How to remove sealant from a construction gun. How to use a sealant gun - learning a new tool

  • Modern sealants and adhesives used during installation are produced packaged in plastic tubes or soft bags. It can be assumed that during use the contents of the package must be squeezed out somehow. This is really true, but how to do it - maybe press something, for example, the handle of a hammer, onto the bottom of the tube? It is possible, of course, but how practical is it to ensure a high-quality and aesthetic seam?

    For novice builders, it may be a discovery that there is no need to suffer so much at all, since there are many simple devices for these purposes - quite peaceful pistols. By the way, there are also pneumatic and even electric models. You just need to know how to use a caulk gun.

    Pistol models

    Such a device cannot in any way be considered complex. The principle of its operation is to squeeze the sealant out of the appropriate container. But, as in any business, there are subtleties here. Let's start with the fact that their range is so wide that everyone can choose one according to their financial capabilities, but how not to make a mistake.

    Devices for sealing materials are divided according to the following indicators:

    • type of compartments for tubes;
    • design features;
    • material supply system.

    Based on the type of compartments, they are divided into sheet and frame, and the latter are more in demand, since they hold the tube much more tightly.

    According to the sealant supply system, the gun comes in several types - each with its own pros and cons.

    Mechanical manual

    This model is the most affordable option for a tool, although, unfortunately, it is not very durable. They are great for doing household work when you only need a couple of cartridges. But imagine what it would be like to squeeze out masses using only the physical force of your hands on a large object.


    The gun works thanks to compressed air pressure (3–6 atm). This model is very common when performing medium-sized construction work, since using a gun of this type is quite simple. This is facilitated by various limiters and regulators that manufacturers equip them with. A pneumatic tool allows you to obtain an even seam of sealing compound of the required thickness. The tool is equipped with a special valve through which excess material is discharged, that is, there is virtually no loss of sealant. Another advantage is the ability to use it for different containers. Considering that these models work on compressed air, then their body is often made of metal.


    These models are distinguished by their autonomy, since they are equipped with a battery pack, usually lithium-ion. Squeeze out the sealing paste using a handle that is sufficiently sensitive to pressure. In fact, the speed and accuracy with which the sealant is applied is controlled by the force of pressing the same handle.


    The electric version and the previous one differ only in the power source - electric ones are powered from the mains. They provide speed and accuracy, high level savings. They are suitable for different types of containers. You must understand that these professional devices are not cheap, but for simple repairs, in fact, such a model is simply not needed.

    Self-contained guns are equipped with a pressure regulator that allows you to regulate the flow of sealing material. Moreover, the “auto-reverse” function eliminates its residual extrusion: when the work is finished, the rod moves back and reduces the pressure.

    And finally, according to the characteristics of the device, devices are divided into:

    • semi-body - works with a tube volume of 310 ml, they have a simple mechanism of a rod and a stand for the cartridge, so they break down quite quickly - they are only enough for 2-3 tubes. This type of tool is not convenient enough to operate - it is difficult to hold in your hands;
    • skeletal - designed for work with the same volume, but has a more complex mechanism, consisting of a rod and three stiffeners. They are more expensive than semi-hull ones, but also more durable;
    • tubular (closed) – more versatile and suitable for working with different volumes of acrylic and silicone compositions, 600–1600 ml, so it needs to be refilled much less often. By design, it consists of a cylinder, which serves as a cartridge, and a rod.

    How to use a caulk gun

    The most important point counts proper preparation the spout of the tube - this determines how well the sealant will be applied. The cutting angle must be 45⁰, as for the width, it is chosen in accordance with the thickness of the seam.

    For those taking their first steps in this field, it is recommended to start with a cut with the smallest diameter, and then increase it as necessary.

    Refilling a plastic cartridge

    How to fill sealing compound in soft packaging

    Refilling soft packaging is almost the same as refilling plastic packaging. Note a few different points.

    • Unscrew the fixing nut from the top of the instrument tube and remove the spout. If the tool has already been used, it may need to be cleaned.

    Particularly large selection of what to remove silicone sealant in a dried state, no. This can only be decided mechanically, and this is done quite simply.

