(Parsing). A lanky guy of about seventeen who was sleeping in the corner woke up and sat cross-legged, staring at me. (Parsing) A lanky guy of about seventeen who was sleeping in the corner

how they are expressed
silvery frost fluffed up the window
a) depends on the noun, denotes a feature of an object, answers the question what
b) refers to a predicate verb, denotes the object towards which the action is directed, answers the question what

Make up sentences with phraseological units: for the time being, good luck, for the first time, recently, soon, call things your own

names, from time to time, all the time, in due time. What part of the sentence are they? Indicate differently inflected nouns, determine case, highlight endings.

What is text? What is the smallest unit of text called? What means of connecting sentences in a text do you know? What is a unit of text called?

consisting of several sentences? Answer the questions!) Please

Hi all! I want to make sure my answers are correct) please help)

Indicate the correct morphological characteristic of the word CONSIDERED from the third (3) sentence of the text.
1) active participle

2) passive participle

3) adjective

4) perfect participle

indicate the correct characteristic (3) of the proposal
1) complex non-union

2) compound

3) complex with coordinating and subordinating connections between
in parts

4) complex with subordinating and non-union connections between parts


(1) Imagine that you are a raindrop falling into a pond. (2) Water only from the outside seems soft and pliable. (3) In fact, everything is busy there

millions of droplets pressed closely together. (4) To win a place for yourself, you will have to unceremoniously push them aside. (5) You will be able to push out your neighbors, but those a little further from you are in no hurry to move or give way. (6) As a result of the crush and confusion that has begun, all the drops have only one thing left to do: tumble over and get higher, where no one will put pressure on them.
(7) This is how the first circle is formed.
(8) Your neighbors can stay above the water for several seconds, then under their own weight they begin to sink, pushing other drops upward, away from themselves. (9) The circle becomes wider and wider until a small wave reaches the shore, bringing him the news that the pond has become one drop larger.
EXERCISE: Which sentence contains an idea that most of the text is devoted to proving? Indicate the means of connection between sentences 3 and 4. In the text we meet continuous writing words so that, but . What explains this?

Replace spoken word"lanky" from sentence 30 is a stylistically neutral synonym.
(30) Pain has become my inseparable companion, it looks at me through the eyes of a lanky eighth-grader and patiently reminds me: human life is short, so never regret what you can give, never take away what is asked of you.

Write out the passive participle(s) from the text

“It was a monthly night. While thinking about the future yard, Semyon did not even notice how he climbed out of the village along a wide run onto the mountain and walked along the main road for a mile - to his ceilinged, but not yet covered hut, standing on the edge of the grain, in an empty field, blackened by frameless windows and the ends of fresh logs in the corners, tow sticking out of the grooves, and wood chips on the threshold, shining dully against the month. The low month of July, rising above the Brod ravines, was cloudy. Its warm light was dissipating. The ripe bread gleamed dimly and gloomily in front. And to the north it was completely gloomy. There was a cloud coming in. The soft wind, blowing from all sides, sometimes intensified, ran gustily through the rye and oats - and they rustled dryly and anxiously. The cloud in the north seemed motionless, but often twitched with a quick golden shine.”

Is this a complex sentence with a non-union and allied subordinating relationship between the parts??

Pain has become my inseparable companion, it looks at me through the eyes of a lanky eighth grader and patiently reminds me: human life is short, so never regret what you can give, never take away what is asked of you.

check the parsing: but summer did not bring salvation either: drought came to the steppe, and burned before it had time to grow

Grass, and one after another people died of hunger and pestilence.

What? summer subject expressed by a noun

what happened? brought predicate expressed by verb

what? salvation object expressed by a noun

What? drought subject expressed by a noun

what did you do? came predicate expressed by verb

Where? in the steppe the circumstance is expressed by a noun

what, Lala? burned predicate expressed by verb

How? not having had time to grow up the circumstance is expressed participial phrase

