Auction of damaged cars from the insurer. Damaged cars from insurance companies: who benefits from it and the nuances of purchasing

Selling damaged cars at auction has not only become a common practice, but has also become widespread. And yet, before buying equipment there, it is worth finding out the reputation of the site, finding out the rules, pros and cons of going there. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you can get a problem. What is a used car auction, how to get to the sale, what to expect from it, read the article.

Read in this article

Salvage car auction: why is it profitable to sell cars here?

The large number of accidents occurring in the country and the world makes the market for wrecked cars vast. But selling damaged vehicles is not easy, although there are people willing to buy them. Auctions and sales of used cars contribute to this, because this form is beneficial to both parties to the future transaction:

All this, as well as the opportunity to buy a prestigious car with documents at a modest price, makes such events popular.

The best trading platforms in Russia

If you are planning to make an inexpensive purchase, you should choose the right used car auction in Russia. It is also important to sell equipment if necessary. Where you can contact without fear:

  • "AVTOTOTAL.RU". The company has been in this market for almost 20 years and has a strong reputation. She works with individuals and insurers. On “AVTOTOTAL.RU” you can display an old domestic car and an expensive prestigious foreign car. The company guarantees that all products posted on its website are legally pure.
  • "CAR-TOTAL". With the help of the company, you can buy a car not only in the capital, but throughout the country. Its location is known to the buyer in advance; he has a chance to choose whether to travel far from home or look for a suitable vehicle closer. It is possible to purchase equipment for spare parts.
  • "BITAVTO". The company's main site is located in St. Petersburg. But car delivery is carried out to all cities of the country, and to Moscow it is even free. Along with the transport the buyer is interested in, he will be able to immediately see the suitable details on the website. You are also allowed to bargain with the seller upon meeting.

Watch this video about the auction of used cars in the USA:

Sometimes an auction of insurance wrecked cars exists under the auspices of the company itself. That is, the property belongs to the company, and it wants to sell it. The most famous insurers are engaged in such activities:

  • "Rosgosstrakh". The company has an official website. You need to go to its main page and find the “GOTS Auction” section. If the user is registered on the site, an electronic database of damaged cars and parts for sale will open to him.
  • "RESO-Garantiya" The company offers for sale cars with defects purchased from clients, but not itself, but with the help of the CAR-TOTAL platform. Information that the vehicle does not belong to a private person, but to an insurer, is usually issued along with the vehicle’s parameters and photos.
  • "SOGAZ". The company itself previously sold damaged and purchased cars from customers. But now this is done by her partner - the Fabrikant trading platform.

Car sales from America

The most famous and large-scale auction, where used cars from America are represented in large quantities, is Copart. Actually, this is a site that allows users to look at many sites. The main feature is that cars are sold there for foreign currency.

You can not only look at photographs of the equipment, but also find out why it was damaged. This will give the buyer a chance to more accurately assess the degree of destruction of the car and make a decision whether to buy it or not. In addition to cars, you can find motorcycles, pickups, and trucks at Copart.

Another platform for selling and buying damaged American cars, This is an English-language site where you can find cars, trucks, motorcycles, SUVs for every taste. Equipment is sold not only after accidents, but also simply used.

"IAAI" site will provide a chance to consider purchasing American cars at various auctions. It works without intermediaries, so prices for equipment there are quite affordable. You can also choose an almost new vehicle with minimal damage.

Whichever of these sites the future car owner chooses, he will not have to worry about delivering the car to the Russian Federation.

Watch this video about how auctions of used cars take place in the USA:

Japanese cars at auction

Japanese junk car auctions are available to participants from Russia, thanks to:

  • "TAU". The company has its own website and has existed since 1996; its main office is located in Japan. The user will be able to select a salvage or used vehicle (car, truck). But he will be able to participate in the auction only after registering and purchasing at least one car from the “Cars” section. Another way is to transfer a deposit of 100 thousand yen to the company account.
  • "Tokidoki". This is a site where you can access many Japanese auctions. The user must register, transfer 30 thousand rubles, after which he will be able to participate in auctions online. Tokidoki employees help in finding the right option, based on the client’s requirements.

