Frilled lizard. Frilled lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii) Lizard that puffs up its hood

The Australian frilled lizard is one of the representatives of the agamidae family, of which there are more than three hundred species. However, these agamas managed to stand out among the mass of relatives and attract the attention of even those people who are not at all interested in lizards. And the point is not only in their original appearance, which makes individuals look like dragons, but also in a very unusual manner of scaring off enemies and moving - how many lizards run quickly on two legs?

The homeland of these reptiles is South Guinea; in addition, individuals are also found in Australia. The suitable habitat for these creatures is forests, woodlands, and savannas overgrown with trees. Most of the time, individuals are in the trees, but they can descend in search of food. Their prey can include both reptiles and invertebrates, as well as small animals.

frilled lizard not too active during the hunt, she patiently waits for the intended victim to approach. During the dry period, all the inhabitants have a hard time - there is not enough food for everyone. But the frilled lizard is so patient that it climbs into the crowns of trees and waits there for up to 12 weeks. The fact is that when the lizard is in the shade of branches, it lacks warmth, and metabolic processes in its body slow down by 70%.

In open areas, representatives of the species have a huge number of enemies - lizards are hunted by cats, snakes and even birds of prey. In the process of evolution, individuals have developed a unique protective system:

  1. Seeing the enemy, the individual stops moving, as if becoming numb, and tries to hide so that the enemy does not notice it. If this does not work, then the lizard moves on to the next stage.
  2. The reptile begins to make hissing sounds, open its mouth wide, open its umbrella collar, twist its tail and stand on its hind legs. In most cases, the pursuer becomes confused and retreats from surprise.
  3. If such actions were unsuccessful, then the frilled lizard quickly runs away, again being in an upright position, using its hind legs and long tail to maintain balance.

Regarding "cloak", then it performs several functions, in addition to protective. This unusual design in the form of a cervical membrane rests on the cartilaginous outgrowths of the hyoid bone - a pair on both sides. Sensing danger, the reptile spreads its cloak, which is supported by outgrowths, like an umbrella on spokes. Due to the abundance of blood vessels, the collar tissues acquire a bright red or orange color.

In addition, the “cloak” serves as a thermostat; if required, the agama catches with its help. ultraviolet rays. Males also “flaunt” this original decoration to attract the attention of females during the mating season.

The color of individuals depends on the area in which they live. For example, a species of frilled reptiles, whose habitat is the northwestern part of Australia, are colored yellowish-brown. But individuals from the south of New Guinea are darker, their color contains dark brown, black and gray shades.

How to keep and care for a pet

The frilled lizard is not the easiest to keep pet, which needs certain conditions. An owner who decides to have such an exotic animal needs to take care of numerous things.

Spacious and well-equipped terrarium

It is important that the bottom area of ​​the container is of a decent size. Unlike other reptiles, these lizards sit in trees almost their entire lives and require space. The length of the tank should be at least 1.3 m and the height about a meter.

All walls of the terrarium, except the front, should be covered with opaque sheets so that the inhabitant feels safe and not stressed. Individuals have excellent vision and will respond to the slightest movements in the room. In addition, in a closed home, it is easier for a reptile to concentrate on food, without being distracted by other things when it is fed.

By the way, experts advise placing a newly acquired pet in a tank with closed glass, this will speed up the adaptation process and reduce stress. The tank should be decorated with branches and snags, on which the inhabitant will climb, rest and warm up. This will bring the aquarium conditions closer to natural environment.

Lighting and temperature conditions

To increase the humidity in the terrarium, it is recommended to periodically spray it with water. For a comfortable stay for the reptile, the tank should be equipped with a UV lamp and a heater. In the heating zone, the air temperature should warm up to 40°-46°C, the heat should be directed to the upper branches.

It is important to position the devices correctly - at a decent distance from the branches (no less than 30-35 cm) so that the lizards do not get burned. The air temperature in the rest of the area is 30°-32°C; at night it can become 5-7 degrees lower. The daylight hours of these inhabitants should last about 12 hours.

Suitable substrate

A mixture that includes coconut shavings, sand and garden soil is best. It is poured in a layer of at least 4 cm; the material retains moisture well and does not rise into the air as dust. It is also permissible to use mulch and special mats for reptiles.

