Black racism brought South Africa to the brink of civil war. (1 photo)

America is once again in the grip of race riots. It came down to armed attacks on police officers - in addition to the sniper ambush in Dallas, attempts took place in Louisiana and Missouri. A precinct in San Antonio, Texas was hit.

The situation is increasingly reminiscent of the late 1960s, when race riots erupted everywhere and police and government agencies terrorized by the paramilitary groups “Black Panthers”, “Black Power”, etc.

Just as it was nearly half a century ago, American society is divided, fearful, and filled with anger and mistrust. Race relations in the United States have deteriorated to the extreme. Mutual accusations in the media and social networks sometimes develop into overt threats. Radical groups of blacks have again emerged from the dark corners - the New Black Panthers, the Missouri League Infantry and the newly-minted Black Lives Matter, which, although it positions itself as a peaceful social movement, at its rallies and social media platforms networks comes out with slogans that are not at all peaceful.

Back in 2014, when racial protests swept across many US cities due to the murder of a black man, Michael Brown, by a police officer in Ferguson, the slogan “No justice, no peace” was adopted, which actually meant that the riot would not stop until a white man the policeman will not be convicted. That same year, Black Lives Matter activists marched through the streets of New York City shouting “What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!".

In July 2016, the movement's Twitter was filled with messages expressing open support for the Dallas shooter. A new “fashionable” chant of black activists has also appeared: “Pigs in blankets. Fry them like bacon! (“cops in blankets” or simply “pigs” have been called cops in African-American communities for a couple of decades now). And with this chant, Black Lives Matter marched through the streets of St. Paul, Minnesota. The slogan spread across social media and was soon repeated at marches in Louisiana and Missouri, where clashes with police ensued and there were casualties on both sides.

I can’t even believe that it’s the second decade of the 21st century, and a black president is in power in the United States! The attorney general is also black, his second in a row. Moreover, in Dallas, where innocent police officers came under sniper fire, the police chief is also black.

And this is what at first glance seems most paradoxical. During Barack Obama's presidency, race relations only worsened.

According to Gallup, in 2009, i.e. when Obama entered White House 70% of whites and 61% of black Americans thought the relationship was “very good” or “fairly good.” By the end of 2015, these were only 51% and 45%, respectively.

A poll conducted by PBS and the Marist Institute found that 60% of whites and 56% of blacks believe race relations have worsened over the past last year. Moreover, 40% of all respondents believe that they have worsened throughout Obama's presidency.

The administration of the 44th President of the United States did not skimp on rhetoric about racial inequality and the “structural racism” of American society, the plight of the black community in the United States and the injustice of the law enforcement system towards it.

But has anything been done to improve the situation? Analysis of the data shows that if any attempts were made for this, they all failed. Poverty, unemployment and crime rates in black neighborhoods only increased. The synthetic employment index (taking into account the number of hours worked per person) decreased in this population group by 19.6%, the number of people receiving food stamps increased by 58%, and the number of homeless people increased by 4.6%.

At the same time, black communities are literally plunged into the abyss of criminal warfare. Barack Obama's political hometown of Chicago provides a terrifying example of this trend.

The metropolis today is divided into approximately three equal parts, inhabited by whites, Latinos and blacks. During Obama's presidency, there were 3,459 intentional homicides, 70% of which were killings of blacks by blacks. Some of these crimes were, as we say, of a domestic nature, but the vast majority were the result of gang violence.

In the United States as a whole, the black population is 14%. According to the Ministry of Justice, they commit 24% violent crimes in the country.

What does the Obama administration say about this? Almost nothing. Even after the most terrible and massive criminal shootings of black residents of Chicago, the president spoke (9 times during his entire stay in the White House) in a neutral mourning manner, without any conclusions, including in relation to the mayor’s office and city council, represented by Democrats.

But every time the police did, according to the liberal media, “something wrong” in relation to African-Americans, a speech full of accusations and political invective followed. And this happened at least twenty times - this is only by my count.

It all started back in 2009, when a black Harvard professor was detained during a routine police check (and released after a conversation at the police station). Obama did not fail to call the police actions “stupid” and “racially motivated.” A scandal followed, which the president chose to quickly put out in public by inviting both the professor and the policeman who made the arrest to a glass of beer at the White House.

But this taught Obama nothing. Ferguson, New York, Baltimore and many other less publicized cases were declared by the president to be “examples of racial discrimination” even before a serious investigation into the incidents was launched.

But when in New York in 2014, a black American, Ismail Brinsley, approached a police car asking for help and shot two cops point-blank, having previously announced the impending “revenge for ours” on Instagram, the president said nothing about the racial hatred of the killer or about the “war on police” that black extremist groups have long declared.

When it turned out that the police officers who were shot were not white, but Asian and Latino, the social networks of black communities were filled with tweets like “You killed the wrong one, brother!” And this again went unnoticed.

Even after the recent massacre in Dallas, not a word was said about hatred and racism, despite the fact that the shooter made it clear during negotiations with the police (and there is no point in not believing the black police chief David Brown) that he was intentionally hunting from an ambush for the police, primarily for the white police. And after all, apparently, the sniper was not at all going to limit himself to killing five cops. A decent arsenal of weapons and explosives were found in his apartment, which, given his army experience, could have been used for a much larger atrocity.

