100 headlines on the topic I am a creative person. Headlines in email marketing

Denis Savelyev

Before publishing an article, review, slideshow, or video, be sure to take a few minutes to make sure you choose the best headline. A good headline is a matter of life and death in content marketing. As the internet becomes more and more of a seething cauldron of chaos, you have less and less time to capture the attention of your audience.

By choosing a good title for the material, you instantly get a response from the reader. A headline helps your readers quickly determine whether they need your article or presentation, why they should buy, download, or open a page of your content, and what benefits they receive by clicking on the relevant link.

By choosing a bad title, you make your article, presentation, or other content invisible to most of your audience. The title is the most important element of Internet pages, advertisements, and video materials. It draws the audience's attention to the content. Content goes unnoticed if you use a dull and unattractive title.

This article will introduce you to the main characteristics good headlines. It includes 10 questions, by answering which you will learn how to create high-quality and “catchy” headlines. You can also use the title rating table, which is a handy tool quick definition their qualities.

The examples discussed below are primarily related to books. The names of the authors of most of them have become brands, and the books remain bestsellers, thanks in part to successful titles. However, these examples remain valid for content of any type - and, above all, for web content.

1. Does your headline promise the audience a benefit?

Choose a title that clearly communicates to readers the benefits and benefits they will receive from your product or service. The best headline solves a problem or helps the audience achieve a desired goal.

Compare the following titles:

  • Graphic design tools and techniques.
  • Master Your Design: A Guide to Basic Tools and Techniques.

The first heading tells the reader about the content of the article. The second title describes the benefits that the reader will receive after reading the article.

2. Does your headline contain specific details that highlight its relevance and value?

Specific details in the headline, such as exact numbers, draw extra attention to your content. Numbers structure information, as can be seen in the book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey. Imagine the title of this book without the numbers: Habits of Highly Effective People. Doesn't sound very convincing, right?

The numbers in the title also help you “eat the elephant one piece at a time.” We are talking about achieving a complex goal step by step. For example, pay attention to the title of Terry Orbach's book, 6 Steps to a Perfect Marriage. Another example is Damir Khalilov’s article “100 main skills of an SMM specialist” (although, in our opinion, the round number sounds a little forced, as if the author adjusted the results to a “round” number; it would be much better to title the article “97 or 102 skills... ").

Moreover, numbers can make your content more relevant by giving the reader a specific deadline or timeline for achieving a goal. What do you think of the title of the book, Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days, used by authors Jay Conrad Levinson and Al Lautenslager? But the title, Lose 21 Pounds in 21 Days: The Martha Vineyard Detox Diet, sounds even better. The title of this book shows the reader exactly how many pounds excess weight it will reset and for what period. Buyers of books about dieting and other methods of weight correction probably want to know the exact results of using the described methods.

Another example on the topic of numbers is designer Yana Frank’s diary book “365 days of a very creative person.” But, as you already understand, there are a lot of examples of successful headlines using numbers. The main thing is the ability to beat these numbers.

3. Does your title take into account the target audience for which the content is intended?

Identify the target consumers of your content using the title where possible. This makes your content personalized. You can identify your target readers by naming them directly or by highlighting their key characteristics. The more obvious this is made, the better.

C.J. Hayden's book, Attract Customers: A 28-Day Marketing Course for Professionals, Trainers, and Consultants, defines the audience by occupation. Heidi Muroff and Sharon Maisel use the title "What to Expect When You're Expecting" to point out the book's target buyers by describing the circumstances in which they find themselves. A similar technique is used by the author of the book “Survival Guide for Single Moms,” Patrice Karst.

Jay Conrad Levinson remains a recognized master of targeting specific market segments. It was he who published the book “Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days.” Levinson then adapted his ideas for consumers in different niches. This is how the publications “Guerrilla Marketing for Writers”, “... for Financial Advisors”, etc. appeared. In addition, Levinson wrote a separate book describing the use of his approach in the online sphere - “Guerrilla Marketing on the Internet.”

Some authors manage to define the target audience by saying who the readers are not. For example, Robin Williams created the guide “Design for Non-Designers” (English: The Non-Designer's Design Book, literally “Book about design for non-designers”).

4. Does your title help position your content?

The series of books “... for dummies” is one of the successful examples of positioning content using a title. For example, the book “Red Wine for Dummies” is unlikely to interest experts and fine connoisseurs of this drink. However, if you want to gain some basic knowledge about red wine, the above title will quickly grab your attention.

The title can position your content by directly indicating the method used to solve the problem. “Cancer prevention through natural means” is an example of this approach.

5. Are you trying to arouse curiosity among potential readers with your headline?

As we are told by all kinds of books on literary analysis and nature literary creativity, interest in the text (it is clear that the word “interest” here is very conditional - it is a set of feelings that are evoked in the reader by the text) is born when the text exceeds our internal expectations from it. And this happens thanks to certain techniques that “break” the general paradigm of the text, the usual picture of the world.

There are three such methods:

  • Metaphors. They make names more understandable and memorable. They create images that remain in the reader's memory. Metaphor is a transfer of meaning, the use of a word in figurative meaning. Examples of metaphorical titles: “How I ate a dog” by Evgeny Grishkovets (I didn’t eat it!), “I’m burning Paris” by Bruno Yasensky (I didn’t burn it!), etc. Coming up with a metaphorical title is very easy. But it is important not only to come up with it, it is much more important to play it out in the text. The headline is the bait, the hook. If you disappoint the reader's expectations by not "acting out" the headline in the text, you will lose confidence in your next headlines.
  • Alliteration is another way to make the name memorable. It involves the repetition of homogeneous or identical consonants in the words of the title. Alliteration is a technique more characteristic of poetic speech. But composing headings, believe me, is closer to versification than it might seem at first glance. As an example, we can name examples of books “ M Aster and M argarita" Bulgakov, " N very n Ezhna" by Fitzgerald, etc.
  • Contradictions or unexpected expressions also arouse the curiosity of readers. They remain winning against the backdrop of trivial headlines. Pay attention to the title of the fairy tale, “How Ivan the Fool Outwitted the Devil.” The emerging contradiction between “fool” and “outwitted” makes the reader wonder how Ivan outwitted the devil. The title of Tim Ferriss's book, The Four-Hour Workweek, is an example of the use of an unexpected phrase. Many buyers do not believe that it is possible to work only four hours a week, so they are interested in the book. Another example: “Goal: A Process of Continuous Improvement” (a goal is not a finishing point, but a process over time) by Elia Goldratt and Jeff Cox. Well, the most eloquent example of a contradiction is “The Man Who Was Thursday” by Gilbert Chesterton.

6. Does your headline engage in dialogue with your audience?

Pack the title of your book or article with a promise made simple and in clear words. The best headlines retain the almost naive obviousness that characterizes everyday dialogue. ordinary people. Please note the following examples:

  • “How to Finish What You Start” by David Allen.
  • "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking" by Allen Carr.
  • “I don’t know how to lose weight” by Pierre Dukan (the dialogue then easily continues: - do you know how? - no, unfortunately, I don’t know how either...).
  • "Before your teenager drives you crazy" by Nigel Latta, etc.

