Essay in English. Sample essay on English (for and against - for and against)

From this article you will learn what ( linking words) are used in written English work, such as essays. This type of work belongs to the official style and has been included in the Unified State Examination in English since 2014. You can familiarize yourself with the rules for writing an essay here - At the end of the article you will also find USEFUL TIPS,

Linking words in written English work

In any written work in English, it is not grammar that is controlled, but logic, therefore, your essay should be as logical as possible. The more logically you write, the more understandable your essay will be to the evaluator and the more points he will give you. Therefore, in your essay you should use different introductory words and complex subordinating conjunctions saying in simple language, linking words.

Let's share everything linking words into groups to make it clearer what they serve:

I. Opinion Words

First group the words are called " opinion words" You are sure to use them since you write "opinion-composition":
To my mind, ... - In my opinion, ...
From my point of view, ... - From my point of view, ...
In my opinion, ... - In my opinion, ...

II. Introducing Words

Second group words is called « introducing words» . These are the words with which you introduce the first and most important argument in defense of your point of view:

To begin with, ... - To begin with, ...
To start with, ... - To begin with, ...
The first thing to be considered is ... - The first thing I want to consider is ...

III. Listing Words

Third group words is called « listing words» (list - in English “list”). These are the words with which you consistently argue your opinion:
First of all, ... - First of all, ...
Second (ly), ... - Secondly, ...
In the second place I would like to mention ... - In second place, ...
Third (ly), ... - Thirdly, ...
Finally, ... - In the end, ...

IV. Adding Words

Fourth group words is called "adding words". These are words with which you can add arguments to defend your point of view:
Moreover, ... - Moreover
What is more, ... - Moreover
More than that, ... - Moreover
Besides, ... - Besides
In addition, ... - In addition
Furthermore, ... - Moreover
Next... - Next
Also... - Also
Plus... - Besides

Words Another thing & too- cannot be used in an essay, since they belong to an informal style, characteristic, for example, of a personal letter.

The third and fourth groups are interchangeable!

V. Contrasting Words

Fifth group words are "contrasting words". Please note that this is the word you begin the third paragraph of the essay with.

However, ... - However ...
Nevertheless, ... - Nevertheless ...
In contrast, ... - In contrast, ...
On the other hand, ... - On the other hand, ...

Word But- cannot be used in an essay, since it belongs to an informal style, characteristic, for example, of a personal letter.

VI. Giving Examples

Also in the essay you can give examples and refer to the opinions of various authoritative sources, so remember the words from the next group. This group of words is called « giving examples » .
for example, - for example, ...
such as - such as
like - like, like
according to smb - according to the words of “someone”

VII. Concluding Words

In the last paragraph you do conclusion, so start it with one word from the following group to choose from. This group of words is called « including words »

To sum up, ... - In conclusion, ...
To conclude, ... - In conclusion, ...
In conclusion, ... - In conclusion, ...
All in all, ... - In general, ...
All things considered, ... - Taking into account all of the above, ...

VIII. Cause and Effect Words

And finally very important group of words, which contains cause-and-effect conjunctions:
as a result - as a result
as - since
because - because
so - therefore
that is why - therefore
thus - in this way

Be sure to use cause-and-effect conjunctions in your English essay, as they will help you express your thoughts logically, and this is very, very IMPORTANT.

Explore this below essay template to understand how to correctly use all of the above linking words in an English essay.

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But that's not all! The most difficult thing is that you will have to write an essay in English in a limited time - 40 minutes. How to do this as efficiently as possible?


1) read the assignment and determine the main problem;
2) decide on your point of view (are you for or against);
3) write arguments (2-3) and their rationale on a draft;
4) reflect various aspects of the problem (social, economic, moral);
5) reveal one of the aspects in more detail;
6) and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, You should write an essay without a draft, keeping in mind the essay template (below)

The essay belongs to the official style and is therefore not allowed in essays.
abbreviations like: isn't, don't, that's why
phrasal verbs and other colloquial expressions such as those characteristic of informal style ( of course, etc.)
don't use parentheses and exclamation marks for the same reason
don't start a sentence with words But or And. Use any word from group 4 instead.

What kind of beast is “esse” and how to fight it? Of course, it is best to tame it. We suggest that together, here and now, we sort everything out and figure out how to write an essay. Often, a successfully written essay can open up a lot of opportunities on the path to realizing ourselves, and at the same time realizing our cherished desires and goals.

What is an English essay

Essay in English- this is a type of creative work that has an arbitrary composition and reveals the author’s opinion on a particular social, cultural or historical problem. This is not an English essay, article, abstract or any other work of a creative genre. The essay proudly occupies a separate hole in the world of journalism. Let's compare it with an article, an essay in English and an essay. To better understand what an essay is and why it cannot be called an article, abstract, etc.

