Rating of cloud cash desks for rent. Review-comparison of online cash registers for online stores

Hello! Today we will tell you why online cash registers are needed and present our review of online cash registers for online stores.

Federal Law 54-FZ established that all entrepreneurs must work with online cash registers. This is a device with a built-in fiscal drive that will transmit information to the tax office in real time via the Internet.

Online stores need an online cash register if:

The online store works with individuals. And customers pay for the purchase in cash, by card, through the online store’s own courier service, or an online form on the website, or through a bank and form PD-4.

An online cash register is not needed if:

  • The online store works with individuals, but does not accept money directly. And sends through third parties courier services, cash on delivery via Russian Post and does not have online payment on the website.
  • The online store works only with legal entities and accepts bank transfers to its bank account.

All online stores accepting payments in cash or using bank cards were required to start using online cash registers from July 1, 2017.

Until July 1, 2018 a delay has been established in the installation of online cash registers for online stores that accept payment by transfer between electronic wallets, using a client-bank transfer from the buyer and by receipt for payment at the bank.

Which online cash register to choose?

It all depends on the payment method used in the online store.

1. Online payments only

In this case, you need to transfer the data to the tax office, but there is no need to print a paper receipt - it is sent to the buyer by email. What would be appropriate in this case?

This service enables the acceptance of electronic payments to the company’s account: in online stores and online services, on websites and offline - payments from Mastercard, Maestro, Visa, Mir bank cards and other methods. Yandex.Checkout operates both in Russia and abroad.

The service is suitable, including for small companies with a turnover of less than 100,000 per year. To connect payments on the site via Yandex, you only need the director’s passport, sign an agreement and carry out the integration. All this can be done in 3 days.

If you decide to use Yandex.Checkout, please note: you will have to independently purchase and use a cash register with a fiscal drive to transfer data to the Federal Tax Service.


This is a turnkey cloud solution, an online cash register for rent - the same as hosting for an online store. A fiscal drive is provided, a connection to the OFD is in progress, checks are automatically generated and sent by email.

The virtual online cash register works with all possible payment services and aggregators, has a testing platform, and eliminates the need to develop additional software.

This is an online cash register for rent based on the ATOL 42FS cash register complex and ATOL software technologies. The service provides ready-made integration with popular CMS systems and payment services, and helps register cash registers with the Federal Tax Service. Full technical support is promised around the clock.

E-COM cash desk

An online cash register can be rented or purchased as a property. This is a cloud-based solution that operates in single window mode. Service technical support included in the monthly payment.

2. Payments both online and offline

This is a service that provides a mobile terminal that can be used by couriers or at a pickup point, as well as an electronic signature. The cash register is integrated with all programs that are needed for work. If the cash register is no longer needed (for example, the business has closed), it can be returned.


The service, which runs in the cloud or in the office of an online store, has its own API for integration. The online cash register works with a fiscal printer that the entrepreneur already has. Cash register equipment can be purchased and installed in your premises, or you can rent a device located in the company’s data center.


The service has ready-made modules for popular engines and APIs, provides both automatic checks for online payments and manual checks from the back office of the online store. This option is suitable if you have one legal entity, but several online stores (in this case, one online cash register is used), and also if you also have physical point sales

What happens if you don't use the online cash register?

  • You'll have to pay a fine. For individual entrepreneurs, this is from a quarter to half the amount of the settlement that did not go through the cash register (at least 10,000 rubles). For legal entities - from three quarters to the whole amount of the settlement amount (at least 30,000 rubles).
  • If the violation is recorded again, and if the amount of payments made without the use of cash registers totaled one million rubles or more, official disqualified for a period of one to two years. An administrative suspension of activities will be imposed on legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for up to 90 days.
  • If there is an online cash register, but it does not meet the requirements, the individual entrepreneur faces a fine of 1,500 to 3,000 rubles, for legal entity- from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles or a warning.
  • If the buyer does not receive an electronic check, the fine for an individual entrepreneur and an official will be 2,000 rubles, for a legal entity - 10,000 rubles or a warning.
  • For failure to provide information at the request of the Federal Tax Service, an individual entrepreneur will be fined from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles, a legal entity from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles or a warning, and an official - from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles.

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Prepared by Victoria Chernysheva.

Review-comparison of online cash registers for online stores

4.8 (96.47%) 17 votes

Vladimir Sachuk

“We have already collaborated with 1C-Rarus on a number of issues, so the question of who to rent an online cash register for an online store did not arise. Technical support set everything up quickly, there were no major problems, and any problems we had were resolved on time. The cash register works, checks go to the address, we don’t have to deal with technical issues and at the same time we save a lot - nothing more is required from the service.”

