Secure the area from snakes. How to get rid of snakes in your summer cottage

How to quickly get rid of snakes: several simple tips on protection against snakes There is one rule that, for some reason, everyone forgets - changing habits: you change your habits, and snakes, accordingly, change theirs. Here are a few effective advice how to get rid of snakes naturally: 1. Mow all tall grass; 2. Remove piles of stones, lumber and other debris from the area, because they are a refuge for small pests, which, in turn, are food for snakes; 3. Bury or cover all rodent holes - they attract snakes; 4. The fight against rodents (rats, mice) leads to good results in getting rid of snakes; 5. Build a fence around your property - it will keep most snakes away, especially if its cells are no larger than 5cm and it is buried a few centimeters into the ground. 6. Destroy all insects, rodents and worms, thereby depriving the snakes of food. This method has proven its effectiveness and long-lasting results in practice. 7. Naphthalene. One more effective method. Surround your home with mothballs and you will soon see results. However, do not use mothballs where children or pets can reach it. Naphthalene will be effective only if the reptiles have not yet had time to occupy large area your site. Small quantity the solution will negate any presence of snakes, but the disadvantage of this method is its short-term effect. Naphthalene will be an ideal solution if you need to secure the entrances to your home - small cracks in the walls, sewer pipes, etc. Naphthalene is obtained from tar and is a source of toxic gas, the smell of which is very unpleasant to snakes. If you are planning moth balls, it is better to mix them with cat litter, and then scatter them throughout the garden, as well as in places through which reptiles can enter your home. When working with mothballs, be very careful because... The gas released by mothballs can cause health problems: destruction of red blood cells, jaundice, intestinal problems, and can even cause the formation of cancerous tumors. It is for this reason that most people choose to use alternative reptile repellents and traps when dealing with reptiles. 8. Plant pruning. Try trimming the trees around the house - many snakes are able to move from the tree to the roof of the house, and from there directly into the house. It is also worth remembering that the surrounding forests can be home to many species of snakes that pose a danger to humans. 9. Cleaning the area. Remove mountains of stones and lumber from the area - they are a natural shelter for rodents. No rodents - no reptiles near the house. It is also important to remove all debris from the area and mow all tall grass.

How to Get Rid of All Snakes in Your House First, take a good look at all the vents in the basement of your home. If you notice that there are holes that exceed 1 cm, then you need to seal them. Never leave the door open in the hope that the snakes will leave the house on their own - this will not lead to any effect. If you find a snake nest or a snake in the basement, then never try to deal with it yourself, unless, of course, you have the necessary knowledge and sufficient experience. Never pick up a snake unless you are 100% sure that the snake is not poisonous and does not pose a danger. How to get rid of snakes in the basement? Sealing. Walk around your entire house - your goal is to find everything, even small holes, close to the ground - these are the entry points of reptiles into your basement. Once you find all such holes, seal them immediately. Sulfur If you need a method with maximum quick effect, then buy sulfur powder, gloves and a respirator. Place sulfur lines at doors and other possible entry points for snakes. Don't forget to repeat the procedure after every rain. Easily Available Foods Food attracts snakes to your home. Make sure you put all pet food in containers with tight-fitting lids. When there is no food, there is no point for snakes to stay in the house.

Physical removal. If you have a snake in your home, it must be physically removed from your home. For this purpose, it is best to hire a professional or install special traps. However, simply removing the snake is not enough - go around the basement again to find and seal all possible entry points. Of all the above options - calling a specialist - best option solutions to the problem of snakes in the house.

Snakes are constantly looking for new places where there is a lot of food available to them - mainly insects and rodents. Once all food sources have been removed, the reptiles will leave your area in search of food for themselves. To achieve this, many people spray insecticides throughout their entire property and also use rodent repellents.

Methods for repelling crawling reptiles Currently, there are various devices used to repel snakes, which can be purchased at retail networks. These devices can create vibrations that repel reptiles or emit repellent waves. But it is not always possible to achieve the desired results with the help of such devices. More effective means is to scatter rags over the area, which are pre-impregnated with diesel fuel or herbicide. This procedure is repeated once a month. To prevent the appearance of creeping reptiles on your site, carefully monitor the order in the territory. Since snakes do not like unnecessary noise and vibrations, invite guests over more often, arrange noisy feasts, or set up a woodworking workshop. In addition, windmills placed around the perimeter of the site can scare away snakes. There are other folk methods for expelling snakes from the site. To do this, you can use natural wool, which is laid out near the threshold of the house and the entrance to outbuildings. Place pieces of wool in any place where these dangerous reptiles are likely to appear. This is probably why, when a person goes into the forest, old people recommend that he wear woolen socks. By popular belief Snakes really don't like the smell of garlic. Therefore, you can try to plant a large area of ​​your dacha with garlic.