An essay is very similar to a reasoning essay, however, the main difference between these genres is the purpose of writing an essay - an essay in English always has a conclusion, and an essay only encourages the reader to think and make his own. In the essay, the author only argues, raises current topics, but does not make a final conclusion, unlike an essay. An article is really very similar to an essay, because there is no specific structure, there is a relevant topic. However, an article is a work of journalism, as opposed to an essay. It is this factor that makes the article one and only in the world of the journalistic genre. And so that you don’t have the slightest desire to compare an essay with an essay, let’s look at the last differences. First of all, the abstract is larger in volume - about 5 pages, while the essay most often takes 1.5 - 2 pages. Also, the essay is narrated on behalf of the author, and the abstract is a report on a clearly defined topic.

Where is an English essay useful:

  • To pass the international English language exam.
  • For admission to university.
  • For hiring.

However, these are not all the moments where an essay can be useful. It's no secret that writing essays develops imagination and helps develop analytical thinking skills.

Conclusion: if you want to develop, write an essay. It plays an extremely important role in school, university and even at work. It is very important to learn to understand how to write an essay in English correctly, so that you can school years confidently move towards success.

Types of essays

There are 3 types of essays in English:

  • For & Against Essays.
  • Points to consider (“Problem and solution”).
  • Opinion Essays.

For & Against Essays

Essay “For and Against” - in this type of essay, the main task is to consider two existing points of view. It is important to objectively evaluate both positions and express your understanding of each side.

  1. Structure:
  2. 1) Introduction (here it is important to characterize the topic that will be discussed without expressing your own opinion).
    2) Main part (here it is important to express your opinion about the problem, give examples and evidence).
    3) Conclusion (in this section you summarize and summarize all of the above. Remember that in this type of essay you should not draw a specific conclusion, you can only distribute all the arguments into two bowls).

Important! Words I think, I believe,In my opinion, etc. can be consumed only in custody, where you express your position.

Useful phrases :

When considering points of view (beginning of essay):
firstly- Firstly
in the first place- in first place
to begin with- let's start with
secondly- secondly
finally- in the end
To indicate benefits:
another- other
an additional advantage ofis... - there is an additional advantage of something
the main advantage ofis... - there is an additional advantage of something
To point out deficiencies:
a further- next
a major disadvantage / drawback of... - the main disadvantage
the greatest / most serious / first disadvantage- main disadvantage
another negative side of... is another negative side of this...
To represent each point of view:
one point / argument in favor of... - one argument in favor of ...
one point / argument against... - one argument against...
it could be discussed that... - there are disputes that...
When reasoning:
moreover- moreover
in addition- in addition
furthermore- Besides
besides- besides
apart from- except
as well as- just like
also- Also
both- both
there is another side to the question... - there is another side to this issue ...
To express contrast
however- however
on the other hand- on the other side
still- more
yet- more
but- But
nevertheless- nevertheless
it may be said/ claimed that- they say that...
although- Although
while- while...
despite / in spite of- despite...

Opinion Essays

“Minority opinion” - in this type of essay it is important to express your position regarding a particular issue. It is important to provide examples, arguments in favor of your opinion, and also to express your position quite transparently.

  1. Structure:
    1) Introduction (here it is important to indicate the issue that will be considered, as well as your position regarding it).
    2) Main part (it is important to indicate opinions opposite to yours, explain why they have a right to exist, and also give arguments in favor of your opinion).
    3) Conclusion (in this section you once again express your point of view in other words).

Useful phrases:

To express your own opinion:
to my mind,… - my opinion
in my opinion / view… - I think…
I strongly believe... - I am firmly convinced...
I am (not) convinced that... - I'm not sure that...
I (definitely definitely) feel / think that... - I definitely think that ...
it seems / appears to me... - it looks like...

Points to consider essays

The Problem and Solutions essay is written in a formal style. It is important to pose a problem, then consider ways to solve it.

  1. Structure:
    1) Introduction (this is where you state the problem).
    2) Main part (it is important to show possible ways to solve the problem and its consequences).
    3) Conclusion (in this section you express your own opinion about solving the problem).

Useful phrases:

To explain the situation:
because- because
due to (the fact that) - thanks to something
the reason is that- the reason is that
thus- Thus
consequently- as a result
so that... - Thus
in order to... - in order to
with the purpose of- for the purpose
intention of (+ing) - with intention
To express probability:
it can / could / may / might be… - Maybe...
it is possible- Maybe
unlikely- unlikely
foreseeable- foreseeable
certain that... - I'm sure that...
the likelihood- probability