Tatiana Yakobyuk

"F1 Information and Technical Center"

“1C-Rarus has been accompanying our 1C for a long time, so we consider it a trusted partner and the online cash register for our online store also chose it. We were pleased with how the implementation went: technical support responded promptly and kept us informed of all stages and processes. And now it accompanies the cash register without any increased control on our part, everything is clear and without failures"

Valentin Konyukhov

“The Universal Technologies company specializes in complex information systems for medium-sized businesses. When launching an online store, we chose the 1C-Rarus cloud online cash register to implement payments on the website and comply with the requirements of 54-FZ. We previously studied the market for cloud cash registers, and Rarus’ response to the request for cooperation turned out to be acceptable. They clearly explained the steps that need to be taken from drawing up the contract to starting work. Communication accompanied each stage of connection, and at the initiative of Rarus. The cash register works on the “connect it and forget about it” principle. No problems, even if some failures occur, they are resolved without our participation.”

Sultanna Frantsuzova

“We immediately considered the option of renting an online cash register for an online store: the costs of installing and maintaining a regular cash register were too high. The 1C-Rarus cloud cash register turned out to be the most favorable in price among other services. Despite the fact that there were difficulties with integration - the return receipt stubbornly refused to go through - we are satisfied with the work of technical support. Specialists are always in touch, explaining in detail what the difficulties are and when they will be eliminated. Now all problems with integration have been resolved, checks are cleared, the business complies with the law."

Alexander Medvedev


“For a small online store, an online cash register for rent is the best solution. Costs are low and no decisions are required technical issues with installation and maintenance of the cash register. We heard about the company “1C-Rarus” for a long time, it seemed reliable to us, that’s why we chose its cloud cash register. As it turned out, not in vain. They quickly helped us register and connect the cash register, there are no problems with receipts or sending them, everything works as smoothly as our watch.”

Gurin Alexey

TSSC "Tradition"

“We have been using cloud-based 1C Rarus for more than 4 years, so we decided to rent an online cash register from him. I like how the technical support works - promptly and responsibly, they even helped resolve some issues with the tax authorities. Therefore, I can say with confidence that 1C-Rarus cloud services can be trusted"

Cloud online cash register without cash register– an ideal solution for online stores. A business entity does not need to buy a cash register, he simply rents it. The peculiarity is that you can rent not only equipment that can be located next to the seller or administrator of the electronic store, but also a virtual cash register. Another option is to purchase your own equipment and then place it in a data center (data processing center).

Renting a cloud online cash desk: how it works

Rented online cash registers must be registered with the Federal Tax Service. The role of the user is the person who will actually operate the device and accept payments through the device. The cash register must be registered in the user's name. The procedure for connecting to a cloud CCP consists of the following steps:

  • a commercial entity issues a qualified electronic signature;
  • registration for electronic resource the lessor of cash register equipment (for example, in the ATOL system, cloud-based online cash registers are allocated only after registration in the ATOL-online database, filling out a business card, signing a lease agreement and paying the first invoice);
  • The user is given the parameters of the cash register and OFD, which will be required to register the cash register with the tax office;
  • the user independently registers the device with the Federal Tax Service online;
  • registration numbers issued to the user by the tax authority are transferred to the lessor, who enters them into the cash register;
  • completion of registration activities and start working with the online cash register.
Renting an online cash desk in the cloud does not guarantee the absence technical problems with equipment. Therefore, it is recommended that the contract stipulate in advance who is responsible for the breakdown of cash register equipment and for interruptions in its functioning. The process of operating a rented virtual cash register is not much different from working with stationary equipment, the main difference is that all payments are made in cashless form ( bank cards or through electronic payment services).

The online cash register (cloud service) implements payment registration using the following algorithm:

  • the buyer pays for goods or services;
  • from the online store website, information about the purchase is transferred to the virtual online cash register service;
  • The cash register registers the payment as usual and transmits fiscal data to the OFD;
  • a receipt is generated at the cash register, a registration code is assigned to the transaction;
  • the check is drawn up in electronic form and forwarded to the buyer at email(at the client’s request, the document can be sent to him in the form of an SMS message to a phone number).

For such rapid data exchange it is not enough good internet connection, it is necessary to integrate between the online store website and the virtual cash register. A cloud online cash register for an online store is selected taking into account the expected volume of daily transactions. This parameter is used to estimate the number of devices that need to be purchased or leased. Each cash register should receive no more than 2 checks per second. The transaction limit applicable to fiscal drives must be taken into account.

