The richest family in the world (4 photos).

Florentine bankers Medici, Russian merchants Morozovs and factory owners Demidovs, French and British Rothschilds, the first dollar billionaires The Rockefellers - all these business clans have become a symbol of wealth and prosperity. The stories are familiar to many families who have built real business empires from scratch.


Pioneers of German capitalism, who founded the most powerful German banking house in the 15th century. The main bankers of the Habsburg Empire traced their ancestry to simple weavers who moved to Augsburg in southwestern Bavaria in the 14th century. There they started small, but profitable business. Soon, from selling the products of local weavers, they switched to moneylending. The Fuggers became so rich that they began to lend money to the Habsburgs themselves. The latter did not remain in debt and in 1488 transferred the copper and silver mines of Tyrol and parts of Hungary to the family for exploitation. At that time the head of the family was Jakob Fugger. For possessing the first fortune in Europe, Jacob was popularly nicknamed Rich.

With the support of the Fuggers, Charles V of Habsburg gained the crown of the Holy Roman Empire. The Pope sent his nuncios to them for loans. True, friendship with the rulers played a cruel joke with the Fuggers. At the beginning of the 17th century, Charles waged endless wars in Europe, increasingly emptying the treasury and wallets of the Fuggers. Actually, the Habsburgs, to whom the Fuggers owed their empire, drove the last nail into the coffin of the banking house in the middle of the 17th century: it was completely ruined by exorbitant costs. True, the matter was not over completely: the Fuggers retained their lands and an influential position in society. Their descendants still live in Germany and run the Fürst Fugger Privatbank.


The Berenberg Bank, founded in 1590, is the world's first private bank and the second oldest after Siena's Monte dei Paschi. According to family legend, the Berenberg family descends from the brothers Hans and Paul, enterprising Protestants from the Dutch Antwerp who fled the war with the Catholics in 1585 and settled in Hamburg. Since Hamburg was one of the cities of the Hanseatic League, the richest northern European guild of merchants, the Berenbergs fit well into European business. In addition to moneylending, they were also engaged in the sale of fabrics and ready-made clothing. Thanks to relatives and friendly contacts in other European countries The Berenbergs developed a brisk trade in Hamburg.

At the end of the 18th century, the Berenberg bank was virtually the only commercial enterprise in Europe that was managed, albeit briefly, by a woman - Elisabeth Berenberg. Actually, due to the lack of heirs in the male line, two more important dynasties for Germany came from the Berenbergs: the Gosslers and the Seylers. The family was highly respected until the First World War. Thus, the Berenbergs held a seat in the city Senate since 1735.

Like other large European houses, the Berenbergs were no strangers to philanthropy. In the 1870s, a German expedition to Antarctica led by Eduard Dallmann was equipped with Ernest Gossler's money. Discovered in 1873, Dallmann named the Gossler Islands in gratitude.

The dynasty survived two world wars, the collapse and reunification of Germany. The head office of the Berenberg-Gossler bank is still located in Hamburg and is managed by the descendants of the family - they own 25% of the company's shares.


The beginning of the dynasty was laid by Salih Kaduri, a Jew from Baghdad, a successful merchant and businessman. During Salih's lifetime, the family was engaged in business mainly in Bombay, India. After his death in 1876, Salih's two sons moved to Hong Kong. In the middle of the 20th century, the Kadoories opened trading offices throughout the East, were engaged in the hotel business, electricity, real estate, and owned rubber plantations. But the main profit came from the network of banks.

Family members did a lot of charity work, opened schools for Jews and Arabs, and built synagogues. Elisse Kadoorie was a prominent member of the Zionist movement. The Hebrew University in Jerusalem was built with his money.

In 1917, another member of the Kadoorie clan, Alley, was knighted. He died in 1922. According to his will, £100,000 was allocated to the development of education in British-mandated Palestine. His son Lawrence was later elected to the British House of Lords. During World War II, the Kadoories helped Jewish families in Europe. One of the oldest synagogues in Portuguese Porto bears their name.

Rose Kadoorie was married to American Air Force pioneer and spy Hilaire du Berrier. Laurence Kadoorie's son Michael ( in the photo) is currently one of the top 10 richest people in Hong Kong, is married to a Cuban woman and collects vintage cars.


