Poplar row mushrooms when they grow. Podtopolnik (Tricholoma populinum) photo and description

Are you planning a pregnancy, expecting the birth of a child, or have already experienced the joy of motherhood. One way or another, you decided that it’s time to find out what payments and benefits you can count on when a child is born in 2020. It’s easy to get confused here, which is not surprising, because in our state there are a number of measures to support motherhood and childhood.

In this section, dear visitors, we will try to help you understand the multitude of payments, benefits and other support measures for the birth of a child in 2020. Please note that to select all due payments and benefits, you can use the benefit selection service.

Primary attention should be paid to the following points:

  • payments at the birth of a child can be one-time(paid once) and monthly (paid monthly until the child reaches a certain age), as well as support measures are provided in the form of a certificate (birth certificate, maternity capital, certificate for the purchase of housing) and benefits (for example, reduced travel or a discount on utility bills).
  • Birth benefits federal level apply to all citizens, but there are also regional payments - they can be received by residents of certain constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This is the next important point.
  • The number of children born and/or adopted matters!

If you are not officially employed and have not entered into a voluntary insurance agreement with the Social Insurance Fund, then maternity payments (also known as maternity benefits) and a one-time benefit upon registration with early dates pregnancy is not allowed.

Now about payments and benefits at the birth of a child in order:

The test showed the coveted two stripes... For further possibility of receiving, you should register with the nearest antenatal clinic before 12 weeks of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, you will most likely need vitamins or medications; more about this in the article Free medications for pregnant women and children under 3 years of age.

It's time to calculate the amount of maternity benefits that you will receive when you go on maternity leave in a maternity calculator.

Only officially employed women (or individual entrepreneurs who have entered into a voluntary social insurance agreement with the Social Insurance Fund) at the onset of 30 weeks of pregnancy are entitled to receive a one-time benefit for women who registered in the early stages of pregnancy.

Payments and benefits for pregnancy and childbirth from 30 weeks of pregnancy.

  1. Upon reaching 30 weeks of pregnancy (28 in case of multiple pregnancy) antenatal clinic you will be given a certificate of incapacity for work, which will be required at your place of work to receive maternity benefits (maternity benefits), paid to the employee in the amount of 100% of average earnings. Maternity benefits are assigned within ten days after submitting all necessary documents. Maternity payments calculator.
  2. The amount of the one-time benefit for women registered in the early stages of pregnancy is until February 2020 RUB 655.49(indexation is planned from February 2020). You will need a certificate from a medical institution confirming registration for up to 12 weeks. Documents should be submitted at the place where you receive maternity benefits.
  3. Along with the certificate of incapacity for work, the housing complex will give you a birth certificate. Coupon No. 1 of the birth certificate will remain in the antenatal clinic, you will need coupon No. 2 in the maternity hospital, and coupon No. 3 - in the children's clinic.
  4. Perhaps your constituent entity of the Russian Federation pays additional regional benefits for the birth of a child. Muscovites are paid 600 rub. for registration up to 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Payments and benefits after the birth of a child

  1. One-time benefit for the birth of a child. The benefit amount until February 2020 is RUB 17,479.73
  2. A monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years is paid in the amount of 40% of the average income for the previous two years before the onset of pregnancy to the person actually on parental leave and caring for the child (can be mother, father, grandmother and other relatives relatives). Minimum amount of monthly care allowance in 2020 - RUB 4,512 for the first child and RUB 6,554.89 on the second, maximum - RUB 27,984.66 MONTHLY. Monthly care allowance calculator.
  3. At the birth of a second and subsequent child, mothers must be issued a certificate for maternity capital with a nominal value of RUB 466,617(from 2020, the indexation of maternity capital was “unfrozen” and its size was increased by 13.5 thousand). It can only be spent on certain purposes. In a number of regions, regional maternity capital is additionally issued.
  4. Families with three or more minor children are provided with benefits and benefits as large families. And also, for the third and subsequent children born no earlier than January 1, 2013, an additional monthly benefit is paid up to 3 years.
  5. Regional payments at the birth of a child. For Muscovites this is: 1) One-time payment at birth the first child - 5,500, for the second and subsequent ones - 14,500 rubles. 2) Additional benefits for young families (Luzhkov payments). Paid to parents under 30 summer age: for the first child - 5 subsistence minimums, for the second - 7 LM, for the third and subsequent ones - 10 LM. The Moscow PM for the 3rd quarter of 2019 per capita is 17,329 rubles, for the working population - 19,797 rubles. 3) Happy birthday three or more children at the same time 50 thousand rubles. regardless of other benefits for the birth of children.
  6. One-time and monthly

Families that have a child can apply for a number of benefits and one-time payments: a lump sum at birth, maternity and child care benefits, maternity capital and, in some cases, “Putin payments.” Who is entitled to these benefits, how they are issued and in what amount they are paid.

If the average per capita family income no higher 1.5 sizes living wage for the working-age population in the subject of the Russian Federation in which she lives, then parents can apply for the first (second) child up to one and a half years old.

Photo pixabay.com

One-time benefit for the birth of a child

  • 140 days is the usual duration;
  • 156 days - for premature birth;
  • 194 days - for multiple pregnancy.

Calculation example.

The woman’s income for two years was (in rubles):

  • 546395 - in 2017;
  • 435264 - in 2018.

The years indicated were not leap years, so 730 days are used for calculations. The duration of the vacation is 140 days.

The benefit amount will be: (546395 + 435264) / 730 × 140 = 188263 rubles.

In 2019 minimum and maximum The amount of the B&R benefit is (indicated in rubles):

  • vacation 140 days - 51919 And 301095,2 ;
  • vacation 156 days - 57852,6 And 335506,08 ;
  • vacation 190 days - 71944,9 And 417231,92 .

Child care allowance up to 1.5 years old

Child care allowance up to one and a half years can be received by citizens who actually look after him. According to Art. 13 of Law No. 81, they can be persons who are subject to compulsory insurance, and not subject to it (women fired during the vacation period, relatives caring for them if their parents died, etc.).

