I dreamed of a funnel being drawn across the entire sky. Why do you dream of a whirlpool?

A whirlpool in a dream is a warning of danger and a sign of useless deeds.

If you see a whirlpool or a water funnel from the outside, you will fail in matters that you consider to be of secondary importance.

To fall into a whirlpool yourself - a dream warns that you will inadvertently be drawn into negative, unfavorable events in reality. The outcome of your participation in them will depend on the ending of the dream, whether you were able to overcome this whirlpool and get out of it. If you were unable to see the end of the dream about a whirlpool, the outcome depends entirely on your behavior in reality.

Why dream of a whirlpool, a whirlpool, Loff’s dream book

A funnel in the water represents the violent involvement of the sleeper in certain events. The danger indicated by the dream is determined by the size of the crater and the location of the subject. If he sees a funnel in the kitchen sink at home, the negativity is minimized because we're talking about about a small, inconspicuous episode. If the dreamer sees a huge black funnel in the ocean, events will develop catastrophically.

If you dreamed about it according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

If you looked at the whirlpool in a dream from the outside, in reality you will witness rapidly developing events that will most likely be negative.

If you are pulled into a whirlpool, you will find yourself in the thick of these events and suffer, especially if you were unable to swim out.

Why do you dream of a whirlpool - esoteric dream book

A whirlpool in a dream carries a warning of great danger to your reputation.

Whirlpool, Meneghetti's dream book

A whirlpool in a dream has the same interpretation as a water funnel, but on a more serious scale.

A deeper examination points us to symbolism opposite to the image. If the second gives strength and symbolizes bestowal, then the first, on the contrary, means the capture of vital energy, vampirism, being sucked into the thick of events with a negative mental background. Such a dream indicates a shaky or lost mental or vital balance, which may result in a disease related to psychiatry or oncology.

A water funnel in a dream is an exclusively characteristic element of the deviation monitor. It personifies a single point of convergence of all existing types of perception, which are subsequently translated into a conscious perception of reality.

Why do you dream of a whirlpool, English dream book

If you saw a whirlpool in a dream, get ready for hard work that will bring not only little joy, but also bad results.

Whirlpool, French dream book

A funnel in water or a whirlpool is dreamed of as a sign of negative events; this dream does not bode well. You should, if possible, avoid traveling or dangerous undertakings, since everything can have not just a bad, but even a tragic ending, especially if you are sucked into a whirlpool.

Seeing another person caught in a whirlpool - all the same things should be attributed to him.

Why do you dream of whirlpools - a modern dream book

Bad events can happen following a dream in which there is a whirlpool of water, a funnel. If the sleeper’s immediate plans include travel, it should be postponed whenever possible.

If you dreamed that a friend or relative was being sucked into a whirlpool, warn him about the need to be careful.

A dream in which a funnel is caused by a hurricane, and the sleeper sees how everything that comes in the way of this tornado is sucked into it means that in the near future a chain of events will occur during which a person will lose what symbolizes things and objects captured by this air force. funnel

For example, if it was hit by a car in which the sleeping person is driving with his girlfriend, then the relationship between these two people will come to an end, and this will somehow be connected with this car. For example, there will be a quarrel between them. Running away from an air funnel in a dream means avoiding many dangers in reality. Experiencing an earthquake in a dream and seeing how, as a result of it, a sinkhole in the form of a funnel has formed in the ground means that life-threatening events that will soon occur for the sleeping person will not bring him harm.

What if you dream about a tornado funnel?

The funnel symbol is associated with natural disasters, which cause a phenomenon such as a tornado. It can also indicate the cycle of events in a person’s life. Seeing a funnel in a dream, which is a whirlpool, means that in reality the sleeper is one step away from major problems associated with his gambling and intemperance.

If there is a loved one in the funnel, who is rapidly being drawn into it, then rapid changes are coming in the fate of these two loving friend people's friend. They will be connected with the fact that a person close to the dreamer will find himself in a hopeless situation, from which he can outside help won't be able to get out.

This may involve possible imprisonment. The sooner in reality measures are taken to ensure his safety, the greater the chances of turning things around so that everything returns to normal. If in a dream the sleeper himself, horrified by what is happening, tries to get out of the whirlpool, and he succeeds, it means that real life he will be in a situation called "near death".

What does it portend?