The founder of the family, Cornelius Vanderbilt, was born in 1794 in Port Richmond, in what is now New York. The son of a Dutch farmer, Cornelius dropped out of school at age 11, dreaming of starting his own business. At 16, he bought a barge with money borrowed from his mother. The transportation of passengers turned out to be profitable business- he paid off the debt within a year, his profit minus the cost of the barge was $1000. By the age of 17, Vanderbilt became the owner of a company for the maritime transportation of passengers. By the late 1880s, he was the first man in the American steamship business, buying up half of New York City and launching intercontinental shipping. People respectfully called him “Commander.” At the time of his death, Vanderbilt's fortune reached $100 million—in today's dollars, $143 billion.

For three centuries, the family has given the world beautiful and talented heirs. Consuelo Vanderbilt was considered one of the most attractive women beginning of the 20th century, and Gertrude Vanderbilt founded the Whitney Museum of American Art. Among the living representatives of the dynasty, Gloria Vanderbilt ( in the photo) - actress, socialite and founder of the eponymous denim brand. She was one of the first to introduce blue jeans into fashion. She has released a line bed linen, clothing and perfume. In 2009, she published an autobiography, where she frankly spoke about all her erotic adventures. In 2014, the heir to the Vanderbilt empire turned 90 years old.


The family of the largest German industrialists, famous for the production of steel and weapons. The Krupps trace their ancestry back to early XVII century. There is a legend that Arndt Krupp, a small moneylender from Essen, made his first capital in 1600 - fearing the end of the world, pious Essenians sold their property for pennies and crowded churches, begging for forgiveness in case of the Last Judgment. Krupp, who allegedly did not believe in the end of the world, bought houses and jewelry for pennies, and then, when it became clear that the alarm was false, he sold everything at exorbitant prices to the old owners. There is another, more plausible version: Arndt Krupp arrived in Essen during the plague pandemic and became rich by buying up the houses of those who fled the city, fearing infection.

The steel business and the production of military implements became the business of the Krupp family during the Napoleonic Wars in early XIX century. Alfred Krupp made his first major deal in 1859 - he sold 312 steel cannons invented by the Krupps to Wilhelm I. Since then, the Krupps have been the main suppliers of military weapons in Germany. Victory in the war with France in 1870 was perceived as great success Kruppstahl.

All first world war The Krupps supplied the German army with weapons. The Krupps looked down on Hitler, who in the 1920s became a prominent political figure - he was not a man of their circle. However, after he came to power, Gustav Krupp accepted the Nazi ideology: behind his back they even called him “supernazi”, so zealously the industrialist defended the beliefs of the NSDAP.

On Nuremberg trials Gustav was found guilty, but was never arrested - in 1941 he suffered a stroke, after which he was never able to recover. Krupp died in 1950 at a roadside inn in the German wilderness, where he lived with his wife Bertha for five years. His son Alfred was a member of the SS and did not hide his sympathies for Hitler. Prisoners from occupied countries were forced to work in the Krupp factories; Jews and Slavs were treated with particular cruelty.

In Nuremberg, Alfred was sentenced to 12 years in prison and confiscation of all property, but two years later the Americans amnestied him and returned most of the factories. Until the late 1990s, the Krupps remained the elite of the German industry, passing control of the company from father to son. In 1997, a major merger between the Krupp and Thyssen companies took place and ThyssenKrupp AG was formed, one of the most powerful industrial concerns in modern Germany.


The founder of the Toyota company and the father of the Japanese industrial revolution, Sakichi Toyoda was born in 1867 into the family of a poor carpenter. Thanks to his numerous inventions, Toyoda is often called the Japanese Thomas Edison. In 1890, he invented a manually operated loom, which brought him, a man who did not even have school education, significant fortune.

In the 1920s, Sakichi traveled to Europe and the United States. There he first saw cars that completely captured his imagination. Coming back to Japan, he founded the company. In 1930, Sakichi died, and his company passed to his son from his first marriage, Kiichiro. It was the heir to the founder of the dynasty who produced the first Toyota car in 1936.

Kiichiro's sons and grandsons headed the company until 1992. In 2000, the great-grandson of Sakichi Toyoda Akio ( in the photo), who after 12 years received the title of number one man in the automobile business.


One of the oldest and most prominent business dynasties in the East, Ispahani originates from Isfahan, Iran. The founder of the clan, Mohammed Hashem, moved to Bombay, India in 1820 and founded a family business there. Ispakhani did not have a specific specialization - they were engaged in trade in tea, spices and leather, and real estate, and the hotel business.