A sealant gun is a type of tool for construction work and repairs; it is called so because of the principle of its operation. After all, the composition from it is released by means of a trigger, so the first association arises that this is a pistol. However, this is a little different; the material is supplied by a piston, which is driven by this same trigger, so it would be more accurate to call it a sealant syringe.

But these are all linguistic details; this tool has a lot of advantages specifically for the builder. With its help, you can seal hard-to-reach and small gaps, and do it quickly, which means the work is more enjoyable and time is noticeably saved.

The thickness of the sausage being squeezed out can be set before use, because the sealant cartridge has a spout with marks along which you need to cut off this very spout, thus opening it.

When buying this device for yourself, you will be surprised by the variety of this tool, and guns are used not only for working with sealant. The choice must be made based on the intended work, but you should not chase functionality and brands; there are quite budget-friendly, convenient options that are suitable for all occasions. The main thing is that weight it was small, otherwise your hand will get tired, also check ergonomics(just take it in your hand, it should be comfortable to press the trigger) and body rigidity.

How to insert sealant into the gun?

Sealant for guns is sold in special cartridges, usually their shape and size are standard, so they fit most syringes. Many people look at the tool and at this cartridge and do not find a connection on how to insert sealant into the gun. But don't worry, you can master this process in minutes. Let's go through everything in order.

  1. First of all metal pin pulled out. If you pull it, it will not be in a hurry to come out, because it is held in place by a latch in the form of a lever (a plate with a spring). This rear lever is pressed against the handle, then the pin can be easily removed.
  2. Into the resulting space cartridge is inserted, if you have no idea how to do this, then take a sealant gun, the instructions for it will tell you everything step by step, if you're lucky, even in pictures.
  3. Usually the tip of the cartridge is cut off along the mark of the required diameter; with this tip the tube is inserted into the front hole of the gun
  4. Now the rear latch needs to be pressed against the handle again if you let it go, and put the piston back, piercing the cartridge with it. You need to press it all the way, now the tool is ready for use.

How does a caulk gun work?

Surely, one type of this device is enough to understand how a sealant gun works. By pressing the trigger, supposedly shooting, you activate the pusher (piston), which evenly squeezes out the sausage of the thickness you need, and it is fixed, so it’s difficult to overdo it, unless you daydream and stop moving the tool altogether.

As you use the sealing compound, you will have to adjust the piston, opening the rear lock again. Some devices are free of this; the piston moves itself under pressure.

After use, the sealant syringe must be cleaned and the used cartridge removed from the device. A washed and dried gun will wait patiently for the next job.

Don't call a professional if you need to seal several cracks! It’s easier and cheaper to buy a completely “peaceful” gun, sealant and process everything yourself. And we’ll tell you how to use a sealant gun!

Features and types

Such a gun cannot be called a complex device - in fact, it is a design for squeezing a sealing compound out of the container in which it is located. However, there are nuances in any matter, even in such a seemingly simple one. And based on these nuances, manufacturers offer tools for every wallet and for any purpose. Sealant guns can be divided into several categories according to the type of cartridge compartments, the features of the device and the method of supplying the sealant.

So, according to the type of compartments for cartridges (containers with sealant), these “peaceful” pistols can be divided into frame and sheet. First among consumers to use great success, because they hold the cartridge more tightly. Depending on the extrusion method, you will find cordless, pneumatic, electric and mechanical tools in stores. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you need to choose depending on your goals.

What's good about cordless pistols is their autonomy– from the name it is clear that they operate from a battery pack, most often a lithium-ion one. Using a sensitive handle, the material is extruded, while the extrusion speed and feed accuracy can be adjusted using the same handle - the stronger the pressure, the more intense the work.

An electric gun differs from its battery-powered counterpart in by and large only by the absence of a battery - the device operates from the network. They apply sealant quickly and accurately, with a high degree of economy. Most often, such pistols are adopted by construction professionals, because, in addition to convenience and autonomy, such pistols work with different types cartridges. It is clear that such pleasure is not cheap, and for ordinary home use, for example, small, it is simply not advisable to buy this type.

Due to air pressure, a pneumatic type gun extrudes the material by pressing the handle. The design of such tools is often very ergonomic; manufacturers equip the tools with various stops and regulators, thanks to which you can obtain an even strip of sealant of the required thickness. Another good thing about the tool is the ability to work with different containers. It is advisable to use this type in medium and small construction, when the speed of work is not so important.

