“Striped flight” in a dream...Interpretation of dreams with tigers for women. The magic of numbers

The tiger is a symbol of the desire for a goal, activity, endurance, strength. But at the same time it is aggression, cruelty, stubbornness and danger. The duality of this sign makes the interpretation of a dream in which this animal is present confusing. The color of the tiger is of great importance in determining sleep, and its behavior is no less important.

Why do you dream of a tiger according to Miller's dream book?

A tiger, being frighteningly close to you, warns that in real life You will be pursued and tortured by enemies. And if a tiger manages to attack you in a dream, failures will completely consume you.

If you manage to drive away the pursuing tiger, luck will accompany all your plans. It is especially favorable to see a tiger running away in a dream. This can promise incredible luck in life: you will beat all your competitors, make a stunning career and get all your dreams fulfilled.

A tiger sitting in a cage shows your enemies in an awkward position. Stroking a tiger skin in a dream means stepping onto the path of pleasure, joy and a carefree life.

Tiger - Vanga's dream book

You dream of a tiger hunting or devouring prey - despite all the difficulties, you will achieve a long-awaited victory and get everything you want.

A dream where you see a resting tiger may portend a surprise that will confuse your plans, cloud your thoughts and plunge you into despondency.

A trained tiger in a circus in a dream seems to warn that much can be achieved only with the help of tact and delicacy.

Why do you dream of a tiger according to the Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

A tiger in a dream is an inevitable meeting with an ardent enemy or a desire for life’s pleasures, laziness and voluptuousness.

Why do you dream of a tiger according to the dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov

A dream about a tiger seems to indicate that in reality you have acquired worst enemy and you are in serious danger. Having defeated a tiger in a dream, you will cope with all difficulties and win respect from your former ill-wishers.

If in a dream you lie on a tiger skin, then in life you will become the owner great wealth. Selling a tiger skin portends victory over enemies. But if the skin is damaged or moth-eaten, the victory will be temporary.

What did the tiger dream about according to dream interpreter L. Moroz

A dream with a tiger always calls for caution not only in actions, but also in random words.

If you find yourself in a cage with a tiger in a dream, it means that in life you will come face to face with enemies or problems.

Tiger in a dream according to Ibn Sirin's dream book

By the nature of a tiger's roar in a dream, one can predict the outcome of a conversation with a person pursuing selfish goals.

Why do you dream of a tiger according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

Being next to a tiger in a dream means communicating with people higher in position than you. Stroking him means serving or pleasing management. When an aggressive tiger attacks you, you are threatened with a reprimand from your superiors or even dismissal.

What does it mean to dream about a tiger according to Denise Lynn’s dream book

The tiger is an energy that can be creative or destructive. Having seen a tiger in a dream, tell yourself that you want to use the energy given to you only for creative purposes: develop your talent, do a good deed, help the weak.

Why do tigers dream according to Hasse’s dream book?

The tiger dreams of a meeting with a worthy but evil opponent.

Why do you dream about a tiger biting and attacking?

When a tiger attacks you in a dream or even bites you, this may be a warning about the danger that awaits you in reality. Perhaps your enemies have evil plans against you.

Why do you dream of tigers and lions, a lot of tigers?

Many tigers or lions symbolize the enormous power that you will encounter on your path. Perhaps you are in a relationship with a very influential person, or you yourself will enjoy great authority.

Why do you dream about a good tiger?

A kind tiger in a dream is a symbol of a powerful, influential person who will feel sympathy for you. You may likely be promoted. Also, seeing a kind tiger in a dream means victory over the aggression that is taking hold of you.

Why do you dream of a white, red, big tiger?

If you dreamed white tiger, you can expect good luck and luck in absolutely all your affairs. According to tradition, the animal white color– this is very auspicious sign. You may meet a powerful patron or finally deal with all the doubts that plague you. Also, an albino tiger in a dream is a harbinger of great surprise.

The red tiger, on the contrary, is a negative symbol. He always foreshadows some kind of threat. To understand what kind of threat this is, you need to analyze the tiger's behavior.

Big tiger - great strength. Moreover, the nature of this force depends on the color of the animal.

Why do you dream of feeding, petting, killing a tiger?

Petting a tiger in a dream means pacifying your animal instincts, coping with negative emotions. It may also portend winning the favor of an influential person.

To feed a tiger by hand, to tame it - to cope with difficulties, to receive support from a worthy person.

A dream in which you kill a tiger may symbolize victory in some important matter. This could be a career, achieving a personal goal, or fighting bad habits.

