What is the month of June famous for? June

June-Hleborost. At the beginning of summer, nature awakened and now its active growth begins, which is why the month is called “Grain Growing”. The rye is earing, the gardens are filled with wildly blooming greenery. The sun rises high above the sky and begins to heat even more, the day becomes long, and the evening becomes long and warm.

June: warmth envelops the earth

Description of the nature of summer at its very best early, in June(I - II week).
Summer has come. June. Nature blooms and ripens in summer, the gardens are full of greenery, the meadows are covered with a wide trail of green grass. Slowly soaring in the sky, like huge ships, heavy cumulus clouds. And although the month of May at the end indulged in warm and summer-like days, the first June days often cool, sometimes rainy. There is no need to be upset, because the prolonged cloudy weather at the beginning of the month will not last long. A dry anticyclone will bring warm winds, and the sun high in the sky will provide warm and hot weather. In June, the air temperature is moderate without sudden changes and averages +15 +17° C.

Summer takes time to heat up. There are still long hot, sultry and simply warm pleasant days ahead, when the sun wakes up early and sets very slowly, allowing you to walk around to your heart's content before plunging into twilight. And now the sun is starting to get hot, hot days are coming. The greenery is in full bloom, providing edible herbs. The sky is blue and clear, with fluffy clouds floating across it from time to time. The warm air exudes the aroma of flowering.

And, suddenly, unexpectedly, the hot summer sun is replaced by looming clouds. The sky is rapidly darkening. After all, just now there was sun, and now it has been swallowed up by a menacing darkness, advancing like a front, covering all living things in darkness. Nature is on guard, the birds are quiet, only strong gusts of wind, getting stronger each time, are ready to tear branches from the tops of trees in their path.

Thunder strikes in the first volleys, and immediately, like water from a bucket, a downpour charges. The sky is not visible, only the reflections of lightning alternate with crackling sounds of thunder. The storm subsides as suddenly as it began. The sky brightens, flashes of lightning become less frequent, and the rumbles of thunder recede. The first rays of the sun are peeking through, brightly reflected in the puddles. And life again summer forest comes to life, birds chirp joyfully, animals come out of hiding. Meanwhile, in the forest, in the most hidden dark places, the first mushrooms appear.

The beginning of summer in the folk calendar

"The swallow begins the morning, and the nightingale ends the evening"

At the very onset of summer, since ancient times in Rus', a unique ritual “baptism of the cuckoo” was performed. After the complete departure of winter, cold winds and bad weather, it was necessary to appease summer nature with new plant forces, good weather and a noble harvest. IN ancient Rus' The description of summer from the first days was like this. Early in the morning on the first Sunday of summer, Russian girls went into the forest to find orchis grass - they called it cuckoo tears, and then picked it and took it to the hut to sew outfits, each for their own cuckoo. Then the cuckoos were cuddled, meeting each other, people hugging and kissing. After all, having become related to each other, becoming closer, together they brought the bounty of summer closer to themselves.

Bread comes up in June; it’s not for nothing that the month of June was called “grain growing.” Throughout the first ten days of the month, active sowing took place in the fields, starting with the days of Falaley-Borage and Olena, June 2 and 3, from the name of which it is clear that on these days cucumbers, flax, late wheat, as well as barley and buckwheat were planted. On June 7, aphids appeared, feeding on plant juices and secreting honeydew. By June 11, ears of bread were already sprouting on Fedosya-Chariot, and by this time beans were being planted. From the earliest dawn until late sunset, people worked in the fields in order to be in time before the end of sowing, which fell in the second half of June on the day of the equinox.

Summer in Russian poetry

Summer... One of the most amazing, beautiful and vibrant times of the year. Summer nature is special and impressive. Everyone associates summer with something different: sounds, smells, sensations. These are lush meadow grasses, the aroma of wildflowers and even dusk, coolness spruce forest. All the natural splendor of summer is reflected in the works of famous Russian poets. They dedicated a huge number of romantic, exciting lines to this wonderful time.

A real hymn to awakening nature is Sergei Yesenin’s ode to a summer morning. Its summers are warm, washed with silvery dew, charming in their calm. This delightful natural idyll is scattered every day with the onset of day into fragments of everyday worries, only to be reborn the next morning.

The golden stars dozed off,
The mirror of the backwater trembled,
The light is dawning on the river backwaters
And blushes the sky grid.

The sleepy birch trees smiled,
Silk braids were disheveled.
Green earrings rustle
And the silver dews burn.

