When Jasmine gave birth. Jasmine: “Giving birth is not a suitable spectacle for men

A joyful event occurred in Jasmine’s family - today, April 25, the singer gave birth to a son to her husband Ilan Shor. - in honor of my paternal grandfather. According to media reports, the child was born weighing 3350 grams and 54 cm tall. Both mother and newborn baby feel well, which Jasmine herself hastened to inform fans about in her blog.

“So what I’ve been waiting for for 9 long months has happened. Today our wonderful baby was born. It’s such a joy to hold him in your arms and admire this small, but such great happiness! There are so many discoveries ahead of us, so many new and interesting things! Thanks to everyone who supported me all this time. Everything is good, wonderful and wonderful with us!” — the artist wrote.

Remember, this is the second common child Jasmine and her husband Ilan Shor. The couple also have a 4-year-old daughter, Margarita. And from her first marriage, the singer has an 18-year-old son, Mikhail.

Jasmine and her billionaire husband Ilan Shor, who is 10 years younger than her

Jasmine with her son Mikhail

Singer Jasmine with daughter Margarita

At the end of April, the singer will become a mother for the third time. “At the age of 19, when I gave birth to Misha, I didn’t really understand anything, everything seemed easy, well, the child will cry and stop. She went crazy with Margarita and was ready to fly around the house just to calm her down. I hope now I can finally enjoy motherhood and relax.”

– Have you already bought everything your child needs?

Much remains of Margarita: a cradle, a crib, a changing table, a chest of drawers, a soothing swing, deck chairs, a playpen, some toys for early development. Everything is in excellent condition, so why change them? All these things store the sister’s energy, and now it will be passed on to the new child. There's something to it. By the way, the cradle, which is attached between the parent’s bed and the crib and swings like a pendulum, is also intact. Moreover, three people have already grown up in it: Margarita, my niece and daughter close friend. By the way, both of the latter are Eves. Now another little person will sleep in it. But the stroller, unfortunately, did not survive, and I still have not bought a new one. Today they are like this large selection that the eyes run wild. It seems like I know exactly which one I want, but it seems like there’s something missing in one, something I don’t like in the other. I am a picky mom, and besides, I admit, the search itself is a pleasure. There are still a couple of weeks before the birth, so I’m stretching out the pleasure, I don’t want to rush into the purchase. In general, I enjoy my current state. I don't know if I'll ever be pregnant again. I don’t promise, of course, as God says, but in principle I don’t plan to have any more children. I’ve always dreamed of three, and that’s basically how it works out. And my husband Ilan, when we first met, said that he wanted a son and no one else. “Well, dreams are dreams, but life will take care of itself,” I thought to myself then. Now my husband, when asked if he would like more kids, answers: “No, two are ideal for me.” His parents also have two: he and older sister. And in my family it’s just me and my brother.

– Jasmine, tell us the secret of who you are expecting: a boy or a girl.

– I want to leave this a secret. No one in the family yet knows the sex of the child. This is a surprise primarily for my husband. When I was pregnant with Margarita, Ilan went with me to an ultrasound, during one of them the doctor said: “Expect a girl.” Thus depriving me of the chance to keep it a secret. Now my husband also went with me to the ultrasound, but I warned the doctor and asked him not to tell anything about the gender. And all this time she stubbornly fooled Ilan, saying one thing and then another. In the end, he decided not to ask unnecessary questions. Just waiting.

– Will your husband be present at the birth?

“I think that the sacrament of giving birth to a child is not a very suitable spectacle for men. The nerves may not be able to withstand it (smiles). We women believe that men are so strong that they can endure anything. This is all true, of course, but childbirth is too traumatic a process for them, it seems to me. So you don’t need to be in the room with me, it’s better next to me, behind the wall, like last time, I feel much calmer this way.

– Was your pregnancy easy?

– At first I experienced all the delights of toxicosis: terrible weakness, headaches, and how things have changed taste preferences... I dreamed day and night about sauerkraut and cucumbers. I'm not kidding! It’s so strange, I didn’t feel anything like this with my previous children. With Margarita, I generally walked in heels, danced, and sang until the eighth month. And then there are such differences! As my doctor says, no two pregnancies are the same. I calmed myself down with the thought that I had to get through this. And in the fifth month everything returned to normal.