Care allowance appointed on the next day beyond the end vacation according to BiR (for insured persons), or from the day of birth(for women laid off during vacation, students studying full-time, etc.).


The benefit amount is 40% of average earnings(money or income) for the last 2 years preceding the vacation, per month.

Size is calculated by formula:

VP = (OZ / Day) × 30.4 × 40%

VP- amount of benefit;

OZ— total earnings for the specified period (cannot be more than the maximum base);

Day— number of calendar days;

30,4 — an indicator of the average number of days in 1 month.

Calculation example.

A woman’s income is (in rubles):

  • 523453 - for 2017;
  • 526543 - for 2018.

In 2018 she used 140 days holidays according to BiR.

The benefit will be paid in the amount of (523453+526543) / (730-140) × 30.4 × 40% = 21641 ruble.

If the average income below minimum, then the benefit amount is calculated from the minimum wage (11,280 for 2019). In 2019 it is (indicated in rubles without regional coefficients):

  • 4512 — for 1 child;
  • 6554,89 — for the 2nd child.

If a citizen not employed or his experience is less six months, then he will receive benefits in the amount (in rubles):

  • 3277,45 — for 1 child;
  • 6554,89 — for 2 children and subsequent children.

Maternity capital for a second child

For maternity capital in the amount 453,026 rubles(in 2019) families can apply in which from January 1, 2007 year appears second (subsequent) child. Art. 3 of Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 about state support for families establishes that a certificate for maternal capital can be obtained by:

  • mother or adoptive mother;
  • the man is the only adoptive parent;
  • father (adoptive parent), if the right is lost by the woman (regardless of the man’s citizenship);
  • child (children in equal shares), if the only parent or both parents (adoptive parents) are deprived of the right.


The right to maternal capital arises once. If it was issued for the second child, then get it again for the third it is forbidden.

To design certificate, you must submit an application to the Pension Fund, providing:

  • Russian passport of the applicant;
  • birth certificates of all children containing a mark on citizenship of the Russian Federation (if it is not there, then documents are needed that prove the presence of citizenship);
  • adoption certificate if the child was adopted;
  • if a legal representative applies:
    • passport;
    • documents confirming authority.

You can get a certificate at any time from the date of birth (adoption). The decision to extradite is made in 15 days after registering the application.
According to Part 3 of Art. 7 of Law No. 256-FZ, maternity capital can be used for the following goals:

  • formation of a woman's funded pension;
  • payment for goods and services for the adaptation of a disabled child to society;

Dispose of using maternity capital you can in 3 years after the birth of the child. Use funds earlier The owner of the certificate has the right if he directs them to:

  • payment of the first installment and/or repayment of the principal debt and interest on housing credit or loan (including mortgage);
  • payment for preschool education and other related expenses;
  • purchase of goods (services) necessary for a disabled child to adapt to society;
  • registration of monthly payments for a second child up to one and a half years old.

Putin's payments for the first and second child

From January 1, 2018, families in which the first and/or second child is born (adopted) have the opportunity to apply for a benefit, popularly called “ Putin's" Parents have the right on it if:

  • child - citizen of Russia - born or adopted, starting from January 1, 2018;
  • the applicant lives on the territory of the Russian Federation and has Russian citizenship;
  • monthly average income for each family member does not exceed 1.5 times the subsistence level(PM) for the working population in the region of residence for the second quarter of the last year.

According to Part 1 of Art. 4 of Law No. 418-FZ, when determining average per capita income taken into account:

  1. Salaries, bonuses and compensations that employed parents receive.
  2. Pensions, scholarships, benefits, sick leave and alimony, which receives family.
  3. Payments to successors of deceased insured persons.
  4. Compensation for performing public (state) duties.
  5. Monetary allowance (maintenance), additional payments and food provision for military personnel, employees of internal affairs bodies, customs authorities, etc.


Benefit is paid in the amount of children's PM, established in the region of residence for the 2nd quarter of the previous year.

If the application is submitted before the child's birthday six months, then the benefit will be paid from the day of birth, if later - from the date of application.

You can apply for “Putin” payments for the 1st child in social protection authorities. When applying for benefits for the 2nd child, the application is submitted to the Pension Fund, since funds are provided from maternity capital.

The family will receive payments until the child turns one and a half years old. The first time the benefit is issued for one year- after that you need to submit an application again. These payments can be received simultaneously with other benefits.


Bryansk, Ulyanova street, building 4, office 414

Current legislation Russian Federation provides women with two types of benefits: prenatal and postnatal benefits. Today you can choose the calculation procedure yourself. This new order, established from January of the new year and general rules which have been used successfully before.

The right to register and receive state benefits is granted to all employed women and the unemployed.

Maternity leave

Prenatal sick leave for incapacity for work is issued for 70 days, and in the case of multiple pregnancy for 84 days. Postnatal leave, which is paid, is set to the same duration as the calculated prenatal leave. If a woman had a complicated birth, then another 14 days are added to the total period. In case of complicated births of several children, the total period of leave is 110 calendar days.

If a child is adopted under three months, the woman is paid postpartum sick leave for 70 days. If the number of adopted children is two or more, the leave is extended by an additional 40 days.

Process of receiving benefits

Changes in legislation regarding a woman’s pregnancy and childbirth greatly simplify the payment procedure. The woman must present her sick leave certificate to her employer within the prescribed period. Within the next five working days, the employer transmits necessary documents to the Mandatory Fund social insurance, which after nine days makes prenatal payments to a personal account. In some cases, the possibility of postal transfer is provided cash according to the applicant's residential address.

The amount of benefits provided, such as post-natal and pre-natal payments, primarily depends on the total working experience.

Benefit for the unemployed

A woman who is unemployed at the time of pregnancy and after childbirth must independently apply to Social Security. To apply for benefits you must present the following documents:

  • application for payment;
  • sick leave;
  • extract from last place official employment;
  • certificate from the employment center;
  • details for payment.

If an unemployed woman previously worked entrepreneurial activity, you must additionally provide the social insurance authorities with the appropriate document on the closure of the individual entrepreneur.

maternity leave, which begins from 30 weeks of pregnancy (from 28 in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant zone) and lasts 126 and 146 days, respectively;

  • parental leave until the child reaches the age of three.