What a funnel means in a dream can be called in one word: change. In what area of ​​life they will occur and how they will affect the dreamer can be understood from the details of the dream. If the funnel in a dream has the usual appearance of a container for pouring liquid through it, and the sleeper pours something into it, then the dream informs him that life will offer him a difficult situation, which will be as difficult for a camel to get through the eye of a needle.

Seeing that there are a lot of old, deformed craters lying around means that in real life you will overcome with honor all the obstacles and temptations on the way to your goal.

Dreams in which the “funnel” symbol is present contain either a warning about what is to come or a message about what has happened. What is the meaning of each specific dream must be looked at in the interpretation of its details.

Dream interpretation funnel

The symbols that appear to you in a dream can be completely insignificant and predict only minor changes in life. But there are signs that make you not only think about the future, but also promise you complete change situations in life.

When I dreamed of a funnel

It is simply impossible to say unequivocally what a funnel is meant for in a dream. In night vision, you may see a small funnel for pouring water, or you may encounter a huge whirlpool.

It is not possible to clearly examine such dreams, but with the help of dream interpreters you can find a prediction that interests you.

Gustav Miller's opinion

Dream interpretation whirlpool

Dreaming of a water funnel? Then such a sign is a warning of impending danger. Also, the dreamer may waste his time on useless things.

Getting into a whirlpool means negative events in which you will become a direct participant. If you watch your night vision to the end, you will find out how these events will affect later life. Woke up for real interesting place? This means that all further events will depend only on your actions.

What else does Miller’s dream interpreter predict? Try to remember exactly where you saw the funnel:

  • in the river - soon you will be overtired at work;
  • in your home - you can fall low in the eyes of the public;
  • at sea - you will spend time in a noisy company;
  • on the surface of the lake - illness, poor health.

Predictions from other dream books

Seeing a big whirlpool in the sea in a dream

Even if it seemed to you that such visions are quite rare, then when you look into dream books, you will be pleasantly surprised. Almost every second dream interpreter examines this symbol in detail.

Modern interpreter

It is negative to see a funnel before you actually decide to travel. It is believed that in this case you should not go anywhere; there will be no benefit from this event.

Watch how a funnel sucks in a person you know - do not be lazy and warn him that he is in danger.

French dream book

Seeing a funnel in the water is a priori negative dream. It can promise various troubles that will happen in the foreseeable future.

Seeing in a dream how a whirlpool sucks a person

When you are pulled into a whirlpool, then you should not only put aside for a while long journeys, but also not to take part in new affairs. They may end badly for you.

I dreamed that a friend was being sucked into a whirlpool - the interpretation of the dream book will be similar, but the main character will be a person who is in trouble.

Interpreter Meneghetti

Any funnel in a dream is a sign that otherworldly forces are influencing you. It is possible that there is an energy vampire next to you who feeds on your energy. Perhaps you even begin to feel unwell, are more prone to illness, and are often tired.

This interpreter is seriously concerned about the dreamer’s mental state. The most positive prediction that can be found in it is - mental disorder. If you do not take any steps, then everything can end in cancer.

English interpreter

If you saw a funnel in a dream, then you will have to work hard. This work will not only exhaust you physically, but will also not bring any satisfaction.

To be pulled into the abyss of water in a dream

Esoteric dream book

But this interpreter pays more attention to the dreamer’s reputation. It is believed that after such dreams, a sleeping person should be extremely careful, as he can significantly “mess up” his name.

Interpreter Tsvetkova

If in a dream you just look at a whirlpool, then in reality events will begin to develop at unprecedented speed. This interpreter believes that they will be rather negative.

To be pulled into a whirlpool - you will be at the very epicenter of these events. If you fail to surface, you will suffer quite seriously.

Loff's Dream Book

Dreaming of a mini whirlpool in the sink

What does he think? this dream book, a funnel in a dream is a symbol of the fact that a sleeping person will be drawn into certain events against his will. How much you will be hurt will depend on the size of the crater and your position near it.

If in night vision there was a funnel in your sink, then this only indicates minor troubles, obstacles along the way.

Observing the same thing, only in the ocean, the situation could become catastrophic.

Be careful

If in a dream you made unsuccessful attempts to get out of the funnel, then events around you will develop with stunning speed. If you do not have time to orient yourself in time, you risk serious injury.

A vision in which you simply saw a funnel and walked past is viewed positively by dream books.

Get out of the watery abyss in a dream

This means that what will happen will not affect you much. Often such a dream indicates that there will be big changes at work, but you will be able to not only stay on the sidelines, but also benefit from them.