Vocabulary and grammar in an English essay:
It's generally believed that... It is commonly believed that...
Secondly, many people claim that… Secondly, many claim that...
An advantage, of... is... The advantage of this is that...
On the other hand, it is often claimed that… On the other hand, they always say that...
In addition most people would agree that the most serious disadvantage of… is… In addition, many would agree that the most serious drawback is...
Furthermore, it is generally believed that… Moreover, it is generally accepted that...
Taking everything into consideration… Taking everything into account...
Although, it must be said that there is no absolute answer to the question of… However, it should be said that there is no clear answer to this question...
Thus, no one can deny or raise an objection against the fact that … Thus, no one can deny or object to the fact that...
In the first place, it is my belief that... First of all, I believe that...
Secondly, what is more efficient… Secondly, what is more rational...
This can be clearly shown by the fact that… This can clearly show the fact that...
In contrast, it must be admitted that... In contrast, one might add that...
Taking everything in account, it must be said that… Taking everything into account, it must be said that...
People should focus their attention on ways to overcome the problem of … People should focus on ways to solve the problem...
As the result... As a result...
Secondly, the alternative way to solve the problem of … would be … Secondly, an alternative solution to the problem would be...
One final suggestion, which would help enormously, is to... One final solution that will certainly help...
To sum up, there are several measures which could be taken to improve… To summarize, there are several measures that should be taken...

Rules for writing essays in English

Stick to structure. Don't forget to use a draft. Make notes to yourself, outline a plan for writing an essay in English, sketch out a list of all the arguments before you start writing. It is important to be fully prepared and ready for any topic.

It is best to prepare for writing an English essay in advance, and the more you write, the better. Thus, no matter what topic you come across, you can develop it based on the knowledge and experience that you gained during preparation.

An essay may be perfect in content, but if it contains grammatical errors, everything is lost. Be sure to remember to check your work after writing. It is advisable to do this twice. First, from the very beginning to the end, and then read the entire work in reverse order. The work should be read in reverse order to identify errors in words.

Be sure to follow one of the three essay types throughout your work. It is important to be specific in your essay, but you should not make it too short. Most often, an essay consists of 180-320 words, depending on the purpose of writing. Don't forget about linking words. They show the author's literacy. Use quotes that will confirm this or that opinion.

Important! TO The number of words in an English essay usually ranges from 180 to 320 words.

We can conclude that the essay is not as scary as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is preparation. Even after reading just this article, you will already have enough information to understand how to write an essay in English. It's just a matter of practice. Write as many essays as possible, get inspired to write an English essay on a topic unfamiliar to you, be it saving animals or trends in world art.

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Writing an essay in English is a standard exam task. It is for this work that the greatest number of points are awarded, because... The task itself is not an easy one. Even in their native language, not everyone will be able to competently and consistently express their thoughts on a certain topic. What can we say if you have to do it in English.

So what is an essay? An essay is a short piece of work, the purpose of which is to convey individual impressions and thoughts on a specific issue. It is such a creative task as writing an essay that makes it possible to characterize you as a person, show your worldview, your knowledge, your potential.

As you already understand, to write an essay in English you need a fairly high level of language proficiency, and since... This task can be called creative; you must learn to express your point of view and develop a given thought. This art is quite possible to master, especially if you follow the plan that we will discuss below. I'll give you a couple very useful tips on writing essays in English, which will help you more than once.

Essay structure

An essay in English should include three semantic parts: introduction, main part and conclusion.


In the introduction, you should clearly identify the key topic-problem, which you will actually discuss further. That is, first you must communicate the topic of the essay by paraphrasing it using synonyms of keywords. You must show that you understand and comprehend the topic.

It is also necessary to indicate that there are opposing opinions on this issue, and to indicate exactly what position you take. In this case, it is best to use impersonal constructions to emphasize objectivity.

The introduction may contain some commentary on the topic. This could be a definition of a key concept or your explanation of how you understand the topic. You can list which aspects of the topic you will consider and why.

So, a properly composed introduction should give a clear idea of ​​what will be discussed in the main part. To formulate it beautifully and correctly, use the following phrases that will indicate the direction of your thoughts:

  • Now I would like to express my point of view on the problem of ... − Now, I would like to express my opinion about ...
  • This essay deals with... - This essay considers...
  • This essay will examine... - This essay examines...
  • This essay will analyze... - This essay will analyze...
  • Many people think ... but others do not agree − Many people think that ..., but others do not agree with it
  • Let us consider what the advantages and disadvantages of … are − Let us consider what the advantages and disadvantages of … are
  • Let’s consider some pros and cons of it − Let’s consider some pros and cons (of this)
  • Let us start by considering the facts
  • Let us start by considering pros and cons of it − Let's start by considering the pros and cons of (this)
  • It is generally agreed today that ... − Today it is generally agreed that ...

You can also use expressions that will define your work plan:

  • The essay is divided into three main sections - The essay is divided into three main parts
  • The third part compares... - The third part compares...
  • Finally, some conclusions will be drawn as to... - Finally, certain conclusions will be drawn about...

Main part

In the body, you should also give several opposing opinions that differ from your personal opinion and tell why you disagree with them. Everything must be reasoned and supported by examples.

