Hello, we are looking for leaders! Scenario “Hello, we are looking for talents!” for schoolchildren and students.

Albina Rakhmatullina
Competition program “Hello! We are looking for talent!

Competition program

« Hello, We looking for talents!"

There's a song playing "Little country"

Leading:Good afternoon, dear guys! Good afternoon, dear adults! Today we welcome everyone who decided to take part in our competition« Hello, We looking for talents

2 girls enter, having a lively argument

First girl: And I draw well!

Second girl: And I draw well too!

First girl And I dance and sing well!

Second girl: And I do it better than you.

Leading: Wait, girls, what are you arguing about so enthusiastically?

First girl: We can’t figure out who dances, draws, and sings best. Which of us is the most capable?

Leading: You probably want to demonstrate what you do better than others - show your abilities?

Girls: Of course we want.

Leading: So, stay and take part. And we really want this contest became a truly big holiday. After all, this is another opportunity to express yourself, show creativity, and show your skills. Well, our competent jury, which includes... will evaluate and monitor your creative research.

(introduction by the jury and parting words from the jury)


Childhood is a wonderland.

Rainbow to the skies!

Friendship, hope country,

Full of bright discoveries.

Music, songs, laughter

The holiday brought us all together

And since the holiday has brought us together,

So success awaits you all!

Leading: So, we begin our performance, we begin young talent competition.

1. Nomination "Artistic word"

Leading: There are guys among you who love to write and recite poems. And I invite our people to the stage readers:

Titova Alina (Igrotek association) "A drop"

Kulikova Maria (Vocals) "Near Lukomorye there is a green oak"

Reshetnyak Polina (Vocals) "War"

Ivleva Marina (Nature) "Let the children vote"

Olkhovik Christina (Rukod) "About the cat"

Wilms Polina (Rukod) "Women's Secret"

Balybina Katya (IZO) "Autumn"

Efremova Anya (IZO) “Our grandmother is walking”

Kruglova Veronica (IZO) "Happy birthday!"

2. Nomination "Vocal creativity"

Leading: You know, I think that there is no person who does not like music. You agree with me? Each of us has our favorite musical genres, favorite performers, favorite songs that we want to listen to and sing. And you probably already guessed, the next stage in our competition There will be songs performed. And I invite Sergei Bushaev from the vol. to the stage. AVIA. He'll sing an army song for you "Hello mother!"


Leading: From the same association I invite Dmitry Bushaev with a song "Huge Sky"


Leading: We also have participants from Fr. "IZO" Balybina Katya and Efremova Anya. Let's meet! They will sing a song for us "Katyusha"


3. Nomination "Circus Art"

Leading: Yes, our House of Creativity is full talents. And soulful readers and vociferous singers. And there is also circus performers. We meet Konstantin Yamshchikov and Polina Pantyukhina from the region. GAME LIBRARY They will show us a trick!

Leading: Well, and Daria Stolbova from vol. VOCAL will give us a master class, she will show us how to balloons you can make a toy. Please, your way out!


Leading: In the meantime, our jury evaluates you, we will play a game with you "Edible - inedible". If it's edible, you speak: “Yum, yum, yum,” and if inedible: "Fu Fu Fu".

A game "Edible-inedible"

1) Crispy buns (Yum Yum Yum)

2) Slippers that are stuck (Fu Fu Fu)

3) Puff pastries (Yum Yum Yum)

4) Boiled felt boots (Fu Fu Fu)

5) Cheese balls (Yum Yum Yum)

6) Oily napkins (Fu Fu Fu)

7) Gingerbread cookies are delicious (Yum Yum Yum)

8) Apples are crispy (Yum Yum Yum)

4. Nomination "Theatrical Miniature"

Leading: Well done! How attentive you all are! Well, and ours the competition continues. And I invite the following participants from the region. FOLKLORE. They will show a skit about the student Pomidorkina.

SKETCH about Pomidorkina

5. Nomination "Instrumental Performance"

Leading: And now we will be joined by the voices of musical tools:

Accordion and Piano. I invite Elizaveta Schwartz from vol. VOCAL. She will play us musical accordion works: "COSSACK" And "QUAIL".



Leading: And one more participant from vol. FOLKLORE Elizaveta Perminova.