Mirza Abu Talib Ispahani was one of the first eastern businessmen to start doing business in Europe at the end of the 18th century. Since then, almost all family members in the male line have been educated at the best private schools and universities in Britain and America.

In 1900, Ispahani & Sons opened an office in London. In 1934, M.M. was formed on the basis of the company. Ispahani Limited, which traded extensively in chemicals, jute bags, tea and shellac during World War II. After Pakistan gained independence in 1947, the Ispahanis moved most of their business there. Their family occupied one of the key positions in the Pakistani economy - in particular, Mirza Ahmad Ispahani was the largest shareholder of Pakistan International Airlines. His son Mehdi served as head of M.M. Ispahani Limited until his death in 2004.

The company is still headed by Mehdi’s children. As before, the Ispahanis are involved in almost every type of business, from hotels and online delivery to tea and crackers trading.


In 1743, nineteen-year-old Jacobite Richard Hennessy ran away from home to join the Irish troops fighting for the French king Louis XV against the hated British. In the late 1740s the war started young man to the French region of Charente, to which he decided to return after almost 20 years - in 1765.

In the town of Cognac, Hennessy opened a trading office and a small cognac production. By a fortunate coincidence, Hennessy cognac ended up on the royal table. Louis XVI liked the drink, and soon there was no end to those wishing to purchase Hennessy products. Already in the late 1790s, cognac began to be exported to Great Britain and America. English king George IV was a big fan of Hennessy's production.

In 1865, Maurice Hennessy came up with a gradation of cognac based on taste and quality - the famous five stars. Today, the company that produces a third of the cognac consumed annually in the world is led by Maurice Richard ( in the photo), representative of the eighth generation of Hennessy.


The son of farmers, Alsatian Jew Leopold Dreyfus founded a small grain trading company in 1851 - at first he transported the products of the family farm for sale in Basel, Switzerland, then, when the business turned out to be profitable, he began working for his neighbors. The company was registered in the name of his father; Leopold himself was still too young to call it by his own name (he later changed his last name to Louis-Dreyfus). Seven years later he moved to Bern and began supplying grain from Eastern Europe to Western. After the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, Alsace went to Germany, but Leopold preferred the German French citizenship and moved to Paris. By 1900, Louis-Dreyfus was the number one grain supplier worldwide.

Leopold Louis-Dreyfus died in 1915, at the height of the First World War. The company passed to his sons Louis and Charles. Wealth and influence in industrial circles helped Louis become first a deputy and then a senator of the Third Republic. Together with his brother he sponsored the main press organ French communists Humanité. After Louis's death in 1940, management of the Louis-Dreyfus group of companies passed to his sons. Pierre Louis-Dreyfus was one of the prominent fighters of the French Resistance during World War II, and in the 1950s he very successfully returned to business. Pierre died in 2011 at the age of 102. His son Gerard is now 81 years old. In 2006, Forbes estimated his fortune at $3.4 billion.

Marguerite Louis-Dreyfus ( in the photo), the wife of another descendant of Leopold Dreyfus Robert, by the way, is from Russia. As of 2014, she ranks second in the list of the richest women in France (first among the owner of L’Oréal, Liliane Bettencourt). Her fortune is estimated at €8.5 billion. She is also well known to sports fans - Margarita Louis-Dreyfus owns the Olympique Marseille football club.

First place on the list was taken by the Waltons, heirs of the founder of the world's largest retailer Wal-Mart, Sam Walton. The Waltons' fortune is estimated at $130 billion, a year earlier it was estimated at $149 billion, and in 2014 at $152 billion.

Ranked second on the list Koch family, which controls Koch Industries Corporation, the second largest private company in the USA. The four Koch brothers own a fortune that Forbes estimated at $82 billion (in 2015 - $86 billion). The business was founded by their father and at first specialized in oil refining, but over the years the company has grown into a truly diversified holding. Charles and David are in the top 10 richest people America and are actively engaged in lobbying activities, sponsoring Republicans.