All information in the body should be logically divided (i.e. the text is divided into paragraphs). You must think carefully about the structure of your essay and correctly bring the main part to the conclusion.

The following phrases can be used in the body when thinking about a problem and arguing your point of view:

  • To begin with... − Let's start with the fact that...
  • You can… − You can (You can)…
  • Firstly, ... / Secondly, ... / Finally, ... − Firstly, ... / Secondly, ... / Finally, ...
  • The first thing that needs to be said is ... − First of all, it should be said that ...
  • One argument in support of… − One of the arguments in support of…
  • One should note here that... − It should be noted here that...
  • First and foremost… − First of all…
  • It is often said that ... − It is often said that ...
  • It is true that ... / clear that ... / noticeable that ... − It is true that ... / It is clear that ... / It is noteworthy that ...
  • The second reason for… − The second reason…
  • Another good thing about … is that … − Another good thing about … is that …
  • For the great majority of people… − For the vast majority of people…
  • We live in a world in which... − We live in a world in which...
  • It is a well-known fact that... − It is well known that...
  • It is undeniable that... − It cannot be denied that...
  • A number of key issues arise from the statement. For instance, ... − This statement raises a number of key issues. For example, …
  • First of all, let us try to understand... − First of all, let's try to understand...
  • One of the most striking features of this problem is... − One of the most striking features of this problem...
  • What is more, ... − Moreover, ...
  • The public in general tends to believe that ... − The public in general tends to believe that ...
  • Besides, ... because it is ... − Besides, ... because ...
  • Doubtless, ... - Without a doubt, ...
  • It is (very) clear from these observations that... − From these observations it is (absolutely) clear that...
  • One cannot deny that... − It is impossible to deny that...
  • Another way of looking at this question is to... − To look at this problem from the other side, you need to...
  • On the other hand, we can observe that... − On the other hand, we can observe that...
  • If on the one hand it can be said that … the same is not true for … − And if on the one hand, we can say that …, the same cannot be said about …
  • The other side of the coin is, however, that … − However, on the other hand, …
  • One should, however, not forget that ... − However, one should not forget that ...
  • One should, nevertheless, consider the problem from another angle
  • On the other hand, ... − On the other hand, ...
  • Although... − Although...
  • Besides, ... − Besides, ...
  • Moreover, ... − Moreover, ...
  • Nevertheless, one should accept that... − However, it should be accepted that...
  • Furthermore, one should not forget that ... − Moreover, one should not forget that ...
  • In addition to… − In addition to…
  • However, we also agree that… − However, we also agree that…

Phrases expressing personal opinion:

  • In my opinion this subject is very controversial - In my opinion, this issue is controversial
  • In my view... − In my opinion,...
  • To my mind... − In my opinion,...
  • To my way of thinking… − In my opinion,…
  • Personally I believe that ... − Personally, I believe that ...
  • I feel strongly that... − I am firmly convinced that...
  • It seems to me that... − It seems to me that...
  • As far as I am concerned... − As for me,...

You can support your opinion with the opinion of some experts:

  • Experts believe that... − Experts believe that...
  • ... say that ... − ... say that ...
  • ... suggest that ... − ... suggest that ...
  • ... are convinced that ... − ... are convinced that ...
  • ... point out that ... − ... note that ...
  • ... emphasize that ... − ... emphasize that ...
  • Perhaps we should also point out the fact that...
  • According to some experts ... − According to some experts, ...
  • One must admit that... − We must admit that...
  • It would be unfair not to mention that fact that ... − It would be unfair not to mention the fact that ...
  • Which seems to confirm the idea that ... − What, apparently, confirms the idea (that) ...
  • We cannot ignore the fact that ... − We cannot ignore the fact that ...
  • From these facts, one may conclude that... − From these facts, one may conclude that...
  • One cannot possibly accept the fact that ... − It is difficult to come to terms with the fact that ...
  • The most common argument against this is that ... − The most common argument against this is that ...
  • Thus, ... / Therefore, ... − Thus, ... / Therefore ...


The conclusion is the final part of your essay. In conclusion, you must summarize the arguments expressed, that is, draw a conclusion and confirm your point of view. Depending on the topic of the essay, it may be appropriate to provide a solid or streamlined answer to the question posed by the topic. Or, you can clarify the prospects and consequences of a given problem.

In conclusion, you should express your opinion, which is supported by the arguments discussed earlier. In the conclusion, it is usually appropriate to list the main ideas of the essay. In this case, you need to refer to the introduction and draw parallels. But don’t repeat yourself word for word, use different wording.

The conclusion may contain a thought-provoking question, a quote, or a bright, effective image (of course, if this is appropriate). Alternatively, in conclusion, you can offer a solution to the problem under discussion, make a forecast of results or consequences, and call for action.

The conclusion is the most important part of the essay. After all, it is in the conclusion that the whole value of your work lies, where you summarize your reasoning. In it, you demonstrate how seriously you approached the consideration of a given topic and how generally you are able to reason independently and draw conclusions.

