 15 minutes over medium heat.

Repeat heating to a boil two more times, in the last step add dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa content to the plum marmalade.

At the final stage, beat the marmalade mass in a blender and add pectin.

Place the finished plum dessert in sterile jars, screw them on and put them in the refrigerator. It is perfect for spreading sandwiches.

Plum marmalade with nuts

If you want to add charm to plum marmalade, then hazelnuts or walnuts. Everything is natural and tasty. Delicious, isn't it?

Ingredients for plum marmalade with nuts

  • plums - 1.2 kilograms;
  • honey - 300 grams;
  • agar-agar - 6 tablespoons;
  • cinnamon - according to your preference;
  • nuts (walnuts or hazelnuts) - 400 grams.

According to the recipe, we prepare plum marmalade with nuts like this:

Divide the plums in half, remove the seeds, rinse in cold water and immediately beat them in your home assistant, adding cinnamon powder according to the recipe presented.

Pour the pureed fruit mixture into a saucepan with a thick bottom and cook for 3-4 minutes.

Remove the shells from the hazelnuts, roast them and pound them in a mortar.

Now add honey to the plum mixture and mix everything carefully. The selected rectangular high shape cover with film, sprinkle with nut powder and pour in the prepared fruit mixture. Then put it in the refrigerator.

After hardening, sprinkle the marmalade on top with nuts and cut into small cubes and you can enjoy the taste sensations.

Know! Plums contain an assortment of beneficial components, vitamins and minerals. They are an excellent source of vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C ( ascorbic acid), folate and vitamin K (phylloquinone). They are also a good source of vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B-6 and vitamin E (alpha tocopherol). The minerals present in them include potassium, fluoride, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium and zinc. They also supply dietary fiber and offer very low calories without any unhealthy fats.

Everyone knows the fact that no sweets in the world can replace homemade ones, be it pies, cakes or cookies. In addition, from time to time it is simply necessary to pamper your loved ones, especially little ones with a sweet tooth.

And if you teach them to cook sweets with you, then it will become for them fun game and will further strengthen the family. It is better to make the filling for pies or other types of dessert from the fruits that grow in your garden. So, a fairly simple and economical preparation option would be homemade marmalade made from bruised or overripe plums in order to minimize harvest losses. There are several ways to make this sweet, but in any case you will need:

  • a small saucepan as a container for cooking fruits;
  • a sieve (can be metal, as it is easier to clean);
  • low, 1-1.5 cm high, container;
  • parchment or baking paper.

If you decide to make plum marmalade, the recipe will surprise you with its simplicity of composition and preparation technology. This will require a minimum amount of your culinary skills. Plum marmalade, of course, takes a lot of your time, but it will certainly turn out successfully if you follow all the points in the recipe.


So, first we prepare the fruits themselves: wash 1 kg of plums, remove the branches, cut them in half and cut out the seeds with a small knife so as not to lose excess juice and pulp. Place the prepared pulp into a saucepan. The container should be fairly thick-walled and preferably without an internal coating, because the plums will have to simmer for quite a long time, and you need to stir during the process exclusively with a wooden utensil, spoon or spatula. Place the saucepan on low heat and gradually add water at the rate of 1 glass of water per 1 kg of fruit so that our plum marmalade acquires a rich taste. As it simmers, the mass must be stirred and kneaded with a spatula until the pulp is completely softened. When hot, it will need to be carefully poured into a sieve and stirred again with the device until all the juice and high-quality puree without fibers and shells seep into the saucepan located underneath. This is done so that the plum marmalade has a uniform consistency and is shiny and even when cut. We put everything back on the lowest possible heat, and when the mass starts to boil, you need to add 400-500 g of sugar and, stirring constantly, cook until the puree becomes sufficiently viscous. Checking this is extremely simple: drop some neem onto a clean plate and, after it has cooled, try it: you need to achieve a tight consistency.

Forming and storage

Now let's move on to molding. Pour the mixture into a low container pre-lined with parchment and leave it for two days in a dry room with sufficient ventilation. During this time, you will get real plum marmalade: the mass will easily come off the paper, and you can cut it and dip each piece in sugar. This dessert should be stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator or dark, dry cabinet.