When the police blocked the shooter and began to negotiate with him, he refused to give up and before his death, he wrote on the wall the as yet undecipherable abbreviation “R.B” and some other symbols with his own blood. Perhaps the initials of a friend or lover. Or maybe the name is still unknown general public extremist cell. In any case, it is clear that the Dallas sniper was determined to go to the end and become a hero, like so many Black Panthers killed in gunfights in the 1960s.

Texas law enforcement officers have already called on the US Attorney General to consider the case as a mass murder motivated by hatred, but there has been no response yet. As usual, ritual words follow about valiant police officers and racial inequality in America...

At the same time, the main instigators of the riots in Ferguson and Baltimore, the leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement, have visited the White House more than once over the past years. And the Rev. Al Sharpton, who proclaimed “No justice, no peace!” from the pulpit during the memorial service in Ferguson, is a longtime friend of the president from the days when Obama was a senator from Illinois.

Against this background, what does life in Obama's America look like for black US citizens? They are mostly poor, driven into disadvantaged areas and have little chance of getting a job. good job. The territory is controlled by gangs. There are drugs, racketeering, violence all around. Making it to adulthood without getting into trouble, graduating from high school with good grades, and running away to college or another city seems like something out of “mission impossible.”

When you live in such an area, the police are guaranteed to treat you with caution. The situation is complicated by the fact that there are indeed many suspicious individuals living around you. And there have already been shootouts with the police. So the best, trained, experienced, truly serving-and-protective cops try to stay out of here. This means that the police who come here are not the most top quality. An explosive mixture!

How, for example, should we treat the fact that Philando Castile, who was killed in Minnesota, had previously been stopped on the road on suspicion of various administrative offenses 52 times, especially considering that the court rejected half of the charges as illegal or irrelevant? And how to evaluate the recording posted on the Internet, where a policeman, who has just shot four times at the driver, is yelling something, breaking into a youthful falsetto and pointing the gun at the passenger compartment? One way or another, the 53rd stop was Philando’s last...

The white population of the United States, among whom, to be honest, there are hardly a couple of percent of racists, is also, to put it mildly, perplexed: why exactly “black lives matter” and not all? Why does the most isolated group of the population (even Latinos and Asians do not live so compactly and do not stand up for each other so strongly), which also works little and receives a lot of various benefits, even after decades of positive discrimination, behave so aggressively during demonstrations? Why is it that the expression “black fool” can get you boycotted by all residents of your area, while “white bitch” is considered just a humorous term? And why does the media and Hollywood constantly rub white people's noses in their "structural racism"?

The police are also angry. For sure, law enforcement is a perfect example of the American melting pot. There are no black, yellow, white - only “blue” (according to the color of the uniform). And why were they all called racists and continue to do so, despite the Dallas massacre, which they don’t want to call not only a terrorist attack, but even a hate crime? And the cops begin to peer even more warily into the faces of blacks: is another avenger coming towards them?..

Barack Obama apparently tried to break this vicious circle of mutual distrust at the beginning of his presidency. Just as President Johnson tried in the 1960s when he announced the Great Society.

However, it quickly became clear that if the problem of systemic black poverty and dislocation were finally solved, it would be bad for the electoral prospects of the Democratic Party.

Prosperous black Americans, integrated into industries and local communities and no longer feeling like an oppressed minority, will stop voting for Democrats in solidarity. They will vote like the rest of society, now for one or the other. But if they remain in their ghettos and are repeatedly fed ideas about racism and selective policing, given more benefits and scolding white America, they will remain an easily mobilized squad of left-wing liberals.

All you have to do is hint, and they go to disrupt Trump’s election event, vote “as they should,” and generally remain a reliable stronghold of the so-called “Obama coalition of voters,” which Hillary Clinton also counts on.

Jobs? Education? Equality? This is not why the current White House administration is courting black activists, and this is not why Lyndon Johnson was friends with Dr. Martin Luther King.

But the situation seems to be getting out of control, just like in the late 1960s, when America elected Republican Richard Nixon, responding to his call to finally restore law and order, having seen plenty of barricades, pogroms and shootings.

And it is no coincidence that Donald Trump, reacting to tragic events in Dallas, echoed Nixon in his televised address: “We must restore law and order. We must restore our people's confidence that they are safe in their homes and on the streets."

Well, that the solution to the real problems of the black community is again being postponed, African-Americans can only blame their leaders and the party for which they vote so disciplinedly.

Interesting news arrives from overseas. The USA, a country of “victorious democracy”, fighting various forms of discrimination and racism, sick with love for LGBT perversions, must be surprised by the news from the state of Texas. After all, an article by columnist Rod Dreher from The American Conservative magazine makes you worry and think about the future.

The fact is that a student at a Texas university named Rudy Martinez wrote in an opinion column in the student newspaper that it was time to destroy whites.

The young man assesses his “white environment” extremely negatively, declaring that he hates white people and blames them for all the world’s ills. And, apparently, his article will not be criticized unduly, for one simple reason: he is not white! If you are a black, Asian or Latino, then you have every right to shout at every corner that you are offended, oppressed, and intolerant people are speaking in your direction.