Choose regular verbs, creating headers. Also use verbal nouns. They form the attitude you need towards the product on the part of the reader.

  • Incentive verbs are one of the most successful forms for a title. They direct readers to a specific action. "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill is one example of the use of motivating verbs in the title.
  • The verbal nouns used in the title describe ongoing actions. The book “Walking through torment” by A.N. Tolstoy demonstrates the possibility of using verbal nouns in the title.

7. How short is your title?

Let's say the obvious: short headlines attract more attention from your audience. Remember than less words you use in the title, the more each of them is remembered by the potential reader.

Author Malcolm Gladwell is considered the master of the short headline. Pay attention, for example, to the title of his book “Geniuses and Outsiders” (English: The Outliers) - succinct and short.

8. Do you use subheadings?

A subheading is a reinforcement of your headline. Combine short headings with longer subheadings that provide some detail. Here's an example of a bestseller with a two-word title and a 14-word subtitle: "Skinny Bitch: The Powerful Guide for Savvy Girls Who Want to Stop Eating Junk and Look Hot." English version The subtitle consists of 17 words and contains profanity.

Garr Reynolds uses a multi-word title to draw attention to his book. And the subtitle gives readers additional information. Reynolds' piece is called "The Zen Presentation: Design, Development, Delivery, and Examples."

Well, another example that we could not ignore. The book by Michael Stelzner, which is translated into Russian as “Content Marketing: New Methods of Attracting Customers in the Internet Age,” and in the original the title is even shorter and the subtitle is even longer - Launch: How to Quickly Propel Your Business Beyond the Competition.

9. SEO: Does your title include popular search terms?

Naturally, we could not ignore this issue. Web content needs to think about driving traffic. The most important traffic generators are search engines. But here you need to find a middle ground and not be led by “naked SEO”. The main thing is relevance to the content, and then “tailoring” it to search engines. Let's illustrate with the example of this article. We wrote the article itself, we already had a title in our heads - simple and succinct. The only thing we did was check which query was more frequent: “How to write a title” or “How to create a title.” Although I personally prefer the verb “create” in this context (it is closer to the nature of the action of coming up with headlines than the verb “write”), nevertheless, the final version of the title was coordinated.

In general, all of us, working with content and hand in hand with specialists in optimization and promotion of websites on the Internet, must keep in mind the frequency and competition for those requests that somehow coincide with our headlines. It is clear that not every request can be “pulled” to the top of search results only thanks to content. But if the page does not have textual relevance to the intended query, then the query will never make it to the top.

But the authors printed books You should also remember about Yandex and Google. Your works will be found faster on the “shelves” of online stores Ozon.ru, Books.ru, Amazon.com if their titles and subtitles contain popular queries.

10. Mixed Approach: Do you use more than one of the techniques listed above when creating your headlines?

Authors use two or more of the techniques described above to come up with compelling and popular headlines. For example, alliteration and metaphors can be combined well with subheadings that detail information.

Thank you for reading this far. As a thank you, we want to tell you this. Actually nature good text– and the title as part of it – is very contradictory. You can create a great headline that completely rejects all of our recommendations above. The geniuses of the pen will do it. And even talented copywriters with a “full” hand. But we are talking about the mechanics of creating texts, and not about the nature of talent. High-quality copywriting is the sum of the technologies that the author uses, learning from his own and others’ mistakes. And in this article we talked specifically about technologies, trying to analyze successful, in our opinion, headlines and generalizing their properties, leading these generalizations to some conclusions.

Speaking about the technological effectiveness of creating headlines, we can also recommend using the following technique.

Use the scoring chart to determine the quality of headlines for articles, books, blog posts, social media posts, and other content marketing products. Consider the best quality option, dialing greatest number points.

Intrigue + Aim + Benefit = Perfect name


The title should arouse curiosity and a desire to find out: “What is so interesting, useful, unusual that the author will tell you now?”

For example, the title “Initial blog promotion” sounds a bit boring, but the title “The most current methods of blog promotion in 2016” is intriguing, and how!


The title should have a clear purpose. A good headline is addressed to a specific person. target audience and immediately makes it clear for whom the article is intended.

For example, the article “Sources of finding clients for a flower shop” will not be easy for flower business owners to pass by.

The more specifically you identify your potential target audience, the deeper you go into the topic, the easier it will be for you to find a response among readers.


The headline should show what benefits can be obtained from reading or purchasing the article.

For example, in the headline “12 free ways to get links,” the benefit is clearly expressed by the word “free.”

How to come up with an article title: tricks of cunning copywriters

A headline in the form of an intriguing question

Any question in itself creates intrigue. After reading a question, the reader sometimes even against his will wants to get an answer to it. And the answer can only be obtained by reading the article.

Therefore, we take note of the following questions:

  • Why?
  • When?
  • Which?

However, if you need a really effective headline, then you need to remember all three criteria. The intrigue contained in the question needs to be enhanced by the elements of Target and Benefit.

If the title of the article directly addresses the target audience you need, then the chances of meeting grateful readers increase dramatically.

Thus, the article “How to make money at home for mothers on maternity leave?” will not leave many mothers indifferent. As you can see, two whole terms of our formula already appear here.

Reasons, tips, methods, recommendations, techniques, laws, rules should be combined into a separate heading category because they instantly inform the reader: this is an article in the form of a list with reasons, tips... and so on. Structured, clear, specific articles always go great!

In the title “12 tips for a beginning copywriter” you see not only an indication of the structure of the content, but also a magical text enhancer that attracts attention - a number.

Figures, figures, facts always attract attention and increase the persuasiveness of the text. Accompany your headings with specific numbers - and you will be happy.

how to make a selling headline: marketer maneuvers

Don't be afraid to juggle words in your title. For example, what can you do with the title “How to come up with an article title?”

Be specific

If you do a little magic you get interesting options:
— “How to come up with an article title in 30 seconds”
— “How to come up with an article title in 30 seconds - 10 ways”

Reveal secrets

All people love secrets. But people love NEW secrets even more. So, it makes sense to transform the title into “10 new secrets for creating catchy headlines in 30 seconds.”

Encourage action

Headlines encouraging you to get started practical actions, also work great: “Create a killer headline in 30 seconds right now.”

Focus on quickly solving the problem

Let’s compare two more options: “How to come up with a selling headline?” and “How to quickly come up with a selling headline?” What interesting things did you notice?

Imagine: a man is sitting at a monitor, he needs to push his information product through the Internet. In front of it there are links to two identical articles, but in the title of one of them there is the word “quickly”. Which link will he click on first?

How to write an SEO title?

From a search engine optimization perspective, the title must meet several requirements:

  • The title uses a key phrase for which the text is optimized.
  • The key phrase is used as close to the beginning of the title as possible, ideally the title begins with the key.
  • Whenever possible, words in a key phrase are not broken up by punctuation marks. However, if you cannot do without commas and dashes, they must be placed in accordance with the rules of the Russian language.

118 magic words of a copywriter

And now it’s time to reveal the secret that successful world-famous copywriters know. It turns out that using certain words greatly enhances the effectiveness of a headline.

The words below tap into our emotions. And that's why they are so effective.

