Daily diuresis. Labor standards Percentage of increase in production standards

Urine is one of the most important biological fluids of the body; through it, important conclusions can be drawn about the functioning of the urinary system and the body as a whole. It is for this reason that great importance has diuresis, in particular daily.

Daily diuresis is the amount of urine that a person excretes per day. The daily diuresis rate is about 70 percent of the fluid that a person consumed per day. It is worth noting that normal daily diuresis is a concept that depends on age and weight. Naturally, it will be different for adults and children.

What determines daily diuresis?

There are factors that influence daily diuresis figures. This is the amount of fluid you drink, age, weight, temperature and humidity environment, intensity physical activity, nutritional composition. Daily diuresis in children also differs significantly depending on their age.

Types of daily diuresis

Daily diuresis can be divided into nighttime and daytime. The second one predominates in healthy person above the first one. If this does not happen, then the pathology is called nocturia.

Based on the amount of urine excreted, there are:

  • polyuria (the volume of urine excreted exceeds three liters);
  • oliguria (urine excreted 500 ml or less);
  • anuria (urination of no more than 50 ml per day).

The amount of urine produced depends on the fluid consumed

In addition to quantitative indicators, indicators of the qualitative nature of urine composition are also important. Based on the concentration of released osmotically active substances, they are distinguished:

  • osmotic diuresis (a lot of urine containing many active substances is excreted);
  • water diuresis (few active substances and a lot of urine);
  • antidiuresis (many osmatic substances and little urine).

How to determine

Determining daily diuresis is necessary in order to understand how the urinary system works. It can be calculated by calculating the clearance. For this purpose, the patient must collect urine during the day into a special container, which has markings for conducting an accurate examination. The patient also records the entire amount of liquid he drinks for 24 hours.

Moreover, this figure includes all components: juice, coffee, and tea. All this data will then be transferred to the doctor. As a rule, a nephrologist conducts a diuresis study; he calculates the indicator and compares it with the accepted norm. Night and daytime diuresis (hereinafter D.) are recorded separately. During the study, the usual drinking regimen is observed.

The algorithm for determining daily diuresis is as follows:

  • we cancel diuretics and aspirin three days before calculating the desired indicator;
  • We also do not consume coloring foods (carrots, beets, carbonated drinks with dyes);
  • Before the analysis, we carefully perform hygiene of the external genitalia;
  • the first (morning) portion of urine does not need to be counted, it is poured into the toilet;
  • the container with urine should be stored in the refrigerator;
  • the entire volume of urine collected per day is not needed in the laboratory; it is enough to pour 200 ml of the total amount into a separate container, while recording the figure for daily urine;
  • A container with urine is delivered to the laboratory, and the start and end time of urine collection, the total volume of biological fluid, the height, weight and age of the patient are recorded on it.

Your doctor will tell you the nuances of urine collection to estimate the daily amount.

What are the normal numbers?

Daily diuresis is normally assessed using special tables, which indicate valid values water balance, daily D. In the process of assessing it, the following indicators are needed:

  • the total amount of urine excreted in 24 hours (for men from one to two liters, for women - from one to one and a half, and for children under one year - no more than a liter);
  • hourly D value;
  • density, color of urine, also take into account how transparent it is;
  • absence or presence of hemoglobin (normally it is not in urine);
  • sugar (normally no more than 1.6 mmol per liter per day);
  • Ph of this liquid;
  • protein or daily proteinuria (no more than 0.07-0.23 in 24 hours);
  • creatinine (5.3-17 for women, 7-19 for men);
  • urea (normal values ​​are 250-560 mmol).

For children, the norm boundaries are slightly different; they are directly dependent on their age.

Daily diuresis in children

If the average daily diuresis in adults ranges from one to two liters, then normal indicators children's will be as follows:

  • up to one year – 320-590 ml;
  • from one to three years – 750-810;
  • from three to five – 890-1060;
  • from five to seven –1060-1310;
  • from seven to nine –1230-1510;
  • from nine to eleven –1510-1660;
  • from eleven to thirteen –1590-1900.

Small deviations of these figures are acceptable; the average value of the norm is given.

There is a formula that helps determine the required indicator for children under ten years of age - 600+100(n-1), n ​​is the number of years of the child’s life

The average daily diuresis of a one-year-old child is 450 ml. An increase or decrease in the numbers accepted as the norm is a reason to visit a doctor.

