Is it true that they found a body? The body of Sergei Bodrov was probably found in North Ossetia

On September 20, 2002 at 20:15 local time in North Ossetia, in the gorge of the Genaldon River, an terrible tragedy: the Kolka glacier, which descended from the peaks, completely destroyed dozens of towns, villages, recreation centers, and tent tourist camps. For 12 km, the ground turned into a mixture of ice, mud and boulders.

Like a bomb went off

According to experts, a giant block of ice fell from the slope of Mount Dzhimara, 4,780 meters high, and fell onto the Kolka glacier. The power of this blow was comparable to the explosion of a very serious bomb. The ice mass, along with cobblestones and mud, moved at a speed of more than 200 km per hour, covering the Karmadon Gorge with a three-hundred-meter layer of stones and ice.

It was at this time that he was known throughout the country for the films “Brother” and “ Prisoner of the Caucasus» Sergey Bodrov(at that time he was called junior, so as not to be confused with his father, also a director Sergei Bodrov) together with his film crew began work on his second film “The Messenger”. Sergei was both a director, a screenwriter, and an actor who performed main role. On September 18, the filmmakers arrived in Vladikavkaz. On September 20, it was planned to film one of the scenes in the Karmadon Gorge.

There is also a fatal coincidence of circumstances in this story: filming was supposed to start at 9 am, but problems arose with transport, and the filming process was delayed. Around seven in the evening, Bodrov gave the order to continue filming tomorrow, because there was not enough natural light to work on the scene. The film crew began collecting equipment. An hour later tragedy struck.

Been looking for 2 years

The roads were blocked, and rescuers could not reach the scene of the tragedy for several hours. As a result, when the brigades, together with the residents of the surviving villages, tried to get to Bodrov’s group, they could not find anyone: mudflows 300 meters high blocked the gorge. Even with the help of drills it was not possible to penetrate deeper than 100 meters. The rescue operation lasted 3 months. Through incredible efforts, rescuers managed to find only 19 dead. Then the work was curtailed: it became dangerous for rescuers. But volunteers did not give up, continuing the search for 2 years. Camp “Nadezhda” was even set up. Actually, the hope was that the film crew managed to get to the road tunnel on the day of the tragedy and escape from the glacier there. Among the volunteers there were many fans of Bodrov: they wanted to at least bury their idol in a humane manner. Residents of the surrounding villages tried very hard to help them: according to Ossetian belief, a person is considered cursed if he is not buried. But when the volunteers reached the tunnel, not a single body was there. As a result, work to search for the remains of Bodrov’s group was stopped in 2004: 2 years after the tragedy.

The terrible story that happened to the participants of the film expedition repeats what was written by Sergei Bodrov in the script of the film “The Messenger”. At the end of the film, only two heroes were supposed to survive. Moreover, it coincided that it was the actors who played these characters who returned to Moscow safe and sound. But the hero of Sergei Bodrov dies in Svyaznoy. The postponement of filming a month later can also be considered a tragic coincidence: the scene in the Karmadon Gorge was supposed to be filmed in August 2002, but the actor’s wife gave birth to a second child, and Bodrov, wanting to be with his family, postponed filming to September. And third: the film crew of Bodrov Jr. settled in the same hotel with other filmmakers who came to work in Vladikavkaz.

Director Yaropolk Lapshin In a nearby gorge, he was filming a disaster film about a glacier collapse that buried hundreds of people. The film was released under the title “Sel”, its original title was “Hello, brother!”

“Missing” in this case means that neither Sergei’s remains nor any other material evidence of his death were found. This gives very slim hope to his family and food for a colossal amount of rumors to outsiders.

Descended glacier

According to the official version, Bodrov Jr. allegedly died due to a collapsed glacier. In the area of ​​the Karmadon Gorge there are 2 glaciers: Maili and Kolka. The latter caused the death of Sergei Bodrov’s film crew (they were filming the film “The Messenger”). An avalanche descending from a glacier is a huge colossus destructive force. The glacier that killed the Moscow filmmakers that day weighed about 200 million tons. The ice mass was moving at a speed of 160-180 km/h. It is simply impossible for anyone to survive along its path. [C-BLOCK]

Due to an avalanche, the village of Verkhniy Karmadon was completely wiped off the face of the earth. About 100 people died (these are only those whose remains were discovered or at least something is known about them). The bodies of people from the cinematographic group, including Bodrov himself, were not found. After such avalanches, remains are often discovered hundreds of years later. In all likelihood, confirmation of Sergei’s death may not come very soon.