Benefit, safetyNoveltyEmotionsActions, dynamics
For freeNewSuddenlyHow to do
FastAlready hereSignificantImagine
EasilyJust showed upAwesomeCompare
Advantageous purchaseImportant improvementMiracleHurry up
DiscountSensationalThe truth about...Last chance
IncomeRevolutionaryDifficult but solvable taskUrgent
BusinessFor the first timeFantasticOpen
Is it trueOpeningBreathtakingAre you doing...
ProfitableBy the time...TreasureProtect
The only one Love
Double Limited
Triple Phenomenal
Profit Special
Focus Successful
Reliable Hypersensitive
Guaranteed Unique
Guarantee Beautiful
Accurate You
Safe Advanced
Secrets about...
Facts that you...
The truth about...
How many
How would...
First class

These words live in the texts of famous Western and domestic copywriters. They are heard in the calls of marketers of the largest companies. They pour on us every day along with a stream of television and radio advertising.

Now these words will serve you faithfully. From now on you are armed.

Copywriter Cheat Sheet: Over 200 Effective Headings

And now a nice bonus for site readers! Here is a convenient cheat sheet of hundreds of ready-made article titles. Submit your data and enjoy the result.

Well, to make the process of creating the perfect headline more fun, let your role models be united by one more or less boring topic.

Suppose, on the territory of a semi-closed military camp, a rally of little green men with stars on their shoulder straps is expected, dedicated to the disposal of chemical weapons. This is a trivial topic about burying ammunition at a training ground.

Only the delegation arrived not by helicopter, but by flying saucer, straight from the Sirius star system. And as you already guessed, these little men are not in green uniforms from Yudashkin, but in green skins from Mother Nature...

So, let's go!

Headings in question form


  • How will messengers from Sirius help the Russians and Americans disarm?
  • How are chemical weapons disposed of using taxpayer money from Sirius?
  • How to get rid of an unpleasant odor in a house on the edge of a landfill?
  • How to choose the right protective suits in an online store from Sirius?
  • How should you communicate with a representative of an extraterrestrial race?


  • Who will bury bombs at a site near Saratov?
  • Who and how will destroy chemical weapons in the Saratov region?
  • Who should I offer minesweeper services to?
  • Who makes the most money from Sirius?
  • Who is capable of causing harm in your garden?


  • What interested the delegation from Sirius in the mustard gas testing laboratory?
  • What is the disposal of poisons using the reptilian method?
  • What should you know when choosing a garden trowel?
  • What should be used to protect plants from poisonous gases in the atmosphere?
  • What should you consider when purchasing fertilizers from sales representatives from Sirius?


  • Where will the delegation from Sirius be stationed?
  • Where to look for buried chemical weapons in Russia?
  • Where to look for advertising specialists in mirages out of the blue?
  • Where is the best place to spend a winter holiday on Sirius?
  • Where is the best place to buy spaceships?


  • Why are thousands of people being taken away from a chemical weapons destruction facility?
  • Why is detoxification of the country beneficial to the residents of Sirius?
  • Why do many Sirian flower seed speculators fail?
  • Why do asteroid-coated solar cells have so many advantages?


  • When will the destruction of chemical weapons in the Saratov region be completed?
  • When is the best time to go on holiday to Sirius?
  • When is the best time to send an email to your subscribers from Sirius?
  • When should a private deminer require advance payment?


  • What new suit has our scientists developed to protect against sarin?


  • Poison disposal: where do chemical weapons go?

Headline addressed to the target audience

  • Secrets of aliens: how to look 30 at 50
  • What should a new Sirius translator do first?
  • 6 fatal errors aspiring gladiator on Sirius
  • 12 reasons to buy phones in online stores of the Kin-dza-dza galaxy
  • 10 new Martian cabbage salads.

Headings based on catchphrases

  • Everything you wanted to know about mortgages on Sirius, but were afraid to ask
  • Outsiders are not allowed to enter

200 successful headlines with magic words

  • 10 reasons to take advantage flying saucer
  • Why synchrophosotrons Are they popular with tens of thousands of customers?
  • 25 answers to the question: “How will the Martian like it?”
  • NEW! Tear-resistant nano-tights
  • SENSATION! Live dinosaur at the Moscow Zoo
  • THE INCREDIBLE HAPPENED! Chalk turned to gold
  • FOR FREE! Flytrap flower from Saturn for every third buyer
  • ATTENTION! The Venus flu has reached Novosibirsk
  • CAREFULLY! Elevators with teleportation effect
  • THIS IS INCREDIBLE! Levitation from diapers
  • THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE! Gymnasts performing on the moon
  • And you took a trip to orbit ?
  • Like me took Martians to cafes
  • Secrets found eternal youth
  • Who else wants will go on a motorbike ride along Verener ?
  • Find out how I am grew the seeds of giant plants
  • Give it to me fulcrum , and I congratulations to the young people
  • How to do laser sword with your own hands?
  • How to increase height several times?
  • I used to think too the speed of light is the fastest
  • Special offer for collectors of ancient artifacts
  • Special offer for loans to earthlings
  • Get access to Koshchei's egg
  • Save ___% on ___
  • It's hard to believe, but ___
  • Captured by the 7 Dwarves
  • Get the most out of ___
  • What's behind seven castles?

Ageeva Veronica.

The title is the part of the article that the reader will see first. This is why you need to write good headlines that will attract readers to the site, interest them and convince them to stay on the site. But how come up with and write the title of the article, which everyone would like and arouse interest. There are many headline writing techniques used. for many years We will talk about leading marketers and the best in this article.

What is an article title and why is it needed?

Heading- this is a part of the text in which the main idea of ​​the article is expressed in a condensed form. The title of the article is at the very beginning, which means that readers will see and read it first, and that is why it should be written with high quality.

Very often, articles have one main heading and several subheadings. Subheadings are needed to break the article into meaningful sections for easier reading or finding the necessary information.

The main heading is the title of the article and is the most important. And if you want to, then you will need to learn how to write headlines that arouse the reader’s curiosity and interest. For the webmaster, writer of articles for your site yourself, this is an equally important task, since the quality of the title will determine how many users, having opened a page of your site, will remain reading the article in full, and will not close it in a second.

Goals and objectives of the title (title) of the article

Let's figure out what goals you need to set before writing a title for an article. After all, the header has certain tasks that it must perform. So, let's get started.

Every article title First of all, it must inform the reader. Inform about the content of the article, what problems the article can solve, and how it can help. Based on the title, the reader should understand whether there will be any benefit from reading this article. Example: “How to come up with and write an article title?” – this heading informs that this article can help in writing headlines.

Also, the purpose of the title of the article is to attract the reader's attention. No matter how useful the information in the article is, if the title does not arouse interest and curiosity, no one will know about it. We’ll talk about how to write a “catchy” title for an article below.

The purpose of subheadings is to distribute the material by degree of importance, to distribute the material into semantic parts. The subtitle, first of all, should be informative, explaining to the reader what he will learn from this part of the article.