Watch this video about the auction of used cars from Japan:

Sites with cars from Europe

Auctions of used cars in Europe will give you the opportunity to buy equipment if you contact:

  • "CarsOnTheWeb". The site provides the chance to participate in dynamic or fixed-price bidding, as well as blind bidding. The user decides which one to choose. Registration on the site is free. It makes it easier to find a car not only by its photo and additional information, but also by dividing the entire array of vehicles by type of damage.
  • "Eurocarbid". On the site you can buy a car from Spain, Germany, France, Italy, not only damaged, but only with mileage, without defects. After purchasing, the client picks it up from the site himself or uses the company’s delivery.

Future vehicle owners should understand that a used car auction is a lottery. There you can buy almost entire equipment for little money or discover that it has more defects than promised. Therefore, even on sites that have been tested many times, you should be very selective.

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Thanks to the Avtoleader7 company, any car owner has a unique opportunity to quickly sell their vehicle. To do this, you need to submit an application online or contact the manager by phone. During the conversation, all the nuances of the upcoming transaction will be clarified. Our organization works with private and commercial individuals.

Auction of auto insurance companies

Our service offers consignment sales of cars through a specially equipped platform. It is not only convenient, but also reliable. Today it is difficult to imagine more attractive conditions for selling a vehicle. During the auction/sale process, our highly qualified consultants will tell you everything about your car, present it in the best possible position, and be able to offer many convenient sales schemes and credit programs. The buyer will only need to have 10% of the total cost of your car, and it will be sold on the same day.

Although the buyer may not pay the full amount, the seller will receive all the money, since the company itself will pay the rest. Payment will be made in cash or by transfer to a bank account. We will be happy to offer you pre-sale preparation of the car, deregistration, abrasive restoration polishing of the body, dry cleaning, underbody and engine washing, etc.

We also offer favorable terms of cooperation for buyers:

  1. Insurance program.
  2. Technical guarantee.
  3. Additional services.

At a car auction, potential buyers will be able to find vehicles from insurance companies, collection offices, various transport organizations, etc.

In order to take part in the company’s program and sell your car, you need:

  1. Fill out on the website or call the manager. Indicate the cost, brand and year of manufacture.
  2. Arrange to have the vehicle inspected by a professional appraiser. Meeting place and time.
  3. Finding out the final cost of the car.
  4. Conclusion of a commission agreement.

The Avtolider7 company offers several sales options:

  1. Together with our consultants, the client determines the real price of his own car, which he wants to receive in his hands in the event of a successful sale. The car is put up for sale or auction. All other activities will be carried out by our employees - implementation, receipt of funds and paperwork. All that remains for the client is to indicate the bank account number or drive to the office for cash payment. The main advantage of this option is that the amount specified by the seller remains unchanged and does not depend on the time spent, and the presence of the vehicle in the parking lot is not paid for throughout the entire sales period.
  2. The client leaves the car on the trading floor of our Auto Show on Severnaya with a price marked and pays for the rental of the parking space and the work of our employees. The remaining actions will be carried out by the company manager.

Such services are extremely relevant not only for individuals, but also for large commercial organizations, such as insurance companies. A car auction allows you to sell unwanted equipment without the direct participation of the owner. We understand perfectly how important time is in the life of every business person, so we have developed the most convenient options for cooperation.

The active sales system consists of:

  • professional photography of the car;
  • continuous placement and updating of information about the car until its sale;
  • placing advertisements for sale in printed publications and on Internet resources in the capital and region;
  • professional approach;
  • pre-sale preparation of the vehicle.

If you need help regarding the purchase or sale of used cars, please contact the Avtoleader7 company.

For some time now, insurance organizations have had a new line of activity: purchasing cars that have been involved in accidents, their restoration and sale. Auctions of damaged cars from insurance companies are an opportunity to make a deal that will be beneficial not only to the insurer, but also to the car owner.

Selling your car, which is in poor condition after an accident, to an insurance company will help the owner quickly earn some money from it. Insurers are willing to buy iron horses with damage of any severity and then put them up for sale. A used car is definitely not a commodity in wide demand, but there will always be buyers for it. Cars put up for auction are usually sold within a few days.

Why would anyone want to buy a wrecked car? There are several options for using it:

  1. Some vehicles can be restored and continue to be used. If a car is purchased specifically for this purpose, you should first show it to a mechanic who will be entrusted with repairs.
  2. Cars that cannot be repaired after an accident can be disassembled into spare parts and then sold or used for your car. In this case, you should inspect the surviving parts and roughly calculate their price. The purchase must justify itself.