Features in pregnant women

As you know, while carrying a child, the functioning of all systems in the mother’s body undergoes a restructuring; it now functions for two. The daily norm for a pregnant woman is 60-80 percent of the fluid she drank in 24 hours.

A pregnant woman gains a very large part of her body weight from fluids, because the volume of circulating blood increases significantly, and water is also necessary for the formation of amniotic fluid around the fetus. Usually a woman drinks a lot during this period. For this and a number of other reasons, the amount of urine excreted increases, and the number of trips to the toilet also increases.

The daily diuresis rate during this period ranges from a liter to 2, as you can see, it does not differ radically from that of other women. Typically, the amount of urine in 24 hours increases after 22 weeks, because at this time the baby reaches a decent size and puts pressure on the bladder.

Stress can disrupt the normal values ​​of this important indicator. physical exercise, as well as various diseases (preeclampsia, pyelonephritis, diabetes, cardiac and renal pathologies). Any deviation in the mother’s body affects the child, which is why a pregnant woman needs to closely monitor her condition.

Measuring daily urine output is very important. Despite the development of modern medicine, this method remains relevant.

Labor standards for workers are carried out using the following types labor standards: time standards, production standards, headcount standards, service standards, as well as standardized tasks.

Standard time- this is a given amount of time required to produce a unit of product (unit of work) by one worker or group of workers of a certain qualification in the appropriate organizational and technical conditions.

Production rate- this is a given number of units of products (scope of work) that an employee or group of workers of a certain qualification must produce per unit of working time in the appropriate organizational and technical conditions.

Number of people- this is a given number of workers of the relevant profession and qualifications, which is established as necessary to perform the necessary work tasks (functions or scope of work) in certain organizational and technical conditions.

Standard of service- this is a given number of units of means of production (equipment, devices, workplaces, etc.) that an employee or group of employees of a certain profession and qualification must service during a unit of working time in the appropriate organizational and technical conditions.

Standardized task- this is a specified amount of work that an employee or group of employees must complete during a work shift or for another unit of working time.

There are also standard labor standards. These include intersectoral, sectoral and professional labor standards. Intersectoral labor standards are unified in nature and developed taking into account uniform organizational and technical conditions at enterprises in various industries. Industry labor standards are labor standards established for work specific to a particular industry. Their development is carried out through research at enterprises in a specific industry. Professional labor standards are developed for specific types of work in standard organizational and technical conditions. Local labor standards are labor standards developed directly at the enterprise itself for work that is specific to the organization and there are no standard intersectoral, sectoral, professional labor standards. The experience of Russian enterprises with examples and figures can be found in section Labor rationing portal libraries.

The establishment of standardized tasks for workers has become widespread in the last few decades to stimulate the productivity of hourly paid workers in the context of the transition from mass and large-scale production to the production of a wide range of products in small series. As a rule, standardized tasks are set for workers who are paid on a time basis. For example, in the main production - workers employed on conveyor lines, automatic line operators, electric and gas welders, in production service departments - machine operators in repair and transport areas, machine operators in experimental and tool areas. Standardized tasks are developed on the basis of time (output) standards and are established in labor (standard hour) or natural indicators (tons, meters, units of repair complexity, etc.) within labor standardization in production.

The time rate (Nvr) and the production rate (Nvir) are in an inverse relationship, which is determined by the equations:

N vr = 1/N exp; N vr = 1/N vr

Based on the standard time per unit of production (work) and the estimated number of working hours in the time period, the standard output of the worker is determined.

Example . A worker produces part M-1 in a 5-day mode working week lasting 40 hours. The estimated average monthly working time is 168 hours. The standard time for manufacturing a part is 0.33 standard hours. Production rates for time periods are characterized by the data in Scheme 1.

Application of the time standard for calculating standard production

Name of time period

Estimated standard working time, hour

Standard time per unit of production, standard hour

Standard output for the time period, pieces

511 (168,6/0,33)

6130 (2023/0,33)

Time standards and production standards are used in determining prices for the piecework principle of remuneration. The piece rate is determined by dividing the hourly tariff rate (C) corresponding to the category of work performed by the hourly production rate (N exp) or by multiplying the hourly tariff rate by the established time standard (N exp) in hours.

P = C/H exp or

P = C x N time

Example. Based on the example data, the standard time for manufacturing a part is 0.33 standard hours, the hourly production rate is 3.03 units. The work is charged 5th category. Hourly tariff rate of the 5th category is 16,000 rubles. Let us determine the piece rate in Scheme 2.

