Khoper River. The cleanest river in Europe

bathe in hot weather everyone loves it. Relaxing on a river or lake is the best pastime during the scorching summer heat. Unfortunately, not all bodies of water in our country are clean.

Can't see the bottom

There are more than 2.8 million rivers in Russia and almost as many lakes. About 96% of lake water reserves are concentrated in the eight largest reservoirs, and 95.2% of them are found in Baikal alone. Almost all of them suffer from waste water, coming from nearby cottage villages and enterprises.

According to the report of the Ministry of Natural Resources on the state environment in Russia in 2016, the total volume of wastewater discharged amounted to 14.7 billion cubic meters. This is 2.1% more than in the previous year, when a slight decrease was recorded. And the discharge of contaminated wastewater, which has not undergone any treatment at all, in 2016 compared to 2015 increased by as much as 10%.

Substances of every taste and color get into the water: oil and petroleum products, manganese, tin, aluminum, mercury, arsenic, furfural, chlorides, phosphates and several dozen more items. The presence and concentration of each of them are criteria for assessing the condition and pollution of water bodies, which is constantly carried out by Roshydromet.

Based on more than 60 hydrochemical indicators, 5 classes of the level of pollution of water bodies were compiled: 1 class - “conditionally clean”; Class 2 – “slightly polluted”; Class 3 – “polluted”; 4th grade – “dirty”; 5th grade – “extremely dirty”.

Angara is the head of everything

According to a 2016 study, there were not many rivers in Russia classified as first class. A partially corresponding assessment can only be given to the Angara River: 51% of its waters are clean, 31% are slightly polluted, 15% are polluted, and the rest are to varying degrees dirty. The main sources of sewage for the Angara are insufficiently treated wastewater and industrial stormwater from Irkutsk enterprises, including the Irkut Corporation.

The situation is a little different along the tributaries of the Angara. Water from streams flowing through the area Irkutsk region, according to Roshydromet, good, but not perfect quality: in 38% of sites it was classified as first class; in 52% of sections - to the second; in 10% of sections (the Iya River within the city of Tulun, the Vikhorev and Biryusa rivers) - to the third. At the same time, 2-8 ingredients and quality indicators out of 13-16 taken into account by Roshydromet in comprehensive assessment waters were polluting.

But as for the tributaries of the Angara in the territory Krasnoyarsk Territory, then the quality of water in them, the department found, was worse. In 44% of the sections it turned out to be dirty, in 56% - “very polluted”.

At the same time, 7-9 ingredients and quality indicators out of 14-16 taken into account in a comprehensive assessment of water quality were polluting. Critical indicators of water pollution in individual tributaries included copper compounds in the Chadobetz and Karabula rivers, aluminum in the Kamenka River and oil products in the Taseyeva River.

Everything will be found

Also in 2016, Roshydromet called about 12% of rivers clean Kola Peninsula. 47% of them were assigned the second class, 23% - the third.

A little more than 4% of the waters of the Lena River are also recognized as clean, about 16 are slightly polluted, and 75 are polluted. The Crimean rivers flowing into the Black Sea were also highly rated - almost 82% of them were assigned the second class. To a large extent, the Neva River is classified in the second category - by 37.5%. Another 62.5% of its waters are classified as polluted.

But the rivers Amur, Ussuri, Kama, Kolyma, Irtysh, Ob and other large objects are almost completely classified as third class. At the same time, the Ob, Volga and Amur basins experience the maximum load from pollution - they account for over 70% of cases of high and extremely high pollution. In total, 2990 of them were recorded in 2016: 988 on the Volga, 809 on the Ob, 372 on the Amur.

Approximately 60% of all cases of surface water pollution occur with suspended solids, manganese, nitrite and ammonium nitrogen. The total contribution of zinc, iron and dissolved oxygen deficiency to surface water pollution is about 10–14% annually. Proportion of surface water pollution with heavy metals (total iron, mercury, nickel, molybdenum, cadmium, lead) over five summer period is within 23–30% of total number cases. At the same time, the number of lead hits alone increased multiple times: to 28 from three to eight cases in 2011-2014. Also in 2016, the amount of surface water pollution with nickel, molybdenum and cadmium increased compared to the previous year.

At the same time, for several years in a row there has been a decrease in the number of cases of contamination with mercury and total iron.