White Americans are denied this luxury: they will be kicked out of work, dragged through the courts, and life will be made hell. Here the matter was hushed up at the local level, the editor and director of the college simply apologized, but dismissal and “debriefing” were essentially avoided. Was the baby just having fun?

Unfortunately no. This isn't the first time a Texas university has been in the news for racism. Thus, at A&M University, a black professor named Tommy Curry teaches, specializing in critical race theory and believing that his fellow men can become equal and free only in one case: “some white people will have to die.”

To be more precise, for him whites are a primitive, stupid race that is inaccessible to rational thinking. In addition, they strive to preserve the purity of the white race. Professor Curry probably makes it extremely difficult for white students to study with him. He will not miss his chance to prove to them that they are stupider than monkeys. And yet he calmly teaches at the university, despite racist views and open calls for the destruction of whites.

The same university, by the way, pursues a peculiar policy, allowing Curry to hate, openly and, let’s say, loudly, white people, but prohibits the publicist Richard Spencer, a supporter of the idea of ​​​​white supremacy, from giving his lectures here. Why such selectivity? Let everyone then promote their hateful ideas...

And that's all state universities. They are supported by Texas taxpayers, but the authorities are trying to hush up the matter about the appearance of a racist article. Does the student's call to begin ethnic cleansing seem unconvincing to them? Well, what about the professor’s calls? In other words, first the authorities create the problem of racism, and then steadfastly ignore it.

Yet a sick society must be healed while there is still time. Such calls are not born out of nowhere, but out of hopelessness and the impossibility of getting settled in life. Such a reaction could be provoked by economic problems, the lack, in some cases, of a good education, the police exceeding their powers and the shooting of “non-white” Americans simply on suspicion of aggressive and dangerous behavior, the reluctance of the courts to punish “their own”, etc.

There is only one result: The seeds of hatred have made their way into US higher education institutions. What will this lead to in the future will depend on whether the authorities will be able to correctly assess the situation and change it for the better?

Sixteen years ago, power in South Africa peacefully transferred from the ruling White National Party to the African National Congress, which expressed the interests of the black majority. The first black president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, emphasizing the multinational composition of his country, proclaimed the slogan of “the people of the rainbow.” The apartheid regime was overthrown, and “whites only” signs were removed from park benches. But racism has not disappeared. It just took on a different shade. Now racism here is primarily black.

Since the change of power, they no longer talk about the “economic miracle” of South Africa. They talk mainly about rampant crime. Information appeared about the genocide of the white population, mass violence and terror. Over 30% of the country's black population is infected with AIDS. South Africa holds first place in rape and murder of children. Oddly enough, the latest circumstances are interconnected - blacks are firmly convinced that sexual intercourse with a virgin cures AIDS. Blacks, who make up about 80% of the South African population, are primarily dissatisfied with their financial situation. Most of the business still remains in the hands of whites. And hotheads, who understand public freedom as permissiveness, are already calling for the expulsion of whites from the country and the slaughter of everyone who does not leave voluntarily. And the results, as they say, are already obvious. If in big cities the police have poor control over the situation, then on remote farms the position of whites is completely unenviable. During the years of ANC rule, about 3,000 white farmers were killed. Moreover, such murders are always carried out with particular cruelty and cynicism. Wives, including the elderly, are necessarily raped in front of their husbands and children, and only after that the entire family is completely slaughtered. On April 3, 2010, farmer Eugene Terre-Blanche was killed on a farm near Ventersdorp by two black workers. The blacks did not even deny that the two of them beat him to death with a wooden club and a machete. The farmer was 69 years old. Due to the massive nature of such phenomena, this event probably would not have made it onto the pages of newspapers, but Eugene Terre-Blanche was one of the leaders of the “white opposition” and even during apartheid he received the nickname “South African Hitler.” The government immediately announced that the conflict was on domestic grounds, they say, Terre Blanche did not pay its employees on time. South African President Jacob Zuma, who actively uses slogans of black racism in his rhetoric, called this crime a “terrible murder.” He, however, forgot to say that not long before this “terrible murder” a neighbor of Terre Blanche, a fellow farmer, was severely beaten and his wife was killed in a terrible way. Once again, the perpetrators were black workers. The President also called “not to escalate or escalate.” However, representatives of the white population of South Africa are already refusing to remain silent. They believe that in this country “black racism” is planned.” And as evidence, the song “Kill the Boer,” popular in South Africa, is cited. It should be noted that its author and performer is the leader of the ANC youth wing, Julius Malema. A few events: For recent months Three leaders of the religious movement “Overcome through Christ” were killed in South Africa. Michaela Valentine, 25 years old, was stabbed to death; a little later, 31-year-old Natasha Burger and Pastor Reg Bendixen were found, their larynxes cut with a knife. Members of the organization continue to receive threats of physical violence. In the city of Walkerville, the Viano couple are brutally murdered, and Geraldine is first raped. Their twelve-year-old son Amaro is drowned in a bath of boiling water. The performers are the black gardener Patrick Redus Radede, and the equally black son of the servant, Sipho Mbele. At the exit from the courthouse, the killers received a standing ovation from the black outcasts. A newspaper from a neighboring African country, New Zimbabwe, writes: “The Jewish-controlled media in the West are doing their best to hush up these outrageous cases. And they never stop shouting about the isolated case of a black drug addict shot by police in Cincinnati. Meanwhile, in South Africa, white farming families are systematically murdered and raped.” We agree that this is no longer the typical cry of “human rights activists” about the ban on shitting in the middle of the Arbat. On January 28, 2010, a demonstration of black activists took place near the only surviving Afrikaner Boer school. The main slogan was: "Kill the Boer, kill the farmer." School spokesman Dr. Hank Benson said: “I am very concerned about calls for the extermination of all white students at the school.”

