Where and how the “road works” sign is installed. Where and how are we most often deceived? Where and how to

Full information about the product (purchase terms, technical specifications, warranty

obligations) can be obtained on the official Internet portal of MTZ PA


How is the assessment carried out and the most acceptable alternative in choosing a product (product) determined?

As a rule, a tender is held to select the most convenient supplier for this purpose.

its products for the needs of PA "MTZ".

How and when is it accepted? final decision about purchasing?

The final decision on the purchase of goods produced by MTZ PA is made

after the Seller and the Buyer have finally agreed on the differences,

that could arise when agreeing on the clauses of the purchase and sale agreement.

Who makes the final purchasing decision?

At PA "MTZ" the final decision on the purchase and sale of goods is made by

decision marketing director and commercial director.

What purchases are made and how often?

As a rule, to produce goods, PA "MTZ" purchases the necessary

products. Product purchase agreements are concluded for at least a year,

for a maximum of five years. If the purchase and sale agreement was concluded for a period of one

year, but the parties agree to extend this agreement, then an additional

specific agreement to this agreement. In this add. agreement we're talking about O

extension of the contract, and also stipulates new conditions for the supply of products.

What actions can a consumer take in the process of consuming a product?

May require the seller to provide high-quality warranty service for his product

for the entire warranty period of product operation.

Does the company purchase the goods it needs?

Yes it does. This may include the purchase of necessary products from

other enterprises. This also includes the purchase of raw materials (fuel, metal),

food industry products (canteens), purchase of workwear.

Is a purchasing decision center necessary?

At an enterprise like PA MTZ, a purchasing center is extremely necessary!

How often should purchases be made?

Necessary products for the production of MTZ PA - once a month,

Food products - every day,

Purchase of raw materials (fuel, metal) – once a month,

Purchase of workwear – once a quarter.

What is the volume of purchases?

Necessary products for the production of MTZ PA - depending on the plan

production for a specific month.

What are the main steps involved in the procurement decision-making process?

Awareness of the need

Formation of a purchasing center,

Development of product specifications,

Search for suppliers,

Request proposal from suppliers,

Evaluation of proposals,

Selection of supplier (tender),

Conclusion of a contract,

Evaluation of the supplier's performance.

What factors need to be considered when choosing suppliers of goods?

Conditions for delivery of products,

Product price,

Warranty obligations.

Who enters into contracts for the supply of necessary products?

To PA "MTZ" for the supply of necessary products (raw materials and parts for production

va) two services are responsible: management of external cooperation and management of materials;

but technical supplies.

Who evaluates the work of suppliers and how?

The work of suppliers, as a rule, is assessed by precisely those services with which they are supplied.

The workers are cooperating. This is the management of external cooperation and management of materials.

but technical supplies. The work is assessed for advantage through a questionnaire -

What are consumer rights and how are they protected?

Consumers of MTZ PA have the right to high-quality delivery and shipment of goods in

specified place, there is a right to warranty service at certain

time frames, etc., as specified in the contract.

Chapter 5.

What is the company’s product range and how does it meet consumer needs?

PA "MTZ" produces tractors, special. tractors, special equipment, mini tractors,

manipulators, various agricultural units.

What new products need to be developed and launched into mass production and when?

As for new goods (production of new tractors and special equipment), they

For several years now they have been mastering and positioning themselves for a specific sales market.

new models of universal crawler tractors, new more powerful tractors

for Kazakhstan (virgin lands). Positioning of a new electric tractor. However, the data

tractor models are designed only for a specific market, so launching these

models into mass production is pointless.

Who should be directly involved in the development and supply of new products to production?

Department of design and experimental work, as well as an experimental workshop


What key steps should be included in the new product development process?

Research of target markets,

Formation of ideas about the product,

Selection of ideas,

Business planning,

Product development,

Test marketing,

Production and commercial development of goods.

90% of all thrown away garbage can be recycled. Different states have their own approaches to the waste problem. For example, in Australia, the USA and Hong Kong, approximately 40% of waste is landfilled. In countries Western Europe, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, more than 20% of garbage is burned and generated energy. In most third world countries, 30% of waste is simply thrown into landfill.


The problem of waste processing and disposal in Kyrgyzstan is one of the most pressing today. The country does not have a clear waste management system; waste is not sorted or recycled. Every day the city landfill is replenished with 100 tons of garbage, but its condition is not adequate sanitary standards. The use of existing landfills in the country is carried out without complying with environmental requirements.

