What kind of coin did Aria Stark give to the captain? Arya Stark isn't the only one who changes faces in Game of Thrones

In this article you will learn:

Arya Stark from Game of Thrones- a character created by George R.R. Martin for the books “A Song of Ice and Fire”, as well as the heroine of the series “Game of Thrones”.

In the series, she is played by Maisie Williams.


Arya - born in 289 after AC. in the family of Lord Winterfell and Lady Catelyn Tully. She is the most youngest child in the family. Arya has brothers Robb, Bran and Rickon, a sister, and a paternal brother.

Character and appearance

WITH early childhood she was nicknamed “Arya the Horse”: the girl’s face had elongated features, characteristic of the Starks. Arya had brown hair who were always disheveled and had gray eyes. It was not difficult to confuse her with a boy.

Arya had an intolerable temperament. She was daring, brave, decisive, noble and loved freedom very much.

Unlike Sansa, her older sister, she never gravitated towards activities suitable for a lady. The girl preferred boyish games with her brothers and classes with edged weapons to sewing and small talk.

House Stark from the series

Game of Thrones

Each Stark child at one point received a direwolf pup, which were found in the Winterfell forest. Arya named her direwolf Nymeria after the warrior from legends.

When Eddard accepted King Robert's offer to become his Hand, he decided to take Arya and Sansa with him: the girls would spend time with royal family and in the future, perhaps, to contact Robert's sons by marriage. At that time the girl was 9 years old.

Before going to serve in the Night's Watch, one of Arya's older brothers, the bastard Jon Snow, gave her a thin sword, to which she gave the name Needle.

On the way to the South, to King's Landing, Arya met the son of a butcher, Mika, with whom she became friends and often trained in fencing. One day they were caught doing this by Sansa and the king's son, Joffrey Baratheon. Joffrey decided to mock the boy and attacked him with a real sword, but Nymeria rushed at the prince and bit him on the hand. After this, Arya drove away the she-wolf, who was facing execution for attacking the prince. Joffrey's bodyguard, Sandor "The Hound" Clegane, subsequently killed Micah on the prince's orders.

In King's Landing, he assigned Arya a "dancing teacher" - Syrio Forel. In fact, Sirio taught her fencing. Doing one of training tasks Syrio, Arya climbed into the dungeons of the castle, where she overheard a conversation between member of the royal council Varys and Master of Pentos Illyrio Mopatis, from which she learned about the possible the coming war. Shortly thereafter, Eddard was taken into custody on charges of treason. Arya escaped from the castle through a secret passage she found.

She lived for some time in Flea End, catching and selling pigeons. Arya was present in the city square when her father was executed. There she was recognized by the Watch recruiter, Yoren. He took Arya away from the square so that she would not watch the execution itself, cut off her hair and took her away from King's Landing.

Maisie Williams as Arya Stark

Clash of Kings

With Yoren and the new recruits of the Watch, Arya went to the North. She was introduced as Arry, a boy recruit. On the way, the squad was attacked; Arya, along with several recruits, including Gendry, the bastard of King Robert, managed to free three Watch prisoners and escape.

For some time, Arya and her companions continued their journey north, but were caught by the detachment of Ser Grigor "The Mountain" Clegane. Captured, they were taken to Harrenhal, where Arya became a servant to the Lannisters. There she met the prisoners she had freed. One of them, Jaqen H'ghar, came to Arya in the middle of the night and offered to tell her three names of people whom she would like him to kill in gratitude for her release. The first one killed by Jaqen was one of Clegane's soldiers, Chiswick. Next was the Harrenhal servant Wiz, who beat Arya for any mistake. Then Arya came up with her list of people whose death she wanted - she repeated it every day before going to bed.

