Sizov Denis Vasilievich LDPR. “Without a mandate they can “eat” me, but for the sake of the party I’m ready to do anything”

33-year-old Denis Sizov, representing the LDPR party in the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region (as one of his “mottos” on social networks says, “elected as a deputy for SO-VESTI” (c)), was noted for a real boyish showdown with his colleagues in the regional parliament.

Hey kid, what area are you from?

The reason for the conflict was a drawing posted by Sizov on his Facebook page - a portrait of the people’s choice himself, accompanied by the thoughtful captions “The only honest deputy” and “You can’t hide a guy behind a deputy’s suit.”

“I wonder if your party colleagues won’t be offended? It turns out that they are dishonest deputies? But what about “don’t lie and don’t be afraid”, this seems to be a general party slogan, but it turns out that only Denis Sizov is honest,” the deputy from the “A Just Russia” faction was the first to ask. Dmitry Ionin.

In the comments they played along with him: if Sizov is “the only honest one,” what then, for example, is Vladimir Volfovich HIMSELF? - And Vladimir Volfovich, oh... (forbidden word - ed.) so honest! – a new superlative degree was formed on the fly.

And here is a deputy of the Novouralsk Duma Alexey Shekhovtsov He didn’t giggle: he immediately made it clear that Sizov’s self-promotion was not to his liking. “If you and I were without deputy status, I would have punched you in the face, the “right guy”... And he also hinted that Sizov writes denunciations to the prosecutor’s office against “normal men.”

Boy - depending on the context, can be interpreted either as a respectful address, or as a call sign for suckers.


Gentleman's analysis

The squabble in the comments infuriated the LDPR member: “Are you taking advantage of the moment,” he seethed, “while I’m in the hospital? Probably bored with... (forbidden word - ed.). This completely coincides with your party discipline of traitors and conspirators. There’s no point in saying it to your face or calling... So you do it behind your back... Your essence reminds me of a herd of coyotes that roam the desert after a weakened victim, afraid to approach...”

Well, he said a lot of offensive things. It turns out that he wrote “with a bit of humor”, “out of boredom and surprise, that you don’t even come to visit” - and with.. (forbidden word - ed.), for some reason, they were offended.

Sizov provided his answer to his ill-wishers with another demotivator: a portrait of Leo Tolstoy and the quote: “He who is happy himself does not wish harm to others.”

Sverdlovsk deputies are so harsh...

It must be said that Denis Sizov’s pages on social networks generally demonstrate in every possible way his passion for laconic but pithy slogans. “Conscientious” is the caption of the photo of Denis Sizov speaking from the podium. “Without showing off or lies” is the caption for the link to the deputy’s personal website. “Where the World has hands, there is My head!” (what else does this mean... – ed.). “Regions to Action!” – commentary on an article about the cleansing of the state apparatus initiated by the Kremlin.

And finally, “The fish is rotting from the head!” – announcement of news about Sizov himself: “The deputy announced an ultimatum to the head of Novouralsk”

A deputy who started his career not as a manager in hipster pants, but as a person working profession- a carpenter-concrete worker, a master of general construction works, and today he maintains the image of a real guy who doesn’t talk much, is responsible for the market and asks from others.

Well, that is, as the song says: “With us, such cultured boys, I ask you not for... (forbidden word - ed.), on... (forbidden word - ed.)!».

There was a rumor in political circles that Denis Sizov, a deputy from the LDPR faction in the Sverdlovsk Legislative Assembly, was preparing to surrender his mandate for the post of coordinator regional office parties. In a dialogue with JustMedia, the parliamentarian confirmed the information. He turned out to be in a fighting mood. He told me why he refused this post three years ago and why today he considers himself one of the most worthy candidates. He admitted who raised him as a politician, shared the story of how he almost became the governor of Chukotka and promised something to the publication’s correspondent...

“Without a mandate, I can be eaten”

— Denis, confirm or deny the rumors. Are you really ready to take a leadership position today?