Lots of work to do

If you don’t intervene in the situation today, then gradually environmental class largest Russian rivers, as, indeed, smaller objects, will gradually decrease. And the state understands this. At the beginning of the year, the Ministry of Natural Resources announced plans to carry out environmental rehabilitation of more than 40 water bodies.

Almost largest volume work remains to be done to preserve the long-suffering Volga River. It is assumed that the fight against its pollution will begin with clearing the shore and coastal waters of debris.

However, you can be sure that other works will be affected water bodies. It is not for nothing that Russian President Vladimir Putin, in his last Address to the Federal Assembly, called on parliamentarians to ensure compliance with environmental standards throughout the country.

In the very depths of the Mari forests, among pine forests and dark spruce forests, in the thickets of willow grass, alder, bird cherry and raspberry, replenished from sonorous springs and rivulets, flows the most clean river Mari El, Europe and the whole world!!!

This river's name is Voncha!

What kind of mysterious river is this, why is it given this name? unique status where does it flow?

This will be our story!

On a forest stream
Sergey Karpeev

The river is covered with bird cherry, alder,
And the edges dream of silence and peace.

And the mirror of the backwater is azure glass,
That you can’t understand from the slope where it flows.

Voditsa sleeps languidly under the sparkling dragonflies,
The green-haired spruce tree turned up its nose amusingly.

Sprinkling the lawns with a drop of strawberries,
Golden-streamy highlights fell on the cheeks of the willows,

And the silence is undisturbed, and there is love in the heart,
Where the wonderful forest beauty rests.

Voncha - the cleanest river in the world

First, let's pay attention to the information that is known from the Mari media.

For example, in the newspaper “MARIYSKAYA Pravda”: in the article “Morkinsky rivers are the cleanest in the world!” it was written:

“How many people in the republic know the Voncha and Uba rivers? First of all, probably, fishermen. And, of course, to the residents of the Morkinsky district, through whose territory they flow almost parallel, after which they flow side by side into Ilet. Meanwhile, both rivers are truly unique. It's hard to believe, but Woncha is recognized as the purest in the world, and Uba ranks for this important indicator second place on the planet!”

The well-known Mari portal “MARIMEDIA” reports the following:

“On the website “INTERESTING FACTS OF PLANET EARTH” the Mari region “lit up” as the area with the cleanest reservoirs: these are two tributaries Ilet River- Woncha and Uba. Data on the state of water are based on ethyl-trebutyl analysis. As they explained to us at the Department of Ecology of the Mari State University, the Mariel reservoirs have always been (and are) considered one of the cleanest in the European part of Russia.”

And in general, any search engine on the Internet will always indicate the Voncha River as the cleanest on the planet.

And this river is completely inconspicuous and little known even to many residents of Mari El. The length of the river (with sources) is almost 33 kilometers, some streams dry up in summer, the width of the river is 2-3 meters, except that in the whirlpools and backwaters it spills up to 4-5 meters and a depth of up to 1.5 meters.

It all started with a fabulous summer morning, when in deep childhood my father and I went beyond Katai Mountain to pick mushrooms. The morning was luxurious, the kind that only happens in August, when after yesterday’s rain the cool sun rose over the forest. Radiant shingles hovered in a light fog, sparkled on wet leaves, and hopped like bunnies on the wet grass! The forest was waking up, breathing misty hazes, somewhere taking off heavily from the night feeding of black grouse. The tall-trunked forest proudly raised its copper chain mail, its wet trunks glittered in the sun, shaking off the remnants of the night fog from its shoulders. And then, on our way, the bed of a mysterious forest river opened up! Its banks were like mirages, as if in a fairy tale snags and upside-down trees were standing up. The rays breaking through the crowns were reflected from the water and played in iridescent streams on the trunks and needles of the centuries-old pine forest. "Woncha!" - my father explained to me, and I remembered this first childhood impression of a remote taiga river for the rest of my life! We then collected boxes full of mushrooms: selected boletuses, young boletuses and aspen boletuses, but the miracle was not in the mushrooms themselves, but in that fabulous picture that I saw in the Mari forest!

