How many watts are in a kilowatt? What is a kilowatt hour? Gas boiler 23 kW.

Hello, dear readers and guests of the Electrician's Notes website.

I haven’t written in the electrical engineering section for a long time. I decided to correct this situation a little and prepared for you a short review article on the topic of how many watts are in a kilowatt.

Almost every electrical appliance (microwave oven, iron, refrigerator, washing machine, electric motor, etc.) has a power value indicated on the body or in the passport, which is expressed in watts or kilowatts.

But first, a little history.

Do you know who James Watt is? This is a very famous engineer-inventor originally from Ireland. This is what he looked like.

It is in his honor that the unit of power measurement - Watt - is named. By the way, even before 1882 such a unit did not exist, and power was measured in horsepower. After some time, namely in 1960, the unit “Watt” was introduced into international system units (SI).

We, as electricians, are more interested in electrical power. According to the formula from physics, it is clear that power is energy consumption (J) for a certain time (seconds).

Converting watt to kilowatt

Let's move on to an example. The power of mine washing machine is 2100 (W). How many kilowatts is this?

To convert watts to kilowatts, you need to divide the value 2100 (W) by 1000, we get 2.1 (kW). To explain it even simpler, you need to move the comma three places to the left.

A few more examples:

  • 15400 (W) = 15.4 (kW)
  • 2800 (W) = 2.8 (kW)
  • 700 (W) = 0.7 (kW)
  • 32 (W) = 0.032 (kW)
  • 5 (W) = 0.005 (kW)
  • 0.2 (W) = 0.0002 (kW)

Convert kilowatt to watt

On electric motor tags, power is most often indicated not in watts, but in kilowatts.

In this example, the motor power is 0.55 (kW). To convert kilowatts to watts, you need to multiply the value of 0.55 (kW) by 1000, we get 550 (W). To explain it even simpler, you need to move the comma three places to the right.

More examples:

  • 23 (kW) = 23000 (W)
  • 4.2 (kW) = 4200 (W)
  • 0.4 (kW) = 400 (W)
  • 0.07 (kW) = 70 (W)
  • 0.004 (kW) = 4 (W)

The difference between kilowatt and kilowatt hour

In almost every apartment. It counts the power we consume and displays readings in the form of “kilowatt hour” on the display or counting mechanism.

There is no need to confuse these two names - kilowatt and kilowatt hour, because these are completely different quantities.

I gave the definition of kilowatt at the beginning of the article. Now let's figure out what a kilowatt-hour is. A kilowatt-hour is the energy consumption (J) over a period of one hour.

Let's assume that she worked for exactly one hour. So the counter electrical energy will calculate the consumption as 2100 (W) 1 (hour) = 2100 (Watt hour) = 2.1 (kW hour).

And if it is turned on for 5 hours, then the consumption will be 2100 (W) 5 (hour) = 10500 (Watt hour) or 10.5 (kW hour).

  • with a single-rate tariff, we multiply 315 (kWh) by 2.95 (rub./kWh) = 929.25 (rub.)
  • with a two-rate tariff in the daytime 315 (kWh) by 2.97 (rubles/kWh) = 935.55 (rubles)
  • with a two-rate tariff at night 315 (kWh) by 1.4 (rub./kWh) = 441 (rub.)

This suggests the conclusion that after all, purchasing a two-tariff meter.

P.S. In principle, this is all I wanted to tell you. If you have questions for me, ask them in the comments to this article. Thank you for your attention.

1 kW equals 1.3596 hp. when calculating engine power.
1 hp equals 0.7355 kW when calculating engine power.


Horsepower (hp) is a non-systemic unit of power that appeared around 1789 with the advent of steam engines. Inventor James Watt coined the term “horsepower” to clearly show how much more economical his machines were than live draft power. Watt concluded that the average horse could lift a load of 180 pounds 181 feet per minute. Rounding the calculations in pound-feet per minute, he decided that the horsepower would be equal to 33,000 of these same pound-feet per minute. Of course, the calculations were taken for a long period of time, because for a short time a horse can “develop” a power of about 1000 kgf m/s, which is approximately equal to 13 horsepower. This power is called boiler horsepower.

There are several units of measurement in the world called "horsepower". IN European countries, Russia and the CIS, as a rule, by horsepower we mean the so-called “metric horsepower”, equal to approximately 735 watts (75 kgf m/s).

In the UK and US automotive industries, the most common HP is equates to 746 W, which is equal to 1.014 metric horsepower. Also used in US industry and energy are electric horsepower (746 W) and boiler horsepower (9809.5 W).

A floor-standing gas boiler is ideal for creating a heating system in large rooms. This type of technology is characterized by good performance and reliability. To choose the appropriate option, it is enough to decide on a number of parameters.

How to choose a heating boiler?

The device plays a major role in the entire home heating system. A wide range allows you to satisfy any need. In this case, the choice becomes quite a difficult task. There are several main parameters that are worth paying attention to:

  • efficiency;
  • power;
  • security level;
  • presence of noise;
  • ease of use and maintenance.