Legless reptiles, especially vipers, do not tolerate proximity to humans. However, in search better life animals have to go out to settlements, and finding snakes in the countryside is a common thing. If it weren’t for the bites, one could put up with them and get rid of the rodents at the same time. Learn how to fight snakes at summer cottage what strategy to follow.

How to scare away snakes from your summer cottage

In the war against snakes, a set of various measures must be used. These reptiles are able to adapt to noise and disturbance. Animals often coexist peacefully with their natural enemies. There is no single answer to how to completely get rid of snakes in your summer cottage. Advice to summer residents - do not be afraid of reptiles. Learn the habits of snakes, move slowly, and fill your first aid kit with first aid supplies. poisonous bites. Man is more inventive than any animal, so success is on your side.

How to poison snakes and vipers in the country

Snakes feed on living, moving prey, so it is difficult to poison them with chemicals. Even if you place a poisoned mouse in a trap, it will die before the predator can reach it. How to deal with vipers in your summer cottage? Creeping reptiles will not just settle on it - this is accompanied by favorable conditions. Some of the main ones are the abundance of food and shelter.

If you have a burning desire to poison and kill, then you need to start by clearing the land of grass, garbage, other disorderly accumulations and baiting small rodents, of which there can easily be more in your gardening than in surrounding nature. Poisons, poison traps, and other killing agents for small animals (mice, frogs, etc.) - food for snakes - can easily be found in gardening stores.

How to get rid of snakes in your summer cottage without poison, using chemicals:

  • treat the soil around the perimeter with saltpeter, herbicides, odorous compounds, scatter rags soaked with strong-smelling substances around your site and the neighbors’ abandoned ones;
  • arrange mothballs, tablets ( inexpensive remedy from moths), after digging a little, make a groove along the border of the summer cottage with coals, ash, garden sulfur;
  • order treatment with a special low-toxic composition with a repellent odor for snakes, rodents, lizards from a pest control service (valid for up to 40 days);
  • burn rubber tires on the site (be careful - toxic for people and pets).

Snake repeller

Buyers who ask the question of how to scare away snakes from their summer cottage are offered biological, electrical and mechanical sound-vibration repellers. The first are a non-toxic granular mixture based on essential oils, peanut shells, etc. – snakes have a sensitive sense of smell, and strong odors interfere with the search for prey. Electrical and mechanical (turntables dug into the ground) repel reptiles with vibrations spreading across the surface and in the thickness of the earth. A popular repeller is Ecosniper. The device emits ultrasonic vibrations that are unpleasant for crawling creatures.

How to drive snakes away from your summer cottage with the help of animals

Good competitors for snakes are ordinary hedgehogs. They are not afraid of viper venom, and they do not disdain to feast on snake meat. You can catch a hedgehog in the surrounding area after dark, if you show dexterity. Or you can buy them at a nursery or zoo. If your dacha has plenty of caterpillars, slugs, and mice, then the spiny snake-killers will like their new place of residence. Complementary feeding with milk, wet cat food, and chicken meat helps to increase the attractiveness of a site for hedgehogs.

If you got a cat with a pronounced hunting instinct, then with their help you can also solve the problem of how to get rid of snakes on garden plot. Any energetic dog will help to somewhat secure your stay in a private country residence by signaling the appearance of an enemy with a loud bark. A hunting dog, the Jagdterrier, is excellent at destroying snakes; it has a death grip, small size, and phenomenal malice toward game. Keep in mind that such aggressiveness, if not properly controlled and trained, can be a problem for the owner.

Fighting snakes in a summer cottage

There are plenty of ways to get rid of nuisance snakes. The most important thing is to understand what they are looking for in your and neighboring areas. If there is a pond nearby teeming with tasty toads, frogs, or other food sources for snakes that you cannot influence, then the only thing that can get rid of the reptiles is a solid monolithic fence on the foundation and a plastic mesh dug throughout the area. In other cases, less radical methods will do.