There were many more trips to the Uba and Voncha valleys, and I happened to find a unique blueberry in those places! A scattering of blueberries in a continuous mass covered the foot of the forest, like spilled ink, I have only seen this in Karelia! Moreover, the berry itself on that blueberry was large, almost the size of a grape! I collected it by the handful and ate it as long as I had the patience! Several times I scared upland game from the fattening area. I have never told anyone the location of this blueberry - let it be preserved! I hope that even now there are not so many people in the protected area to trample these wonderful places full of berries and mushrooms. The water in Voncha has always been the purest, it could be drunk without any fear, and also used for brewing teas and cooking! Even in the hottest summer, its pools contained icy water, which cramped your legs if you managed to ford a river in the taiga wilderness.

From Mari, the name of the river means: “Cross, I’ll cross,” from the verb: “Vonchash - cross, move.” To be precise, in the word “Voncha” the sound “Ch” in the Mari version will be pronounced as something between the sounds “Ch” and “Zh”. For this reason, in the upper reaches this river is sometimes called Vonzha, and accordingly the villages: Vonzhedur and Vonzhepol, where our heroine takes her origins.

(bridge over Voncha River near the village of Vonzhedur)

The Voncha flows through the territory Morkinsky district Mari El, it can be argued that these regions are one of the most wonderful in the Mari region!

Firstly, there is a unique ecology, there are completely no industrial enterprises here, here are the cleanest rivers and lakes, virgin forests!

Secondly, in the Morkinsky district the ancient traditions, rituals and beliefs of the Mari people are still preserved.

Thirdly, literally in a small area of ​​territory, many (not just many, but a huge number) of the best representatives of the Mari people were born and raised: writers, poets, artists, composers ( Chavain, Columbus, Yantemir, Mukhin, Kazakov, Alekseev, Egorov, Evseev, Zakharov, Toidemar, Pekteev and others).

(bridge over the Voncha River near the village of Vonzhedur)

Fourthly, near the Voncha River there are many natural, cultural and historical monuments ( Mount Chuksha, Big And Small Pocket-Kuryk, Poklonnaya Mountain, Yurdur Mountain, pagan groves - Kyusoto, historical villages).

Fifthly, to protect and preserve this unique corner of nature it was created in the 80s of the last century State National Park "Mari Chodra" (and reserve), through whose territory the main part of the Voncha River bed passes.

And behind this village is located Pocket-Kuryk, which is known far beyond the borders of the Mari El Republic, and about which there are legends about Mari giant - Onara!


« Territory of the district, as can be seen from the surviving historical sources, in the 10th century it was inhabited by Votyaks (Udmurts or, as the Mari called them, Odo-Marii), of whom there were many in the direction of the city of Arsk (Tatarstan). During the settlement of the Mari on the left bank of the Volga and their movement from ancient Khlynov (Vyatka) to east direction The Votyaks were forced to liberate the Morkinsky district for the Mari. The village of Arino remains a monument to their stay here. The Votyaks were called Arsk people, hence the city of Arsk and Mount Karman, which served as a fortress during the clash between the Mari and the Votyaks (now Mount Karman Kuryk is taken under state protection). Thus, the Mari, who occupied the lands of the current region between the 11th and 13th centuries, displacing the Votyaks, are currently the most ancient and indigenous inhabitants of the area.

The Mari came here from the right bank of the Volga, where they lived for a significant time in the vicinity of the Chuvash, most likely in the area of ​​​​Tsivilsk (now part of Chuvash Republic), which is noticeable in the costume of the Morkinsky women, who, like the Zvenigovskys, wear sharpans, while in other places such women’s headdress is not found, as well as in the use by the Morkinsky Mari of the word “shamych”, which came from the Chuvash language.
Some of the Mari apparently came to the area from the Yaran side of the Vyatka province. For example, residents of the village of Yaramor have preserved the legend that their ancestors came to this place from near Yaransk, hence the village received the name Yaramari. The inhabitants of the Morkinsky side, like other meadow Mari, were part of the Kazan Khanate. After the fall of the Kazan Khanate, the Morka land became part of the Kazan province of the Russian state.

Morkinsky district is the most Mari. Typical features of the Mari people, their customs, way of life and morals have been preserved here in to a greater extent than is observed in other regions of the Republic of Mari El. Noteworthy is the language of the Morkina Mari, which has been preserved in the greatest purity and is recognized as literary. The Morkinsky Mari have more firmly preserved Mari morals and customs. Thus, the national holidays Agavairem, Semyk, Surem, Shorykyol, Uyarnya, Kugeche, Sorta, etc. are observed here. In addition, as of 1993, there were 51 sacred groves in the Morkinsky district. The national costumes of the Morkina Mari have also been preserved, without undergoing much influence from the Russian or Tatar population. This is mainly noticeable in the embroidery. In the Morkinsky district, more than in other regions of the republic, there are still followers of the true Mari pagan faith.”