Special phrases that will help you consistently express your thoughts will help you:

  • In conclusion… − In conclusion…
  • On the whole… − In general…
  • To conclude... − In conclusion...
  • To sum up... − Thus...
  • All in all… − In general…
  • All things considered... − Taking into account all the circumstances...
  • Finally... − Ultimately... (In conclusion...)
  • Lastly... − In conclusion...
  • In conclusion, I can say that although ... − In conclusion, I can say that although ...
  • Taking everything into consideration… − Taking everything into consideration…
  • Taking everything into account… − Taking everything into account…
  • So it’s up to everyone to decide whether ... or not − So everyone must decide for themselves ... whether ... or not
  • The arguments we have presented ... suggest that ... / prove that ... / would indicate that ... − The arguments we have presented ... suggest that ... / prove that ... / indicate that ...
  • To draw the conclusion, one can say that... − To summarize, we can say that...
  • From these arguments one must ... / could ... / might ... conclude that ... − Based on these arguments, it is necessary ... / one must ... / one could ... come to the conclusion that ...

If you have already written the main part of the essay, then writing a conclusion should not be difficult. At the same time, I would like to list the most serious mistakes that simply cannot be made in the conclusion of an essay:

1. You cannot put forward completely new ideas in conclusion. It's just not logical. If they are truly important, they should be included in the main body.

2. Do not use an exculpatory tone under any circumstances. You must be confident in your statements. Don't use phrases like:

  • I may not be an expert − Perhaps I’m not an expert
  • At least this is my opinion − At least I think so

3. Do not focus on too small and insignificant details. Your task is to summarize and draw conclusions.

4. Under no circumstances should the significance of the previous arguments from the main part be refuted.

Volume of sections

The volume of each section may vary depending on the assignment and the topic of the essay. In any case, at least half of your essay should be the main body. As general idea The following ratio can serve as an indication of the volume of each section:

  • Introduction – 10 – 25% of the total volume
  • Main part - 50 - 80% of the total volume
  • Conclusion – 10 – 25% of the total volume

Useful introductory phrases

  • Moreover... − Moreover...
  • Most of all… − Most of all…
  • It is important to note that… − It is important to note that…
  • It is important to remember that… − It is important to remember that…
  • An important point is that... −
  • Аt the moment, … − At the moment, …
  • In conclusion, ... − In conclusion, ...
  • After all, ... − In the end, ...
  • In any case, … / Anyway, … / Either way, … − In any case, …
  • Actually, ... − Actually, ...
  • Firstly, ... − Firstly, ...
  • Instead of… − Instead of…
  • In the first place, ... − First of all, ...
  • From time to time, … − From time to time, …
  • Аs a result of… − As a result…
  • Indeed, ... − Indeed, ...
  • In order to… − In order to…
  • I must admit, ... − I must admit, ...
  • In other words, ... − In other words, ...
  • It makes sense (to) … − It makes sense …
  • It seems that ... − It seems (that) ...
  • In short, ... / In a nutshell, ... − In short, ... / In short, ...
  • Besides, ... − Besides, ...
  • Fortunately, ... / Fortunately, ... − Fortunately ...
  • Unfortunately, ... − Unfortunately, ...
  • In addition, ... − In addition, ...
  • By the way, ... − By the way, ... / By the way, ...
  • I should... / I had better... − I should...
  • It may seem that... − It may seem that...
  • Finally, ... − Finally, ...
  • In fact, ... / Actually, ... − In fact, ...
  • As far as I know, ... − As far as I know ...
  • А as far as I can judge, … − As far as I can judge, …
  • It doesn’t matter that... − It doesn’t matter that...
  • It is not surprising that… / It is no great surprise that… − It is not surprising that…
  • But other than that, ... − But besides this ...
  • However, ... − However, ... / However, ...
  • It turned out that... − It turned out that...
  • Frankly speaking, … / To tell the truth, … − Frankly speaking, … / To be honest, …
  • In my opinion, ... − In my opinion, ...
  • To tell the truth, … − In truth, …
  • As a matter of fact, ... − In fact, ...
  • First of all, … / Above all, … − First of all, …
  • It is self-evident that... − It goes without saying that...
  • It goes without saying that... − It goes without saying that...
  • It should be noted that… − It should be noted that…
  • I advise you (to) ... − I advise you ...
  • On the one hand, …, on the other hand, … − On the one hand, …, on the other hand, …
  • Also, ... − Also ...
  • As well as... − Just like...
  • Meanwhile, … / Meantime, … − Meanwhile, …
  • It is well known that... − It is well known that...
  • As for... / Concerning... − Regarding...
  • It can mean, that... − This can mean that...
  • I would rather… − I would prefer…
  • I would like to… − I would like to…
  • I think, … / I believe, … / I guess, … − I think, … / I believe, … / I believe, …

In order not to worry about the clarity of your essay, you must have a clear plan and a deep understanding of the material. Try to use simple phrases, without abstruse expressions. This way you can avoid a lot of mistakes in English. While not overusing complex expressions, you should also avoid abbreviations or slang.