What are snakes afraid of?

All snakes - poisonous or not - are afraid of strong odors, so they will avoid a place heavily sprayed with perfume in disgust. There are conflicting opinions about loud sounds - there are known cases of snake outrages near the railway track. They are afraid of the smell of unprocessed sheep or horse wool, but only where grazing is constantly taking place - the memory of their ancestors suggests that their hooves will trample down snake holes. Poisonous snakes do not get along well with harmless snakes, but not always.

How to get rid of snakes in your summer cottage

He is a harmless representative of the snake kingdom, but his appearance makes the heart beat faster, and his bite sharp teeth delivers a range of vivid sensations. It is not always possible to immediately differentiate a snake from a viper, so the natural reaction is to kill the snake by chopping the body with a shovel. How to get rid of snakes on a summer cottage humanely: arrange for catching and removal of snakes over a decent distance, from 1-2 km.

What are snakes afraid of - folk remedies

All of the methods listed above, which describe how to get rid of snakes in the country, are also suitable for snakes. In the piggy bank folk recipes There are still protective equipment in stock. Snakes are afraid if:

  • sprinkle mustard powder over the area;
  • A smoke bomb will help get rid of guests if they have settled in the cellar;
  • plant garlic, elderberry, and essential herbs on the site and around the perimeter of the house - their smell repels snakes;
  • fence the area with a fence on a high base and install fine mesh in the adjacent area;
  • mow the grass regularly, prevent the area from becoming cluttered, and block snakes’ access to the compost heaps;
  • hang bells on trees and bushes in the garden - the suspicious ringing will alert the snake, discouraging it from basking in the branches.

How to catch a snake

If there are not many snakes in the garden, then the easiest way is to catch them and take them out. How to get rid of snakes in your summer cottage by catching them:

  1. Put on high-top shoes - boots or rubber boots - and go in search of snakes.
  2. Make sure that there is something in front of you, and not poisonous viper– here it is better to use the help of a professional snake catcher. The snake has two large spots on the sides of the head.
  3. Trying not to give away your presence, slowly lower your hand and grab the snake closer to the head.
  4. Holding it firmly in this position, lower it into the prepared bag with its tail down.
  5. As soon as your head reaches the edge of the bag, quickly release it from your hands and tie the bag.

How to get rid of vipers in your summer cottage

These snakes do not like noisy and inedible neighbors like humans, plus cleared areas. If your site is not overgrown with weeds, you visit it often, there are no abandoned dachas in the area, and dangerous “residents” still do not leave, then you need to analyze and eliminate the reasons for such love for the land. After killing the viper, the body, as well as top layer the soil on which it died must be carried away as far as possible. Snakes eat each other, and the smell of a helpless, killed relative will be very attractive to them.

Video: How to protect your property from snakes

Having discovered snakes on their own property, some summer residents are even ready to get rid of their favorite place. However, do not rush to do this. You just need to study the habits of this animal, and you can not only avoid an attack, but also force them to leave your area.

Features of the viper

The most common vipers are the ones that reach 75 centimeters in length. The skin color of these inhabitants middle zone- black or gray with a snake-shaped stripe on the back. Typically, reptiles sleep during the day, hidden in a cool place, and hunt at night and early in the morning.

By nature, snakes are very cautious. Intense heat is destructive for them, so they take root in forests, in thickets of grass or bushes. In addition, they prefer to settle near bodies of water or in swampy areas. From the heat of the day they hide in empty holes that have been abandoned by rodents, under huge stones or old stumps. Vipers can also settle in uninhabited dachas, areas of which are overgrown with grass and littered with construction debris.

The fact that a snake lives on your territory can be immediately understood by its tracks, which look like a ribbon stretched across the garden. Also, on the site you can find pieces of snake skin or parts of the dead bodies of rodents and frogs, which the viper feeds on.

How to deal with vipers

Snakes love to eat strawberries, so they can be used as bait. In the evening, place the dishes with berries in the garden so that you can see them. When the snake appears near the bait, you need to carefully approach it and sharply hit it with a shovel. Remember, before using this option, be sure to put on your boots and don’t catch the reptile with your hands.

You can get rid of amphibians in your dacha using chemicals that are commercially available. However, the chemical must be attractive in order to attract the snake to the bait.

