The meaning of spring is red with flowers and autumn with sheaves. Spring is red with flowers... Proverbs and sayings about spring

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Proverbs and sayings about spring for schoolchildren

Proverbs and sayings about spring very clearly express and emphasize people's observations of nature since ancient times. Spring, the time when nature comes to life, blossoms, and a new natural cycle of development of all living things begins. This is the time of snow melting, birds arriving and the first flowers appearing.

The meaning of proverbs and sayings about spring expresses not only the beauty and significance of this time, but also the importance spring day for the whole year, for example, the spring season was very important for the peasants who sowed grain (what you sow, so shall you reap; a spring day feeds the year). Also in these proverbs there is a lot of folk signs and observations of spring weather.

The page will be useful for children primary school(2-3) class and for preschoolers when studying the topic “My favorite time year" or for self-study projects on the surrounding world about the seasons.

What goes around comes around.

A spring day feeds the year.

Spring has come, so there’s no time for sleep.

What goes around comes around.

Proverbs and sayings about spring for children

Spring has come, so there’s no time for sleep.

Ay, ay, the month of May, it’s warm, but I’m hungry.

Early spring costs nothing, late spring does not deceive.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with fruits.

In spring, a bucket of water is a spoonful of dirt; In autumn, a spoonful of water is a bucket of dirt.

April will deceive, May will let you down.

April sleeps and blows - it promises warmth to the woman; the man looks: something else will happen.

In March, day and night are measured and equal.

In March-April there is winter in front and behind.

They don’t pour winter winter crops into the barn in spring.

Spring ice is thick, but simple; autumn - thin and tenacious.

Spring ice, like the threshold of someone else's hut, is unreliable.

Spring winter does not go into the bin.

Spring and summer, this will also pass.

Spring is red during the day.

Spring and autumn they ride a piebald mare.

Spring also lives on the worm.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with sheaves.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with mushrooms.

Spring is red and cold.

Spring opens the keys and waters.

Spring will have its say.

In the spring, the shaft becomes overgrown with grass overnight.

In spring it wets for a day, and dries for an hour.

In the spring, whatever the river sheds, you won’t see a drop; In the fall it will be sifted with chintz - at least scoop it with a bucket.

If you miss a day in the spring, you won’t get it back in a year.

In spring, the shaft becomes overgrown with grass overnight.

If you miss an hour in the spring, you won’t be able to make it up in a year.

The wind eats the snow.

It's spring time - I ate from the yard.

Return the debt to the earth - it will help.

You won't get hurt by jumping.

Frogs don't croak until the first thunderstorm.

For the time being, no seed is sown.

The good land is full of waste; bad land is an empty purse.

Rain in May raises bread.

The oak tree will put out a leaf in front of the ash tree - for a dry summer.

Plowing the land is not playing for money.

The earth has warmed up, don’t be late with sowing.

Frozen seeds always germinate late.

We’ll eat and dance, we’ll just plow the arable land.

Sometimes even March boasts of frost.

Just as there is rain in May, so there will be rye.

Just as the aspen trembles, so the cattle in the field are well fed.

Spring is red and hungry.

He who is lazy with his plow will have a bad year all year long.

He who is not lazy to plow will produce bread.

He who sows first is first to reap.

He who sleeps in spring cries in winter.

The cuckoo crowed - it's time to sow flax.

It’s better to starve and sow good seed.

May will deceive and go into the forest.

May is cold - a grain-bearing year.

May grass feeds the hungry.

Dry March and wet May - there will be porridge and loaf.

Mother Spring is beautiful to everyone.

Dress up a stump on a spring day, and the stump will look good.

It is not the land that is bad, but the sower that is bad.

Don't be lazy with the plow - you'll end up with a pie.

Don’t pray for a long summer, pray for a warm one.

Do not feast on feasts if you sow grain.

If you don't work hard, you won't get bread.

Don't waste time: spring will pass - there's no turning back.

Not the bread that is in the field, but the one that is in the bottom.

Spring is reassuring, but deceptive.

Oats love it even in water, but at the right time.

The oatmeal sang to the stonefly: “Leave the sled, take the cart!”

One swallow does not make spring.

One grain yields a handful.

Autumn says: I'll tidy up the fields, spring says: I'll take a look.

It’s impossible because the ground was frozen.

We plow and sow, we don’t know how to boast, but we will reap the harvest.

They plow the arable land without waving their hands.

The first swallow of spring does not make it.

Bad oats - you swallow tears.

The plow shines from work.