Rules for writing headings (titles) in articles

At writing a title To the article you need to adhere to some rules that should not be neglected. Let's look at them:

  1. The title (title) of the article must be related in content to the text. The title should reflect the essence of the article, without diminishing or exaggerating the factors described in it. It is important to meet the reader's expectations.
  2. Non-compliance of this rule– this is disrespect for the reader. Few users will want to return to a site that did not meet their expectations. This means that if you write for your website, you will lose visitors. If you work as a copywriter, then it is unlikely that they will buy articles that do not follow this rule.

    This rule also applies to subheadings. Their title must also correspond to the content of the article section. Otherwise, the reader will have confusion in finding information on the page.

  3. No need to write too much long titles articles. The title should be short and succinct. Try to write article headings (titles) of no more than 7-9 words.
  4. IN search engines There are restrictions on the length of the article title that can be displayed when providing search information. The length of the article title that will be displayed varies around 65 characters with spaces. So try not to go beyond these limits.

  5. Do not use abbreviations when writing the title of your article. This is especially true for little-known abbreviations of words used in narrow circles. In rare cases, use only those abbreviations that are known and used by the majority of users. Example: “social network” – having used this abbreviation on the Internet, most users will immediately understand that we are talking about a social network.
  6. Try to write an intriguing, catchy and catchy title that will arouse interest and curiosity in the reader. But don’t forget about the main thing: the title of the article should be informative and not deviate from the main essence of the article, so don’t go too far.

Heading design: to put punctuation marks in headings or not?

Design of article headings raises no less questions than their writing. Is punctuation necessary in headings or not? Every novice copywriter or webmaster who writes their own articles asks this question. But this question is not the only one! Let's consider the most popular questions regarding the design of headings:

  • Capital letters in headings. It is extremely rare to find articles whose titles use all capital letters or every word with a capital letter. Firstly, this is extremely doubtful from the point of view of visual perception. A title consisting of capital letters can hardly be called beautiful and easy to read. Also, search engines do not like such headings.
  • Use capital letters in headings following exclusively the rules of the Russian language. Use capital letters in article titles only at the beginning of a sentence. If the title consists of several sentences, capitalize the beginning of each sentence.

  • Commas in headings. Commas in article headings are placed according to the rules of the Russian language. And if you don’t put them, you can harm not only the perception of the title by readers, but also worsen the ranking of the site in search engines.
  • Is there a period in the title?? There is no period at the end of a one-sentence title. However, if this sentence is interrogative or exclamatory, then question marks and exclamation marks must be inserted. Example of a title: “Period in the title”, “Is it necessary to put a period at the end of the title?”, “You cannot put a period at the end of the title!”.

If the title consists of two or more sentences, then you need to put a period between the sentences. In the last sentence at the end of the title there is also no period. Example of a heading: “Design of headings. Placement of punctuation marks."

How to write a beautiful title (title) of an article?

We have figured out the rules for writing and designing headings. Let's now talk about how write nice title that would interest the reader. They are often called catchy headlines. There are some ways to structure an article title that have been used for years and work great.

  • Question title. This type of header is the most common and at the same time effective. The question in the title of the article suggests that this article solves a specific problem. The question in the title indicates that the article contains the answer and should be read.
  • Also, a question title arouses interest and curiosity in the reader, prompting them to look for the answer to it in the article. Example of a title: “How to come up with a title for an article?”, “Why do you need a title?”

  • Heading with numbers. Numeric headings are also quite common. The most effective of them are those indicating the number of steps that can be taken to solve the problem. Example of a title: “How to write a beautiful title in just 5 steps?”
  • The use of numbers in headings is not limited by the number of steps. You can also indicate the number of ways to solve the problem. Readers will like this because they can always choose an alternative. Example headline: “10 Best Ways to Write a Headline.”

    Whatever the wording, the numbers in the title have an attractive effect. But when indicated turn-based strategy solving the problem, the article becomes a kind of instruction. The same can be said about question headings. And it is articles written with such a title and style that are most popular.

  • Negative headline. Let's look at an example right away so you understand what we're talking about. Example of a headline: “How to avoid making mistakes when writing a headline?”, “10 critical mistakes when writing a headline.”

There is a fear factor in these headlines. The title voices some problem that the reader may encounter and immediately makes it clear that its solution is in the article. None of us want to face problems; we try to avoid them. That is why headlines that say they can help with this are very popular.

These are perhaps the most popular and effective types of news article headlines that most copywriters use. It can also be effective appeal to the reader in the title. An example of such a headline: “Do you want to learn how to write beautiful headlines?”

It is best to write the title in the present tense. This can create a sense of immediacy and is more likely to encourage the reader to read the entire article.

The headline can tell a success story, it doesn’t matter whether it’s yours or someone else’s, it can be equally effective. Moreover, good decision will use a first person title. Example headline: “My proven technique for writing headlines.”

Use the following words when writing in the title: best, effective, efficient, easy, fast and others. Such words will emphasize the peculiarity and usefulness of the information described in the article. Example of headings: “How to quickly come up with an article title?”, “The best and most effective types of headings”, “3 simple ways write the title."

It could also be efficient use the words "secret". It can create a little intrigue in the reader, arouse his curiosity and interest. Example headline: “Secrets of Writing Effective Headlines.”

As you can see, most of the ways of writing headings in the examples given are combined. I recommend that you experiment, coming up with headlines for articles, combining the methods described above. Using these headline writing techniques will provide you with buyers on any article exchange.

How to come up with a title (title) for an article?

How come up with an article title, if there is no idea? It's actually very simple. Layouts good headlines can be seen on many popular information sites. It’s even better if these sites are similar to the chosen topic for the article, but this is not necessary.

You can also take the idea of ​​constructing a title from printed literature. To do this, just buy any information and entertainment newspaper or magazine and read them. Then you can easily come up with a title for the article.

I don’t suggest copying verbatim the text of other people’s headlines. To come good idea, sometimes just seeing something like this is enough. Moreover, if you are a beginner in writing articles, it will be difficult at first to come up with a title yourself. There is no need to try to invent a wheel at the beginning of your journey. It’s enough just to take a ready-made working model and rework it for your article.

How to write an SEO title?

SEO title- this is a title that is written taking into account the keywords of the article and is aimed at improving its position in search results for the main query. If you came up with and wrote a title that is related in meaning to the text of the article, then it will already contain keywords. However, in some cases they need to be modified.

The first step is to choose the most important keywords for the topic of the article. It will be even better if you select a whole keyword phrase, but this is not necessary. Then go to the WordStat keyword research site. You can access it using this link: WordStat.

Then enter a keyword or phrase. Let's look at an example of using this service using the key phrase “write a title” as an example. Then we add the word “how” through the “+” sign. Now we have an example of question headings that don’t even need to be processed, since this is the form in which users were looking for information.

Use all the above methods and you will always succeed come up with and write headlines, which will blow all readers away. And if you are going to make money on articles by selling them, then they will definitely be popular on any article exchange.

And you will learn many more useful information for the work of a copywriter and everyone involved in typing.

Then choose from 200 header templates and adapt them to your business. Headlines are suitable for any business.

Below each example headline is a template, fill in the blanks with a sentence for your clients.



Headings for landing page

1. Your lawyer doesn't want you to read this ad.

2. Are you a millionaire writer?

Are you?

3. You too can look and feel great by spending just 12 minutes a day with Gym-In-a-Can!

You too can have a great time with everything!

