Conciliar oath to the House of the Romanovs. What oaths were taken in Rus'

1613 - 2013. The oath of excommunication from the Holy Trinity does not weigh heavily on the Russian people. Research by Leonid Bolotin.

In 2013, all people faithful to Orthodoxy will spiritually celebrate the anniversary of the reign of the great sons of the Romanov family, who justified God’s chosenness and, having received the grace of the Holy Spirit in the sacrament of confirmation, bore the heavy and unbearable burden of the Tsar’s autocratic power for the sake of the triumph of God’s truth in the sinful human race. , for the sake of protecting and preserving the purity of true Orthodox faith, for the sake of increasing the power of the God-protected Russian Power, for the sake of the prosperity of the Russian people and all the peoples inhabiting the great Kingdom.

In connection with this anniversary, a clear demarcation line should be drawn between two related, but not equivalent concepts: the Blessed Family of the Romanovs and modern representatives of the House of Romanov. As you know, the descendants of Vel are considered the formal head of the House of Romanov from generation to generation. Prince Kirill Vladimirovich Romanov. This status of the Kirillovichs is not recognized by a significant part of the living Romanovs. Currently, the youngest offspring of the Kirill line (on his mother’s side) is the representative of the Prussian Royal House of Hohenzollern (on his father’s side) - George. According to fans of this hereditary line, Prince George of Hohenzollern of Prussia is the only legitimate (legitimate) contender for the Russian Throne.

There is no doubt that the year of deep remembrance of the Tsar’s Romanov family will become an occasion to strengthen the ambitions of the Kirillov branch and bring the claims of representatives of this branch to the fore. The Kirillovich claim is presented as a natural process of restoring historical justice and returning the lost royal power in Russia to the legitimate claimant. This is also the opinion of many supporters of the Kirillov legitimists in Russia. The concluding paragraph of Archpriest’s article can serve as an illustration of certain sentiments Gennady Belovolov“Will 2012 be on par with 1612?”:

“The fact that the year of the 400th anniversary of the House of Romanov is coming is especially hopeful. This anniversary should be main theme the coming year. I would compare it only with the 1000th anniversary of the baptism of Rus'. 1988 was the year of the second baptism of Rus', when we remembered that we are an Orthodox people, that behind us are a thousand years of faith and life in Christ. And now we need to remember that Russia is Tsarist Power that we have not only 70 years behind us Soviet power, but also 1000 years of Orthodox monarchical statehood. The Tsar has always been the crystal around which all Russian life crystallized. I hope that this year will not only be a historical retrospective, but will also open up perspectives on our history. I hope that we can realize that the House of Romanov is not only our glorious past, but also our great future."

The last sentence is the key to understanding the aspirations of the supporters of the Kirillov branch. If “The House of Romanov is our great future,” then who other than George today can ensure the realization of this great future. Nobody but him. That is, if our future Tsar- Romanov and only Romanov, that means it is George Hohenzollern and only him. There are simply no other real contenders in the Romanov family who combine the legitimacy of their claims with a burning desire to take the throne. That means only George.

As far as I understand, the position of opponents of the “Kirill branch” is to recognize the objective reality that currently, among the living members of the House of Romanov, there is a worthy contender who satisfies all the requirements of the “Law on Succession to the Throne” (or the “Basic Law Russian Empire") No. Moreover, Prince of Prussia George of Hohenzollern does not satisfy these requirements. There is only one way to resolve this conflict. Namely, the manifestation of the All-Good Providence of God, the ineffable goodness and mercy of which will indicate in due time God’s chosen one. Whether he will be from the Romanov family or not is known to God Himself and no one else. Russian people should only be ready to accept the all-good will of God, confirming their free choice by the resolution of the All-Russian Council, as a witness to the will of the entire Russian People.

The point is that there are no events in Russian and world history that would strictly oblige the Russian people, after everything that happened in Rus', to tie their choice to the Romanov family. This choice can be strictly bound by only one thing - the desire to know the will of God. With all our strength, with all our thoughts, with all the being of the Christian Russian soul, pray to the Lord to give His Divine revelation about the fate of Russia, and humbly follow the pointing finger of God. And no more than that, and do not dare to impose your desires on the Lord after everything that happened in 1916-1918.

But the longed-for ambitions of the Kirillovichs, in addition to references to the Basic Law of the Russian Empire (ground number one), have two more grounds (two and three) to oblige the Russian people to link their choice specifically to the House of Romanov.