Arya's original list

1) Ser Gregor Clegane
3) Polliver
4) Chiswick
5) Ruff the Handsome
6) Tickler
7) Sandor Clegane
8)Ser Amory Lorch
9) Visa
10)Ser Ilyn Payne
12)Ser Merrin Trant
14)King Joffrey

When Jaqen asked Arya for a third name, she asked him to help her free the captured Northmen brought to Harrenhal Castle. Jaqen refused, and Arya called his name, after which he agreed on the condition that she give him another name to replace it. Together with Jaqen and other captured Watch recruits, Arya freed the Northmen. Jaqen changed his face and left Arya a parting coin of Braavos.

Storm of Swords

Arya's journey to the North continued. For some time she traveled with members of the Brotherhood without Banners, one of whose members recognized her. Soon enough, Arya and the Brotherhood parted ways and, having left him, she was captured by Sandor Clegane, who decided to take her to the Riverlands to the relatives of Lady Catelyn for a reward.

Together with Clegane, Arya reached the Frey castle in the Riverlands, just in time for the Red Wedding, at which her mother and older brother Robb died. Arya tried to rush into the castle, but Sandor held her back. They then headed to Riverrun, but on the way, Clegane was mortally wounded at a road tavern.

Arya left the dying Sandor on the road and went to the Saltworks, where she boarded the ship "Daughter of the Titan" to Braavos, paying the captain with the coin she received from Jaqen.

Feast of Vultures

Once in Braavos, Arya found the House of Black and White: the abode of the faceless, secret society murderers and the Temple of the Many-Faced God. She remained in the temple, where she received a chance to learn from the priest. Arya had to get rid of the clothes and personal substances that accompanied her old life, but she couldn’t throw the Needle away and hid it.

According to the priest's instructions, Arya had to pretend to be Cat Cat, the fisherman's assistant. Her main task was to find out the secrets of people on the streets and convey them to the priest.

After some time, Arya became blind due to the milk she drank every evening.

Art of Arya Stark

A Dance with Dragons

Then she received a new guise from the priest - she became blind Beth and had to beg on the streets of Braavos, simultaneously learning people's secrets and learning to lie, as well as recognize lies. Arya regained her sight, recognizing the priest who struck her. After this, the priest sent her for the first murder and brought her to secret room in the temple, where faces of different people hung everywhere.

After Arya completed this task of the priest, she received the robe of the Black and White House and was sent for further training to the faceless Isenbaro.

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In George R.R. Martin's PLIP cycle, most of the main characters (and even some minor ones) in addition to rich history, character and general motive of “growing up” has its own unique line. In a nutshell, this can be described as follows: Robb’s motive is becoming a “leader”, Sansa’s motive is becoming a “lady”, Bran’s motive is becoming a “sage”, Jon’s motive is becoming a “commander”, Arya’s motive is becoming a "killer". There are many other heroes, and it’s easy to argue with my interpretation, but as I read the texts, I came across confirmation of my own thoughts many times, so I’ll just outline some of them in more detail in these articles about the heroes of “The Song.”

You can read a short biography of Arya in a good article on the Russian-language wiki in the cycle.

For queries in English, use the name " Arya Stark».

The role of circumstances

Circumstances push many PLIP characters to take very uncharacteristic actions, but in the case of Arya Stark, the villainess Fate decided to make fun of her to her heart's content. The child has to comprehend the wisdom of life during a relatively peaceful journey for all the other heroes to King's Landing from Winterfell. She asks the butcher's son to help her with fencing, but as a result of circumstances the boy is killed. No one except Arya mourns this death.

Subsequently wanderings youngest daughter Ned Stark becomes the darkest and most cruel. Even the atrocities of Theon Greyjoy (and his fate in A Dance with Dragons) cannot compare with the number of deaths that will await the girl on the way to Braavos, and with the amount of cruelty that singled her out storyline J. Martin.

After her father's execution (which she was perhaps the only one of the Stark children to see in its entirety in King's Landing), Arya heads to the stables to get out of the city. There she accidentally kills needle another simple guy.

