Where is Jotunheim? Worlds of Germanic-Scandinavian cosmogony.

Creatures and characters described in the sagas that are not gods


The inhabitants of this world are second in chronology after the Fire and Snow Giants. After the blocks of ice of Niflheim collided with the sparks of life of Muspelheim, the Giant Ymir arose. Then there was no solid earth yet, and where Ymir was was a somewhat unclear question; apparently, he, like his children and non-living blocks of ice, was in the void. Another thing is important - Ymir gave rise to a family of giants and built the world according to his desire. Ymir and his descendants fed on the milk of the cow Audumbla, who licked ice blocks. After Odin, Willi and Ve - the first of the Aesir - killed Ymir, his entire world drowned in blood. Only a couple of giants survived, whose descendants then populated their country.

After killing Ymir, the Earth and Sky were made from his body, as well as trees, stars, seas and oceans. Mitgard and Jotunheim were formed, the latter being specially given by the Aesir to the giants.

Trolls, Jotuns or Frost Giants are the embodiment of strength, malice, deceit and the ancestors of everything bad that is in this world. Their modus operandi is brute force and cunning. The element of this world is Earth. Almost all Trolls are aggressive against people and Aces; the main battles are with them. Jotuns send all kinds of bad weather, hail, snow, storms and snow avalanches. At the same time, Jotuns are the embodiment of natural forces: they do not know reason, but, nevertheless, are strong.

Looking ahead, let's say that the Vikings recognized wisdom in nature. How did this manifest itself? First of all, the source of true wisdom was located precisely in Jotunheim. Accident? It is unlikely that in this kind of texts, every detail has its own meaning. At the same time, the northerners clearly found virtue in the fight against nature, since Thor's wars with the giants, the embodiment of the evil forces of this nature, were the main feats. So how can we resolve this contradiction? In the east they did the following - they took the evil component of nature for granted (however, it should be noted that on such a scale of this kind natural disasters, as there were no snow storms, hail or avalanches in the east), and they did not fight it, did not crush nature under themselves, leaving behind it the right to do what it wants - after all, it is wise. Thus the beginning of the “eastern path of development” was laid. The northerners did it differently - they understood the wisdom of nature, but did not want to put up with hail and snow. They imagined nature as a pillar of wisdom, covered with the dirt of evil manifestations, and believed that wisdom could only be achieved by eliminating this dirt, which they did with pleasure. But this is the “Western path of development.” Who is right - the eastern or northern inhabitants? It is impossible to give a definite answer to such a question - everyone is right. The main thing is not to go to extremes - excessive submission to nature will lead to death from hunger and cold, and excessive struggle with it will lead to death from smog and ozone holes.

What corresponds geographically this world, the world of Jotunheim? This is either the whole world east of the Scandinavian Peninsula, or Rus', or other states. It should be noted that for everyone geographical areas later, clear names appeared, for example, Rus' was called Gardariki. Jotunheim, if it ever existed in nature, was later simply replaced due to geographical discoveries and hiking. Perhaps Jotunheim is a memory of a time when there was no real travel yet, and the world outside the borders of your home or your village was incomprehensible and frightening. Then they came up with a designation for everything in the east, and for all the inhabitants there, and at the same time blamed everything on them natural disasters- so that it’s not in vain to be afraid of them and not in vain to fight with them.

For Bergelmir and his descendants. Jötunheim is separated from Asgard by the River Ewing. Jötunheim is ruled by King Thrím. The main settlement of Jötunheim is Utgard. The Iron Forest and Stone Mountains located there are also mentioned. In Jotunheim are located Gastropnir - the house of Menglad and Thrimheim - the house of Tiazi.

Often visited by the Asami. The sagas mention the repeated travels of Thor and Loki throughout Jotunheim, including to Utgard. The element of this world is Earth. Some of the Jotuns lived in the Stone Mountains; it was believed that their head and heart were made of stone. There is a place in Jotunheim - the Iron Forest, the habitat of witches (night riders) and female trolls. The Norns came from Jotunheim. With their arrival, the golden age on earth ended and time was divided into past, present and future. Birth and death appeared.

Stringholm indicates that Jötunheim lies north from the Dvina to Arctic Ocean and east of the Gulf of Bothnia to Ural mountains. Subsequently, after the establishment of closer relations between the Scandinavians and the inhabitants of Rus', Volga Bulgaria and Biarmia, Jotunheim was moved in legends beyond the Ural Mountains.