Remember the difference between written and spoken language. Use as many adjectives and adverbs as possible to make your essay colorful and expressive. In general, you should present the main ideas and problems of your essay clearly and clearly so that the reader can follow your train of thought without being distracted by unnecessary arguments.

Ideally, you should aim for complete absence grammatical and spelling errors. The overall structure, paragraphing, punctuation - everything must be done correctly to help the reader connect with your reasoning. Here are some tips when writing an essay:

1. Use an academic writing style

  • Avoid very categorical judgments and generalizations.
  • If possible, avoid personal pronouns.
  • Support your points with quotes and data indicating the source.
  • Maintain gender equality: when referring to an abstract person, use person instead of man. It is also better to use the pronoun they instead of he or she.
  • Try to use phrases that are based on a noun rather than a verb. For example, instead of “Crime was increasing rapidly and the police were becoming concerned,” write “The rapid increase in crime was causing concern among the police.”

2. Don't use colloquial elements

  • Always use the full form instead of don't, they're, it's, etc.
  • Eliminate slang and colloquialisms. For example: kid, a lot of/lots of, cool.
  • Stay on topic.
  • Instead of phrasal verbs (get away with, get off, put in), use one-word synonyms.
  • Avoid too general words (all, get, thing). Be precise and specific.
  • Don't overuse exclamation marks, parentheses, avoid direct questions.

3. Strive to impart objectivity to the text

  • The use of impersonal constructions is encouraged (It is believed that ., it can be discussed that ...).
  • Use passive voice if there is no need to indicate the performer of the action (Experiment had been conducted).
  • Use non-categorical verbs (suggest, claim, suppose).
  • To avoid personal judgments, but to show your attitude to the issue, you can use adverbs: apparently, ideally, arguably, unexpectedly, strangely.
  • To soften the categoricalness, use modals verbs could,would,may,might.
  • To avoid generalizations, use qualifying adverbs: some, a minority of, several, many, a few.

4. Coherence of the text

In order for your essay to be pleasant to read, in addition to the fact that the thoughts in it must be expressed sequentially, the transition from one thought to another must be smooth, one must flow from the other. You must maintain coherence and guide the reader. The introductory and connecting phrases discussed above will help you with this. they can perform various functions. For example.

Very often, the final type of work when testing English language knowledge is writing an essay. Many students do not like it because their level of language proficiency is not high enough. The reason lies in the fact that to write a coherent text you need to have a good command of grammatical structure English sentences and have a rich supply of active vocabulary. But in fact, writing in a language is not so difficult, the main thing is to understand where to start.

It is a mistake to believe that the word "essay" came to us from the English language. In fact, it has French roots, but this word was brought into English culture by a world-famous philosopher and politician.

In England, this genre became part of journalism and gained enormous popularity in the 18th and 19th centuries. An essay is a short prose text that expresses a person’s subjective attitude to what is happening. in English contains an introduction, main part, and conclusion.


Any genre has a specific pattern in its structure, an essay in English is no exception. The writing sample is formed on the basis of certain characteristics. With the help of them, you can easily determine that in front of you is nothing more than this genre of literature. Knowing the characteristics of the genre will also help to better understand its structure and determine which components must be present in this type of essay. Let's look at the elements that set essays apart from other genres of literature:

  • Narrow focus. Unlike other genres of literature, this type of work cannot cover several problems. On the contrary, it is aimed at revealing one issue, but very deeply.
  • Subjectivity. This genre is not intended to show how everyone feels about the problem; it is intended to show the opinion of one person, to reveal the attitude not of society, but of the individual.
  • The essay evaluates not the information that the author gives us, but his internal qualities, the ability to think logically, worldview and everything that distinguishes him from other people.

What types of essays exist in English?

The general purpose of writing an essay in English is to express your thoughts about some phenomenon, process or object. But you can express your thoughts in different ways: find positive and negative sides of objects, look for pros and cons. Therefore, in English there are several types of essays:

  1. Opinion Essay- it needs to express your thoughts about a specific question. The problem is that when writing this type of essay, it is important to be able to find different approaches to the problem, look at it from different angles. This essay cannot strictly defend its position.
  2. For and against, or For and against essays. The type of essay that forces a person to look at an object from two sides. Nothing is absolutely perfect or absolutely flawed. Therefore, you need to be able to find both bad and good sides in any issue. You need to learn very well how to write this type of essay in English; the Unified State Examination requires writing exactly this.
  3. Suggesting ways to solve a problem, or Suggesting solutions to problem. The main problems are always global negative phenomena in the environment and society. Having looked at a certain issue holistically, the student must propose a solution.

How many parts is the essay divided into?

