Oil and gas. Map of Russian oil fields

Vladimir Khomutko

Reading time: 4 minutes


Russian and foreign oil fields

It is no secret that oil, along with natural gas, is the main energy resource modern world. All countries that do not have own reserves, since petroleum products made from this mineral are widely used in all sectors of the world economy as motor and boiler fuel, raw materials for petrochemical enterprises, and so on. Therefore, oil is often called “black gold”.

Black gold is extracted from special oil-bearing formations natural origin, called collectors. A cluster of reservoirs with significant reserves of raw materials is called an oil or gas field.

Such deposits are scattered throughout the world.

Oil and natural gas often occur in the same reservoir, and therefore in many cases they are extracted from the same rock formation, called a well. The main reserves of black gold can be located at depths from one to three kilometers from earth's surface, but quite often oil is found both at the very surface of the earth and at great depths (more than six kilometers). As we mentioned earlier, the largest oil fields are scattered across different parts light, and their map is very extensive.

The largest reserves of this valuable energy resource are concentrated in the Persian Gulf (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait), as well as in the USA, Iran and Russia.

The cost of developing oil and gas fields is quite high, and not all countries with reserves of these hydrocarbons can afford to extract them independently. Sometimes, for this reason, deposits are sold to foreign companies for quite a low price.

Let’s say right away that not all oil-bearing reservoirs can be called fields. For example, if the volume of mineral reserves is small, then spending money on developing such reservoirs is unprofitable from an economic point of view. Therefore, an oil field is a collection of oil-bearing areas that are located close to each other on certain territory. The area of ​​the deposit can vary from several tens to several hundred square kilometers.

Based on the volume of their natural resources, all deposits are conventionally divided into five categories:

  • small ones, whose volumes are less than ten million tons of oil produced;
  • medium: the amount of reserves from ten to one hundred million tons (for example, deposits such as Verkhne-Tarskoye, Kukmol, and so on);
  • large - reserves range from one hundred million to one billion tons (Pravdinskoye, Kalamkas and others);
  • the largest (in other words, gigantic) - from one to five billion tons of black gold (Romashkinskoye, Samotlorskoye and others);
  • unique (supergiant) - more than five billion tons (such deposits include Al-Gawar, Big Kurgan, Er-Rumaila).

It is worth saying that not all discovered oil deposits can be classified into one or another category of deposits. For example, some explored reservoirs contain no more than one hundred tons of hydrocarbons, and their development is not economically feasible.

Russian oil fields

On at the moment In our country, more than twenty places have been explored where active mining of black gold is underway.

It is worth saying that the number of deposits found is increasing year by year, but due to the current extremely low oil prices, the search and exploration of new deposits is not economically profitable. Each new oil field requires colossal capital investments for its development, and oil companies currently do not have that kind of money. This is especially true for small and medium category deposits.

Most of the operating Russian oil fields are concentrated in Western Siberia and further north, up to the Arctic shelf.

Development is carried out in difficult climatic conditions, but the volume of reserves of these deposits makes the costs justified. However, it is not enough to extract oil; it still needs to be processed into ready-to-use petroleum products. This is also a problem, since many new fields are discovered in places where there is no corresponding processing infrastructure, and the delivery of raw materials from these fields to existing refineries requires enormous material costs.

The main oil fields in Russia are Samotlor, Romashkinskoye, Pravdinskoye and so on, located in Western Siberia, where for quite a long time, the reserves of the largest Samotlor field in the Russian Federation have already been fairly depleted.

Separately, I would like to say about the Urengoy oil and gas field. In the world rankings he is given an honorable second place. Reserves natural gas This fishery is estimated at almost ten trillion cubic meters. and about 15 percent less petroleum raw materials. These deposits are located in the Tyumen region and in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Yamalo-German Autonomous Okrug).

This deposit owes its name to the small settlement of Urengoy, located near this territory. These deposits were discovered in 1966, and the settlement immediately turned into a small town, and then a city with the same name Urengoy grew on this site. The wells here began to produce their first production in 1978 and they are still operating.

It is worth mentioning the Nakhodka gas field.

Its reserves are more modest than those in Urengoy (“only” 275 billion cubic meters of natural gas), but there is enough oil in this territory large number. Although this deposit was discovered back in 1976, industrial development began much later, and the first production was obtained here only in 2004.