— In December, there was some reshuffling in the party at the initiative of Moscow. Taking advantage of the situation, Taskaev (the current acting coordinator - editor's note), whom Vladimir Volfovich pushed away from leadership three years ago, made an attempt to return. Today, the Supreme Council of the party has set the task of coordinating and selecting, together with the rest of the LDPR deputies - Konstantin Subbotin from the State Duma and Mikhail Zubarev, Denis Noskov, Igor Toroschin and Denis Sizov from the Legislative Assembly - candidates for the future coordinator to present to Moscow. There is a small nuance: the coordinator does not have to have the status of a deputy in order to work fully and devote all his time to the party. In December, my fellow deputies and I went to the capital, where my candidacy was proposed.

If we return to Vladimir Pavlovich (meaning Taskaev - editor's note), it is difficult to call it work when the year has just begun, and there are constant interruptions in the apparatus: in the middle of the week the regional department was left without means of communication, and the absence of the head himself is slowing down work process, although he appointed two deputies. Taskaev thought that he would come and put his man in this post, but he could not find an alternative. I am not the only one who fits all the criteria, but I have an advantage. I work on the ground, with voters. Decent education, extensive party experience - 11 years, I do not depend on any government, I do not have a business, I am loyal to the party and have experience in all government bodies. In 2009, I was awarded the LDPR Badge of Honor and I work in a team of regional activists of the party, proven in practice.

— Are you ready to say goodbye to your mandate?

- Yes. For the sake of the party. But I note that the decision is made by the Supreme Council. Since my election, I have been constantly under attack, but I received my mandate from Vladimir Zhirinovsky for active participation in party events, and today nothing prevents me from doing this. Whoever tried to deprive me of the opportunity to help people. I went to the courts for a whole year, the same Vladimir Pavlovich, out of a sense of revenge, tried to initiate cases, but nothing worked. Then, after supporting the starving AMUR workers, the government and the prosecutor’s office began to put pressure on me. I have already developed a certain immunity. On the other hand, if I become a coordinator without cover, then, of course, there may be those people who will take advantage of the situation. For example, from corrupt authorities, which I usually oppose, since I find many violations in the work of officials at various levels. My enemies will try to denigrate and slander, but only God knows whether I can stand it.

- Well, if you still have to refuse, will you do it, or will you not risk heading the department without the safety net of a mandate?

- I will refuse. Without a mandate, they are ready to appoint me even today, the head of the Supreme Council, Igor Vladimirovich Lebedev, said about this. But I am also ready for the fact that the party may recommend me for the post of chief of staff, in which case I can maintain my status, and my legislative work will not interfere with fulfilling my assigned functions. Today, in addition to the fact that I am a regional deputy, I am also an ordinary member of the party, with certain obligations. I support my territories, organize public events, I participate in rallies, organize hearings, initiative groups and hold regular meetings with voters, the mandate is not a hindrance, but a help.

A source familiar with the situation told JustMedia that Moscow may wait for MP Sizov to resign for some time so that the parliamentarian has time to purchase a subsidy for housing. Despite the fact that our interlocutor for a long time worked as a realtor, he still has not acquired his own living space.

He was afraid of persecution and gave up his post to Ryapasov

— Denis, you said that you fit the party’s criteria and are confident in yourself. Are other candidates not competitive?

— I am self-critical, but I know my worth and have impeccable experience. I think that I am a worthy candidate. But I don’t exclude that there are others, but they are all nearby. Vladimir Pavlovich is ready to propose some kind of candidacy, but he hasn’t named it yet, maybe it doesn’t exist. Another deputy, Konstantin Subbotin, must also name a candidate. As far as I know, Denis Noskov is being nominated for the position of coordinator, but there is no talk of surrendering the mandate. So, for now the real candidates are two Denis - Noskov and Sizov. Again, if we carry out the analysis, Denis Noskov has little party experience and until this moment he did not hold any party position, but I worked in all bodies, was a leader, and started from the bottom. Yes, maybe Noskov has more experience in business, but business and public work cannot be compared. My minus is that I do not have good relations with the regional government and local officials. I say what I think. I just heard that it might not work in my favor. Here it is up to the Supreme Council itself to judge who is better and who is more worthy. I can also say about myself that within the party I have always acted as a peacemaker, I have never quarreled with anyone, and I know how to restrain my emotions, I am diplomatic, which other candidates do not have.

What if you get rejected?

If they refuse me, then it’s not time yet. Three years ago I was offered to head this post, but I refused then.

- Reason?