Many people know the story of how the former “breadbasket of black Africa” - Southern Rhodesia, having defeated racism and taken away land from whites, turned into Zimbawe - the world champion in inflation. Now, by confiscating land from whites, they decided to go to South Africa. A controversial bill allowing the government to expropriate land from white farmers in favor of blacks was approved by the South African parliament last week.

We are talking about “forced ransom”, and in Pretoria they believe that this is “the most important decision since the fall of apartheid,” which must “end historical injustice.” President Jacob Zuma and the leadership of the ruling African National Congress (ANC) specifically stipulate that the process “should not lead to bloodshed,” as happened in neighboring Zimbabwe. But it is unlikely to succeed: the situation in South Africa has been heating up throughout the last year, clashes between white and black youth have already become a daily news background, and internal strife continues in the government and the ANC.

Pay and repent

It's time to say this clearly and distinctly: throughout the country there is terror against the white population, especially noticeable, by the way, in rural areas, since in major cities The whites fenced themselves off from the hostile world around them with blocks surrounded by two-meter walls with barbed wire. One after another, trials are taking place against members of underground or semi-clandestine “white resistance” organizations. And such an explosive law, hacking the entire social and economic structure country, may be the last straw, and then terrible things may happen.

The possibility of expropriating land from whites is provided for in the country's new constitution, but previously there was no procedure for this. “We confirm that the land will be returned to our people,” Zuma warned, speaking at a celebration of the ANC’s next anniversary. Just a month earlier, the president had happily avoided impeachment: the Constitutional Court of South Africa accused Zuma of “disrespect for the constitution,” but parliament voted against his removal from power. In particular, Zuma was accused of spending fabulous budget sums on the reconstruction of the “kraal Nkadla” - his ancestral village in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, which the president turned into a personal luxury residence. Having gotten rid of the threat of impeachment, Zuma began to purge potential opponents within the ANC, removing from office, for example, the Prime Minister of the very province of KwaZulu-Natal Senzo Mchunu, who apparently knows too much (formally this removal was formalized as a decision of the ANC Central Committee, but it was voiced personally by the president).

Against this background, student unrest has not subsided in the republic for six months now. The situation became particularly tense in February, when black students set fire to the North West University building in Mafikeng, demanding an end to teaching in Afrikaans. In Mafikeng, teaching is multilingual, but everyone knows English to a C level, so teaching was supposed to be translated into Tswana and Zulu - yes, in these languages ​​it is very problematic to teach, for example, physics and English literature, but this would immediately cut off white Boer students from education. At the same time, the “risers for justice” destroyed a famous gallery of works of art and monuments from the “apartheid era” located on the same campus.

This is now in vogue: here and there, black students deface and destroy monuments to historical figures - the founders or former curators of universities, starting with the huge statue of Cecil Rhodes at the University of Cape Town. At the University of Stellenbosch, red paint was poured over the statue of Jaap Marais, a long-time sponsor of the university and famous politician, who started out as a simple militiaman during the Boer War, and at the end of his life demanded that then British Prime Minister Tony Blair apologize for the atrocities of that time. And while the black students were pouring paint, the Boer girl was just as methodically washing off the paint. It all ended with a massacre on campus, and the white girl was literally hunted down by “civil rights” activists.

Further - more. Professors who gave lectures in Afrikaans began to be expelled from universities, and fights with Boer students became good form. The climax came during a rugby match (the dominant sport in South Africa) on the field of the University of the Orange Free State in Bloemfontein, when a fight between blacks and whites completely got out of control. The government had to temporarily close three large universities out of harm's way.

It was in this situation that President Zuma pushed through the ANC-controlled parliament a law on the confiscation of “white” land. Strictly speaking, this is not exactly a law, but an amendment to the existing “Law on the Restitution of Land Rights,” which was adopted back in the 90s and limited the filing of applications to 1998. The topic disappeared for 18 years, but the adopted amendment extends the period until the summer of 2019. That is, a certain formal heir of the land must come to court and convincingly prove that his ancestors owned a certain land, and then evil white people came and appropriated the land. In this case, the applicant can renounce the right to own the land and be satisfied with the monetary compensation that white farmers will be required to pay him.