– Did your husband get tired of your mood swings?

“Even to this day, sometimes he gets it.” Sometimes, I admit, I go too far. But I always apologize for not restraining myself, I explain my actions as a surge of hormones, I ask you to be patient for the sake of our children (laughs). Ilan has already gotten used to it and is holding up well, for which I am very grateful to him.

Name starting with M

– When choosing the name of the future baby, did you quickly agree?

“Even before the wedding, Ilan and I decided: if a boy is born, we will name him Miron in honor of my husband’s father, if a girl, we will name him Margarita in honor of my mother. The eldest son Mikhail, by the way, is named after his grandfather. Margarita is already growing up, it turns out that the boy’s name has been determined. And if it's a girl, there's a pair for her interesting options. Required condition: the name must begin with the letter M.

– How do you prepare your daughter for the arrival of a brother or sister?

– Margarita asks every day when the baby will appear. She complains: “I’m already so tired of waiting!” Sometimes I put her to bed at lunchtime or read a bedtime story, the baby kicks, and she immediately jumps up: “Let me touch it!” What is he doing? I answer: “Sends greetings.” Then she lies down on her stomach and tells him: “I’m waiting for you, my name is Margarita, I’m your sister.” It's very touching.

– Aren’t you afraid that after the baby is born, jealousy will arise, a struggle for mother’s attention?

Recently, a friend sent an anecdote to this topic: a four-year-old child is sitting at home, his mother arrives from the maternity hospital with a baby in her arms, the older one looks at all this and calls his friend: “Please take my toys. I don’t know yet what kind of person this is.” At first I was also afraid, I didn’t understand how to share love between everyone. In August, my grandmother came to visit from Israel; she has four children: my mother is the eldest, another daughter and two sons. She asked: “Grandma, tell me the secret, who do you love more?” He says: “I love your mother more than anyone - how eldest daughter; your aunt more than anyone - like the youngest; the eldest son - because he is the first son, and the second - as he himself youngest child" And I realized that it is really impossible to choose. Now all fears are behind us. The pregnancy is coming to an end, I see how much Margarita and Misha are expecting a child and how much they already love him. Nothing worries me anymore. In general, I think that older children need to pay more attention than little ones, then he will reach out to them. That's what all psychologists say. Of course, we are not talking about the first months, but about the future; now the baby will require a lot of attention. But Margarita and I have already agreed that she will help me with everything: feeding and swaddling - I’ll teach me everything. We watch different videos with her about how a child is born and how he grows. The daughter is delighted.

Vain trade

– Misha and Margarita are 14 years apart. Do they manage to find common activities?

– At first it didn’t work out very well. When Margarita was very little, Misha wanted to carry her in his arms all the time. She resisted, her son complained: “Why is Margarita so capricious?” “Well, you’re such a great guy too,” I say, “a grown guy, but you don’t understand: your little sister can’t sit in your arms as much as you want. If you want her to come to you, lure her in with something, play with her.” I think the situation is familiar to many. Now the daughter is already an adult, she understands that Misha is good, that he is her older brother. She respects and loves him. I’ll say more: my son is salvation for me. Of course, I don’t abuse this, but if Margarita does something wrong, for example, puts her fingers in her mouth, I say: “Now I’ll call Misha and tell him that you’re biting your nails.” “No, no, mom, I won’t do it again,” the daughter immediately answers. She is afraid of appearing in a bad light in front of her brother and wants to remain a princess for him. A very smart girl. When Misha comes into her room, Margarita says in a quiet voice: “Into your arms.” And he takes her, spins her around, hugs her, always brings some toys...

- Sweets…

- No, I don’t allow candy. In this regard, I am strict. Unlike many relatives and friends, I forbid my daughter fast food, ice cream, cakes, and pastries. This is about food. I don’t allow her to use gadgets for a long time; she has time limits. There are also boundaries when it comes to cartoons: if you say you can only watch five, that means only five. Margarita is trying to bargain, she’s so old, but it’s in vain, it’s not easy to persuade me. I and the nanny who helps ask the child to be disciplined. And I’m also sure that the busier a child is, the more he or she will accomplish. Margarita goes to sports and rhythmic gymnastics, goes in for swimming, tennis, drawing, and learns English.