Late spring will not deceive you.

If you sow at the right time, you will gather grains from the mountain.

A sandpiper flew in from overseas, bringing spring from captivity.

May has come, give the horse some grass, climb onto the stove yourself.

March has arrived, put on two trousers.

Early spring is a big flood.

Rye says: “Sow me into ashes and in time,” and oats say: “Trample me in the mud, and I will be a prince.”

The pike breaks the ice with its tail.

To sow bread for bread - neither thresh nor winnow.

The bird cherry blossomed - the cold called.

What you sow is what you reap, what you reap is what you sow.

In April the earth crumbles.

IN AND. Dahl, in his collection “Proverbs and Sayings of the Russian People,” also presented proverbs and sayings about spring. Below you can see an excerpt from this book. I would like to note that V.I. Dahl posted them in the section - “proverbs and sayings about the seasons - weather”

IN proverbs about spring and spring months reflected folk observations of natural phenomena. Spring in the popular vision is “red,” that is, beautiful. She “unlocks the keys and waters” and “lights the snow.” In the spring it’s time to work, because if “you miss a day in the spring, you won’t get it back in a year.” This page contains the brightest and most accurate proverbs about spring, which will be clear children of preschool and school age.

Proverbs about spring for children (schoolchildren, preschoolers)

Spring - light up the snow, sparkle the ravines.
Spring opens the keys and waters.
If you miss a day in the spring, you won’t get it back in a year.
Spring is red during the day.
Spring is red and summer is miserable.
On the other side, even spring is not beautiful.
Rook on the mountain - spring is in the yard.
Spring has come - everything has gone.
The sun is rolling down the April hill into summer.
Winter scares spring, but it itself melts.
A seagull would fly in, and it would be spring.
Those who sleep a lot in the spring experience insomnia in the winter.
Wherever a swallow may fly, it will arrive again by spring.
Mother spring is beautiful to everyone.
Our spring is red.
April is with water, and May is with grass.
Martok - put on two trousers.
Spring has come, so there’s no time for sleep.
I saw a rook - welcome spring.
Rain in May raises bread.
A sandpiper flew in from overseas and brought spring out of hiding.
If you see a starling, spring is at the porch.
The bird cherry blossomed and called for the cold.
A spring day feeds the year.
One swallow does not make spring.
Spring is red and the thought is clear.
Spring will revive the worm too.
Spring is red and hungry.
In the spring, if you fall behind by an hour, you won’t catch up in a week.
He who sleeps in spring cries in winter.
Spring is not the time for sleep; whoever is not lazy to plow, bread will be born.
Spring will have its say.
Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with pies.
Even the king will not stop the spring water.
It's spring time - I ate from the yard.
Spring is red and hungry, autumn is rainy and satisfying.
In spring, even a rotten stump blooms.
In the spring, if you miss an hour, you won’t be able to make it up in a week.
The swallow begins spring, the nightingale ends summer.
If you sow at the right time, you will gather grains from the mountain.
Good year visible in the spring.

In March the frost is creaky, but not stinging.
Martok - put on two trousers.
And in March the frost sets in on the nose.
In March, day and night change and become equal.

April begins with snow and ends with greenery.
March with water, April with grass, and May with flowers.
In April, clear nights end in frost.
The sun is rolling down the April hill into summer.
April is with water, and May is with grass.

April is with water, and May is with grass.
May is cold - you won't go hungry.

About winter and spring

Winter scares spring, but it itself melts.
Those who sleep a lot in the spring experience insomnia in the winter.
He who sleeps in spring cries in winter.
In April, winter is coming.
In the spring you will lie down, but in the winter you will run with your bag.
Spring is the queen of snowdrops.
In the spring you fall behind by an hour, but in the winter you won’t catch up.

No matter how angry winter is, it still submits to spring.

About autumn and spring

Spring rain grows, autumn rain rots.
In the spring, whatever the river sheds, you won’t see a drop; In the fall it will be sifted with chintz - at least scoop it with a bucket.
In the spring there is no land, in the summer there is hard work, in the fall there is no roads, in the winter there is a cold winter.
Spring ice is thick, but simple; autumn is thin and tenacious.
In spring - a bucket of water, a spoonful of dirt; in the fall - a spoonful of water, a bucket of dirt.
In spring the rain steams, in autumn it wets.
Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.
Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with pies.
Spring and autumn – there are eight weather conditions per day.
Spring is red and hungry, autumn is rainy and satisfying.
Spring is not meat, autumn is not dairy.
Feed your cows more nutritiously in the fall, and the spring will be more profitable.
Prepare the sleigh in the spring and the wheels in the fall.
Those who worked hard in the spring had fun in the fall.