Piece rate calculation

Example of piecework calculation wages a product assembler performing various work tasks looks like this (see Diagram 3).

Sheet for calculating piecework wages for a product assembler for the month

Process number

Tariff rate, rub

Production rate

Price per unit of work, rub

Number of units produced

Amount of piecework payment, rub.

Total piecework wages for manufactured products

Practical examples of standardization at Russian and global enterprises can be found in Almanac "Production Management"

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Timesheet - All time in one report!

The report allows you to obtain a summary number of hours worked per month for employees of organizations for any period. The data is generated both on the basis of the data in the document “Working Time Sheets of Organizational Employees”, if the time worked by employees of organizations is recorded according to the timesheet, and on the basis of data from work schedules established for employees of organizations, if records are kept according to a schedule.

Absolutely any period can be specified. You can set the selection for one or more organizations, divisions of organizations, employees of organizations. These fields are formatted as a list of values.

You can also specify the following parameters in the settings:

Types of working hours: One or more types of working time are specified, according to which the time worked by an employee of the organization will be summarized. Usually this is turnout, evening hours, night hours, etc. Default value: Turnout.

Empty value: Defines the symbol that will be displayed in a report cell with an empty time worked value. Default value: "-".

Grouping by departments: Contains an indication whether or not to group the displayed employee data based on the organization's divisions. With the checkbox checked, the report looks more clearly, as it contains data about the position of an employee of the organization, the work schedule, according to which the number of hours worked is calculated, and all changes that occur with the employee over a specified period of time are visible: changes in position, work schedule, recorded in the “Personnel” documents movement of employees of organizations." When unchecked, data is displayed for each employee in one line with total number hours worked.

Output of decryption by type of time: Specifies whether detailed records by type of working time will be displayed. The detailing contains all types of time that were used by the employee when maintaining time sheets. The indicated summable types of time are tinted red for clarity. It is over them that the summation occurs. Data for other types of time that are not colored red are displayed for information. Also in the detailed records of time worked there are two columns: the first is the number of hours, the second is the days in the specified month.

Show results by year: Contains an indication of whether to group data by year of the period of the report data being output. If the parameter is set, then when the report is displayed, after each year a column will appear with the total number of hours worked for the corresponding year. It is convenient when the report contains data for several years, and you need to find out the final data for each year, as well as summary data for the entire period. If the parameter is not set, a summary total for the entire period will be displayed.

Round values: If the parameter is set, then fractional values ​​of the output data will be rounded up to integers according to the rule 1.5 as 2.

Landscape printing: Determines the type of report printing: if the parameter is set - landscape printing, otherwise - portrait printing.

Show rate: Determines the need to establish working hours according to the established work schedule.

Settings are made in the window called up by clicking the “Settings” button in the main report menu.

P.S.: All set parameters are saved for the current user, and are restored when the report is reopened in the form in which they were at the time the report was closed.
Displaying information on a large list of employees over a long period of time can take a long time. It took me a little more than 5 minutes to display data for the year for 10 organizations with about 200 employees.


Fixed an error when calculating hours by department when several types of time were selected.


What's new:

- The query has been optimized, thereby reducing the report output time by approximately 3 times;

- Fixed a bug with displaying employees with selection by group of departments (note from );

- Added standard working hours according to schedule (optional);

- Added output of overtime hours (note from ). Moreover, in the standard T-13 report, overtime is displayed next to the turnout, for example 8/2 (Y/S). In this report Overtime are a separate type of working time, which makes the data more clear. Overtime hours are included in attendance, so days worked are not counted;

- The mechanism for managing groups has been changed. Thanks for the idea;

- Added information on days worked.


- Fixed a bug when outputting data without a norm.


- Fixed an error when displaying data with the norm when grouping by departments is disabled;

- Fixed a bug when an employee was not hired from the beginning of the month or was fired not at the end of the month, or there were movements of the employee across departments, then the norm was taken out of full month. Corrected.

- If access restriction by organization is used, then when opening the report, it may give an error. Corrected.

Thank you for identifying the shortcomings


- The standard working time is derived taking into account personnel deviations during the month (vacation, sick leave, etc.);

- Made it possible to group data by department, i.e. display information about hours worked in aggregate by department, without detailing by employee.

Thanks for the help in finalizing it


- A demo version of the report has been released with limited output for a specific month.

Limitations of the demo version: the ability to generate a report only for January 2012, or for January 2013.


