Photos and descriptions of edible mushrooms. Volushka mushrooms - photo and description

Hello dear reader!

This mushroom, especially when there is an abundance of mushrooms, causes some neglect. However, if the summer is “mushroom”, this is the attitude of mushroom pickers towards the “gobies”, and to the russula, and to the seryanka.

Volushka mushrooms belong to category 2 edible mushrooms. Which is not so bad - there are four categories in total. In Europe (perhaps with the exception of Finland) they are considered inedible and even poisonous. In Russia, people have eaten volnushka, they are eating it, and they will probably continue to eat it for a long time. This once again shows that the question of “edibility or inedibility” of mushrooms no longer relates to their actual toxicity or harmlessness, but to national and local likes and dislikes.

Volushka mushrooms, as they are

It is very beautiful, this pink mushroom is from the genus of the Russula family!

This agaric with white milky juice, sharp and bitter in taste. The cap is pinkish-red with clearly defined concentric circles. The surface of the cap is “shaggy-woolly”, and the edge is generally fluffy, and is always turned down.

The young fruiting body has an almost rounded cap. As it grows, a depression appears in the center, and soon the mushroom turns into a funnel up to 15 centimeters in size. The mushroom grows quickly, reaching its maximum size in three to four days.

The plates are thin, pink or yellowish. The leg is hollow, in the first days it is also fluffy, but later it becomes bare and smooth.

When cut, drops of white milky juice are released, which does not change color in the air. This juice is bitter, and eat mushrooms in fresh impossible.

But the highly valued milk mushrooms and milk mushrooms are just as bitter. And gray seryankas, rated even lower than the little ones, too.

Volushka mushrooms can be found in clean birch forests, in deciduous forest with an admixture of birch, in a mixed coniferous-deciduous forest, where birch is again present.

This is one of eternal companions tree that has become a symbol of Russia. After all, the moth and birch form mycorrhiza - a community, a commonwealth. This is how they live, supporting each other.

The fruiting bodies of tremulous mushrooms usually appear in July and grow until October. There are usually a lot of waves in the forest. And they are clearly visible from afar.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the mushroom is “neglected” by mushroom pickers. After all, collecting it is really a “collection”, and not “ mushroom hunting", like picking a porcini mushroom, .

Volnushki, volnukha, volzhanka, volvenki... Surely there are many more local names for the mushroom. In my native village they were called Voldenians and Voldenki.

Not a single poisonous mushroom resembles a mushroom!

There is a mushroom similar to the roseate. It has a funnel-shaped cap, woolly, with a fluffy, curled edge. But it is smaller, thinner. And the cap is almost white, and the circles are invisible. The mushroom usually grows in the same place as the mushroom.

This is a white mushroom, a mushroom close to the white mushroom. Sometimes it is even considered not a separate species, but a variety of the moth. Whitefish are also quite edible. The only drawback is that they are very fragile and brittle, and crumble easily. It is difficult to bring them back from the forest intact.

Volushka mushrooms - how to eat them?

It’s unlikely that anyone will like eating fresh mushrooms. They are bitter from the milky juice. But not poisonous.

We salt these mushrooms. But before salting, the volushki should be processed to remove bitterness.

There are two ways to process trumpet mushrooms - hot And cold .

At hot method The mushrooms are boiled before salting. Before this, they are cleared of debris and washed if necessary. Large caps are cut into several parts. No need to chop finely!

Then you can simply add water to the mushrooms and boil. You can first boil water and put the mushrooms in boiling water. In any case, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and cook the mushrooms for about half an hour. Then drain the water.

They say that when mushrooms are lowered into already boiling water, they become less boiled. Maybe. But I tried to boil it this way and that. And I didn’t notice any noticeable difference. The same applies to the question - boil in salted or unsalted water. In my opinion, it is completely indifferent. We will still pickle the mushrooms!

For pickling, we take three-liter glass jars. Previously, volushka mushrooms were salted in wooden tubs, barrels, and tubs. But where do most city dwellers have such utensils? Yes, and you need to get a decent amount of waves for the barrel! You can use enamel dishes. But it should not have enamel chips.