What? grass subject expressed by a noun

what did you do? died predicate expressed by verb

Who? people subject expressed by a noun

How? one by one circumstance by phrase

from what? from hunger, pestilence, addition expressed by a noun

conjunctions: but and, and, and, and

prepositions: in, from

particles: not

(narrative, non-vocal, ssp with connecting conjunctions but and....and, consists of 4 simple ones, interconnected by enumerative intonation, 1 simple: two-part, def-personal, distributive, complete, uncomplicated, 2 simple: two-part, def-personal, distributive, complete, uncomplicated, 3 simple: two-part, def-personal, distributive, complete, complicated by an adverbial verb, 4 simple: two-part, def-personal, distributed, full, uncomplicated)

Before dawn, we woke up from a familiar sound and listened. The window was carefully covered with a dark blanket. To get a better reputation I put out the light bulb

He pulled back the edge of the blanket and looked into the sheet. I saw the sleepy pines of a dacha near Moscow and pink Mars in the gray sky. The sound that woke us up turned out to be an alarm. She was joined by the incessant scream of the locomotive at the station. The neighborhood was screaming. We quickly got dressed and ran to the children. We wrapped them in a blanket and carefully but hastily went down the stairs. I felt the warmth of a sleeping child through the blanket. Suddenly he woke up and looked at me with gasps. He didn’t catch anything and thought that we were playing small. He liked the feeling of being breastfed when he still doesn’t know how to talk, walk and eat from a spoon, but only suck on a pacifier. Assignment: Create a plan for the text. Drink the words consonants at the root

92. Read it. What is a verbal portrait? What signs of appearance can be described in it?

Portrait in literary work- this is an image of a person’s appearance: his facial features, figures, poses, facial expressions, gestures, clothes. Description of appearance is used as one of the means of characterizing a person.

93. Look at the picture c. Khabarov "Portrait of Mila". Imagine that you entered Mila's room and saw your friend (sister) in an unusual position. You involuntarily examine her face, pose, clothes. What new things have you learned about Mila? What would you like to ask her? Make up the dialogue “Me and my friend (sister) Mila.”

Possible start:

Hello Mila!

94. What is remarkable about the young man’s appearance? Write down sentences with participles and designate the participles as parts of the sentence. Indicate the means of connecting the first sentence with the second and the second with the third.

Asleep in the corner lanky guy about seventeen years old woke up and sat cross-legged, staring at me. The guy was fiery, incredibly bright red and more freckled than I had ever seen. He was covered in freckles different types and colors: across the golden background of the hemp blurred into a continuous field, a small scattering of dark dots was released, as if it had been sprinkled with tar through a fine sieve. Behind this motley pattern, his facial features were not visible. Only later did I discover that he had a straight nose with a slight hump, a high forehead with two bumps, bottle-colored eyes with a reddish tint, which was given to them by fluffy red eyelashes. I just went blind, like looking at the sun.

(According to Yu. Nagibin)

95. Read it. What features of the hero’s face struck the writer? Write out participial phrases together with qualified nouns. Mark the endings in the participles. Write down the remaining words that have missing letters and brackets.

There was a lot (about) him that I stubbornly (dis)liked, even his graceful(?) appearance and, perhaps, precisely because it was somehow too graceful(?) on. Subsequently, I realized that I judged this too with passion(?) but.

He was tall and thin; his face was long and always pale; blond hair, big Blue eyes, meek and thoughtful, in which suddenly, in impulses, sometimes the most simple-minded, the most childish gaiety shone.

His full (small) large crimson lips, excellently outlined, almost always had some kind of serious fold: the more (un)expected and the more charming was the suddenly appearing ( on) them a smile so naive and simple-minded that you yourself, following him, no matter what your mood...spirit, felt (an immediate need to respond to him, just like him, smile (?) Xia.

(F. Dostoevsky)

96. Read it. Do those who judge by appearance act correctly? internal qualities person, about his character? Title the text. Which words that are similar in meaning (see box) cannot be used instead of the highlighted adjective? Write it down using missing commas.


The spinners called him a mattress for his slowness, (slow) agility and (lack of) dexterity. “Everything was falling out of his hands, everything was (not) going well. (No) no one (was) guessing what was hiding under this (not) beautiful, thick shell (?) And the noble heart of a knight beat in his chest.

In his dreams, from being fat and clubfooted, he became slender and flexible, and dexterity and dexterity appeared in his movements. All his (in)influences instantly disappeared under the shining armor.

But as soon as he approached the mirror, everything returned to its place. At these moments, he (not) hated himself for his (un)suitable appearance for a knight.