The fence is overgrown with nettles
Dressed in bright mother of pearl
And, swaying, whispers playfully:
"Good morning!"

Afanasy Fet in his work deeply describes nature in the summer, in particular, the lines of the poem “I came to you with greetings...” evoke an association with the maturity of feelings and relationships. The allegorical nature of the lines conveys the special poignancy of life and semantic fullness through romantic feelings, lightness of being and an aura of carelessness.

I came to you with greetings,
Tell me that the sun has risen
What is it with hot light
The sheets began to flutter;

Tell me that the forest has woken up,
All woke up, every branch,
Every bird was startled
And full of thirst in spring;

Tell me that with the same passion,
Like yesterday, I came again,
That the soul is still the same happiness
And I’m ready to serve you;

Tell me that from everywhere
It blows over me with joy,
That I don’t know myself that I will
Sing - but only the song is ripening.

Summer can be different. Everyone sees it in their own way, sometimes experiencing mixed and contradictory, but invariably strong feelings.

June: the sun is turning

Description summer nature June (III - IV week).
Lilacs continue to bloom, the smell of fresh grass spreads throughout the districts. Summer nature fills the air with herbal incense. Now the poplar has already dissolved the fluff in its seeds, just to wait for the light gusts of wind that carry new life around the area. In the forest, in the stands and ponds, the smell of spices spreads, no longer floral, but sweet herbal.

The greens are ripening with all their might, and the strawberries have already sprouted by the end of the month. And the blueberries are already keeping up with them, just have time to pick them. In the morning hours you can hear the cry of swallows, during the day frogs croak in ponds, and the evening ends with the lullaby of a nightingale. This time describes summer nature as the most fertile warm time of the year for working in the fields, evening walks and night gatherings around the fire.

A white blizzard of poplar fluff sweeps through the park alleys with a light wind, a kind of winter in fluffy warm snow. The clearings are covered with the white heads of a horde of dandelions, as if hundreds of little astronauts have landed on earth. Any moment now the wind, swaying the dandelions from side to side, will pick the seeds in the parachutes and carry them away. The squeak of chicks can be heard coming from the treetops; the parents barely have time to feed the voracious maturing chicks. The young grow quickly; before you even notice, they will jump out of the nest and fly off once or twice.

The second half of the month in the folk calendar

“The sun from Peter’s turn softens the course, the month is coming for profit”

The most flowers bloom in June different plants, medicinal herbs, Ivan-da-Marya rises, plantains and buttercups are at every step, Ivan-Chai is smoothed by the warm winds. Forest edges scatter in juicy spots of berries. In the forest you can pick up a lot of ripe strawberries, and a little later on the higher bushes the wild strawberries will turn red.

The day of June 25th is coming - the solstice point. From this time on, the sun turns towards shorter days. Now in the mornings, cold dew covers the grass low above the ground. This natural water You can drink it because it is very pure, collected from settled air vapor; summer dew does not contain salt deposits. At the end of June, on the 29th, Tikhon arrives, and, indeed, the sun shortens its course, and yes, the birds subside. The sun slowly, with unhurried steps, hovers in the sky. Only in the shadow of the shelter deciduous trees there is salvation from the incandescent rays growing in power. Summer turns into hot July.

Summer in Russian painting

Russian artists convey the picture of the summer landscape in a very colorful and varied way. Here you can see majestic green trees, an eared field, and an extraordinary turquoise sky with light, delicate white clouds.

(Painting by B.V. Shcherbakov “June in the Moscow Region”)

The description of summer nature is unusually colorfully presented in the painting by B.V. Shcherbakov “June in the Moscow Region,” which depicts the real greenery of the forest. From the front right corner into the depths of the picture, meandering along the laid bed, lies the smooth surface of the river. On both sides there are powerful trees, it looks like they are pine trees mixed with deciduous trees. On the right, almost by the river, a slender birch tree stands alone. In the foreground on the left are stacks of harvested hay. Upper part the paintings take clear sky, in which only fluffy white clouds are visible.

Many are looking forward to the arrival of summer with its bright and warm nights, fragrant aromas of the first berries and June flowers on sultry days. With the opportunity to enjoy socializing at a picnic and relaxing by the sea or by the fire. It is not for nothing that June is associated with pleasure, relaxation, and celebration. But at the same time, June is a time full of field and garden work, collecting forest gifts and field herbs, household and construction chores. It is so different and contradictory - the month of June. It is with its characteristics and traditions that many folk signs for June are associated.