The source streams of the Voncha go to the slopes of the Vyatsky ridge - to Mount Chuksha, and before it was a very full-flowing river, which can be determined by the vast valley, but due to deforestation and the formation of fields, the river became somewhat shallow. Now the fields are overgrown, agricultural activity on them is stopped, so the upper reaches of the Voncha River are now being afforested, which has a beneficial effect on the ecological state of the cleanest river in the world!

Further, the river passes through the Kozhlaerskoe and Yurdurskoe lakes. Kozhlaer is translated as follows: spruce lake, and Yurdur is the edge (place) of many lakes. There are legends that this region used to have a dense and impenetrable taiga. But then, due to the advance of the Bulgars (and then the Kazan Tatars), the Mari were forced to retreat deep into the forests, where they hid from tribute and oppression. Here they hunted, fished, and cleared the forest. In these parts, there really were many lakes - the names of villages and pagan groves are still preserved, which confirm this. And now, not far from the Voncha riverbed, you can count dozens of lakes, which rightfully gives the name to this region - Mari Karelia. In these forests, from the bed of the Yushut River to the Arka River, and further to Voncha, there are more than 20 lakes, a small part of which are displayed on our website. These are karst and floodplain lakes on the watershed border of the Ileti and Yushuta rivers.

(kyusoto - sacred grove - Poklonnaya Gora near the Voncha river)

In the same places near the river there is Poklonnaya Gora. On Poklonnaya Hill there is a sacred mountain known throughout the Mari region. It was attended by delegations from Germany, France, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Canada, America, as well as the President of Hungary Arpad Genz.

After Lake Yurdur, the river enters dense forests, passes through a floodplain lake and crosses the Morkinskoe highway. It should be pointed out that this region is very rich in streams and springs, more than thirty of them are known - some of them are developed, for example, the spring at Poklonnaya Gora, the spring at Kutyuk-Kiner, etc. These springs feed the Woncha, and thanks to them, the water in the river is very clean.

After the Morkinsky highway, the Voncha flows through the territory GPNP "Mari Chodra". There are real dense thickets here, where moose, bears, foxes, wolves, hares and many other inhabitants of the forest region live. According to the Park workers, these places are the northernmost distribution area of ​​the Siberian Spruce; further south (beyond Ilet) this species of Spruce is almost never found. There is also evidence that the Voncha River contains very rare fish- European grayling, which is another confirmation of the unique purity of this river!

A dense forest surrounds the river to the very mouth, only on the left bank of the Voncha is the village of Papanino (Shorganyal), where there are almost no inhabitants (only 5 people according to 2004 data), since the main fishery is agriculture, which came to naught after perestroika. All that remains is subsistence farming and forestry (berries, mushrooms, nuts).

Previously, almost a hundred people lived here (in the 50-70s). People were engaged in the preparation of panicles, cuttings, tar smoking and the production of small commercial products from timber (sleighs, skis, heel pads, etc.). In the summer, women and children collected berries and mushrooms and exported them for sale to other regions and republics. There were 3 horses in the agricultural artel. The agricultural farm contained 48 heads of cattle, about 100 sheep and 6 horses. Collective farmers worked together to cut down the forest, uproot stumps, and thus expand the acreage. The store was opened in 1950. A collection point for collecting berries and mushrooms was organized, and a fire tower was built. The village was a base for lumberjacks and, in the summer, for fattening livestock. Village residents were engaged in collecting bast, timber, and wood. There were also local wood craftsmen here. The cooper A. Isaev was famous for making good barrels, and D. Alekseev for making sleighs and sleds. There was never electricity. The telephone was introduced in 1961, and radio communication appeared only in 1967.

Residents were famous for the celebration of Shorykyol. There is a known case when in January 1961, 210 people from surrounding villages came to the holiday on forty-seven sleighs.

Below Papanino, a left tributary flows into the Voncha - Malanmash, which originates near the famous village of Chavainur - where the classic of Mari literature Sergei Chavain lived! From Mari Malanmash is translated as “sought and found,” that is, a place that was searched and found!