Spring- This is a joyful time of year. Nature wakes up and comes to life after long winter. The days are getting longer and warmer. Everything around sings, blooms and smells.

proverbs about writing

There are many riddles, poems, and fairy tales written about this time of year. Sayings and proverbs about spring are also common. They were created through many years of observation of weather, animals, natural phenomena, were recorded and passed down from generation to generation. Proverbs are life experience and folk wisdom.

design of proverbs about work

  • Spring is not complete without the first swallow.
  • A spring day feeds the year.
  • A spring day is such a kind word.
  • Spring rain is never too much.
  • Spring rain grows, autumn rain rots.
  • Spring ice is thick, but simple; autumn is thin and tenacious.
  • Spring will show everything.
  • Spring and autumn - there are eight weather conditions per day.
  • Spring is red during the day.
  • Spring is red and hungry; Autumn is rainy and full.
  • Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies.
  • Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.
  • Spring is generous with warmth, but stingy with time.
  • Spring is our father and mother; whoever does not sow will not reap.
  • Spring scatters flowers, winter forgives snow.
  • In spring, a bucket of water is a spoonful of dirt; In autumn, a spoonful of water is a bucket of dirt.
  • In spring the rain steams, and in autumn it wets.
  • In spring, there are no three fine days in a row.
  • If you miss a day in the spring, you won’t get it back in a year.
  • In the spring it bakes on top and freezes below.
  • In the spring it wets for a day, and dries for an hour.
  • If you see a starling, you know spring is on the porch!
  • Water flowed from the mountains and brought spring.
  • If you plow on time, sow on time, the harvest will be high.
  • If you don’t plow on time, don’t harvest on time, you’ll miss your harvest.
  • The rook is on the mountain, and spring is just around the corner.
  • Prepare the sleigh in the spring and the wheels in the fall.
  • For the time being, not this seed.
  • Whoever works hard in the spring will have fun in the fall.
  • He who sows early does not lose seeds.
  • He who sleeps in spring cries in winter.
  • After the most severe winter, spring will still come.
  • Work hard in the spring and you will be well-fed in the winter.
  • Spring has come, so there’s no time for sleep.
  • The bird rejoices in the spring, and the baby rejoices at the mother.
  • How many thawed patches, so many larks.
  • I saw a rook - welcome spring.
  • A good year is evident in the spring.

Russian and Kazakh proverbs

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10.10.2013 zagadky 72 comments

There are many relatives in joy.(Armenian proverb. It means that when everything is fine with you and you successful man, then there are always a lot of people around you. And when is it the other way around?)

To dress in matting means to renounce people.(A proverb that if you dress in dirty, torn clothes, or have a sloppy appearance, then people are unlikely to communicate normally with you.)

IN home and the walls help.(The proverb means that in one’s own home, doing everything is more convenient, everything works out, everything is in its place, everything is calm, pleasant and pleasing to the eye. One’s home gives strength and energy to a person in any task, including during recovery. )

Every family has its black sheep.(The proverb means that in almost any team, or community of people, everyone cannot be good, there will definitely be bad person who does bad things.)

In crowded but not mad.(Russian proverb. They say when you are glad to shelter a person. It means that you are welcome here and will never be offended, and comfort fades into the background.)

Still waters run deep.(This proverb is used to describe a secretive person who is seemingly quiet and modest, but is capable of actions, and actions that are not always good, since they mention devils.)

They don’t go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules.(The proverb means that if you come or have arrived somewhere where you are just a guest, then you should not impose your own rules, orders, norms, but you should respect the owner and his rules.)

In someone else's hands, the chunk seems bigger.(A proverb about an envious person to whom everything seems to be better for others.)

Fool around.(Proverb. They say about a person who does nothing, or does something deliberately bad, or pretends to do less.)

Your speeches are in the ears of God.(Russian proverb. Said in response to good wishes or nice words to make this good thing come true.)

Everywhere is good, where we are not.(The proverb is said by people who believe that they live poorly, poorly, and are unlucky. They always think that absolutely everyone around them lives better than them.)

Great figure, but stupid.(Russian proverb. It means that in Life it is very important to be smart; strength is of little use if there are no brains.)

Live and learn.(The proverb means that a person learns throughout his life, acquiring new knowledge, life experience and wisdom. It is said after some event that gave a person knowledge or life experience.)