– Were you less strict with Misha? You were only 20 then.

- No, about the same. The only difference is that with Margarita I was more restless. When Misha gave birth, everything seemed easy, well, the baby will cry and stop. But when my daughter started screaming and went crazy, I just flew around the house, just to see what was happening to her, just to calm her down. Firstly, I was really looking forward to my daughter, and secondly, 14 years had passed since Misha’s birth. It seemed to me that I had forgotten everything. There is no such panic now. Everything is fresh. I hope I can finally enjoy motherhood. The first time I couldn’t really understand what had happened, the second time I was too nervous, now, God willing, I’ll be able to relax.

– How does your husband cope with small children? Can you leave the newborn with him?

- Hardly. It’s better for Ilan to call the nanny and start monitoring from the outside so that everything is in order. He’s just afraid of small children; he didn’t even pick up Margarita until she was three months old. I don’t know how it will be now, we’ll see. But then it was like that. And he constantly asked me: “Well, when will she become normal person? She answered: “So she’s already lying there, gurgling.” “That's not it. When will it be possible to take her by the hand, go out to the park, and talk about life?” Now the husband is rejoicing: Margarita is big, they chat endlessly about something, read fairy tales, watch cartoons. If Ilan is not at home, Margarita calls him on the phone: “Dad, where are you? Show me where you are?” And with dad everything is simple. If mom is not around, he will allow everything, he will never say “no”. At first I struggled with this, then I decided: let the child enjoy his father.

The goal is to lose weight in a year

– Have you already figured out when you will return to work?

– In the fall I want to start going on tours, short ones, for a maximum of five days. Before I found out that I was pregnant, I put the song into rotation. I plan to record a new hit in May. I’m sure my energy will be enough for both family and work!

– After Margarita was born, it took you a year and a half to return to your previous physical form. Are you worried about this now?

“I’m trying not to think about it for now.” I don’t even know how much I’ve already gained; I don’t specifically weigh myself. It feels the same as with Margarita. With Misha it was a little less. But now I didn’t really limit myself in anything. I ate whatever I wanted. Doctors are now very careful to ensure that all microelements are balanced in the pregnant woman’s body: glucose, iron, calcium. We followed this process: calcium dropped a little - I eat cottage cheese, iron - beef, liver, buckwheat. Doctors only recommended not to eat flour and sweets, but in principle I never had a special passion for these products. Now I can’t wait to start playing sports. Because the loads that are allowed for pregnant women are clearly not enough for me. I tried yoga, but quickly realized that it was not for me. I swim almost every day with Margarita, but it’s more of a pleasure. I can’t wait to take charge of myself after giving birth, I feel unrealized energy. Many people say: you were in such great shape before pregnancy. This is very encouraging! I am sure that now I will achieve even greater results. Nothing is scary. There is a task, and I will strive for it. After Margarita, I regained my slimness in a year and a half. Now, I hope a year is enough!

Every week HELLO.RU talks about what celebrity children wear. Last time we got acquainted with the style of Semyon - the son of actress and TV presenter Evelina Bledans and director and producer Alexander Semin, who recently announced a divorce, and today the hero of our column is Miron - the son of singer Jasmine and businessman Ilan Shor, whose daughter, Margarita, has already become the heroine of our column.

Click on the photo to view the gallery Jasmine and Ilan Shor with children

On April 25, 2016, Jasmine and Ilan Shor had a son weighing 3.350 grams and 54 centimeters tall. The boy's name was invented even before birth - he was named Miron in honor of his paternal grandfather.

So what I have been waiting for for nine long months has happened! Today a wonderful baby named Miron was born! Such a joy to hold him in your arms and admire this small, but such great happiness! There are so many discoveries ahead of us, so many new and interesting things! Thanks to everyone who supported me all this time! Everything is good, wonderful and wonderful with us!

Jasmine told the press, who gave birth to two children with the help caesarean section, and the third child, to his surprise, naturally. The happy mother began sharing pictures of Miron quite soon - however, they were all pictures of arms and legs; she carefully hid the boy’s face.