In the Voncha valley there is a lot of overmature forest: there are thickets and wilds, many fallen trees forming impenetrable wilds and support! There are many species of animals and birds found here.

After 4-5 km. Woncha flows into Ilet River, nearby is Leushkino, where the forest guard house is located Reserve "Mari Chodra" and a large apiary.

The banks of the Ileti in these places are very picturesque; the basis of the forest is made up of coniferous trees with an admixture of deciduous trees. The banks of both rivers are overgrown with willow, currants, rose hips, all intertwined with wild hops and blackberry vines. Real impenetrable thickets are formed.

After the mouth of the Voncha there is a large hole known to fishermen - the Black Whirlpool, and then the streams from it pour into a long reach that stretches to the mouth of the Uba. In the Black Whirlpool, pike and perch are excellently caught using spinning rods!

(valley of the Uba and Voncha rivers, Kerebelyak Mountain on the left, Yurdur Mountain in the distance - view from Sanatorium)

Woncha flows into Ilet opposite the northwestern spurs of the Sotnur Highlands. WITH high mountain, which is located above the left bank of the Ilet, offers picturesque views of the reserve and the valleys of the Ilet, Voncha and Uba rivers. In the distance you can see Maple Mountain, Kerebelyak Highlands and Yurdur Mountain.

Many water tourists who have rafted along the Ileti know these places. Here untouched nature, silence and great fishing! You need to park on the left bank - the Reserve is on the right. Usually in the summer, near the mouth of the Voncha, a pedestrian bridge is made to cross from Leushkino to the left bank Ileti. From there a forest road leads to the villages of U-Tumer and Petyaly.

In conclusion, I would like to note that several years ago I met a school friend in Krasnogorsk, Vladimir Mikhailov, whose friend works as a huntsman in a nature reserve. We got to talking - he told me that he was treating his arthritis at an apiary in Leushkino. Moreover, he didn’t take any medications, he just lived there, ate fresh honeycomb honey, beebread, drank propolis tincture, rested, fished, planted bees on his sore joints so that they would sting him. After two weeks of such treatment, the disease went away, his health improved significantly, and he took honey and food with him to repeat the course of treatment at home! Vladimir also noted the uniqueness of the ecology in this region, that no matter how clean the air in the Krasnogorsk region is, the cleanliness of the air in the protected area is an order of magnitude higher! Probably as a healing factor great value for a person, the fact of living in such a protected region has!

Verzasca is a 30-kilometer mountain river that flows through the valley of the same name in Ticino, the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland. The beginning of the river is high in the mountains, at a peak 2864 meters high. Its path runs south: the Verzasca flows through picturesque valleys, where it then flows into a mountain lake in Maggiore, located between Italy and Switzerland.

What makes the delightful river unique is that it consists of crystal clear turquoise waters and colorful multi-colored stones strewing its bottom. What also gives Verzasca its special beauty is that throughout its entire length, from its source to its confluence with the lake, the river is accompanied by lush Mediterranean vegetation. Thus, tourists, scuba diving enthusiasts and connoisseurs of true natural beauty come from all over the world to admire the clear waters of the river, surrounded by vineyards and forests.

Currently, the Verzasca River, located in central region Swiss Alps, deservedly considered one of the most beautiful rivers Europe. Her temperature purest waters quite low: usually even in the hottest weather it does not exceed 10 degrees. The depth of the mountain river is relatively small - up to 10 meters. At the same time, there are places on Verzasca that are quite dangerous due to the turbulent underwater current.

Swimming in the river is prohibited: the water is very cold. However, despite this ban, there are always daredevils who express a desire to plunge into pure, but mercilessly icy waters Verzaski. And, since because of this, situations with unfavorable outcomes have already occurred on the river, today local “overseers” work here, warning people about the danger and directing them to relatively safe places on the river for swimming.

But, in fairness, it is worth saying that these are not just safe places on Verzasca, but natural baths that the river washed in the rocks, making its way through them over many years. It is in such “containers” that the water becomes suitable for swimming, and in the summer it is favorite places large quantity vacationers.

Verzasca is especially popular among diving enthusiasts. Agree that looking at the world from a 10-meter depth through the emerald distortion of water is such an unforgettable sight that it encourages people to come here from afar. It is believed that the most favorable time The period for scuba diving is from the last weeks of spring to the first weeks of autumn.