During her journey through Westeros, Arya changes direction a dozen times. Detailed map her wanderings was compiled by painstaking fans. Here you can see how much Arya had to endure in just three years. Almost every point on the map is several dead people. Almost always, Arya killed at least one of them herself.


Arya Stark's character resembles that of her aunt Lyanna, whose fate is still shrouded in darkness. Lyanna died before Arya was born and her death became the reason (the reason, not the reason!) for the attack of the Baratheons and the overthrow of the Targaryen dynasty. It is not difficult to see a certain similarity between the two destinies - people constantly die around them, they become the cause of wars, brawls, brawls, duels, etc. etc.

However, both of them - Arya and Lyanna - were by no means feminine character. We studied fencing and rode horses beautifully. However, Lianna was beautiful, and Martin constantly wrote about Arya how “simple” and “boyish” she was. Many heroes, when they first met Arya, considered her a boy. Sometimes she pretended to be a boy on purpose.

But even in a beautiful dress with an elegant hairstyle, she could not pass for a lady. And her older sister, septa and mother always didn't like it. But she was completely satisfied with her father, whom she resembled more than all the other legitimate children.

Although fans corrected this shortcoming of the little heroine in beautiful fanarts.

From Arya Stark to Cat-Cat

During her wanderings, Arya almost always had to hide her identity. Here is a list of the names she used: Arry, Weasel, Dove, Solinka, Nan, mouse, sheep, ghost of Harrenhal, Cat Cat, Beth. Finally, her journey ended in Braavos, where she stopped to train in a community of assassins - the Temple of the Many Faces.

Now her task is to become Nobody. But she stubbornly continues to cling to her first name - Arya Stark, because (like all Ned's children) she is a warg. Her connection with Nymeria has crossed great distances and makes her part of the destroyed family of rulers of the North.

Arya and Death

The death of others is all around Arya. At first she kills only by chance, then she does it deliberately, and then she learns to kill on someone else's orders. Over the course of several books, she is always with her evening prayer- a list of people she wishes dead.

For comparison, here are two murders Arya commits at the beginning and half of her journey.

“Everything that Syrio Forel taught her disappeared in the beating of her heart. And in a short moment of sudden horror, Arya was able to remember only the very first lesson that Jon Snow taught her.

She hit him with the sharp end, pointing the dagger upward, with wild, hysterical force.

The needle pierced his leather jacket and the white flesh of his stomach and emerged between his shoulder blades. The boy dropped the pitchfork and either sighed or groaned loudly. His hands closed around the blade.

“Oh gods,” he groaned as his undershirt began to turn purple. - Take it out.

When she did this, he died."

And later:

“The tickler backed away, and Arya sensed his fear. His short sword now it seemed almost like a toy compared to Sandor's blade, and it also had no armor. But he moved quickly and easily, never taking his eyes off Clegane. Going into his back and sticking a knife into it turned out to be easier than ever.

– Is there gold in the village? – Arya shouted, stabbing him with a blade. - Silver? Gems? - With every question she applied new blow. - Provisions? Where is Lord Berwick? “She straddled him, continuing to pound him. -Where did he go? How many knights? How many archers? How much, how much, how much, how much? Is there gold in the village?

Her hands were red and sticky when Sandor pulled her away."

While we're talking about quotes, here's another one. The sorceress said that Death is wandering around Arya:

“I see you,” she whispered. - I see you, little wolf. Bloody child. I thought it was the lord who smelled of death... - And the old woman suddenly burst into tears, shaking with her whole small body. - It was cruel to come to my hill, cruel! I'm fed up with the grief of the Summer Castle, I don't need yours. Be gone, dark heart. Away!"

Popularity of Arya Stark

According to numerous polls on the topic of favorite heroes in the PLIP cycle, it turned out that Arya Stark and Tyrion Lannister are the two most popular characters. How to explain the dwarf’s fame is a question for another article. The girl attracts attention with a whole galaxy of qualities and designer “gifts”.

