What to do in the event of a complete loss of the car. Total loss of a car under a comprehensive insurance policy

One of the insured events provided for by compulsory and voluntary types of insurance is the destruction of a vehicle. Payments under CASCO in case of total loss of the car are addressed to the policyholder, and under OSAGO - to the injured party. Recognition of the total is in most cases beneficial for insurers, as it allows them to reduce the amount of insurance compensation. How can you defend your rights and achieve the maximum possible payment?

Total destruction of the car - actual destruction vehicle.

To recognize the total (or total), each insurance contract specifies a damage threshold in the form of a percentage of the cost of the car. Exceeding it makes car repair impractical. Most often this ranges from 60 to 80% of the cost of the vehicle. That is, if it is necessary to spend 60% or more on restoring a car, it is considered “lost.”

If the damage is recognized as total, the amount of insurance payments is significantly reduced, so you should not immediately agree with the verdict of the insurance company. The following parameters are taken into account:

  1. Duration of the insurance agreement. If the insurer takes into account the degree of wear and tear when calculating payments, then by the end of the contract the amount of payments is significantly reduced. Policies that do not take this indicator into account are much more expensive.
  2. The cost of undamaged car parts. If the damage is not very large and you are not the culprit of the accident, then perhaps the payment from the culprit of the accident will be enough to cover the damage. While the insurance company may not pay CASCO insurance.
  3. Carrying out repair work before the occurrence of an insured event. If during the action insurance contract The car has already been involved in an accident, then the amount of compensation will be reduced by the cost of these works.

Total according to OSAGO

Total loss of a car under a compulsory motor liability insurance policy is regulated legislative acts, defining the rules of civil liability insurance. On at the moment the situation is as follows: in the event of a constructive loss of the vehicle, the insurance company is obliged to compensate the insured an amount in the amount of the actual value of the property on the day the incident occurred.
Even if the cost of repairs is greater than the estimated value of the vehicle. It turns out that when the total for compulsory motor liability insurance has occurred, the insurer is obliged to compensate the victim for damage in full, but within the maximum established amount (400 thousand rubles).

In practice, insurance companies often come up with all sorts of tricks to reduce insurance payments. For example, they refer to the unjust enrichment of the policyholder. However, Article 1102 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation refers to this concept as enrichment without legal grounds. And obtaining insurance with a total is regulated by the transaction and Law 40-FZ, therefore Article 1102 is not applicable to these cases.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 1102. Obligation to return unjust enrichment

1. A person who, without those established by law, otherwise legal acts or through a transaction on grounds acquired or saved property (the acquirer) at the expense of another person (the victim), is obliged to return to the latter the unjustly acquired or saved property (unjust enrichment), except for the cases provided for in Article 1109 of this Code.
2. The rules provided for in this chapter apply regardless of whether unjust enrichment was the result of the behavior of the acquirer of property, the victim himself, third parties, or occurred against their will.

Example for OSAGO 2018
. Before the accident, the vehicle cost 300,000 rubles. The cost of repairs to restore it is 350,000 rubles. The amount of usable balances is 100,000 rubles. It is likely that the insurance company will want to pay only 200,000 rubles (300 - 100 thousand), arguing that if you pay 300 thousand, you will still have car balances worth 100 thousand. And this in total will exceed the value of the property before the accident. There is logic, but it is applicable for CASCO insurance (this will be discussed later). In our case, the legislation does not provide for any reductions. Therefore, the insurance company is obliged to pay the victim 300 thousand rubles.

If complete loss is recognized, then all that remains is to determine the value of the automobile remains. If you have any doubts about the insurance company’s assessment, order a re-examination.

In most cases, it is more profitable for car owners to receive full compensation without reducing the value of the balance.

Total according to CASCO

Constructive loss of a car under a CASCO policy is determined independently by each insurance company. If this issue is not clearly reflected in the contract, then the matter comes to court proceedings. In this case, when making a decision, the practice of other insurers is analyzed, namely, the percentage of damages attributed to the total. With a high degree of probability, a controversial issue regarding CASCO payment will be a total of 50%.