Since school, we know that a text usually consists of several parts: an introduction, the body of the text and conclusions. An essay has the same structure, but unlike a simple narrative, it should have more concise information, while containing as many facts and subjective arguments as possible. The entire content of the work is a consistent chain of statements and evidence for them. Logicality is the main quality that will help a child write an essay in English. The Unified State Exam tests not only knowledge, but also the ability to think.


The introduction is an important component in the structure of the story. It is in this part that the author outlines the problem that he poses for himself and tries to convey to the reader how he feels about the issue raised in the main part. Also in the introduction, he forms a list of the main issues and facts raised. The introduction should be as concise as possible and contain the key elements of the problem. In addition, the examiner develops a psychological portrait of the subject in his mind. An essay in English reveals a person’s way of thinking.

Main part

It should contain all your thoughts about the question asked. The main part of the text consists of the chain “argument - proof”. You cannot talk about any phenomena or objects if you cannot prove them. In order to properly structure and logically present information, it is imperative to divide the text into paragraphs. It should be said that when written, the arguments in the main part will present two opposites. And only with the correct structuring of the text can you write a good essay in English.


Conclusion - what conclusions were drawn when considering this issue. It is in this part that you need to sum up all the results of your reasoning. Write general provisions, which were previously stated in the introduction and explained in the main part. Use linking words to help indicate that this is the end of the essay and you are summing up everything that has been written so far. As you can see, the structure of an English essay must be taken into account when writing.

What plan should I use to write?

By sticking to a specific writing plan, it will be easier for the student to concentrate and not get stressed. Essentially, any essay is a text formed according to certain logical rules. It is important to be able to use both deductive (analysis of information from general to specific) and inductive (from specific to general) methods of logical reasoning. If the work is based on logic, then when writing an essay in English, a plan is an important part of the preparation. Below is the writing algorithm:

  • Think carefully about the question you want to cover in your essay.
  • Determine how you feel about this issue (form an introduction from this).
  • Highlight the facts that best define the problem posed to you.
  • Support your facts with specific arguments
  • Dedicate a separate paragraph to each fact and its argument to structure the text.
  • Indicate all the most significant points of the essay in the conclusion.

In order to write an essay easily and efficiently, we have prepared several recommendations. By following them, you can not only learn to write essays well in English, but also understand how to handle the text:

  1. Essay topics in English are very diverse, so develop your knowledge by reading books and encyclopedias.
  2. Learn to understand English grammar and try to memorize as much vocabulary as possible. Incorrect sentence structure and low vocabulary are immediately visible, and this indicates that you do not know the language.
  3. Always keep a draft with you, but you need to know how to use it wisely. Don’t try to write the entire essay there first and then rewrite it into a clean copy. On the contrary, outline in a draft with an essay on English plan writings, the most important facts and arguments for them.
  4. Don't forget that it plays a very important role. Unstructured text looks ugly, and most importantly, it confuses your thoughts and does not allow you to sort information into categories.
  5. The style of this genre is formal, but if you find it difficult to write official language, then you can choose semi-formal, but in no case use slang forms of communication.
  6. Conciseness is not always a bad quality; in an essay, it is very important to be able to select the main information and make the text as informative as possible and as less cumbersome as possible.
  7. Always keep in mind that you need not only to write the text, but also to check it. Calculate the optimal amount of time you will need to write, taking into account rereading.
  8. Any fact that you cover must be reasoned and logically justified.
  9. Learn to express your thoughts correctly. Never present facts about which you know nothing or know very little. Be sure that the words you write are correct.
  10. Learn linking words that serve to connect parts of the text and move smoothly through them. Remember that in English essays, clichés are a common occurrence (We cannot ignore the fact that..., One must admit that..., In addition to..., According to some experts).
  11. Be gentle in your beliefs. Since the essay shows a subjective perception of the proposed problem, never emphasize that you are completely right, because other people have their own opinion on this matter, and it may not coincide with yours. Also, do not touch sensitive topics, including politics, religion, etc.

Introductory phrases: what they are and how they can help

An English language essay contains standard usages that help the author formulate his thoughts, emphasize the importance of a statement or objectivity in his assessments. These are called introductory phrases. With their help, the essay becomes more structured and lively. There are a huge number of introductory phrases for each part of the statement. For example, for the introduction they use phrases that attract the reader’s attention (Many people think ... but others do not agree), in the main part they use comparison phrases (From the other hand), in the conclusion phrases that indicate drawing conclusions will be relevant (To sum up). Be sure to use the above options, they help to express thoughts clearly.

The most common mistakes

Writing an essay in English is not without its drawbacks, and this fact is very important to take into account, because forewarned is forearmed.

Carefully study the list of the most common mistakes, which will be presented below, and draw conclusions for yourself: see which of the listed mistakes you do not make, and which you need to work on. This way you can find out your weak points and try to improve them. The most common mistakes are:

- Boring start to the story. It is very important to interest the evaluator from the very first lines, to show that he is reading your essay not because he just needs to evaluate it, but because he will find useful information for himself.