First of all, Arya Stark is sincere. This is reproached by most of the heroes she meets, from Sansa to Sandor. Arya always says everything to people's faces, she never lies and does not try to lie. The forced lie at the beginning of the saga (that she is a boy) is difficult for her and she gets rid of this burden as soon as possible.

Arya is naive. Her POVs (English: “point of view” - point of view) are the most childish. Of course, if Martin does a POV from baby Rickon's point of view in the new book, Arya will have some competition. But for now she is the youngest character among the main characters in the cycle. Because of her age, and also because no one really took up Arya’s upbringing, her position in the world is the most open. She captures the essence of things.

Arya Stark has changed a lot in her life over the six seasons of Game of Thrones. At the beginning of the HBO series, she is a high-born girl who wants to learn how to fight with swords instead of learning how to put on a dress. At the beginning of the series, Arya makes a list of names of people she wants to kill, which she repeats every evening.

In Season 7 (premiering July 16), she returns to Westeros, reminding her enemies of the Stark name and who she is as she slowly kills them. But who will be next and why?

Why on the list: Cersei falsely accused Eddard Stark, Arya's father, of treason and had him arrested, leading to his execution.
Status: Alive, sitting on the Iron Throne. And she probably drinks a lot of wine, which makes her an easy target.

Why on the list: For carrying out the execution of Eddard Stark on Joffrey's orders.
Status: Alive. We haven't seen him for a long time. And he's not as important as some of the others on the list that are still walking around Westeros with beating hearts.

Why on the list: Took Henry from the Brotherhood.
Status: Alive and very, very old, exiled from Winterfell by Jon Snow. She headed south and last time When we saw Arya, she was in the Riverlands. Therefore, it is likely that their paths will cross again. Maybe Arya will forgive her for resurrecting Jon Snow. But most likely not.

Status: Alive. Perhaps Arya will be able to kill him, but most likely his friend Thoros from Myr will help him again.

Why on the list: For selling Henry to Melisandre.
Status: Alive. To kill Beric Dondarrion for good, she will have to kill Thoros before he can bring his friend back from the dead.

Why on the list: For stealing her sword, Needle, and for killing her friend Lommy.
Status: Dead. Arya stabbed him in the throat with a needle right after she returned it from his inn in Westeros.

Why on the list: For ordering the execution of Eddard Stark, Miki. And because he is a really, really, really scary person.
Status: Dead. Poisoned by Petyr Baelish and Olenna Tyrell. Arya's only regret about Joffrey's death is that she missed the chance to kill him with her own hands.

Why on the list: For torturing people at Harrenhal and threatening to rape her.
Status: Dead. Arya killed him when he attacked her and "The Hound"/Sandor Clegane.

Why on the list: For torture at Harrenhal and for raiding the river valleys.
Status: Zombie. Oberyn Martell killed him, but the disgraced Necromancer Maester Qyburn brought him back to life as Ser Robert Strong as a result of his experiments.

Sandor Clegane / The Hound

Why on the list: For killing Mika's friend, a butcher boy, on Joffrey's orders on the King's Road back in the first season.
Status: Alive. Aria left him dead at the end of the fourth season, but he was saved by Brother Ray. Even though she left him for dead, they eventually became friends. So if their paths crossed again, she probably wouldn't kill him.

Why on the list: He was the mastermind behind the Red Wedding. Walder Frey could not come to this decision on his own.
Status: Dead. His own son Trayon shot him with a crossbow while he was in the toilet.

Why on the list: For the murder of Syrio Forel, Arya's dance instructor. He was the first person on her list.
Status: Dead. Brutally killed. In a brothel in Braavos, Arya punched him in the eyes, then slowly stabbed him to death, reminding him who she was.

Why on the list: Do we really need to remind you what happened at the Red Wedding?
Status: Dead. Before Arya cut his throat, she fed him a pie, which she filled with the meat of his sons Lothar and Black Valder.