Why did this happen

In connection with the fact of the death of the film crew, the press often raises the topic of why a multi-ton ice block then it began to move. According to some observers, the Kolka glacier melted at the end of summer and therefore disappeared on September 20. Professional geologists claim that this is impossible. A glacier that has been formed for many thousands, or even millions, of years cannot just melt and suddenly begin to move. [C-BLOCK]

Another version seems more likely. The day before, tectonic plates had moved deep underground in that mountainous region. As a result, a powerful gas chemical release occurred on September 20. Only this could move the glacier. According to the testimony of tourists in the group of Dmitry Solodky and Olga Nepoba, who were in the Caucasus Mountains on the eve of the tragedy, long before it a threatening roar was heard coming from underground. This sound could indicate movements occurring in the rock mass.

If these dire omens had been taken into account then, Sergei would probably be alive now. To justify people who did not pay attention to such a serious point, we can say that tectonic shifts occur extremely rarely. This, even in mountainous areas, can happen once every 100, or even 1000 years. Not everyone is “lucky” to observe such “breathing of the Earth.” [C-BLOCK]

The deep memory of him was preserved only in folk traditions. It is not for nothing that since ancient times it was customary in the Caucasus to settle higher in the mountains, and not at their foot. The ancestors preserved the memory of the tragedies that happened in the foothill areas centuries ago.

Perhaps alive. More optimistic citizens put forward an alternative version: Bodrov Jr. could have been saved. Confirmation of the likelihood of this, among other things, is the testimony of some eyewitnesses who survived the glacier collapse. One witness later told reporters how the glacier bypassed her five-story building. [C-BLOCK]

Mountaineers know many stories about how people miraculously survived an avalanche and settled in high-mountain villages. As a result of the injuries, some lose their memory, others can be seriously crippled. If someone discovers such a crash victim, she can be rescued. Sergei Bodrov had a small chance to survive, but still.

This tragedy is still remembered today, more than thirteen years after it happened. Not everyone can confidently answer the question of what year Sergei Bodrov died, but their favorite artist was not forgotten, and almost everyone is upset and bitter about such an early death talented actor, director and screenwriter. He really was a bright personality.

Life outside the world of cinema

Sergei Bodrov Jr. was born and raised in creative family. His father - famous director(also Sergei), mother, Valentina Nikolaevna - art critic. In the cinema, it seemed to him that the road was paved in advance, but what does an artist mean? knowledgeable of life? Having entered the history department of Moscow State University, the young man successfully graduated five years later (1994) and entered graduate school. Another four years passed, and he received his Ph.D. degree, writing a qualifying thesis on architecture in Venetian Renaissance painting. This should be remembered due to the fact that many viewers identify Sergei with the image of “Brother,” a boy who served in the army and came to peaceful life And " resolving issues"mainly by force. With all the merits of this character, such as courage and honesty, his hat (figuratively speaking) would be too small for Sergei Bodrov Jr.

The future actor and director gained knowledge about life not only on the academic bench. School teacher, a confectioner at the Udarnitsa factory, a beach lifeguard (this was in Italy), and then a journalist - this is his short track record.

"Prisoner" and "Brothers"

In 1989, Sergei Bodrov Jr. made his screen debut in his father’s film “SIR”. This film, which was very successful, told the story of difficult teenagers who ended up in a special boarding school. The artists did not want to cut their hair, and then the director brought in his own son, who, of course, agreed and did not regret the hair. Only after almost seven years did Sergei get next role, very serious, in “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, where he had the opportunity to work in tandem with Oleg Menshikov, an excellent actor and a true master. Real fame and popular love came after “Brother” (1997) and “Brother-2” (2000). In these films, audiences saw what they really yearned for in the troubled period of the nineties. The character of Bodrov Jr. became the personification of “good with fists”; his image of a taciturn, active defender turned out to be as close to the people as the “Voroshilov shooter” played by Ulyanov. Of course, the plot of revenge is a win-win in itself, but the film was a success not only because of the exploitation of this artistic device.

Other jobs

In addition to the most famous film works, Sergei had other roles, and all of them turned out to be successful. Paul Pawlikowski directed the film Stringer in 1998. “East-West”, another very good film by a foreign director (this time the Frenchman Regis Warnier) was released in 1999, with the participation of magnificent screen masters Catherine Deneuve, Oleg Menshikov, Bogdan Stupka, and many others. Less than a year before Sergei Bodrov died, he made his first own film called “Sisters,” giving himself a small role in the episode. This directorial debut was a triumph. The film immediately took first place in the box office ratings, and it also received international recognition in the form of a prize at the Venice Film Festival.