- Added a setting that allows you to display the calculation of leave for hazardous working conditions.

Money back guarantee

Infostart LLC guarantees you a 100% refund if the program does not correspond to the declared functionality from the description. The money can be returned in full if you request this within 14 days from the date the money is received in our account.

The program has been so proven to work that we can give such a guarantee with complete confidence. We want all our customers to be satisfied with their purchase.

An individual table of the maximum possible time for alcohol removal from the body for most common alcoholic beverages. Calculations are carried out using the formula of Erik Mateo Prohet Widmark (Widmark Erik M. P.) with an accuracy of 99%.

Unlike most found on the Internet, our table is compiled for a specific person, taking into account his gender, height and weight, based on the algorithm of a professional alcohol calculator.

Attention! Calculations are carried out by you at your own peril and risk. The results of calculations cannot serve as evidence in court, be the basis for lawsuits or other claims, or be used as any evidence, as well as to challenge the results of laboratory determination of ethanol concentration in blood and urine.

The creators and developers of the site and this program do not bear any responsibility for attempts to apply the results of calculations in legal disputes and their consequences. Don't drink and drive!

The calculation algorithm was written by forensic scientists and for forensic scientists. You can ask questions to experts about the principles of its operation on the forensic experts forum.

Permissible alcohol limit while driving

Acceptable rate alcohol while driving in ppm () is:

  • - in Russia - 0.32 *,
  • - in Ukraine - 0.2 **.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation* states: “The fact of the use of substances that cause alcoholic intoxication is determined by the presence of absolute ethyl alcohol in a concentration exceeding the possible total measurement error, namely 0.16 milligrams per liter of exhaled air».

The rate of ethyl alcohol is indicated for exhaled air in mg/l.

0.16 mg/l in exhaled air = 0.32 in blood

* Full name of the document establishing the level of alcohol in the driver’s blood: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 2008 No. 475 (as amended on November 18, 2013) “On approval of the Rules for the examination of a person who drives vehicle, per state alcohol intoxication and registration of its results, sending the specified person for a medical examination for intoxication, medical examination of this person for state of intoxication and registration of its results and rules for determining the presence narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances in the human body during a medical examination to determine the state of intoxication of the person driving the vehicle.”

**Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the Ministry of Health Protection of Ukraine dated 9 June 2009 No. 400/666 (from the amendments introduced by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the Ministry of Health Protection edge view 10 lipnya 2015 roku No. 843/ 423): “2.7. The establishment of alcohol control is subject to review, which is carried out consistently with the strict instructions of the authorized persons of the State Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the patrol service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with special technical requirements, indicators of which after the test was carried out in the vidihuvanomy povitri loom digital indicator of more than 0.2 ppm to alcohol in blood."

Removing alcohol from the body

The removal of ethyl alcohol from the blood is a natural process that occurs at a certain speed. The average time for elimination of ethanol in the blood is 0.15/hour, but in 99% of cases it ranges from 0.1/hour. up to 0.2/hour. We take the concentration of alcohol in the blood after drinking alcohol in ppm, divide it by the rate of elimination and get the result.

But it's not that simple. First, it is necessary to correctly calculate this concentration, since not all ethanol enters the blood from the stomach and intestines. And take into account the time required to absorb alcohol. More details

In progress labor activity such a concept as a production norm arises. It is not applicable to all sectors of the economy, but it is very important indicator when calculating employee wages. Most often used exclusively for manufacturing enterprises. Where and how the production rate is used will be discussed further.

Theoretical concepts

Rationing of labor is necessary in any case. How to set the salary amount for an employee? Based on what data and indicators? I first thought about this at dawn economic theory J. Keynes. Now standardization is carried out in any industry, and recommendations for this are outlined in regulatory documents.

In fact, the production rate determines how many units of output one person must make in the time allotted to him. The parameter is calculated in natural terms: ton, pieces, kilograms, meters, and so on. Despite the fact that there is a unified approach to the formation of production standards, for each sector of the economy it is completely different. At the state level, only practical recommendations, but specific indicators are established directly at the enterprise and are regulated by a collective agreement.

The procedure for developing production standards for the food industry

In catering establishments, it is customary to assume that the work of any cook is assessed in the number of dishes prepared. This approach helps to objectively assess what time, resources and labor were necessary to create a particular product. In regulatory documents on food industry Special labor intensity coefficients have been developed, without which it is impossible to calculate the production rate.