When the total loss of the car is recognized, the calculation of compensation under CASCO can be made in two different ways:

  1. Receipt of the full amount of compensation calculated according to the policy. Only depreciation charges are deducted from it, and the remainder of the vehicle in this case is transferred to the insurance company on the basis of ownership.
  2. Receipt of insurance compensation minus depreciation charges and the cost of GOTS (usable vehicle balances). This concept refers to all serviceable parts and spare parts of the car that were not damaged during an accident. That is, the car owner himself, if desired, will be able to sell them on the car market. The policyholder remains responsible for the safety of the vehicle.

It is clear that the main dilemma facing the car owner is who will get the leftovers? To make a decision that is beneficial for yourself, you need to rely on an analysis of the following parameters:

  • cost of GOTS;
  • the amount of depreciation charges;
  • conditions specified in the insurance contract;
  • Is it possible to do it yourself? major renovation cars;
  • Is it possible to sell the remaining remaining vehicles?

The final decision must be made taking into account all of the above factors. But most often, when insurance has been issued recently and wear and tear does not amount to a significant amount, it is more profitable for the policyholder to take the first path.
That is, take the entire payment amount (minus minor wear and tear) and purchase a new car.

If the total has arrived, and the CASCO payment is quite insignificant, it will be more profitable to keep the damaged car for yourself. Especially if it remains possible to restore it.


To receive insurance compensation for total, you must act in the following sequence:

  1. Registration of the incident.
  2. Submitting documents to the insurance company.
  3. Damage assessment.
  4. The insurance company's proposal regarding the amount of compensation.

If there are suspicions that the appraiser was too overzealous to please the insurance company, an independent examination should be carried out. If its results differ significantly from those obtained during the examination appointed at the initiative of the insurer, file a claim in court.

When the amount of payment offered by the company suits you, you can receive a refund in 2-4 weeks. If you decide to seek justice in judicial procedure, then you can expect at least some money only after a few months. But, despite this, you should not be afraid to enter into a “battle” with the insurance company. Litigation is a standard occurrence in the insurance market. Since the total is beneficial for the insurer, he can resort to any tricks - unreasonable recognition of constructive destruction or overestimation of the balances (the more expensive they are, the less compensation).

Total loss of a vehicle is one of the insured events under auto insurance.

It allows the insurance company to pay the injured party (MTPL) or the policyholder (CASCO) amounts less than what is required.

If the car is destroyed, the cost of repairs may exceed its cost many times, which will exceed the maximum insurance amount.

Of course, insurers cannot agree to this. But at the same time, using the loophole with the recognition of total (total loss), they deliberately underestimate those payments that are required by law and the terms of the contract.

What is a total loss of a car (total)

Total loss of a car is damage for which repairs exceed the percentage predetermined by the insurance company.

Usually it is 70%, but may vary between insurers. This does not mean that the car cannot be repaired at all.

What benefits the driver in this case is one thing, and another thing is beneficial to the insurer.

When assessing damage, the insurance company may recognize the damage as total and reduce the amount of payments. You shouldn't agree right away.

Things to consider:

  • Time until the end of the insurance contract.
  • Availability of repairs up to total.
  • Price of whole car parts.

The level of payments depends on these parameters. If the insurer takes into account the percentage of wear and tear, then by the end of the contract the amount of payment may decrease by a significant figure. Some companies do not take into account wear and tear, but their policies are more expensive. If the car has already been repaired to the full extent during the validity of the insurance contract, then the amount of payments is also reduced by the cost of repair work.

If you did not cause the accident and the damage is not too extensive, the cost of repairs may be covered. And if you apply for CASCO payments, coverage may not occur.

When applying for a CASCO policy, pay attention to whether the insurer reduces payments when compensating for damage. This can be a deciding factor when repairing your car.

Total loss of the car under CASCO

When recognizing the total under CASCO, each company determines its own limit as a percentage.

If repairs require more costs than a certain percentage of its market value, then the fact of destruction of the vehicle is recognized. This percentage is within 65-75.

The insurer may not indicate these percentages in the contract, but determine the damage “by eye.”