Russian Federation

IN major cities Russia's population is increasing, and this leads to an increase in the volume of solid waste. household waste. There is a constant increase in volumes, which for the most part end up in unauthorized landfills. The number of such landfills is also constantly growing. In Moscow, 22 million rubbish are thrown away every year, solid waste from it is approximately 5.2 million tons. IN lately Discussions are underway on the construction of six waste incineration plants in the Russian capital.


In 2006, the Japanese Parliament introduced a number of amendments to the waste disposal law. It promotes the 3R program, which reduces packaging material and recycles and reuses waste. Magazines, newspapers, cardboard, aluminum cans are rented separately by the Japanese. Waste is sorted into burning and non-burning groups. After this they are carried out heat treatment and pressing into briquettes. Yumenoshima Island was created from such briquettes in Tokyo Bay. Now it houses greenhouses, a museum, beautiful park and stadium.


In the United States, as well as in many European countries, there are rules by which citizens must sort their waste. This greatly simplifies the work on its disposal. There are more than 550 waste processing plants in the United States, with approximately 75 thousand tons of waste passing through them every day. The country has programs for collecting waste that is suitable for recycling.


This country is the most prosperous in terms of environmental conditions. In view of environmental disaster, which occurred in the 80s. In the 20th century, a new environmental policy was developed and is being implemented here. It took 20 years to bring all the ideas for ecological restoration to life. On at the moment The Swiss are ahead of the rest of the planet in the field of recycling garbage. In 2003, they recycled 70% of all discarded waste paper and cardboard, 95% of glass, 71% of plastic bottles, 75% tin cans and 85% aluminum containers. And this volume is approximately half of the total household waste of all households in the state.


In this country, 2 million tons of glass, 6 million tons of packaging, 165 million tons of cardboard and paper are separately recycled annually. 12% of this total volume goes for processing. Every year, factories in this country burn 2 million tons of waste imported from neighboring countries. In addition, the Germans are going to increase the number of waste incineration plants and increase their capacity. Such a policy, according to environmentalists, could lead to Germany becoming a waste incineration plant for all European countries. Garbage incineration plants are present in Paris, Vienna, and London. All garbage thrown out by Europeans is recycled before being burned. This means that there is no plastic, TVs, computers or batteries, which release toxic materials when burned. The smoke from such factories is purified up to 99%.

First let me ask you a simple question. What is more important - the scenery or the people? If scenery is more important, you need a deep, well-lit background. This decoration should not get lost or darken if you photograph people with flash.

Next, I would look for a place where the sky does not shine through the trees all the way to the ground. If there is a lot of sky between the trees in the frame, the background will draw too much attention and end up distracting from the people being photographed.

Lastly, I would choose a location where I can control the lighting in order to capture the best possible portrait of my clients.

Another approach would be to choose an outdoor location in a situation that would allow you to control the lighting. The kind of place where you KNOW you can take a good portrait...then you need to figure out if you can handle photographing the background effectively.

Both approaches are quite viable. In fact, they can and should be used together.

Where can you control the lighting when photographing in natural light?

First of all, I would look for an outdoor location that is not lit from top to bottom. Light from above usually creates deep shadows in the eyes. We should look for a place with direct lighting. Lighting from behind and from the side can also be used effectively.

Photography from darkness into light.

I always advise photographers to stand on the dark side of their clients and point the lens into the light area. This way, you can illuminate the backs of your figures well without having to worry about the background being too dark or disappearing altogether from the photo. At the same time, this will create more depth in their photographs...we all strive to achieve this in our work.

What about the light from the window?

Of course yes! In this case there will be no lighting from above. In addition, the light from the window will be directional. You just need to make sure that the light from the window does not pass by the faces of your clients and does not concentrate, on the contrary, on the lower details of the figure. If you notice this, you will have to sit your clients so that the main stream of light is directed towards their faces...only a little light can fall on the lower part of the figure.

Also be careful not to turn your clients directly towards the window. Remember, a window is just a source of light. You don't have to bring it into the frame, do you? You also probably don't want to turn your clients directly to face the light. Instead, you will most likely want to achieve the effect of a studio portrait by using window light as the lighting source.

Where should the camera be when taking pictures in window light?

When photographing with window light, the camera is in the same position as when portrait photography in any conditions. These are three positions - for a full-face photograph, half-turn and profile. The main difference between studio photography and natural light photography is that in the studio you can adjust the light to get the best shot of your face.