— Refused in favor of my senior colleague Ryapasov. At that moment I headed the Novouralsk cell. If I do something, I do it well. He stated this in a conversation with Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky. Although I already understood then that I would be persecuted. I simply did not give a reason and relied on common sense. Although many people still clung to the mandate, they did not like me, since I always collaborated with law enforcement agencies and simply honest people. If I had known then that everything would be like this, I would not have refused. In fact, I am not eager to be the first and there are no ambitions, no wild desire to become a coordinator, I understand the level of responsibility. If there is a person more worthy to take this post, I will be only happy and will continue to work for the benefit of the party and voters. I won’t get lost in life, I’m a mobile person, I know how to think relevantly, Vladimir Volfovich always taught us this.

— Denis, you said that you refused the post in favor of Ryapasov, you were not ready to work then. What has changed in three years?

- I gained experience. I learned to understand people. Today I have worked as the head of the apparatus, the control and audit commission, and spent more than three years in the Corsovet; I organized conferences and elections throughout the Sverdlovsk region. I personally know every municipal coordinator and deputy. I cannot help but note that I gained diplomatic experience while working in the regional Duma. In the first years, a lot went bankrupt, and little came of it, but today we see that we have amendments and bills being passed, and thanks to us, municipalities receive additional money at conciliation commissions, we know the problems of the region and are solving them. I was raised by society, my voters. I always communicate with everyone, I have receptions every day, including holidays and weekends, people come with different problems. Young people who do not sleep can come even at night. And I live across the wall from the reception area, on my authorized territory in Novouralsk. The family treats work with understanding.

“The party won’t abandon us if we don’t start doing weird things ourselves”

- IN lately there were many changes in the party. Is all this in preparation for the elections or are there some internal party reasons?

— We announced the personnel reshuffling system in Moscow three years ago. We told Vladimir Volfovich that we are a team and intend to give everyone the opportunity to realize themselves in key positions. Ryapasov was the most experienced then, he was the first leader of the faction in the regional Duma, then this post went to me, and I, in turn, handed it over to Noskov. Now Mikhail Zubarev has been appointed leader of the faction. Next year another person will take this place. As for internal party reshuffles, there is nothing terrible here either; there is no need to focus on this. This is the optimization of party forces and preparation for elections. A person is changed so that he does not stay too long in a position and does not have time to “rust”; this is party discipline.

— Denis, since we’re talking about promotion along the party line, tell me, what after the post of coordinator? What are the prospects? Where do you see yourself in a few years?

— Every party member who performs well ends up in the LDPR federal reserve. Literally before the gubernatorial elections of this year, my colleague Mikhail Zubarev and I went to Moscow to attend a “show” to nominate candidates for the post of leaders of the constituent entities of the Federation. We were considered for participation in elections for the post of governor, for example, in Kurgan, Mordovia, Chukotka. My colleagues from the State Duma took pity on me; my son had just been born, but I think I’ll still have time. I'm not rushing things. God loves those who are patient, you need to understand this and know that if you rush somewhere and get ahead of events, it can end badly. I trust our party and leader, I understand that it will not abandon us unless we start doing weird things ourselves. There are also people like Volkov. Remember? The one who was always eager to become the coordinator of the regional office, but what ended up happening? He also went to Moscow and tried to persuade everyone there to give him the post. And for what? To be elected to the Unified State Duma. And what would he show us now if his candidacy were approved? And he would show us his tail, because the party said that he was not ready, he returned to Yekaterinburg, left the party and joined the ranks of A Just Russia. The man rushed things. I don’t see such traitorous people in the party anymore. We created the Sverdlovsk branches of the LDPR from scratch, now there are twice as many of them as there were three years ago. The work may not be good and noticeable everywhere, but everyone makes their contribution to the common cause. The course towards rejuvenation that Vladimir Volfovich set in 2010 is being implemented more successfully in the Sverdlovsk region than in other regions of the country.

— In terms of career, it’s clear. What about personal qualities and the same experience? What will Denis Sizov be like in a few years?

“I look at everything with a smile and am always based on the principle of fear of God. Life is the same for everyone, but we react to situations differently. I don’t want to be some kind of nasty official, turn away from people or go to the territory only during elections, according to the principle of other parties: they were elected and lost. I'm not like that. Many people tell me and wish me on some holidays: “The most important thing is to remain human.” I adhere to this wish. I will be human and I hope that I will remain so forever. I invite you to take me at my word. If I suddenly become some kind of bad guy, God forbid, I become, you can come up to me and say: “Do you remember what you told me and promised?... But I remember...” (laughs).