Benefits in Belarus Payments for maternity leave in Belarus are made 4 times:

  • The first payment, which is paid based on the actual wages for 6 months, in other words, the average salary per day multiplied by 126 or 146 days.
  • The second payment is for the birth of a child. The first - 10 subsistence level budgets, the second and subsequent ones - 14.
  • The third payment is one subsistence budget for timely registration at the antenatal clinic (up to 12 weeks) and regular follow-up with a doctor.
  • Fourth payment - monthly allowance, paid on a general basis, regardless of wages before maternity leave.

How are prenatal benefits calculated in Belarus and when are they paid?

    Living wage budget from November 1, 2016 to January 31, 2017 174 rubles 52 kopecks from February 1 to April 30, 2017 180 rubles 10 kopecks from May 1 to July 31, 2017 183 rubles 82 kopecks from August 1 to October 31, 2017 197 rubles 57 kopecks from 1 November 2017 to January 31, 2018 Tags: All about children, Children under 3 years old, Preschoolers, Legislation and taxes, Benefits and payments Discussing now “My son rewrites books by hand!” How blind schoolchildren study in Belarus 18 “ Modern family consists of a taxi mom and an ATM dad.”

    In Belarus, from August 1, benefits for children under three years of age will be increased. The calculation system is as follows: we determine the average daily earnings for the last six months; multiply the resulting amount by 126 or another number of days of the appointed maternity leave. When calculating, you should take into account which types of payments are taken into account in the calculation and which are not.

    Prenatal and postnatal payments in Belarus 2017

    As a general rule, benefits are assigned within 10 days from the date of the employee’s application. If the SZPR value is not published during the specified period, the employer has the opportunity to assign benefits within one month<14.


    In practice, situations are possible when this statistical indicator will be absent for a month. According to oral explanations from Foundation employees, in this case the last known value of the SPPR is used.

    Subsequently, the calculated benefit is adjusted (additional payment or withholding). In our situation, benefits for both female employees are calculated based on the tariff salary.
    However, different restrictions apply. Petrova P.P. got a job in organization “B” (employer assigning benefits) on 03/01/2017, i.e. in the billing period. In addition, in February 2017 she did not work anywhere, which means that she did not fully work out the pay period.

    How is maternity leave paid in Belarus? maternity benefit

    NWPR for April 2017. Its average daily amount will be 125.27 rubles. (RUB 776.70 x 5 / 31 days (number of calendar days in May))<16. Пособие Ивановой И.И. следует рассчитать из размера среднедневного тарифного оклада, так как он не превышает рассчитанного ограничения: Таблица 2 Период Количество календарных дней Размер тарифного оклада(без надбавок и повышений), руб. Сумма пособия(гр. 4 / гр. 2 x гр. 3), руб. в месяце отпускапо беременности и родам 1 2 3 4 5 С 11 по 31 мая 31 21 1260 853,55 Июнь 30 30 1260 1260 Июль 31 31 1260 1260 Август 31 31 1260 1260 С 1 по 13 сентября 30 13 1260 546 Итого - 126 - 5179,55 Сравниваем пособие с минимальным и максимальным размерами Рассчитанное пособие нужно сравнить с минимальным и максимальным размерами.

    When are prenatal and postnatal benefits paid in Belarus?

    ) / 31 days x 30 days (August)) Ivanova I.I. From 05/11/2017 to 09/13/2017 5179.55 377.82 (91.91 rub.<2) / 31 день x 21 день (май) + 91,91 руб. <2) x 3 мес. (июнь – август) + 91,91 руб. <2) / 30 дней x 13 дней (сентябрь)) 9578,46 (2330,10 руб. <4) / 31 день x 21 день (май) + 2330,10 руб. <4) x 3 мес. (июнь – август) + 2330,10 руб. <4) / 30 дней x 13 дней (сентябрь)) Как видно из таблицы, рассчитанный размер пособия и для Петровой П.П., и для Ивановой И.И. находится в пределах минимального и максимального размеров. Следовательно, пособия обеим работницам назначаются в рассчитанном размере.
    So, the benefit is assigned based on the tariff salary in the case when the number of days taken into account in the payroll period does not exceed 30 and the employee did not maintain average earnings (within the specified period).

    Prenatal and postnatal payments in Belarus 2018


    If during this period the employee received several such payments, the benefits are calculated from the higher average daily (average hourly) earnings used for their calculation. For employees who have the right to calculate benefits in accordance with parts two and three of this paragraph, the benefit is calculated according to a more favorable option. Comment: Maternity benefits will be calculated based on the tariff rate (salary), the amount that is determined for each month of maternity leave by dividing the tariff rate (salary) by the number of working days (hours) in a given month. Your task is to present certificate of incapacity for work for pregnancy and childbirth.

    Maternity benefit: calculated from the tariff

    Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus04.04.2002 N 421) REGULATIONS ON THE PROCEDURE FOR PROVIDING TEMPORARY DISABILITY AND MATERNITY BENEFITS3. In accordance with these Regulations, benefits are assigned: 3.2.

    for pregnancy and childbirth in cases of pregnancy and childbirth, adoption of a child under the age of 3 months or establishment of guardianship over him.4. Benefits are assigned if the application for them follows no later than 6 months from the date of the end of cases of temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth. When applying for benefits after the end of the period specified in part one of this paragraph, they can be assigned by the commission for the assignment of benefits at the regional, Minsk city ​​departments of the Social Protection Fund of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection (hereinafter referred to as the commission of the territorial body of the Fund) if there is a valid reason for missing the established deadline.5.

    Sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth in 2018. issuance procedure

    Consequently, the amount of the benefit will be equal to the average daily earnings multiplied by 126. The amount of the benefit cannot be more than three times the average monthly wage of workers and employees in the republic, and less than 50% of the subsistence level budget (BMS) per capita (minimum size of the benefit). For individual entrepreneurs, students receiving a scholarship, as well as other categories of workers with a permanent income, the benefit is also calculated based on the average daily earnings. Students who do not receive a scholarship, or who work less than 6 months before going on maternity leave, are paid a benefit of minimum amount (50% of the BPM or 87 rubles. 75 kopecks (877,500 Belarusian rubles). The benefit is not paid to expectant mothers who do not work anywhere and are not registered at the labor exchange.