In the same year, there was a small role in “Let’s Do It Quickly” and serious work in the film “War” directed by Alexei Balabanov. And also “Bear Kiss”, which was again directed by Sergei, and the project “ Last Hero"on ORT. In general, such activity implied a rapid rise to the top of fame. And then - the trip to filming in Bodrov did not return from there.


The wife of Bodrov Jr. was actress Svetlana Mikhailova, and this marriage, which took place in 1987, can confidently be called happy. They had a daughter, Olya (1988), and in August 2002, a month before Sergei Bodrov died, a son, who was named Alexander. The then young actor married for love, and at first sight, as he himself talked about in his interviews. The couple did not separate for long; the trip to the Caucasus should not have taken much time. In North Ossetia, Sergei filmed the film “The Messenger,” for which he himself wrote the script and in which he was going to play the main role.


Much is known today about how Sergei Bodrov died, but the very moment of his death can only be reconstructed based on the circumstances revealed during the investigation. On the early autumn morning of September 20, the group, having gathered in the hotel lobby, went out for location shooting in the mountains. The day didn’t go well right away, there was a climb ahead, and we had to wait a long time vehicles, in connection with which the start of work planned for 9-00 was delayed until one in the afternoon. Then, as it turned out later, filming began and continued until about seven in the evening, when it began to get dark. Sergei Bodrov's film crew loaded up the equipment and set off on their way back. At a quarter past nine it covered a huge area, its mass was several million tons of stones, dirt, sand and ice, and its speed exceeded 100 km/h. The layer turned out to be thick and reached three hundred meters.

Natural disaster victims

On the morning of September 21, the whole country already knew about what trouble had come to the Karmadon Gorge. Bodrov and his Moscow group were not the only victims of the disaster. The Narty equestrian theater took part in the filming; vacationers from enterprise camps, students and local residents found themselves in the disaster zone. A total of 127 people were missing, who were initially declared missing. The rescue operation began immediately, during which EMERCOM employees and local volunteers found 17 corpses and body fragments. The members of the film crew who died with Sergei Bodrov, like him himself, have not yet been found. This fact for a long time gave vague hope and became the basis for many dubious versions regarding the fact that the actor beloved by millions of viewers is still alive. Alas, there is no longer any hope for this now, thirteen years later.


The search lasted until February 2004. Theoretically, there was a possibility that the group managed to take refuge in one of the tunnels dug in the mountains, so first of all they drilled the soil in those places where voids could remain, but to no avail. Most likely, we will never know how Sergei Bodrov died. The melting of the resulting glacier, according to geologists, will take about twelve years, during which time it is unlikely that anything will be preserved from the remains of the missing people. An alder grove has now grown in the mudflow desert, and next to it there is a tree with the names of the victims. The sad date reminds us of the year in which Sergei Bodrov and 126 other people died, for whose deaths there is no one to blame, because such disasters are absolutely unpredictable.

According to the script of the film "The Messenger", main character passes away young. Sergei Bodrov Jr. was thirty...

Recently information appeared that in the Genaldon Gorge of the Republic of North Ossetia Russian Federation remains were found young man under the snow, which probably belong to actor Sergei Bodrov, who died in an avalanche in these parts. The star of the films “Brother” and “Cargo 200” died under the collapse of massive snow flows in the mountains of North Ossetia back in 2002, along with dozens of members of the film crew. His body was never found among the rubble, so the now found remains were attributed to Bodrov, the mystery of whose death haunted his fans and close relatives for 16 long years.

However, despite the desire to finally find and bury the legendary actor, the very fact of finding male remains in the snow does not confirm the discovery of the body of Sergei Bodrov. With the same degree of probability, these could be the remains of one of the young people who died in his film crew, and therefore the final conclusion about the identity of the body will be made by an examination.

The circumstances of the death of Sergei Bodrov

Sergei Sergeevich Bodrov died at the age of 30 right at the dawn of his acting and directing career. He was buried under tons of ice and snow from an avalanche in Caucasus Mountains region of North Ossetia on September 20, 2002, together with all members of the film crew of the new film with his participation. The body of everyone's favorite film actor was never found in the snow, despite a multi-day search and tons of dug up snow at the scene of the tragedy. As a result, Bodrov was declared dead, and the funeral ceremony took place with the burial of an empty coffin, which greatly affected both the fans of his work and the artist’s family.