You can calculate the power using a simple formula - 1 kW per 10 m2. 24 kW devices are suitable for indoors total area 240 m2. At the same time, experts take into account not only the area of ​​housing, but also heat loss. It is impossible to do this without certain knowledge.

There are gas boilers heating with the ability to adjust power. This can be two heating levels or a scale on which the user independently selects the temperature mode.

Advantages of floor-standing boilers

Similar models differ large size and weight, require a specially equipped room for installation. Installation of the system is quite complicated. Moreover, such models are very popular. This is due to the fact that floor-standing options are more productive and therefore have high efficiency.

The installation does not require special pumps to operate, which will allow it to operate even without electricity. This is a special plus for residents of villages and holiday villages remote from the city, where similar problems occur due to weather conditions. Also device modern models allows you to use a minimum of fuel with high performance.

To buy a suitable model, just use the catalog search in our MirCli online store. Explore technical specifications and prices, check out the design. Orders are delivered throughout Moscow, to other cities of Russia, as well as to Belarus and Kazakhstan. A high-quality heating system means safety and comfort in your home at any time of the year.

Tariffs (prices) in the electric power industry are usually understood as a system of price rates, according to which calculations are made both for the electricity itself and for services that are provided on the retail or wholesale market. This definition is established by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Electric Power Industry”.

In relation to the population, we can say that tariffs/prices are the cost of the electricity we consume. The amount of such energy is measured in kWh (kilowatt-hours), and the cost of each kWh is set by the tariff. As an example, we can give the electricity consumption of a simple household appliance: an iron has a power of 1 kW, if you use it without interruption for 4 hours, then 4 kWh will be spent (the price of each kWh is regulated by the tariff).

It should be noted that in the Russian Federation the electricity tariff system is quite complex. In this article we will try to understand its main features.

Who and how calculates electricity tariffs for the meter?

Local executive authorities in the field of tariff regulation set electricity tariffs. The main of these organizations are:

  • Department of Prices and Tariffs;
  • Regional Energy Commission;
  • Management of tariffs and prices.

The basis for calculating tariffs for the population and categories equivalent to them are the methods developed by the Federal Tariff Service. After the final calculation of the tariff, the local authority issues a resolution, which must be published, as in printed publications(media), and on the official website of this government body.

Tariffs are reviewed, as a rule, once a year. In past periods, tariffs changed from the beginning of the year (in January), but for the last few years, electricity tariffs have increased in the middle of the year (in July). According to experts, this change in timing is due to the desire of local executive authorities to limit the growth of inflation, which, as a rule, showed significant positive dynamics at the beginning of each year.

Electricity: how much does a kilowatt cost in 2019?

The general regulator of tariffs in the Russian Federation is the state, and in each specific case the rates are set by regional authorities. We hasten to announce that in 2019... The government made a gift to the population and divided the tariff increase into two stages, thereby reducing the financial burden for the population. The first increase will be on January 1, 2019 by 1.7% and from July 1, 2019 the second increase in tariff rates by 2.4%.

Cost of 1 kW of electricity according to the meter for 2019 in Moscow and residents of New Moscow

For Moscow, the price per kilowatt of metered electricity in 2019, from January 1, will increase by an average of 1.7% compared to the previous year. For those who are interested in how much 1 kW of electricity costs (according to the meter) for the first half of 2019, we provide the table below:

Electricity tariffs in Moscow for 2019 for the 1st and 2nd half of the year

Tariff name and its parameters Tariff size
from 01/01/2019 (1st half of the year) from 07/01/2019 (2nd half of the year)
1 The main population living in gasified urban houses
1.1 Flat rate tariff 5,47
1.2 Two-part tariff differentiated by day zone*
Peak zone 6,29
Night 1,95
Peak zone 6,57
Half-peak zone 5,47
Night 1,95
2 Consumers living in residential premises with stationary electric stoves and/or electric heating systems
2.1 Flat rate tariff 4,37
Peak zone 5,03
Night 1,37
2.3 Three-part tariff differentiated by day zones
Peak zone 5,25
Half-peak zone 4,37
Night 1,37
3 Consumers classified as population
3.1 Flat rate tariff
3.2 Two-part tariff with differentiation by day zones
Peak zone
3.3 Three-part tariff differentiated by day zones
Peak zone
Half-peak zone

Of course, such tariffs cannot be called low, however, it is worth noting that they correspond to the level of salaries and general level life of the population of the Moscow region.

How is the division by day zones carried out?

A single tariff (another name is single-rate) is considered to be a tariff at which the price of electricity is the same throughout the day.

A 2-phase tariff is a tariff that assumes that electricity costs differently during the day (depending on the specific time interval: cheaper at night than during the day):

  • Daily rate – from 07.00 to 23.00;

There is also a differentiated electricity tariff, which implies the following intervals:

  • Peak zone – from 07.00 to 09.00 and from 17.00 to 20.00;
  • Half-peak zone - from 09.00 to 17.00 and from 20.00 to 23.00;
  • Night tariff – from 23.00 to 07.00.