A rope is good when it is long, but speech is good when it is short.(Georgian proverb. It means that there is no need to talk too much and unnecessary, you need to speak briefly, clearly and to the point.)

Let's return to our sheep.(The saying is said after the conversation has deviated from its essence and the talkers have become carried away by something that is not relevant to the conversation. It is said in order to return to the main essence of the conversation or discussion.)

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with sheaves.(The meaning of the proverb is that in spring nature is beautiful with flowers and blossoms, and autumn is beautiful and useful in its own way, because most of the harvests are harvested in autumn and autumn feeds people.)

He took off as an eagle and flew in as a dove.(A proverb about a man who arrogantly boasted about something he does not have or cannot do.)

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Spring is red with flowers, autumn with sheaves.

  • - R....

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  • - spring/-red/,...

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  • - ...

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Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.
Spring is red, but hungry, autumn is rainy, but well-fed.
Autumn - eight changes.
Warm autumn means a long winter.
In autumn the morning is gray, so wait for a red day.
If the leaf does not fall cleanly from the tree, there will be a cold winter.
Migratory birds fly high in the fall, so there will be a lot of snow, and low - there will be little snow.
The appearance of mosquitoes late autumn- for a mild winter.
If in the fall the birch leaves begin to turn yellow from the top, then the next spring will be early, and if from the bottom, then it will be late.

September is cold, but full.

In September, the tit asks autumn to visit.
The breezes started blowing from midnight, oh yes September!
In September there is one berry, and that bitter rowan.
* * *
Thunder in September foreshadows a warm autumn.
The web spreads over the plants - to the warmth.
There are a lot of acorns on an oak tree in September - for a fierce winter.
From Seeds of the day (September 14) beginning Indian summer. If the first day of Indian summer is clear and warm, then the whole autumn is clear and warm, and vice versa.
A lot of cobwebs in Indian summer - for a clear autumn and cold winter.

October is the month of near powder.

In October it rains and snows at the same hour.
October is crying cold tears.
In autumn bad weather there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it twists, it stirs, it roars, it pours from above and sweeps from below.
* * *
In October there is thunder - snowless winter.
Autumn frost - to dry and sunny weather, to a bucket, to warmth.
From what date in October there will be a year (good, clear weather), from that date spring will open in April.
In October the moon is in a circle - the summer will be dry.
Until the cherry leaf falls cleanly, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will drive it away.
Intercession (October 14) - the first winter. On Pokrov it is autumn before lunch, and winter after lunch.

November is the gate of winter.

November is September's grandson, October's son, and winter's dear father.
In November, dawn meets dusk in the middle of the day.
November is the twilight of the year.
* * *
Dmitriev's Day (November 8) - winter is already creeping up on the fence. If there is cold and snow on this day, spring is late and cold, and if there is a thaw, winter and spring are warm. If Demetrius' Day is snowy, then Easter is also Holy, and if it is snowy, then Easter is Holy.
Kuzminki (November 14) - autumn commemoration, meeting winter.

Under her huge shadow.

Wise bearded old man,

Resident of the forest -...



Chocolate brown mushroom,

The leaf stuck to the slippery cap.

Thin openwork collar -

This mushroom is called...

(to the conels)


Brothers sitting on a stump

All covered in freckles, naughty girls.

These friendly guys

They are called...


Under the leaves in the clearing

The girls played hide and seek.

Three sisters hid,

Light yellow...


In a pink, furry hat,

But he doesn't look like a bungler.

Like a plush ear

For pickling...


Here's the green arrow

She rose to the light, to the sun.

We'll put it in the soup

After all, this seasoning is...

A fragile umbrella in the garden

Little by little it grows upward.

What is your name? "Prokop" -

Tell us loudly...


Here is a green coquette

Celery's neighbor.

Pointy-nosed old lady

We know you...


Who lives in our forest?

Want to know?

Then now

We will solve riddles

Let's find out who lives in the forest.

The teeth are sharp, the tail is like a shovel,

What nice guys?

They are building huts and dams,

Thick aspens are falling.



Well, this dexterous beast

Catches fish without nets

Damages beaver dams

And he rolls off the cliff.



This animal sleeps all winter.

The snow will melt and it will fly.

He will squeak, listen,

The moth eats it.

(I'm sorry)

In colorful clothes,

In a red hat

Flying through the forest

He plays the drum.

(flying eagle)


We have a cat in the forest:

Menacing beak, huge eye,

Keen hearing and a tenacious claw.