(According to Yu. Yakovlev)

97. Read and compare the two texts. In which of them the description of appearance is given in artistic style speech, and in what way - in official business? Read each of these descriptions in an appropriate tone. Copy the first text. Verbally prove that the highlighted words are participles. From the second text, write down words with gaps and with brackets, find outdated words.

  1. By the fire, with his frightened little eyes wide open, holding a whip with one hand and the other in his dangling sleeve, with his head raised as if in defense, stood a thin black-headed boy in bast shoes, torn pants, long... not for p..jack's height, wrapped..m around the body and belted hemp.

    Metelitsa saw these frightened eyes over the dangling sleeve, panties with translucent bare knees and this wretched jacket from the master's shoulder, from which the thin and funny child's neck looked so guilty and pitiful.

    (According to A. Fadeev)

  2. The police officer took a rather Zamara(n, nn)y a sheet of paper..., unfolded it with importance and began to read in aloud...singing:

    “Signs of Vladimir Dubrovsky, compiled according to the tales of his former servants.

    23 years old, average height, clean face, shaves his beard, has brown eyes, light brown hair, straight nose.

    There are special signs: there weren’t any.”

    And that's all? - said Kirila Petrovich.

    “Only,” answered the police officer, folding the paper.

    Congratulations, Mr. Police Officer. Oh yes paper! Based on these signs, it will not be surprising for you to find Dubrovsky.

(A. Pushkin)

98. First, write down the sentences (from A. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter”), in which, using participial constructions, it is shown that the hero is overwhelmed by one or another feeling. Then those in which the participle constructions not only depict the movements of the characters, but also convey their state of mind. Place the missing commas and underline the participial phrases as parts of the sentence.

1. I sat immersed in deep thought when suddenly Savelich interrupted my thoughts. 2. When I woke up, I saw Marya Ivanovna in front of me, whose angelic voice greeted me. I cannot express the sweet(?) feeling that took possession of me at that moment. 3. Mother found my sport, which was kept in her box along with the shirt in which I was baptized, and handed it to the priest with a warm hand. 4. At first she read with an attentive and favorable look; but suddenly her face changed... and Marya Ivanovna, who followed all her movements with her eyes, was frightened by the stern expression of this face, which had been so pleasant and calm for a minute. 5. Marya Ivanovna returned to Anna Vlasyevna, filled with joyful(?) hope.

  • prepare students for an independent essay describing a person’s appearance;
  • develop in children observation and attention to the people around them; - enrich students’ speech with “portrait vocabulary”,
  • the ability to select material for writing an essay.
  • Equipment:

    • reproduction of Leonardo da Vinci's paintings "La Gioconda", V.A. Tropinin "Head of a Boy", A.A. Ivanova" Portrait of a boy", V. Serova "Girl with Peaches".
    • Posters: “Eyes are the mirror of the soul”, “A smile will tell everything about a person. Good or evil, smart or not, Whether he’s handsome will show everything” (L.N. Tolstoy).

    Vocabulary work:

    Portrait - from the Old French "to reproduce something feature by feature."

    Lesson progress

    1. Announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

    2. Conversation with the class.

    a) 1. What is a literary portrait?

    A portrait in a literary work is an image of a person’s appearance: his facial features, figures, poses, facial expressions, gestures, clothes. Description of appearance is used by the writer as one of the means of characterizing the hero of the work.

    2. Why is it introduced into a work of art?

    b) Working with the textbook. Reading exercise 61.

    A lanky guy of about seventeen who had been sleeping in the corner woke up and sat cross-legged, staring at me. The guy was fiery, incredibly bright red and more freckled than I had ever seen. It was dotted with freckles of various types and colors: a small scattering of dark dots was sprinkled across the golden background of lint, blurred into a continuous field, as if it had been sprinkled with tar through a fine sieve. Behind this motley pattern, his facial features were not visible. Only later did I discover that he had a straight nose with a slight hump, a high forehead with two bumps, bottle-colored eyes with a reddish tint, which was given to them by fluffy red eyelashes. I just went blind, like looking at the sun.

    (According to Yu.M. Nagibin).