She will play us musical notes on the piano works: "ETUDE" And "WALTZ".



Leading: In the meantime, our jury evaluates your creative performances, you and I will still play a game "Potato".

A game "Potato"

6. Nomination "Dance composition"

Leading: How attentive you all are! Do you know that in Rus' they loved and still love to dance. But we are no exception! After all, dancing is movement, it is life! So, I announce the last stage of our competition is dancing!

Leading: I invite a dance group from ob. NATURE AND FANTASY with dance "NEW GENERATION"


Leading: Daria Stolbova from ob. VOCAL will perform a dance for us "Cornflakes"


Leading: And again the dance group from vol. NATURE AND FANTASY with dance "TEENAGERS"


Leading: And completes our competition students about. FOLKLORE with dance composition "SMILE!"


Leading: Our the competition program has come to an end, in the meantime, the jury is deliberating and summing up the results competition, we invite you to dance and have a disco!



Leading: Talent is the ability to believe in success. And without work, success cannot be secured! For awards and presentation of certificates to the winners competition« Hello, We looking for talents the floor is given...


There's a song playing "Moment of glory"

Leading: This concludes our exciting holiday.

Thank you for your attention,

For fun, ringing laughter.

For the fire of competition,

Gave us success.

But the moment of farewell has come -

Our speech will be short.

We say, "Goodbye,

See you soon, new meetings!”

In the history of television, the talent show genre appeared several decades ago. Participants could demonstratehave your own unique abilities, namely, to perform a song, show an acrobatic trick, dance and much more. At the same time, few people know that one of the very first programs in the “talent show” format was a Soviet television program. It was called “Hello, we are looking for talents!” And it was hosted by the brilliant Alexander Maslyakov. We will begin our story about this television project with the presenter.

Alexander Maslyakov was not initially a “TV guy” at all" In 1964, he received a diploma from the Institute of Engineers railway transport (MIIT), which is in the capital. It so happened that in his senior year he began working on television, where he conquered the Youth Editorial Board of Central Television. According to his contemporaries, grammatically correct speech Maslyakova, the confidence with which the young man stood in the frame, his impeccable tact and sense of humor made him, in fact,, an indispensable presenter. In fact, he became the first showman of the Soviet Union.

The first project in which Maslyakov took part was “The Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful.” But the TV coverage of the program turned out to be negligible and the program was closed at the very beginning of the 70s. But Maslyakov did not become superfluous in the editorial office and began hosting the program “Hello, we are looking for talents,” which gained enormous popularity among the television audience.

“Let us be merry while we are young,” says the ancient student anthem “Gaudeamus.” Among the students there are many talented people. That's why the KVN movement is so popular. There is another competition, no less famous, it’s called the “Hello, we are looking for talents” competition. How to create a script, what competitions to include in it? What are the features of holding an event at school and university? This is what we will talk about.

Preparing to write a script for "Hello, we're looking for talent" at school

Many guys go to some section or circle. Someone studies at a music school. To write a script for the event, you will need to conduct a kind of casting of participants. There is no need to turn it into an exam. You only need one number, but a well-done one. If this is an instrumental performance of a piece, the child must rehearse it. If literary reading is chosen, a prompter should be provided in the audience hall. As they say, just in case. A skit with several characters will also require rehearsals. In addition, you will need props and costumes. Sports and acrobatic performances are best performed to music. You will need the help of a teacher or a soundtrack. A staged song is a very spectacular number, it is easy to prepare, and there can be several such numbers.

Once the performers and their repertoire have been decided, it is necessary to tie together the disparate parts of the program. The entertainer can do this. He will announce the exit of the participants and lead the outline of the event. Not a bad idea - a space theme. The guys show the aliens life on our planet, and they show what kind of art they have. Acrobatic and gymnastic routines can be performed by "aliens" since they have no text. There may be another intrigue if there is an artistic couple of guys. They can announce the numbers as “new Russian grandmothers.”

Instrumental and vocal performance in elementary school

Children learning to play musical instruments, almost from the second year of study they can delight with the performance of beautiful music adapted for piano. This is Beethoven’s “Fur Elise” and “ Children's album"Tchaikovsky, and Paganini's theme. The same can be said about young violinists. The child can be given the first part, and the accompanist will take over the piano part. The beautiful waltz “Under the Roofs of Paris”, Massenet’s play “Reflections”, the waltz from “Beware of the Car”. From the fifth grade, accordion lessons begin and percussion instruments. These guys can perform fiery ditties and songs in folk style, and the drummer boy can play the piece “Puffed Corn” on the xylophone. It's all easy.