I'm afraid to touch her.

And now around Asia

We'll go for a walk.

Something wonderful

We will find it here too.

Majestic, graceful.

You know, her mouth is deadly.

If the hood inflates,

Better get out!

(arbok yaaksvelorok)

For hours he lies and waits,

When his sacrifice comes.

Here comes the prey, throw - and there it is

Enclosed in a steel embrace.

He won't let her get out.

This, guys, of course...



Red, shaggy

Forest man

In Sumatra, Borneo

Spends his time.

This is not a hippie

And it's not punk

But also our relative...


Graceful, beautiful, strong and dexterous,

It has long been surrounded by legends.

The eyes glow brightly like emeralds,

A black outfit suits them so well.

(aretnap yaanryoch)

Natalia Maidanik
Autumn is a yellow word in a yellow picture,

Because the leaves on the aspen tree have turned yellow!

Autumn is a kind word, warm days,

Because the sun is friends with a light breeze!

Autumn is a delicious word, jam is being made,

Because there is a lot of fruit, a lot of treats!

Autumn is a joyful word, friends meet again,

Because back to school is how it works!

October is creeping along the paths,

Walks quietly after the sun.

Mushrooms and berries in a basket.

And he sends greetings to September!
In a crimson velvet caftan,

A hat made of leaves on one side,

He will be with us for a whole month

To meet the dawn, and the night, and the day.

He will fulfill the will of autumn -

Color the field, meadow and forest.

And fill the world with beauty!

And he will invite you to wonderland!

November is a hunchbacked old man,

The eyes are like ice, the nose is a hook!

The look is dissatisfied and prickly,

Cold month, clouds in the sky.
Says goodbye to golden autumn

And welcomes the white winter!

He changes heat to cold

And he gets tired - he’s no longer young!

But the north wind will help:

He will pluck the leaves and lay them in the carpet,

Will cover the earth with a blanket,

So that it doesn't freeze until spring!

Autumn leaf

Outside the window the autumn leaf turned yellow,

He broke away, spun, and flew.

The yellow leaf made friends with the breeze,

Everyone is spinning and playing under the window.
And when the cheerful wind flew away,

The yellow leaf on the asphalt is bored.

I went into the yard and picked up a leaf,

I brought it home and gave it to my mother.

You can't leave him on the street,

Let him live with me all winter.


The sky was already breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less often,

The day was getting shorter

Mysterious forest canopy

She stripped herself naked with a sad noise.

Fog lay over the fields,

Noisy caravan of geese

Stretched to the south: approaching

Quite a boring time;

It was already November outside the yard.

(A.S. Pushkin)
There is in the initial autumn

A short but wonderful time -

The whole day is like crystal,

And the evenings are radiant...

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,

But the first winter storms are still far away

And pure and warm azure flows

To the resting field...

(F. Tyutchev)
Autumn. Our whole poor garden is crumbling,

Yellowed leaves are flying in the wind;

Only in the distance they show off, there, at the bottom of the valleys,

Brushes of bright red withering rowan trees.

(A. Tolstoy)


The mournful wind drives

The clouds are flocking to the edge of heaven.

The broken spruce groans,

The dark forest whispers dully.

To a stream, pockmarked and motley,

A leaf flies after a leaf,

And a stream, dry and sharp;

It's getting cold.

Twilight falls over everything,

Hitting from all sides,

Spinning in the air screaming

A flock of jackdaws and crows...

(N. Nekrasov)
The fields are compressed, the groves are bare,

The water causes fog and dampness.

Wheel behind the blue mountains

The sun went down quietly.

The dug-up road sleeps.

Today she dreamed

Which is very, very little

All we have to do is wait for the gray winter...

(S. Yesenin)
Just yesterday, blazing in the sun,

The forest was the last to tremble its leaves,

And the winter, turning lushly green,

She lay like a velvet carpet.

Today summer suddenly disappeared;

White, lifeless all around,

Earth and sky - everything is dressed -

Some kind of dull silver...

(A. Fet)
Lingonberries are ripening,

The days have become colder.

And from the bird's cry

It only makes my heart sadder.

Flocks of birds fly away

Away beyond the blue sea.

All the trees are shining

In a multi-colored dress.

The sun laughs less often

There is no incense in the flowers.

Autumn will wake up soon

And he will cry sleepily.

(K. Balmont)


I was sitting today

Before dark

Near open
Suddenly on the windowsill

Lay down


Small leaf.

It's damp outside the window

And it's dark.

So he flew in

Through my window.