Other Russian oil deposits

The Tuymazinsky oil field was discovered back in 1937, when the development of the Volga-Ural oil province began. It got its name from the Bashkir city of Tuymazy, located nearby. This fishery is distinguished by the relatively shallow occurrence of productive strata (from one to two kilometers from the earth's surface).

Until now, this oil-bearing territory, in terms of its proven reserves, is among the five largest Russian oil fields. Industrial mining began here during the Great Patriotic War, in 1944, and continues very successfully to the present day. The area of ​​the Tuymazinsky oil fields is quite large - 800 square kilometers.

The use of advanced oil production technologies for that time led to the fact that the main reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials were extracted here within two decades, since the use of such advanced production techniques made it possible to lift 45-50 percent more oil raw materials from the productive strata of the Devonian geological period than from using classical techniques of the time. However, over time, it became clear that the reserves of black gold in this territory are much larger than initially thought, and new modern mining technologies have made it possible to continue effective development here to this day.

Also worthy of mention are Russian fields such as Vankorskoye and Kovyktinskoye.

Kovyktinskoye is located in Irkutsk region Russian Federation, on a high mountain plateau surrounded by dense taiga untouched by man. It is interesting that initially deposits of natural gas and gas condensates were discovered here, the extraction of which was established first. However, over time, oil-bearing layers were discovered, the reserves of which turned out to be very rich.

Vankor hydrocarbon fields are concentrated in northern regions Krasnoyarsk Territory. This area is also not purely oil, since significant volumes of natural gas, also called “blue fuel,” are also produced here.

According to experts, oil reserves This territory contains about two hundred and sixty million tons, and gas volumes are within ninety billion cubic meters. There are 250 production wells operating here, and the resulting products are transported via the Eastern Main Pipeline.

Kovykta field

Of course, not only Russia has large hydrocarbon reserves. Many deposits located in other countries have huge reserves of this valuable resource.

The world leader in world oil production is Saudi Arabia, located on the shores of the Persian Gulf.

The reserves of the Gavar deposit alone are estimated at 75-85 billion barrels of black gold. The explored reserves of a state like Kuwait are estimated at 66 to 73 billion barrels. Iran has significant reserves of black gold (according to some experts, up to one hundred billion barrels).

The western Canadian province of Alberta is the largest oil-producing province. In addition to the fact that about 95 percent of Canadian black gold is mined there, there are also large natural gas reserves there. There is a lot of oil in the USA, Venezuela, Mexico and Nigeria.

In conclusion, I would like to say that every month at least one new deposit is discovered in the world. Despite the fact that the importance of, for example, coal resources (hard and brown coal) is quite large, it is still incomparable to the importance of black gold.

Al-Ghawar field in Saudi Arabia

Yes, this mineral is non-renewable natural resources, and its reserves are gradually depleted. Humanity is trying to find alternative energy sources, but so far, unfortunately, there is no worthy replacement for hydrocarbons. And so far our science has not found worthy alternative– oil and natural gas will remain the planet’s most important energy resources.

Oil and gas field- accumulation of hydrocarbons (oil, gas and gas condensate) in one or more deposits, connected territorially, by a common geological structure and oil and gas content. The territorial connection of several deposits means the commonality of their external contour, that is, the complete or partial overlap of their contours in projection onto the earth's surface. The area of ​​oil and gas fields is usually a few tens of hundreds of km²; gigantic fields are also known, with an area of ​​more than 1000 km². Oil and gas wells are used for production. The gas-bearing horizon is usually located above the oil horizon.

Classification of oil and gas fields

Currently, the Russian oil and gas industry uses the “Classification of reserves and forecast resources of oil and combustible gases”, approved by Order No. 298 of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated November 1, 2005.

By size of recoverable reserves:

  • unique- more than 300 million tons of oil or 500 billion m³ of gas;
  • large- from 30 to 300 million tons of oil or from 30 to 500 billion m³ of gas;
  • average- from 3 to 30 million tons of oil or from 3 to 30 billion m³ of gas;
  • small- from 1 to 3 million tons of oil or from 1 to 3 billion m³ of gas;
  • very small- less than 1 million tons of oil, less than 1 billion m³ of gas

According to the phase relationship of oil and gas:

  • oil containing only oil saturated to varying degrees with gas;
  • gas and oil, in which the main part of the deposit is oil, and the gas cap does not exceed the oil part of the deposit in terms of equivalent fuel volume;
  • oil and gas, which include gas deposits with an oil rim, in which the oil part by volume of equivalent fuel is less than 50%;
  • gas containing only gas;
  • gas condensate containing gas with condensate;
  • oil and gas condensate containing oil, gas and condensate.