The second basis (in addition to the Basic Law) can be considered the words of Archbishop Theophan of Poltava, who, relying on the prophecies of the elders known to him, said that the monarchy in Russia would be restored, and the future Tsar on the maternal side would be from the Romanov family. In particular, Schemamonk Anthony (Chernov), the cell attendant of Archbishop Feofan, conveys his words this way: “He [ coming king ] will not be a Romanov, but on his mother’s side he will be a Romanov.”

The words of Bishop Theophan cannot be considered as a direct indication of the inspired elders that the future Tsar belongs to the Romanov Family. These words merely indicate maternal kinship with the Romanovs. However, nothing is said about the degree of relationship. In a word, the future Tsar will not be a Romanov on his father’s side, but will be related (the extent of which is unknown) to the Romanov family on his mother’s side. A similar situation has already been realized in Russian history with the election of Mikhail Romanov to the kingdom, who, through the wife of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible, Anastasia, was related to the Rurikovichs. Thus, the Lord, as if in a visible way, witnessed the acceptance by the first representative of the new reigning Romanov family of the royal dignity of the Rurikovichs. So, let us emphasize once again: Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich Romanov was not Rurikovich, but was distantly related to the Rurikovichs through Tsarina Anastasia.

No one knows how the prophecy of the elders about the Coming Tsar and his relationship on the maternal (female) line with the Romanov family will be realized. It is only known that the Tsar will be chosen by God Himself, will be God’s chosen one, to whom God’s finger will point in extraordinary (precisely in extraordinary!) circumstances. And the Russian soul will immediately sense the Chosen One of God as its own Tsar. There will be no alternative, no other choice: He and only He, recognized and accepted by all, is the Tsar of Russia, the Orthodox Tsar, God's Chosen One, God's Anointed One.

As if everything is clear, and in general there are no objections in sight. But there is a third basis for Kirill’s claims - the conciliar oath of 1613. In accordance with the oath, the Russian people cannot accept anyone other than a representative of the Romanov family as tsar. It follows that in the current situation, when not one of the surviving representatives of the Romanov family dares to declare their claims to the Russian royal throne, if only due to the fact that none of them satisfies the unambiguous requirements of the Law on Succession to the Throne, the only contender declaring his rights and eager to realize these rights is Prince George of Hohenzollern of Prussia. Opponents of the Kirillovichs have only one thing left to do - to prove that Prince George does not have the declared rights to the throne. But this question, as it turned out, does not so much relate to the essence of the matter as it belongs to the area of ​​competence and eloquence of experts in jurisprudence, since the provisions of the law of the Russian Empire on Succession to the Throne, with all its certainty, are interpreted differently by supporters of the Kirill branch (legitimists) and their opponents, and That's not what we're talking about now.

The point is that, as it turned out, there is an additional circumstance that radically changes the attitude towards the question of the inviolability of the hereditary succession of the Russian throne by representatives of the Romanov family. Namely, as a result of painstaking analytical work, historian Leonid Bolotin came to the conclusion that the text of the conciliar oath in the form in which it became widely known does not exist. Thus, the last, third basis of their claims slipped out from under the feet of the Kirillovichs. That original text, which was approved by the Consecrated Ecumenical (All-Russian, Zemsky) Council of 1613, provides the basis for a broader understanding of the ideas that our ancestors concluded in the Council Code, wanting to consolidate the form of governance of the Russian Land that had been suffered through by the Russian people for all times. And this meaning consists in an oath of allegiance to God and the God-elected Ruler of the Russian Land - God's Anointed Autocratic Tsar for all times. There is no literal indication of loyalty to the Romanovs from generation to generation until the end of time. In the Council Code (charter) we're talking about literally about loyalty to Tsar Michael, his faithful wife and their children, whom the Lord will give. The gaze of the Russian elected people and the Consecrated Council (clergy) itself do not extend beyond this, since they do not dare to look forward to the destinies of God, to anticipate God's will and foresee God's providence. The elected Russian people and the Spiritual (Consecrated) Council approved the God-specified principle of earthly royal autocratic power, approved the principle of the Russian person’s relationship to this power, which together expresses the principle of the Russian person’s submission to God’s will through submission to God’s Anointed Tsar.