Then, in case of more or less serious damage, the total is recognized. This is beneficial to insurance companies, because with total they can reduce payments by the amount of depreciation (usually 1% per month), even if in all other cases the depreciation factor is not taken into account.

When the insurer recognizes the car as a total loss, 2 options appear:

  • Give the car into the ownership of the insurer with a reduction in the insurance payment by the amount of wear and tear.
  • You can keep the car, but along with wear and tear, the cost of any remaining parts will be deducted from your insurance. Of course, the cost of these leftovers will be greatly inflated.

It is worth keeping the car if it can still be restored or sold at a profit. If the wear is still small, for example, 2 months, then choose the first option. Then only 2% of the cost will be subtracted from the amount of CASCO insurance.

If you disagree with the insurer’s assessment of the total recognition, an independent examination can be appointed. If the difference is significant, feel free to file a lawsuit against insurance company.

Payments in case of total loss under compulsory motor liability insurance

Payments for the total loss of a car under compulsory motor liability insurance differ from payments under CASCO.

These differences are enshrined in Government Decree No. 263 of May 7, 2003 on the approval of the rules for civil liability insurance of motorists.

It states that the amount of payments under compulsory motor insurance is determined by the actual value of the car at the time of death. Including if the cost of repairs exceeds the value of the car before the accident.
In other words, OSAGO payments do not depend on the amount of wear and tear and other factors included in CASCO insurance. The maximum amount of payments is set at 400 thousand rubles.

Insurance companies may assign additional deductions, citing illegal enrichment (when the cost of payments exceeds the value of the vehicle). But in this case, enrichment is approved by law and by the very terms of the insurance contract.

The last argument before the insurer may be the fact that illegal enrichment is subject to mandatory return on the basis of Chapter. 60 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

If you disagree with the recognition of the total, the car owner can:

  • Conduct an independent examination and, in case of discrepancies with the insurance company’s data, file a lawsuit to recover the difference in estimates.
  • If the total is recognized, make a competent assessment of the balances. If there is a difference with the insurance company's assessment, you can also file a lawsuit.
  • With compulsory motor liability insurance, it is often more profitable to abandon the car and receive the full amount of insurance without various deductions.

In many cases, acknowledging the total loss of the car is not beneficial for the policyholder. If this is the case, take all legal measures to prove otherwise.

Abuses of insurance companies with total, why is it profitable for them?

It is more profitable for an insurance company to admit the complete loss of a vehicle than to pay for its repair.

Repairs are expensive and economically unprofitable. What if there is no third party from whom you can recover funds for repairs?

For an insurer, total is a way to minimize your financial losses.

And abuses on this basis are common:

  • Unreasonable admission of total loss of the vehicle.
  • Intentionally inflating the value of car balances, which directly affects the cost of payments. The more valuable the balances, the lower the payout.

In practice, there have been cases when the remains of a car were allegedly put up for auction, where fake participants artificially inflated bids to raise the price. And the assigned auction price was then deducted from the total insurance amount.

The determination of the total must be in accordance with the owner’s opinion. If the owner does not agree, he can file a lawsuit. The practice of such litigation shows that the court is more often on the side of the insured.

If constructive loss is a real fact, and there are no deductibles for insurance payments or they are not large, it is better to give the car into the ownership of the insurer and get insurance.

If an insured event occurs, you should carefully study the terms of the insurance contract and all deductions that may be made when paying out the insurance.

Insurance agents act in the interests of their company by understating the cost of repairs, when the damage is small, and increasing in cases of complete death. Remember that in case of any disagreement with the actions of the insurance company, you have the right to protect your rights with the help of independent experts and the court.

Complete (structural, total) destruction of a car is a term denoting the actual destruction of a vehicle when it is not economically feasible to repair it. In common parlance, among car owners and insurers, there is a short designation - “total” or “total”. The rules of CASCO insurance for each company specify its own threshold value, exceeding which allows one to recognize the complete loss of the car. For example, in Rosgosstrakh it is 65%. In other words, if, according to the estimates of RGS experts, repair costs will amount to 65% or more of the cost of the vehicle at the time of the insured event, the car will be considered beyond repair.