Maisie Williams as Arya Stark in season six

Arya Stark is a fictional character created by American writer George R. R. Martin. Arya has a bright character, a strong will and a unique view of the world around her. He is one of the central characters (POV) in all books of the series of fantasy novels “A Song of Ice and Fire”.

First introduced in the 1996 novel Game of Thrones, Arya is the youngest daughter of Lord Eddard Stark and his wife Lady Catelyn Stark. She is willful, independent, despises traditional feminine activities, and is often mistaken for a boy. She has a sword called Quill (a gift from Jon Snow) and has trained in the Braavosi style of sword fighting. The role of Arya in the HBO series of the same name is played by British actress Maisie Williams. Her performance received critical acclaim, especially in the second season, when she worked alongside veteran actor Charles Dance (Tywin Lannister), playing his cupbearer. She is one of the most popular characters in any version of the Games' history.



Arya is the third child and youngest daughter of Eddard and Catelyn Stark. She has five siblings: older brother Robb, two younger brother, Bran and Rickon, older sister Sansa and finally Jon Snow's illegitimate half-brother.

Maisie Williams plays the role of Arya Stark in the television series.


Unlike Sansa, who enjoys activities befitting noble maidens, Arya shows no interest in dancing, singing and sewing, but rather prefers swordplay, hunting and adventure, which her mother views with great disdain. She is especially close to her bastard brother Jon Snow, who encourages her to learn how to fight and gives her a sword, which Arya names Needle. Throughout her journey, Arya shows greater resourcefulness and cunning and becomes increasingly ruthless.

At the beginning of the story, Arya is mostly seen as an ugly, boyish girl, but there are several examples in the books of her being compared favorably to her Aunt Lyanna, who often caught male glances. In addition, Arya has a direwolf, Nymeria, which she could control in her sleep.



Game of Thrones

Arya travels with her father Eddard Stark to King's Landing when he is called to replace the former Hand of the King. Before leaving her stepbrother Jon Snow gives her a parting gift - a sword, which she calls Needle.

During her sister Sansa's walk with Prince Joffrey, the prince began to mock Arya and her friend Mika, the butcher's son, with whom they were training to fight with swords in the forest. Arya protects Micah from Joffrey, with her direwolf Nymeria also helping, wounding the prince's arm. Knowing that Nymeria would likely be killed after attacking Joffrey, Arya drives her wolf away, causing Arya to be ordered to kill Sansa's direwolf instead, and Mika is soon killed by Sandor "The Hound" Clegane.

Already in the royal harbor, her father arranges fencing lessons for Arya under the guidance of the sword master from Braavos, Syrio Forel, who teaches her the art of battle in his “dancing lessons”. After her father's arrest, Syrio fights off Lannister guards and Arya narrowly escapes capture. She later witnesses her father's execution.

Clash of Kings

Arya escapes from the royal lands along with the Night's Watch recruiter Yoren and his party of conscripts. On the road, she encounters fellow Night's Watch recruits Lommy, Gendry, and Hot Pie and ends up befriending them. While on the road, the night watch party is attacked by Amaury Lorch. Arya and several other children managed to escape, but the rest of the recruits were cut down. Before escaping, Arya rescues the prisoner Jaqen H'ghar.

Arya and her friends are later captured by Gregor Clegane and taken to Harrenhal, where they begin to serve Lord Bolton. After watching her relatives die, Arya reads her " night prayer" - a list of the names of those people whom she wants to take revenge on. At Harrenhal, she is reunited with Jaqen, who, in return for her saving the lives of him and two other prisoners, offers to kill three people she names; after she named the two people, the third on the list was Jaken himself. However, in exchange for his life, Jaken helps her kill the guards at the gate and leave with her friends. Arya asks him to teach him how to be a Faceless One, to which Jaqen gives her unusual coin and tells Arya to remember the phrase “Valar Morghulis” (“all men must die” in Valyrian) and say it upon arrival in Braavos, if her wish is still valid.