Even if the event script consists of the majority of instrumental numbers, the concert will turn out very good. In this case, the entertainer can go with the audience on a trip to the countries where the authors of the works lived. Simple props and costumes of the participants will complement the atmosphere.

As a rule, such children attend choir and solfeggio lessons. Of those who cannot play (they broke their arm), we can train vocal performers. In such numbers you can include dancing guys who do not study music.

Gymnastics and acrobatic performances at school

The scenario “Hello, we are looking for talents” may include acrobatic sketches, magic tricks, rhythmic gymnastics. In the class, such children are certainly considered talented. Let others see them too. Moreover, such classes are designed for the public. So there should be no embarrassment or timidity among the performers. As a rule, these guys already have professional suits. But if not, the competition will be a reason to buy them.

The performance of these guys is infectious, after that someone will want to learn how to move the same way. A physical education teacher can help those who have a desire to build a pyramid. This funny number in a sports uniform is undeservedly forgotten now. The script “Hello, we are looking for talents” will help revive it. Under the command “Do it once,” the base of the pyramid is built: strong guys get down on one knee, everyone shouts the motto. It should rhyme with the word "time" - class, for example. Then the command “Do two” - and the guys stand on their knees and shoulders of the first link of the pyramid. The motto sounds again. The final stage - one person climbs to the very top, the rest do the splits or do a cartwheel. And again the motto sounds.

An example of voicing a pyramid:

  • Do it once - healthy image life is a class!
  • Do two things - down with smoking, alcohol, and drugs!
  • Do three - exercise and take care of your health!

Scenario “Hello, we are looking for talents” for students

Students already know what talents they have. So there will be no shortage of participants when preparing speeches. These boys and girls are able to improvise and do not need much time to rehearse. The musicians will delight you with the performance of the works they took in their final exams. Vocal performers already have well-trained voices, and dancers have excellent body control.

What will be new, perhaps, is a stand-up performance. The curator will check that the text does not include profanity or frivolous passages. It is best to choose the theme for the script “Hello, we are looking for talent” to study, professional skills, theory and practice of student everyday life. In this case, you won’t have to make amendments to prepared speeches - who likes censorship?

Children of this age have a lot of energy. Therefore, you should expect performances in the genres of rap, rock and breakdancing. Most likely, in the team there are those who compose their own music and songs. These singer-songwriters may be performing in front of a wider audience for the first time. The entertainer will support them, calling the audience to applause.

There is another type of performing arts that is revealed in adulthood. This is acting. Those students who are lucky enough to be included in the KVN teams later become professional actors. Therefore the scenario competitive program“Hello, we are looking for talent” must include skits.

Those students who draw well can take part in an express competition and draw blindfolded. The task can be simple: landscape, cow, man. The entertainer inserts his comments as the task progresses: “Wow, I see impressionism! Cubism!".

An established team is a special case

The guys can organize music group on one's own. Or it will be a dance group. In this case, they do not need talent discovery, but they will need public recognition. Therefore, such groups can participate on special grounds, without competition, with a special prize “For outstanding dance performance”, “For artistic talent”, “Our musicians”. This will help them in the future.

Or it may happen that a talented team will be created precisely thanks to this competition. In this case, the entertainer will tell you about the new rising star and will introduce the participants by name. By the way, the “Time Machine” group formed within the walls of the architectural institute. We should wish the guys creative success and assure them that their alma mater is rooting for them.


The host means a lot to the concert. He leads the thread of the narrative, constantly returning to the topic of the event. If there are problems, he is able to wittily get out of the situation, beat the situation and pretend that it was intended that way. Not every adult is suitable for this role. This is the role of an actor. The conference is for those with diplomas, but what can we say about children or students! Of course it won't be easy. But if you include this role in the script “Hello, we are looking for talent,” everything will work out.

In between program numbers, anecdotes from the school or university should be included. You don’t need to memorize them, just have the list in front of your eyes. Then, during the artists’ cool-down, the presenter will fill the pause. And, of course, he must have the entire program of the event. He would subsequently receive a special jury prize. And maybe the competition will discover a new artist.

