What the river and meadow look like. Meadow – natural community

Russian language

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(1) Between the forests and the Oka River stretch a wide belt of water meadows. (2) At dusk, the meadows look like the sea. (3) As if on the sea, the sun sets on the grass, and signal lights burn like beacons on the banks of the Oka. (4) Just as in the sea, fresh winds blow over the meadows, and high sky overturned into a pale green bowl.

(5) In the meadows the old riverbed of the Oka stretches for many kilometers. (6) His name is Prorva. (7) This is a dead, deep and motionless river with steep banks. (8) The banks are overgrown with hundred-year-old willows, rose hips, umbrella grasses and blackberries.

(9) There is often a light haze over Prorva. (10) Its color changes depending on the time of day. (11) In the morning it is a blue fog, in the afternoon it is a whitish haze, and only at dusk the air over Prorva becomes transparent, like spring water. (12) The foliage of the sedge trees barely trembles, pink from the sunset, and the Prorvina pikes beat loudly in the pools.

(13) In the mornings, when you can’t walk ten steps on the grass without getting completely wet from dew, the air on Prorva smells of bitter willow bark, grassy freshness, and sedge. (14) It is thick, cool and healing.

(15) Every autumn I spend many days in a tent on Prorva. (16) To get a vague idea of ​​what Prorva is, you should describe at least one day there. (17) I come to Prorva by boat. (18) I have with me a tent, an axe, a lantern, a backpack with food, a sapper shovel, some dishes, tobacco, matches and fishing gear.

(19) On Prorva I already have my favorite places, always very remote. (20) The bottom of them is a sharp turn of the river, where it spills into a small lake with very high banks overgrown with vines. (21) There I pitch a tent.

(22) The tent is set up. (23) It is warm and dry. (24) The lantern hangs on a hook. (25) In the evening I light it and even read in the tent, but I usually read for a short time; there is too much interference on Prorva: either a crake will start screaming behind a nearby bush, then a pound of fish will strike with a cannon roar, then a willow twig will shoot deafeningly in the fire and scatter sparks, then a crimson glow will begin to flare up over the thickets and the gloomy moon will rise over the expanses of the evening earth.

(26) Tents of black willows hang overhead. (27) Looking at them, you begin to understand the meaning of old words. (28) Obviously, such tents in former times were called “canopies.” (29) Under the shadow of the willows... (30) And for some reason on such nights you call the constellation Orion Stozhari, and the word “midnight,” which in the city sounds, perhaps, like a literary concept, takes on a real meaning here. (31) This darkness under the willows, and the shine of the September stars, and the bitterness of the air, and the distant fire in the meadows, where the boys guard the horses driven into the night - all this is midnight.

(32) Every hour the night gets colder, by dawn the air already burns your face with a slight frost, and the grass turns gray from the first morning performance.

(33) It's time to get up. (34) In the east, the dawn is already filling with a quiet light, the huge outlines of willows are already visible in the sky, the stars are already fading. (35) The sun rises. (36) The frost is melting. (37) The coastal sands become dark with dew.

(38) I boil strong tea in a smoky tin kettle; I've been fishing all morning.

(39) The words of Aksakov entirely refer to these days spent on Prorva: “On a green flowering bank, above the dark depths of a river or lake, in the shade of bushes, under the tent of a gigantic sedge or curly alder, quietly fluttering its leaves in the bright mirror of the water, Imaginary passions will subside, imaginary storms will subside, selfish dreams will crumble, unrealistic hopes will scatter. (40) Nature will enter into its eternal rights. (41) Together with the fresh air, you will breathe into yourself serenity of thought, meekness of feeling, condescension towards others and even towards yourself.”

(According to K. G. Paustovsky)

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Awakening nature from hibernation, gentle rays rising sun, intricate bird trills... Doesn’t all this excite our sophisticated mind? Doesn't this excite our imagination?

It is the problem of the influence of nature on humans that K. G. Paustovsky raises in the presented text. Revealing this problem, the classic describes wonderful places near Prorva and talks about his days spent in those places. The tranquility of nature leads the protagonist to think about the essence of things and phenomena: “the word “midnight” takes on real meaning here.” The hero begins to feel the enormous influence nature has on him. Peace and serenity find man in the natural world. “Imaginary passions will subside” and “imaginary storms will subside” in the human soul.

K. G. Paustovsky claims that nature can have a calming effect on a person. Reconnecting with nature makes you think about various phenomena in life, as well as rethink your understanding of the world.

I would like to confirm all of the above


  • 1 of 1 K1 Formulation of source text problems
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Natural community A “meadow” is a vast area covered with grassy vegetation. As a rule, meadows are located near rivers and lakes, fed by moisture from reservoirs. Vegetable and animal world This community is very rich, and is of great value to other ecosystems.