The conclusion drawn is important not so much for the Kirillovichs, who will still cling to the legitimate side to the last (let us clarify, the pseudo-legitimate side, since for a certain category of people, as they say, the law is that whatever the pole turns, it ends up there). The conclusion drawn is important for ordinary Russians Orthodox people, over whom weighed the oath of excommunication from the Holy Trinity for treason against the Romanov family - an oath on which various kinds of political speculation could be based. There is no such oath, and never has been, and it is criminal to bind the Russian people with such an oath! This is the essence of the study Leonid Bolotin and his articles

“Thy kingdom come... on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10)

Every Russian, before going to any so-called elections, must become familiar with what all the touts are hiding from him. And they hide not only the fact that the Lord has already indicated a better, heaven-like form of organization of earthly life, but also that our people have long and forever made their choice in favor of this divine institution, forever linking themselves and their descendants with Heaven with a pious conciliar vow. Almost four centuries ago, the Church and State Council approved the reign of God's chosen family in the person of Mikhail Feodorovich Romanov, the nephew of the first Russian Tsarina, Anastasia Romanova, to reign forever. By the power of God's grace, received by the people through the God-appointed Tsar, the terrifying turmoil that was then in Russia was stopped, peace and order were restored among the people, and the enemies and envious people of the Bogorussian statehood were put to shame. According to the desire of the entire Russian people, on the basis of the decision of the joint Zemstvo-Local Council, Mikhail Feodorovich and his successors from the Romanov family were granted the right of Autocratic ownership of the Russian Land with its entire population for eternity. The Conciliar Approved Charter placed all subjects throughout the entire space of the State forever under the unlimited beneficial leadership and guardianship of the Tsar, obliging everyone without exception to unconditional obedience to His Autocratic Will.

There is no doubt that every Russian must know the contents of this unique document, which reveals the true heavenly essence of Russia, by heart.

Approved Charter of the Great Moscow Zemstvo-Local Council dated February 21, 1613: “The Lord God sent His Holy Spirit into the hearts of all Orthodox Christians, as with one mouth I cry out to be in Vladimir and Moscow and in all the States of the Russian Kingdom, Sovereign, Tsar and Great Prince of All Russia, Autocrat, You, Great Sovereign Mikhail Feodorovich.

Everyone kissed the Life-Giving Cross and made a vow that for the Great Sovereign, venerable by God, chosen by God and beloved by God, Tsar and Grand Duke Mikhail Feodorovich, Autocrat of all Russia, for the Blessed Queen and Grand Duchess, and for Their Royal Children, whom God will give to Them, the Sovereigns, henceforth (forward, in the future), lay down their souls and heads and serve Them, our Sovereigns with faith and truth, with all their souls and heads.

It is commanded that God's chosen one, Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich Romanov, should be the ancestor of Rulers in Rus' from generation to generation, with responsibility in His affairs before the One Heavenly King.

And whoever goes against this Council resolution - whether the Tsar, the Patriarch, or every person - let him be cursed in this century and in the future, for he will be excommunicated from the Holy Trinity.

And another Sovereign, in addition to the Sovereign, the Tsar and the Grand Duke Mikhail Feodorovich, the Autocrat of all Russia, and their Royal Children, whom God will give to them, the Sovereigns, in future, look for and want another Sovereign from whatever people you may be, or whatever kind of evil you want to create, then We boyars, and okolnichi, and nobles, and officials, and guests, and boyar children, and all kinds of people, stand against that traitor with all the earth for one.

Having read this Approved Charter at the Great All-Russian Council, and having listened to greater strengthening for centuries - be so in everything as it is written in this Approved Charter. And whoever does not want to listen to this Council Code, God bless him, and begins to speak differently and spread rumors among people, then such, whether from the sacred rank, and from the boyars, royal ranks and military, or anyone from ordinary people, and in what rank do not be; according to the sacred rules of the Holy Apostles and the Seven Ecumenical Councils - the Holy Fathers, and the Local, and according to the Council Code of all, he will be deposed, and excommunicated from the Church of God, and the Holy Communion of Christ, as a schismatic of the Church of God and all Orthodox Christianity, a rebel and destroyer of the Law of God, but according to the Royal Laws he will take revenge, and of our humility and the entire consecrated Council, do not bring blessings on it from now to eternity. May it be firm and indestructible in the coming years, throughout all generations and generations, and not a single line will pass away from what is written in it.