In third place is the Mars family, owners of the world's largest confectionery company, Mars, which produces M&Ms and Snickers. As the magazine calculated, the grandchildren of the founder of Mars Inc. Franklin Clarence Mars - Jacqueline, John and Forrest Mars Jr. have a combined fortune of $78 billion (in 2015 - $80 billion). All three heirs are on the board of directors of the corporation, but are not responsible for operational management. The Mars company was founded in 1911 by the grandfather of the current Mars, Frank Mars, in Tacoma, Washington. Their father, Forrest Sr., entered the family business in 1929, around the same time the company patented a unique recipe for nougat, which is used to make Milky Way and Snickers bars.

Fourth place was taken by the Cargill-McMillan family ($49 billion), which owns an 88% stake in Cargill, one of the largest private companies in the United States, an agricultural business empire engaged in food production, trading in raw materials and providing financial services. The dynasty was founded by William Wallace Cargill, the son of a Scottish captain. He created his first business in 1865 and became rich from the railroad boom of the late 19th century. In 1909, his son-in-law John MacMillan took over the company. Cargill remained a family business until 1995, when John's grandson, Whitney McMillan, left his post. general director. Today, representatives of the dynasty remain committed to a non-public lifestyle; very little is known about them.

In fifth place is the Cox family with a fortune of $41 billion. James M. Cox bought the Dayton Evening News newspaper in 1898. Today, the company he founded has grown into a family of assets that includes Cox Communications (cable television, broadband), Cox Media Group (newspapers, television, radio), Manheim (car sales) and AutoTrader Group (online car sales, Kelley Blue Book).

Sixth place was taken by the Johnson family ($30 billion), owners of SC Johnson, which produces cleaning products, including Mr. Muscle; in seventh place is the Pritzker family ($29 billion), involved in the hotel business and investments; in eighth place is the family of Edward Johnson ($28.5 billion), founder of the asset management company Fidelity, which grew into the transnational corporation Fidelity Investments; in ninth place is the Hearst family ($28 billion), heirs of publisher William Randolph Hearst, founder of the Hearst media concern. Rounding out the top ten is the Duncan family, heirs of Dan Duncan, founder of the energy company Enterprise Products Partners LP, with a fortune of $21.5 billion.

The combined wealth of the richest members American families over the year decreased by $11 billion, to $722 billion, Forbes writes. Ten dynasties managed to increase their wealth. The threshold for inclusion in the rating was $10.7 billion. This year, one newcomer made it to the list - the Goldman family, the heirs of developer Saul Goldman. Their fortune is estimated at $13.7 billion.

It's no secret that world economy and the sphere of finance is tightly controlled by the richest and most influential people, and sometimes entire families. Each generation of such clans increases the family fortune, thereby increasing their influence on the development of states and the situation in the world. It will be interesting for everyone to learn about the richest and most successful dynasties.

Walton family - net worth $100 billion

Stefan, Jim, Alice and Christy Walton own the world's largest supermarket chain, Wal-Mart, with sales exceeding $400 billion a year. Sam Walton - founder of Wal-Mart - was born in ordinary family farmer in 1918. Many believe that his entrepreneurial talent emerged during the Great American Depression, as it was then that he had to look for ways to survive. When Sam was 7 years old, he began actively helping his father in business, selling dairy products. Having collected some money, he himself began to raise rabbits and birds for sale.

Sam Walton made his first billion in 34 years. During this time, he organized many projects, which still did not bring him great fame, but gave him invaluable experience in the field of entrepreneurship. After his death, he bequeathed the Wal-Mart corporation to his 4 children, who are actively continuing their father’s work and raising the business to new level.

Oppenheimer family - net worth $200 billion

This dynasty controls a significant part of the world diamond market. Ernest Oppenheimer became the head of the diamond mining corporation De Beers and the leading gold mining company Anglo American in 1920. However, this was not enough for Oppenheimer, and he decided to also control the sale of diamonds and precious metals. Thus came the Central Selling Organization, known as the “Syndicate”, which captured over 90% of world diamond sales.

After the death of Ernest Oppenheimer, his son Harry Frederick inherited his business. In 2011, the family moved away from the diamond business, selling its stake in De Beers for $5 billion. Today they are engaged in the high technology sector. Thus, the Oppenheimers have already bought 10% of Yandex shares.

Rockefeller family - net worth $1 trillion

This surname is heard throughout the world and is associated with untold wealth and luxury. The history of the Rockefeller family began in the forties of the 19th century, with the birth of John Rockefeller, who early age He was distinguished by his ability to calculate all his actions in advance.