Velesov's dream book considers a tiger in a dream to be a double sign. On the one hand, the dreamer may encounter unforeseen difficulties, on the other hand, there is a chance to advance in his career, meet important person. Minor details of the dream will help you correctly interpret what a representative of the cat family is dreaming about.

Seeing a tiger in a dream according to Miller

Gustav Miller claims that seeing a tiger with a tiger cub in a dream means a lot of problems with children, parents, and other relatives. A period will begin when you will have to devote much more time to solving other people’s issues than you would like.

Tame small predator, playing with it at home means correcting the mistakes of the past. The dream means that there will be an opportunity to make peace with those whom you have recently offended.

Attention: interpretations according to Miller’s dream book can be very accurate. Dreams come true after a few days. If you happen to see several babies at once, hurry up to take advantage of the chance and strengthen your position at home and in society.

Signs described in the Enigma dream book

If you dreamed of a ferocious beast, danger may lurk at every step. Seeing yourself in the role of a victim, running away, hiding means getting involved against your will in an unpleasant situation, falling under suspicion.

Dream Interpretation Enigma gives the most full transcripts, why tigers dream and suggests considering several common plots in dreams:

  • angry - to the hostility of competitors;
  • calm - to meet a reliable person;
  • affectionate - to the opportunity to prove oneself in the service;
  • hungry - to passionate relationships;
  • cornered cells mean illness.

Why do you dream of a leopard, a lynx?

A majestic leopard can be dreamed of by people who are completely devoted to work, creativity, and are at good standing in a team. Seeing a huge predator in your apartment means being ready to start a grandiose project.

Seeing a lynx on your territory means letting enemies and competitors get close. There is a risk of becoming a victim of intrigue, conspiracies, and gossip.

The Islamic dream book warns men against falling into the snare of a treacherous lady. For girls, he prophesies a successful marriage and an acquaintance with a strong, reliable life partner.

See dead animals

Hugging a wounded tiger in a dream is the same as collapsing. Interpretations of the Muslim dream book boil down to ending up in an obviously losing situation.

Seeing a dead animal at your feet means a sudden change of events. Try to respond quickly to innovations to establish yourself as a leader for a long period of time.

Save the tiger in wildlife– purchase good friend, ally. In addition, providence suggests that management values ​​your knowledge, talent and is ready to provide greater authority.

Interpretations of Vanga

The soothsayer, telling why a predatory animal is dreamed of, pays attention to the actions in the dream. Vanga’s dream book gives the most common interpretations of encounters with a tiger:

  • chase, hunt - pursue a worthy goal in reality;
  • to be afraid - to establish contacts;
  • keep on a leash - head the department;
  • fight and win - be able to defend your position in a dispute.

In addition, the healer assures that the tiger symbolizes creative energy. Seeing him and fighting means using your talent correctly. A bite may be a clue that it is time to act.

Freud: why did you dream about predators?

Seeing representatives of the cat family in your bed, sleeping together, eating from the same dishes is a sign of sexual excess. The dreamer's sensitivity and excitability will play a cruel joke and lead to unpleasant consequences.

Transform into striped tiger in a dream - get rid of complexes, fully open up to your partner. Freud's dream book guarantees bold experiments in intimate life.

There will be an opportunity to show your best qualities, and most importantly - to meet a person with whom you can fulfill your wildest fantasies.

What does angry tiger mean?

Seeing a family of cats in the lap of nature while relaxing means stagnation in thoughts and deeds. However, if the head begins to growl and rush around, get ready for drastic changes. There will be a lot of work to be done soon. You will be able to establish yourself as an active, hardworking member of the team.

Running, trying to evade the black mouth of a tiger - means a chance to get a prestigious position, to take a place that you have long dreamed of. Career growth is waiting for everyone who, in the coming days, will demonstrate enthusiasm, temperament, and strong character to their superiors.

Questions to the expert


I saw two tigers in a dream - black and white. At first they slept peacefully next to each other, then they began to fight among themselves and did not pay attention to me at all. I even tried to separate them, but was scratched by the claws.

Beautiful, but very dangerous predator– the tiger – is a rare guest in our dreams, and this is not without reason.

To understand why a tiger dreams, it is important to take into account all the features of your night dreams. What kind of animal was it - angry or calm, tame or bloodthirsty, and what did it do in a dream?

As a rule, “tiger” dreams are of two types: you either observed a striped predator from the side, or came into direct contact with it. Anyway, the scenarios similar dreams are as follows:

  • You saw a predator growling at you.
  • A tiger was approaching you in a dream.
  • You saw a tiger cub in your dreams.
  • You tamed a predator in a dream; it was kind and harmless.
  • The beast was sitting in a cage.
  • You saw a tiger in your own home.
  • They hunted him, killed him or fought him.