    Payment of prenatal money to a mother on maternity leave

    It is supposed to be paid every month in the amount of one BPM.

    • And, finally, a monthly allowance for children aged 3 to 18 years for families during the period of raising a child under the age of 3 years.
    • The payment of this benefit in Belarus has been included in the list since January 2015 and is an innovation. Its value is half of the largest BPM size on average per capita, approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.
      At the same time, the number of minor children over three years old does not affect the amount paid. It is important to remember that you must apply for government assistance no later than six months from the date the right to receive the listed subsidies arises.

    It is 35% of the average salary in the country for 1 child, for 2 or more - 40%, for a disabled child - 45%. Speaking in numbers, in 2016, maternity leave in Belarus is paid monthly - 2,450,500 per child child, 2,800,500 for two or more, 3,150,600 for a disabled child. The one-time benefit is 15,913,100 for the first child, 22,278,340 for the second and subsequent ones.

    Plus, they pay an additional 1,591,310 for registration. Also in Belarus, monetary compensation is provided for the birth of twins; for 2016, it amounts to 2 times the subsistence level budget, or 3,182,620. Reducing the maternity leave is a “pro” opinion. The press has repeatedly reported that in Belarus they want to reduce maternity leave.
    State benefits specified in subclauses 1.1–1.5 of clause 1 of these Regulations, assigned at the place of work (service), study, training in clinical residency, are paid on the days established for the payment of wages (monetary allowance).” And from the Law “State benefits provided for in Articles 12 and 14 of this Law, assigned at the place of work (service), study, training in clinical residency, are paid for the current month.” If benefits are not paid on time, because the company does not have money to pay. Those. Usually, an enterprise pays a salary, and from it accrues compulsory insurance contributions (FSZN), and from this amount pays benefits. That is.

    technically, no one transfers money to the organization for benefits; benefits are simply paid from the accrued compulsory insurance contributions. It turns out there is no salary, no benefits.

State support for families who decide to expand their family includes a number of benefits and payments after the birth of a child. Their size and award algorithm differ in each specific case.

One-time payment at the birth of a child in 2019

To provide benefits, one of the parents (mother or father) must apply no later than six months from the date of birth of the child. The benefit is calculated at the place of work of one of the parents who applies for the assignment.

In case of multiple pregnancy (2 or more children), the benefit is paid for each child. If the child is stillborn, then the benefit is not paid.

Birth benefit can be issued and received in the following way:

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  • At the place of work of the mother or father;
  • To FSS branches;
  • In the Social Security authorities if the mother or father are unemployed citizens.

For benefits must be prepared and provide the following package of documents:

  1. Completed application.
  2. Certificate of birth of a child in form F24, which is issued by the registry office at the time of registration of the child.
  3. Parents' passport.
  4. Original and copy of the child's birth certificate.
  5. The second parent must provide a certificate that he did not receive benefits. Mandatory if the spouses gave birth to a child in a legal marriage.

One-time benefit paid to a bank salary card or to the organization's cash desk. If a citizen is not officially employed, then the payment is due through the social security authorities and is received through a postal transfer or bank account.

Payments after the birth of a child

The range of contributions to the family after replenishment is quite extensive. Postpartum payments are due to both the mother and the father of the child. Sometimes relatives are recipients of benefits.

One-time benefit for the birth of a child, adoption is due to one of the parents, transferred by the enterprise. It happens that the mother is not employed, then the working father receives the “children’s”.

After February indexation, the amount of payment at the birth of a child in 2019 will be RUB 17,479.73.

Monthly child care allowance up to 1.5 years paid at the end of the mother's maternity leave. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows any relative to raise a child: father, grandparents, guardians ( Art. 256).

One-time payment to the pregnant wife of a conscript and monthly support for the child of a conscript soldier are relied upon regardless of rights to other government transfers.

Regional payments can be given in the form:

  • municipal family capital for the second child;
  • governor's payments;
  • compensation for mandatory payments;
  • targeted assistance large families, low-income, unemployed.

Maternity benefit in 2019

In common parlance, these payments are known as “maternity benefits”. The payment is made in a lump sum, however, it covers two periods: prenatal and postnatal.

Payments are due only to the expectant mother. Since the benefit is financed from the Social Insurance Fund budget, the woman must be insured. Recipient categories:

  • employed persons;
  • individual entrepreneurs, self-employed people, subject to transfer of payments to social insurance authorities;
  • women who lost their jobs due to layoffs no earlier than 12 months before pregnancy;
  • full-time students;
  • women military personnel on a contract basis;
  • adoptive mothers.

The standard duration of paid maternity leave is 140 days. Half of this period is allocated for prenatal leave, the rest for postpartum recovery. The right to maternity benefits arises from the 30th week of pregnancy.

Postpartum payments 2019 are calculated according to the algorithm established Law No. 255-FZ.

  1. Those who lost their jobs during the liquidation of the institution will receive 655.49 rubles each for each month of sick leave in the case of registration in the central health center.
  2. Maternity benefits for the student category of pregnant women are accrued in the amount 100% scholarships. The total amount should not be lower than a quarter of the subsistence level in the region.
  3. Women giving birth from among military personnel can count on benefits in 100 % from monetary allowance.

Employed women must contact their employer to calculate payments, unemployed women and students should contact the regional division of the SZN. The basis for the calculation is sick leave.

Related package of documents includes:

  • photocopy of ID;
  • statement. You can view and download here: [ Sample application for maternity leave];
  • confirmation of the previous salary when changing places of activity during the estimated time;
  • certificate of registration at the employment center, a copy of the employment record in case of layoff/dismissal.

Amount of child benefits in 2019

Table of child care benefits from January 1, 2019

Child care allowance up to 1.5 years old

Law 81-FZ The circle of persons entitled to payments has been determined:

  • relatives insured under the social insurance system;
  • contract military personnel;
  • women laid off during pregnancy and maternity leave, relatives who lost their jobs while caring for a baby;
  • full-time students (parents/guardians);
  • in case of loss of rights to a child by the father/mother - uninsured relatives.