Until 1998, about 80 thousand applications were submitted, and the vast majority asked for money, not land. Now about five times more is expected, and the biggest bomb under the country is going to be planted by the extravagant Zulu king Goodwill Zwelithini. His application includes not only the historical province of KwaZulu-Natal, but also extends beyond it to the Eastern Cape, Karoo, Orange Free Republic and Mpumalanga (Nelspruit). The king is ready to show generosity and not expel farmers from their lands - if, of course, he is paid. “Where restitution is not possible, an alternative must be sought in the form of financial compensation,” said his lawyer Jerome Ngwenya.

The Great Grinding

South Africa is a country with a harsh climate and salty soils; no more than 15% of the land is suitable for agricultural use. But this 15% was used wisely. Africa is prone to soil erosion, and Afrikaners have perfected soil conservation as well as farming methods themselves. As a result, South Africa not only fully meets its food needs with a rapidly growing population due to the influx of migrants, but also exports 140 types of fruit to Europe, China and America. All this is maintained on traditional Boer family farms, the size of which is sometimes truly impressive - this is how it happened historically. The very history of their formation is such that “land restitution” named after Zuma could finally undermine the foundations of an already problematic state and unleash an open civil war.

People outside South Africa and Zimbabwe have, to put it mildly, a distorted understanding of the history of local land, territorial and race relations. Including Russians, the capable part of whom grew up on Soviet propaganda cliches about apartheid, racism and the national liberation movement. The description of the history of a distant and little-interested country boiled down to the following: evil Europeans, based on selfish capitalist considerations, landed on the southern tip of Africa, subjugated peaceful black peoples by force of arms and took away the land on which peaceful peoples had lived since ancient times and the fruits of which they enjoyed.

This is not entirely true. Where the first settlers landed (they were mainly Dutch and French Huguenots, who later formed the Afrikaner nation, that is, the current Cape Provinces and Karoo), no one lived at all. Advancement deeper into the continent occurred simultaneously with colonization North America, but in much more difficult conditions of savannah and semi-desert. The Boers left in an organized manner (this was called a “track”), on the famous covered wagons drawn by oxen, and most importantly, not entirely voluntarily, for they were squeezed out by the British, who gained control of the southern coast of the continent after the Napoleonic wars. And in the desert and bush lived the Hottentots (aka Khoi-Khoi and Bushmen) - nomadic tribes of the Capoid race, who still have no idea of ​​private property. And they did not have any land that could be cynically taken away and appropriated.

Afrikaners were distinguished by their exceptional Protestant industriousness and had no other occupation than agriculture, were not known until World War II. They weren't fluffy, but they were definitely white - just like the English. But English expansion forced them to move deeper into the continent, and it all ended with the “Great Trek” - a mass exodus of the Boers on their damned carts away from English colonial rule, on the Veldt plateau, where they first encountered the Bantu-speaking Zulu people who moved them towards. The Zulu at that time experienced something like an ethnic heyday, which in history is usually called by the very precise word “mfekane” - “grinding”. Driven by drought, they moved west and north from their historical area, destroying the clans they came across along the way, including related ones. Capturing the village, the Zulus killed all the men and boys, but many knew about their approach in advance and left. The result was a “domino effect”: the territory of modern KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng, Limpopo, Zimbabwe was captured by the ruthless Zulu. And those who survived either hid in the then impassable mountains (Lesotho), or fled to the north and became completely wild in an unfamiliar climate. Until now, no one has counted how many neighbors the Zulus destroyed during the Mfekane, but the count is in the hundreds of thousands, some say about two million. And this is without knowing firearms. Eyewitnesses (mostly Christian missionaries) testified to thousands of small clans dying of starvation, fleeing from the Zulus all the way to the Great Lakes. There, in the jungle and tropical climate, the former inhabitants of the bush and veldt died en masse from colds and malaria.

Zulu never worked on the land; it was considered a shameful occupation, worthy only of slaves. All Zulu men were trained only in war, and the tribe itself, under the leaders Chaka, Dingiswayo and Mzilikazi, was one large military camp. And so the Boers fly at him with their carts, buffaloes, rifles, beards and the Bible. The first thing the Zulus did was kill and eat the Afrikaner envoys. A series of border skirmishes began, as a result of which a more or less clear border was formed between the Zulu Empire and the two Boer republics - the Transvaal and the Orange Free Republic.

Thus, there can be no claims of the type of “seizure of land from poor blacks” against the Boers. For almost three hundred years, generation after generation, Afrikaners plowed up the bush and veld that were almost unsuitable for agriculture, planted grapes and fruits, and where there was at least some water, they gathered herds of buffalo and ostriches. Then the British caught up with them, and they had to abandon everything they had accumulated and go into the unknown. Of course, no one abolished racism, then it was the norm of life for all Europeans, but for many local tribes it was better to work on a Boer farm than to fall under the Zulu ax.

This short period The world ended when the British found diamonds. After that they were unstoppable. In 1879, they invaded the Zulu Empire and destroyed it in six months. The power of Queen Victoria extended over all of South Africa, except for the Boer republics, but they were also conquered during the two Boer Wars, in which the British demonstrated rare cruelty. It was then that concentration camps were invented, mass executions, the total destruction of property and the destruction of civilian infrastructure became normal practice. The Boers responded by using tactics guerrilla warfare, but the forces were not equal.