If an insurance company intends to purchase a vehicle from its owner after an accident, an appraiser gets involved. It determines the residual value, which is then paid to the owner.

There are two main conditions, without which no insurance company will enter into a deal:

  • the owner of the car should not be under investigation, and his vehicle should not be pledged;
  • The insurance company must be presented with a complete package of documents, namely:
    1. Vehicle passport;
    2. Car owner's passport;
    3. Car registration certificate;
    4. All available sets of car keys.

In some cases, a technical inspection certificate may be required.

Of course, after the transaction is completed, the rights to use and dispose of the vehicle are completely transferred to the insurance organization.

How is the residual value of a junk car calculated?

Since a modern car is a very complex machine, including, among other things, electronics, electrics and all sorts of complex mechanisms, the calculation of the residual value of damaged cars requires the participation of not only an appraiser, but also other specialists.

What is the calculation process?

  1. First, the real value of the car is established, as if it were new and in perfect condition. In other words, you need the market value of the same copy, but in its original condition.
  2. Next, the amount it will cost to restore the vehicle is subtracted from the market value.
  3. The last step is to calculate and subtract the depreciation of the car, depending on parameters such as age, mileage, etc.

If a car cannot be repaired after an accident (repairs will be too expensive or there are no necessary spare parts for it), then the cost of usable remains (preserved parts that can later be resold) is calculated.

How to buy a car after an accident from an insurance company

There are three ways to purchase a used car from an insurance company:

  1. On special sites. This is convenient because you can buy the product you like without leaving your home. At the same time, this is a risk: without a visual inspection, some nuances may be left behind the scenes.
  2. At special sites. Here you cannot do without the personal presence of the buyer, but the goods can be examined from all sides, touched and even climbed inside. Consultants will kindly provide information on the cars on display. You can ask them any questions you may have.
  3. Through auctions. There are several auctions of used cars in Russia, some of them have been operating for quite a long time and have a sufficient number of reviews. A car auction is conducted as follows: the insurance company puts up a lot for sale with a starting price, and potential buyers offer their terms of purchase. Of course, of all the proposed options, the seller will choose the most profitable for himself: the lot will go to the most generous one. Auctions are available to both individuals and legal entities. It should be noted that to participate in the auction you must first register and make a security deposit.

By the way, you can purchase from insurers a car not only that has been in an accident, but also after it was stolen. There are often cases when stolen cars are found after some time, but the insurance for them has already been paid to the owners. These cars are put up for sale. Moreover, even if they have less damage after an accident, they can cost a full third less than just damaged cars. Of course, insurers fully prepare such cars for sale, saving future owners from any possible problems with the law.

However, if as a result of the concluded transaction the buyer has any justified claims against the seller, he can file a claim in court to protect his rights.

Despite the fact that insurance companies carefully check the cars they purchase, you can further protect yourself at the stage of concluding a purchase and sale agreement by asking for a condition regarding the legal purity of the car to be included in the “Seller’s Guarantees” clause. Then, if this condition is not met, the contract will be automatically terminated and all money paid will be returned to the buyer.

Pros and cons of such an acquisition

What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying a car from an insurance company? Advantages:

  1. A car restored after an accident costs much less than its counterpart from a car dealership, but will serve its owner for a long time and reliably. Of course, provided that the repair was carried out efficiently.
  2. The insurance company checks the car for theft and the presence of third party rights, and resolves all issues that arise, which means that the buyer will not face any unpleasant surprises in the future.
  3. The sale of damaged cars requires insurance companies to provide new owners with a complete set of documents for each of the cars being sold.

There are also disadvantages to such an acquisition:

  • if the repairs were not carried out very carefully, the machine may soon break down, and the resulting breakdowns may turn out to be very serious, which will lead to significant expenses;
  • anyone who buys a damaged car must carry out a full diagnosis of the vehicle before using it for their own safety.

Selling a junk car to an insurance company

If you need to rid yourself of a broken car, you can seriously consider the option of selling your car to an insurance company. It is possible that the proceeds will be slightly less than it would have been if the sale was advertised, but the transaction will take place quickly, and the risk of running into scammers is completely eliminated.