Monthsword: what is the name of the first summer month

Habitual modern name“June” was received back in the days ancient Rome. The most common version connects his name with the Roman goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter.

She was considered the patroness family relations and marriage, feminine and birth. It's not for nothing that June is considered one of them. According to another version, the name of June is associated with the Latin word iuniores, which means “time of young people.”

There is also an opinion that the Romans named June in honor of their consul Lucius Junius Brutus. It was the Latin name that took root among many peoples of Europe. No less interesting are the historical and folk names of the beginning of summer.

Izok was the name of the month in ancient Rus', even before the adoption of Christianity.

This unusual name he received it thanks to the irrepressible chirping of grasshoppers at this time. After all, the word “izok” itself means “grasshopper” in ancient Slavic.

In some regions, the month of the beginning of summer was called skopid, svezar, multi-colored, grain-growing.

Kesäkuu or summer month Finns call it June. The word itself comes from the name of a fallow field that was plowed in June.

Cherven among the Little Russians and Ukrainians, cherven among the Belarusians, czerwiec among the Poles, červen among the Czechs. June received this nickname in connection with the collection of worms that gain red pigment.

Croatians call June lipanj – the month of linden blossoms.

Turks and Syrians – Haziran, which means hot, hot.

Signs of June: features of the first summer month

We usually consider June to be the beginning of summer. Indeed, the calendar summer begins on June 1. But according to popular belief, the start of summer is considered to be the day when the rose hips bloom, which most often falls on June 6th.

Phenologists believe that summer begins from the moment the viburnum blooms - June 13th. Astrologers tie the summer start to the solstice - June 22.

It is with the summer solstice that many folk signs of June, July and August are associated. Until that day, the days are getting longer, and the most short night received the name passerine.

In June dawn meets dawn

In June a day is a year

The nights are short, but quite warm.

In June, every bush will let you spend the night

Precipitation at the beginning of summer is very rare. And if there is rain, it is usually rapid with thunderstorms and even hail.

June is rich in thunderstorms

Signs of June about the harvest

According to folk signs, the month is divided into two parts. Until the 10th - the beginning. This time is devoted to finishing the sowing work. You need to have time to sow zucchini and cucumbers, legumes and corn. After all, very soon dry days will come and the young shoots will simply die, and the seedlings will not produce a good harvest.

June has come - no matter what, sit down or spit on it

In addition, the common people are hungry for the first berries. The reserves have long been exhausted, and the first harvests are still far away. It’s hard to survive on greens and berries, but you have to work.

June – empty bins

In June there is little food, but life is fun: flowers bloom, nightingales sing

But on the 11th the real summer begins. And not a day is left for fun.

Spends June at work, discourages dancing

June has arrived - don't give a damn about fishing

Only the planting of buckwheat was postponed until June 28. On this day it was sown for a good harvest. Weeding, watering, fertilizing - all these works fall precisely in June, and the future harvest largely depends on them.

June 18 was considered a special day. It was always dedicated to weeding beds and flower beds. According to the signs, such work gave excellent results and the weeds no longer grew in these places.

Summer day- for a winter week

Summer is a storehouse; it provides food for the whole year for the livestock and for the yard.

The first preparations began. These are, first of all, forest and garden berries.

In June, the first berry is placed in the mouth, and the second is carried home

And by the end of the month, haymaking began.

May creates bread, and June creates hay

As is the summer, so is the hay

And even the weather itself suggested what kind of harvest to expect this year. A good harvest was worth waiting for if the trees were strewn with young cones. Warm June nights and frequent thunderstorms promised the same result from summer labors. We were very afraid of the return frosts that occurred before June 10th. They are destructive to plants and crops.

Signs of June for children and adults about the weather

Most June signs are associated with short-term weather forecasts. The immediate plans of the peasants largely depended on them.

We monitored changes in nature to find out whether it would rain.

Dew weighs on the tips of blades of grass - to rain soon

Sticky drops on chestnut leaves - torrential rain

Leaves are falling from the trees on a dry hike - it will rain

When it rains they break through sun rays through the clouds - tomorrow it will rain again

The duration of rain was determined by the appearance of droplets during rain. The larger the drops, the shorter the rain. But large bubbles in the puddles foreshadowed prolonged precipitation. The sky is overcast, look at the plants.

Buttercup flowers are open - don't wait for rain

Drooping potato flowers promise soon rain

Major bad weather can also be predicted by weather signs.