4. Would you like to have a photographic memory?

Would you like to have it?

5. World-renowned chef reveals 'top secret' ways to cook lean chicken, fish and turkey with absolutely NO fat, NO margarine and NO butter.

The world-famous reveals “top secret” methods absolutely.

6. The woman who spent 5 years in wheelchair with MC, miraculously wins an aerobics competition

A woman who, amazingly, wins.

7. The wife of a famous film actor discovers a fragrance that drives men crazy

The wife of a famous one opens, which

8. Why Lazy Children of Bosses Succeed in Business and Good Guys Fail

Why lazy people succeed and good guys fail

9. Why are we giving away (product name) for only $2 - that's not a typo

Why we give everything for - this is not a typo

10. Who else wants to make money using their computer?

Who else wants help?

11. Who else wants to bake a cake in half the time?

Who else wants to spend?

12. Who else wants to have a stunning figure?

Who else wants to be the owner?

13. Which of these dermatological problems do you want to get rid of?

Which of these problems do you want to get rid of?

14. Which of the following health problems do you want to overcome?

Which of the following problems do you want to overcome?

15. Where is the money and how to get it

Where and how to get them

16. What would you rather do: watch TV or earn real money?

What would you rather do: or?

17. Your travel agency won’t say this - you can save 50%-70% on your sea voyage!!!

Yours won’t say this - you can save on yours!!!

18. Your lawyers won't tell you this... You can form your own corporation over the phone, in any state, in just 8 minutes and for just $45

Yours won’t say this... You can do it for just $

19. What everyone should know about the stock business

What everyone should know about business

20. We are looking for people who want to make money through their own business

We are looking for people who want to help

21. We are looking for people to write greeting cards

We are looking for people to

22. WARNING: Do not try another weight loss diet or weight loss supplement until you have read this FREE report and audiotape.

WARNING: Do not try another one until you have read this FREE report and audiotape.

23. Ideas and innovations required!


24. Do you want to be a river guide?

25. Do you want to be a private investigator?

26. Do you want to be a paralegal?

Do you want to be?

27. Make yourself attractive, lazy person.

in order to become

28. Make your mailbox an inexhaustible CASH Vault

Make it out of yours

29. Too busy making a living to make money?

Too busy to?

30. For people who want to be writers but can't take the first step

For people who want to be but can't take the first step

31. Tired of working for other people?

Are you tired?

32. This one new business"in a box" can give you hundreds of thousands of dollars, working solely on autopilot!

This new one can, working!

33. This lawnmower cuts the grass so quickly and easily, I bought it for my wife!

This one is true, I bought it for my wife!

34. This is the information that the government is hiding from you!

This is the one that is hiding from you!

35. They laughed when I sat down at the piano, but when I started playing...

They laughed when I did, but when I...

36. These are perhaps the most hidden secrets of healing in the world

These are perhaps the best kept secrets in the world

37. You can make a big business out of losses.

You can make it big

38. Another woman wants to steal your man, and she's too smart to let her breath smell bad.

The other one wants it and she's too smart to let it happen

39. Safe and painless way to remove unwanted hair without wax, shaving or cream!

way !

40. The ugly truth about your beautiful new car

The terrible truth about your beautiful

41. The secret to becoming a millionaire is just using the right words!

The secret of how lies only in!

42. The secret of effective investments

The secret to looking good

43. The secret of wealth


44. Revolutionary new technique training used by the world's toughest street cops

Revolutionary new, used by the world

45. The fastest way I know to make a million dollars

The fastest way I know

46. ​​People reading this book will eventually get your money

People will eventually get yours

47. The only two ways to increase your wealth and reach the elite level of wealth

The only two ways to reach the elite

48. The non-surgical facelift that everyone in Australia is talking about

, which everyone is talking about

49. The most expensive magazine in the world, but more than 40,000 businessmen buy it every year - why?

The most in the world, but it is bought more - why?

50. The most comfortable shoes you've ever worn, if it's not - we'll give you your money back

The most you've ever had, if it's not - we'll give you your money back

51. A person who can turn things into gold

A person capable

52. A way for a lazy person to become rich

A way for a lazy person to become

53. The art of telesales


54. Amazing story about a business that requires so little you could fit it in the trunk of your car

An amazing story about one that requires so much that you could

55. Amazing secrets of winning at blackjack from mysterious man from Las Vegas, who was banned from playing in casinos

Amazing secrets from

56. The surprising secret of a marketing genius who is afraid of flying

The amazing secret of a genius who is afraid

57. The amazing secret of how you can buy a profitable (ready-made) business without paying cash!

The amazing secret of how you can do without!

58. An amazing new remedy for eliminating wrinkles, discovered by a chemist from the East

Amazing new, open

59. Amazing opportunity to make money on floppy disks

Amazing opportunity to make money with

60. Amazing fake diamond for $10 that will fool 9 out of 10 jewelers

Amazing who will deceive

61. 10 most eccentric ideas that made millions... and how you can do it! Insider secrets of making a fortune from crazy, incredible and outrageous products and services

10 most eccentric ideas on which... and how to do it for you! Insider secrets on the crazy, incredible and shocking

62. 10 fastest ways to get clients

10 fastest ways

63. Test gold like a jeweler


64. Learn computer programming on your own in 24 hours

Study on your own for

65. Eliminate bad foot odor


66. Stop dreaming and start making money

Stop and start

67. Speak in Spanish as a diplomat


68. Tired of bringing wealth to your boss?

Tired of it?

69. Secrets of high-speed striking: how to hit a person 11 times or more in 1 second or less and do it all without him having time to blink an eye!

Secrets: how so that he doesn’t even have time to blink an eye!

70. Scientists have discovered a secret scent that drives 3 out of 4 women crazy

Scientists have discovered a secret that

71. Are you tired of satellite signal coding? We have a solution

Are you exhausted from? We have a solution

72. Sail away on a luxurious trip around Caribbean Sea by learning the secrets of small business success

by learning the secrets

73. Remember when you had the opportunity to buy a good property for next to nothing, but didn’t?

Remember when you had the opportunity but didn't?

74. Pregnant? The sooner you find out, the better

? The sooner you find out, the better

75. Pre-matched small business loans are NOW available!

for ALREADY available!

76. A Polish scientist created a perfect fake diamond that fools 99.7% of diamond dealers

created a perfect fake that misleads 99.7%

77. Pay off your home's mortgage in half the time without increasing your payments!

twice as fast without boost!

78. Become the owner of your own TV shopping show

Become the owner of your own

79. Become the owner of the business you dreamed of without investing a penny

Become the owner you dreamed of without investing a single ruble

80. A man from St. Petersburg knows a formula proven by 21 years of testing for creating companies that bring in millions of dollars, from scratch, without bank loans and attracting investors

A man from knows the formula, proven by a year of testing, for creating from scratch, without

81. Lawyer from Ohio discovered the secret of making money from home with the help of the US Government

discovered the secret with

82. Now you are the owner of phenomenal hearing!

Now you are the owner of a phenomenal!

83. No office, no phones, no staff, no business meetings, no forms to fill out - cash only mailbox every day

Without - only every day

84. The new service doubles the period of uninterrupted operation of your computer and prevents problems and breakdowns that result in hundreds of dollars in repairs and downtime...