Based on the number of deposits, single-deposit and multi-deposit deposits are distinguished. The giant Bolivar field in Venezuela contains 325 deposits.

Based on genetic position, deposits of platforms and deposits of folded areas are distinguished. Platform fields contain 96% oil and 99% gas reserves. It is on platforms around the world that most of the giant fields are concentrated: on the East European, West Siberian, North American, Arabian, and African platforms, the fields contain the main reserves and produce almost all the oil and gas production in the world.

See also


  • “Classification of reserves and predicted resources of oil and combustible gases”

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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Russia is perhaps the world's most important oil exporter. Every year, enterprises in the state mine approximately 505,000,000 tons of “black gold.” Today, development carried out in the largest fields, in terms of the volume of known natural oil reserves, has brought the country to 7th place in the world. In this article we will look at the largest oil fields in Russia.

Russian oil fields

A map of Russian oil fields compiled by experts shows almost all the main fields. The largest are:

  • Samotlorskoe
  • Romashkinskoe
  • Priobskoe
  • Lyantorskoye
  • Fedorovskoe.
Table 1. Largest Russian oil fields
FieldOpening yearEstimated total reserves, million. T.Production, thousand t./dayOperator
Samotlorskoe 1965 7100 422 (1980)67 (2011) Rosneft
Romashkinskoe 1948 5000 15,2 (2008) Tatneft
Priobskoe 1982 5000 110 (2011) Rosneft, Gazprom Neft
Lyantorskoye 1965 2000 26 (2004) Surgutneftegaz
Fedorovskoe 1971 1800 23 (2011) Surgutneftegaz
Salym group 1800 24,7 ((1).2007) Rosneft,;Salym Petroleum Development;(Shell/Sibir Energy)
Urengoy gas, oil and condensate field 1966 1500 27 (2007) Gazprom
Mamontovskoe 1965 1400 96 (1986)20 (2007) Rosneft
Krasnoleninsk group 1200 TNK-BP/Lukoil/Gazprom
Sakhalin-5 project 1500 0 (2008) Rosneft/TNK-BP
Kurmangazy (with Kazakhstan) 1100 Rosneft/KazMunayGas
Novo-Elkhovskoe 1000 Tatneft
Povkhovskoe 800 16 (2005) Lukoil
Sakhalin-3 project 700 0 (2008) partially distributed;Rosneft;(2007)
Prirazlomnoye (KhMAO) 658 Rosneft
Great 2014 500 Gazprom Neft
Southern Khylchuyu 490 Lukoil
Tuymazinskoe 1937 480 2,5 (2004) Bashneft
Severo-Rogozhnikovskoe 430 Surgutneftegaz
Bavlinskoe Tatneft
Russian gas and oil 400 Gazprom
Arlanskoe 400 Bashneft
Astrakhan gas condensate 400 Gazprom
Severo-Dolginskoe 350 undistributed (2007)
Vat-Eganskoye 325 22,5 (2005) Lukoil
Sakhalin-1 project 307 ExxonMobil/Rosneft/ONGC/SODECO
Nizhnechutinskoe 273 Timan Oil & Gas
Vankorskoe 260 Rosneft
Yuzhno-Dolginskoe 260 Lukoil
Tevlinsko-Russkinskoe 250 31 (2005) Lukoil
Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoe 240 Rosneft
Usinsk 236 5,8 (2005) Lukoil
Yuzhno-Yagunskoe 222 12 (2005) Lukoil
Named after Vladimir Filanovsky 220 0 (2009) Lukoil
Verkhnechonskoe 202 22,5 (2014) TNK-BP/Rosneft
Imilorskoe 1981 Lukoil
Pokachevskoe 185 9,3 (2005) Lukoil
Sakhalin-2 project 182 10 (2008) Gazprom/Shell/Mitsui/Mitsubishi
West Matveevskoe 180 Lukoil
Savostyanovskoe 160 Rosneft
Kharyaginskoe 160 7,5 (2005) Lukoil
Sporyshevskoe 151 Gazpromneft
Malobalykskoe 150 30 (2011) Rosneft
Boat 1985 130 Samotlorneftegaz
Yarega viscous oil 130 1,3 (2001) Lukoil