Rough plan

1. The entertainer welcomes the audience, announces the theme of the event and the first block of contestants.

2. Instrumental performance of works. After each performance, the presenter congratulates the performer and announces the next one.

3. The entertainer tells a story about how he wanted to learn to play, but couldn’t, and began to sing. Sings a verse from some classical aria, gesticulating exaggeratedly. Then, waving his hand, he announces those who have reached great success. This is the next block of artists.

4. Vocal performance. The entertainer supports each singer or group of guys.

5. A stand-up comedian comes on stage and jokes with the host. He gives up the stage to him, announcing the number.

6. The entertainer accompanies the stand-up comedian and tries to dance. Addresses the audience: “Have you already figured out who will take the stage now? That’s right, a dance group.” Announces the participants.

7. Dance number. The presenter sees the dancers off and announces the gymnastic number. If there are several of them, an announcement of the participants is made.

8. Performance of gymnasts. The presenter announces the next number, after the final performance of the gymnasts he announces the artists.

9. “Draw Blindly” competition. Two or three artists draw two or three drawings. To do this, they bring it onto the stage large sheets paper and fixed on racks. The presenter comments on the process, calling various styles painting. Summarizes and announces the magician.

10. Focuses. The presenter tries to repeat it, but it doesn’t work. Then he says: “The end.” And he announces that the time has come to take stock.

Awarding the contestants

The compere announces the results, presents certificates and prizes, and the entire cast of participants gathers on stage. The one who received the first prize performs his number as an encore. The compere explains this custom and the laureate comes forward. There are farewell words and parting words from the jury members.

- Hello, friends! Today we welcome everyone who decided to attend our holiday called “Hello, we are looking for talent!” .

(It is at this moment that four students enter the class, leading a lively argument.)

First student:
- I draw well!

Second student:
- No, I!

Third student:
- Don’t argue - I’m the one who sings and draws better than anyone else!

Fourth student:
- But that’s not true! I do it better than all of you.

- Wait, guys, what are you arguing about so enthusiastically?

- We can’t figure out who dances, draws, sings best. Which of us is the most capable?

- You probably want to demonstrate what you do better than others - to show your abilities?

- Of course we want.

- So, stay at our holiday. Take part, watch and help.
There will be a diagnostic game “Who am I?”

The guys hand out shapes (rectangle, square, circle, triangle) of four colors to the participants. Each child present should get one figure.

- So, friends, each of you received one piece. However, our figures are not simple.

If you got square, then your main quality is diligence, hard work, perseverance, which allows you to complete the work you have started. The square is chosen by true scholars.

Rectangle attracts inquisitive, inquisitive people, endowed with courage and a keen interest in everything that happens around them. The rectangle is chosen by sociable and trusting people.

Triangle is a symbol of leadership. Triangle people are energetic and unstoppable. This strong personalities who set clear goals and certainly achieve them.

Circle- a symbol of harmony. He is chosen by friendly, sincere people interested in wonderful relationships. We can safely say that the “circle” is a born psychologist.

- You see how different we all are. Each of us has good qualities, helping to identify abilities and win competitions.

(According to the chosen colors of the figures, all participants are divided into four groups).

1. A tongue twister competition is being held
Each team needs to quickly pronounce the proposed tongue twister in chorus.

3. The “Unusual Readers” competition is being held
A team of children needs to read the proposed poem in chorus. In this case, the first line must be pronounced very loudly, the second a little quieter, etc.
The parent team needs to read a poem in the voice of a four-year-old child.

4. The competition “Skillful Hands” is held
From these figures (cut out from various magazines) you need to create an application.
During this competition, you can also play the game “Our Talents”:
Who loves to sing, raise your hands. Who loves to draw, stand up. Who loves to dance, clap your hands.

- Our fun competitions are over. With their help, we learned that each of you is endowed with talent. Moreover, everyone is talented: both adults and children!

First student:
- And we realized that our argument did not make any sense.

Second student:
- You need to try, work hard, and then everything will definitely work out.

- Dear parents! Are you in Once again We were able to see how talented and capable your children are. Help them find and develop their talents. And for you, dear guys, we wish you not to be lazy.