The cloud service “Online cash register” for an online store is offered by various companies, including manufacturers of cash register equipment:

  • ATOL online;
  • OrangeData;
  • Nanokassa et al.

The cost of services is calculated monthly for each unit of equipment. You will have to pay an average of 1,500 rubles for one cash register. per month. The fiscal storage is paid additionally.

Cloud online cash register: pros and cons

The advantages of rented cloud cash registers are that they do not take up space in the company’s office or warehouse, and the seller does not have to worry about power outages. The company does not need to hire a cashier or replace fiscal drives on its own. The lessor can advise on issues of registering equipment with the Federal Tax Service, and guarantees of uninterrupted operation of the devices are provided.

The advantages of renting a cash register include the ability to automatically control the processes of opening and closing each work shift. In the personal account on the lessor's website, the company can use a number of additional services - for example, view detailed transaction statistics for each cash register. The cost of OFD services is included in the rental price. The user does not need to spend money on purchasing special software.

But the cloud service for managing an online cash register is inconvenient because, in terms of total costs for one or several tax periods, renting can be more expensive than purchasing your own equipment. Another disadvantage is that there is no possibility of issuing checks on paper.

With the entry into force of the new law, online stores now have an obligation to apply cash register equipment. Special virtual online cash desks have been created for payments via the Internet.

The amendments to Law No. 54-FZ did not bypass virtual trade. Now, when making an online sale, you need to provide additional notification about this tax authorities and provide an electronic receipt to the buyer. In order to comply with the new rules, the developers have released a new generation of cash registers. However, few people understand that a regular online cash register is not suitable for payments via the Internet. For online stores there is a special virtual online cash register.

Indeed, the law, paragraph 1 of Article 4.3 of Law No. 54-FZ, states that the device used for payments on the Internet is used only for the specified payments. But how does this technique differ from the online cash register used in brick-and-mortar stores?

According to paragraph 1 of Article 4 of Law No. 54-FZ, the virtual online cash register is distinguished by the absence of a device for printing fiscal documents. But at the same time, it must generate an electronic receipt for customers.

Algorithm for operating a virtual online cash register

In contrast to the work scheme according to the old rules, now stores have an obligation to send a strict reporting form to the buyer in electronic form at the time of purchase.

The sales scheme looks different today:

  1. The client pays for the purchase.
  2. The cashier punches the receipt at the online cash register.
  3. The cash register records sales data in the fiscal drive and then sends it to the CRF.
  4. The fiscal data operator processes the received information and transmits it to the tax authorities (Federal Tax Service of Russia).
  5. The buyer is provided with a paper check and a copy is sent to him in a way convenient for him.
Important! The functions of the OFD are performed by processing and transmitting data to the tax authorities.

As for virtual settlements, in this case the algorithm of actions does not differ from stationary trading. Except that the check is immediately sent to the buyer electronically.

The buyer can choose where to send the payment confirmation: to the phone via SMS message or email.

To do this, it is necessary that before making a purchase the buyer indicates contact information on the website. If the client decides not to provide data, then he will not be able to receive a payment receipt not only in electronic form, but also in printed form. After all, cash register equipment for online payments does not always have the technical ability to print documents.

Important! The check is sent exclusively by the seller, and not by the payment system.

How to choose an online cash register for an online store

Unlike a simple online cash register, it must be able to generate cash receipts electronically and send them to customers independently.

On at the moment Not all new generation cash registers have such service capabilities. There are very few such models. Many businessmen get out of the situation as follows:

  • They install a regular online cash register, next to which a cashier is regularly located, who, in the event of a sale, will perform actions on the cash register and send an electronic receipt to the buyer.
  • install a machine that has the ability to configure its program so that it independently generates and sends a check to the buyer without interacting with the cashier.

The latter option is ideal for online trading. After all, payment can occur in holidays, and at night. It is much more profitable to equip a store with such equipment than to pay wages cashier-operator.

There are cash registers that can process several receipts per second, which is convenient when different payments occur at the same time.

Table 1. Virtual cash register models for trading via the Internet

Cash register name


Distinctive characteristics Average cost (RUB)
Atol 42 FS Completely absent technical feasibility issue paper checks. 19 500
Dreamkas-F A universal cash register with the ability to print both paper receipts and generate them electronically. Using the cabinet, it connects to the site engine. After which she will be able to issue a check for electronic payment. 20 000
Cashier 57F Cash register with printer. As of March 2018, it is the cheapest model for virtual payments. 9 900
RP System 1 FS Analogous to ATOL 42FS, but at a lower cost. 13 800
Module Cashier A universal cash register with the ability to print both paper receipts and generate them electronically. Operates on Android OS.