Depending on the scenario and behavior of the predator, you can understand why the tiger is dreaming and draw conclusions about what will happen in reality.

See a predator and not be scared

Let's figure out why a tiger dreams in a dream where you did not come into contact with it, but only watched from the side.

1. If in your dreams a dangerous tiger sits in a cage, this is a sign: you will defeat your enemies and competitors and will win. Be determined, but do not use unworthy methods in the fight.

2. Tiger or lion skins dream of exquisite and expensive pleasures. You are about to enjoy something exceptional and rare!

3. If ferocious tigers roar, this may foretell a high position and new responsibilities for you. Are you ready for this?

4. A tiger in your own home also portends promotion and new responsibilities. This promises you profit and success, but there will also be more difficulties in your work, you will need strength of character.

5. I wonder why you dream of a white tiger - a beautiful and rare animal. This is evidence that there is an imaginary friend in your environment, and he is quite dangerous. You do not suspect and do not expect trouble, and the person you trust may be holding a stone in his bosom. Be careful!

6. A tame, kind tiger or a small cute tiger cub, which caresses you and is not at all dangerous in appearance, indicates that, in reality, there is probably a strong, powerful person next to you. But this person will not harm you. On the contrary, it is your friend, and it is a useful friendship.

7. It’s curious why the tiger cub dreams. Such a dream is significant for a woman or girl: it directly tells you that your current partner is quite unpredictable, you don’t know him well. He can show his other side, show aggression and anger. Be alert, do not provoke a man's anger.

8. A beautiful and proud predator symbolizes good, faithful friendship, support for the noble and brave man in your surroundings.

Encounter a predator in a dream

Dreams in which the animal does not just stand aside, but directly contacts you in one way or another have a completely different meaning. It all depends on the actions - both yours and the striped predator itself.

1. As the dream book says, if tigers in your dream are approaching you, slowly and viciously, this may indicate that in today’s life you have a clear enemy, and he is quite dangerous. Be careful not to get involved in unpleasant and risky situations.

2. Hunting a tiger with the aim of killing it is a rather promising dream. You will not only identify your enemies, hidden or obvious, but also find out what vile intrigues they are plotting for you. You will be able to avoid trouble, and you will win with intelligence and cunning, without obvious conflict.

3. As the dream book warns, a tiger attacking you in a dream foretells failure in a planned project or business. Reconsider your plans and weigh your chances carefully.

4. It’s good if in your dreams you managed to kill and defeat an evil tiger. This means, expect success in all the things you have in mind - you will be at your best, good luck is with you. Seize the moment to implement bold plans!

5. If you failed to kill the predator, but he got scared and runs away, expect a bright, complete and final victory over his ill-wishers. No one and nothing can defeat you!

6. According to the dream book, the tiger that became yours vehicle, promises you success and resolution of the most hopeless and unpleasant situation.

7. But if you were ironing dangerous beast in a dream - in life you will do everything to please the management. Just know when to stop, let it be worth it and be justified. Author: Vasilina Serova

The tiger is one of the most powerful eastern symbols. It symbolizes wisdom and strength. But a predator seen in a dream can portend both success and failure in various areas of life. And for this reason, it is important to know why this predator is dreaming.

When deciphering dreams with a tiger, the most significant role in the correctness of interpretations is played by situations that are observed in night dreams.

Tiger in a cage - dream book

Of course, fear in a person’s soul at the sight of a tiger will not arise if he sees it in a cage. Such a dream foretells that you will defeat your enemies in real life. A tiger in a cage symbolizes your difficulties with self-realization. Therefore, in reality, be more confident in your actions, as this can significantly speed up getting the desired result.

Don't be afraid of the roaring tiger

A favorable dream is one in which you are not afraid of a roaring tiger. This is a harbinger of promotion. But remember that you will be entrusted with serious responsibilities and analyze how ready you are to cope with them. A dream in which you see a tiger in your own house also has a similar interpretation.

Why do you dream about a white tiger?

Many people are interested in why a white tiger dreams. Such an elegant and beautiful predator seen in a dream warns that in your environment there are imaginary friends who are very dangerous and can seriously harm you. The most unpleasant thing is that even after such a dream it will not be easy for you to determine who the hidden enemy is. Please note that this may be a person you completely trust.

Little tiger

Also a common question is what the little tiger cub dreams about. It is clear that the cub in the dream will look so tender that it will simply be impossible to be afraid of it. Such a dream indicates that there is a very influential and powerful person in your environment. This personality does not pose a threat to you and does not suppress you. And, most likely, you have a sincere friendship with this person. If the tiger cub shows even the slightest aggressiveness in the dream, then this is not a very favorable sign, especially for a woman. Such a dream indicates that she does not know her partner well, who is capable of the most unpredictable actions, accompanied by a surge of anger and rage. Therefore, in real life, you should communicate carefully with your partner, not provoke quarrels, and try to analyze his behavior.