First student:
Thank you for your attention,
For fun, ringing laughter.

Second student:
For the fire of competition,
Gave us success.

Third student:
But the moment of farewell has come -
Our speech will be short.

Fourth student:
We say, "Goodbye,
See you soon, new meetings!”


Presenter 1:
Youth is a wonderland.Rainbow to the skies!Friendship, hope country,Full of bright discoveries.

Presenter 2:

Music, songs, laughter,The competition brought us all togetherAnd since the competition brought us together,So success awaits you all!

Presenter 1:

We're starting our showAny of you are happy to participate in it!We want to show on this stagePerformances by the most the best guys!

Presenter 2:
Hello, friends! Today we welcome everyone who decided to attend our competition called“Hello, we are looking for talent!” .

Presenter 1:

1st year students will take part in the competition today.

Presenter 2:

We don’t know them at all yet, because they are still studying very little.

Presenter 1:

And to get ready for the performance,Let's start with the game “Who am I?” One representative from each group is invited to the stage.Presenter 2:
So, friends, each of you must choose one figure.

(Participants choose figures (rectangle, square, circle, triangle) of four colors. Each participant in the game should get one figure).

Presenter 1:

Have you chosen?

Presenter 2:

Then listen to what your choice means.

Presenter 1:

If you gotsquare , then your main quality is diligence, hard work, perseverance, which allows you to complete the work you have started. The square is chosen by true scholars.
Presenter 2:

Rectangle attracts inquisitive, inquisitive people, endowed with courage and a keen interest in everything that happens around them. The rectangle is chosen by sociable and trusting people.
Presenter 1: Triangle is a symbol of leadership. Triangle people are energetic and unstoppable. These are strong individuals who set clear goals and certainly achieve them.
Presenter 2:
Circle - a symbol of harmony. He is chosen by friendly, sincere people interested in wonderful relationships. We can safely say that the “circle” is consonance and balance in everything.
Presenter 1:
You see how different we all are. Each of us has good qualities that help us identify our abilities and win competitions.

Presenter 2:
And not only to win today, but also in life!

Presenter 1:

Time affects days and events,

Presses, dictates formats and styles,

We're on the threshold big opening

A strong, free, rich Russia.

Time to change obstinate promises,

But it was done here and now.

People are free, ambitious,

Russia's tomorrow depends on us.

Presenter 2:

Who, if not us, is the strength of the generation.

Who, if not us, scientific thinking,

Who, if not us, is the breakthrough of the decade,

Who, if not us, for years, for centuries.

Who, if not us, is a single team,

Who, if not us, is science propaganda,

Who, if not us, will make the strong beat,

Who, if not us, is free Russia!

Presenter 1 :

How I would like to introduce the participants of the competition. And here they are sitting in the hall waiting for their moment of glory.

Presenter 2 :

For two months they worked hard, sweating and crying, not sparing their free time, to prepare for the competition.

Presenter 1 :

And today we will announce the names of the winners in the following categories:



Poetic word;

Artistic creativity;


Presenter 2:

A moment of fame gives you the opportunity to show off your talent. What is talent really? And who can we really call talented person?

Presenter 1:

Today we will find out, and our respected jury will help us do this.

Presenter 2:

I represent those who will evaluate our competitors today:

(jury presentation)

Presenter 1:

We remind our participants that the main criteria for performances are:


Brightness of execution;

Ethical content of the issue;

Artistic expressiveness;

Presenter 2:

The jury evaluates the performance of all competition participants using a 5-point system. Fans from the groups support their members with loud applause.

Presenter 1:

Well, we can only wish the participants: “No fluff, no feather!”

Presenter 2:

And we move on to presenting the first nomination “Vocal”.

Presenter 1:

The first participant is invited to the stage: Yulia Khaibullova, student of group 103.

Presenter 2:

She will perform the romance “I’m not there.”

(song “I’m not there”)

Presenter 1:

We are the youth of the 21st century. Active, purposeful, initiative.

Presenter 2:

We are learning to understand the world. After all, the one who walks will master the road!

Our program is continued by Tatyana Stepanova, a student of group 13.

(song “Road”)

Presenter 1:

We learn to communicate with each other, give love to our family and friends.

Presenter 2:

After all, love is an unsurpassed feeling that accompanies happiness.