True, in some regions the British tried to negotiate with the Zulu tribal leaders on a private basis. So, Cecil Rhodes officially bought from Lobengula, the leader of the Ndebele (a tribe that broke away from the Zulu, living in the territory of modern Zimbabwe and Zambia) - the right to develop his land. The equivalence of the transaction can be disputed from high moral positions, but the fact that it was legal for both parties to the agreement is beyond doubt. And in 1884, Chief Dinuzulu, faced with a conspiracy, called on his neighbors, the Boers from the Transvaal, to deal with the rebels, promising for this help about 10,400 square kilometers of land, that is, about a third of all Zululand. And after the victory of the Boer mercenaries over the “opposition,” oddly enough, he fulfilled his promise by transferring the territory to the Transvaal. And the question arises how this deal is going to be challenged in judicial procedure the current king.

"One drill - one bullet"

“Restoring justice” in neighboring South Africa Zimbabwe ended sadly. Whites were practically driven out not only from the land, but also from the country. Those who did not agree were killed. President Mugabe unofficially allowed the seizure of farm lands not according to the right of former property (there was simply no such right), but just like that - without any compensation, even for livestock and property. Priority was given to veterans of the national liberation struggle, former partisans, who considered the land a reward for service, but did not know how to cultivate it or manage buffaloes. Hundreds of local goats were released into the pasture. These goats tend to eat everything they see with roots, and within two seasons the pastures would turn into desert. Buffaloes and cows, which were imported from South Africa, became extinct.

Thus began the famine. Eventually, the head of the National Bank asked President Mugabe to allow white farmers to return to improve the situation. The response to this request, which is typical, was not the president or even the ministers of the economic bloc, but the head of the security service, Didymus Mutata, who explained to the banker that “our land is only for blacks, it is ours forever, and we will not give it to anyone.” ABOUT future fate the banker knows nothing. But the man simply wanted to improve vegetable growing.

The South African “land restitution” project is, of course, not as cannibalistic as the one in Zimbabwe. But about a million whites already left the country, but up to 10 million migrants arrived, who are much poorer than locals, regardless of origin. “Apartheid in reverse” is now a common everyday phenomenon, despite the publicly ostentatious multiculturalism. Rape doesn't make headlines and becomes a statistic. White farmers are actively arming themselves.

Against this background, underground activities resumed secret societies, including Broederbond. Of course, there is a small layer of liberal intelligentsia that continues to indulge African nationalism and revanchism. But one of its recent mouthpieces is the English-language Boer and Nobel laureate in literature, John Coetzee - suddenly wrote a piercing story “Dishonor”, ​​which describes exactly the story of the death of a family farm with all the details - squatters, rape, the painful feeling of destruction of a recently prosperous world. At the head of the new white resistance in South Africa were youth leaders, including popular rockers singing in Afrikaans (for example, Bock van Blerk and Steven Hofmer). The place of the murdered Boer resistance leader Eugene Terblanche is also taken by young people. He was killed, by the way, on his farm - by hired seasonal workers (blacks, of course), but versions of a contract killing are actively discussed in the white community.

At first glance, it may seem that Jacob Zuma pushed through such an explosive law solely to divert attention from his person - from corruption scandals, attempted impeachment and the economic crisis. But this is purely European logic. Zuma may decide to undermine one of the foundations of his country’s economy and start a civil war with an unpredictable result for the sake of some “higher goals.” He is actually a pagan and an official polygamist. The spirits of ancestors may well claim the land back, even if it never belonged to them. And yes, “One drill - one bullet.” This slogan was much more popular than the “One person – one vote” adopted in Europe.

According to one version, man descended from monkeys, who turned into bipeds and, leaving Africa, scattered throughout the planet... Soviet era In Abkhazia, there was a special closed institute where primate research was carried out and people said that experiments were carried out there on crossing monkeys with humans. At the beginning of the 1990s. the press reported that due to the cessation of funding for the monkeys there was nothing to feed and someone released the hungry primates from this research institute into the wild. There were rumors about unusual behavior monkeys suddenly became free, people told scary stories about mutant attacks on local residents and cases of hairy babies being born in Georgia and Abkhazia, some peace-loving citizens even justified aggressive behavior experimental primates who found themselves released as a forced measure related to survival... But all this is at the level of rumors. I’m not going to discuss Darwin’s theory and I don’t consider myself a descendant of wild apes, but I remembered this story in connection with a message that appeared from France about the defiantly shocking behavior of an African living there:

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© REUTERS / Jean-Paul Pelissier

A video clip by black French rapper Nick Conrad, in which he calls for killing whites and massacres a light-skinned compatriot, outraged both viewers and politicians. They intend to judge the musician, but under an article not related to inciting interracial hatred, since the country's authorities are not ready to even partially acknowledge the problem of racism against whites.

Don't trample someone else's land

The rapper's video takes place in the town of Noisy-le-Grand, north of Paris, in a department populated by migrants. Main character- a local resident who noticed a white man who accidentally found himself in a strange area. After beating the uninvited guest, he transports him in the trunk of a car to the parking lot. There he puts the prisoner on his knees and begins to torture.