First, the issue of buying and selling an existing car should be discussed over the phone. A positive result of such a conversation should be an assessment of the condition of the car by an expert from the buyer. You can bring the goods for evaluation yourself (this will require some costs on the part of the owner) or you can arrange for an agent to come (then the insurance company will cover all transportation costs, but then deduct them from the money owed to the owner for the car).

If the appraiser’s conclusion is in doubt, it is worth engaging an outside specialist who, without being interested in the assessment results, will give his independent opinion.

You will also need to provide the insurance company with the established set of documents and car keys. The driver and the subject of the transaction are checked by insurance companies independently.

From the moment the vehicle acceptance certificate is drawn up and signed, the car ceases to be the property of its owner and becomes the property of the insurance company. The car sale has taken place!

Buying used cars can be the most profitable investment in several years, or it can result in continuous problems and disappointment. To increase the likelihood of the first and, if possible, avoid the second, you should make a deal only with a trusted seller.

Almost all modern companies have their own Internet portals that help promote goods and services to the masses. And from the moment the electronic version of the auto liability policy acquired the status of a legally valid document, insurance companies have launched new projects for its online sale with full legal support. The largest insurance company RESO-Garantiya is a leader among competitors in the insurance segment, and was one of the first to issue and sell electronic OSAGO and CASCO policies.

According to the amendment to the law dated April 25, 2002 No. 40-FZ, clients of insurance companies now have the opportunity to apply for MTPL and CASCO insurance online, which significantly saves time, since they can purchase an electronic policy without leaving home. One of the first companies to provide this service was online car insurance RESO.

What is online car insurance from SK RESO-Garantiya

This is a calculator program with which anyone can calculate the total amount and monthly amounts of insurance premiums (or payments at other frequencies), as well as order a policy that has identical rights as an analogue issued in one of the branches of RESO-Garantiya institutions.

Who can take out electronic insurance?

Any car owner, even if he is not a client of RESO-Garantiya, if he is not a beginner. Drivers who have just started driving will have to initially contact the company’s central office in person. After the first official application, they can apply for insurance electronically using general rights on the website.

How to apply

You need to go to the official portal “e police reso ru”, register, receive a one-time password for your phone number and fill out a special form. All actions are accompanied by detailed step-by-step instructions.

Next, you need to enter your passport data, information about the car, its market valuation, the region of registration of the car, select a suitable program, insurance period, etc., after which you can receive a full calculation of the amount for the policy.
After filling out the form, the data will be checked for some time; if approved, the client pays for the policy using a bank card, logs back into his personal account and downloads the finished policy.

Some nuances to help clients

Many car owners are afraid to apply for online RESO car insurance, preferring to personally visit insurance branches, and this is completely in vain. The electronic policy is no different from the standard paper version, however, it does not invalidate it and has an identical price. Additionally, to help clients, RESO-Garantiya provides a list of answers to frequently asked questions.

Helpful answers to common questions

  • How to present an electronic version of the policy to a traffic police officer? Print it out and carry it in your car.
  • What to do if there are difficulties with data verification when applying for a policy? Such cases are extremely rare, but if this situation occurs, you can arrange delivery to your home or drive up to the central office.
  • Is it possible to add a new driver during renewal? Can.
  • What should I do if an Adobe software product displays the message “unknown” when checking a signature? This does not always mean that the signature is invalid; more often than not, this program requires an update.
  • Where to go if there are technical problems on the portal? To the technical support service on the website [email protected].

Car insurance through the Internet portal from the RESO-Garantiya company is a convenient service that is completely identical to personal registration in offices. It allows you to calculate the total amount in detail and quickly receive a document without leaving your apartment. The dispatch service operates around the clock; in addition, it is possible to include a tow truck call in your insurance, and discounts are offered.

How to buy electronic MTPL insurance online from RESO?

For anyone who is interested in electronic MTPL insurance from RESO-Garantiya, you can buy it online on the company’s official website. According to many users and clients, the portal interface is somewhat difficult to understand, errors constantly pop up, so it is necessary to strictly follow the sequence of actions that will be discussed below.