- Work not personally verified by you. Only by rereading your text will you be able to find flaws and missing elements in it. When a person rereads what is written, he perceives it holistically. Don't forget to take the time to check your essay.

- The essay is based on unsubstantiated facts. It's better to do less, but better. Choose only those facts that you can correctly substantiate.

- The question is not fully answered. Despite the fact that the topics of essays in English are varied (“Animals in the zoo. How do you feel about this”, “ Computer games. Pros and cons), learn to fully disclose your position.

- You are trying to be something you are not. Always write essays from pure heart and say only what you think. Only then will you be perceived as an individual.

We carefully read the topic and check what arguments it requires this topic: arguments of a general nature or there is an opportunity to express your own opinion.

Then we think about the content and completeness of the task. When planning an essay with arguments “for” and “against”, we arrange the material in four paragraphs:

1. introduction - statement of the problem;

2. arguments for;

3. arguments against;

4. conclusion.

The first paragraph - the introduction - includes several sentences that introduce the topic and express its dual nature.

You can use the following language material:

People say/believe that…,

It is said/believed that…,

According to…,

It is a hot question,

Thereisadiscussion about

When working on arguments, remember that we write the arguments “for” and “against” in separate paragraphs. Balanced argumentation is required for this type of written statement.

When expressing several arguments “for” or “against”, we put them in a logical sequence, connecting them with conjunctions or allied words. The second and third arguments, confirming and expanding the first, are driven by the following conjunctions and allied words:

In addition (to this, that),

What's more,


As well as this


Apart from the fact that…

For example ,

1. Extreme sports are very popular nowadays. (+)( positive argument)

In addition to this, they are so romantic and thrilling. (+)

What’s more, you will get unforgettable impressions and a lot of exercise.(+)

Moreover,you will get unforgettable impressions and a lot of exercise.(+)

2. Dogs are trained to guard places and find drugs. (+)

As well as this they are kept as pets. (+)

Apart from being trained to guard places, they are kept as pets. (+)

Besides being trained to guard places, they are kept as pets. (+)

3. They say computer games are violent. (-)(negative argument)

In addition to this they can be addictive. (-)

What's more, they can be addictive. (-)

Moreover, they can be addictive. (-)

For introduction contrasting the following conjunctions and allied words are used in the arguments : but, however, on the other hand, yet, although, though, in spite of/despite, in contrast.

For example ,They say that fewer people read books nowadays. (-)

On the other hand, books still remain one of the most popular gifts for birthdays. (+)

Nevertheless, remain one of the most popular gifts for birthdays. (+)

However, remain one of the most popular gifts for birthdays. (+)

The train is much cheaper than the plane. (+)

Despite/in spite of the fact that the train is much cheaper than the plane, it is relatively slow.(-)

4. In the main part of the essay we also use conjunctions and conjunctions, expressions: so, as a result, therefore, thus, to begin with, firstly (secondly, thirdly), in my opinion, as far as I am concerned, for example, for instance (such as, like).

In the last paragraph, you should summarize what was said and make a conclusion: again we write a sentence that reflects the contradictory nature of the topic, but at the same time, giving hope for finding a compromise. If The topic allows you to clearly express your opinion here. Using Expressions : in conclusion, to sum up (finally, therefore), in general, in summary, all in all .

When writing an essay with arguments for and against, we remember

1. Use formal language.

2. Sentence structures should be complex.

3. Try to use more impersonal sentences.

4. Don't use abbreviations ( Don't, there's, etc

  • Going on a diet
  • Watching television
  • Using Internet
  • Using cars
  • Having pets at home
  • Development of technologies
  • electronic money
  • Internet. For and Against Essay

    We live in the age of information technology and nowadays the Internet is nearly as common as the telephone. No doubt that it is a unique invention, which has influenced all areas of our lives. However, some people consider the Internet one of the greatest evils of our time.

    On the one hand, the Internet is very useful, because it lets us access a world of facts, figures and knowledge. In addition, with the Internet, it is now possible to speak to friends and relatives any-where in the world cheaply and quickly. Other services are also available through the Internet such as booking tickets or buying things. Moreover, the Internet allows a lot of talented people to show the world their achievements and makes it easier to find a job.

    On the other hand, the Internet can become a disaster for our society, because people spend hours in front of their computers and neglect their everyday duties. Another worry is the activities of cybercriminals. For example, hackers can steal your money or even your property while cyberterrorists may "attack" the world"s computers, causing chaos, and making planes and trains crash. What is more, leaders of different terrorist or oppositional organizations can use the Internet to find new followers.

    In conclusion, I strongly believe that despite the criticisms by some and the fears of others, the Internet seems to have changed our world to the better and we must try to make the best use of it.