It is strictly forbidden to use galvanized buckets or glazed earthenware for salting anything!

Place currant leaves at the bottom of the jar (pot, bucket, tank). You can take cherry and horseradish leaves. And we begin to place the mushrooms with their caps down. Having laid a layer three to four centimeters thick, add a couple of chopped garlic cloves and sprinkle everything with salt. You need table salt, not iodized. Its norm is 1 tablespoon (“heaped”) per kilogram of boiled mushrooms.

Having laid the mushrooms in a similar way, sprinkled them with salt, and again placed the leaves of currants, cherries, and horseradish on top. Now you need to create pressure so that the mushrooms are completely covered with brine.

Therefore, a wooden circle (not plywood!) is placed on top, and a load is placed on it. Usually this is a cobblestone (or several cobblestones). The stones taken are dense, not variegated, not white. Usually dark gray fine-grained cobblestones meet these conditions. They will not react with the brine. You should not take metal products.

And in a three-liter jar with pressure it will be even easier! We load it up to the neck with mushrooms, and fill the neck tightly with leaves, pressing so that the released juice covers the mushrooms. Then we close the jar with a plastic lid, which must be put on with force. We close, not roll up!

Hot-salted volushki will be completely ready for use in two weeks. They need to be stored in a cool place.

Cold way Pickling differs only in that the mushrooms are not boiled before pickling, but soaked. Pour over prepared mushrooms cold water. They need to be soaked for three days. We drain the water periodically - once or better twice a day - and replace it with fresh water. After soaking the horns, we rinse them and proceed to salting.

There are no big differences here from the hot method. Only the layers of mushrooms laid for pickling will have to be compacted somewhat. They will not be ready for consumption so quickly - after about 45 days.

When processing volushka mushrooms, another drawback becomes clear. Mushrooms, unfortunately, lose their magnificent color, their coloring. With any method of salting, the frills become gray and uninteresting. But there's nothing you can do about it - for festive table It is better to use saffron milk caps or milk mushrooms.

By the way, I salt both seryanka and valui in exactly the same way. I just soak the latter longer. I don't use hot salt. Although he is not forbidden.

Now - how do you eat them, volnushka mushrooms? The easiest way: boil the potatoes, put them on a plate, add some salted trumpets, a little vegetable oil, bulb onions…

Or we make a salad: mushrooms, the same potatoes, onions, mayonnaise or sour cream (whichever you like best!)

Just don’t forget to rinse the salted trumpets before using them. And if you overdid it with salt, then soak it.

The pies have a good filling: salted trumpets, boiled egg, onion. Chop and mix everything.

From salted trumpets and seryankas, very good mushroom caviar is obtained.

You can even cook soup! It's not a great delicacy, but it's hot and quick. And delicious!

Volnushki are relatively well known to experienced mushroom pickers, conditionally edible or Lactarius and the family Russulaceae or Russulaceae.

The description, as well as the botanical characteristics of Lactarius, may have quite significant differences depending on the type and location of the mushroom. Options Volnushka white
Volnushka pink Latin name Lactarius pubescens
Lactarius torminosus Common name Belyanka
Volnyanka Edibility Edibility
Is conditionally edible Description of the mushroom cap With a diameter of no more than 8 cm. In young specimens it is convex in shape, with age it becomes prostrate or funnel-shaped, with curled edges. Has a pronounced extrusion in the central part of the cap
4.5-11.5 cm in diameter. In young specimens it is convex, and in older specimens it has a flat shape, with a depression in the center and turned down, slightly pubescent uneven edges Surface characteristics White. In the central part there are more dark coloring , without zones. Surface with dense pubescence or slight mucous membrane Covered with a thick and coarse layer of villi arranged in uneven circles. Surface with weak mucous membrane, pale pink or grayish Pink colour
, darkening Fruiting body plates Adherent or descending type, often located, narrow, white
Whitish, frequent, narrow, descending and interspersed with intermediate plates Features of the pulp Thick consistency, white color, brittle, with a weak aroma
White in color, strong, with high density and pungent taste Stipe Cylindrical in shape, tapering at the base
Cylindrical shape, very strong and hard Similarities with poisonous mushrooms poisonous mushrooms
Absent The smell of mushroom The smell of geranium
No special smell Features of spore powder Creamy yellow color
White or off-white color Features of growth and distribution Polesie and forest-steppe, temperate zone northern hemisphere
, Alaska Peak fruiting