Jasmine with her son Miron
Jasmine with her son Miron
Myron Shor
Jasmine with her son Miron
Jasmine with her son Miron
Jasmine with her son Miron
Margarita and Miron ShorJasmine with children

Today we are 7 days old! We already know how to smile, hold tightly to our mother’s finger and try to carefully consider who is talking to us! Such a joy to be with him every minute!

Wrote by Jasmine a week after giving birth. She decided to introduce Myron to the world when the boy was 8 months old. The singer became the heroine of the “Let Them Talk!” program, which was then hosted by Andrei Malakhov, where she not only showed her son, but also talked about him. Jasmine admitted that the baby is growing up to be a copy of his dad, while the singer’s followers on social networks unanimously decided that Miron is much more like Jasmine herself.

Jasmine with her son Miron
Jasmine with her son Miron
Jasmine with her son Miron

Jasmine with her son Miron
Jasmine with children
Jasmine with her son Miron

In any case, after Malakhov’s program, the singer’s followers on Instagram were also able to admire Miron, where she began to periodically publish more and more “looks” of her son. If Miron's sister - Margarita - grows up a real princess with all the ensuing magical lush dresses, then the boy is taught from childhood to be a real gentleman. He loves the most masculine color - blue, from an early age he wears children's jackets and trousers, and for the most special occasions he can allow his mother to decorate himself with a bow tie. In addition to blue, he often wears white and gray, but sometimes he can complement the look with some bright detail - for example, red shorts or a green cap with a print.

Speaking of prints: despite the fact that Miron is only one and a half years old, Jasmine does not dress him “like a little one” - that is, you won’t find an abundance of T-shirts, turtlenecks and joggers with flashy patterns in the form of cartoon characters in his wardrobe. Of course, there are “childish” elements here - be it swimming trunks with cars or overalls with bears, but they look more cute than pretentious. Miron also loves striped things - perhaps this is due to the fact that he began traveling around the world and saw the sea when he was not even a year old. Something tells us that in the future the boy is unlikely to choose the profession of a sailor, but with such creative mom he has every chance to fully reveal his talents.

Jasmine with children Jasmine with children
Margarita and Miron ShorMargarita and Miron Shor
Jasmine with children

Earlier this week, singer Jasmine became a mother for the third time. The star and her husband Ilan Shor had a son. The boy was born in one of the capital’s clinics. The child was named Miron in honor of his paternal grandfather. Jasmine was bombarded with congratulations from friends, acquaintances and subscribers of her microblog. The star thanked for kind words and showed the first photo of the newborn.

“Thank you, my dears, for your sincere congratulations, touching wishes and incredibly warm words! I reciprocate to all of you! My son and I are doing well, we are slowly mastering this new and interesting world", Jasmine wrote on her Instagram.

In the picture you can see how the star mom is holding the cute little heels of her newborn son in her hands. Fans of the pop singer wish health to the baby and happiness to the family.

“Family warmth, prosperity, good health and universal happiness!”, “Health to you, and more delicious milk for the baby,” “Congratulations on the birth of your son! May happiness and good luck be his faithful companions in life!” - such pleasant comments were left by the star’s fans on her page.

During pregnancy, Jasmine hid the sex of the child from the general public. She wanted it to be a pleasant surprise, particularly for her husband.

After the birth of the heir, Jasmine immediately shared the good news with the media.

“So what I’ve been waiting for for nine long months has happened! Today a wonderful baby named Miron was born! It’s such a joy to hold him in your arms and admire this small, but such great happiness! There are so many discoveries ahead of us, so many new and interesting things! Thanks to everyone who supported me all this time! Everything is good, wonderful and wonderful with us!” - Jasmine told StarHit.

The star's pregnancy was a little more difficult than the previous two. The singer encountered severe toxicosis on early stages. Jasmine felt weak, had a headache, and was very hungry sauerkraut and cucumbers.

Let us remember that Jasmine and her husband are raising a four-year-old daughter, Margarita, and a nineteen-year-old son, Mikhail, born to the singer in her first marriage. The star's older children happily welcomed the new addition to the family. Even during her mother’s pregnancy, the singer’s daughter demanded that the baby be born as quickly as possible.