Vozeiskoe 127 2,9 (2005) Lukoil
Uryevskoe 119 5,3 (2005) Lukoil
Kovyktinskoe 115 Gazprom
Talakanskoe oil and gas 105 4 (2008) Surgutneftegaz
Ishimbayskoe 100 Bashneft
Ust-Balykskoe 100 Rosneft
Yuzhno-Surgutskoe 100 Surgutneftegaz
West Surgutskoye 100 Surgutneftegaz
Grozny 100 Rosneft
Komsomolskoye oil and gas condensate field 81 5,4 (2007) Rosneft
Named after Yuri Korchagina 80 0 (2008) Lukoil
Severo-Pokachevskoe 76 2,4 (2009) Lukoil
Kholmogorskoe 70 Gazprom Neft
Chayandinskoye oil and gas condensate field 68 Gazprom
Friendly 63 3,8 (2005) Lukoil
Angaro-Lenskoye gas condensate field 62 Gazprom
Nivagalskoe 61 3,5 (2005) Lukoil
Nong-Eganskoe 57 4,2 (2005) Lukoil
Khvalynskoe oil and gas condensate field 53 0 (2009) Lukoil
Kogalymskoye 53 6,7 (2005) Lukoil
Pamyatno-Sasovskoe 52 6,9 (2005) Lukoil
South Tambeyskoye gas condensate field 50 0 (2008) Yamal LNG
Sarmatskoe oil and gas condensate 50 0 (2009) Lukoil
Prirazlomnoye 70 Gazprom Neft
Unvinskoe 43 3,2 (2005) Lukoil
Yety-Purovskoe 40 Gazprom Neft
Tazovskoe 40 Gazprom
Yurchukskoe 37 0,9 Lukoil
Key 36 4 (2005) Lukoil
West Malobalykskoe 35 4,1 (2009) RussNeft
Morning (Salmanovskoye) gas condensate and oil 34 0 (2008) undistributed (2008)
Verkh-Tarskoe 32 3,7 (2005) TNK-BP
Shtokman gas 31 Gazprom
Yamburgskoye 30 Gazprom
Luginetskoe 27 Rosneft
Yuzhno-Shapkinskoe 23 4,1 (2005) Lukoil
Kravtsovskoe 21 1,5 (2005) Lukoil
Markovskoe 20 Irkutsk NK
Tedinskoe 16 2,4 (2005) Lukoil
Yaraktinskoe 15 UstKutNeftegaz
Kochevskoe 14 2,9 (2005) Lukoil
Sredne-Khulymskoye 13 3,0 (2005) Lukoil
Bovanenkovskoe 10 Gazprom
Long-Yuganskoye 10 Lukoil
Pashshorskoe 1975 10 2,0 (2010) Lukoil
Yuzhno-Russkoe 6 Gazprom/BASF
Yuzhno-Lyaminskoe 2009 Surgutneftegaz
Varieganskoe gas and oil field
Verkhne-Shapshinskoye oil field
Vyngapurovskoye oil and gas condensate field
Vyngayakhinskoe gas and oil field
Zhirnovskoye oil and gas field
West Messoyakhskoye oil and gas field TNK-BP,;Gazpromneft
Zapadno-Rakushechnoye oil field 2008 Caspian Oil Company (Rosneft, Lukoil, Gazprom)
West Tebuk oil field
Zapolyarnoye oil and gas condensate field 1965 Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg
Karpen oil and gas condensate field
Korobkovskoye oil and gas field
Extreme oil field
Kuyumba oil field TNK-BP,;Gazpromneft
Layavozhskoe oil and gas condensate field
Lutseyakhskoe 2011
Lydushorskoe 1990 LLC "NK Northern Lights"
Mangazeya oil field
Megion oil field
Muravlenkovskoe oil field
Mukhanovskoye oil field
Nazym oil field
Nizhne-Shapshinskoye oil field
New Year's oil field
Novoelkhovskoye oil field
Palnikovskoye oil field
Pogranichnoe oil field
Pokrovskoye oil field
Russko-Rechenskoye oil condensate field
Sobolevskoye oil field
Sredne-Shapshinskoye oil field
Sugmut oil field
Suzunskoye oil and gas field
Sutorminskoye oil field
Tagulskoye oil and gas condensate field
Tyamkinskoye oil field TNK-BP
Urnenskoye oil field TNK-BP
Ust-Tegusskoye oil field TNK-BP
Kharasaveyskoye oil and gas condensate field Gazprom Dobycha Nadym
Central oil and gas condensate field 2008 JV CenterKaspneftegaz (Lukoil, Gazprom, Kazmunaigas)
Chekmagushskoe oil field
Chkalovskoye (Tomsk region) 1977 Tomskneft
Shaim oil field
Shkapovskoye oil field 1953
Yuzhno-Balykskoye oil field
Yurkharovskoye oil and condensate field
Yuryevskoye oil field
Yaro-Yakhinskoye oil and condensate field