Professionally filmed scenes of bullying are interspersed with footage from sports reports demonstrating the success of black athletes. Taunting the prisoner, Conrad's hero invites him to run away, but sets a condition: to do it quickly. "You white people are good at running, right?" - the performer asks ironically. When the fugitive does not meet the allotted time, he is shot in the back. Footage appears on the screen of black champion Hussein Bolt, the fastest sprinter on the planet.

The abuse continues even after the murder - the dead person is hanged on a pole. The rapper's black friends appear in the frame.

Such self-expression

At the request of users, the scandalous clip was removed from the popular video hosting site, and the rapper was asked for an explanation. The performer told reporters that he made an attempt to swap blacks and whites. According to Conrad, Europeans tortured Africans during the colonial era. And in order to convey this to the citizens of France, it was necessary to resort to extreme artistic means. In addition, Conrad referred to freedom of creative expression.

Such explanations did not satisfy anyone. Official Representative Government Benjamin Griveaux called Conrad's recitatives "full of hatred and repulsive." The head of the National Front, Marine Le Pen, said that the video “has nothing artistic, but contains only calls for hatred and murder.” Interior Minister Gerard Collon promised to bring the case to court (under the article “Incitement to commit murder”) and have the rapper’s videos removed from the Internet. But they are still easy to find on social networks.

Rapper Nick Conrad / © Photo: Nick Conrad Facebook account

White slurs are nothing new in French show business. Earlier, another rapper Medin and the group Table d'écoute recorded a recitative in which the indigenous people of the country were compared to livestock. The same performer called for a fight against supporters of the secular state, who, in his opinion, oppress Muslims. “I wear a beard, and that means I’m the wrong color, I put on a hijab - and now you’re in trouble, so let’s crucify these atheists on Calvary,” he suggested in one of the songs. This year Medin was going to perform at the Bataclan theater, where in 2015 Islamic terrorists shot 90 civilians. Under public pressure, the concert was canceled.

No whites allowed

In France, the Association against Racism against Whites (OLRA) has been operating for several years, recording cases of verbal and physical humiliation of indigenous people based on skin color. Among the incidents of this kind, for example, is this: the Afrofeminist collective Mwasi holds seminars and film screenings, entry to which is prohibited not only to whites, but also to all men. Other organizations also hang signs saying “No Whites Allowed.”

"In August 2016, they organized in Reims" summer camp, dedicated to decolonization,” where not only light-skinned people, but also mixed couples were not allowed in. The city authorities said that there was no reason to ban this event, since it was held with the aim of repelling opponents of migration,” French publicist and Moscow resident Françoise tells RIA Novosti Compouen. In her opinion, this is evidence of “conscious capitulation in the face of the future masters of Europe.”

Also in 2016, anti-racist seminars were held at the University of Paris VIII, where whites were also prohibited from entering. And this year, the university premises, located in a department with a Muslim majority, were seized by political activists advocating an unlimited influx of migrants from the Third World. Graffiti “France will not win” and “Women, wear hijabs” appeared on the walls. University professors who condemned the squatter received anonymous threatening messages. It took months to force the squatters onto the streets.

According to Virginie Jauron, head of the National Front faction in the legislative assembly of the French Big East region, tolerance of racism against whites is associated with a kind of complex among the elites of the Fifth Republic. “More than half a century has passed since decolonization, but there are those who want to use the past as a weapon of political struggle. They want to make the whites, the French, eternal executioners. Racism against ethnic French is hushed up because, according to the left, they do not have the right to call themselves victims,” Zhoron explained in an interview with RIA Novosti. “Meanwhile, the attacks on our white compatriots cannot be counted for this form of racism!” important topic physical vulnerability: whites are portrayed as naturally weak, and blacks as aggressive and full of vitality."

Division into friends and foes

Representative of the Russian community in France Dmitry Koshko in a conversation with RIA Novosti, he notes that light-skinned residents of Paris do not face racism on a regular basis, but a very alarming trend is gaining strength. "Animosity towards whites is spreading among the children of migrants, often born in France. Blacks call white Frenchmen 'Gauls'. Arabs use the contemptuous 'francaoui'. There is a sense of division between insiders and outsiders.", says Koshko.

“For example, I had an unpleasant incident at the supermarket checkout. One black man overtook me in the queue. I made a remark, quite mild and harmless. He began to make a fuss. A security guard, also black, ran up and tried to calm him down. But he shouted to him: “ Are you crazy? Do you want to protect this white man?" Others in the queue turned away and were silent,” says Koshko. “There was another episode in the subway. I noticed a pickpocket who was trying to pull out a wallet from women's bag, and grabbed his hand. He announced that I was a racist and was attacking him. This swindler was an Arab or a gypsy."

Koshko adds: “It’s funny, but in a similar situation twenty years ago, a thief shouted: “Be careful, he’s a homosexual!” This is how political correctness changes.”

In a conversation with RIA Novosti she discussed the accumulating racial tension MEP Christelle Le Chevalier: “People of European descent lived and worked peacefully on the outskirts of cities for many decades. And suddenly they discovered that they had become a minority. It was not migrants who ended up on the outskirts, as in the ghetto, but on the contrary - white Europeans were segregated. They have to leave the suburbs.” The parliamentarian identifies the main problem, from her point of view: “No one at the top levels of power in France has ever condemned racism against whites. Because of this impunity, the matter is no longer limited to fear - we're talking about about attacks on the "Gauls".

