Presentation on the topic "Equatorial forests of Africa." Equatorial forests Presentation on the topic of moist equatorial forests of Africa

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FICUS, a genus of trees, shrubs and woody vines of the mulberry family. More than 2000 species are native to tropical and subtropical regions of various continents. Numerous fruits similar to small seeds are located on the inner wall of fleshy pear-shaped growths of the stem - syconia, i.e., they are collected in a kind of infructescence. Flora.

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Disconia. These tree ferns are one of the most ancient inhabitants of our planet, real living fossils and have a unique exotic appearance. The leaves (fronds) are double or triple pinnate, arranged in a rosette at the top of the trunk. Buds develop at the base of the trunks. Young leaves, like all ferns, are curled into a snail.

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Fauna of equatorial forests. Common hippopotamus and the pygmy hippopotamus. The pygmy hippopotamus inhabits slow-moving ponds Central Africa. He leads a secretive and solitary life. A pygmy hippopotamus calf born on land weighs about 5 kg. The pygmy hippopotamus is rare and is listed in the International Red Book. Pygmy hippopotamus.

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Gorillas are large apes from the ape family. Distributed in Western and central regions Equatorial Africa. The basis of nutrition is juicy greens. They reproduce once every 4-5 years. The duration of pregnancy is about 9 months. Usually one naked and helpless cub is born, which stays with its mother for up to three years. Female gorilla. Male gorilla.

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Okapi. Okapi is the only species of the genus, body length is about 2 m, height at the withers is up to 1.2 m, weighs about 250 kg; the neck and legs are not so long. The withers are higher than the sacrum. The muzzle is elongated, the ears are large, there are 2 short horns on the forehead with annually changing horny sheaths at the ends. The tongue is very long and mobile. The tail is short, thin, with a tuft of hair at the end. The coloring is variegated: the head is light with dark markings, the body is grayish-brown, the croup and limbs are with alternating white and dark transverse stripes. Rare animal; lives in Africa, in humid tropical forests river basin Congo. Lives alone or in pairs. It feeds mainly on foliage.

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Tsetse fly. Tsetse is a genus of insects from the fly family, found in tropical and subtropical Africa. They are carriers of trypanosomiasis, a disease of animals and humans (sleeping sickness).

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Natural areas of Africa. Name Geo. position Climate Soils Flora Animal world Human influence Constantly Wet forests On both sides of the Equator, 5-8 N. 3-8 S. Basin of the Congo River, Coast of the Gulf of Guinea. Equatorial belt, January +25t June +24t Red-yellow feralite Characteristics layered, Ficus, palm trees, bananas, vines, ferns. Ants, gorillas, chimpanzees, okapi, hippopotamuses, tsetse flies, leopards, brush-eared pigs, reptiles, geckos. Deforestation, disappearance of valuable tree species and rare species animals.

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Equatorial forests Savannah Natural areas of Africa

Natural areas of Africa Equatorial rainforest Savannah Desert

Equatorial forests

The equatorial rainforest is natural area, which is characterized by evergreen vegetation arranged in tiers Climate Soils Plants Fauna 230ssh 00 230ss Equatorial moist forest

Climate Equatorial belt Equatorial air masses– humid and hot temp + 240C temp + 240C precipitation 1000-2000mm Rain falls evenly throughout the year

Soils Red-yellow ferrallitic Contains a lot of iron Organic matter decompose completely and do not accumulate. The abundance of moisture leads to continuous leaching of soil to great depths. Waterlogging occurs

Vegetation Many vines, palm trees, ficus, breadfruit, mimosa, ebony, mahogany, ironwood, oil palm, bananas, etc.

Plants - epiphytes Orchids

African humid equatorial forest Hylea -

Animal world Gorilla Leopard Okapi Chimpanzee

Savannah is a natural area characterized by alternating dry and wet seasons of the year, grassy cover with individual trees or groups of trees predominates Climate Soils Vegetation Fauna 230сш 00 230сш savannah savannah 40% of the territory

Climate Subequatorial belt In summer, equatorial air masses dominate - humid and hot; in winter – tropical – dry and hot temperature +240 C temperature + 240 C Precipitation 1000-2000 mm Seasons are distinguished: rainy season - summer dry season - winter

Soils Red-brown Fertile Organic matter accumulates during the dry season

Vegetation Euphorbia Baobabs Umbrella acacias Oil palms Various herbs Plants have developed adaptations to the dry season of the year: hard, heavily pubescent leaves, thick bark.

Fauna Wildebeest Savannahs are rich in plant foods, so there are many large herbivores there. These animals are forced to run long distances in search of water. Elephants Buffalo Lion

Animal world Rhinoceros Zebra Giraffe Hippos Hyena

Secretary bird Marabou bird Ostrich Sunbird

Termite mounds Feature savannah

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Climatic zones.

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    Precipitation and winds.

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    Temperature. In December and March. In June and September.

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    Red-yellow feralite

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    Flora world.

    FICUS, a genus of trees, shrubs and woody vines of the mulberry family. More than 2000 species are native to tropical and subtropical regions of various continents. Numerous fruits similar to small seeds are located on the inner wall of fleshy pear-shaped growths of the stem - syconia, i.e., they are collected in a kind of infructescence.

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    These tree ferns are one of the most ancient inhabitants of our planet, real living fossils and have a unique exotic appearance. The leaves (fronds) are double or triple pinnate, arranged in a rosette at the top of the trunk. Buds develop at the base of the trunks. Young leaves, like all ferns, are curled into a snail.

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    Fauna of equatorial forests.

    Common hippopotamus and pygmy hippopotamus. The pygmy hippopotamus inhabits slow-moving water bodies in Central Africa. He leads a secretive and solitary life. A pygmy hippopotamus calf born on land weighs about 5 kg. The pygmy hippopotamus is rare and is listed in the International Red Book.