Hedgehogs are enemies of amphibians. Try to lure them into your territory by placing a container of milk in the garden. Hedgehogs are harmless animals and do not pose a danger to life. They feed on snakes and rodents, but they will not refuse sweet berries, so think about what is best for you to do.

Snakes try to avoid various noises. On the site, you can hang the film near the ground, attaching it to posts. Snakes will not like the rustling sound, and they will look for a quieter place. You can also install pinwheels used to repel moles.

Keep your area clean. The grass needs to be mowed as close to the ground as possible, and then collected and taken out of the area. Remove last year's leaves and do not leave any piles of grass and leaves. In a clean and noisy area, snakes will feel uncomfortable.

It is very important to get rid of rodents, frogs and other reptiles. In this case, the snakes will go to look for food elsewhere.

Amphibians do not like the smell of burnt rubber. Find unnecessary rubber and burn it in the garden.

In early spring, treat the soil with saltpeter or herbicides around the perimeter of your site. If your neighbor's property is empty, scatter pieces of cloth soaked in this chemical there. You can also scatter mothballs and sprinkle them with soil. You can hang sheep's wool on the territory of your dacha: reptiles cannot stand the smell of sheep.

If you have built a children's sandbox on the site, be sure to treat the soil with saltpeter at a distance of 3 m from it so that snakes do not crawl there.

The area near the toilet and shower also needs to be treated with chemicals, the smell of which will affect the asps for a long time.

If you have logs stored on your property for construction, be sure to place them under a shed and treat the surrounding area with herbicides.

If you permanently live in a country cottage, get a Jagd Terrier dog that loves to hunt reptiles. However, such a dog can attack a person. To avoid trouble with your neighbors, muzzle your terrier during the day.

How to behave when meeting a viper?

Remember that vipers never attack humans first. However, during the period when they protect clutches with future offspring, reptiles can make an exception. Before attacking, the snake warns the person, threatening him with a peculiar pose and hissing. When meeting a snake, behave calmly and do not wave your arms, as it may take this as a threat from you.

Do not tease the viper, but rather move away or calmly stand still. She doesn't need trouble: she'll quickly crawl away on her own. Know that snakes have very good reactions and jump a distance equal to a third of their length.

If a viper does bite you, you need to take emergency measures. The place where the reptile bites is clearly visible - these are two deep punctures from the teeth. Remember that the bite site should never be cauterized, pressed or pierced. The first aid that can be provided to the victim is to suck out the poisonous liquid that the snake injected from the wound. This procedure must be carried out for at least 10 minutes. In this case, you constantly need to spit out saliva with poison.

It has been verified that poison that gets into the oral mucosa or stomach in small quantities does not cause harm to humans. You cannot suck out poison from a person whose teeth are damaged. Thanks to such quick help, the victim can be freed from the poison by almost half, so the process of intoxication will proceed much easier.

If you notice swelling, stop suctioning the venom immediately. After this procedure, you must thoroughly rinse your mouth with an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate. Then you need to lubricate the wound with iodine or alcohol, or, in extreme cases, with urine. The bandage should not be applied too tightly, as swelling occurs in the place where the viper bit. You can give a person bitten by a snake a medicine - suprastin, which will help reduce the allergic reaction.

The patient needs to be provided with a horizontal position, which will maximally prevent the spread of snake venom in the body. After the first emergency assistance to the victim, you must go to the ambulance station. The patient needs to administer an antidote within 60 minutes after a snake bite, otherwise such a procedure makes no sense in the following minutes. If you take the victim to a medical facility yourself, try to keep the part of the body where the bite was made motionless.

If you are bitten by a snake, you need to know what not to do in this case.

  • Do not chase after the viper that has bitten you, and do not try to go straight to the hospital, as you will only waste time.
  • If you shake your limb and move, the poison will quickly begin to spread throughout the body.
  • Do not pierce or cut the bite site, as you can also introduce an infection into the wound.
  • Don't even think about applying a tourniquet. Otherwise, increased intoxication will begin, which can even lead to amputation of an arm or leg.

Most often, snake bites occur on the legs, especially the lower part. Therefore, when working in the garden or in an area where vipers have appeared, wear boots and wear trousers that are not tapered. Check overgrown areas with a stick before stepping into them. And most importantly, do not make sudden movements. And remember, snakes are found only in environmentally friendly places.

How to fight snakes?