The west wind will bring great bad weather

The water in the river has darkened - expect storms and thunderstorms

Converging peals of thunder promise hail

The rain has passed, notice the rainbow. She has a lot to say.

Green rainbow - soon there will be rain and wind again

Yellow rainbow - for sunny clear weather

Red - for heat and wind

Rainbow in the evening - good weather

In the morning - to precipitation

Folk signs about animals

The behavior of animals, both domestic and wild, can tell us a lot. The main thing is to be able to observe them and know what signs correspond to a particular case.

You should expect good weather soon in June when:

In the evenings, swallows circle high, and midges and mosquitoes rise in a column

Herons scream protractedly in flight

river fish before the evening dawn splashes at the surface of the water surface

Dung beetles fly over the paths

Grasshoppers chirp long and loudly in the evening

Spiders weave long and wide threads

The finches sing loudly

Larks sing loudly and hover in the sky

Bees fly out of the hives early

But some signs clearly promise quick rain.

Crickets are silent in June - it will rain tomorrow

Sparrows bathe in dust in the morning - it will rain by lunchtime

Swallows fly low - foretells imminent rain

Pets greedily eat grass in the evening, but don’t drink - it’s guaranteed to rain tomorrow

It is the behavior of domestic animals that tells us about many upcoming weather changes. Observe the behavior of the horses.

The mare wheezes - to bad weather

Lies on the ground - to drought

The foal spends time on the ground - be it rain

Even more about weather conditions You can find out if you look closely at the behavior of cows and sheep.

The cow hurries into the stall and shakes her hind leg - it’s getting colder

The oxen roll their tails into rings and throw them on their backs - there will be a strong wind

Sheep gather together and bleat - to be bad weather

Pigs are itching - for warmth

The pig squeals - be in bad weather

A pig carries straw - to light rain.

Household signs of June

June is also rich in signs of everyday life. Some of them tell you how to do garden work, while others are directly related to behavior in everyday life.

The most interesting of these June signs:

Bad omen– put away warm winter clothes before June

Folk signs on June 22 - the longest day of the year, all work is associated with the entry of summer into its own:

In June the day never fades

Kirill has strength from the earth

And on the solstice on June 25, folk omens tell of the sun turning to winter, and summer to heat.

Video: signs of June

June is the first month of summer, it has 30 days. According to one version, June was named after the pagan Roman goddess Juno. She was considered the patroness of marriage, women, and the birth of children. In some cities, people believed that the goddess sent rain to the earth. According to another version, the month got its name from Latin word“iuniores”, which means “young people”. Some historians believe that the month was named after the famous consul of Rome, Lucius Junius Brutus. People call it differently: multi-colored, svetozar, cherven, grain-bearing, skopid, and so on. In June, active growth of all types of vegetation is observed. In the forests, in given month Berries and mushrooms are slowly appearing.

At the beginning of the month, you should start planting seeds of melon plants, and towards the end you should start watering fruit-bearing trees. Since pagan times, June has been considered the solstice of months, during which it is constantly hot. And this is not surprising, because it is in June, or rather on the 22nd, that the summer solstice is observed - the longest day of the year and the shortest night. For Christians, this month is special in that it celebrates Trinity Day and Rusal Week before it. Roman catholic church and completely devoted the entire month of June to services in honor of the Savior, which are called “the heart of Jesus.”

Folk beliefs, signs, proverbs and sayings of June

People say the following about June:

  • June has arrived - rose flowers, there is no end to work.
  • In June there is a holiday in the forest: pine and spruce bloom.
  • Frequent and dense fogs mean that the year promises a large harvest of mushrooms.
  • Frequent thunderstorms mean a rich harvest.
  • Like June, so is the hay.
  • The lark has made a nest in a hole - this means a dry summer, and if on a hill, then a rainy one.
  • A lot of dew in June means a rich harvest.
  • Late flowering of rowan means that there will be a long autumn.

Holidays and observances of June

  • June 1 is Children's Day. The holiday was established back in 1925 at the Geneva Convention on Children's Welfare.
  • June 5 is World Environment Day.
  • June 6 is celebrated as Pushkin Day. Many people don’t know, but this is an official holiday established in 1997 by presidential decree.
  • On June 11, 1858, St. Isaac's Cathedral was opened to the public, so this date is important to some people.
  • June 13, 1891 is the day the construction of a railway line in Siberia with a length of more than 9,000 kilometers began.
  • June 22 is a sad day for Russia; it was on June 22, 1941 that the USSR was attacked by German armed forces.
  • On June 24, 1945, the first Victory Parade took place.