When in night vision you got out of the whirlpool, you will be ridiculed by your colleagues. Your bosses will stop appreciating you and may even demote you.

Did you manage to get out in the end? By changing your place of work, you may be able to convince your colleagues of your competence.

Your reputation is at risk

A terrible vision in which a funnel sucks in all living things - scandals within the family. A funnel that has formed in your sink or bathroom means that you will soon have to answer for your previous misdeeds.

It is believed that relatives will remind you of unfulfilled responsibilities and unfulfilled promises. Perhaps you tried to do something, but didn't give it your all. Try to correct the situation if possible and apologize to your loved ones. If nothing can be done, then the interpreter advises simply to be patient and not to escalate an already difficult situation.


Find out what the cards say about your sleep


If you dreamed that you were pouring or pouring liquids through a funnel, then such a dream means that you will soon have work that will require skill and skill from you. The success of your enterprise will depend on how you managed to use the funnel. If you managed to fill every drop, then success is guaranteed. If you spilled some of the liquid or knocked over the funnel and everything spilled on the floor, then in real life you will fail. Seeing a shell crater in a dream and falling into it is an unfavorable dream. You will face troubles related to your behavior. It can lead you into bad company.

Interpretation depending on the day and hour:

Do you want to know whether your dream will come true today, how accurate is its interpretation on a given day of the week or month? Select desired date and find out whether you should trust what you saw in your dream.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17- e 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 0-1 hour 1-2 hours 2-3 hours 3-4 hours 4-5 hours 5-6 hours 6-7 hours 7-8 hours 8-9 hours 9-10 hours 10-11 hours 11-12 hours 12- 13 hours 13-14 hours 14-15 hours 15-16 hours 16-17 hours 17-18 hours 18-19 hours 19-20 hours 20-21 hours 21-22 hours 22-23 hours 23-24 hours

Lack of sleep significantly accelerates the aging of the body and makes us vulnerable to diseases, especially viral ones. Thus, with chronic lack of sleep, an accidental infection can even cause death. Biologist Allan Rechtskaffen (sleep laboratory at the University of Chicago).

Some things in a dream may be insignificant or, conversely, so huge that it is impossible to determine them exact interpretation It's not easy at all. One of these things is a funnel - which can be either a funnel for pouring liquid or a huge ocean whirlpool. Similar dreama real mystery, but its secret can also be revealed.

What if you dream of a funnel?

The funnel has its own amazing semantic meaning, in a certain way unique - static movement. There is constant seething in the funnel, it never stands still, the matter in it swirls, strives somewhere, but in fact, at the same time, stands still. This interpretation allows us to determine that the funnel itself simple meaning, can symbolize stagnation in business, minor troubles that do not allow you to move forward, breakdowns or errors in calculations. Also, a funnel can be a symbol of negative, dangerous movement, regression.

Still, when trying to give a dream one or another interpretation, it is important to know what kind of funnel a person is faced with - whether he sees in front of him an ordinary device for pouring water into narrow vessels or is it about an ominous maelstrom, a vortex, a fantastic temporary funnel. Each time the dream will have a different meaning.

To understand why you dream of a funnel for pouring water, you don’t need much work. Such a dream may predict a slight stagnation in business, a temporary inability to move forward in a relationship, or a loss of inspiration. Also, an ordinary funnel may indicate that the dreamer will soon have to do hard and thankless work that requires great precision. The size of a funnel in a dream (from an ordinary one for bottles to a large one for industrial purposes) can indicate the size and extent of the difficulties that a person will face.

What does it portend?

It is much more difficult to determine what other types of funnels may mean. The funnel of a whirlpool, pulling water, sea creatures and ships to the bottom, into unknown depths, can indicate how complex inner world a person full of contradictions that keep him on the wrong path, and a quick journey that will be associated with tragic or simply unpleasant consequences. A funnel of clouds in the sky or a tornado, a symbol of air, will denote the stagnation of the mind caused by the fact that a person is “soaring” in the clouds while real world needs his attention.

It is important to pay attention to the various unusual funnels that a person may see in a dream. A fantastic funnel of time, or a crazy funnel in the style of Carroll's rabbit hole, a funnel of a portal from another mystical world - such signs may indicate that unexpected events await the dreamer or that he is missing something special in his life.

A funnel in a dream is one of the neutral symbols, the nature of which lies in the area of ​​​​preventing various unpleasant, but not fatal events in a person’s life. This image rather reveals some secrets of the dreamer’s soul than signals something dangerous.