How and what to feed frilled reptiles

The basis of the diet of these reptiles is insects. These exotic pets It is advisable to feed a variety of food - crickets, grasshoppers, locusts, worms, zoophobus larvae. To include a supplement containing vitamin D3 and calcium in your pet’s menu, you can sprinkle it on the food. Large representatives of the species can eat naked mice.

Lizards will be happy to feast on pieces of fruit, but everything is individual here - the owner should find out what his pet likes. Young animals should be given food every day, three times a day, and it is better to use small insects.

Adults are offered food 1-2 times a day, not forgetting the vitamin-calcium supplement. Lizards bearing offspring are fed 3-4 times a day, adding additional fertilizer to each feeding.

Do reptiles need water?

In their natural environment, frilled lizards maintain water balance during the rainy season. In captivity, the humidity in their home should be approximately 70%. To maintain it, you should spray the walls and decor of the tank with water every day, and for young animals - at least three times a day. If finances allow, it is recommended to equip the terrarium with a special system that will maintain air humidity in the container.

If the lizard wants to drink, then it will collect droplets of water from objects, since in nature it drinks them from the leaves of trees. But a bowl or drinking bowl will not attract her attention. But you can still install it so that the moisture evaporates and provides the necessary humidity. How can you tell if your reptile is suffering from dehydration? First of all, her eyes are sunken. The second sign is a change in the structure of the skin; after pinching, the resulting fold does not smooth out.

In these cases, you should immediately spray the tank with water and observe how the pet behaves. And it’s better, without waiting for the worst, to immediately go to the veterinarian - the lizard may need subcutaneous fluid administration.

Frilled lizard is amazing unusual creature, which does not need affection and sitting on arms, like a cat or a dog. Therefore, it is worth protecting your pet from unnecessary attention and contact, since, when worried, the individual will turn on its defense system, which will significantly shorten its life cycle.

frilled lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii) is a lizard belonging to the agamidae family (Agamidae). The only species in the genus Chlamydosaurus.


The name of the lizard appeared due to the special membrane that covers the neck of representatives of the species. It is jagged at the edges and covered with flat scales. Inside this “collar” - the skin membrane - there are cartilaginous outgrowths of the hyoid bone - two on each side. Under the influence of the muscle located on the animal's throat, the cloak rises and falls.

When the lizard is not alarmed by anything, it is in a calm state, the collar is folded and pressed tightly to the body. But in case of danger, the lizard opens its mouth, which leads to the automatic opening of the collar. If the collar has no effect on the predator and does not frighten it, the lizard resorts to more radical methods of defense - it bites. It is curious that in captivity, lizards rarely show off their decorations, because they get used to their owners and do not perceive them as a danger.

Another function of the collar is to create optimal temperature. So, in the morning hours, the lizard uses the membrane to catch what sun rays, and on hot days, on the contrary, the collar helps to cool down in case of severe overheating. Also the collar is an important participant mating games. It attracts females and helps fight rivals.

The peculiar features of frilled lizards include a long tail, which makes up up to two-thirds of the body length, as well as movement on the hind legs.

The color of these lizards varies from yellowish-brown to brown-black.

Males are significantly larger in size than females. An adult male can reach a length of 100 cm, weight can be up to 880 g. Females are significantly smaller than males. It is approximately 80 cm in length and weighs up to 400 g.


If you decide to get a frilled lizard, first of all, get a terrarium (cubic or vertical) with a height that is at least twice the body length of an adult lizard. Soil (without additives or fertilizers), sand, coconut shavings are poured into the terrarium, or a special mat is placed. You can, of course, use paper or large pieces of bark. Another affordable option is rodent shavings.

The terrarium should be installed so that its central part is at eye level. If you keep a lizard without a terrarium, it may become ill, injured, or escape.

In nature, frilled lizards spend a lot of time in trees, so your pet will be grateful if you install a couple of thick branches in the terrarium. This will make the lizard feel “at home.” You can imitate trunks using pine bark, which can be attached to the walls of the terrarium. When choosing bark, give preference to rough bark.