Mass formation of mushrooms occurs from August to October

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Characteristics of the growth of pink and white trumpet Characteristic feature waves of white is the formation of mycorrhiza with birch trees. The fungus prefers soil at the edge of a birch grove; it rarely grows in young coniferous-birch forests.

Lactarius torminosus – pink variety of volnushka– most often grows in birch groves or mixed forest plantations with birch trees. As a rule, the species grows in small groups and is prone to forming mycorrhizae with old birch trees. This wave is common in the northern part forest zones With temperate climate and sufficient humidity levels.

Volnushki: description and collection (video)

What inedible doubles look like - false waves

Volnushka white has no inedible doubles and, unlike other white milkweeds that are most widespread in our forests, it has a pubescent cap. Pink saffron has an external resemblance to real, or spruce, saffron milk cap. This mushroom is not poisonous, belongs to the category of edible and differs from the mushroom complete absence hairiness on the surface of the fruiting body, and also does not emit white milky juice when cut. Among other things, true saffron milk caps can form mycorrhiza only with spruce plantations.

Cooking rules

Volnushki belong to the second category of mushrooms and per 100 g with a total calorie content of 22.0 kcal of products there are:

  • proteins – 3.09 g;
  • fat – 0.34 g;
  • carbohydrates – 3.26 g;
  • water – 92.5 g;
  • fiber – 1.0 g.

There are rules and recommendations that will allow you to prepare the most healthy and delicious dishes from these mushrooms with minimal time and effort:
  • white wave has a fairly pronounced aroma and pungent taste, which should be taken into account when preparing dishes;
  • Before soaking, in order to get rid of bitterness and characteristic aroma, mushrooms should be cleaned from forest debris and large particles of soil;
  • the preparation of any conditionally edible mushrooms, which include white and pink mushrooms, involves preliminary boiling in a sufficiently large quantities water;
  • milk mushrooms, like milk mushrooms, are not suitable for making soups, which is due to the rather pronounced bitterness of the milky juice;

  • The first mushroom decoction should not be used for subsequent cooking;
  • It is not advisable to use copper or cast-iron kitchen utensils to prepare the wave;
  • Dishes prepared from volushka, with the exception of canning, cannot be stored in the refrigerator for more than 24-36 hours;
  • It is best to use volushki for baking, as well as hot and cold salting or pickling for the winter.

Volnushka - They are quite common mushrooms, there are types: white milkweed, pink milkweed, brownish milkweed, faded milkweed, non-caustic milkweed, common milkweed, prickly milkweed, violin, milk mushrooms, milkweed, bitter.

What do edible mushrooms look like?

Volnushka pink

Pink volnushka (decoction, volzhanka, volnukha, volnyanka, rubella) is a conditionally edible mushroom that needs careful processing. It differs from all mushrooms in its pink cap, which sometimes reaches 13 cm in diameter. In young mushrooms it is convex, in mature ones it is flat with a depression in the center.

It is slimy to the touch, the color of the cap is whitish-pink. If you touch the skin, they appear dark spots. The pulp of the mushroom is dense, white, strong. If you bite into a piece, you will feel a slight spiciness. The leg reaches 7 cm in height, the shape is cylindrical, the shade is white.

Volnushka white

It is also a conditionally edible mushroom. You can meet in small groups. The mushroom cap reaches 9 cm in diameter. In young mushrooms it is convex, and then becomes spread out, with a small depression in the center. The skin is whitish or white-gray, the shade will be darker in the center. The plates are white and narrow.

The leg of the white trumpet can reach 5 cm in height, and the diameter is 2 cm. Cylindrical in shape, smooth, dense, white or cream in color.

Where can I find waves?