Storm of Swords

As Arya Stark and her companions continue their journey north, she begins to miss her lost direwolf Nymeria. She and her comrades are later discovered by a group of Brotherhood Without Banners mercenaries, who recognize Arya Stark. At the Brotherhood's secret base, Arya encounters Sandor Clegane, where she accuses him of killing Mika, but the Hound (Sandor's nickname) survives trial by combat and is freed.

After some time, Arya tries to escape from the Brotherhood, but she is kidnapped by Sandor Clegane, who plans to return her to her family for a reward. They head to Gemini, where the wedding of Edmore Tully and Roslyn Frey is to take place. Upon arriving there, the Hound and Arya see that a massacre is beginning. The Hound realizes that this is a trap for the King of the North and escapes with Arya. Sandor decides to obtain ransom from her uncle Brynden Tully in Riverrun. On the way, they meet two men from Arya's death list, and during the ensuing fight, Sandor is seriously wounded, after which Arya leaves him to die. Next, Arya goes to the city of Saltworks. Here she boards the ships, giving the captain the coin that Jaqen gave her at Harrenhal, and heads to Braavos.

Feast of Vultures

Arriving in Braavos, Arya heads to the House of Black and White. Here she meets kind man, Arya persuades him to give her a chance to become faceless. A kind man orders her to get rid of her past and throw out all her things. She drowns her things in the sea near the Temple, but she cannot part with the “needle” sword, which her brother Jon Snow gave her, so she hides it under a broken stone on the steps in front of the Temple.

Arya begins to live in the Temple of the Many-Faced God, she is assigned to serve in the kitchen, sweep the temple, and also wash the bodies of the dead. IN free time she learns the Braavian language and how to lie. The kind man constantly asks “Who are you?”, to which Arya replies “nobody,” but he does not believe her, suggesting that the girl is lying and does not want to give up the identity of Arya Stark.

A kind man is not pleased with her knowledge of the Braavian language and accent, so he sends her to the city, like Kat - a fisherman's assistant. She must also learn the secrets of the city's inhabitants. Every moonless night, the girl must return to the temple and report three new things she has learned.

She later met Night's Watch deserter Dareon, whom she killed. After Arya returned to the Temple, the Good Man asked, as usual, about the three things she had learned. The girl said that Daeron died and Arya Stark killed him. The faceless man gave her some warmed milk to drink and sent her to bed. In the morning the girl woke up blind.

A Dance with Dragons

Arya remains blind and continues to be in Black and white house Braavos. She still sees dreams through the eyes of her direwolf, but does not tell anyone about it.

A blind girl learns in the Temple of the Many Faces to recognize potions and poisons using her senses of smell, taste and touch. She also studies classical Vallyrian, as well as the dialects of Lyss and Pentos. All her previous duties were also with her - helping in the kitchen, cleaning, washing the dead.

While Arya is blind, she wanders the streets of Braavos, improving her lying skills and successfully detecting the lies of others.

Every time she returns to the temple, the Good Man asks her what three new things she learned. After Arya reveals that the third thing is that the Good Man is the one who came to beat her in the temple. When asked how she knew this, the girl replied: “I told you three things – this is already the fourth.” The Good Man returns Arya’s sight. (She learned this thanks to a “wolf dream” - during one of her walks, a cat followed Arya, and through his eyes she was able to see the Good Man, who had crept up and was preparing to hit Arya).