Cost of 1 kilowatt of electricity according to the meter for Russian cities for 2019

As for other cities, the tariffs there will be different. Let's consider them further. You can find out how much one kilowatt of electricity costs for large cities in Russia in 2019 in the table below.

Price for electricity by meter in Russian cities
City Tariffs for houses with electric stoves, rub/kWh. Tariffs for houses with gas stoves, rub/kWh.
Moscow 4.37 RUR/kWh. 5.47 RUR/kWh.
Saint Petersburg 3.46 RUR/kWh. 4.61 RUR/kWh.
Barnaul 3.25 rub/kWh. 3.99 RUR/kWh.
Vladivostok 3.04 RUR/kWh. 3.74 RUR/kWh.
Volgograd 2.96 RUR/kWh. 4.22 RUR/kWh.
Voronezh 2.62 RUR/kWh. 3.74 RUR/kWh.
Ekaterinburg 2.77 RUR/kWh. 3.96 RUR/kWh.
Izhevsk — rub/kWh. — rub/kWh.
Irkutsk 1.08 RUR/kWh. 1.08 RUR/kWh.
Kazan 2.62 RUR/kWh. 3.75 RUR/kWh.
Krasnodar 3.00 RUR/kWh. 4.28 RUR/kWh.
Krasnoyarsk 1.76* rub/kWh. 2.52* rub/kWh.
Nizhny Novgorod 3.02 RUR/kWh. 4.31 RUR/kWh.
Novosibirsk 2.60 RUR/kWh. 2.60 RUR/kWh.
Omsk — rub/kWh. — rub/kWh.
Permian 2.85 RUR/kWh. 3.99 RUR/kWh.
Rostov-on-Don 2.72 RUR/kWh. 3.89 RUR/kWh.
Samara 2.84 RUR/kWh. 4.06 RUR/kWh.
Saratov 2.44 RUR/kWh. 3.48 RUR/kWh.
Tolyatti 2.84 RUR/kWh. 4.06 RUR/kWh.
Tyumen 1.98 RUR/kWh. 2.82 RUR/kWh.
Ulyanovsk 2.62 RUR/kWh. 3.74 RUR/kWh.
Ufa 2.14 RUR/kWh. 3.06 RUR/kWh.
Khabarovsk — rub/kWh. — rub/kWh.
Chelyabinsk 2.23 RUR/kWh. 3.19 RUR/kWh.

* electricity tariffs within the social norm of consumption.

The following average rates apply for the supply of electricity in Russian cities:

  • The cost of 1 kW with electric stoves in Russian cities ranges from 1 rub. up to 4 rubles.
  • The cost of 1 kW with gas stoves ranges from 1 rub. up to 5.5 rubles.

The information above allows us to conclude that citizens of the Russian Federation will still have to pay more for electricity, but the largest increase in tariffs by 2.4% will occur only from 07/01/2019.

Social norm for electricity consumption and current tariffs

Please note that electricity rates will become even more confusing in the coming period. The reason for this will be the introduction of a social norm for electricity consumption. The point here is that a household has the opportunity to receive a predetermined amount of electrical energy at a social (“reduced”) tariff, and everything that will be consumed in excess of the established norm. It will be necessary to pay at a rate that is 30% higher.

This means that there will be a doubling of the gradation of tariffs, namely: if at the moment for the population rural areas there is a single one-rate tariff for electricity, then after the innovation of the social norm there will already be 2 such tariffs (within the limit of the social norm and exceeding it).

Another important point is that social norm has a clear link to the number of residents who are officially registered and live in a given living space. Now subscribers will have to not only calculate the amount of payment for electricity by multiplying the consumed kWh. at the current tariff, but also to calculate, based on the number of registered residents, which part of the electricity is included in the social norm, and which already exceeds it.

It should be noted that for those categories of citizens who will not be able to pay for electricity, subsidies are provided, through which it will be possible to partially cover household expenses for the provision of utility services.

What are the tariffs for rural areas and for the city?

To a large extent, electricity tariffs depend on the area in which the consumer lives (city or rural area). Thus, the tariff in rural areas will be 30% cheaper than in urban areas.

This point has its own nuances, namely: the reduced (preferential) tariff applies only in rural settlements. Whereas in the case when a village, both dacha and cottage (for example: DNT, SNT, etc.) has rural status municipality does not have (is not located within the rural settlement), then residents will have to pay for electricity according to the tariffs provided for the city. The same rule fully applies to urban settlements (urban-type settlements). Although the standard of living in them, as well as their amenities, does not differ significantly from villages and villages, residents of such urban settlements must pay for consumed electricity at the tariffs provided for the city.

In addition to the above information, we invite readers to watch a video that will tell you exactly how to calculate the cost of 1 kW of electricity and what this amount consists of.

In conclusion, it should be noted that electricity bills should be paid on time and at the tariffs that are provided in a particular region. Only in this case will subscribers not have any problems with regulatory authorities.