New twice and prevents that cost hundreds of dollars...

85. New makeup won’t wash off even in pouring rain.

New is not even under

86. A new book about fishing reveals the secret of how to fish big fish and make other fishermen jealous

A new book reveals the secret of how to make you jealous

87. New “energy pill” that showed excellent results in Navy tests

New, which showed excellent results in tests

88. Never suffer from a cold again!

Never suffer from !

89. It is necessary more money?

Need more?

90. A wonderful ritual with candles allows you to control your life - automatically!

Wonderful allows you - automatically!

91. A man who wore a leg brace for 3 years now runs five miles every day.

The man who, now

92. Your hands will look better in 24 hours, or we'll give you your money back.

in 24 hours, or we will refund your money

93. A local marketing guru will show you how to make money faster, despite the stagnant economy - all for just $37 per seminar!

A local guru will show you how to, despite, - and all this in just !

94. A local businessman swears that he didn’t steal what he’s selling so cheap.

The local swears that he is not

95. Like me... You can make really BIG MONEY at home by watching TV or just reading the newspaper!

Like me... You can!

96. May this unusual and wonderful gift from outer space be guaranteed to bring you incredible luck

Let this unusual and beautiful one be guaranteed to bring you

97. A leading auto repair shop carries out repairs after a collision without any hassle and gives you another car to use for FREE

The presenter does not argue and gives you to use for FREE

98. A lawyer from Moscow discovered the secret of how to settle scores without filing lawsuits.

discovered the secret of how not to

99. Exclusively from the publisher... 19 of the world's leading marketing geniuses reveal the unknown marketing secrets that will make you rich!

Only from the publishing house... the world reveal unknown secrets that!

100. Is this your dream home?

Is this your dream?

101. Is the life of a child worth $1 to you?

Is it worth $ to you?

102. Increase your strength and flexibility. Bruce Lee's secret to success will help you too

Increase your . The secret will help you too

103. Increase your power and strength, reduce training time, maintain fitness and strength during rehabilitation and burn calories with the "Ultimate Trainer"

Increase your , reduce , maintain and with

104. Improve your memory in just two minutes a day

Improve by spending only

105. Imagine working from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. and enjoying every minute of it.

Imagine yourself enjoying every minute of your work.

106. If your bathroom is not ready in 5 days, I will give you $100 cash for each day of delay.

If yours is not ready in 5 days, I will give you $100 cash for each day of delay.

107. If you can lick a stamp, you can lick your problem.

If you can, you can

108. I discovered the secret of winning the race... Now I'm sharing my secret

I discovered the secret... Now I'm sharing my secret

109. How to create selling information about almost any productinstantly... In just 2-4 hours!

How almost instantly... In just 2-4 hours!

110. How to write headlines that will make you rich

Like which

111. How to Use Library Books and Magazines to Increase Sales

How to use for enlargement

112. How to turn your kitchen into a well-oiled profit-generating machine!!!

How to turn yours into a well-oiled machine!!!

113. How to turn your fax machine into the most profitable machine in the world

How to make your most

114. How to turn your business card into a sales agent working for you around the clock

How to make someone who works for you around the clock

115. How to turn obstacles into opportunities

116. How to turn angry customers into promoters of your business

117. How to make hundreds of dollars from a 30-cent coin

How to make from

118. How to turn $45 into $483,000.00 in just 11 years

How to turn into just

119. How to test a successful sales process that will allow you to always achieve success...

How to test, which will allow you to always...

120. How to write without problems

Like no problem

121. How to start from scratch and create a money-making empire

How to start from scratch and create

122. How to rob banks...legally


How easy and simple that will make people!!!

124. How to outwit a fox! 263 secrets that legislation and lawyers hide from you!

How to trick a fox! 263 secrets that legislation and lawyers hide from you!

125. How to Master the Art and Science of Writing Killer Ads and Sales Letters

How to Master Art and Science

126. How to get people to stand in a line and beg you to take their money

How to get people to stand in a row and beg you

127. How to develop photographic memory

How to develop

128. How to give a speech that will captivate your listeners

Like which

129. How to organize the wedding of your dreams for free, allowing guests to pay for the best day of your life... Secrets of a self-sustaining wedding in Italian!

How to free your dreams,...Secrets!

130. HOW TO BECOME RICH in the current state of the economy. Complete Guide for independent physical and financial survival in the difficult years ahead

AS in the current state of the economy. The Ultimate Guide to Self-Reliance in the Difficult Years Ahead

131. How to get a free batch of amazing new pills that work phenomenally

How to get a free batch of amazing new ones that work phenomenally

132. How to Get a FREE One Year Online Marketing Subscription and $1,177.00 in FREE Gifts

How to get FREE and FREE gifts worth $

133. How to squeeze 12 hours out of an 8-hour day

How to squeeze out

134. How to eat more and lose weight

How to reset more

135. How to double your business in six months - 100% guarantee!!!

Like in six months - 100% guarantee!!!

136. How to dig up the treasure buried in your head

How to dig up what's buried in you

137. How to make money on life insurance even if you don't die

How even if you don't

138. How to buy the van of your dreams

How to buy your dreams

139. How to burn fat every minute

How to burn every minute

140. How to become a reference health machine with a body carved from granite

How to become with

141. How often have you said: “No, I haven’t read it. But I really wanted to.”?

How often have you said: “No, I . But I really wanted to.”?

142. How my friends and I get rid of joint pain and other types of pain - quickly and without drugs

Like me and my friends - quickly and without

143. How a new discovery made a beauty out of an ugly girl

How a new discovery made

144. Hiring a lawyer can be dangerous to your well-being

Hiring can be dangerous for your

145. Kicks and splits without warming up!

146. Hidden profit in your computer

Hidden in your

147. Here's the secret... how to avoid pain and discomfort in product development

Here's the secret... how to avoid pain and discomfort when

148. Here's the fastest and easiest way to succeed in mail order trading.

Here's the fastest and easiest way to achieve success in

149. Here is a way to make money that has never failed!

Here is a method that has never failed!

150. Here is the secret weapon you can use to increase your profits AND reduce stress at work!!!

Here's the secret weapon you can use to get bigger AND smaller!!!

151. The greatest hitherto gold mine of “things for production and sale,” collected in one big book

The largest bonanza ever collected into one big

152. Get $20,000 for every book you read

Get $ for every you

153. Pay off your debt without borrowing!

Pay without borrowing!

154. Get a closer shave WITHOUT nicks or cuts.


155. Full-time hairdresser found a golden part-time job

Full-time found part-time

156. Free instructions on how to take better photos

Free that tells you how to make the best

157. Free book that shares 17 secrets about pricing grids

Free, which tells 17 secrets about

158. Free monthly gym membership worth $79 on every pair of Nike training shoes. Only this weekend

Free for $ on . Only this weekend

159. FREE “money-making” information products worth $268 for the first 100 people who take advantage of this offer

FREE $ value for the first 100 people to take advantage of this offer.