- (lat. junius). The sixth month of the year in ancient times. Rusi isok (grasshopper, cricket). Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. JUNE lat. junius; probably named after Juno, to whom it was dedicated. Sixth month of the year... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

JUNE- husband. sixth month of the year, old. worm, isok. The month of June, ah! no bread. The bins in the barns are empty. End of migration, beginning of summer. June, related to June Dictionary Dalia. V.I. Dahl. 1863 1866 … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

JUNE- (Latin Junius), sixth month calendar year(30 days); named after the ancient Roman goddess Juno... Modern encyclopedia

JUNE- (Latin Junius) the sixth month of the calendar year (30 days); named after the ancient Roman goddess Juno... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

JUNE- JUNE, June, plural. no, husband (lat. Junius). The sixth month of the calendar year. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

JUNE- JUNE, me, husband. The sixth month of the calendar year. | adj. June, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

June- noun, number of synonyms: 7 hunger (1) isok (4) kresen (2) ... Dictionary of synonyms

June- (Latin mensis, Junius, Greek; English June, German Juni: Spanish junio; Italian Giugno, French juin. Indigenous Slavic names: in ancient Rus' izok [= grasshopper, cricket], among the Podyaks there is a worm, among the Czechs and Slovaks there is a worm, among the Illyrians there is a lipan, among the Croats... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

June- sultry (Fet); sweet (Fet) Epithets of literary Russian speech. M: Supplier of His Majesty's court, the Quick Printing Association A. A. Levenson. A. L. Zelenetsky. 1913 ... Dictionary of epithets

June- (Latin Junius), the sixth month of the calendar year (30 days); named after the ancient Roman goddess Juno. ... Illustrated encyclopedic dictionary


  • June, Bykov Dmitry Lvovich. New novel Dmitry Bykov - as always, a bright experiment, a literary event. Three independent stories, three different genres. A tragicomedy in which a poet, a student of the famous... Buy for 869 rubles
  • June, Bykov Dmitry. Dmitry Bykov’s new novel is, as always, a bright experiment, a literary event. Three independent stories, three different genres. A tragicomedy in which a poet, a student of the famous...