To decorate your pet's house, use cork climbing frames and artificial plants and rocks. Of course, the plants should not pose a danger to the lizard, they should not have thorns, and the branches should perfectly support the weight of the lizard without creating a danger of slipping. It doesn't hurt to make sure that the plant you choose tolerates the lizard's optimal tolerance. temperature regime. Place plants in pots to make cleaning easier.

During the daytime, it is necessary to ensure temperature dynamics from hot (up to 36 °C) to cold zone(30 °C). At night, the thermometer should not fall below 21 °C.

External heat sources such as glass-ceramic or infrared lamps or incandescent lamps should be used. The soil can be warmed up using heating mats.

Remember: the brighter the lighting, the better. You also need to place an ultraviolet lamp in the terrarium. The ability to arrange several heated areas in one large terrarium allows you to keep several frilled lizards at the same time.

Particular attention should be paid to humidity, which must be maintained at 50-70%. The desired humidity can be achieved by placing a container of water at the cool end of the terrarium. The size of the water bowl depends on the size of the lizard. The pet should be able to get out of it easily. However, it is important not to overdo it in this matter, because too high humidity invariably leads to the appearance and spread of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Therefore, also take care of good ventilation. To increase humidity, you can use damp sponges, as well as spraying.


Lizards are divided into age groups:

  • cubs – 0-3 months
  • teenagers – 4-12 months
  • young individuals - 13-19 months
  • adults – from 20 months and older.

With a significant size of the terrarium (for example, 1000x1000x500) and the presence of several heated areas, you can simultaneously keep several young lizards or four growing individuals or up to two adults. It is strictly not recommended to keep lizards together of different ages. The only exception, perhaps, can be done for young and adult lizards. However, with their joint content they need to be closely monitored. If aggression occurs, it is better to separate the individuals. It is also not recommended to keep males together - it is obvious that soon some will suppress and “harass” the others.


Adults are fed twice a week at winter period and three times a week in the summer. Young lizards are given food daily until they reach six months. Then they switch to three times a week in winter and four times in summer time(and so on until two years).

The lizard's diet consists of insects (mealworms, spiders, crickets), as well as bird eggs, small mammals, and other lizards. You can use the following healthy mixture: 40% finely grated carrots, 40% chopped meat, 20% chopped lettuce (mix, add vitamins, calcium).

You need to feed your lizard when it is most active. If you keep small lizards and juveniles together, feed them separately. The food must be eaten, otherwise the insect may harm the lizard. If the lizard is not eating well, but is active and consumes a lot of water, there is no need to worry. By the way, about water. There should always be a bowl of water in the terrarium. It needs to be changed at least once a day.

It should also be noted that tamed adult lizards can eat from a bowl on their own, but the “youth” need to be fed from tweezers.

After “communicating” with your pet, you must wash your hands with soap.

Lizard Reproduction

A cool dry season followed by a warm wet season is best for breeding. During the dry season, lizards are inactive, but with the onset of warm weather wet season They become animated and after about a month they begin mating games.

After mating, the female buries 8-14 eggs in the sand. The appearance of offspring should be expected in about 10 weeks. A pregnant lizard needs to be transplanted separately - into a terrarium lined with a soil mixture with the addition of peat and moss (layer 200 mm). It is better to prepare the area for laying yourself, because the lizard will not dig and search for a long time.

Once the eggs are buried, they should be removed and placed half-buried in damp vermiculite. The incubation temperature is maintained at 28-29 °C, but not higher than 30 °C. Eggs mature in 70 days.

When the lizards hatch, you need to transfer them to a separate terrarium with high temperature and spray it two to three times a day. Where possible, access to natural sunlight. You need to give them calcium every day and vitamins 3-4 times a week.

The Australian frilled lizard (lat. Chlamydosaurus kingii) belongs to the agamidae family, and is known even to those people who have little interest in lizards. What? She resembles a dragon, and is certainly remembered even by random people.

The frilled lizard (notice the characteristic name?) has a fold of skin filled with blood vessels on its head. At the moment of danger, it inflates it, changing color and thereby visually becoming larger, frightening predators. In addition, she stands on her hind legs to appear taller and also runs away on two legs.

Frilled lizard lives on the island New Guinea and the northern coast of Australia. It is the second largest lizard among the agamidae, second only to Hydrosaurus spp. Males living in Australia can reach 100 cm, although individuals living in New Guinea are smaller, up to 80 cm.