160. Find out how thousands of people ended up losing weight after trying everything else.

Find out how thousands of people ended up trying all the other methods

161. The editor of the finance section made a unique discovery

Made a unique discovery

162. Finally, the greatest Internet marketing geniuses on the planet reveal the truth about... how you can make a fortune doing Internet marketing

Finally, the greatest geniuses on the planet reveal the truth about... how you can

163. Filled with facts, this book reveals the secret to keeping your wife from driving you crazy during menopause...

Filled with facts, the book reveals the secret of how...

164. Don't try this with any other glue.

Don't try this with anyone else

165. Do you make such mistakes in English?

Do you make such mistakes in ?

166. Do you really want to be rich?

Do you really want to?

167. Do you have these symptoms of nervous exhaustion?

Do you have these symptoms?

168. Find out what homeowners don't know about their mortgages and what could make you a fortune!

Find out what they don't know about and what!

169. Find out the eastern secret of sleep

170. Find out the magic words that will bring you success and wealth!

Find out the magic that will bring you and!

171. Find out the amazing win-win secret of trading on the Internet

Find out the amazing win-win secret

172. Learn how to turn what you already know about your job, hobby, or personal interests into a million-dollar information products empire!

Find out how to turn what you already know about into !"

The industry expert says he will risk his own money to prove he can!

174. A man from Kyiv reveals the secret of a direct path to writing

The man from reveals the secret of the direct path to

175. Revelations of a disbarred lawyer


176. Make money from the growing demand for hard drives without touching your computer!

Make money from the growing demand for, not!

177. Can you pass this money test?

Can you pass this test?

178. A Dnepropetrovsk company decided to reveal an investment secret that your stockbroker is hiding from you.

The company decided to reveal the secret that yours is hiding from you.

179. Banking secrets that banks hide from you

Secrets that are hidden from you

180. Finally... someone has discovered the secrets of how to make people fall in love with you!

Finally... someone has discovered the secrets of how to !

181. “FINALLY! A unique Australian bilge relay that is so reliable it comes with a five year warranty!”

"FINALLY! Unique, which is so reliable that it comes with a five-year guarantee!”

182. Are you ready to force life to give you what you want?

Are you ready?

183. Are you an overeducated loser?

Are you?

184. Announcement... of a new edition of the encyclopedia that makes learning new things fun

Announcement... of a new edition that makes learning fun

185. An open letter to everyone who drives a truck for over $10,000 a year.

An open letter to everyone who, for more than

186. An open letter to all people in Astana who suffer from excess weight

An open letter to all people suffering from excess

187. An open invitation to everyone who lives in Saratov and wants better sex without guilt

An open invitation to everyone who lives in and wants a guilt-free

188. An amazing business that fits in your pocket

Amazing that will fit in yours

189. Flat stomach WITHOUT squats!

190. 7 ways to pay your outstanding bills

7 ways

191. 57 reasons why you would make money if you responded to our ad 2 months ago

57 reasons why you would have made money if a few months ago

192. 21 secret, powerful tools that will build your business, free up your time, and put more money in your pocket... NOW!

21 secret ones that... are NOW!

193. 1022 simple ways to make money at home

1022 simple ways how

194. $200.00 PER DAY with a $50 investment!

$ when investing $!

195. The marriage agency has already been able to unite couples

196. How much more can you lose $50 every day?

How much more can you do each day?

Top 10 for

198. New way save on freight transportation from 10%

A new way to save on

199. 3 secrets of your competitors

200. Yesterday you got a new competitor. What to do?

Yesterday at your place. What to do?

Now select several options and choose the most suitable one, go to it and add it to your landing page.

We released new book“Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get into Your Followers’ Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.”

Research shows that only 20% of the time, after reading the title of an article, a person begins to become familiar with its contents.

If you know what copywriting is, then you’ve probably heard about the most selling headlines (perfect headlines). The title of the text plays the most important role. It depends on him whether the audience will be hooked by the topic and whether he will want to get to know it more deeply. A selling headline for an ad, landing page, article or news convinces every person to read any text, and its meager brother sends the majority of your potential clients to another site so that they take their money there.

What are selling headlines and how to write them

In headlines, every word matters. If one of them is wrong, it can negatively or, conversely, positively affect the entire advertising campaign. Headings are the first thing that catches everyone's eye. They either attract or repel. Titles for materials are required for websites, letters, advertisements, on banners, in articles, press releases, in general, wherever content comes after the “psychological hook”. They set the mood for the rest of the content and enable sales.
Have you written a wonderful text, but there are no sales? Pay attention to its name. So, let's figure out how to write a beautiful headline that will attract visitors to you and turn them into buyers.

Rules for writing headlines

  1. The headline should compel reading.
    Interest in the text is based on the feelings that arise in a person after reading the text above. To increase interest, you can use special techniques, which we will discuss later.
  2. Be unique.
    If the phrase is repeated by your competitors, then you are no different from them and your product is no better. Then why should customers buy a product or service (hereinafter referred to as T&S) from you?
    An example of a standard call at the top: “Order TiU before 10/01/2018 - and you will receive a cap as a gift!” Here’s another example: “Happy New Year, parents! Again 25%." Will you notice someone who blends into the crowd, or will you be attracted by an out-of-the-box thought?
  3. Convey a specific idea.
    In order to arouse interest, it is necessary to give people information by which they will understand whether the material provided will interest them or not. For example: “We miss you.” What are we talking about here? Perhaps someone died? Or are some things missing? There's really no specifics here.
  4. Communicate urgency.
    This rule is not always applied, but is very effective for sales copy. It is necessary to limit the client’s time so that he does not forget to make a purchase (order a service). Here it is better to limit yourself to strict dates rather than set vague time frames (1 month, 3 months, etc.). Write specifically: “Until 01.10.2018.”
  5. Provide benefit to the audience.
    A person always wants to know what useful things he will learn after reading your text. Example: “We write an advertising article in 5 minutes!” The reader understands that the material will teach him to quickly write a useful article.

Not in every case it is possible to follow all 5 rules. Please note: the first rule is the most important. If in addition to it you managed to use two more, then your headline is a selling one.

It’s worth noting that headlines aren’t just used in regular sales. For example, writing the right headline for Instagram or another social network is no less important. After all, in this case, you are not selling T&U, but views, while earning likes and reposts. And when a visitor reads any information article on the site, you receive a high rating. This means that almost any headline should be selling.

We've covered the basic rules for writing headlines. But each headline can also be enhanced using special techniques in order to arouse initial interest among the target audience.

How to arouse interest, or methods of strengthening

  • Pronouns "you".

Headlines with the words “you”, “you”, “your”, “yours” are more popular. This way you personalize the person by addressing him directly.

  • Present.

Readers love content that makes them feel important: giving gifts, giving something for free.

  • Lists and encouraging words.

Use numbers supplemented by the words “each”, “should”, “how”, etc. For example: “5 rules that every parent should know” or “10 rules: how to sell effectively.”

  • Tailor your headline to your target audience.

Each person needs an individual approach. What pleases the bull cannot please Jupiter. For example, you can use slang words to send a message to young people, but this technique is completely inapplicable to older people. Or if you are addressing fans of a particular sport, then poetry lovers will not understand the message. For different types the target audience (hereinafter - TA) needs different headlines.