In addition to the usual ones (insects, moles, worms), some summer residents may be in wait for special neighbors in the country, extremely unpleasant and dangerous - these are. How to get rid of vipers on – more on this later in the article.

Description of the pest

The viper is a poisonous snake, often found in our latitudes. Small in size (usually no more than half a meter), with a large flat head, the frontal shield of which is almost rectangular. These snakes have a variety of colors from gray to reddish, and black vipers are also found.

A distinctive feature is the zigzag pattern on the back, clearly visible against the background of the main color. The tip of the tail is yellow, orange or red.

It lives in forests and adapts well to any terrain. The basis of nutrition is small rodents and reptiles.

So there are also advantages from such neighbors. For those who are not ready to put up with these creatures, below we will give advice on how to get rid of unwanted elements in your garden.

How to get rid of vipers

You can get rid of vipers on your property in a humane and radical way. Below are more details about both methods.

Radical methods

The first thing a person thinks when he sees a dark ball in the grass is how to kill a snake safely.

The first way getting rid of reptiles is to eliminate nesting sites. Clean up your area, remove garbage - any pile of garbage or board can be a refuge for a reptile. Regularly mow the surrounding areas - tall grass camouflages snakes well.

An additional effect of mowing is the noise of a brush cutter or. The reptile reacts sensitively to the stimulus and moves away from the source of noise.
Second method– deprivation of food sources. Destroy rodents and frogs, and others that may provide food. In search of food, the reptiles will leave your territory.
Third method– physical destruction. Those who are afraid of snakes - hedgehogs and Jagdterriers - will provide us with a good service in this.

Did you know? Hedgehogs are immune to snake venom. They hunt vipers, trample them and gnaw their spines.

– the best hunter of snakes and rats. Small burrows, dexterous and brave, pounce on enemies and gnaw through the ridge. The downside is the aggressiveness of the animals. They must be kept muzzled.

Scaring away

Repelling will help remove reptiles from the area. But very often they return after the threat disappears.

So, how to scare away snakes from your summer cottage?

You can play on the susceptibility of vipers to odors. Scattered mustard powder (about 100 g per hundred square meters) or sprinkled in different places helps a lot. Dispose of shed snake skins. Reptiles return to the place where they moulted.

Important! Do not handle skin with unprotected handsdon't leave your scent.

Burning will make the area unattractive to vermin.

Vipers are sensitive to chemicals. Scattered mothballs, (amophoska, any garden), rags soaked in diesel fuel will scare away reptiles.
Use sound effects. Wind chimes, bells, rattles, weather vanes - all this will create noise that reptiles do not like at all.

The use of mole repellers has a good effect. These devices generate ultrasonic waves and vibrations to which reptiles respond. Such devices can be purchased at fishing and tourism supply stores.

They say that snakes rarely attack first. However, this hardly makes it any easier when you hear a suspicious rustling at your favorite pond or find a thieving “guest” in the chicken coop in the morning. And catching a viper in a raspberry patch or while reaching for a strawberry is also not pleasant. It’s not fun at all to fight off a viper with a shovel from a dog or drive a reptile out of a viper at dawn. outdoor toilet. A snake in the country is always dangerous and scary. We'll tell you how to reduce the likelihood of meeting a dangerous reptile and how to scare away snakes.

Perhaps the first thing to do is to put things in order at the dacha. Mow the grass regularly (by the way, the noise of a lawn mower scares away crawling creatures), remove branches and other debris, and put away garden tools.

Pieces of slate, barrels, logs, etc. - all of these are attractive refuges for creeping creatures, and therefore should not be on the site.

If the owners of adjacent dachas have not appeared on their property for a whole year, then, for your own peace of mind, it is worth mowing down the neighbors’ thickets. Organize compost heaps away from housing: reptiles like to hide there from bad weather and make nests. But the viper will defend its “home” and offspring from humans to the last.

Reptiles are especially dangerous in spring and August – during the breeding season.

How to scare away snakes from your property

Nowadays it’s not a problem to find something to scare away snakes from the site - many different devices for repelling snakes are sold, they can be bought on the Internet. Repellers create vibrations that are unpleasant for reptiles or emit repellent waves. However, such devices sometimes do not give the desired result and do not completely repel or destroy snakes.

A more effective way to scare reptiles than a repeller is to scatter rags soaked in herbicide or diesel fuel around the area. How to repel snakes from your summer cottage with a guarantee - repeat this procedure once a month.