And at the Council there were the Moscow State from all the cities, the Russian Kingdom, the authorities: metropolitans, bishops and archimandrites, abbots, archpriests and the entire consecrated Council. Boyars and okolnichi, chashniki and stolniks and solicitors (court ranks), Duma nobles and clerks (ministers) and tenants, great nobles and nobles from cities, clerks from orders (ministries), streltsy heads (officers), and Cossack atamans, streltsy and Cossacks, merchants and townspeople and high ranks, all sorts of service and residential people, and elected people from all cities, the entire Russian Kingdom. Handwritten signatures.

And this approved Charter was laid down and written in the hands and seals of our Great Sovereign, Tsar and Grand Duke Mikhail Feodorovich of All Russia, Autocrat, in the reigning city of Moscow, in the first summer of his reign, and from the creation of the world 7121.”

...A solemn and at the same time terrible letter,” writes Rev. Fr. Theodosius (Kashin) of the Caucasus, - Not only the ancestors themselves, the compilers of it, but also all of us, their descendants, are sworn to the tsars of the House of Romanov until the end of time. Many saints of God, not only those of the New Testament, but also those of the Old Testament, kept the vows given for them before their birth by their parents; this obliges us to do the same. Compliance with this vow, sworn for us by our ancestors, is the guarantee of our well-being, both temporary - on earth, and eternal - in heaven - according to the word of God; and vice versa: failure to comply with it is a great sin before God, entailing punishment, as the revolution showed.”

Anyone who not only secretly or openly participated in revolutions, but also who expressed even simple sympathy for the February-October rebellion and enjoyed the fruits of bloody conquests is excommunicated from the Church and “cursed.”

As soon as the traitorous generals, ministers and Duma members, “blessed” by the clergy, with the treacherous silence of the people, renounced serving the Tsar and thereby forcibly snatched the Tsar’s renunciation from further impossible government service, the disasters of Russia immediately began for everyone: civil strife, famine, pestilence , illness, murder, violence of godlessness against the Faith, the death of countless martyrs of Christ and the Royal servants. The terrible miracle of God’s wrath and punishment was repeated, repeated before everyone’s eyes, so that we would understand that our ancestors made a vow for us to God for all eternity to serve faithfully to the Orthodox Autocrats - for the benefit and happiness of us, our descendants, so that we would understand that there is one and only way to return to God-pleasing, peaceful life: to repent of your madness and restore to each of us in your heart the holy and indestructible power of our all-Russian parental blessing of 1613. All the saints of the Russian Land are calling us to this, and simple common sense is calling us to this - based on the bitter experience of the revolution.

The approved Certificate for every Russian person is like a parental blessing, forever indestructible. It clearly states everything that a Russian person should preserve as a shrine: his Faith, his Tsar and his Fatherland.

Even in the last century, Saint Theophan the Recluse warned: “The fundamental elements of Russian life are expressed in familiar words: Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality (that is, Church, Tsar and Kingdom). This is what needs to be preserved! And when these principles change, the Russian people cease to be Russian. He will then lose the sacred tricolor banner.”

The black-gold-white banner is the only one in the history of Russia national flag- symbolizes the age-old Orthodox Russian ideology: God, Tsar, Russia! The gold of grace of the Holy Spirit, resting on the head of the Anointed One, is depicted on the flag between the Incomprehensible Creator and the Russian White Kingdom.

OATH, oaths, wives. A solemn affirmation, assurance, supported by the mention of something sacred, valuable, authoritative, oath. Give an oath to someone. An oath of allegiance or allegiance. Take an oath from someone. Allow someone... ... Dictionary Ushakova

Oath- Speech * Aphorism * Loquacity * Literacy * Dialogue * Slander * Eloquence * Brevity * Shout * Criticism * Flattery * Silence * Thought * Mockery * Promise * Witness * ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

OATH- OATH, wives. A solemn promise, assurance. K. fidelity or in fidelity. To give, to break an oath. K. Hippocrates (for novice doctors: a solemn oath of fidelity to medical duty). | adj. sworn, oh, oh. K. vow. Explanatory dictionary... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

oath- Annibalova (Annibalovskaya, Gannibalova), centuries-old, great, eternal, hot, loud, thunderous (obsolete), iron, sincere, light-winged (obsolete poet.), loving, unshakable, indestructible, fatal (obsolete poet.), holy, mortal, terrible,... ... Dictionary of epithets