The largest Russian oil field, Samotlor, ranks sixth in the world list. For many years its location was a state secret. Developments in it have been carried out for over 45 years, it is planned to be used until the end of the 21st century. It is located in the Nizhnevartovsk region of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. The first production well was drilled at Samotlor in the winter of 1968. Industrial scale Geologists reached production in 1969. In 1981, experts reported the billionth ton of oil. The district authorities built the city of Nizhnevartovsk especially for the oil workers of Samotlor.
The Romashkinskoye field is located 70 km west of the city of Almetyevsk in the Republic of Tatarstan. This is the largest deposit in the Volga-Ural province. It was discovered in 1948. After 4 years, industrial development began. Oil from this field is extracted using the intra-circuit flooding method, and drilling is carried out using a turbodrill on water. Over 2,200,000,000 tons of oil have already been produced from it. The development is carried out by the Tatneft company.
The Priobskoye field was discovered near Khanty-Mansiysk. It was found in 1982 by members of the Pravdinsk oil exploration expedition. The Ob River divides the deposit into two halves - the left and right banks. The volume of initial recoverable oil reserves at the field reaches 1.7 billion tons. This field has impressive potential, but its implementation requires significant financial investments. Development is complicated by wetlands, frequent flooding, and the proximity of fish spawning areas.
Experts call the Lyantorskoye field one of the most difficult to develop. It is also located near Khanty-Mansiysk. It was discovered in 1965 by representatives of the Ust-Balyk oil exploration expedition. Industrial production began in 1978. The volume of initial recoverable oil reserves at the field reaches 2 billion tons.
The Fedorovskoye field is located on the territory of the Surgut arch. Belongs to the class of giant deposits. The deposit was discovered in 1971. Oil production began at the same time. Today, production is carried out using horizontal drilling, hydraulic fracturing, and the physical and chemical method of treating the bottomhole zone. This field represents the basis of the resource base of Surgutneftegaz. The field was named after the famous geophysicist Viktor Fedorov in the Tyumen region.

Oil fields of Siberia

The West Siberian oil and gas province is located in the territory West Siberian Plain. On the eastern side the province is limited by the Yenisei River, on the western side by Ural Mountains, from the south - the border with Kazakhstan and Altai Mountains, and from the north - the Kara Sea. Most of the deposits are located in the Tyumen region, namely in the Khanty-Mansi and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs. In addition, there are deposits in the Tomsk region, Omsk region, Sverdlovsk region, Novosibirsk region and Krasnoyarsk Territory.
The West Siberian province has 15 oil and gas regions.
Oil and gas in sediments are recorded in a vast stratigraphic belt, from Paleozoic basement layers to Aptian-Cenomanian deposits of the Upper Cretaceous period. In total, approximately 500 oil and gas fields are known in Western Siberia.

Oil is an oily liquid, usually black or red-brown color with a specific odor and flammable properties. Today, fuel is obtained from this substance, so we can safely say that it is the most valuable mineral on planet Earth (along with natural gas). There are oil deposits in many parts of the planet. Most of the information in this article will be devoted specifically to the locations of “black gold” deposits.

General information

Oil and natural gas usually occur in the same place, so often these minerals are extracted from the same well. “Black gold” is usually mined at a depth of 1-3 kilometers, but it is often found both almost on the surface and at a depth of more than 6 km.