The most affordable and short-lived type of sealant guns is mechanical or manual. If we talk about everyday use, when you need to squeeze out 1-2 cartridges of material, this option is the most practical. But it will be difficult to work on large objects with such a tool, since squeezing out the mass is possible due to the physical effort of the hands, which reduces the accuracy and speed of work.

According to their design, pistols are divided into skeletal, semi-body and tubular. Skeletal ones are adapted for 310 ml cartridges. Semi-body instruments also work only with this volume, but have a simpler mechanism. Do not expect a long service life for such a tool - it is enough for 2-3 cartridges. And it will be quite uncomfortable to work with it - the rod squeezing out the mixture is quite tight, and besides, the tool tends to slip out of your hands every now and then.

It’s better to buy skeleton pistols - they are not much more expensive, but much more durable. The tubular type is capable of working with completely different cartridges with volumes from 600 to 1600 ml. Undoubtedly, such a tool will have to be refueled much less often.

Construction gun for sealant - selection instructions

Of course, the main factor in choosing a tool should be the amount of work to be done. Let's say, if all you need to do is process only a couple of joints at , then a skeleton tool will be enough. If the task is more complex, for example, to carry out repairs in an entire apartment or house, then it is better to purchase a tubular pneumatic gun.

When time and precision of work are valued, it is necessary to provide yourself with an electric or battery-powered tool. When purchasing, pay attention to how comfortable such a device is for you, how it feels in your hand, and whether its elements interfere with operation. Please pay special attention on the trigger, how tightly it is held and what material it is made of. It would be better if it was aluminum. As for brands, of course, it is better to pay attention first of all to trusted manufacturers who have earned the trust of consumers.

How to operate a pistol - simple steps

How to work with a pistol - this question is relevant not only for novice craftsmen, but also for any person who first encountered this tool. In fact, there are no difficulties - just a few nuances, after studying which all questions will disappear.

So, the principle of operation of sealant guns is quite simple - due to mechanical pressure on a container with sealant (or other material, for example, liquid nails), the material is extruded in the form of a strip, by directing which we achieve the desired effect. The pressure is provided by the rod, which is set in motion by pressing the trigger - apparently, this is why the tool got such a militant name. In pneumatic tools, instead of a rod, the pressure is exerted by air. Basically, difficulties arise when you need to equip the tool with the material itself, the same sealant. Fortunately, manufacturers try to adhere to the same standards, which makes our task much easier.

How to work with a pistol - step-by-step diagram

Step 1: Remove the limiters

If we are dealing with a skeletal or semi-corpus instrument, the procedure will not take much time. First of all, you need to check whether the tube with the material is equipped with a special restrictive bottom. If it is present, it must be removed.

Step 2: Pull out the stem

In the gun we need to pull out the rod, for which we press the lever all the way and remove the part. We insert the cartridge into the vacant space and lightly press the trigger several times to strengthen the cartridge.

Step 3: Release the sealant

We make a hole in the cartridge through which the sealant will flow to the cone, giving us an even line of equal thickness. Cones often come sealed, that is, we need to cut off the tip of the cone to get the required diameter of the sealant seam, but the cut should be slightly smaller than the diameter we need.

If you decide to use a “syringe” or tubular gun, then the principle of filling it is somewhat different. To begin, make a hole in the cartridge with the material, or, if it is sealant or “sausage” packaged in bags, carefully cut off one corner or end so that the sealant can freely come out of the bag. You need to place the prepared container into the “syringe” itself in such a way that the cut end of the container is directed towards the tip through which the strip of sealant will come out. Of course, before inserting, remove the rod - this is done in the same way as in the case of the skeletal apparatus.

Usually the gun comes with several nozzles with tips, one of which we use to tighten the cylinder. If there is no hole in the tip, cut a small piece with a regular utility knife at a 45° angle. Of course, try to guess the diameter of the resulting hole. In any case, if there is a construction gun for sealant, there should also be instructions from the manufacturer. It’s not a sin to study it, because manufacturers can supply pistols with their own special developments and innovations that are not provided in standard versions.