Oath- I. BASIC MEANINGS IN THE Synod. lane two euros words are conveyed by the word oath: 1) noun. shevua (oath) has the same root as number. sheva (seven). Etymological the connection between these two words cannot be established (cf. Gen. 21:22 32 Beersheba, Synod. trans.... ... Brockhaus Biblical Encyclopedia

Oath- This term has other meanings, see Oath (meanings). An oath is a solemn promise or a solemn assurance. “I will not desecrate this sacred weapon and will not abandon my comrade in the ranks. I will defend not only what... ... Wikipedia

Oath- Heb sheba. Under Moses, the oath between the Israelites was in use as a very ancient custom. See Gen. 14:22 and gave. Moses gave her rules and restrictions. He forbids a false oath invoking the name of God (Ex. 20:7; Lev. 19:12); orders to do... Dictionary of Biblical Names

Oath- a solemn appeal to Almighty God, the faithful and unfeigned Witness of what is affirmed or denied. The Jews took both direct and indirect oaths. Direct appeal to God as the Supreme Witness was permitted by Law... ... Bible. Dilapidated and New Testaments. Synodal translation. Biblical encyclopedia arch. Nikifor.

OATH- assuring another of the truth of something said or done; then an oath calling God to witness what is truly said, concerning present, past or future facts, actions, etc., since they depend on the person. Oath,... ...Russian history

oath- @font face (font family: ChurchArial ; src: url(/fonts/ARIAL Church 02.ttf);) span (font size:17px;font weight:normal !important; font family: ChurchArial ,Arial,Serif;)   noun. (Greek ἀνάθεμα) cursed, cursed; (Greek κατάρα),… … Dictionary Church Slavonic language


  • The Oath, Frank Peretti. An ancient sin. Ancient Oath. City keeping terrible secret... Some dark force is at work in Hyde River, a remote mining town lost in the mountains in northwestern America. Evil force. Under…

People have always given words sacred meaning. The tradition of swearing arose in very ancient times. The man seemed to be entering into an agreement with higher powers, realizing that if his words turn out to be untrue, if he does not keep given promise, then heaven will punish him. I wonder what kind of oaths they took in Rus'?

What oaths did the Slavs take?

In pagan times, the Slavs, making false vows, called down the wrath of the gods on their heads. Actually, the word “oath” itself has the same root as “spell”, “curse”. This is undoubtedly a magical ritual.

Oaths were an official part of haratiyas (charters) - contractual documents, judging, for example, from the texts of Russian-Byzantine treaties of the 10th century, translations of which were included in the Tale of Bygone Years. Thus, in the text of the 911 treaty we read that peace between states is sealed by a “firm oath,” which no one should “transgress.” And in the agreement between the Russian prince Svyatoslav and the Greeks for 971, you can find the following words: “Let us have an oath from God... and let us be gold like gold (i.e., let us turn into despicable metal - Author), and let us be cut off with our weapons "

As a sign of the strength of the oath in Rus', they kissed the blade of the sword or applied it to the forehead, since sacred meaning was attributed to the weapon. Here are excerpts from the chronicles: “...According to Russian law, they swore by their weapons and Perun and Veles”; “...And unbaptized Rus' lays down their shields and their swords naked (naked - Author), their hoops and other weapons and swear by everything”; “...The next morning Igor called his servants, and came to the hill where Perun stood, laid down his weapons and shields and gold, and Igor and his people swore an oath...” About those who broke the oath, it was said: “Let them be oaths from God and from Perun and will die from their own swords.”

How did the warriors swear?

For Russian soldiers, the oath was mandatory. Before the battle, they swore to fight for Holy Rus', to be her faithful sons. Thus was born the ritual of taking the military oath. It is known that the soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky took the oath on the eve of the battle on Lake Peipsi. Novgorod warriors took an oath in the Hagia Sophia Cathedral, uttering the following words: “We will stand for our father and brother, for our family; Let us die for St. Sophia."

Oaths in land disputes

A special oath was taken when resolving land disputes. One of the disputants put a piece of earth with turf from the disputed field on his head and walked in the direction where, in his opinion, the border with the neighboring plot should have passed. At the same time, he said: “May the earth cover me forever if I lie!” This ritual was associated with the Slavic cult of Mother Earth.