Females are significantly smaller than males, approximately two-thirds the size. In captivity, frilled lizards can live up to 10 years, although females are somewhat shorter, due to the regular stress associated with reproduction and egg laying.

For normal maintenance you need a spacious, well-equipped terrarium, with large area bottom. Unlike other lizards, frilled lizards spend their entire lives in trees, not on the ground, and need space.

For a lizard, you need a terrarium at least 130-150 cm long, with a height of at least 100 cm. It is better to cover all windows, except the front one, with opaque material, this will reduce stress and increase the sense of security.

They have good eyesight and react to movement in the room, plus the limited view will help them concentrate on the food while feeding. By the way, if the lizard is stressed or has recently appeared, then try closing the front window, it will come to its senses faster.

It is better that the length of the terrarium be 150 cm, height from 120 to 180 cm, especially if you keep a pair. If it is one individual, then a little smaller, then all the same, height is very important. It makes them feel safe, plus they climb in to warm themselves.

Branches and various snags should be located at different angles, creating a structure similar to scaffolding.

Lighting and temperature

The distance between the lamp and the heating zone is at least 30 cm. And in the rest of the area the temperature is from 29 to 32C. At night it can drop to 24 C. Duration daylight hours 10-12 hours.


It is better to use a combination of coconut shavings, sand and garden soil, 4-6 cm deep. This mixture holds moisture well and does not generate dust. You can also use mulch and reptile mats.


The basis for feeding the frilled lizard should be a mixture of different insects: crickets, grasshoppers, locusts, worms, zoobass. All insects should be dusted with reptile food containing vitamin D3 and calcium.

You can also give baby mice, depending on the size of the lizard. Juveniles are fed insects, but small ones, daily, two or three times a day. You can also sprinkle them with water, reducing playfulness and replenishing the lizard’s water reserves.

They also eat fruits, but you need to try them, since a lot depends on the individual; some refuse greens.

Adults are fed once a day or two days, again with the addition of calcium and vitamins. Pregnant females are fed more frequently and supplements are given at each feeding.


In nature, frilled lizards thrive during the rainy season, which keeps them hydrated. In captivity, the humidity in the terrarium should be about 70%. The terrarium should be sprayed with a spray bottle daily, and for juveniles three times a day, during feeding. If funds allow, it is better to install a special system that maintains air humidity.

Thirsty lizards collect drops of water from the decor, but they will ignore the water container in the corner. Unless it helps maintain humidity through evaporation. They usually collect droplets a few minutes after you spray the terrarium.

The first sign of dehydration is sunken eyes, followed by skin condition. If you pinch it and the fold does not smooth out, then the lizard is dehydrated. Spray the terrarium liberally and observe her behavior, or immediately go to the veterinarian for subcutaneous injections of liquid.


They feel comfortable in the terrarium and uncomfortable outside it. Do not touch the lizards again if you see what is outside familiar environment she feels bad. The most important thing is that she is healthy and active, even if this means you only have to watch her and not hold her in your hands.

A frightened frilled lizard opens its mouth, hisses, puffs up its hood, and may even bite you. It looks impressive, but keep in mind that it doesn’t have the greatest effect on her condition. in the best possible way.

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In distant Australia you can observe a very interesting picture. Enough large lizard she quickly climbs up a small hill, stands on her hind legs, and then suddenly a huge bright “collar” opens around her head, like an umbrella. She begins to angrily hiss and open her huge mouth, and then turns sharply and runs on her hind legs to the nearest tree. This whole show was started by a frilled lizard.

You can meet it in northwestern Australia and southern New Guinea. These reptiles live in forest-steppes and dry forests. They spend most of their time in trees. It comes down to the ground only in search of food or to climb a nearby tree.

This is a fairly large lizard belonging to the agamidae family. The length of her body is approximately 80-100 centimeters, 2/3 of which is occupied by the tail (50-70 centimeters). Their color depends on environment. Most often, the body color matches the color of fallen leaves - brown, golden, yellowish, gray, etc.

The tail occupies 2/3 of the body

The frilled lizard boasts strong limbs and sharp claws that help it move quickly through the trees.