    1. What is remarkable about the young man’s appearance?
    2. What kind of description is this - business or artistic?
    3. What is the main idea of ​​the description, its intention?
    4. What exactly is described in the young man’s appearance? What details?
    5. What color is the dominant one in the description?

    c) Think and answer:

    1. What, in your opinion, is the most expressive detail in the portrait of his heroes that N. Nekrasov pointed out?

    Here's a line

    Along the slit of attentive eyes!
    All gray, brown, blue eyes -
    Mixed together like flowers in a field.
    There is so much peace, freedom and affection in them,
    There is so much holy kindness in them!
    ("Peasant Children")

    We draw students' attention to the poster "Eyes are the mirror of the soul." But it is not color and shape that usually interests us, but the deep fullness and expression of them.

    Let's remember M. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man." What feature in the portrait of the father does the author draw attention to, what does he want to say by this?

    Conclusion: having read only this passage, without knowing anything about the fate of the hero, you can guess about the trials that befell him and forever deprived him of the joy of life, took away the fire of his heart and deadened his eyes.

    When communicating, it is very important to look at the person. How often do we forget that our eyes are the key to understanding our character, our mood, our soul...

    Popular wisdom says: “If the eyes shine, the soul is pure.”

    3. Description of appearance is one of the most difficult types of description.

    In describing the appearance, it is not necessary to describe all the details of the portrait: eyes, nose, ears, hands, etc., but try to find 2-3 bright details. Here's what the artist N.N. says about it. Zhukov: “How can I convey my impression of a very fat man? You can simply say that he was incredibly fat. You can say it differently: he had difficulty moving, or: he had difficulty entering the door, or else: he was so fat that he resembled a ball.” You can determine thickness by saying that the person was short and weighed 130 kg.

    But here’s how convincingly the feeling of the fullness of the body can be conveyed through a detail: “He was so fat that his cheeks were visible from behind his back.” And you immediately feel the marks of the artist’s eye, who has captured the main thing in the image of a person.

    a) I ask the guys to try to describe themselves. ( Guys' answers).

    b) Assignment. Imagine this situation: Yura. He did not listen to the teacher's explanations. And when they asked him the rule, then...

    Describe the boy's facial expression, his mood. What words will help us understand his state of mind?

    Title your description.

    c) Another very important detail in describing a person’s appearance.

    V. Shainsky's song "Smile" is playing.

    “A smile will tell everything about a person: whether he is kind or evil, smart or not, whether he is handsome - it will show everything” (L.N. Tolstoy).

    Goodwill, a face illuminated by a gentle smile always puts you at ease, lifts your spirits, and relieves fatigue. Until now, people freeze in front of Leonardo da Vinci's painting "Portrait of the Mona Lisa" ("La Gioconda").

    4. Story about the picture.

    Leonardo da Vinci is the greatest artist and thinker of the Renaissance. He strove for a truthful, accurate, real reflection of life. Leonardo sees in a person his unique individuality, strives to express his character, his experiences. His portraits affirm the beauty of a person. Among them, the most striking is “Portrait of Mona Lisa” - a true masterpiece of world painting. This portrait was painted in the 16th century, in 1503.

    Leonardo depicted the Mona Lisa against the backdrop of a magical landscape. She sits in a chair on the balcony, her posture is simple and stately, her beautiful, soft hands are calmly folded on her knees. First of all, the soft and calm gaze of her eyes attracts you. They reflect the radiant light of the smile that illuminates her face. A tremulous, elusive smile plays on her lips. It seems trembling and changeable, like a slight ripple on the surface of water.

    When the Mona Lisa was posing, Leonardo invited musicians into the workshop. They played lutes. The atmosphere of wonderful music and sincerity seemed to permeate the picture.

    5. There is a saying: “Appearances can be deceiving.”

    1. How do you understand this?

    2. Do you think a powerful physique is always proof of a person’s strong will, while fragile people are not capable of feats?

    Remembering stories from the lives of heroes of literary works.

    I invite the children to listen to E. Asadov's poem "Coward".

    6. A description of a person would not be complete without mentioning his voice.

    We lose attractiveness if we speak incorrectly, dullly.

    7. Clarification of the topic of the essay.

    To write this essay, you need to answer the following questions yourself:

    Homework: write a miniature essay based on personal observations.