With the advent of Christianity, in such situations they began to swear on the icon of the Virgin Mary. Even in official land surveying documents the following phrase appeared: “To allocate land along the Most Pure One.”

How did people swear?

The following oaths were common among the Russian people: “Burn my eyes if I tell a lie!”, “May I fall into the ground if I lie!”, “I will not leave this place!”, “God kill me!”, “Destroy Thunder me!" etc. God was often mentioned in oaths, so the word “swear” had a synonym – swear. To prove the veracity of the oath, they often kissed the cross, the Bible, and icons.

Nowadays, you can sometimes hear how unchurched people swear by their lives and health, or even the life and health of their loved ones, without thinking about the fact that these are by no means idle words thrown to the wind. We should not forget how our ancestors treated such things.

At the Great All-Russian Council of 1613, in the Approved Charter, the Russian people took the Great Oath for themselves and for their descendants until the end of the century - they accepted over themselves for eternal times the God-established power in the person of the Orthodox Tsars, the Anointed of God from the Romanov Family.

The Great Treaty took place and entered into force forever:

The Lord God indicated and gave the Romanov Family, from which, until the end of the century, He pre-elected His Anointed Ones to the Russian Kingdom;

The Romanov clan, as the clan of Russian Autocrats in the person of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, agreed to serve God and govern the people until the end of the century;

The Russian people swore the Great Oath for themselves and for their descendants to serve with faith and truth, “with all their souls and heads” (Approved Charter) to the Sovereign Autocrats of the Romanov Family.

Then, almost 400 years ago, a simple and reliable measure of Russian was defined. Russian - consciously accepting the Oath of the Great Council of 1613 for fulfillment with all its obligations. Receiving by birth, as the heir of the will and blessing of his ancestors, or by faith - as a child and executor of the decree of our Russian Orthodox Church.

Everyone is free to choose: whether to enter the Conciliar personality of the Russian people, or to remain in a different ethnic dimension. But if you consciously took the Great Oath on yourself, remember that the Russian Orthodox Autocracy is the fruit of the Great National Church-State Council. And no one on Earth can cancel or ban it.

Therefore, during the severe February turmoil of 1917, no one abolished or prohibited the God-established Orthodox Russian Autocracy and allegiance to It. Neither revolution, nor the forced “abdication” of the Sovereign. Subjects of the Divinely established government, darkened by the anti-Christ intervention in their minds, suddenly turning into distraught serfs, excited by the idea of ​​an arbitrary arrangement of happiness on Earth without God, then retreated from the Oath of the Great Council, and through this they rejected allegiance to the Divinely established government.

God-established power reveals itself through the management of the people, when there are those who expect it (subjects) and departs, is separated from the people, when it does not distinguish between its object - the applicants of God-established power. There are no applicants for God-established power, and Her subjects - there is no God-established power.

But if you fully accept the Great Oath with your whole being, then your volitional decision about entering the Council personality of the Russian people elevates you to the rank of a subject of the Russian Orthodox Autocracy, regardless of whether the Anointed One of God is revealed or taken away until a sufficient number of subjects are restored.

Today, when there is no anointed Orthodox Tsar of God, there is no one to grant and protect the rights of the subject, but at the same time, no one freed the subject from his duties, for it does not become for us to become like serfs running away from business in the absence of the master.

Today our loyal duties are as follows:

Look forward to God-established authority in the person of God’s Anointed Orthodox Tsar;

Actively, everyone accessible ways demonstrate your aspirations to the God-established authority;

Prepare for God-ordained power.

For two or three aspirations, the Will of God appears in one form, but for a multitude of aspirations, behind whom the aspiration of the People is seen, the Lord establishes His power in the person of His Anointed One - the Orthodox Autocratic Tsar.

Are there enough of us today - recipients of the Oath of the Great Council, subjects and applicants of God-established power to gain it over ourselves in the person of God's Anointed? The question posed can only be answered practically.

It is worthy to show our aspirations to the Divinely established authority and through this either to find an Orthodox Tsar, the Anointed of God, or, due to our small number, to remain aspirations of the Divinely established authority, deprived of the opportunity to serve the Lord God through the service of the authority established by Him - the Anointed One from the Romanov family. At the same time, you need to answer yourself: why do we need an Orthodox Tsar? What should we do today and what should we not do, so as not to allow the forces of anti-Christ, the anti-Russian forces to lead us into a dead end with “good” calls, or to place the False Anointed “Tsar” on our shoulders?