Long battery life – up to 24 hours.

28 000
Important: Before purchasing, it is important to make sure that the selected equipment is contained in the state register on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

Rent of online cash register equipment

There is another solution for purchasing a virtual online cash register for an online store. Today, some companies provide the service via . It is worth noting that if a lease agreement is concluded, the equipment remains with the owner, and the tenant only pays for a subscription and connects a virtual cash register, which automatic mode will send electronic checks.

Sometimes the rental option is more expensive than purchasing your own online cash register.

For example, monthly rental of an Atol 42 FS cash register will cost about 9,000 rubles. The cost consists of two indicators:

  • Subscription fee – 3,000 rubles.
  • The fee for using the fiscal storage device is 6,000 rubles.

But in the case of rental, maintenance and troubleshooting falls on the owner of the equipment.

Why an online cash register for online trading?

Changes in the law have not in vain affected trade via the Internet. It was difficult for the Internal Revenue Service to track the number of sales and monetary profits made. After all, virtual payments are often made using payment systems (Yandex.Money, WebMoney, Qiwi, etc.), the movement of which is quite difficult to track.

From July 1, 2018, the obligation to switch to online technology will fall on all taxation systems. It is important to remember that tax regimes that were previously exempt from cash discipline (UTII, PSN) have now lost this benefit. Entrepreneurs working in these modes will have to use cash register equipment along with everyone else.

However, there are some exceptions.

Previously, we had a regular cash register and paper reporting. The seller looked for the price of the goods in the catalogue, added it up on a calculator, then manually entered the amount at the checkout. I marked each item sold in a notebook, and at the end of the day I transferred these entries to a special form. At the end of the month, I gave the forms to the accountant so that he could enter them into 1C.

Now we have bought new cash register, and you don’t need to enter anything else by hand: the seller reads the barcode - the name of the product appears at the checkout. Then the seller indicates the quantity, and the cash register itself calculates the purchase amount. When the seller issues the check, all information about the purchase is sent to the accountant.

We work in a transparent manner, and it is convenient for us that the reports will be sent to the tax office themselves. Previously, you had to submit reports every month, now everything is done online.

In business, if you don’t count the numbers, it’s a failure: you don’t know what you bought, what you sold, and what’s left. Previously, we tried to do some kind of analytics, but it’s difficult manually. Now I can see at the cash register how many of these packages, these tapes, I have left. For example, before we didn’t know that the most popular tape was one centimeter wide. We saw this in the terminal and now we are buying more of it.

If you are selling ordinary goods, you can estimate by eye: for example, there are still chocolates left, but cookies are running out. But I don’t see how much beer was left - the kegs are opaque. A keg costs - how much is in it? I used to write everything down in a notebook, and then sit and put it together. This must be done every day: if you don’t add up two days, nothing will come together.

Now there is no such problem, the Evotor cash register counts the balances itself. I open the list of goods and see what’s left: “Czech” - 0, “Scream” - 15. The keg has 30 liters, so I’m wondering if it’s time to buy. And sometimes the seller calls and says: “A guy came and took away a Russian-imperial stout, there are only two types left, we need to buy more” - based on this we order.

I also really like the checkout function like personal account– I log into it from my phone. I live in it, every five minutes I look in: “Sooooo, how much has been sold there?” While he was away, I kept wondering in my head how things were going. And now once - I looked.

I had a lot of online cash registers and was looking for the best one. First there was the hipster checkout on the iPad. Everything is fine, but no one says that to work with such a cash register you need 5 devices, each with its own socket. When you have a small point, this is important - there’s just nowhere to put it all.

This is where Evotor came to the rescue. Of all the cash registers, he was the first to already work under 54-FZ, and he only needs one socket. I received the cash register itself the very next day after ordering. The sellers immediately figured out how to use it, the guys are all experienced. The cash register has a touch interface, and you can upload a photo of the product. There were absolutely no problems. True, one day they managed to enter a sale for 0 rubles, and change for 100 rubles, and the cash register froze for an hour.

I use Evotor not only as an online cash register. I work for the simplified tax system, and now I do all management accounting on Evotor with the connected My Warehouse application. I immediately see the balances in the warehouse, quickly track sales and calculate the cost.