"Total destruction." What's next?

It would seem that clients of insurance companies, when signing a CASCO agreement, understand perfectly well what conditions they are agreeing to. But the stumbling block turns out to be the same examination, independent of anyone other than the insurance company. In the event of damage close to “total loss”, the insurer’s appraisers strive to estimate the damage not at less (as is done with a standard payment), but at a large amount. The client clearly sees that the insurance experts were clearly overzealous, and insists on the car’s repairability: “How can that be?! The electronics were not damaged at all, fix it and the car will run for decades!” But the insurer does not give up. Apparently, recognizing the car as “total” is beneficial for him. Why? Let's try to figure it out.

After the complete loss of the vehicle is recognized, two options for compensation are possible:

  1. The car owner receives the entire insured amount specified in the contract minus depreciation and depreciation and transfers the damaged vehicle to the ownership of the insurance company.
  2. The insured keeps the car and receives a payment in the amount of the insured amount minus the cost of the vehicle (usable remaining vehicle), minus depreciation.

Pitfalls of the first option

In the first case, the amount of compensation may turn out to be quite decent, even despite the depreciation taken into account. Especially if the insured event occurred at the beginning of the validity period of the CASCO policy, or if the specific insurance contract even provides for payment conditions “without taking into account wear and tear”. It seems to be a normal compensation option for the policyholder. But if, for example, the car is new and has a loan (and the popularity of car loans does not decrease), the situation turns out to be quite sad:

  • The policyholder drove a rented car (sometimes for several months, and sometimes for a year or two) and at the same time incurred constant expenses in the form of considerable interest on the loan.
  • After the vehicle was recognized as non-recoverable, it received payment in full/in full.
  • This payment almost entirely “went” to the beneficiary (the bank) to repay the loan.

As a result, the person was left without a car and with money that was barely enough to down payment for some inexpensive car.

And the insurance company took the vehicle that had become its property to a friendly auto repair shop, restored it for almost nothing, and successfully resold it. At the same time, the CASCO agreement automatically ceased to exist and, in case of emergency, you will not have to pay any more under it. This is an additional benefit for the insurance company from recognizing the car as “completely lost.” True, with such a policy there is a risk of losing a client. He will probably go to another company and, by the way, its CASCO calculator will calculate the cost of insurance without an increasing factor for the payment made.

Pitfalls of the first option: Who is happy that there is GOTS?

The second option (compensation for loss minus the general liability insurance) is generally a real fairy tale for an insurance company, because its “native” appraiser will again determine the value of salable or usable remains. And he, as usual, counts them to the maximum. It is obvious that the monetary part of the payment to the policyholder will be as low as possible.

The result again: “without money and without a car.” Of course, the policyholder will receive some funds, but CASCO will not fulfill its main purpose - it will not save material well-being client at the same decent level.

GOTS is a sore subject, since there are no legally accepted standards for their calculation. Broken car assessed for implementation in whole or in detail. “Entirely” - here, in principle, it is impossible to accurately calculate anything, so experts simply study the cost of vehicles sold with similar damage and draw their conclusions based on this. “By parts” - they will determine the cost of each “living” part using the virtually non-existent market for used spare parts, then make adjustments for its removal, sale, etc. In a word, determining the cost of HOTS is an endless field for creativity of the insurer. And the result is a ridiculous payment to the client.

How to solve problems in your favor?

So, recognizing the complete loss of a vehicle is, as a rule, the least expensive option for an insurance company to settle a serious loss. Especially in the case when the policyholder agrees to take the usable remains for himself. But it’s always worth fighting for your version and proving to the insurer that the vehicle needs and can be repaired (unless, of course, the car is really broken into pieces). Approximate sequence of actions:

  • Get the insurance company to hand over the entire calculation regarding the recognition of the “constructive loss” of the vehicle. When signing the conclusion of the Investigative Committee, indicate in it your disagreement and intention to challenge the problem in court.
  • Conduct an independent examination to assess the cost of restoration repairs. If, based on its results, it turns out that the amount does not reach the “total” threshold determined by the insurance company, it is necessary to file and submit a pre-trial claim to the insurer. The resulting calculations must be attached to it. Most often, insurance companies, if the client’s arguments are impeccable, proceed with the standard consideration of the case.
  • If independent experts determine that the insurance company was right and the event really falls under the concept of total loss, it is better to order an assessment of the value of the usable remains “without leaving the cash register.” Based on this document, in the future, if necessary, you can substantively argue with the insurance company about the cost of spare parts.
  • Compose statement of claim to the court, attaching all documents to it. In addition to the payment itself, demand compensation for moral damage, legal and expert costs, as well as a fine for using someone else’s money.

Conclusions. When an insurance company “totals” a car under CASCO, and the owner categorically disagrees with this, only an independent examination and a court will help resolve the issue in favor of the policyholder. If “constructive loss” is an objective reality, it is more profitable to agree to “total” only on the terms of payment of the full insured amount with the transfer of ownership of the damaged vehicle to the insurer.

In the event of an accident, the consequences of which led to the complete loss of the car, it is first of all important to immediately notify the traffic police department about the incident in order to subsequently obtain a certificate indicating the fact of the occurrence of an insured event. After this, you must immediately notify the insurance company, briefly describing the nature of the situation.

Complete or total loss of a car under CASCO insurance programs is recognized only in cases where the cost of repairing the vehicle exceeds the limit specified in the insurance policy. Each insurance company determines this limit individually and, as a rule, it varies in the range of 60-80% of the market value of the car.

In this article we will look at which cases under CASCO are recognized as a total loss of a car and what the car owner should do in this case; We will describe the basic schemes that insurance company employees resort to when recognizing the complete loss of a car and note what the car owner needs to pay attention to when settling an insured event; Let's analyze how payments under CASCO are calculated and made in case of total.

Options for settling insurance claims

CASCO insurance cases involving the total loss of a vehicle can usually be settled according to the following scheme:

  1. The insurance company provides the services of an expert who assesses the nature of damage to the car after an accident and draws up an estimate for repairs.
  2. A decision is made about the complete loss of the car and the vehicle owner is given a choice of one of the insurance compensation options:
    • relinquishing the right to own the remainder of the car and receiving full insurance compensation, from the amount of which depreciation and deductible are deducted, if provided for in the policy;
    • maintaining the rights to own a car and receiving partial insurance compensation, from the amount of which the cost of remaining vehicles, wear and tear, as well as a deductible, if provided for in the policy, are deducted.

More often insurance agents It is recommended to keep the car for yourself, due to the complexity of the procedure for accepting and transferring property to the balance sheet legal entity. Paying taxes on the sale of a car and preparing numerous documents creates inconvenience for both parties: both the insurance company and its client. However, such a decision may become financially unprofitable for the car owner, which insurance companies are not always willing to admit.

Why is it unprofitable to keep the remains of the car for yourself?

Keeping a car that cannot be restored is unprofitable for the policyholder for a number of reasons:

  • firstly, the remains of the car need to be sold, which can cause many difficulties: finding buyers, bidding, arranging delivery, as well as preparing all the necessary documentation;
  • secondly, the insurance company does not reimburse the costs of deregistering the car with the State Automobile Inspectorate (SAI). The process of preparing such documents is very labor-intensive and time-consuming;
  • thirdly, by keeping the car, the owner significantly reduces the amount of insurance payments, which is not always advisable. For example, if market value car is 2,000,000 rubles, the total amount of deduction from insurance payments will be approximately 740,000 rubles. (12% deduction for annual wear and tear + 25% deduction for useful balances).

What should you pay attention to if your car is declared a total loss under CASCO?

Insurers are trying in every possible way to save on payments in case of total loss of a car under CASCO and, unfortunately, not always by legal or humane methods. However, there are ways to combat this type of fraud.

Example 1. An insurance company unreasonably admits the total loss of a car to reduce insurance payments.