After completing maternity leave, the right to apply for exemption from labor service to raise a child arises. up to 18 months of age.

Leave is issued at the enterprise or at the social security authorities. The legislator allowed the benefit recipient to work part-time or on a home schedule.

For insured persons, the monthly subsidy is 40% of average earnings for 2 years of employer transfers of insurance premiums.

For unemployed mothers, students, and persons caring for children, accrual is carried out at minimum rates. In 2019, the amount of child care benefits is set at the following level:

  • for 1st child – 4,512 rubles;
  • for the second and subsequent children - 6554.89 rubles.

Benefits are financed from the Social Insurance Fund.

To receive the required benefits, employed citizens contact the accounting department of the enterprise. Will need package of documents:

  • leave application;
  • subsidy application;
  • document on the birth/adoption of the baby;
  • confirmation of non-receipt of benefits by the other party;
  • certificates of previous earnings when the experience at a given enterprise is less than 2 years.

If a close relative is going to care for the child, you will have to document blood ties with the child.

Benefit for the pregnant wife of a conscript

Mothers who have formalized their marital relationship with a conscript military officer can apply for financial assistance from the state.

A prerequisite for the subsidy is the period of the woman’s special status confirmed by reference from 180 days.

If a woman meets all the conditions, this year the expectant mother will receive 27,680.97 rubles.

The “soldier’s” EDV is issued by the regional social protection unit. List of documents:

  • applications for subsidies;
  • confirmation of marriage registration;
  • medical certificates at the place of registration of the pregnant woman;
  • confirmation from the military unit at the place of service or from the military registration and enlistment office.

Need to wait for a decision no more than 10 days. If Social Security has approved the benefit, the money is credited via bank transfer.

Benefit for a child of a military personnel

The benefit is provided to the mother of a child of a conscript soldier. If a child is left without a mother under special circumstances (death, unknown absence, deprivation of rights), the right to payments arises from the legal representatives, the child’s guardians.

The main condition is the father’s conscript service in the Russian army. The start of payments coincides with the beginning of the conscript's military service. The benefit is paid monthly until the child fulfills 3 years old. However, if the military father is demobilized, the right to financial assistance is lost.

In 2019, the state pays benefits to the child of a conscript 11,863.27 rubles monthly.

The benefit is issued by social security at the child’s place of registration. The basis for the assignment of financial support is the application of the mother or guardian. Applicants provide:

  1. Child's birth certificate indicating paternity.
  2. A certificate from the military unit about the length of service of the father.
  3. In special cases - confirmation of guardianship of a newborn, death of the mother, judicial acts on the alienation of parental rights.

The legislator has not established requirements for the mandatory registration of marital relations between the parents of a child.

Changes in child benefits in 2019

From May 12, 2019, the procedure for assigning child benefits is changing in Russia. The main provisions are regulated by Federal Law No. 92 of May 1, 2019.


State co-financing of families at the birth of children aimed at creating decent educational conditions. Support is based on the principles:

  1. Comprehensive financing from budgets of all levels.
  2. Protecting the interests of mother and child.
  3. Initiatives on the part of the right holder of payments: to receive money you will need a personal statement.
  4. Mutual responsibility of the state and recipients of benefits. The authorities undertake to provide assistance in full, and the family undertakes to provide real information about their situation and changes that entail the loss of rights to payments.

The most popular questions and answers regarding maternity benefits

Question: We lived with a guy, in October 2017 he was drafted into the army, and in December (25th) the long-awaited first-born for both was born. I don't work, I take care of the child. I heard that there are monthly subsidies and monthly allowances for such cases, can I count on them?

Answer: According to Order No. 1012 of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Pregnant wives of conscripts may apply for a one-time benefit during the duration of pregnancy from 180 days. The couple must be legally married. The latter circumstance is absent in your situation, therefore, receiving a “soldier’s” EDV is impossible.

About the monthly supplement-subsidy for the child of a military personnel. Here you can count on an increase if the soldier acknowledges paternity and is recorded in the “parents” column along with you. By Order 1012n There are no requirements for registering a marriage for monthly payments to the child of a conscript soldier. Collect documents for social security. Section VIII of the above document will help you.

Samples of applications and forms

You will need the following sample documents:

Prenatal and Postnatal Payments in 2019 to the Unemployed

Amount of payments during maternity leave 2019: minimum and maximum amount

Thus, a working woman in any case can count on the minimum amount of prenatal payments - 51,919 thousand rubles. If a citizen has been working for more than two years and has a high salary, it is worth knowing that she should not count on payments of more than 301 thousand rubles.

Child care benefits for a working mother are paid from the first day of the end of sick leave according to the BIR. The woman will need to apply to her employer. An unemployed citizen will be able to apply for it immediately after the baby is born. This is justified by the lack of sick leave. In this case, payments are processed by social security.

How to get benefits for an unemployed pregnant woman

Young mothers without work often ask questions about whether they can receive this or that benefit. The answers to them are always the same - you can only apply for that type of benefit that provides for payment through the social security authorities.

  • Since May 2019, the amount of the monthly benefit for the first child is 4 thousand 465 rubles.
  • For the second and subsequent children, 6 thousand 284 rubles are paid.
  • If the benefit is issued through the employer, then 40% of the average monthly salary is calculated.

Postpartum payments

As officials note, the new rules will help increase the mobility of young families in Russia. Experts have repeatedly made statements that it is necessary to make adjustments to the current legislation that affects families with children.

According to the new rules, citizens can apply for payments in any region. Applicants are no longer tied to registration. Before the adoption of the new law, it was possible to apply for child benefits only at the place of registration.

Benefits for unemployed pregnant women in 2019

Maternity payments to the unemployed

It is mandatory for a woman who has lost her job to join the stock exchange within 12 months, especially if she is already pregnant or planning a pregnancy. Otherwise, she will lose the right to receive a number of cash payments related to BiR.