  • Catchy quotes.

The use of well-known phrases with their slight modification inspires trust among the target audience. For example: “A car is not a luxury, but your constant companion.” The first part of the phrase is taken from a famous work.

  • Metaphors.

The meaning of this technique is to endow the TiU with the properties of an object. For example, perfume can be endowed with the properties of lightness and freshness of the wind, a car can be compared to a cheetah, etc.

  • Lexical repetitions.

You can deliberately repeat the same thing twice important word to draw attention to it. “New day - new you!”

  • Alliteration.

Using words with many identical consonants. “Direct, stubborn, simple” or “It’s easy to love summer.”

  • Antithesis.

This is a contrast. For example: “The chest is sunken, but the back is like a wheel!”

  • First person.
  • Allusion.

Draws attention to known facts. "You will become beautiful like Cindy Crawford."

  • Hot topics.

Conduct a dialogue with your target audience and cover what interests them. “How not to go crazy - a teenager in the family.”

  • Regular verbs.

Incentive verbs and verbal nouns form the correct attitude towards TiU in the reader. “Count and earn” or “Money loves counting.”

  • Brevity.

Short phrases attract more attention. The fewer words, the more weight everyone. “The Prince and the Pauper” is short and succinct. Less commonly used for selling texts.

  • SEO - 2 birds with one stone.

If headlines are posted on the Internet (landing pages, websites, web pages), do not forget to use keywords. This way you will promote your web resource in searches.

  • Honesty.

You may not say something in the title, but after reading the material, the visitor should not feel disappointed. For example: “Pugacheva had an accident!” The visitor clicks on the name and gets to the news that the singer’s personal driver scratched the car of a Moscow resident when he was returning it. At the same time, there was no one inside the car. The headline deliberately attracts the reader to read material that is useless to him in a dishonest way.

  • Questions.

Another technique for communicating with the reader, offering to solve his problem. “Is excess weight bothering you?”

  • Negation.

Starting from denial, you can interest some people. “Never sell T&U quickly.” This technique should be used very carefully.

  • 5 senses
  1. Including the reader's vision: "How to spy on competitors' tips."
  2. Smell: “How to remove odor in the refrigerator.”
  3. Rumor: “5 words no woman can resist.”
  4. Taste: “The bitter truth about sweet lies.”
  5. Touch: “Run your hand over his cheek.”

Formulas for creating beautiful headlines

Mathematicians love to derive all sorts of formulas. This process did not bypass the headlines either. Let's look at the basic techniques with which you can write a beautiful title.

  • TsOKRO = Number + Definition + Key + Explanation + Promise.

“10 reasons why a woman can change and change her life.” By the way, reinforcement was used by repeating one word.

  • Betteridge's Law.

Ask questions carefully because every question has a negative answer. “Do you dream of living outside the city?” “No, I don’t dream,” someone might answer.

  • <Делайте>How<пример>.

In this case, you start from a positive example: “Write like Daria Dontsova.” More advanced option:<Делай>How<кто-то>without<негативных последствий>. “Write like Daria Dontsova, but don’t repeat yourself in books.”

  • Compound adjectives + unique nouns.

“The smallest nuances”, “infectious examples”, “brilliant ideas”, etc.

  • <Цепляющая основа>or<Подзаголовок>.
  • Do you want (want)<что-то получить, сделать, добиться чего-либо>?

Encourages the reader to click on the title. Ideal for social networks: “Do you want to get 10,000 subscribers for free?”

  • Reverse model:<Желаемое> + <Вопрос К ЦА>

“We got 1,000 subscribers. Why do you have less of them?” or “To Thailand for only 10 thousand rubles.” Will you go?

  • Secrets.

This formula intrigues you from the first word: “The secret: how to take first place in Yandex.” Another, Strengthened formula, which is more mysterious: “Few people know how to attract visitors to the site.”

  • The easiest way<решения проблемы>.

The headline should hit vanity, pride, problems, fears. Example: “The most quick way get on the first page of search results.”

  • A call to pride.

Make a ____ you can be proud of.
“Create a simple website you can be proud of.”

  • Everything you need to know about ____.

Expanding the reader’s knowledge: “Everything a tourist needs to know about Sochi.”

  • <Цифра>things you need to know for<решение проблемы>.

5 things you need to know to lose weight.

  • "How" headings.

Usage of this word(“how”) is often simply necessary. Similar names also have their own effective formulas:

  1. How.. . do something to.
  2. How _ if _.
  3. How _when_.
  4. How _.for<цифра>steps.
  • Offer + bonus.

“10 options on how to get people to subscribe to your channel for free. Option number 3."

The most effective headlines - what are they?

  • Contains approximately 8 words. Short titles can also be effective, but not always. And long ones are completely ineffective.
  • Have a dash or colon.
  • Supplemented with a relevant image. The human eye receives an additional “hook”.
  • Includes numbers. It is the indicators that inspire trust among the target audience.
  • They ask a question.
  • Address the reader directly (you, your).
  • End with one exclamation mark.
  • They lead to some kind of guidance.
  • Phrases in sentences are emotionally charged. Sentences that press on the senses evoke emotions that encourage you to familiarize yourself with the material.
  • They make bold statements.
  • Formalism is excluded. Content should be above form. If you can’t work according to the formulas derived, just be unique.
  • Present information in a positive way (without negation). “Don’t you want to be rich?” will work worse than “Do you want to be rich?”
  • The words used are: amazing, smart, history, huge. And they don’t use the words: inform, celebrate, grow, win.
  • Encouragement to take action. "Get 5 tips for free."

The most common mistakes in headlines

  • Intrigue revealed. All important information appears in the title before the text. Then why read it? Example: “In order to sell, set a minimum price and promote the product.”
  • Screams. Don't use a bunch of exclamation points and words in capital letters. "ALL!!! TO THE ELECTIONS!!! NEW CAR!!!"
  • Every word is capitalized. "How to Defeat Laziness."
  • Inappropriateness. A real example is given below. Causes laughter and, of course, provokes. But somehow it’s not suitable for a serious online publication.

  • Length. Be brief. “Alla Pugacheva spoke in the Kremlin on August 28, and she addressed the audience with congratulations.”
  • Too many punctuation marks. “Vladimir Putin held a meeting at which he expressed his position that it is generally necessary to raise the retirement age.”
  • Appealing to the wrong target audience. “The Liaron device is garbage! Try Aimaton! A slang word was used for the target audience of people of retirement age.
  • Hackneyed phrases. Be unique. For example: “If you want to lose weight, ask me” is a bad option.
  • The name means nothing.

  • Doesn't encourage action, doesn't intrigue.
  • Ambiguity. “The Moscow administration has replenished the zoo.”
  • Stylistic, grammatical and other errors. “Schumacher woke up and turned out to be a duck.”
  • Makeweights. The use of unnecessary unnecessary words spoils any title.
  • Contradiction with the content of the material. If the name of the material is one, but the text talks about something else, then this is a bad name.


  • Write several options and then choose the best ones.
  • Test your audience.
  • Choose the most clickable title.
  • Bring the material to life.
  • The title of the text is its most important part.
  • Readers must believe you, become interested and finish reading, otherwise all the work done will be useless.