Instructions on how to buy electronic MTPL insurance online at RESO-Garantiya

"RESO-Garantiya" is one of the largest insurance companies, carrying out all types of activities in this segment, among which compulsory MTPL insurance is in the first positions. To better understand the entire procedure for applying for an e-MTPL policy, as experts recommend, you need to try to carry out all the steps in another company and make a preliminary calculation of the cost of MTPL insurance. This approach will help you see the error and correct it in time. Considering the fact that a large number of clients use the company’s services, system freezes are possible, as a result of which confirmation codes and other messages are not always received correctly.

Registration on the portal

A new client needs to strictly follow the sequence of actions. Often, clients who contact this insurance company for the first time confuse two concepts: buying and selling online. Therefore, when selecting the “Occupy OSAGO policy” option online, use “Renew policy online”, even if you are performing the operation for the first time.

Then registration is carried out indicating the real data about the driver. Do not forget to consent to the processing of personal information and entering the captcha from the image.

Then you need to click “Check data”. On the newly opened page, enter your username and password. The login is the phone number without the eight. The email address to which the issued e-OSAGO policy will be sent is required. A password is created for the login, but in addition the password from the SMS message received on the phone is entered.

Click on “Register”. Further developments are possible in two scenarios: the user will be successfully registered or a window indicating an error will appear.

The presence of an error does not mean a lack of registration. Registration, as a rule, is successful and you can log in to your “Personal Account”. An error window and the absence of confirmation codes via SMS may be due to server overload or inconsistency in the browser. As practice has shown, the best stable operation of the service occurs in the Internet Explorer browser. If such a window pops up, it is best to continue working the next day.

Registration of an MTPL insurance policy

How to properly issue an electronic policy, to do this you need to go to your “Personal Account”. Next, enter your username and password, the system will request a one-time password, which will be sent as an SMS message to your phone. Only after this you can go to the portal for further actions.

On the left we find “Issue a policy” and click LMB.

For the company's clients who had compulsory motor liability insurance, a full list of documents is immediately opened. If you have a policy with a valid term, you can click on “Renew” in the last column. When applying for insurance for the first time or if the insurance period has expired, you must enter all the data in a special form.

If the MTPL policy has already been issued by any other company, then it is necessary to ensure that the data matches, since the old information is stored in the RSA.

Attention! If you lose your driver's license, the date of the driver's license refers to the date of issue of the primary documents. And look at the diagnostic card number on the back in the notes (21-digit number).

After filling out all the fields, you need to click on “Calculate”. A number will appear corresponding to the cost of the MTPL policy. Then you should save everything. At this stage, a window may appear indicating an error that has not passed the check in the AIS SAR. Why this happens and what to do will be discussed later.

If the check is successful, a window will appear asking you to pay for insurance with a bank card. If you don’t do it right away, then at 12 o’clock at night everything will be canceled and you’ll have to go through the registration procedure again. After paying for the policy, a window will appear from where you can download it.

The result is as follows

This document must be with the driver at all times.

What to do if an error occurs: “Failed verification in AIS RSA”?

Having decided to buy electronic MTPL insurance online from RESO-Garantiya, the user often encounters an error generated by the system that the information has not been verified in the centralized RSA system. The reason is that the entered data does not correspond to the information in the RSA database.

Main reasons:

  • There was a data entry error. One letter or number entered incorrectly is enough. Some insurance company portals immediately display an error if filled out incorrectly.
  • Discrepancies in any document, sometimes due to discrepancies in the Certificate of Registration and PTS. If you already have a policy, then you should check all the points with the old document.
  • The agent could have made a mistake when applying for a compulsory motor liability insurance policy in the past, and it is still stored in the database. Contact Support. Such issues are considered within two days.

As you can see, there can be many reasons for an error to occur. Most often this happens due to a discrepancy between the information entered by the motorist and the RSA database; this is an inaccuracy made by the previous agent. And if an error is found, after receiving the e-MTPL you should definitely contact the insurance company and prove that you are right, thereby protecting yourself in case of an accident. You should buy a policy only if all the information is entered correctly, otherwise the document may be considered invalid. Due to the large number of questions that arise, the company has collected them together in the column “Questions and answers to the MTPL policy”, so before contacting the support service, study this section.