He's shaking.

And it’s obvious that’s why

The tail is moving

(V. Orlov)


A rustling string

Chasing the sun

Birds fly above us

To a distant place.

They are flying to winter quarters.

And in the yard, in the cold,

Clothespins on a rope

Like swallows on a wire.

(V. Orlov)




The names of fruits, vegetables and berries are hidden here.

Find them and count them!

(read horizontally or vertically)

Crossword solution



Carrot, tomato, cucumber, pumpkin, onion, cabbage, orange, tangerine, lemon, apple, grapes, plum, watermelon, corn, pepper, pomegranate, pear, potato, beetroot, pineapple, cherry, melon, sweet cherry, strawberry, banana, mango.

Total, 26 items.


11 names of animals and birds are hidden in these cells. You need to find them, and from the remaining letters add up the name of the extinct animal.

Words can bend at right angles.







Look at the pictures, translate the names into English language and write it horizontally in the boxes. If you solve everything correctly, then a word that combines all the other words will easily fit into the vertical cells (6). Which?


2. Tiger.

5. Ewe.
6. (in vertical boxes) ANIMALS


school of politeness:: how to behave:: etiquette

Lesson 29


poems by Sergei Chertkov
Bunny and squirrel playing

At the tall spruce.

The stars are disappearing in the sky,

This means there will be a snowstorm.
The bunny takes off his mittens,

The squirrel puts it on quickly,

What a boy

Little bunny.
Snowstorms are no longer scary -

The mittens warmed the squirrel...
A bunny and a squirrel were walking

Together until dawn

Their eyes shone in the night

Beads of light.

Stubborn Donkey
Along a narrow path

Centipedes crawled

The ducklings followed them

Happy chickens.

A donkey got in the way.

- Let us pass, donkey!

- I don’t believe my ears, -

He told the kids.

The donkey's legs are spread out

For track width:

- I even rhinoceros

I won't give way.

If you are a beaver man,

Be very kind to the beaver.

If you are a tiger man,

Offer more games.

If you are a hedgehog man,

You will find everything for your girlfriend.

And I'll give you some more advice

To all animal gentlemen:

Talk to your sweetheart more often,

And flowers, give flowers!

* * *
People teach, animals teach:

You have to trust mom and dad.

Every time before meals

Remember simple advice -

Wash your faces and faces

Paws, arms and hooves.

This is the rule for everyone -

Whether you wear or don't wear fur.

* * *
Among the fir trees and pine trees

The little fox got lost.

I'm in a hurry to help him -

The forest will soon be covered by night.

To mom and dad's home

The path I know.

After all, the little fox and I are friends,

But you can’t leave your friends!
Lesson 27


If you know what flowers your friends or relatives have, then don’t overdo it and give them exactly.

It is appropriate to give a child a small bouquet (violets, forget-me-nots, daisies, mimosas...), tied with a bright ribbon. You can give a tulip. They say he opens up to the laughter of a child.

To mom a good gift there will be roses or carnations, for grandma - flowers of delicate tones: lilies, chrysanthemums... Give red carnations to dad and grandpa.

You can give your older sister unblown pink or red roses. Dark roses would be a good gift for an older brother.

According to tradition, a gift bouquet should contain odd number flowers: 3, 5, 7... If you give one flower, pay attention: it should not be fragile or small.

Flowers are presented after freeing them from paper in advance. And if the flowers are in an elegant gift wrapper, then they do not remove it.

The bouquet is carried along the street and presented with the stems down.

A good option - indoor flower in a beautiful pot. But it’s better to know in advance the tastes and preferences of the person you want to give a gift to.

Gifted flowers should immediately be placed in water in the room where guests are received.
Lesson 28.


A PINEAPPLE. Serve in slices with peel. Eat with a dessert fork and knife, cutting out triangles.

WATERMELON and MELON. Serve cut into slices. The pulp is eaten with a teaspoon or with a dessert fork and knife.

ORANGE. It is very difficult to eat at the table.

First method: cut the washed orange into slices; holding the circle in your hand and tearing the ring of the peel, they eat out the pulp.

The second method: completely peel the orange and divide it into slices that can be taken by hand.

BANANA. Peel and eat the pulp with a teaspoon or dessert spoon or dessert fork.

GRAPE. They pick them off the bunch, put them on their plate and eat one berry at a time.

CHERRY. Served with petioles, holding them by which the berries are eaten. At the same time, the bone is spat out onto dessert spoon, bringing it close to his lips. Then place the bone on the edge of the saucer.