Candidates for the post of coordinator of the Sverdlovsk branch of the LDPR must be decided by the end of January. The summaries and reports of the deputies have already been sent to Moscow. Vladimir Taskaev was appointed acting for a period of three months. A party conference is due to take place before the beginning of March, at which delegates will elect new members of the Corsovet, after which a new coordinator will be chosen from among them.

“And we consider all issues collectively,” said the head of the LDPR faction Denis Sizov and deputy Mikhail Zubarev at the beginning of the interview for OG. By the way, the faction of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia is the youngest in the regional parliament: middle age of its deputies is 31 years old. Hence, apparently, the emphatically creative approach to all problems.

Now in the Middle Urals is an unusual period: the spring election campaign had barely ended when society got involved in preparations for the autumn voting. How actively does the LDPR intend to participate in the September elections?

Mikhail Zubarev:

LDPR participates in all election campaigns, regardless of their level this is our principle.

Denis Sizov:

We field our candidates even for elections in remote rural settlements.

As you know, the regional parliament recently changed the procedure for holding elections in large cities (Ekaterinburg and Nizhny Tagil). The September vote in the capital of the Middle Urals will be held using territorial party lists (for each single-mandate constituency). How productive is this idea, in your opinion?

Mikhail Zubarev:

By by and large This doesn't change anything for us. It is not difficult for the LDPR to nominate more than fifty candidates in one city. However, I want to emphasize that we support the idea of ​​​​using territorial party lists; moreover, when there was a discussion on this issue in the Legislative Assembly, we proposed not to limit ourselves to major cities and extend this innovation to all populated areas, where more than fifty thousand people live.

Denis Sizov:

We were talking about cities such as Novouralsk, Serov, Asbest.

Mikhail Zubarev:

I will explain our position. Let's be realistic: when there is an election campaign in any of these cities, then when elections are held without territorial lists, each of parliamentary parties expects to receive approximately five deputy mandates in the Municipal Duma. But what interest does, say, the tenth candidate on the party list have in fighting for victory in these elections? He knows that in the end only the five people at the top of the list of candidates will become deputies, and he personally has nothing to hope for.

But when territorial party lists are used, the situation changes dramatically. In each electoral district, three candidates are nominated who have an equal chance of receiving a deputy mandate. As a result, all nominees make approximately the same efforts. Therefore, we are very sorry that colleagues from other factions did not support our idea to extend such a system to all cities with a population of over fifty thousand people, limiting themselves only to Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Tagil.

All politicians traditionally promise something to voters before elections. How do you build your communication with Ural residents?

Denis Sizov:

You can look up the data on elections of past years and make sure that the Sverdlovsk liberal democrats never make promises. This is our principled position. However, we tell the truth and work hard with voters’ requests. Every month our faction in the Legislative Assembly considers sixty to seventy appeals from Ural residents.

Mikhail Zubarev:

As a matter of fact, we make only one promise no request to us will be left unattended. Recent changes federal legislation led to a real boom in party building in Russia. Are you afraid of the emergence of dangerous competitors from among the new parties?

Denis Sizov:

We have no worthy competitors. As I already said, we work completely differently from other parties. All they do is make promises. Based on my experience, I can assume that new parties will first of all begin to draw votes not from us, but from “ United Russia" This will happen due to the fact that most of the parties being created now are trying to imitate this particular political project.

On what is your confidence in the success of the LDPR based? on the charisma of the party leader?

Denis Sizov:

Of course, the authority of Vladimir Zhirinovsky plays a big role. But the success of the party is based on the totality various factors: party programs, the work of local deputies, skillful selection of nominated candidates, and discipline within the LDPR plays an important role.

By the way, about party discipline. How tough is this issue within your faction?

Mikhail Zubarev:

At meetings of the Legislative Assembly, all representatives of our faction always vote the same.

Denis Sizov:

We gather before each parliamentary vote, within the faction we review the agenda for the upcoming meeting and discuss what decision we will support on each issue. Of course, we argue a lot with each other, but in the end we come to some common opinion, which we unanimously support at the Legislative Assembly.