Besides, clear waters Verzascas provide the opportunity to admire stones of various shades, which have been polished smoothly by the river over thousands of years. It's amazing that in this mountain river There are no living organisms at all. According to scientists, the secret of the crystal-unique purity of Verzasca lies precisely in the absolute absence of flora and fauna in its waters, which, in turn, is explained increased acidity reservoir

In 1959, a dam was built on Verzasca, which reaches a height of 220 meters. It limits the volume of water flowing into Lake Maggiore. This dam is also very attractive to tourists. They use it as one of the highest platforms for extreme bungee jumping. Not everyone can do bungee jumping and jump from great heights!

Such an incredibly spectacular and extreme jump was made here by the bravest and most legendary movie hero - agent 007. It was on the Verzasca dam that the famous scene included in the Bond film GoldenEye was filmed, when James Bond (in the role of Pierce Brosnan) makes a spectacular jump from high platinum. Global polls show that the popular spy's dam jump is one of the best stunts in modern cinema.

Another attraction of this area is the Roman Bridge. It is a double stone bridge, which is built in the shape of an arch. Walking along it allows you to see Verzasca from a different angle and fall even more in love with its ornate curves, fantastic purity and unique color of water. The cleanest river in the world - Verzasca - again and again makes you admire it endlessly!

Voncha River flows through the wilderness of the Mari forests, through pine and spruce thickets of trees, through shrubs - alder, bird cherry, raspberry. It is replenished by clean springs and small rivers. Few people know that this river Voncha is the cleanest river in the world, and not just in the Mari El Republic and Europe.

The length of the Voncha River is 33 km, it is a tributary of another small river, Ilet. The width of this river is only 2-3 m, and the depth is 1.5 m. The cleanliness of the river was determined experimentally in Mari State University. To do this, an ethyl-trebutyl analysis was carried out and then repeated. The results of laboratory research amazed scientists; it has long been known that mostly clean rivers flow in the republic, but this is the first time the scientific community has encountered such crystal purity.

The name of the river “Voncha” is translated from the Mari language as “I will cross”, “cross” (Vonchash - to cross, to move). There is some variation in the sound of this name - in the upper reaches it is called “Vonzha”, and from it came the names of the villages “Vonzhedur” and “Vonzhepol”. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the Mari

The Voncha flows in the most wonderful regions of Mari El - in the Morkinsky district, which is famous for its unique environmental situation. There are no industrial facilities or enterprises nearby, the cleanest rivers flow in the area and you can enjoy the reservoirs with the most clean water, and walk through pristine scaffolding. The Morkinsky district still honors the traditions of the Mari people; here you can get acquainted with their ancient rituals and beliefs.

Near the Voncha River you can find other natural, historical and cultural monuments. For example, such as Chuksha Mountain, Poklonnaya Mountain, pagan groves - kyusoto, historical villages, Big and Small Pocket-Kuryk, Yurdur Mountain.

In the 1980s, the State National Park"Mari Chodra" specifically for the preservation and protection of this untouched corner of nature. A large part of the Voncha River bed is located on the territory of the reserve.

The source of the Voncha River begins in the Morkinsky district of Mari El near the village of Vonzhedur (Vonchydur). The very name of the village indicates the proximity of the river; translated from Mari, the name of the village sounds like a place near the Voncha River (Vonzha). Near the village of Vonzhedur, 2 streams merge, which turn into a permanent river.

The source streams themselves originate on the slope of the Vyatka ridge - in Mount Chuksha. Once upon a time, the Voncha River was full-flowing, which is determined by the vast valley it occupied. Then the river became shallow due to deforestation and the formation of fields. IN at the moment The cultivation of fields has been stopped, which has a very beneficial effect on the condition of the cleanest river in the world.

The Vonchi Valley is made up of a thicket of impenetrable forest. There are many fallen dry trees here, which makes the area inaccessible to ordinary person. There are also many birds and animals here.

The Voncha River ends its path after 4-5 km, here it flows into the Ilet River. Nearby there is a forest guard house of the Mari Chodra Nature Reserve in the village of Leushkino and a large apiary.

Voncha is also famous for its rare fish specimens. For example, European grayling is found in its waters - very rare species fish. This once again confirms the status of the river and its uniqueness!

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