GRAPEFRUIT. Serve cut crosswise. Edible middle part peeled with a knife and sprinkled with powdered sugar. Eat with a dessert spoon.

STRAWBERRY. If served with sepals, they are eaten by holding the petiole and dipping it in powdered sugar.

If the berry is served without sepals, then first sprinkle the whole berry with powdered sugar and eat it with a teaspoon.

LEMON. Cut into slices. Take it with a special small fork and put it in a cup of tea or coffee. Squeeze out the juice with a spoon, remove the remaining lemon and place it on the edge of the saucer.

APPLES. Cut into 4 pieces using a knife and fork. The slices are eaten with hands.

PEAR. Cut into 4 parts, like an apple, but eaten with a fork and knife.

MANDARIN. Peel and divide into slices, which are taken with your hands.

PEACH and PLUM. Cut in half and remove the pit using a knife and fork.

APRICOT. They are eaten either like peaches or cherries.

Lesson 3.

Please remember how a well-mannered, polite person must behave in the forest and teach this to your friends.

A well-mannered person does not break branches of trees and bushes, or pick forest flowers. The grass cover retains moisture and provides shelter for a huge number of beneficial insects and small animals.

Don't knock down people you don't know or even know poisonous mushrooms. Many of them are medicine for forest inhabitants.

We should not catch and bring forest animals, insects and birds into the house; for them, our “entertainment” often ends in illness, torture and death. These are not toys.

Do not destroy anthills accidentally or on purpose! Otherwise, the ants will not have time to repair their little house before frost. And they will die!

And, of course, a polite person who comes to relax in a forest or meadow will not leave a landfill behind.

Page 1

Proverbs and sayings about spring very clearly express and emphasize people's observations of nature since ancient times. Spring, the time when nature comes to life, blossoms, and a new natural cycle of development of all living things begins. This is the time of snow melting, birds arriving and the first flowers appearing.

The meaning of proverbs and sayings about spring expresses not only the beauty and significance of this time, but also the importance of the spring day for the whole year, for example, the spring season was very important for the peasants who sowed bread (what goes around comes around; a spring day feeds the year). Also, these proverbs contain many folk signs and observations of spring weather.

The page will be useful for elementary school children (grades 2-3) and for preschoolers when studying the topic “My Favorite Season” or for independently preparing projects on the world around us about the seasons.

He who sleeps in spring cries in winter.

What goes around comes around.

A spring day feeds the year.

Spring has come, so there’s no time for sleep.

What goes around comes around.

Proverbs and sayings about spring for children

In the spring, if you miss an hour, you won’t be able to make it up in a week.

Spring has come, so there’s no time for sleep.

Ay, ay, the month of May, it’s warm, but I’m hungry.

April begins with snow and ends with greenery.

He who sows early does not lose seeds.

Early spring costs nothing, late spring does not deceive.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with fruits.

Wherever a swallow may fly, it will arrive again by spring.

In spring, a bucket of water is a spoonful of dirt; In autumn, a spoonful of water is a bucket of dirt.

In spring, even a rotten stump blooms.

Spring is red and hungry, autumn is rainy and satisfying.

April will deceive, May will let you down.

April is with water, and May is with grass.

I saw a rook - welcome spring.

April sleeps and blows - it promises warmth to the woman; the man looks: something else will happen.

In April, clear nights end in frost.

In March, day and night are measured and equal.

In March the frost is creaky, but not stinging.

In March-April there is winter in front and behind.

Even the king will not stop the spring water.

They don’t pour winter winter crops into the barn in spring.

Spring rain grows, autumn rain rots.

Spring ice is thick, but simple; autumn - thin and tenacious.

Spring ice, like the threshold of someone else's hut, is unreliable.

Spring winter does not go into the bin.

It's spring time - I ate from the yard.

Spring - light up the snow, sparkle the ravines.

Spring and summer, this will also pass.

Spring and autumn - there are eight weather conditions per day.

Spring is red during the day.

Spring and autumn they ride a piebald mare.

Spring also lives on the worm.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with pies.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with sheaves.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with mushrooms.

Spring is red and cold.

Spring is red and summer is miserable.

Spring opens the keys and waters.

Spring will have its say.

In spring the rain steams, in autumn it wets.

In the spring, the shaft becomes overgrown with grass overnight.

In spring it wets for a day, and dries for an hour.

In the spring, whatever the river sheds, you won’t see a drop; In the fall it will be sifted with chintz - at least scoop it with a bucket.