    Pygmy hippopotamus.

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    Gorillas are large apes from the ape family. Distributed in the western and central regions of Equatorial Africa. The basis of nutrition is juicy greens. They reproduce once every 4-5 years. The duration of pregnancy is about 9 months. Usually one naked and helpless cub is born, which stays with its mother for up to three years.

    Female gorilla.

    Male gorilla.

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    Okapi is the only species of the genus, body length is about 2 m, height at the withers is up to 1.2 m, weighs about 250 kg; the neck and legs are not so long. The withers are higher than the sacrum. The muzzle is elongated, the ears are large, there are 2 short horns on the forehead with annually changing horny sheaths at the ends. The tongue is very long and mobile. The tail is short, thin, with a tuft of hair at the end. The coloring is variegated: the head is light with dark markings, the body is grayish-brown, the croup and limbs are with alternating white and dark transverse stripes. Rare animal; lives in Africa, in the tropical rainforests of the river basin. Congo. Lives alone or in pairs. It feeds mainly on foliage.

    Equatorial forests are located on either side of the equator in the Congo Basin and along the Gulf of Guinea north of the equator. Equatorial forests are located on either side of the equator in the Congo Basin and along the Gulf of Guinea north of the equator. The formation of the zone is due to a large number warmth and moisture throughout the year. The formation of the zone is due to a large amount of heat and moisture throughout the year. The equatorial forests of Africa are diverse in composition; there are about 1000 species of trees alone. The equatorial forests of Africa are diverse in composition; there are about 1000 species of trees alone. VEGETATION OF THE EQUATORIAL MOIST FORESTS OF AFRICA

    Lianas are a variety of climbing plants, both woody, with evergreen or deciduous leaves, and herbaceous, with relatively weak thin stems. a variety of climbing plants, both woody, with evergreen or deciduous leaves, and herbaceous, with relatively weak, thin stems.

    Disconia. Disconia. These tree ferns are one of the most ancient inhabitants of our planet, real living fossils and have a unique exotic appearance. The leaves are arranged in a rosette at the top of the trunk. Young leaves are curled into a snail shape. These tree ferns are one of the most ancient inhabitants of our planet, real living fossils and have a unique exotic appearance. The leaves are arranged in a rosette at the top of the trunk. Young leaves are curled into a snail shape.

    Fauna Numerous live on trees monkeys, chimpanzees, etc. Terrestrial inhabitants include brush-eared pigs, pygmy hippopotamuses, leopards, gorillas, which are not found anywhere else. There are snakes and lizards in the loose soil. The tsetse fly is also common there. She is a carrier of pathogens.

    The pygmy hippopotamus inhabits slow-moving water bodies in Central Africa. He leads a secretive and solitary life. A pygmy hippopotamus calf born on land weighs about 5 kg. The pygmy hippopotamus is rare and is listed in the International Red Book. The pygmy hippopotamus inhabits slow-moving water bodies in Central Africa. He leads a secretive and solitary life. A pygmy hippopotamus calf born on land weighs about 5 kg. The pygmy hippopotamus is rare and is listed in the International Red Book.

    Mamba snakes reach a length of 2 to 3 meters. Mamba venom can kill a person in 4 hours if he is bitten on the heel or toe; a bite to the face can lead to death from paralysis within 20 minutes. Mamba reaches a length of 2 to 3 meters. Mamba venom can kill a person in 4 hours if he is bitten on the heel or toe; a bite to the face can lead to death from paralysis within 20 minutes.

    Equatorial forests occupy the territory of the Congo river basin and the Gulf of Guinea. Their part is approximately 8% of total area continent. This natural area is unique. There is not much difference between the seasons here. Average temperature stays at approximately 24 degrees Celsius. The annual precipitation rate is 2000 millimeters, and it's raining almost every day. The main weather indicators are increased heat and humidity.

    The equatorial forests of Africa are wet rain forests and are called "hylaea". If you look at the forest from a bird's eye view (from a helicopter or airplane), it resembles a lush green sea. In addition, several rivers flow here, and all of them are deep. During floods, they overflow and overflow their banks, flooding large area sushi. Hylaea lies on red-yellow ferrallitic soils. Since they contain iron, it gives the soil a red tint. Nutrients there is not much in them, they are washed out by water. The sun also affects the soil.

    Hylaea flora

    The equatorial forest of Africa is home to more than 25 thousand species of flora, of which a thousand are just trees. Lianas entwine them. The trees form dense thickets in the upper tiers. Shrubs grow at a slightly lower level, and even lower - grasses, mosses, and creeping plants. In total, these forests have 8 tiers.

    Hylea is evergreen forest. The leaves on the trees last for about two and sometimes three years. They do not fall at the same time, but are replaced one by one. The most common types are:

    • bananas;
    • sandalwood;
    • ferns;
    • nutmeg tree;
    • ficus;
    • palm trees;
    • mahogany;
    • vines;
    • orchids;
    • breadfruit;
    • epiphytes;
    • oil palm;
    • nutmeg tree;
    • rubber plants;
    • coffee tree.

    Fauna of Hylaea

    Animals and birds are found in all tiers of the forest. There are a huge number of monkeys here. These are gorillas and monkeys, chimpanzees and baboons. In the treetops there are birds - banana-eaters, woodpeckers, fruit pigeons, as well as a huge variety of parrots. Lizards, pythons, shrews and various rodents. A lot of insects live in the equatorial forest: tsetse flies, bees, butterflies, mosquitoes, dragonflies, termites and others.

    In the African equatorial forest, special climatic conditions. There is a rich world of flora and fauna here. Human influence here is minimal, and the ecosystem is virtually untouched.