At the age of 16, he got a job in an accounting office and quickly absorbed business skills. Therefore, when an oil field was discovered in his city, John invested all his savings in “black gold” and added a considerable loan to them. At that time, few people believed in the success of Rockefeller himself and the oil business. However, soon, in 1879, Rockefeller's company already controlled 90% of the US oil market. Rockefeller's descendants managed not only to preserve the family's fortune, but also to increase it. Today, this dynasty owns more than 40 American companies with annual revenues of $1 trillion.

Morgan family - net worth $1.5 trillion

This dynasty controls approximately 20% of the United States' GDP, producing a total of $1.5 trillion in goods and services. They own hundreds of American companies, including General Motors and General Electric. The founder of the richest family in the world - John Pierpont Morgan - American businessman, who built the first financial empire in the States.

Rothschild family - net worth $2.5 trillion

What is attractive about this family is not only its fabulous fortune, but also the fact that in just 50 years these Jewish emigrants managed to reach unreal heights, taking control of world states.

The founder of the dynasty, Amschel Mayer Rothschild, at the age of 16 had already worked for 4 years at Oppenheimer's bank, mastering finance, saving money and opening his own antique shop. This very shop later grew into the first Rothschild bank. When Amschel's 5 sons grew up, he sent them to world capitals to expand the family business. The Rothschild Bank was distinguished by the fact that only family members could become managers in it. Later, this closed financial institution issued loans not only to individuals, but also to states.

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Let's talk about the richest and most influential dynasties in the world. Who are they, how rich are they and in what countries do they live. Below is the top 10 richest families on the planet.


The Pritzker dynasty has a fortune of $29 billion. This is a well-known capitalist clan in the United States, belonging to the richest families in the country since 1982. Founder Nicholas Pritzker. The family's assets include the Hyatt hotel chain, banks, airliners, and industrial firms. A couple of years ago, a representative of the James family changed his orientation and name to Jennifer; now in Forbes the name Pritzker can be found in the list of the richest women in America.

Family of the King of Thailand

The Royal Family of Thailand ranks 9th among the world's richest dynasties. Net worth $30 billion. The head of the clan is 89-year-old Bhumibol Adulyadej or King Rama IX. In addition to its core activities, it actively invests in agriculture and nanotechnology. The monarch's hobbies: playing the saxophone, painting and composing symphonies, designing yachts.

Cox Dynasty

Owners of a fortune of $32 billion. Representative - Anne Cox Chambers. Daughter of James Kennedy, nephew of President John. Source of income is media business. The clan's activities began with the purchase of the Dayton Evening News newspaper. Now the family has many organizations that deal with cable TV, car sales, and more.

Hearst Dynasty

This family is the owner of a large communications corporation in the world. Their fortune is $35 billion. The media holding publishes thousands of newspapers and magazines every day - 351 well-known publications. The clan also owns 29 channels, which is 1/5 of all American television, which is what Americans watch most often.


The Johnson Dynasty are the founders of the world well-known organization Johnson & Johnson. The company is a leader in the production of healthcare products. The transnational holding contains at least 250 organizations involved in educational, financial and scientific activity all over the world. Net worth: $39 billion.

Cargill and Macmillan Dynasty

Owners of a fortune of $43 billion are engaged in agriculture, raw materials, food products. Conservatives. They live on a ranch. They don't like to be featured in the press.

Mars family

The clan has $60 billion on its balance sheet. These are the owners of very tasty sweet bars that everyone ate: Snickers, M&M's, Milky Way, Mars and many other confectionery products. The Mars are also involved in the production and sale of cat and dog food: Whiskas, Pedigree.

Koch Dynasty

Brothers David and Charles Koch have $80 billion on their balance sheets. They make money from everything: the brothers are owners of many companies and factories involved in the production of pipes, toilet paper, they are shareholders of the world's most famous corporations, engaged in the production of oil, gas and others.

Walton family

Owners of a fortune of 152 billion US dollars. Owners of a Wal-Mart business founded in 1962. It is the foremost retail organization worldwide. Supervisor Rob Walton. In their stores you can buy everything you need for life.

Saud family

The richest dynasty, with a huge fortune of 1.4 trillion US dollars, settled in the Middle East. The clan is engaged in oil production and everything connected with it. Family members bask in luxury, but at the same time do not forget about charity, regularly investing funds.