Most often they can be found in birch groves or in pine forests. Known species These mushrooms grow in groups, so it will be difficult not to notice them.

It is also important to know that the mushroom is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age, pregnant women, people suffering from pancreatitis and increased level cholesterol.

The difference between false waves and real ones

It is important to know that the trumpet has no poisonous or inedible counterparts. Volnushka is divided into the following subspecies:

  • pink wave (Volzhanka);
  • swamp wave (faded milkweed);
  • yellow wave (volnukha);
  • white wave (whitefish);
  • gray volnushka (gray milky or serushka).

False waves

Milkies - mushrooms that very often get confused with tremors. These mushrooms are inferior in taste to volnushka, and they are also smaller and slightly different in shape.

Common milkweed

The hat is up to 14 cm in diameter, with rolled edges, and wheel-shaped. IN mature age it becomes funnel-shaped. The color is brown, gray, yellowish. The legs of the mushroom are cylindrical, up to 15 cm in height.

Faded milky

A conditionally edible mushroom that can be found in mixed forests. Its main difference is the color of the cap. It can be up to 8 cm in diameter. Young mushrooms have a convex cap, while mature ones have a flat or funnel-shaped cap. There is usually a small bump in the center of the cap.

The mushroom stalk reaches 9 cm in height, is cylindrical, dense, and brittle. The plates are slightly descending, white or fawn, frequent. The pulp turns gray when cut, brittle and fawn.

Milky brown

The mushroom has a cap with a diameter of up to 8 cm. The shape of the cap gradually opens, in old age it can be funnel-shaped or convex. Color brown, brown, brown-brown. The pulp is white, brittle.

The stem of the mushroom can reach a height of 8 cm. The shape is cylindrical, solid, the color is like that of a cap. The pulp is tough, the surface is velvety.


What are tremulus mushrooms?

Volnushka mushrooms belong to the genus Milkniki, which is due to their peculiarity, which is the secretion of white juice that turns yellow when fresh air. Due to the caustic nature of this liquid, traditionally volnushki are used exclusively for pickling (pink ones can be fried), and to avoid bitter mushrooms as a result, it is important to pre-soak and boil them. If you follow all the necessary salting steps, you get a surprisingly tasty mushroom appetizer.

This attractive mushroom is found in birch groves and mixed forests. It is interesting that in some European countries this mushroom is classified as inedible, while in Finland and here, on the contrary, it is highly valued. There are two types of wavefish - Lactarius torminosus - pink wavefish and Lactarius pubescens - white wavefish, which differ not only in color, but also in the size of the cap (the pink wavefish has two larger ones)

Volnushka pink

Pink trumpet (lat. Lactárius torminósus) is a conditionally edible mushroom of the genus Lactarius of the Russulaceae family (lat. Russulaceae).

Folk and local names: volnyanka, volzhanka, volvenka, volvyanitsa, volminka, volnovha, rubella, krasulya, decoction.

Grows in deciduous and mixed forests, especially in thinned young coniferous and birch forests. Numerous, widespread mushroom, appears from June to October, and in two layers. The first layer of waves usually occurs in the second half of July, the second begins at the end of August.

The cap is up to 12 cm in diameter, woolly, pink, pink-red or orange-pink, with clear reddish concentric stripes; in a young mushroom it is flat with a hole in the center, with shaggy edges strongly turned inward; in a mature one it is funnel-shaped, shaggy along the edge, moist , in damp weather mucous. The pulp is loose, brittle, pinkish, and has a pungent taste. The milky juice is white and bitter.

The plates descending along the stem, cream or pale pink with a yellowish tint, thin. The leg is cylindrical, smooth or narrowed downwards, brittle, hollow, smooth, pale pink.

The mushroom is conditionally edible, of the second category, used for pickling and pickling.