How to use a sealant gun - instructions for a beginner

Actually, you shouldn’t have any difficulties with a properly equipped pistol. If you followed the cartridge installation instructions above, you've already done everything you need to get started. So all that remains is to gently pull the trigger and move the sealant along the seam. If you use a skeletal or semi-body instrument, the first presses may be several to squeeze out the required amount of sealant to fill the void in the cap itself, then the presses should be done smoothly and unhurriedly.

With electric or cordless tools, pulling the trigger controls the rate at which the caulk is applied, so if this is your first time working with such a tool, start working in inconspicuous places, for example, caulking a seam in the far corner of the room. Once you get the hang of it, start working on prominent places. If you need to trim or press caulk into a gap, wet your fingers with water and run it across the surface in one smooth motion. There is no additional need to dry the material - in the open air it acquires the desired hardness within a few hours.

Not many novice remodelers know how to use a caulk gun.

And for some, this tool may seem like a very complex device.

But it does not require any special knowledge and is quite simple to operate.

To start working with sealant, you only need to have a container with the appropriate material and a gun.

The design of the pistol itself is simple. It has a trigger, a frame and a metal pusher. To insert a bottle of sealant into the tool, you must perform the following steps.

If you look at the pusher, you can see a metal retainer (plate with a spring) on ​​the trigger side.

You need to press this lock, and then pull the pusher out to the maximum possible distance.

Then you need to take a bottle of sealant and cut off the tip from it, taking into account the markings. You also need to pierce the membrane under the plastic cap.

When inserting a balloon into the gun, you first need to insert the tip into the hole on it. Then you need to press the latch again and push the pusher into the hole at the bottom of the cylinder until it stops.

Actually, all this must be done to start using the tool. To squeeze out the sealant, you must gently press the trigger of the gun.

In construction stores there are now quite large selection sealant guns. First of all, the price of this type of tool depends on its functionality.

What types of sealant guns are there?

Sealant guns come in closed and open type. They all have a piston for extrusion and are made to fit different tube diameters.

All kinds of sealants are very common in modern construction. They are used almost everywhere and are made from various substances.

The scope of application of sealants is not limited only to hydro-, noise-, and thermal insulation.

Sealants, depending on the composition, are used to seal seams between logs, in bathrooms, kitchens, etc.

Sealants are also used to seal the seams between panels used to construct residential and non-residential buildings.

The sealant is usually packaged in a special metal or plastic tube (cartridge). In tubes, the sealing compound may be under pressure.

When there is no overpressure, then the sealant is squeezed out of the tube by the piston.

For lately has become quite popular not only in the construction industry, but also in everyday life glue gun. It is a device that is charged from the rear using cylindrical rods containing polyurethane adhesive.

After connecting the device to the power supply, it heats up to 100 degrees and melts the cartridges, due to which the glue is gradually squeezed out. The only question that arises when buying glue gun how to choose.

In order to purchase a higher quality device, be sure to check:

  • Reliability check valve, through which the glue should not be squeezed out,
  • The time for heating the glue and the amount of its supply,
  • Availability of attachments and various extensions.

When purchasing such a device, you need to pay attention to glue gun sticks.

  • For household appliances, rod diameters range from 7 mm to 11 mm.
  • Professional pistols come in diameters of 12 mm, 15 mm and even 43 mm.
  • The rods vary in length, generally ranging from 5 to 20 cm. The longer they are, the less often you will have to resort to replacing the rods.

In addition, it should be noted that these parts are not at all ordinary glue; they consist of a thermoplastic polymer that can high temperatures melt and solidify at low temperatures.

Basically, for such pistols, ethylene vinyl acetate type rods are used, less often – polyamide ones.

The gun can be useful in decoration, in the repair process, and in floristry. This device is ideal for children to create fakes, in warehouses, in the construction industry, and for loaders in the logistics industry.

They are excellent for gluing paper, cardboard, ceramics, wood, foam, glass, rubber, metal, thanks to the instant effect and rapid hardening.

When choosing it, pay attention to such well-known manufacturers as Dremel, whose devices are designed for occasional use, Steinel, whose devices are practical, and BOSCH, whose devices are designed to charge for a long time.

The products of these brands are characterized by solid quality and a high degree of reliability. Performance, practicality and functionality are its main advantages.