- June- (lat. Junius), named after the goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter, goddess of fertility, mistress of rain and guardian of marriage. According to another version, the name of the month goes back to the word “junior”, which means “young”, “younger”.
June is the month of radiant sun, the most long days and white nights, the brightest month of the year is Milk. And June is also a songful and fertile month, grain-growing and hoarding, grain-bearing, it accumulates harvest for the whole year, enriches our home. June and the blush of the year, and the first grass, and the anthill. The time of tall grasses and hayfields, bright flowers was also called multi-colored, retail, strawberry.
If the nights are warm in June, there will be an abundance of fruits.
Like June, so is the hay.
Heavy dew is a sign of fertility, and frequent fogs promise a mushroom harvest.
- June(blush). Multi-colored. Grain growth. Khleborod. Hoarder. Izok. Cheven. Lunius. Blush of the year. Kresnik.
In the old days, the indigenous Russian names were Izok and Cherven. Izokom was the name given to the grasshopper, an insect that was abundant in June. Cheven from the word worm, worm. At this time many worms appear. June is often called Kresnik from the word kresa - fire, bonfire, which is lit on the night of Ivan Kupala.
June has the shortest, “passerine” nights. Day length 17 hours 33 minutes. This is the longest daylight hours of the year. From June 1 to the 25th are the lightest nights. From June 22 the day begins to decrease. Average temperature air around +16 C.
Frosts are possible from June 1 to June 12. Almost every year at this time there is a significant cooling.
There are subseasons of June:
June 1-10 - Predletye.
June 11-30 - Beginning of summer.
People consider the 6th to be the beginning of June - the beginning of rosehip flowering.
The phenological calendar considers June from the 13th - the time of flowering of viburnum.
Astronomical June begins on 21 or 22 (at leap year) June - solstice day. From June 1 to the 21st, the Sun is in the sign of Taurus according to the astronomical calendar. And then it moves to the constellation Gemini.
The lilacs are blooming, which means summer is beginning.
On June 21, the first month of summer begins in the forest - “Nest Month” - the time of hatching of chicks. While the quail sits in the nest, her friend fights in competitions. Sparrows, quails, and wood pigeons hatch their chicks for the second time. It's time to moult in raptors and birds, waterfowl and songbirds.
Gardeners and gardeners have their own concerns:
The 1st decade of June is the last time for sowing seeds of cucumbers, beans, beans, zucchini, corn, and pumpkin into the soil. “Father June grows everything that is put in mother earth.” Transplanting.
2nd decade - watering fruit-bearing trees. During the growth period, in the first half of June, water the currants abundantly. “June has arrived in many colors - there is no free day.”
June's talismans are pearls and roses. Zodiac sign - Gemini.
According to astrological calendars correspondence of the signs of the Zodiac and the Druid horoscope to people’s birthdays: June 1-21 - Gemini, June 22-30 - Cancer; June 1-3 - ash, June 4-13 - Hornbeam, June 14-23 - Fig, June 24 - Birch, June 25-30 - Apple tree.
June was once the fourth month of the year; after New Year began to be celebrated in September - the tenth; and from 1700 to this day he is the sixth in a row.
In Russia, the first summer month is called “rosantvet”, the Poles call it “chervets”, Czechs and Slovaks - “cherven”, Croats - “Ivan-chak” and “klisen”.
The month is named after the ancient Roman goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter. It was considered the month of summer heat, the solstice.
By June, the diligent peasant had completed the main spring field work: sowing and planting, plowing the early fallow. At the end of May and beginning of June, before the mass flowering of meadow grasses, short time rest - between pairs. And in the south haymaking was already underway. Again worries surrounded the peasant. That’s what the saying is about: “June is a rose-colored blossom, there’s no end to work.”
June is the first month of the long-awaited summer. June produces crops for the whole year, but in itself it is a hungry month - not much has ripened yet. This month is called so for the flowers, colors and bright dawns. People call it grain growth.
June is a hoarding month, the harvest is saved for the whole year. However, the peasant table was still meager: if there were no days of fasting, the family ate mainly dairy products, eggs and the first greens from the garden. And the bread was already running out. Therefore, pies, noodles and porridge were considered rare. The peasants said sadly: “June - blow into the bins, look: is there any life somewhere; forgotten in the corners”; “Collect the specks from the floor and make a funeral service.”
June is the month of young, green grass and first harvests: at the end of May - beginning of June, the first vegetables and herbs of the new season appear in the markets, and housewives prepare soup from young nettles.
June needs and worries forced the peasant to take a closer look at weather changes, and since ancient times, rural residents have noticed the connection winter weather from summer. This was indicated by the experience of many years of observation. Winter weather changes had a particularly noticeable effect on June days. The weather coincided after 177 days - after six lunar months. If frost fell in winter, then after a lunar half a year dew would fall. If there was heavy and wet snow in December, it manifested itself in thunderstorms and rain in June. Winter snow pellets arrived in June cold weather. The December blizzard turned into bad weather in June. Warm December foreshadowed the June heat. These signs usually came true completely, and the peasant determined his economic concerns in advance and calculated his leisure time.
And people associate many signs and customs with this month.
You can't recognize summer in one day.
The cuckoo brings news of summer, and the swallow brings warm days.
The swallow begins spring, and the nightingale ends summer.
In June, a day is a year.
In June there is little food and life is fun: flowers bloom, nightingales sing.
In June dawn meets dawn.
In June, each bush will let itself spend the night.
In June, the first berry is placed in the mouth, and the second is carried home.
In June there is a holiday in the forest: pine and spruce bloom.
June is rich in thunderstorms.
June is the month of white nights, flowering herbs, and singing birds.
June is the brightest month of the year.
Spends June at work, discourages dancing.
June has come - don't care about fishing.
June has arrived and there are many colors - there is no end to work.

June - end of migration, beginning of summer. May creates bread, and June creates hay. June - empty bins. Spends June at work, discourages singing. Sultry June - don't care about fishing. If the nights are warm in June, then you can probably expect an abundance of fruit. During sunrise it is stuffy - a sign of bad weather.
Fog spreads across the water in the morning - the weather will be sunny. Heavy dew is a sign of fertility, and frequent fogs promise a mushroom harvest. The water is clearer than ever - ready for rain. In the morning, the grass smells stronger than usual - it means rain. Honeysuckle smells good - for rain.
In the morning, the woodlouse blossomed and remained open all day - for good weather. The herd began to roar in the evening - it will be rainy. If bees buzz in a swarm on a flowering rowan tree, tomorrow will be a clear day. Sparrows are cheerful, active, pugnacious - for good weather. If there are a lot of ants around the anthill in June, the weather is good.