  • The Finnish band Moonsorrow has a song called Jötunheim.
  • The Swedish band Therion have an album Secret of the Runes, dedicated to the worlds Scandinavian mythology, including the song Jotunheim.


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See what "Jötunheim" is in other dictionaries:

    - Jötunheim, Jötunheim (that is, the land of the Jötuns; other isl. Jötunheimr) in German Scandinavian mythology, one of the nine worlds, a land inhabited by the giants Jötuns. According to legends, it was created by the Aesir east of Midgard for Bergelmir and his descendants. From... ...Wikipedia

    - Jötunheim, Jötunheim (that is, the land of the Jötuns; other isl. Jötunheimr) in German Scandinavian mythology, one of the nine worlds, a land inhabited by the giants Jötuns. According to legends, it was created by the Aesir east of Midgard for Bergelmir and his descendants. From... ...Wikipedia

    - Jötunheim, Jötunheim (that is, the land of the Jötuns; other isl. Jötunheimr) in German Scandinavian mythology, one of the nine worlds, a land inhabited by the giants Jötuns. According to legends, it was created by the Aesir east of Midgard for Bergelmir and his descendants. From... ...Wikipedia

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  • Indestructible Hulk. Volume 2. Gods and the Monster, Wade Mark. Bruce Banner and his laboratory assistants go to Jotunheim, and this can only mean one thing: the Hulk will have to fight the ice giants! Thor intervenes in their fight, but what's wrong with...

According to the ideas of the ancient Scandinavians and Germans, the universe consists of 9 worlds. The place where people live is called Midgard. It is located in the very center and is, as it were, the middle world. Midgard is Earth. The remaining 8 worlds are located along the axis above (in the sky), below (underground) and on the 4 cardinal directions.

Worlds of German-Scandinavian cosmogony

Asgard was considered the highest located world. It was inhabited by the aesir gods who created Midgard, people and all other worlds. Below lay the heavenly palace of Alfheim, where the light elves (elves) lived and the magnificent palace of the god of fertility Frey towered.

Under the ground were located Svartalfheim (country of miniature dwarfs) and Helheim (the kingdom of the dead, ruled by Loki's daughter Hel). To the south of Midgard is the land of fire Muspellheim. The entrance to this inhospitable place was guarded by the giant Surt. He was also the ruler of Muspellheim.

Vanaheim spreads to the west of Midgard. This is the world of the Vanir gods overthrown by the Aesir. A truce is periodically concluded between Vanaheim and Asgard, but for the most part conflicts occur. If you move north from Midgard, you can find yourself in a foggy land of eternal darkness and cold, which the Scandinavians called Nilfheim. Frost giants live there.

The world of cold and magic

The ninth world - Jotunheim - was located just to the west of Midgard. It was created by the aces for the giant Belgermir and his entire family. Since then, this world has been inhabited by giants-jotuns. Translated from Old Norse, the word “Jötunn” means “glutton”. The inhabitants of Jotunheim were distinguished by their gigantic growth, enormous physical strength and ferocity. They were constantly at odds with both people and the Aesir themselves.

Jotuns are one of the ancient races living creatures, the personification of the elemental forces of nature. Only some could survive in such a gloomy place as Jotunheim. In the Old Norse epic, the giants-jotuns were constantly contrasted with the aesir. The first ones were evil, but rather simple-minded. The latter stood guard over goodness and life, but were distinguished by cunning and sophistication.

The world of giants is separated from Asgard not only geographical location, but also the mythical River Ewing. Its shores represent two complete opposites. On one, beautiful trees bloom and it’s always warm, on the other - eternal ice and darkness. Jotunheim is ruled by the prince of darkness Thrym. One day he managed to steal Thor's magic hammer, for which he paid with his own life.

Among other “curiosities” in Jotunheim there is the iron forest, where giants often appear in the guise of wolves or witches. The giantess Angrboda also lives in it. The god Loki was inflamed with such passion for this lady that she bore him three offspring: the goddess of death Hel, the giant wolf Fenrir and the same huge snake Jörmunganda.

The main city of Jotunheim is Utgard. This is not even a city, but a whole transcendental world, which in the Scandinavian sagas is always contrasted with reality and Midgard. No mortal will ever enter Utgard. This is a receptacle of demonic magic, not subject to the general world order. Despite the gloom and ugliness of Jotunheim and Utgard, both of these places were often visited by aces. Odin and his sons have been here more than once.