Recognizing the total loss of a vehicle is usually more beneficial for the insurer than for the car owner. Therefore, insurance companies strive to render a verdict of “total loss of the vehicle” under any possible circumstances. This is explained by the fact that insurance payments are made taking into account depreciation, the monthly amount of which is usually 1-3% of the total insurance amount.

For example, if the amount of insurance compensation is 250,000 rubles, and the deduction for wear and tear is 1% per month, then the total amount of deduction for wear and tear in case of an accident after 1 year after purchase insurance policy will be 30,000 rubles. (12% of the amount of insurance payments). Thus, the amount of insurance payments is significantly reduced and costs the insurer much less than reimbursement for the cost of repair work.

Method of struggle: Determination of the total loss of a car under CASCO is carried out only with the consent of the owner of the vehicle. Otherwise, the car owner has the right to file a lawsuit.

Example 2. An insurance company deliberately inflates the value of the remaining car, which ultimately negatively affects the amount of insurance payments for the client.

The more expensive the remains of a vehicle after an accident are valued, the lower the amount of insurance payments under CASCO. Accordingly, insurers conduct examinations using in-house specialists or the services of partner companies who are interested in assessing the value of balances with a priority towards personal benefit.

For example, there are known cases when insurers put up suitable auto parts for auction with dummy participants who artificially inflated their prices. Thus, the inflated amounts assigned at the auction were used as a deduction from insurance payments.

Method of struggle: hiring an independent expert to assess the objective value of transport remains. If after the examination a significant difference in price is discovered, the car owner has the right to demand compensation based on an independent assessment. If refused, it is advisable to file a lawsuit.

Pay attention! As the practice of litigation on insurance issues shows, the court in such matters most often supports the side of the insured. Therefore, insurance companies try not to bring the case to court and make concessions to clients.

One of the insurance events, which in some cases is taken into account by the CASCO policy, is the total loss of the vehicle.

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But before concluding an agreement that implies payments for such an accident, it will be necessary to carefully familiarize yourself with the legislation in force in this regard and the concept of “total loss.” This is the only way to avoid various controversial and even conflicting issues.

What is it

Today, all issues related to the terminology used in insurance are reflected in the insurance rules in as much detail as possible.

This document is always handed over when concluding a CASCO agreement. The rules contain comprehensive information on the application of each and every concept that is associated with the agreement.

The term “total loss” refers to the occurrence of a situation after which the car can no longer be restored or the cost of repair is more than 65% of its original market price.

Typically, an insurance contract implies that in the event of such a situation the following is paid:

  • maximum possible payout;
  • an amount that fully covers the cost of losses.

But it is worth remembering that the type of insurance risk under consideration always significantly increases the cost of the CASCO policy itself.

Since its presence creates the possibility of significant expenses if for some reason the car is actually seriously damaged.

Therefore, before choosing risks, it is necessary to assess in advance the likelihood of such situations occurring. Typically, total loss insurance is purchased for expensive and rare vehicles.

It should be remembered that it is possible to establish the complete loss of a vehicle even if it is possible to technically restore it.

Typically, the complete loss of a vehicle means the following:

  • theft followed by disassembly;
  • serious structural damage as a result of an accident;
  • drowning.

It is also necessary to remember that there are circumstances in which total loss does not imply an appropriate payment.

For example, similar situations currently include the following:

  • structural failures as a result natural disaster, gas explosion;
  • damage to a vehicle due to a strike or civil war.

The list of situations to which the CASCO insurance policy does not cover total loss should be studied in advance.

This way it can be avoided large quantity the most different problems and controversial issues. In any case, regardless of the nature of the damage, it is not profitable for the insurance company to pay compensation.

That is why the insurance company will try in any way to avoid the need to make the corresponding payment.

When fixed

The conditions of CASCO insurance against total loss in different insurance companies may differ significantly. But it should be remembered that there is a list of situations that can be included in the insurance policy of almost any insurance company.

At the moment, a total loss of a vehicle can be recorded in the following cases:

  • in the event of an accident, the cost of restoring the vehicle is more than half of its price - this value may differ slightly depending on the chosen insurance company;
  • the vehicle has been dismantled to a condition in which restoration can only be possible after significant expense.