Maternity payments are amounts that are due to women who have temporarily lost their ability to work due to pregnancy and childbirth. From a legal point of view, benefits that are prescribed to a mother during the period of caring for a newborn are not interpreted as “maternity benefits”.

In accordance with the current legislation, one of the parents of the baby has the right to receive a lump sum payment at birth. Moreover, if two children (or more) are born at the same time, then such benefits rely on each of them.

In some professions it is possible to work until childbirth, but most often a woman in this condition cannot cope with an eight-hour working day and high workload. Pregnancy requires adherence to a strict diet and constant medical monitoring, which is not combined with strict working hours.

Maternity payments to the unemployed in 2019

  1. 140 days (70 days before birth and 70 days after birth), if the birth is normal, without complications, and the pregnancy is not multiple.
  2. 156 days (70 days before birth and 86 days after birth), if the birth was complicated.
  3. 194 days (84 days before birth and 100 days after birth) for multiple pregnancies.
  4. 70 days – for adoptive parents.
  5. 110 days – when adopting two or more children.

After the birth of the baby, parents have the right to receive a lump sum payment. This form of support for families with children is of an application nature and involves submitting documents for assistance within six months from the birth of the child.

How to receive maternity payments in 2019 for a non-working mother

  • unemployed due to dismissal due to the liquidation of the employer, if this occurred no more than 12 months before they were declared unemployed;
  • receiving professional, additional professional, higher or postgraduate education and studying full-time;
  • contract employees in the armed forces or holding positions as privates or chiefs in government agencies (internal affairs, the National Guard, customs, fire, criminal enforcement, drug control).

What are these special rules according to which payments are made in 2019 to unemployed pregnant women receiving full-time education or employees in government agencies? They are set out in the Procedure for Assigning Benefits, approved by Order No. 1012n:

What maternity payments are due to a non-working mother in 2019?

  • one-time:
    • allowance for early registration;
    • maternity benefits;
    • financial assistance after the birth of the baby;
  • every month:
    • benefits until the child reaches one and a half years old;
    • “Putin payment” for the first or second child until he reaches one and a half years old;
    • compensation from one and a half to three years.

The birth of a child brings not only joy to the family, but also additional financial expenses. The state program of assistance to families with children provides various support measures, including financial ones. Working mothers are the most protected in this regard.

How to apply and what postpartum payments exist in 2019

Each family after childbirth has the right to receive a one-time payment for the child in the amount of 17 479 rub., this amount is revised and increased annually. When several babies are born at the same time, benefits are allocated for each newborn.

Also FZ-413 works, according to which families where children are growing up are awarded a different monthly payment - it applies to the first and also the second child. A similar right can be used by parents who have a small income (less than one and a half times the established value of the general subsistence minimum). Average income is taken into account.

How to get maternity benefits for a non-working woman

Important! From 01.01. In 2010, a rule was introduced stating that in order to receive a monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years old and regional payments, a non-working mother must be registered in the same place as the child.

  1. Expectant mothers who were forced to quit due to the liquidation of their employer.
  2. Unemployed female students of inpatient departments of educational institutions. They receive a stipend benefit regardless of whether they pay for their education or not.

Benefits for non-working stay-at-home mothers in 2019

  1. After the birth of your second child, you need to obtain a birth certificate from the registry office.
  2. At the passport office, mark the birth of the child and receive a certificate of citizenship
  3. Collect a package of documents from the child born earlier, namely a birth certificate and an extract from the housing office;
  4. Submit all collected documents to the Pension Fund at your place of residence;
  5. Write an application to the Pension Fund to receive a certificate;
  6. You wait 1 month and 5 days. This is the maximum period stipulated by law;
  7. A letter arrives from the Pension Fund with a decision to issue or not issue a certificate and the date of the return visit;
  8. If the decision is positive, you will receive a maternity capital certificate
  • Child's birth certificate
  • So the birth certificate of the first child
  • Certificate from the second parent from the OSZN stating that he does not receive child benefit
  • The woman must also provide a certificate from the employment center stating that she is not currently receiving unemployment benefits.

Maternity payments for non-working mothers

  • if women have never had official employment, that is, amounts were not deducted from their income into the social insurance fund;
  • if a woman quit her job of her own free will;
  • if the woman applying for payment is studying part-time.

Only the listed categories of citizens related to non-working mothers are entitled to maternity payments. And these are rather exceptions to the general rule; in most cases, maternity payments are not provided to the unemployed.

All payments and benefits for pregnant women in Russia in 2019

Working women are paid this benefit by their employer. Its size is determined based on the average salary for the last 2 years and is equal to 40% of its size. The algorithm for calculating the benefit is as follows: divide the average earnings for the two previous calendar years by 730 (the number of days in a calendar period), multiply by 30.4 (the average number of days per month) and multiply by 40%.

In addition to payments, women can count on labor benefits. For example, if working conditions for a pregnant woman are too difficult or have a negative impact on health, then she has the right to write an application to the employer for a transfer to another position or a reduction in output. The employer is obliged to maintain the wages that the woman previously received. No changes are made to the work book.

How to apply for maternity benefits for a non-working woman in 2019

  • a person without legally required employment;
  • a woman who was fired a year before the start of her maternity leave due to the company closing, provided that she is registered with the employment center;
  • a woman fired while on maternity leave due to the liquidation of the organization;
  • student of a university, specialized institution;
  • An individual entrepreneur who has officially ceased to operate;
  • lawyer who has completed his career;
  • wife of a soldier undergoing military service.

To apply for child care benefits for an unemployed mother or other compensation, you need to visit the social security authority, where, depending on the assigned unemployed status, the following documents are required:

Prenatal and Postnatal Payments in 2019

If a non-working woman does not receive unemployment benefits, she is assigned a monthly child care allowance from the social protection authorities from the day the child is born until the child is one and a half years old. The woman will receive monthly benefits at her place of residence.

All expectant mothers are interested in what the amount of maternity pay will be in 2019 even at the pregnancy planning stage, because preparation for the birth of the baby depends on this. Due to the constant rise in prices, for families planning to increase their composition, it is especially important whether this benefit will be indexed. pregnant women with permanent jobs; women registered as individual entrepreneurs; unemployed women, if they are registered with the district employment service due to job loss due to staff reductions at the enterprise; full-time students of any educational institution.