Characteristics of the meadow natural community

A meadow is a large area covered with herbaceous plants. open space, which is most often located near bodies of water. In the spring, when rivers flood, the meadow area is flooded with water. But he does not suffer from this at all; on the contrary, grass grows very well in moist soil, and the silt brought by melt water is a good natural fertilizer. Such meadows are called flooded meadows.

Rice. 1. Water meadow.

People never settle in meadows, despite all their advantages. During a flood, water from rivers and lakes overflows so much that housing will inevitably be flooded, and the soil will remain wet throughout the summer.

Forests often grow nearby meadows. These natural communities do not compete with each other: they equally have enough sunlight and heat, the composition of their soils is similar to each other. The difference is that the forest cannot grow directly on the banks of the river, since the roots of the trees are not able to grow in such moisture. Small trees can grow in groups only at higher elevations, where there is the least moisture.

In addition to water meadows, there are also alpine meadows. Their difference is that they are located not in the lowlands near reservoirs, but high in the mountains. As you climb the mountain, the air temperature drops, and the forests are gradually replaced by shrubs and then meadows.

Rice. 2. Alpine meadows.

Alpine meadows were able to adapt to harsh conditions mountain conditions, and for short summer the grasses have time to grow, bloom and produce seeds.

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Flora and fauna of meadow communities

The vast majority of plants in meadows are various grasses and flowers that need large quantities sunlight and warmth. Among them there are many honey-bearing, forage, medicinal plants, as well as poisonous specimens.

Rare representatives of meadow flora listed in the Red Book can also grow in open meadows. That is why you should never pick flowers and herbs: perhaps among them you will find a rare flower that is on the verge of complete extinction.

At first glance, it may seem that no one lives in the meadows, but this is not at all the case. Just listen and you can hear a rhythmic hum - these are numerous insects living their normal lives:

  • bees tirelessly extract flower nectar;
  • fast dragonflies hunt various midges and mosquitoes;
  • omnivorous ants are busy improving their anthill;
  • The gravedigger beetle, which looks very similar to a bumblebee, cleverly hides from enemies and is always busy searching for food.

Rice. 3. Bees in the meadow.

Grassland birds are typically small, with variegated plumage that blends in with the forbs. Their body shape is streamlined to make it easier to get through thick grass.

Among the animals of the natural community “Meadow” there are a lot of different rodents, for which the meadow is an excellent food supply.

What have we learned?

When studying the topic “Meadow - a natural community,” we found out what a meadow is, how it differs from a forest, and what varieties there are. We also learned what animals and plants live in the meadow natural community.

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Forest and meadows, river, lakes and swamps
What could be better than a hike in early autumn? protected areas Meshchera.

Ordinary life is what you get most tired of in big city. Tomorrow will be similar to today.

You need a daring adventure, an adventure that will shake your brain and remain a precious memory in your memory bank.

In the middle of the week, attention is drawn to an announcement on the website of the “Ski Club Supermarathon Dmitriev” about a hike next Saturday to the Shatur churchyard, which promises adventures “in the form of unforeseen crossings, blockages, etc.”


We meet on the train coming from the Kazansky station and go to the Zapolitsa platform.

Zapolitsy is an ancient village.

Dahlias are blooming under the windows.

It rained for several days in a row heavy rains, more than the monthly norm of precipitation fell.

One can talk for a long time about Shatura, about its history, lost in the depths of centuries.

Shatur deserves a separate essay.

It’s time for us to move, and very quickly, to Shaturtorf in order to catch the train to Moscow.

Along the forest road we go north through the Simonovo tract.

There are terrible swamps around. This is Meshchera.

It’s good to walk along a wide grader.

Tourists from Dmitriev's group - good people. We rescued local residents from trouble on a motorcycle, whose path was blocked by a large birch tree littered across the road by someone.

After the rains the road was bad. Dirt.

This morning the boots were as good as new.

Around the Shatura peat mining area.

Former peat quarries are turning into beautiful ones.

The construction of canals at the Shatura peat mines continues.

The most modern equipment is used at the Shatura peat mines.

I wonder how this crawler excavator climbed up this gravel mountain.

And, most importantly, why?

The villages at the Shatura peat mines are named by numbers.

Here is village 12. Photo of a wooden house from approximately the 30s of the last century.

In place of the drained swamps of Meshchera there are fields. The corn is earing.

The expedition to the disappeared city of Shatur was a success.

Many thanks to the leader Alexander Zaitsev for this luxurious and rare beauty hiking trip around Meshchera.