How to get rid of snakes in your dacha

As already noted, reptiles do not like noise and vibrations. Conclusion - convene more often country house guests or set up a woodworking workshop there. Well, seriously, you can get by " little blood“And instead of purchased repellers, place several “windmills” throughout the area.

This is what scares snakes away from your home, if you trust folk remedies:

  1. herbcides;
  2. diesel fuel;
  3. natural wool;
  4. garlic.

Natural wool - folk remedy snake repellent

If you believe folk experience, you can drive away snakes with the help of natural wool. It needs to be placed at the threshold of the house and other buildings, as well as in all places where a living “lace” can get into. Now it’s clear why it is recommended to wear woolen socks in the forest!

They say that reptiles cannot stand the smell of garlic. So you can try another way to protect yourself from reptiles - plant more of this plant in your dacha. This is another answer to the question of how to scare away snakes from your home.

How to protect your property from snakes

To do this, you must first exterminate the rodents. They are a delicacy for amphibians. Therefore, if a lot of mice live with you, you should be wary and expect the appearance of a hunter for them, and, as practice shows, a very clever one! Here you will have to choose the lesser of two evils and get rid of the mouse exterminator. True, you can have a “super hunter” at your dacha - a hedgehog.

This method is suitable if:

  1. You are often at the dacha and will feed the hedgehog, otherwise he will run away.
  2. You don't have chickens: the hedgehog will eat them too.
  3. Don't feel sorry for the berries: hedgehogs also love them.

How to protect your area from snakes with the help of a drunken hedgehog

How to protect your home from snakes with a cat and dog

Cats and small reptiles are good at catching. Allegedly, the mustachioed striped ones can endure a double dose of poison. However, experienced forum users claim that a better hunter than Jagd Terriers cannot be found: they strangle reptiles, and at the same time, rats.

How to repel snakes from the garden, garden and home

To avoid accidentally stumbling upon a snake, forum members are advised to think about the following:

  • under the house and barn on stilts, the ground must be spilled with herbicide or saltpeter;
  • the porch should be made open, and under it should also be poured with “chemicals”;
  • sealing cracks in the floors of the barn and other outbuildings is protection against the penetration of crawling creatures into the house;
  • put rags soaked in herbicide in shady places;
  • hang “knocks” on the doors of the outdoor toilet and shower and rattle them before you enter the building;
  • when going to the forest or overgrown areas, wear boots or sneakers;
  • secure children's sandboxes, houses and woodpiles, spillage chemicals at a distance of 2-3 meters from them.

Be sure to tell your children about snakes. Read Kipling's tale. Explain that these animals are very dangerous, that they should not be grabbed, like pieces of slate, pipes and other objects into which this animal can crawl.

How to protect your summer cottage from snakes

At the dacha you should keep first aid kit from bites. It should contain:

  • antipyretics;
  • cardiovascular drugs;
  • medications against inflammation and allergies;
  • antibiotics wide range actions;
  • painkillers;
  • drugs to increase blood pressure.

How to scare away vipers from an area

And one more thing - if the visits of reptiles to your dacha have become frequent, contact herpetologists - they will come and catch these amphibians.

How to remove snakes from your summer cottage.

If you meet a snake

If you find a viper or grass snake on your property, there is no need to kill them. Before death, these animals emit a special smell, which will attract several more reptiles (and there may be several dozen of them!). It’s better to drive away the creeping nuisance. If you still had to kill the viper, then, without touching it with your hands, take it away from the house. The same should be done with faded snake skin: by its smell the animal searches for its territory.

If you are bitten by a snake, you need to:

  • Move as little as possible and do not panic: due to tachycardia, the poison will spread faster throughout the body;
  • drink a few glasses of water, juice (but not coffee or alcohol!);
  • apply something cold to the bite site to reduce swelling;
  • remove all the rings from your fingers: if they swell, they will hurt you.

What not to do:

  • cutting, cauterizing and draping the wound - this can lead to infection and gangrene;
  • It is better not to suck out the poison from the wound, or to do this if you do not have mucosal wounds or damaged teeth, and it is difficult to be sure of this.

The main thing when bitten is to find it as quickly as possible medical care. In a medical facility, ask for heparin therapy: it is more effective than serum.

Don't believe that there are plants that repel snakes - at best, creepy crawlies just don't like them, like garlic.

Based on materials from participants of the forum "House and Dacha"