Why do you dream about contact with a tiger?

When you come into contact with a tiger in a dream, then to decipher the dream great value have your actions. If you dream that a tiger is slowly approaching you, and a wave of fear rises in your soul, then this means that in real life you have a real and very dangerous enemy.

Tiger hunting - interpretation of sleep

When you hunt a tiger in a dream, it is a very auspicious and encouraging dream. It portends that in real life you will be able to identify all your enemies. Moreover, you will reveal all their insidious plans and will not allow you to harm.

Actions with a predator

Other actions in dreams with a predator:
    An attacking tiger portends failure in a project; Killing an evil tiger portends success in all matters; The flight of a predator frightened by you indicates that you will soon win a brilliant victory over your enemies; When a tiger serves as your vehicle, it means that you you will find a way out of the most hopeless situation; When you pet a predator in a dream, then prepare for the fact that you will have to please the management in everything.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's dream book emphasizes the auspiciousness of a dream in which the dreamer kills a tiger or the predator runs away in fear. This means that a period has come in life when you can successfully implement any ideas and short time become a successful person.

By Fred

Freud's dream book provides a connection between the tiger seen in a dream and the sexual sphere of a person. The predator symbolizes the dreamer's sexual excitability and excessive sensitivity. A person who often dreams of tigers may develop natural tendencies associated with violence. So if you consider yourself reasonable person, and you understand that such night dreams visit you more and more often, then you should consult a psychotherapist.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to the famous prophetess Vanga, the tiger symbolizes human vital activity. But at the same time, such a dream focuses attention on such natural human traits as aggressiveness and stubbornness. The dream book provides an interpretation of the following stories with a tiger:
    If you dreamed of a tiger in a circus, then you will be able to achieve success in real life only if you curb your irritation and show delicacy; When in the plot of a dream you see a calmly resting tiger, then unexpected events will happen in your life that will take you by surprise; Dream , in which you saw a hunting tiger, or a predator devouring its prey, predicts a long-awaited victory to which you walked a thorny path.

Interpretations of the Islamic dream book

In accordance with the interpretations of the Islamic dream book, the following dream interpretations are distinguished:
    If a tiger menacingly approaches you, then in real life you will be greatly annoyed by ill-wishers; If a predator attacks you, you are threatened nervous breakdown, which will be the result of despair from some failure in life; If you managed to repel the attack of a tiger, you can take on any business, since success will accompany you in everything; If the predator runs away from you, then you will be able to strengthen your position at work and gain an advantage over your competitors; If a tiger is sitting in a cage, you will be able to confuse your opponents and calmly achieve your goal.
Having analyzed the main interpretations of dreams with tigers, we can conclude that these predators can be harbingers of danger not only in reality. After all, such dreams are always warning, which means that by changing your behavior in real life you can avoid negativity and turn any situation in your favor.

It is generally accepted that a tiger coming at a person is not good sign. Most likely, the dreamer will be annoyed by his enemies in real life. Did you manage to scare the animal, so much so that it began to run away from the person? This is a good sign. He says that the dreamer will be able to defeat enemies or competitors and strengthen his position. Did you manage to get him into the cage? Most likely, in reality the dreamer will not destroy opponents on his way and go over their heads, but will simply confuse them.

If a predator attacked a person, but his attack was repelled, it means that all undertakings will be extremely successful. Was the tiger killed and skinned in the dream? This is not the most pleasant and kind vision, but it promises exquisite pleasures and material well-being.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

If a person happened to see a tiger in a dream, it means that in reality he most likely overlooked some kind of danger. Or he just has to get involved in a risky venture. It is also possible to have a conflict with a ruthless and cunning man. Unfortunately, the image of a tiger usually indicates a sad ending to any of these situations.

But if a person manages to defeat a predator, then in reality he is ready to fight with enemies. And it doesn’t matter how strong and dexterous they turn out to be.

However, this is not all that a tiger in a dream can mean. Why do you dream, for example, of a trained predator? If a person saw himself in the role of his “mentor,” it means that in life he will have to take part in an ambiguous, perhaps even dangerous, task that will require discipline and endurance. The main thing is that the action does not take place in a circus arena. Because such a turn of events indicates a lack of benefit and benefit in this matter. And if in reality there is some tempting offer with a subtle catch on the horizon, it is better to refuse it.