One of the valuable new products that the 21st century has given us is glue for a glue gun.

Thanks to the rods, gluing of any objects occurs in a matter of seconds. Basically, glue refers to “glue sticks” or hot-melt gun cartridges.

We have already noted that they differ in length and diameter, but their feature is also color. Sellers in many specialized stores can offer you:

  • Yellow transparent rods. They are a multi-purpose color prototype and are ideal for gluing paper, cardboard, and wood.
  • Multi-colored, non-transparent rods. This glue is characterized by almost all colors of the rainbow, excluding black. It is used not for marking purposes, but to match the adhesive to the shade of the element.
  • Clear glue sticks that are versatile. They are useful for gluing all kinds of parts, during repair work or creating amazing fakes.
  • Gray or black glue sticks. This type The adhesive is used as an insulating material and as a sealant. It can be used to seal seams and insulate conductors
  • Opaque rods white. They are designed to work with metal and glass objects, but can also be used for plastic

Also, when choosing glue, you need to take into account its temperature. Sometimes the rods melt at a temperature of 100 degrees, and in some at 150 degrees. To choose the right cartridge for a heat gun, it is best to carefully study the packaging of the product and see for what purposes this or that rod is intended.

The operating principle of this device must be fully described in the instructions supplied with it. Having taken the device out of the packaging and checked its integrity, you can safely connect the device to the electrical network in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

The glue stick must be inserted into a special hole and the trigger must be pulled several times so that the stick is pushed to the required heating location.

The device should warm up within 5 minutes. In the future, you can press the trigger to dispense glue from the nozzle.

The most popular device is glue gun 7 mm. Here of course we're talking about about the diameter of the rod itself.

This device is ideal for household needs. Most often it is battery-powered and not burdened with a wire. It can be used for decoration purposes, when you need to glue something at home, and simply for doing small jobs.

Speaking about the intensity of operation of the device, we can say that glue gun power does not represent important characteristic his work. You cannot increase the temperature of the glue melt by increasing power, and you should not expect higher speed either.

But it should be noted that the higher the power of the device, the more glue can melt in the chamber, and this directly proportionally affects the reduction between breaks at a time when the substance is expected to heat up.

A glue gun with attachments makes it possible to change the dosage of the glue melt, as well as the diameter. The material from which the nozzles are made is identical to the material from which the entire tank is made. But the nozzles, in turn, are coated with a rubber protector, which prevents burns during operation.

Some models come with several nozzles, thanks to which you can apply glue to more inaccessible places and calculate the most accurate dosage. Therefore, most nozzles are removable.

More expensive nozzles have the form of spring-loaded ball valves that can prevent accidental leakage of glue.

The cost can be completely different. It is formed based on the quality of components, the brand itself and the complexity of the configurations. The cheapest models are sold at a price of several hundred rubles.

Such devices are most suitable for rare use or one-time work. But at the same time, one cannot count on the durability and reliability of such a device. This cannot be said about professional options, the cost of which can reach up to 20 thousand rubles or more.

On modern market can be called the most in demand Dremel glue gun. This company has released 4 new models, in principle suitable for gluing any parts. The only difference between them: Dremel 910 and 940 are used for household purposes; they can glue ceramics, cardboard, paper, and wood.

Such a tool is completely protected from leakage and has a stable base. And models 920 and 930 are designed for those who love creativity, creating decor with their own hands and simply tinkering. They can be used to glue glass, textiles, and cardboard. They are equipped with a precision nozzle, an ergonomic handle and a stable base.

And the presence of colored glue sticks allows you to transform creative work and take it to the next level.

Keeps up with the models of this company and Bosch glue gun. This device is time-tested, characterized by a solid level of quality, cleanliness and ease of use. It is equipped with an electronically controlled heating element and a mechanical feed for precise dosing of glue.

Thanks to these characteristics, the device can be used for sealing seams, modeling, repairs, gluing plastic, leather, textiles, wood and other materials.

By purchasing a glue device, regardless of the company, anyone who wants to transform their home, develop in the field of interior decoration, learn the basics of floristry and simply loves to create extraordinary products with their own hands can feel how with the help of such a gun the work can be done many times faster and more efficiently .