Maternity payments in 2019

Modern economic conditions affecting the lives of ordinary Russians force them to think carefully before adding another member to their family. Of course, the birth of a baby is a joyful and long-awaited event, because the positive emotions caused by the first words “mom” and “dad”, the smiles and hugs of the child make us forget about any troubles. On the other hand, responsible parents are well aware of the difficulties involved in providing for a new family member.

Even the minimum set of necessary things includes a crib and stroller, a supply of rompers and baby vests, products to care for the baby’s delicate skin and much more. All this is not cheap at all, and if you consider that in the last months of pregnancy and during postpartum leave, the baby’s mother falls out of the “breadwinner” category, then any state support and assistance from the employer becomes very important for a young family.

However, so far the future looks quite positive - in the run-up to the elections, the government generously promises citizens additional assistance. Let's find out what situation with maternity payments is predicted for 2019!

Who can claim maternity benefits?

As you know, maternity leave is considered leave, which is granted to employees in an interesting situation. Such women have the right to rest both during the prenatal and postnatal periods. In addition, as in the case of a regular vacation, maternity leave involves financial charges. All women can apply for these payments, including those who do not have an official place of employment. If you figure out who exactly has the right to maternity leave, you need to note the following categories prescribed in Russian legislation:

  • women who have official registration in a company, organization or enterprise. They should address the application regarding payments to their personnel department;
  • women who are self-employed individuals, that is, have a registered individual entrepreneur. They can also receive a payment, but to do this they must send an application to the social service at their place of residence or registration. However, in this case there is an important nuance - the amount of payments will be proportional to your insurance premiums;
  • expectant mothers who do not have official employment. The main thing in this case is to have an official mark indicating that you applied to the employment service and are registered there. Otherwise, you cannot claim maternity leave payments. The request must be addressed to the social protection authorities;
  • full-time students studying at colleges, universities, institutes, academies, address their applications to the dean's office of educational institutions;
  • female military personnel who are contract soldiers in the Russian army. The place of address of the application in this case is the personnel service;
  • Russian women who adopted a baby. They are also due financial payments, which can be processed through the social security authorities.

It is also worth saying that the regulations according to which the amounts of financial payments under maternity leave will be calculated will not change in 2019. Employers should be aware that it is subject to relatively new regulations that came into force in 2017. According to these changes, the payment of contributions in the aspect of temporary disability and maternity in 2019 will be regulated by the norms from Chapter 34 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. There is no longer any need to rely on the articles of the Law “On Insurance Contributions”, since it is no longer in force.

The main change that resulted from the transfer of powers to the fiscal authorities is that the calculation maternity payments is now made taking into account all remunerations and accruals for the 2 years preceding the decree.

The amount of maternity leave depends entirely on your earnings over the last 2 years

How long is maternity leave?

Naturally, young mothers (including those who adopted a baby) are interested in how long they can be on paid maternity and pregnancy leave. In 2019, the standards will not change, so you are entitled to the following number of days:

  • if the birth is normal and is not accompanied by multiple pregnancies or complications, the leave will last 140 days, proportionally divided into two equal periods before and after the birth;
  • in case of complicated labor, the mother has the right to rest for 156 days, 70 of which are in the period before birth, and the remaining days in the subsequent period;
  • during pregnancy with multiple fetuses, a woman has the right to 194 days of rest, of which 84 relate to the period before childbirth, and 110 after;
  • adoptive parents of one child are entitled to rest for 70 days;
  • The state allows adoptive parents of two or more children to go on vacation for 110 days.

To summarize what has been said, we can conclude that leave for women with a normal pregnancy begins at the 30th week of pregnancy, and for Russian women expecting an addition in the form of twins or triplets - at the 28th week. For women who live in places with high radiation levels, there is a separate rule - they go on vacation from the 27th week.

About the amounts of maternity leave payments in 2019

Registration of maternity leave is accompanied by the accrual of several payments and benefits. The projected values ​​of this financial assistance for 2019 so far are as follows.

Financial payment for pregnancy and childbirth

It is worth noting right away that most of the payments for new mothers are directly linked to the minimum wage. We will please future parents: not so long ago, the head of the Russian Federation made a proposal, starting January 1, 2018, to increase the minimum wage level to an amount expressing the subsistence level in the territorial regions of the country. Well, from January 1, 2019, the sums of these indicators may well become equal.

Based on these data, it can be assumed that from January 2018, the minimum wage may reach an average of 9.489 thousand in national currency (+21.7% of the current amount). If the initiatives expressed by the president become a reality, then, for example, in Moscow the minimum wage level in 2019 could reach about 12.1 thousand rubles. The specific benefit amounts currently look like this:

  • officially employed part-time workers can apply for payment from several employers at once if they have combined activities in two places for two or more years. The calculation is based on the average salary for this period;
  • Officially employed women who have worked no more than 6 months before maternity leave can count on benefits that will be calculated on the basis of the minimum wage. Those who switched from one maternity leave to another can count on the same amounts - the approximate amount of payments for these categories of Russian women is calculated at 35.92 thousand rubles;
  • unemployed mothers can calculate the amount of their maternity benefits based on the monthly benefit. In 2018, this payment is equal to 632 rubles and 76 kopecks monthly;
  • Contract mothers who serve in the army will receive payment based on the amount of allowance. Presumably by 2019, these payments will reach an average of 36 thousand rubles.

One-time payment for a newborn child

These amounts no longer apply to maternity leave, but young parents and adoptive parents will be interested to know that they can receive additional financial assistance - it certainly won’t be unnecessary. For now you can expect the following payment:

  • 16.87 thousand rubles - for employed people, students or the unemployed. It must be said that in comparison with 2017, in 2018 this funding was slightly increased. Considering the current trend, in 2019 the one-time benefit may reach a value of 17.37 thousand in national currency;
  • about 24.5 thousand rubles - a benefit for mothers who are married to a conscript;
  • 15.5 thousand rubles is the amount that the adoptive parents of one healthy small child can count on;
  • 128.93 thousand rubles – such an increased one-time payment can be claimed by those who decide to adopt a child with a disability, adopt two children into a family at once, or adopt a child whose age is over 7 years.