To determine the cost of restoring a vehicle, the insurance company uses the services of independent appraisers.

But for the most part, they are “independent” only in words. Quite often, the value of a car is underestimated during the appraisal process.

As is the price of the repair itself. Thus, being able to obtain an amount equivalent to the price of the vehicle becomes practically quite difficult.

After the examination, a special report is drawn up, on the basis of which the complete structural loss of the car is recorded.

Based on the drawn up report, which indicates the nature and severity of the damage, a special estimate is subsequently generated. According to it, a compensation payment of the appropriate amount is formed.

To avoid a biased assessment of the cost of damage, it is imperative to do your own examination. Since if the amount of compensation is insufficient, it will be possible to resolve the issue through the court.

But it's important to remember that judicial practice By on this occasion extremely ambiguous. And such insurance cases are almost always quite complex.

That is why, if you have been recorded as a total loss and the amount of compensation is not large enough, you should prepare for a trial.

CASCO payments in case of total loss of a car

The procedure for receiving a CASCO payment in the event of total loss of a vehicle is standard.

It is carried out in several stages:

  • All necessary documents are collected;
  • the car is submitted to the insurance company for evaluation;
  • an independent expert makes an assessment and determines the amount of compensation;
  • if the client agrees with the amount, he signs a special agreement and receives the appropriate payment within the period of time established in the contract.

There are also two scenarios related to the fate of the “remains” of the deceased vehicle.

They may be:

  • transferred back to the owner;
  • transferred to the insurance company itself - in the future the remaining intact parts will be sold.

The insurance company always evaluates their value. If the owner decides to keep the remains of the vehicle, then their cost will be deducted from the compensation amount.

If the damaged vehicle is left behind by the insurance company, a full refund will be issued. This point is necessarily covered in the concluded agreement.

Unlike OSAGO, under CASCO the terms of payment are not strictly regulated. Typically, the time for transferring compensation, depending on the amount, fluctuates over different periods of time.

Moreover, sometimes the payment is not made at once. It is divided into two parts, the first is credited after two weeks, the second a little later.

To find out the exact time, you must seek appropriate advice directly from a company employee.

In which insurance companies does it exist?

At the moment, almost all insurance companies working with MTPL policies are licensed to provide CASCO insurance.

The list of such companies currently includes the following:

  • "Alliance";
  • "BIN Insurance";
  • "VSK";

At the same time, insurance in each of the above companies has both its advantages and disadvantages.

That is why, if you need to insure your car against total loss, you will need to familiarize yourself with the offers from all insurance companies. The optimal solution You will contact a credit broker.

The conditions for obtaining CASCO insurance against total loss in the most reliable and stable insurance companies today are as follows:

Continuation of the table:

Also, the terms of insurance significantly depend on the status of the client who applied. If he has proven himself with positive side, there were no previous payments for insured events, then the cost of the policy will be minimal.

Otherwise, the price for the type of service in question will be maximum. You can reduce the cost of CASCO in various ways.

Examples from judicial practice

In 2018, I insured my 2009 BMW X5 car with a CASCO policy from the Ingosstrakh company. The list of insured events included “total loss.” A policy of this type cost me 56,745 rubles.

As a result of a serious accident with my participation as the culprit, the body, engine compartment and the power plant itself were seriously damaged.

According to an independent examination commissioned by me, the amount of damage amounted to 80% of the value of the vehicle. Accordingly, I submitted documents for payment due to complete loss.

Due to the presence of several participants in an accident, the insurance company delays payments. He applied to the court of the city of Moscow (Khamovnichesky) with a corresponding claim in connection with a violation of the terms of the insurance agreement.

Based on , as well as other documents presented by me, the court ruled in my favor. The decision was submitted to the insurance company on December 21, 2014. Two weeks later, the entire previously indicated amount was transferred to the bank account.

If any controversial issue arises with the insurance company, it is imperative to familiarize yourself in advance with judicial practice about this.

As well as legislative, regulatory and legal acts regulating CASCO insurance. This will significantly increase the likelihood of resolving the situation in favor of a particular insured person.