The initial earthly condition for the return of God-established power in the person of the Russian Orthodox Tsar, the Anointed of God, is the presence of those who aspire to God-established power, subjects of the Russian Orthodox Autocracy. The return of the Russian Orthodox Tsar begins with the consent of the One Worthy of the Kingdom from the Romanov family to accept the rank of Anointed of God in response to the presentation of documents confirming the presence of a sufficient number of subjects. The solution to the problem in this case comes down to the following steps:

1. Determine quantitative and high-quality composition subjects (expecting God-established power).

2. Study and identify the One Worthy for the Kingdom.

3. Organize and conduct events related to the Anointing for the Kingdom.

The return of God-established power is the restoration of the Russian Orthodox Autocracy in that area human life, where it can rule, without sharing its power, power with any earthly force, and without subordinating its power to any earthly force. Today, such areas are neither the economic, nor the political, nor the social areas that form the basis of the actual Autocracy.

Orthodox Autocracy begins with the subjects consciously recognizing the power of the Autocrat. And not because they cede power, as is customary in democracies, but because they realize the unnaturalness and sinfulness of trying to do this instead of God. Because every decree, order, volitional action of the Autocrat, by virtue of His Divine Establishment, has Divine origin for the subject, which means spiritual and moral Orthodox expediency, regardless of the discernibility of this expediency for the performer.

Orthodox Autocracy therefore begins with Supreme power over the Orthodox spiritual and moral area of ​​the subjects and expands as the subjects subordinate cash external conditions: economic, political and social.

In today's conditions, when there is no Orthodox Russian state, when the succession of the Russian Orthodox Church has been forcibly interrupted Autocratic power and this interruption is forcibly maintained, when those who expect God-established power are disunited and do not control economic and political conditions, it is necessary and possible to begin with the spiritual and moral Orthodox Autocracy.

In other words, it is already possible today on the territory of the former Russian Empire to have Orthodox Autocracy in the spiritual and moral sphere without economic, political, legal and actual authorities, but with the right to acquire these authorities naturally.

What should those who aspire to God-established authority do today? :

Organize the registration of those seeking God-established authority in the Sovereign register of participants in the Council of those seeking citizenship for the purpose of presenting it to the Worthy One for the kingdom;

Open the work of a permanent, continuously ongoing “Cathedral of Those Waiting for the Divinely Established Authority” on the ground (in the regions);

Carry out explanatory work about the “Cathedral of Those Waiting for the Divinely Established Power”, about its advantages in comparison with other forms of power;

Organize material, financial, information support, legal, social and physical protection for the participants of the “Cathedral of Those Looking to the Divinely Established Authority” for events and organizational structures“The Council of Those Who Aspire to the Divine Authority”;

It is conciliar to compile a list of living persons from the House of Romanov who have Dignity for the Autocratic reign;

Submit the Sovereign Book of Registration of Subjects Expecting Divinely Established Power to Those Worthy of Autocratic Reign from the House of Romanov;

Organize assistance to Russian Orthodox Church in carrying out all events and rites related to the sacrament of confirmation as king of the Worthy One for the Kingdom.

The acquisition of the Orthodox Autocrat cancels the “Cathedral of Those Waiting for the Divinely Established Authority”, transforms the subjects who are looking forward to the Divinely established authority into subjects, executors of the will of the Divinely established authority, and the restored Autocracy into the spiritual and moral successor of the All-Russian Autocracy.

From spiritual and moral Autocracy to actual Autocracy is the next goal after this.

What those who aspire to God-established authority should not do:

It should not be argued that it is too late to actively prepare for the acquisition of God-established power. It will be too late when the Lord recognizes us as having finally violated the Great Treaty of 1613;

You should not try to “install the king” yourself. Only the God-established power, manifesting the Will of God, has the right to prepare the people for actions to provide for themselves - the God-established power. Until the establishment of the Power of God, we are allowed to actively demonstrate Her aspirations in all available ways;

In anticipation of the Lord’s miracle, one should not limit one’s aspirations for the Divinely established authority to a state of anticipation, while remaining inactive. By actively demonstrating our aspirations to the God-established government, we verify the truth of our aspirations and reveal its total popular power;