The main package of documents that must be collected to accrue this financial assistance (by the way, it must be completed within six months from the birth or adoption of the child) includes:

  • for workers and students - a completed application; a certificate confirming the fact of the birth of the child; confirmation from the father’s place of employment or study that no such payments were made there;
  • for persons without a permanent place of work - a copy of the identity card and sheets of the work book, as well as the original insurance policy are added to the above list. Perhaps in 2019 it will be possible not to take a work book - from 2018 this document will go into electronic circulation, so all information about your work experience will be available remotely;
  • for wives of Russian army soldiers, the package is supplemented with a report and a certificate confirming the fact of the marriage relationship;
  • For adoptive parents, the list is supplemented by a certificate indicating the fact of adoption of the baby.

Financial payment upon registration before the 12th week of pregnancy

The payment in the early stages of pregnancy is quite low - in 2018 it is 632 rubles and 76 kopecks. The increase compared to the previous value was about 20 rubles, so in 2019 you can be credited with approximately 650 rubles.

New benefit for the first child on maternity leave for up to 1.5 years

Russians counting on expanding their family in the near future can receive an additional payment in 2019! Not long ago, the head of state announced an initiative suggesting the introduction into social practice of another measure to stimulate the birth rate in the Russian Federation. The norm should come into force on January 1, 2018. It will be implemented in the form of benefits for families expanding with their first child. Financial assistance will be paid every month until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years.

A new form of financial support should become one of the elements contributing to the reboot of the policy of stimulating the birth rate in the country. The authorities’ concern is not surprising - today in Russia the annual decrease in the number of people of childbearing age is about 1 million! The average payment for 2018 is 10.52 thousand rubles, for 2019 – 10.84 thousand, and for 2020 – 11.14 thousand in national currency. For each region, the amount will be calculated individually - in the end it should coincide with the fixed level of the subsistence minimum for the child.

It is also worth saying that not all young Russian parents will be able to receive this payment - the distribution of funds will be targeted. The selection criterion will be the level of average per capita income for family members - it should not exceed 1.5 subsistence minimums established for one person in a certain region of the Russian Federation. That is, for example, this benefit will be paid to Muscovites if the entire family income does not exceed 84,339 thousand rubles per month.

A budget expenditure item in the amount of 144.5 billion rubles has been allocated for the implementation of this initiative. According to government calculations, about 370 thousand new benefits will need to be paid monthly. The money should be allocated from the “bins” of the Reserve Fund of the Russian Federation and the Presidential Reserve Fund.

The procedure for processing payments has not yet been published, so parents who plan to take advantage of the new opportunity still have to find out what package of documents they will need, where to apply for registration, and also for what period of time their income will be calculated to prove the need for this support. The government says that when applying for social assistance, they can even check the availability of third-party income.

Monthly amounts of maternity payments up to 1.5 years

The introduction of a new initiative has called into question the implementation of traditional payments. So far, the government has not said anything about whether the usual monthly payment for a child under 1.5 years old, which can be issued by mom, dad or another family member who is actually caring for the child, will remain. So far, the law prescribes the following amounts of assistance:

  • Working Russians receive money calculated based on the average of their salaries over the last two years (remember that the calculation is based on 40% of earnings). However, this payment has a limit value - Russian parents should not count on an amount exceeding 24 thousand rubles;
  • if your salary was equal to the minimum wage, then the amount cannot be less than 3.2 thousand for the first child and 6.33 thousand rubles for the second, third, and so on. If in 2019 the minimum wage is actually raised to 100% of the subsistence level, then it will be possible to receive about 4.3 thousand for the first and about 7 thousand for subsequent children;
  • for those who did not have an official place of employment before the maternity leave, minimum values ​​are established - approximately 3.2 thousand rubles;
  • The wives of conscripts also have the opportunity to receive a payment - they are entitled to 11.45 thousand rubles. In 2018, this payment increased by 400 rubles, but whether there will be an increase in 2019 is still unknown;
  • working Russians who, during their maternity leave, found themselves without a place of employment due to the liquidation of the company, can write an application for financial payment to the social protection authorities. However, no matter what your salary is, you won’t be able to get more than 12.5 thousand;
  • not too large amounts are prescribed for the unemployed - 3.07 thousand for the first, 6.13 thousand for the second and third child.

Maternity benefit up to the age of three

A couple of years ago, deputies from several parties tried to push through a bill that proposed introducing the payment of maternity benefits for up to three years, at least in the form of the minimum wage, increasing the payment for large families to 15 thousand rubles. per month. This proposal did not find response from the people's representatives, and with the introduction of a new initiative it will finally sink into oblivion.

Today, payments until the child turns three years old are only 50 rubles per month. The exception is women with multiple pregnancies or young mothers from areas with increased background radiation - for them the usual benefit remains until the children reach the age of three. For example, Chernobyl victims are entitled to maternity payments of about 6 thousand rubles.

How to calculate the amount of maternity payments?

All calculations of maternity payments are carried out by accounting employees or social service employees, but it will be interesting for you to estimate the amount that can be accrued for this type of leave. Let us remind you that women who will go on maternity leave in 2019 will receive payments based on their salaries accrued for 2017 and 2018. There are no leap periods in this time period, so the base for calculations will be 730 days. The benefit amount is calculated according to the following principle:

  1. The sum of all salaries that you received two years before maternity leave is determined.
  2. The amount received is divided by 730 (we find out our average daily earnings)
  3. Your average daily earnings are multiplied by the total number of days you will spend on maternity leave.

This is exactly how much you will receive during the period of maternity leave. If you have not worked for some time due to temporary disability, do not forget to subtract these days from the total working period - this will affect the amount of payments. We remind you that the final payment for maternity and childbirth is not subject to taxation, as well as any deductions to state-type insurance funds, so your calculation will show the amount that you will receive “net”.