According to the French National Institute of Statistics INSEE, in 2014 there were about six million migrants - residents of the country born abroad - in the Fifth Republic. That's nine percent of the population. However, Eurostat gives a different estimate: 7.9 million and, accordingly, 12 percent. The impact of migration is particularly noticeable in the new generation of French people: of the 802,000 babies born in 2010, 27 percent were the children of one or two foreigners, while 24 percent had one or both parents of non-European origin. Official statistics on ethnic and religious affiliation The French government does not publish citizens of the country.

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It is obvious that when a certain group with established views and its own rules grows, it begins to declare itself and tries to get some privileges for itself and its supporters, as many privileges as possible. Blacks and Arabs, united by religion, no longer hide their hatred of people of the white race. Africans and Asians born in Europe often seek to change the laws of European states to ones more convenient for adherents of Islam and they do not care about the centuries-old foundations that have developed in these territories with a traditionally white population.

Yesterday I published material about problems in Europe and Russia created by migrants and Jews declaring the need to exterminate people with white skin [unfortunately, readers on the Kont resource remained indifferent to this material]: “Colored versus white. Genocide of the white race":

Former Minister of Internal Affairs Nicolas Sarkozy (Nicolas Sarkozy), who at one time became president thanks to the riots organized by migrants and legalized citizens of color in Paris and its suburbs, said:

"What is the goal? It is becoming more and more controversial. The goal is to meet the challenge of racial mixing. The challenge of racial mixing that we face in the 21st century. This is not a matter of choice, it is an obligation. It is categorical! We cannot do otherwise."

Photo^ Nicolas Sarkozy and Susan Sontag

Susan Sontag (Susan Sontag)- American writer, director and political activist:

"The white race is a tumor on the body of world history"

The African rapper seems to be following the instructions of a Zionist activist, journalist and writer Israel Cohen (Kogan), who stated:

"We will help the Negroes to raise their social status, both in the professional field and in sports and show business. With such prestige, the Negroes will be able to mingle with the whites and ensure the process of putting America at our disposal."

What Cohen said applies not only to Americans. People who have studied the problem of white genocide have no doubt that in Europe, Jews in every possible way contribute to the settlement of migrants in countries with a traditionally white population and condone the dominance of their Arab and black brothers. Blacks are especially not shy in expressions related to hatred of people with white skin:

Kamau Kambo- Professor of African American Studies

“All that remains is to decide how we are going to destroy the white peoples, since this is the only solution that I could come to. We must wipe the white peoples off the face of the planet.”

Khalid Abdul Muhammad (Khalid Abdul Muhammad)- former assistant to Louis Farrakhan, leader of the new Black Panther Party

"We kill women. We kill children. We kill the blind. We kill the lame. We kill them all... And when you kill them all, go to the damn cemetery and kill them like hell, because otherwise they won't die hard enough." ... There are no good white tramps, and if you meet one, kill him before he changes... I was born to give to the white man hell, I will give him hell from cradle to grave."

King Samir Shabazz - king Samir Shabazz- leader of one of the branches of the new party " Black Panther" :

"You want freedom? You must kill some white tramps! You must kill some of their babies!"

^Camus Cambon, Khalid Abdul Muhammad and King Samir Shabats

I will add that the long-time leader of the black Muslim racist organization “Nation of Islam” Louis Farrakhan(former drug-dealing DJ Louis Eugene Walcott, who later became Louis Halim Abdul Farrakhan), made a lot of racist statements during his life, like these:

"God will destroy America at the hands of Muslims... this is the honor that God bestows on Muslims."

It is clear that Farrakhan incited hatred among Negro Muslims not only towards white Americans. He threw mud at the entire white race, abundantly sowing the seeds of racial hatred and putting forward demands for white people to begin “paying compensation to the descendants of black slaves.”

Also in passing, Farrakhan called on blacks and Muslims to resist the flow of lies pouring from the Jewish media:

"Brothers and sisters, you must stop being driven by the media, whose owners are the Zionist forces, who want to make you pawns in the struggle of Israel and Zionism..."

Only words are one thing. But in fact, all these Islamized racist blacks followed (it’s not for nothing that Farrakhan was so fond of dinners and gatherings with rabbis) and are following today the plans of the Jews to destroy the white race, essentially being the executors of their will and desires, as the American politician, senior aide to Senator Jacob K. Javits, - Harold Wallace Rosenthal :

"We are smart, we are powerful and when the time is right we will mix your Gentil women with the blacks and in 50 years you will be mixed. The blacks love... your white women and we will encourage this by using them for our own purposes."

Other quotes from racists of color who dream of destroying the white race, in the material dated October 6, 2018 "JEWS AND OTHERS AGAINST THE WHITE RACE":

In conclusion, returning to what was said at the beginning of this article, I will say - I don’t know what happened to those who found it in the early 1990s. freedom by mutant monkeys in Abkhazia, but the descendants African monkeys(according to Darwin) in today's France are clearly getting out of control.