Female interpreter

His predictions are also worth paying attention to. However, this interpreter assures that the same dream can be interpreted in different ways. A tiger for a married woman, for example, does not mean anything good. On the contrary, he foreshadows a scandal with her husband.

But for a girl who has not yet found her chosen one, such information promises a meeting with a confident and wealthy young man. But this is only if the tiger did not behave aggressively. An evil predator usually dreams of tarnishing one's reputation.

And if a girl sees a proud and beautiful tiger, it means that her friend, whom she considers closest and dearest, perceives her in the same way. Their friendship is truly as strong and loyal as it seems.

For a pregnant woman, by the way, such a vision is a sign. A tiger in a dream represents the independence and independence of her unborn child, which will begin to manifest itself from a very early age.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

This interpreter can also tell you something interesting. Have you ever run away from a tiger in a dream? This means that in reality, a person, trying to hide from the problems that have washed over him, will eventually find a way out of a seemingly dead-end situation.

People often dream that a predator somehow got into their home. Was he acting fierce and aggressive? This means that an uninvited invasion of the dreamer’s house is quite possible. Unexpected guests, for example, or unwanted relatives. If the action took place not in a house, but in an apartment, then there is no need to worry - such a vision only indicates the dreamer’s inherent courage, courage and fortitude.

By the way, it is very important to remember whether a person saw in a dream the moment when a tiger entered his home. If yes, then it is possible that he will be promoted. About the same thing, by the way, means a vision in which a person kills a predator.

Esoteric interpreter

It wouldn’t hurt to look into it if you saw a tiger in a dream. Why do these creatures dream? They say that it means meeting a person who will make a false positive impression. Moreover, its second side will open very soon. After this vision, it is recommended to become less trusting and treat new acquaintances with extreme caution.

But hunting a tiger, on the contrary, is good sign. It is believed that such a dream promises acquaintance with amazing person, who over time can become a close friend.

If a person in a vision was surprised to discover that he had turned into this striped predator, it means that in the near future he will commit an act that will greatly amaze his acquaintances.

What if the tiger was very close in the dream? They say this is for negotiations with higher officials. If a person also stroked a predator, then in reality he will have to please the management. The main thing is that the animal does not growl or attack. Since such a turn of events promises a reprimand and dissatisfaction from the boss.

Book of interpretations of Hasse

This dream book can tell you a lot of interesting things. A woman (as well as a man) can see a tiger in a dream under different circumstances. For example, in water. If this was the case, then it is important to remember what it was like. Clean and transparent? If yes, then the person will soon have to successfully demonstrate his best qualities. But the tiger swimming in dirty water, is considered a harbinger of conflict. And one that will lead to real hostility.

Have you ever seen a tiger behind bars? This means that complications are coming in relationships with colleagues. If you had to fight a predator, then in the near future a person will have a dizzying romance and love pleasures. His murder foreshadows a rich inheritance and success in financial sector. Maybe a raise. The main thing is that in the vision a person does not try to stick his head into the mouth of a mighty animal. Because such a turn of events usually promises serious danger.

Interpreter Tsvetkova

It is not recommended to ignore this dream book. Tigers in a dream can be a harbinger of happiness, but only if the animals seemed friendly and good-natured. Affectionate predator usually indicates that the dreamer will soon receive the protection of an influential person. It will be extremely appropriate, and will only affect your career in the best possible way. This same dream often personifies the respect felt by others towards the dreamer. And what they value most in a person is his ability to show strength to help others.

A tame, trained tiger is also considered a good “guest” in a dream. Its appearance suggests that a person has the ability to control himself and not depend on the circumstances around him. Even if sometimes, for the sake of this, you have to suppress your desires.

An albino tiger is also considered a good sign. If a person notices him in a dream, it means that all his endeavors will be successful, no matter what they concern. You should only be wary in cases where a predator attacks. This suggests that the dreamer would do well to show generosity and nobility to those people from his social circle who need them. It is also possible that someone needs help, but the person does not dare ask for it. Then the dreamer needs to take a closer look at his neighbors, take an interest in their affairs and take the initiative.

Psychological dream book

Finally, I would like to pay attention to its interpretations. This dream book recommends paying attention to the color of the predator’s fur. Was the tiger white? This symbolizes luck and good fortune. Did you see a black predator? This is a threat and awakening of evil forces living inside a person. If the animal’s fur was blue, then there is no need to worry - such a predator personifies moral greatness, nobility and generosity.

You may also dream of a red tiger. He is also a positive image, since he is considered the personification of passion and love. And a proud albino, not noticing a person in a dream, is usually perceived as a harbinger of good news, surprises, amazement and unexpectedness.