Labor intensity coefficient of the food industry

The labor intensity coefficient shows how much time is needed to prepare one dish in relation to the dish taken as a unit of labor intensity. In other words, there is a single parameter taken as one, and all others are equal to it.

For example, the simplest chicken soup One serving prepares 100 s. This is a unit. Milk soup will take 90 seconds, in which case the labor intensity coefficient will be 0.9. Timing helps set such boundaries. But in order for catering enterprises not to waste their time studying standards, government services did it all for them, and now all the norms and labor intensity coefficients for Food Industry can be found in regulatory documents.

Production rate formula for the food industry

The production rate (formula) has approximately same look for all sectors of the economy. To calculate it, indicators of the duration of the work shift, the time spent on producing a unit of product, time for preparation, rest, and so on are used. Let's give an example for the food industry. The formula is shown in the figure:

The required parameters are:

N in - production rate;

T pz - time for preparatory stage, min;

T obs - time required to service the workplace, min;

T exc - time spent on personal needs, min;

T op - calculated time per unit of production, min.

In general, it does not matter in which dimension the calculations are carried out. You can use minutes, seconds or hours.


The following initial parameters are given:

In total, one cook spends 25,220 rubles on making a cottage cheese cake. Preparatory time takes 1260 s, preparing the workplace and necessary materials costs 1008 s. During breaks, 1260 s are spent for rest and personal needs. According to the timing specified in the regulatory documents, it should take 32.39 seconds to make one unit of cottage cheese cake. Find the production rate.

We substitute the data into our formula and get the result:

N in = (25220 - (1260+1008+1260)) / 32.39 = 671 pcs.

Thus, one cook can produce 671 units of cottage cheese cake in one work shift. The results obtained serve as an assessment of labor productivity and are the main data for calculating wages.

Performance standards for cleaners of non-industrial premises

Let's look at another example. Cleaning of industrial premises is carried out approximately according to the same plan, so data from real life is taken as a basis. existing enterprise, for example, the beer and soft drink industry.

Calculation of the production rate is carried out taking into account the following points:

  • basic operations: washing and sweeping floors, washing and wiping walls, windows, doors;
  • cleaning premises: technological workshops and auxiliary areas;
  • characteristics of cleaning objects: material of manufacture, labor intensity during work;
  • for optimal work time an 8-hour shift is taken.

Calculation formula for cleaning industrial premises

Directly at the enterprise, they carry out their own time measurements when calculating production standards. This is done in order to most accurately understand how many minutes or hours it takes to wipe windows, say, measuring 1 by 1 m or 2 by 3 m. The same goes for floors. The tiled covering, without chips and cracks, can be removed much faster than its concrete counterpart. Let's look at how the production rate (formula) for industrial premises is calculated:

You need to know the following parameters:

N in - production rate;

T cm - duration of one shift, min;

T obs - time required to service the workplace during a shift, min;

T department - time spent on rest, min;

T ln - time for a break for personal needs, min;

T op - calculated time for cleaning 1 square. m area, sec;

k is a coefficient that is taken into account when cleaning several rooms. It shows how much time a worker spends moving from one hall to another. It is actually set by a stopwatch.

General requirements for production workshops before starting cleaning

The above production standards will make sense if a number of requirements for production premises. As we understand, in a workshop where work is in full swing all day, everything must be in order by the end of the shift. This time is taken into account by the worker standing at the machine, and not by the cleaning lady. So, let's give General requirements to production premises:

  • At the entrance there must be special floor gratings or mats that collect dirt from the street;
  • floors must be promptly repaired when cracks and potholes appear;
  • all transport carts must have rubber wheels that do not damage the floor;
  • the walls must be made in accordance with the standards adopted by government services (painted or covered with light tiles);
  • garbage and broken containers must be removed by the employee into appropriate containers;
  • special attention is paid to the distance standards between equipment;
  • All employees must maintain their work area and keep it clean.


Determining the production rate is of key importance for enterprises today. Many experts believe that clearly established quantitative boundaries disadvantage workers, preventing them from expressing themselves and increasing their productivity. But at the same time, labor rationing will not be abolished any time soon, because this is the only way to regulate wages.

Another issue is that the standards should be regularly revised to take into account new conditions or more productive equipment. Another nonsense today in the realities of production structures is that most time standards are established according to samples. The conditions in the workshop may be more difficult, which will entail a greater waste of time, and therefore failure to comply with standards. Consideration of all factors when measuring timekeeping is a fundamentally important task for calculating production rates.