One should not build some kind of “Orthodox” state by “infiltrating” pious Christians into power in order to then establish an “Orthodox monarchy.” The struggle for power is sinful in its essence, therefore a state that grows out of such a struggle will in its essence be immoral, immoral, unspiritual, and graceless. A state cannot be built for the Anointed of God, but the Anointed of God will build a state for himself. Christians will again receive power from God in their land, in Russia;

We should not forget that the Lord chose the Romanov family as the source for the Anointed Orthodox Sovereigns;

We should not forget that the Worthy One from the Romanov family for Orthodox Autocratic rule will take his place according to the law of succession to the throne. Those who look forward to the Divinely established power Conciliarly establish and confirm the correctness of the results of the study about the One Worthy of the Kingdom.

This world is the economy of the Lord. Since 1613, you have been called to be a subject of His Anointed One, and through this to the service of the Lord God. Realize with your mind and experience in your heart your citizenship to the Russian Orthodox Autocracy, and do everything that is due to a subject today.

Why do we need the Orthodox Tsar, the Anointed of God?

“Subject of the Russian Orthodox Autocracy” is a universal rank in the hierarchy of those called by the Lord God to serve. The rank is free for everyone. It is enough to express with your mind and heart your readiness to serve the Lord God through serving His Anointed One.

It is natural for every soul to yearn for the will of God. But not every soul, due to its nastiness, passion and sinfulness, is worthy of His instructions and care. In serving the Anointed One of God, the subject receives the will of God, and the instructions of God, and His care.

A subject of the Russian Orthodox Autocracy does not seek God-pleasing and soul-saving deeds, for his whole life, if it is the life of a loyal subject, is God-pleasing and therefore soul-saving.

Whenever a subject commensurates his life activity with the subject’s faithful service to God’s Anointed Orthodox King, his life activity is Orthodox. Life in conscious submission to the Anointed One of God, the Orthodox Tsar, is Orthodox Life.

Orthodox Life can be defined as the arrangement of one’s earthly life, earthly existence with the goal of gaining the Kingdom of Heaven. Citizenship in this sense is a simple and natural way of acquiring the Kingdom of Heaven. We define this path as the Royal Path.

Uniform for all and personal for everyone, citizenship of the Russian Orthodox Autocracy organizes and unites those who aspire to the Divinely established power into a social Orthodox force, the Orthodox Power. Being Russian in spirit, this Orthodox force represents not the entire Orthodox Christian world, not all of Russia - the fertile soil of this force, but its core, core - Holy Rus'.

Therefore, the “Cathedral of Those Waiting for the Divinely Established Power” is the Holy Orthodox Rus’ Power (DPRS). DPRS grows from the spiritual and moral unity of those who look forward to the Divinely established authority and the Anointed One of God into the state unity of the Orthodox Supreme Authority and subjects. In this unity, the interests of the Supreme Power are identical to the interests of the subjects and the state. The prosperity of subjects and the state ensures the prosperity of the bearer of Supreme Power. The greatness of one is the greatness of another. The death of one is the death of another, his family and clan. We want to live in a state where there are such orders.

We, Orthodox Christians, are determined by the Creator to remain in this world and therefore we are not indifferent to what the order is in it, since the order and external circumstances of our life can help or hinder the cause of salvation. We do not want to depend on forces that are capable of easily, immorally and cruelly destroying the buildings of ancient states, erecting new ones according to their own drawings and destroying them for their governments. Alien to these forces is the paternal and rational power of the Orthodox Tsar, protected from corruption and self-interest, from the blind and cruel power of the popular crowd, from the endless strife of power seekers for the sake of satisfying their own vanity and insane greed.

There has always been a voluntary choice between good and evil, between God and His adversary. But now comes a special, last time. Humanity, as a social organism, will be divided into two hostile camps. To the Holy Power of Orthodox Rus' and to the civilization of demon-humanity, where the purpose of everyone’s existence is the unbridled satisfaction of passionate desires and the service of perversions, where souls are destroyed purposefully, methodically and completely.

Therefore, hasten to the Royal Road. Today you are still able to break into the citizenship of the Russian Orthodox Autocracy and survive, remaining under the gracious protection of the one who called you. Hurry up. Tomorrow, when you come to your senses, you will remain in place, unable to resist taking the drug of this world in exchange for fulfilling the demands of the Anti-Christ.

Time and freedom of choice have been given to you by the Lord God today. Take advantage of this Gift!