When you work with natural light, you will not be able to change or move it once you have established the most suitable position for shooting. This means that the person will sit still and you will move around him, setting up the camera for all three different types shooting.

If you are taking a frontal portrait with window light, your camera should be directly against the wall. For a half-turn portrait, the camera extends slightly into the center of the room. To take a profile photo, you will have to walk around your client. Remember, the client cannot move.

The most serious problems that a photographer may encounter when taking portraits under window light are:

    Turning your face directly towards the window - flat lighting

    Rotating the face rather than changing the camera position

    Lots of light on the lower part of the person's figure, and not on his face.

See image I; in sign. adv. How? How did you figure this out? ... Dictionary of many expressions

Adj., number of synonyms: 1 did not know which side to approach (1) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Dictionary of synonyms

how to behave- Behave like a l. way... Dictionary of many expressions

Adverb, number of synonyms: 5 like (37) exactly (6) in what manner (6) ... Dictionary of synonyms

Adverb, number of synonyms: 6 like (37) how exactly (6) what way of life (5) ... Dictionary of synonyms

Adverb, number of synonyms: 2 in what way (8) in what way (2) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Dictionary of synonyms

Adverb, number of synonyms: 2 in what way (2) in what way (8) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Dictionary of synonyms

How?- Simple. How, in what way, on what basis. In the end, we have equality!.. Well, where did you see that equality?.. Well, pray tell yourself, how can we be put on the same track?.. (A. Sanzharovsky. Bride and Groom). It was difficult then... Phrasebook Russian literary language

Zabayk. How? SRGZ, 72 ... Big dictionary Russian sayings


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Be an Amazon - ride your destiny Andreeva Yulia

Where, when and how to make useful contacts?

Is there an expiration date?

at the cream of society?

Remember the movie “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”? The heroine of Irina Muravyova tried to find a husband by enrolling in the scientific department of the Public Library. Of course, you can do it there, but only without putting disfiguring glasses on your nose and without pretending to be a high intellectual - there are a dime a dozen of those there. But if she came in stiletto heels, and fashionably pre-fashionable, with her hair and neckline, they would immediately notice.

But I’m not at all going to engage in propaganda for cultural campaigns, rather the opposite. For useful connections, go to the bathhouse, go to a bowling club, a hippodrome or a casino. Because there you will have fun full blast- which means you will radiate happiness and pleasure, which in themselves attract attention. Clients of these places will be able to first get to know you, appreciating your sense of humor, beauty and charm, and only then, literally at the last moment, find out that you work in the same field.

As you know, a card debt is a debt of honor. As for a casual acquaintance in a pool or bar, the more pleasant and sincere it turns out to be, the greater the likelihood that in the future, having learned what can be useful, a new acquaintance will do you a favor as his own person . And this is already worth something.

I will add at the same time that if your acquaintance took place at work, for example, you were called to the carpet to the boss, then you would not look as impressive as you could afford it at night disco or in a casino, and would act like small fry.

Conclusion: If you want to find rich patrons and make useful contacts, first find yourself where these same patrons and bigwigs relax and get to know each other unobtrusively. Thus, in the future, when you meet your boss at work, and realizing that he recognized you, you can immediately switch to you and find out where he will rest next time.

Answer the question: Who is the boss most likely to help? a partner at a golf club or tennis, a friend with whom he (she) drinks cocktails in the evenings and goes to the same masseuse or ordinary employee?

We draw conclusions:

Work is a bad place to start business negotiations, start the conversation in relaxed atmosphere bar or sports club, and your business will begin to move at triple speed.

Tell jokes and funny stories- and always be on horseback.

You even give a bottle to a plumber, so why not think of inviting the person on whom your career depends to come to the restaurant?!

Many bosses don’t really know what’s going on at their work, and what problems the enterprise entrusted to them solves. These may be relatives of the owners, who have been entrusted with the management of affairs by family, or it may be pure water nomenclature. Therefore, you should be careful in choosing professional topics for conversation; it would be foolish to embarrass a person who will not understand what you are talking about. Well, it’s his fault that you’re an expert in the topic upper class He is neither an ear nor a snout. Show him who he is and who you are - and you will immediately join the ranks of unbearable people whom you should first get rid of.

The boss is, first of all, a person, and it is unpleasant for him to be feared or hated. Find out the range of his interests, find out what he likes - and then always stick to topics that are pleasant and accessible to him.

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