For 15 years, Sergei Bodrov’s wife stubbornly insisted that her husband did not die. She put forward various theories about amnesia and living in the highlands without knowing who he was or where he was. In addition, fans also fueled the false hopes of the widow Svetlana Mikhailova-Bodrova young actor, who were also shocked and did not want to believe in the sudden departure of the idol of film fans of the 1990s and 2000s. In fact, the main argument in such theories was precisely that more than half of the bodies of the film crew were not found under the snow, including Bodrov himself. And while people have not seen a person die, they can endlessly continue to come up with scenarios in which the latter could survive even in such a hopeless situation as an avalanche that came down from the mountains.

Another reason for fueling the mystery around the circumstances of Sergei Bodrov’s death was that the actor himself was such a cult and significant personality, even in his youth, that he left a serious imprint on social consciousness. The duology of films “Brother” and “Brother 2”, “East-West”, “Cargo 200” and “Prisoner of the Caucasus” turned out to be so insightful and revealing all the ins and outs of the then Russian society ribbons that Bodrov has become a real cult in terms of steadfastness of personality and principles. Therefore, in such incomprehensible circumstances as going missing in the mountains, full of gorges and unexplored areas, the death of Sergei Bodrov was perceived by fans of his films in the same way as by his widowed wife - with distrust and hope.

The body of Sergei Bodrov has probably been found

Just before the anniversary of the death of Sergei Bodrov under an avalanche in North Ossetia - on September 15, 2018, at the site of that same tragedy in the Genaldon gorge in North Ossetia, the corpse of a young man was discovered who died under the ice approximately (according to appearance remains) 10-15 years ago. The remains were discovered by employees of an enterprise that is laying a pipeline for the transit of blue fuel in the notorious mountains.

The description of the remains and the place where they were found immediately brought to mind Sergei Bodrov. However, on this moment this conclusion is only a guess, since final confirmation requires DNA analysis of the found remains and comparison with the preserved DNA samples of Sergei Bodrov. The expert opinion will have to wait about a month due to the inaccessibility of the region and the highly decomposed body found in the mountains. Nevertheless, fans have already received a drop of hope for the completion of the story of the death of the great actor, which hung in the air for 15 years.

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Back in 2002, the glacier was descending down the gorge at breakneck speed, sweeping away everything in its path. The height of the mudflow layer and stones with ice reached 150 meters.

The chances of escape for everyone who was in the gorge at that time were zero.

Not far from the place where the filmmakers disappeared in the Karmadon Gorge, a car body with human remains was found. For several years, the white Moskvich was under mudflows left after the glacier collapsed in 2002.

It is unlikely that these are the remains of people from the film crew led by Sergei Bodrov. The car was found not exactly where the group of filmmakers was located.

On that ill-fated day, the glacier buried 124 people, only 20 bodies were found, 104 people remained in the gorge. It's probably one of those unfortunate people. To determine who the remains found in the car belong to, it is necessary to conduct expensive research, including DNA analysis.

Sergei Sergeevich Bodrov (known as Sergei Bodrov - Jr.) (December 27, 1971, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR - September 20, 2002, Karmadon Gorge, North Ossetia) - Soviet and Russian actor, film director, screenwriter and television presenter. Ph.D. in History of Arts.

Performer of leading roles in the films “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, “Brother”, “Stringer”, “East-West”, “Brother 2” and “Bear Kiss”, host of the television programs “Marathon-15”, “Vzglyad” and the first season of the project “ Last Hero".

Officially considered missing along with the film crew during the collapse of the Kolka glacier in the Karmadon Gorge, where the filming of the film “The Messenger” took place.

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Death of Sergei Bodrov

Early in the morning of September 20, 2002, the film crew of the film “Svyaznoy”, led by Sergei Bodrov, set off from Vladikavkaz to the mountains. Filming went on all day, when it got dark, the group, including seven members of the Narty equestrian theater, moved back to the city. At 20:08, the Kolka glacier suddenly began to disappear; in a few minutes, an ice collapse covered the entire Karmadon Gorge with a 60-meter layer of ice and stones. No one managed to escape.