Jotunheim is not as far as it seems

Swedish writer and historian Anders Strinnholm, who studied the German-Scandinavian epic, believed that the Scandinavians could call the territory of Rus', from the Ural Mountains to the Arctic Ocean, Jotunheim. It was this snow-covered plain that the creators of the Elder and Younger Eddas associated with the gloomy and cold world of the ice giants-jotuns.

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The meaning of the word Jotunheim

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Jotunheim, Jotunheim(that is land of the Jotuns;) in German-Scandinavian mythology - one of the nine worlds, a land inhabited by giants - the Jotuns.

According to legends, it was created by the Aesir east of Midgard for Bergelmir and his descendants. Jötunheim is separated from Asgard by the River Ewing. Jotunheim is ruled by King Thrym. The main settlement of Jotunheim is Utgard. The Iron Forest and Stone Mountains located there are also mentioned. In Jotunheim are located Gastropnir - the house of Menglad and Thrimheim - the house of Tiazi.

Often visited by the Asami. The sagas mention the repeated travels of Thor and Loki throughout Jotunheim, including to Utgard. The element of this world is Earth. Some of the Jotuns lived in the Stone Mountains; it was believed that their head and heart were made of stone. There is a place in Jotunheim - the Iron Forest, the habitat of witches and female trolls. The Norns came from Jotunheim. With their arrival, the golden age on earth ended and time was divided into past, present and future. Birth and death appeared.

Stringholm indicates that Jötunheim lies north from the Dvina to the Arctic Ocean and east from the Gulf of Bothnia to the Ural Mountains. Subsequently, after the establishment of closer relations between the Scandinavians and the inhabitants of Rus', Volga Bulgaria and Biarmia, Jotunheim was moved in legends beyond the Ural Mountains.

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[[K:Wikipedia:Pages on KPM (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[K:Wikipedia:Pages on KPM (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]]Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. Jotunheim Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. Jotunheim Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. Jotunheim

Jotunheim, Jotunheim(that is land of the Jotuns; other Scand. Jötunheimr) in German-Scandinavian mythology - one of the nine worlds [[K:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[K:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]] , a land inhabited by giant Jotuns.

Often visited by the Asami. The sagas mention the repeated travels of Thor and Loki throughout Jotunheim, including to Utgard. The element of this world is Earth. Some of the Jotuns lived in the Stone Mountains; it was believed that their head and heart were made of stone. There is a place in Jotunheim - the Iron Forest, the habitat of witches (night riders) and female trolls. The Norns came from Jotunheim. With their arrival, the golden age on earth ended and time was divided into past, present and future. Birth and death appeared.

Stringholm indicates that Jötunheim lies north from the Dvina to the Arctic Ocean and east from the Gulf of Bothnia to the Ural Mountains. Subsequently, after the establishment of closer relations between the Scandinavians and the inhabitants of Rus', Volga Bulgaria and Biarmia, Jotunheim was moved in legends beyond the Ural Mountains.

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Excerpt characterizing Jotunheim

I myself still didn’t really understand how this could happen to me, but then, to my great surprise, the voice of the unusual mistress of the ice palace sounded affectionately:
- My dear, you are Darina!.. How did you end up here? And you are alive!!! Are you still in pain? – I nodded in surprise. - Well, what are you doing, you can’t watch something like that!..
The girl Anna tenderly took my head, still “boiling” from scorching pain, into her cool palms, and soon I felt how the terrible pain began to slowly recede, and after a minute it completely disappeared.
“What was that?..” I asked, stunned.
“You just looked at what happened to me.” But you still don’t know how to defend yourself, so you felt everything. You are very curious, this is your strength, but your trouble is also, dear... What is your name?
“Svetlana...” I said hoarsely, gradually coming to my senses. - And here she is – Stella. Why do you call me Darinya? This is the second time I've been called that, and I would really like to know what it means. If possible, of course.
– Don’t you know?! – the witch girl asked in surprise. – I shook my head negatively. – Darinya is “the one who gives light and protects the world.” And at times, even saving him...
“Well, I wish I could at least save myself for now!” I laughed sincerely. - And what can I give if I myself don’t know anything at all? And so far I’m making only mistakes... I still don’t know how to do anything!.. – and, after thinking, she added sadly. - And no one teaches! Maybe grandma sometimes, and then Stella... And I would so like to study!..
“The teacher comes when the student is READY to learn, dear,” the elder said quietly, smiling. “And you haven’t even figured it out within yourself yet.” Even in things that have been open to you for a long time.