Having regained her sight, Arya continues to serve in the temple of the Many-Faced God. To prove her obedience and humility, the Good Man gives her a new task: Arya needs to kill an old man (well over 50) who sells receipts for sailors (If the ship sinks or is captured by pirates, he undertakes to pay the cost of the ship along with the cargo). She watches him for several days, thinking about how to kill him. Finally, the girl returns to the Temple and tells the Good Man that she knows how to end his life. So that no one recognizes the girl, the Good Man decides to give her a different face and takes her to the third underground tier of the Temple of the Many-Faced God, where only priests are allowed. Entering there, the girl saw a thousand faces on the walls - old and young, smooth and wrinkled, male and female. Arya gets the face of an ugly old woman. In the morning she returns to the harbor. There she finds one captain who was going to use the services of the old man. The old woman cuts his wallet, as a result of which the coins fall to the ground and replaces the one that she poisoned in advance. The old man had a habit of testing coins, so he would soon die of cardiac arrest.

Returning to the temple, the Good Man praises the girl and says that she is not hopeless, but she still has a lot to learn. Afterwards, he returns Arya Stark’s face to her and gives her the black and white clothes of a novice of the Temple of the Many-Faced God. In the morning she goes to her mentor to begin her first apprenticeship.

Winds of winter

In the spoiler chapter, Arya continues her training with the Faceless Ones.

TV series

Season four

Arya's storyline in the series begins to diverge from the book in the fourth season, when Sandor Clegane's wound in a battle with Polliver and the Lannister soldiers turns out to be non-fatal. After which Arya and the Hound still managed to get to the eagle's nest, but were forced to immediately return back as soon as they learned that Arya's aunt, Lysa Arryn, had probably committed suicide. Returning from the bloody gates, they encounter Brienne of Tarth, who has sworn to Lady Catelyn to take Arya under her protection. Not trusting Brienne, the Hound tries to kill her, but she severely wounds him. At this time, Arya manages to hide from Brienne, and after Tarth leaves the battlefield, Arya comes out of hiding and takes silver coins wounded Dog, leaving him to die. She then meets the captain, who offers her a trip to Braavos.

Season 5

Arya is welcomed into the black and white house by a man who wears the face of Jaqen H'ghar. Jaqen was impressed by her ability to lie quietly when she convinced a terminally ill girl to drink poison. After this, she receives the task of killing the corrupt insurance agent. However, she is distracted from her mission by the arrival of Ser Meryn Trant in Braavos, who tried to detain her during her sword training and killed her teacher, Syrio Forel. Additionally, Trant was placed on Arya's death list. She disguises herself as a prostitute and infiltrates the brothel, where she kills Ser Merrin. However, Jaqen learns of her deviation from the ordered task and reproaches her for not being able to break away from her identity, and the Faceless Ones' gift of wearing someone else's face will only poison her. Jaqen adds that putting the face on someone who is "Nobody" is tantamount to taking poison, and Arya suddenly goes blind.

Season six

Arya begins begging on the streets of Braavos. As part of her training, Waif (Faye Marsay) regularly battles Arya, who is always inevitably beaten due to her lack of vision and combat prowess. After some time, Yaqen returns Arya back to Black and white house, where she, having taken a cup of poison, restores her sight. Arya is then given the task of killing the actress who plays the role of Cersei Lannister in a theatrical production about the War of the Five Kings. Arya tries to kill the actress by quietly poisoning her rum, but after talking to her, something changes in Arya's heart and she breaks her poisoned glass, warning her against the attempt on her life. All this happens in front of the Waif, who is then tasked with killing Arya. Having ambushed her, the Waif inflicts several blows on Arya with a dagger, and later kills Lady Crane, who was treating Arya. The latter fights off the Tramp and removes her face, which he hangs in the Hall of Faces. After a short conversation with Jaqen, she leaves the Black and White House. Arya later arrives in Westeros, where she kills Lord Walder Frey and his sons, Lame Lothar Frey and Black Walder Frey, in Gemini.

Season seven

In season 7, Arya Stark kills Walder Frey's children and goes to King's Landing to kill Cersei Lannister.

Season Eight

Maisie Williams is a young British actress who, in 2011, won the hearts of fans of the fantasy saga “Game of Thrones.”