Presenter 1:

Tatyana Stepanova is on stage again, she will sing a song in the Chuvash language.

Presenter 2:

And this song, of course, is about love!

(song in Chuvash language)

Presenter 1:

We move on to the next nomination: “Choreography”.

Presenter 2:

Group 103 is invited to the stage.

Presenter 1:

Their dance will take us to distant Spain.

Presenter 2:

Bright colors, fiery rhythms of castanets - all this creates a holiday mood.

(Flamenco dance)

Presenter 1:

Students of group 14 are invited to the stage: Illukhina Ellada and Malysheva Anastasia.

Presenter 2:

They will present modern dance.

(modern dance)

Presenter 1:

Our participants try themselves in the dance genre. And this is commendable, because in this way they express themselves and their vision of the world.

Presenter 2:

We invite the dance group of group 13.

(modern dance)

Presenter 1:

We continue the competition. And we remind you that our event is held as part of a program to support talented youth.

Presenter 2:

Among our participants there are “word masters”; we were not afraid to call them that, because they themselves write poetry.

Presenter 1:

Parents, family, work are sacred concepts. It is about them that Ekaterina Chebotaeva (13th group) writes in her poems.

Presenter 2:

So, the nomination “Poetic Word”. We invite Ekaterina to the stage.

(poem “To my sister”)

Presenter 1:

Everyone in this world should value work. The profession of grain grower is honorable on earth. After all, the bread on the table is a piece of the Motherland, home.

Presenter 2:

And all this thanks to the grain grower, a representative of one of the oldest professions in Rus'.

(poem “On the profession of grain grower”)

Presenter 1:

The poem “Wax Doll” will be read by Victoria Sidorova, a student of group 103.

(poem “Wax Doll”)

Presenter 1:

“There is no hymn on earth more solemn than the babbling of children’s lips,” words

famous writer Hugo.

Presenter 2:

And today, from the lips of our participants, wonderful words and revelations are heard about the dearest person on earth - mother.

Presenter 1: Ellada Ilyukhina and Anastasia Malysheva, students of group 14, are invited to the stage.

(poem “Mom”)

Presenter 1: Natalya Arakcheeva, student of group 14, continues her performance in the category “Poetic Word”.

(poem by Natalya Arakcheeva)

Presenter 1:

Participants of the competition - students of group 11 - prepared a creative program for the performance. And it is connected, of course, with their specialty.

Presenter 2:

Let's try to travel back to childhood for a moment.

And now we are already in kindergarten.

(performance of group 11)

Presenter 1:

Today, as part of the “Hello, we are looking for talents” competition, we are evaluating artwork students who were trained as part of the month for the prevention of bad habits.

Presenter 2:

Social poster on the theme “We are against AIDS! Choose health and beauty” was prepared by a student of the 11th group: Elena Bavykina.

Presenter 1:

The competition also includes work on HIV prevention.

infections and AIDS among students of group 103.

Presenter 2:

We ask the jury to also evaluate these works

Presenter 1:

The next category is “Handicraft”.

Presenter 2:

Your original creative work“Favorite Pillow” is presented by the jury and all participants of the event by Kristina Napalkova, a student of group 11.

Presenter 1:

The “Hello, we are looking for talents” competition is coming to an end.

Presenter 2:

And while the jury is summing up the results, Galina Kamaletdinova, a student of group 24, is invited to the stage. Welcome.

(song performed by Galina Kamaletdinova )

Presenter 1:

We ask the jury to announce the results of the performances of the competition participants.
(presentation of certificates to winners)

Presenter 2:

The floor is given to the organizer of the competition, Irina Nikolaevna Berdyaeva, Deputy Director for Educational Work.

(speech by I.N. Berdyaeva)

Presenter 1:

Dear class teachers! Once again you were able to see how talented and capable your students are.

Presenter 2:

Help them find and develop their talents. And for you, dear students, we wish you not to be lazy, but to constantly move forward!
Presenter 1:

Well, thank you all for your attention,
For fun, ringing laughter.
Presenter 2:
For the fire of competition,
Gave us success.
Presenter 1 :
But the moment of farewell has come -
Our speech will be short.
Presenter 2:
We say, "Goodbye,
See you soon, new meetings!”