If there was a prize for the most charming mushroom, the trumpets would take first place. Rich pinkish-orange color with touching fringe around the edges - what could be cuter? And the pattern on the cap - spiral circles that attract the attentive eye of the mushroom picker? No, no matter what you say, collecting trumpets is an incomparable pleasure. It is endless - you break the fragile root of a pink stout button, and your gaze is already drawn to the next one, you stretch out your hand for it and notice with your peripheral vision more and more grown pink furry buttons. And the basket fills and fills. Although there are never too many of them, you can empty at least a few baskets of them in an evening. And all this with pleasure - the dirt does not stick to the most delicate rough cap and the blades of grass do not stick, all that remains is to run the knife to cut off the fringe and once again admire the abundant milky juice.

“Wildweeds appear in the summer, in July (although their real time is in August and September), when the grass in the forest is lush and green. And then, among the green grass, surrounded by bluish-white birches, bright pink mushrooms with delicate edges along the edges suddenly begin to appear. Why they call her “volnushka” seems clear. Paler circles spread across its bright pink field, like waves on water from a thrown stone.

However, we can assume that there are dark pink waves spreading across the pale pink background. But why they also call her “Volzhanka”, I don’t know. Be that as it may, both names seem beautiful to me and in this sense correspond to the type of mushroom. Indeed, you will find few mushrooms that would decorate our forests in the same way.

The pleasure of collecting little fish is not only in their beauty, but also in their abundance, but not in such a way that you lose interest. The little ones grow in groups, in flocks, and where there are old ones, there are always young ones, sort of neat pink spots.

Volnushka is a strong mushroom, not like other russula, which crumbles around the edges. True, with age, the edges of the wave completely unbend and even rise upward, as if opening up, and then the wave becomes more fragile. Then it fades, its stripes (waves) become barely noticeable, the thick edge thins out, becomes ragged, and the whole mushroom looks like a pinkish milk mushroom. Pale pink plates turn yellow in places. There is a certain dryness in the mushroom compared to the poured, vigorous strength from youth. When cut, the volushka secretes abundant white juice, which is terribly corrosive. If you touch it with your tongue, it will probably be no better than if you dipped the tip of your tongue into strong pepper. Therefore, the waves must first be kept in cold water so that all the bitterness goes away from them. Then they are usually salted, although they can also be pickled. In both cases, the wave, unfortunately, loses its amazing colors. It just turns grey.

The taste of volnushka is second only to saffron milk cap, but no worse than milk mushroom.

There is a variety of wave - white wave.

Volnushka white

White milkweed (lat. Lactárius pubéscens) is a mushroom of the genus Lactarius of the Russulaceae family. In Siberia it is often called whitefish. Conditionally edible.

The cap is ∅ 4-8 cm, convex at first, then spread out and until funnel-shaped, with a curled edge, depressed in the center. The skin is white, usually darker in the center, without pronounced concentric zones, densely pubescent, and sometimes mucous.

The plates are adherent or slightly descending, frequent, narrow, white.

The stem is 2-4 cm in height, ∅ 1.2-2 cm, cylindrical, tapering towards the base, smooth or slightly pubescent, becomes hollow with age, the same color as the cap.

Spore powder is white or cream.

The pulp is dense, white, brittle, with a faint odor.

The milky juice is abundant, white, caustic, and does not change color in air.

This mushroom, unlike a real mushroom, is absolutely inconspicuous. Its surface is of a dirty color, although in bulk it gives a feeling of some pinkishness. Apart from the color, this mushroom is no different from its closest relative, except in that it is thinner, weaker and more fragile. It also grows in birch or forests mixed with birch. However, for some reason it prefers young forests, while the pink wave is found in both young and old.

In young mushrooms, the cap is convex, with slightly curved edges, then it becomes convex-spread, slightly depressed in the middle. The smooth cap has shaggy edges with slight pubescence. Its color includes all shades of light brown and yellow. Some varieties of whitefish have caps decorated with a pattern of blurry spots with vaguely defined boundaries. The average diameter of the cap is about 5 cm.

On its inner side there are adherent ascending, sometimes descending plates of whitish or fawn color. The stem of the mushroom is round, narrower at the base, hollow or cellular inside, colored cream or pink. The pulp is tender, with a strong odor and a sharp, bitter taste; it abundantly secretes a caustic milky juice that retains its color when exposed to air.