Tenacious paws

Now let’s figure out why the lizard got its name. If you look closely at it, you can see a large leathery fold around the head and neck. In the absence of a threat, this fold is folded, but as soon as danger appears, the animal instantly opens its “collar” with jagged edges and immediately takes on a frightening appearance. It is for this huge fold, which somewhat resembles a cloak, that the lizard got its name “cloak-bearing”.

Leather fold folded Open collar

The collar opening mechanism is directly related to the opening of the mouth. The wider it is opened, the more the leathery fold will unfold. This occurs as a result of tension in the throat of a special muscle that activates the processes of the hyoid bone. When unfolded, the diameter of the resulting “umbrella” can reach 30 centimeters, in the center of which there is a huge open mouth. A terrifying picture, no doubt about it.

To be more convincing, she rises on her hind legs and raises her head and body high. If the enemy does not retreat, then she goes on the attack - she begins to attack, bite hard and inflict serious blows his long tail. These techniques work well on snakes and dogs.

As soon as it becomes clear that the enemy is confused, the lizard quickly runs away on its hind legs into the bushes or to the nearest tree. The raised tail serves as a balance stabilizer when running.

In addition to its protective function, the open leathery collar helps regulate body temperature. In the morning, while it is cool, the lizard uses it to “catch” the sun’s rays, and when it overheats, it cools down.

Also, with its help, males mating season attract the attention of females. After mating, the female lays 8 to 14 eggs in a shallow hole dug in damp sand. After 10 weeks, offspring are born.

Frilled lizard eggs

They look for their food in trees or on the ground. They feed on various invertebrates, small mammals, reptiles, insects and spiders. Bird eggs are their special treat.

The agamidae family. Lives in the north of the Australian continent and the south of Island B natural conditions can live up to 5 years, in captivity lives up to 10 years.

The frilled lizard grows up to 80 cm in length, with more than 50 cm in the tail. Weight can be up to 0.7 kg. Its body may have a pinkish tint or dark gray. Transverse stripes run along the tail and back, more noticeable in young individuals. The entire body is covered with scales that perform a protective function.

The lizard got its name due to a thin membrane of skin around the neck, interrupted at the back of the head and dismembered under the throat, reminiscent of a collar or cloak. covered with flat scales, slightly thicker at the edges and supported by two long cartilaginous outgrowths. When the muscles supporting the outgrowths are tense, the cloak can rise and fall when these muscles relax. In a calm state, the collar of lizards is little noticeable.

The coat of males is brightly colored, since in addition to scaring away enemies, it also serves to attract females during the mating season. With the help of the collar, the animal can regulate its body temperature: in the morning, the protruding cloak catches the sun's rays, while elevated temperatures it promotes cooling.

The frilled lizard lives in trees, but can descend to the ground in search of food. The prey is various invertebrates and small reptiles, and less often small mammals.

The frilled lizard is vulnerable to enemies (snakes, cats) in open areas. Therefore, she has developed her own special defense mechanism. When meeting an enemy, she freezes, hoping that she will remain unnoticed. If she is nevertheless seen, she sharply straightens her collar and makes hissing sounds. The more the mouth opens, the more the collar unfolds, which in adult males can reach a diameter of 20 cm. As a rule, the enemy retreats from surprise. To enhance the effect, the lizard exposes its teeth, rises on its hind legs and twirls its tail. If all intimidation fails, she flees or attacks the enemy. When attacking, it can bite painfully and deliver significant blows with its tail covered with spiny scales. When running away, the frilled lizard moves only on its hind legs, using its tail to maintain balance.

During the breeding season, the male nods his head in a certain way, invites the female to mate. During sexual intercourse, the male holds the female with his teeth. Later, the female, having made a hole in the wet sand, will lay 8-14 eggs in it. The offspring will hatch in approximately 10 weeks.

There are hobbyists who keep lizards at home. The terrarium must have driftwood and a drinking bowl with clean water, in which you need to put a stone so that you can get out of the bowl. required. The temperature must be maintained at 30 °C and the terrarium must be sprayed periodically, at least once a day.

Lizard food can be purchased at pet stores. You can also feed your pet live insects, small mammals, and bird eggs. Domestic lizard will not refuse the prepared mixture consisting of meat, grated carrots and chopped lettuce in a ratio of 2:2:1. It is advisable to add vitamins and calcium to this mixture.