The RESO-Garantia company is one of the largest in Russia. Its branches are scattered throughout the country. Therefore, if errors occur when issuing an electronic MTPL policy, it is best to contact a physical office, especially if the inaccuracy has already been identified. Insurance via the Internet has the main advantages: saving your time, as well as checking all entered data in detail and carefully.

How can you use the calculator to calculate OSAGO 2016-2017 from the company "RESO-Garantia"

The RESO-Garantiya company is known for stable payments for insurance claims, which has a positive effect on customer confidence. The MTPL policy 2016-2017 compares favorably with analogues of other companies in that it makes all payments to the injured party without the participation of intermediaries. In addition, it is possible to take out additional insurance that allows you to compensate for damage to third parties. To find out the cost of the policy, you can calculate auto insurance using the 2017 calculator, which is located on the company’s website.

Features of issuing an MTPL policy 2016-2017 using an online calculator

Many companies offer to calculate compulsory motor liability insurance, including the company "RESO-Garantiya", however, it still provides direct compensation for damage. Insurance payments are made within seven days. At the same time, the organization’s clients do not have to deal with other insurance companies in the event of an accident. If there were only two participants in the accident and property was damaged, not people, then a simplified registration option is provided without the police, which saves nerves and time.

To do this, you need to contact the insurance company for an MTPL policy in advance. To go through the registration procedure, you will need a passport, technical documentation for the vehicle, a driver’s license and a previous insurance document. Then, on the website of the RESO-Garantiya company, you can go to the calculator to calculate OSAGO 2016-2017.

In order for the calculations to be carried out correctly, you must fill in all the fields in this program. At the end, the amount to be paid will be shown. Below are the items that need to be completed:

  • It should be noted who owns the vehicle.
  • The type of vehicle is selected. The trailer structure must be indicated if it is available.
  • You must specify the motor power.
  • The term of the contract for settlement must be indicated.
  • The period of use of the vehicle also matters.
  • It is worth indicating the safety class. This factor may affect whether you receive a discount.
  • The region must be selected by registration, as well as the locality.
  • It is necessary to indicate whether there were any violations of the terms of the insurance contract.
  • If the transport will be driven by different drivers, for example, a bus, then you need to check the “without restrictions” box.

To use the calculator for MTPL, you need to go to the RESO-Garantiya website. On the website you can read what requirements are put forward to the company’s clients, as well as the necessary conditions and procedure for completing documentation.

If you have any questions, you should contact the company’s employees, who can advise you 24/7. If the conditions and procedure for calculating compensation funds are clear, then you can analyze the required amount of monthly contributions. For this you will need an MTPL calculator.

After all fields are filled in, company employees will check the information provided by the client. When the scan is completed, a message will be sent to your phone indicating that the scan is complete. You will also be sent a password to log into your personal account on the website.

In addition, information on existing contracts will be provided. In this case, the document can simply be extended.

After all work is completed, you will need to pay the bill using a bank card. Then you need to go to your personal account, download the finished document and print it.

What influences the cost of an MTPL policy?

The cost of an auto liability policy is influenced by the following factors:

  • Transport power.
  • Purposes of application.
  • Region of residence.
  • The number of persons who can drive this vehicle.
  • Experience and age.
  • Seasonality of use.
  • Number of insured events in the previous period. If there were none, then the cost will be lower.

With the right approach, you can make calculations and apply for insurance with a company very quickly using a calculator. If desired, document delivery can be ordered to your home. "RESO-Garantiya" provides complete information about the services provided.

How to correctly calculate CASCO insurance from IC "RESO-Garantiya": using a calculator

A car is not only a means of transportation, but also a source of certain risk, which is why the owner needs to insure his vehicle. When choosing insurance from RESO-Garantiya, you can calculate CASCO in a simple way. You can find out what the price of car insurance will be using a special calculator on the company’s website.

Advantages of insurance in the company "RESO-Garantiya"

Purchasing CASCO is a guarantee against theft and damage to the vehicle. The insurance policy allows you to restore the vehicle in special authorized facilities.

CASCO provides insurance of any vehicle against damage, fire, theft and natural disasters. In this case, additional insurance of passengers and drivers against accidents is assumed. This protective mechanism allows you to expand some of the capabilities of MTPL.