Maisie Williams childhood

Maisie Williams became the fourth child and the first girl in the family. Mother future actress, Hillary Williams, an employee at the University of Bristol, divorced her husband shortly after the birth of her daughter, and the girl had to get used to her stepfather and move to Somerset County.

Macy grew up as an active and cheerful child and from childhood showed a passion for the performing arts. The girl was so keen on dancing that by hook or by crook she tried to persuade her mother to send her to the Susan Hill Dance School - a specialized institution for those for whom dancing has already outgrown the status of a hobby. The teachers of this institution immediately saw talent in the assertive girl and predicted a great future for her.

Maisie Williams. Dance lessons

At the same time, the girl was engaged in gymnastics and trampoline jumping, but we will not talk about Maisie Williams’ hobbies without regard to acting - it was dancing that ultimately influenced the fate of the future actress. Soon after the start of classes, the girl was sent to a talent competition in Paris; as a result, she brought from there not only invaluable experience, but also her own agent named Louise Johnston. It was she who advised the little artistic dancer to try her hand at real cinema.

The beginning of Maisie Williams' acting career

Macy's first step as an aspiring actress was casting in the film Nanny 2. Few people expected much success from a girl without special education, but as a result, little Macy’s perseverance allowed her to reach the very finals of the selection, where she was nevertheless beaten by young Lil Woods.

Of course, it was a shame to quit the race one step away from victory, but it was thanks to the loss that Maisie Williams decided to take part in the casting of the ambitious series, which, by the way, gave impetus to other aspiring actors: Kit Harington and Sophie Turner.

Maisie Williams in Game of Thrones

The casting of “Game of Thrones” took place in five stages, but Maisie in the image of Arya, the youngest daughter of the hero Sean Bean, was so loved by the producers and the casting director that she was approved for the role almost immediately.

The screen image of Arya, one of the main characters of the saga, turned out to be very lively and similar to the book original, for which Macy received not only endless enthusiastic reviews from fans, but also various nominations and awards: the BBC Radio Award as the best young actress in Great Britain, the Saturn Award as the best young actress in a television series, as well as the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival.

Maisie Williams answers fans' questions

Williams managed to work with a galaxy of outstanding actors: Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Peter Dinklage, Lena Headey, gain enormous experience and at the same time gain millions of fans from all over the world.

The sudden breakthrough did not turn the girl’s head, but, on the contrary, made her devote herself to the task with even greater enthusiasm and responsibility. Macy continued to hone her acting skills. Living up to the expectations placed on you and maintaining a high bar is no easier task, but the young actress successfully completed it.

Arya was by nature a "tomboy" and a rebel. It so happened that after the premiere of the series, this image stuck with Macy herself - she played it too convincingly. She got the role of a difficult teenager in the feature films “Heat Stroke” and “Gold.”

Maisie Williams was also attracted to dark pictures. Let us note her role in the mini-series “The Mystery of Crickley Hall”, filmed in the genre of detective horror. There was also the brutal and depressing film The Fall, which bravely discussed highly controversial issues of sexuality.

In the television film “Cyber ​​Terror,” the heroine Macy was terrorized by a hacker, and the touching film “The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea” revealed the actress’s talent from an unexpected side. In the latest film, Maisie Williams was accompanied by Jessica Biel, Jason Sudeikis and Oscar winner Mary Steenburgen.

In 2015, Maisie Williams starred in an episode of the fantasy series Doctor Who.

Every year the number interesting works Maisie Williams is growing up in her filmography. But, of course, her main project is still Game of Thrones. In the seventh season of the series, which premiered in the summer of 2017, viewers watched her character grow up, acquire new character traits and change before our eyes.

Game of Thrones has given a fantastic boost acting career former dancer, but fans are not worried. They have no doubt that with such talent and natural persistence, Maisie Williams will certainly not remain a “one-role actress.”