Natural gas is gas mixture, which is formed as a result of long-term decomposition of organic substances. As noted above, the largest oil fields can be located throughout To the globe. The largest are in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia, and the USA. Another thing is that not all countries can afford independent production due to high prices for developing wells, purchasing equipment, etc. For this simple reason, many fields are sold for mere pennies.

Let's talk about where the most significant deposits of “black gold” are located.

A little about the classification of oil fields

Note that not all minerals located underground can be considered deposits. For example, if there are too few deposits, then from an economic point of view it does not make sense to bring equipment and drill a well. An oil field is a collection of oil deposits located in a certain area. The occupied area ranges from tens to hundreds of kilometers. Based on the amount of oil deposits, the deposits can be divided into five groups:

  • small - the amount of minerals does not exceed ten million tons;
  • medium - from 10 to 100 million tons of oil (such fields include Kukmol, Verkh-Tarskoye and others);
  • large - from 100 million to 1 billion tons (Kalamkas, Pravdinskoye, etc.);
  • gigantic, they are also the largest - 1-5 billion tons of oil (Romashkino, Somatlor, and so on);
  • unique, or super-giant - more than five billion tons (the largest deposits include deposits at Al-Ghawar, Big Kurgan, and Er-Rumaila).

As you can see, not all mineral deposits can be classified into one group or another. For example, some deposits contain no more than one hundred tons of “black gold”. It makes no sense to open them, since it is very unprofitable.

Oil field in Russia

Currently, there are more than twenty points open on the territory of the Russian Federation where “black gold” is actively mined. Every year the number of deposits increases, but due to today's low prices for oil, opening new outlets is extremely unprofitable. This applies only to small and medium-sized deposits.

The main part of the wells is located in the Arctic seas, or, more precisely, directly in their depths. Naturally, development is somewhat difficult due to difficult climatic conditions. Another challenge is getting oil and gas to the refinery. For this simple reason, there are only a few such points in the Russian Federation that carry out primary and secondary processing. One of them is the Sakhalin plume. Another plant is located on the mainland. This is due to the fact that this territory has more than one large oil field in Russia. In particular, we can talk about Siberia and the Far East.

Main oil fields in the Russian Federation

First of all, we will describe the Urengoyskoye field. It is one of the largest and ranks second in the world ranking. The amount of natural gas here is approximately 10 trillion cubic meters, and there is about 15% less oil. This deposit is located in the Tyumen region, in the Yamalo-German Autonomous Okrug. The name was given in honor of the small settlement of Urengoy, which is located nearby. After the discovery of the deposit in 1966, a small town grew here. The first wells began operating in 1978. They are still in operation today.

The Nakhodka gas field is also worthy of mention. Despite the fact that the amount of natural gas here is estimated at 275 billion cubic meters, it contains a large amount of “black gold”. The first mining began only 28 years after the discovery, in 2004.

Tuymazinskoye oil field

This deposit is located near the city of Tuymazy, in the Republic of Bashkiria. It was opened a long time ago, back in 1937. Oil-bearing layers lie relatively shallow, approximately 1-2 km underground. Today, the Tuymazinskoye field is one of the TOP 5 largest places in terms of oil deposits. Development began back in 1944, and is still being successfully carried out. Oil deposits are located on large area approximately 40 x 20 kilometers. The use of advanced methods for extracting a valuable product made it possible to extract the main deposits of minerals in about 20 years. In addition, approximately 45-50% more oil was extracted from Devonian formations than using classical methods. Later it turned out that the amount of “black gold” in this place was greater than expected, so it is still mined to this day.

Kovyktinskoye and Vankorskoye fields

The Kovyktinskoye field is located in the Irkutsk region. Since the wells are mainly located on a high mountain plateau, this place is surrounded only by taiga. Despite the fact that initially the extraction of natural gas and liquid gas condensate was discovered here, a little later oil wells appeared, which turned out to be quite rich. Of course, the main oil fields in the Russian Federation are the whole system wells, which together make the state a leader in the production of “black gold” throughout the world.

In the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory there is the Vankor field. It cannot be called only oil, because a large amount of natural gas is produced here every year. According to preliminary estimates, the amount of oil in this field is about 260 million tons, and the volume of natural gas is about 90 billion cubic meters. There are 250 wells at this site, and the product is supplied by the Eastern Oil Pipeline.