According to the official version, one of the hanging glaciers fell from a cliff on Mount Jimara. A mass of ice fell on the Kolka glacier, which broke off its bed and moved down the gorge at a speed of up to 180 km/h, taking moraine material with it. Large-scale rescue efforts lasted several months; a group of volunteers and relatives of the missing remained on the glacier until February 2004. After the tragedy, more than a hundred people were reported missing, and Bodrov’s remains were not found.

All versions of the death of Sergei Bodrov: from mystical to real

What could have led to the tragedy in the Karmadon Gorge and the death of Sergei Bodrov - people have been wondering about this for 16 years.

Mountains that take souls

Now, looking back, fans of Sergei Bodrov still want to understand: was it possible to prevent the tragedy in the Karmadon Gorge? They talked with the employees of the Vladikavkaz hotel, from where the film crew went to their last way. We talked with local residents who were the first to come to the rescue.

On September 20, according to the plan, only one scene had to be filmed, but everything did not work out early in the morning. According to the schedule, work on the site was planned to begin at nine in the morning, but the cars that were supposed to deliver the filmmakers to the gorge were very late. And the shooting was postponed to one o'clock in the afternoon. Many believe that if there had not been these four hours of downtime, the group would have managed to return to the city before the glacier disappeared. However, psychics contacted by relatives of the missing say that the tragedy would still have happened, even if the film crew had gone to the mountains the next day or a week later.

Local residents believe that the souls of the people in the gorge were taken away by the mountains, as people came to forbidden places. There is a legend that in the Greater Caucasus Mountains there are seven places where seven villages perished under glaciers 200 years ago. And the filmmakers found themselves on the territory of one of these ghost villages. They say that even now in the mountains you can unexpectedly stumble upon a settlement, find shelter and food there, talk with the local residents, and then, leaving the village boundaries, turn around and discover that there are no houses or people in this place. The mountaineers believe that the souls of people who died in the mountains live in such villages.

Guardian angel

Relatives of the victims, comparing the facts today, believe that people had a presentiment of the impending disaster. Thus, Sergei Bodrov’s widow Svetlana told reporters that she spoke with her husband on September 20. And he seemed very sad to her, somehow alarmed. His last words were parting words: “Take care of the children.”

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That morning, the Muscovites were joined by actors from the Ossetian equestrian theater “Narty”. The stunt riders starred with Bodrov back in Alexei Balabanov’s film “War,” which is why Sergei invited them to his new film “Svyaznoy.” When the glacier collapsed, seven artists of this theater died, only Kazbek Bagayev survived. The man underwent baptism shortly before the tragedy. And he believes that his guardian angel saved him from death. Before filming on September 20, he decided to go home to his relatives, whom he had not seen for a long time, and as a result was late for departure. His horse also survived, but it did not allow the blacksmith to approach him and did not allow himself to be shoed, which is why the artists did not take him with them to the gorge.

Breaking point

There are also more scientific versions of what caused the tragedy in the Karmadon Gorge. Before the ill-fated September 20, 2002, the Kolka Glacier had not shown itself in any way for the last hundred years. At seven o'clock in the evening of that day, Bodrov's group suspended filming and began preparations for returning to the city. At 20.15 local time the glacier began to melt. In 20 minutes, the gorge and the village of Upper Karmadon were covered with a multi-meter layer of ice, mud and stones. No one managed to survive. The avalanche moved at a speed of about 180 km/h. 127 people died, including the entire film crew. Scientists have suggested that the glacier could have been triggered by several deep faults that converged at one point. But the worst thing is that the glacier was pushed out of its place - the magma that approached this giant fault. According to scientists, nowhere on Earth have there been any cases of a giant glacier weighing more than 200 million tons suddenly moving from its place. This could have been done by magma heated to 1000 degrees, accumulated in huge quantities in one place.

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The model of the monument to Sergei Bodrov Jr. was sent for revision

Experts did not approve of the model of the monument to actor Sergei Bodrov Jr., which is proposed to be installed in Moscow, Igor Voskresensky, chairman of the capital’s commission on monumental art, told RIAMO on Tuesday.

Earlier in Moscow it was proposed to erect a monument to Sergei Bodrov Jr. According to the authors’ idea, this will be a bronze figure of the hero of the films “Brother” and “Brother-2” Danila Bagrov, played by Bodrov. In front of the sculpture it is planned to post the phrase “I think there is strength in truth.”

“It was back in November, they made the decision that the layout needed to be finalized. We do not conduct an examination, it is carried out by professionals, but they did not approve. When they finalize it, we’ll look into it,” Voskresensky said.