Belyanka belongs to the second category of mushrooms. As a rule, it is consumed only in salted form. To get rid of the specific bitter taste, before starting pickling, it is recommended to pour boiling water over the mushrooms or put them in cold water for several hours.

How to cook volnushka mushrooms

Over the course of many years, human consumption of tremors has developed certain rules instructions to follow when preparing this mushroom.

  • Mushrooms do not need to be soaked for a long time, only if the mushroom does not have a too pungent taste.
  • After cooking, be sure to drain the first water; do not continue cooking with the first decoction.
  • It is better not to use pans made of copper, tin or cast iron for cooking tremors.
  • The knife used for cleaning should be sharp and the metal should be stainless steel.
  • It is recommended to eat dishes made from volushki on the day of preparation. Storage at 2-4 degrees in the refrigerator is allowed for no more than a day.
  • Try to prepare dishes from tremors at a time (this does not apply to salting or marinating).
  • Do not leave the volushki dish for the second day if there are potatoes in it.
  • It is better to store in the refrigerator fresh mushrooms, rather than dishes made from them. If you were unable to process the mushrooms on the first day after collection or purchase, then leave them unwashed and uncut.
  • It is advisable to boil the volnushki for the first time in a large amount of water. If there are a lot of mushrooms, use two large pans or divide into several servings. Drain the broth, treat the mushrooms with cold water, then boil again. This will relieve them of bitterness.

Before you start preparing any volushka dish (as well as marinating, salting), they should be prepared. To do this you need to get rid of main problem- bitter juice. To achieve the desired result, pour the mushrooms cool water and leave to soak for 24 hours. During this time you should change the water four times. That's it, now the waves are ready for further processing.

The little girls are worried, the red-haired girlfriends... About these amazing mushrooms songs and poems have been composed, there are endless debates about their harm and benefits, whether they can be collected or not. This article will help dispel any doubts about the edibility of the fish.

Volnushka is a close relative of russula and milk mushrooms, as it belongs to the russula family, even more so to the genus Mlechnik, like everyone’s favorite milk mushroom. Although Western encyclopedias classify volushki as inedible mushrooms which cause stomach upset, this mushroom is very popular in Russia. Apparently, in the West they simply don’t know how to cook it properly. Next we will take a closer look at the cooking methods.

General characteristics.

There are several types of wavelets, here we will take a closer look at two of them - the most common - pink and white wavelets.

Pink waves There are also other names: Volzhanka, decoction, volnukha, volnyanka, rubella. This mushroom is classified as a conditionally edible mushroom in our country. The cap of the mushroom, as is easy to understand from the name, is pink and can be up to 12 cm in diameter. The younger the mushroom, the more convex its cap; with age it straightens, forming a depression in the center. The edges of the cap are slightly shaggy at the bottom, and circles are visible on its surface. From below, the mushroom has thin plates that extend down to the stem. The flesh of the volushka is dense, so it is easy to transport and you don’t have to worry about damaging it. The leg is usually not cut off and is not eaten.

White wave differs from the “friend” in color and size, it is slightly smaller than the pink one - the diameter of the cap reaches only 8 cm. The stem of the mushroom is also shorter (up to 4 cm in length), and the skin on the cap is light at the edges and darker towards the center.

The wave has doubles, they look very similar to her, except maybe a little smaller and paler. These mushrooms can also be eaten, but they are significantly inferior to real mushrooms in taste.

Where and when to look

Pink trumpets grow in moist soil and love shade and moss, so it’s best to look for them in marshy areas. The white wave loves sunny meadows more and not so wet soils. Both varieties grow in mixed forests next to birch trees. They most often grow in groups, so when you find one mushroom, look around, you will probably find more specimens nearby. These mushrooms are collected in different regions in different ways, most often from July to October, depending on the weather. After cutting the mushroom, you will find the release of abundant milky juice, which will immediately begin to turn yellow in the air. Don't try it, it's very bitter. That is why before preparing the volushki you need to soak them for 2-3 days.

Benefit or harm?