RESO-Garantiya insurance has certain advantages:

  • Payments are made without certificates from the traffic police.
  • Payment in installments is possible, but the cost of the policy does not increase.
  • Providing special discounts for regular customers.
  • Possibility to use a calculator to calculate CASCO insurance.
  • A special option that provides full reimbursement of costs in case of vehicle theft.
  • You can purchase a policy at any branch of the company or place an online order on the website.
  • If it is necessary to renew the document, a deferment of 15 days is offered, during which time the fee can be paid.
  • Selecting payment methods in the event of an insured event.

IC "RESO-Garantia" offers its clients an additional program "Resoauto", through which you can evacuate a car, call emergency services or call a specialist in the event of an accident.

How to calculate CASCO

To find out the cost of the policy, you can use the CASCO calculator or contact the nearest office of the company. If, nevertheless, a car enthusiast decides to calculate the cost online in 2017, he needs to enter the following data:

  • Characteristics of the vehicle.
  • Insurance conditions.
  • Driver information.
  • Responsibility and terms of indemnity.
  • To perform the calculation, you must enter the period for which the policy is taken out. The name of the previous company is indicated, and information about the owner is also entered.

You can pay for insurance either immediately or in equal installments.

In a situation where a vehicle is pledged, it is necessary to indicate the institution in which it is pledged. In addition, indicate the type of car, year of purchase and manufacture, as well as mileage. It is imperative to indicate the people who may be allowed to manage. It is required to fill out the driver's experience and presence of anti-theft devices. It is also important to choose the type of payment for potential repairs.

If you select and arrange a profitable program option in a timely manner, you can fully compensate for your losses in any unpleasant situation.

CAR-TOTAL from "RESO-Garantiya": registration, procedure for participation in the auction

"CAR-TOTAL RESO" is an innovative development of an insurance company intended for the sale of residual cars that belonged to the company's clients. The online auction is available to anyone who has registered on the website. In order for users to get answers to questions about the trading process, they have the opportunity to send a letter to [email protected], noting “FAQ” in the topic.

How to register on the site

The auction "KAR-TOTAL" from "RESO-Garantiya" is available only to registered users of the site. You need to go here and click on “Registration”:

A form will open that you need to fill out:

All data must correspond to what is indicated in the passport.

To complete accreditation, you must present your passport at the office (in Moscow or St. Petersburg). The second option is to send to [email protected] from the address specified when filling out the form, scanned color pages containing personal data and information about the place of registration. To complete registration, a company employee contacts the client by phone.

If registration is completed successfully, you can view the site on the website or visit the parking lot (during bidding once a day), inviting a friend with you who has a passport. There are only two parking lots: on the highway passage in Moscow and in the Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad region.

How does the KAR-TOTAL RESO auction work?

Each lot has a minimum price and step. The auction will become available after the lot has been selected and an application has been submitted. Notices of conditions and terms are published separately for each lot on the company’s website (in the “Auctions” section). Before placing a bid, each participant can inspect the lot in the parking lot (the address is indicated on the card). When placing a bet, it is necessary to take into account that the increase must correspond to the step. You can refuse further participation provided that the bid is not the highest or the second.

The auction ends when someone offers the best price. If you don’t have time to participate in bidding, you can set the system to the maximum cost and step. Offers will be generated automatically. Lots for which no bid is offered are reduced in value by 20%.

The winner is the participant who offered the highest price. If it is lower than that set by the seller, the winner and the participant who offered the second highest bid are offered a buyout at his price. If the winner refuses to purchase, the lot may be purchased by a second participant.

Payment for the lot in cash or by bank transfer must be made no later than 3 days after signing the contract. If the winner refuses to pay, the account will be blocked for six months. The vehicle must be removed from the parking lot within 3 days (counting from the date of payment). If the deadlines are not met, a fine of 500 rubles will be charged. per day.

An auction is an event where prices are determined depending on the damage to the car. The advantage of RESO-Garantiya is that it is possible to inspect the lot in the parking lot. This reduces the risk of vehicle damage exceeding that stated by the organizer.


The insurance company "RESO-Garantia" stands guard over the safety of life and health, vehicles and other equally important issues. Convenient programs have been developed for the car enthusiast, with the help of which he can easily find out the cost of the MTPL or CASCO policy, purchase it in the office or online, and also purchase a car by participating in an auction.

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