Deposits of “black gold” in various countries of the world

It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that the largest oil fields are located not only in Russia. This valuable product is sufficient in many other countries. For example, in western Canada, in the province of Alberta, there are the largest deposits. About 95% of the entire country’s “black gold” is mined there, in addition, there are large volumes of natural gas.

Austria is also known for its rich deposits. Most of them are located in the Vienna Basin. A map of oil fields indicates that production is also taking place in Wendorf, which is located on the border with Czechoslovakia. The Aderklaa deposit is also known.

Something else about oil

No mention was made of the world's largest supplier of "black gold" - Saudi Arabia. It is enough that there are deposits of 75-85 billion barrels here (Gavar field). In Kuwait, total deposits amount to 66-73 billion barrels. Iran is constantly developing oil fields. Today it has been established that there are simply huge reserves of “black gold”. For example, five fields are estimated at one hundred billion barrels, and this already says a lot. However, it is worth noting that most of the wells belong to the United States.


Every month at least one new oil field appears in the world. Of course, this mineral is of great importance for humans. Fuel is made from it, used as fuel for vehicles and so on. It is impossible not to notice that today there is a fierce struggle in the world between the United States and Russia for every new oil well. Of course, many states are trying to find an alternative to oil. If previously coal was widely used, today “black gold” is gradually replacing it. But the world's oil reserves will sooner or later run out, and then we will have to come up with something new. That is why today many famous scientists are trying to solve the problem of an alternative to “black gold”.

Under oil and gas field is understood as a set of deposits confined geographically to one area and combined with a favorable tectonic structure. The term field is not a place where oil or gas originated, but a place where, in the process of migration, oil or gas encountered an impenetrable trap on its way. It would be correct to call it not an oil field, but an oil accumulation site.

An oil or gas field can have from one to several deposits. The concepts of deposit and deposit are equivalent; if there is only one deposit in one area, such a deposit is called single-layer. A deposit that has deposits in layers (horizons) of different stratigraphic affiliation is usually called multilayer.

Depending on the phase state and basic composition of hydrocarbon compounds in the subsoil, oil and gas deposits are divided into:

· oil, containing only oil, to varying degrees saturated with gas ;

· gas, if it contains only gas deposits consisting of more than 90% methane,

· gas and oil And oil and gas(two-phase).

In gas-oil deposits, the main part in volume is oil and a smaller part is gas; in oil and gas deposits, the gas cap exceeds the oil part in volume. Oil and gas deposits also include deposits with an extremely insignificant oil part in volume - an oil rim. Gas-condensate-oil and oil-gas-condensate They differ from each other in that in the first there is a major oil part in volume, and in the second there is gas condensate.

TO gas condensate refer to such deposits from which, when the pressure decreases to atmospheric pressure, a liquid phase - condensate - is released.

Fig.5. Oil deposits

The largest oil field peace is Ghawar in Saudi Arabia, then Cantarell in Mexico, in 3rd place is the Safaniya-Khafji field in Saudi Arabia. On the territory of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) there are 3 deposits that are among the 10 largest on the planet - these are Samotlor (Russia, Western Siberia), Aziri-Chirag-Gunashli (Azerbaijan), Priobskoye (Russia, Western Siberia).

Oil fields in Russia are located on the territory of 37 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, but they are mainly concentrated in Western Siberia,

Ural-Volga region and the European North. The highest degree of development of proven reserves is in the Ural (85%), Volga (92%), North Caucasus (89%) regions and the Sakhalin region (95%).

In our country there are so-called “old” oil production areas, such as North Caucasus, where development is carried out mainly by small companies. And, on the contrary, there are new oil areas where mainly large vertically integrated oil companies operate, having enough funds for full-scale geological exploration and the creation of all the necessary infrastructure.

The largest gas field peace is North-South Pars in Qatar, slightly inferior in reserves to Haynesville (USA) and Urengoyskoye (Russia, Western Siberia). Of the 10 largest on the planet, 5 are located in Russia.

Gas fields in Russia are mainly concentrated in Western Siberia, the Ural-Volga region and the European North.

The oil fields of the Udmurt Republic are characterized by complex geological structure. The main oil reserves are confined to carbonate reservoirs with high dissection, zonal heterogeneity and chaotic fractures. Productive deposits are composed of compacted reservoirs with low productivity. Most fields have gas caps and extensive water-oil zones, which, in the conditions of fractured reservoirs, significantly complicates their development.