Volnushki are not only tasty, but also have a number of useful properties. And all because they contain many useful components, we list the main ones:

  • Vitamin C,
  • Fractose,
  • Glucose,
  • Vitamin B6,
  • Folic acid,
  • Thiamine,
  • Riboflavin, etc.

With regular use, Volnushka can improve vision, has a beneficial effect on the condition of nails, hair and skin, has anti-inflammatory properties, and strengthens the immune system. The calorie content of the mushroom is extremely low, 22 kcal per 100 grams. Volnushka protein contains many amino acids that are perfectly absorbed by the body.

However, the wave also has its disadvantages. Like all mushrooms, volushka is quite a heavy product for the stomach, so you should avoid this product if you have low stomach acidity, and also have chronic pancreatitis or cholecystitis. All mushrooms, including mushrooms, are not recommended for children under the age of seven.

How to cook

As we said, the mushroom secretes a milky, caustic juice, which is why before any cooking, the mushrooms should be soaked for 2-3 days to free the pulp from this juice. The water should be changed twice a day. After this, the mushrooms should be boiled for 20 minutes and the first broth should be drained (this is also why the mushroom is popularly called “decoction”). Next you can proceed to in different ways cooking.

Basically, it is customary to salt and marinate volushki; it is in this form that they are most delicious, but some people like to stew and fry them. We will talk about some methods of salting and marinating.

Hot salting

Ingredients for 1 kg. waves:

  • 1 head of garlic,
  • 10 peppercorns,
  • leaves of currant, horseradish or cherry.


Clean the mushrooms from debris and soak for a couple of days, changing the water periodically. Pour water into a large saucepan, dissolve 1 tbsp. spoon of coarse salt, bring to a boil. Then put the volushki there and cook for 20 minutes, removing the foam. The mushrooms are ready when they sink to the bottom. Drain the water and rinse the mushrooms in water. Then place the leaves in a large container (wooden, ceramic or clay), place the mushrooms on top, caps up, salt, pepper, and add garlic. And so continue layer by layer. Then put the mushrooms under pressure and put them in a cool place for a month so that the mushrooms are salted. After a month you can eat it, you can first rinse it in cold water to remove excess salt. After this, the mushrooms can be transferred to jars, filled with the resulting brine.

Cold salting

  • 1 head of garlic,
  • Bay leaf, dill stems,
  • leaves of currant, horseradish, cherry.


An important stage of salting in this way is soaking for at least 12 hours, changing the water every 2 hours. Cut the garlic into slices. Place coarse salt, leaves, and dill stems on the bottom of the jar. Place half the amount of mushrooms on top, add salt and pepper, garlic and bay leaf. Next, lay out the second layer of mushrooms, spices and garlic. Cover the top again with leaves and place under pressure. After a few days, juice will appear in the jar, and the mushrooms will sink to the bottom. After this, the mushrooms need to be put in the refrigerator along with the oppression. After a month, the mushrooms are ready, mold may appear on the surface, do not be afraid of it, it will not reach the mushrooms.

Salty waves

Boil the soaked volushki for 5-10 minutes, drain the water. Then transfer the mushrooms to another pan with new water. Add 2 tbsp to water. l. salt, 1 bay leaf, allspice, 3-5 pcs. carnations. Cook for 15 minutes. After this, remove the bay leaf and add salt to the water if desired. Next, cool the mushrooms and place them in jars. Add brine from the pan to the jars, close the lid and put in a cool place for 40 days.


Ingredients for 1 kg. waves:

  • 2 tbsp. salt;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion head,
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. l. table vinegar;
  • 4 clove buds;
  • A pinch of pepper (peas);
  • 2 bay leaves.


Place the soaked mushrooms in boiling water, after salting it (1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water). Cook for 20 minutes, skimming off the foam. Drain the mushrooms in a colander. Cut carrots and onions into rings, halve garlic. To make the marinade, add sugar, salt, vegetables and everything else to the water. When the marinade boils, add vinegar and mushrooms. Cook everything together for 15 minutes. . Place mushrooms and vegetables in sterilized jars, add marinade, roll up and store in a cool place. After a month you can eat it.