If you miss a day in the spring, you won’t get it back in a year.

In spring, the shaft becomes overgrown with grass overnight.

In the spring it bakes on top and freezes below.

In the spring it wets for a day, and dries for an hour.

If you miss an hour in the spring, you won’t be able to make it up in a year.

The wind eats the snow.

It's spring time - I ate from the yard.

Return the debt to the earth - it will help.

You won't get hurt by jumping.

Rook on the mountain - spring is in the yard.

Frogs don't croak until the first thunderstorm.

For the time being, no seed is sown.

The good land is full of waste; bad land is an empty purse.

Rain in May raises bread.

The oak tree will put out a leaf in front of the ash tree - for a dry summer.

Plowing the land is not playing for money.

The earth has warmed up, don’t be late with sowing.

Winter scares spring, but it itself melts.

Frozen seeds always germinate late.

And in March the frost sets in on the nose.

We’ll eat and dance, we’ll just plow the arable land.

Sometimes even March boasts of frost.

Just as there is rain in May, so there will be rye.

Just as the aspen trembles, so the cattle in the field are well fed.

Spring is red and hungry.

He who is lazy with his plow will have a bad year all year long.

Those who sleep a lot in the spring experience insomnia in the winter.

He who is not lazy to plow will produce bread.

He who sows first is first to reap.

He who sleeps in spring cries in winter.

The cuckoo crowed - it's time to sow flax.

The swallow begins spring, the nightingale ends summer.

It’s better to starve and sow good seed.

May will deceive and go into the forest.

May is cold - a grain-bearing year.

May is cold - you won't go hungry.

May grass feeds the hungry.

March with water, April with grass, and May with flowers.

Dry March and wet May - there will be porridge and loaf.

Martok - put on two trousers.

Mother Spring is beautiful to everyone.

Dress up a stump on a spring day, and the stump will look good.

It is not the land that is bad, but the sower that is bad.

Don't be lazy with the plow - you'll end up with a pie.

Don’t pray for a long summer, pray for a warm one.

Do not feast on feasts if you sow grain.

If you don't work hard, you won't get bread.

Don't waste time: spring will pass - there's no turning back.

Not the bread that is in the field, but the one that is in the bottom.

Spring is reassuring, but deceptive.

Oats love it even in water, but at the right time.

The oatmeal sang to the stonefly: “Leave the sled, take the cart!”

One swallow does not make spring.

One grain yields a handful.

Autumn says: I'll tidy up the fields, spring says: I'll take a look.

It’s impossible because the ground was frozen.

We plow and sow, we don’t know how to boast, but we will reap the harvest.

They plow the arable land without waving their hands.

The first swallow of spring does not make it.

Bad oats - you swallow tears.

The plow shines from work.

Late spring will not deceive you.

If you sow at the right time, you will gather grains from the mountain.

A sandpiper flew in from overseas, bringing spring from captivity.

A seagull would fly in, and it would be spring.

May has come, give the horse some grass, climb onto the stove yourself.

March has arrived, put on two trousers.

Early spring is a big flood.

Rye says: “Sow me into ashes and in time,” and oats say: “Trample me in the mud, and I will be a prince.”

The sun is rolling down the April hill into summer.

The pike breaks the ice with its tail.

To sow bread for bread - neither thresh nor winnow.

The bird cherry blossomed - the cold called.

What you sow is what you reap, what you reap is what you sow.

In April the earth crumbles.

IN AND. Dahl, in his collection “Proverbs and Sayings of the Russian People,” also presented proverbs and sayings about spring. Below you can see an excerpt from this book. I would like to note that V.I. Dahl posted them in the section - "proverbs and sayings about the seasons - weather"

Spring is red with flowers, autumn with sheaves.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction.

V. I. Dal.

    1989. See what "Spring is red with flowers, autumn with sheaves." in other dictionaries:

    Husband. plural colors type or type of paint, suit, color. My favorite color is blue, but I hate yellow. The wallpaper is a cheerful color and light. Merchants dress up in bright colors; they don’t like modest colors. Silks are sorted by color. The face is painful, greenish,... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    This is the relentless conjugation of the verbs “to eat” and “to be eaten.” William Inge Nothing is lost in nature except nature itself. Andrey Kryzhanovsky Environment: what nature turns into if it is not protected. We cannot expect favors from... ...

    Proverbs and sayings Russia Age (Last.) * Hospitality (Last.) * Friendship (Last.) * Food (Last.) * Law (Last.) * Evil (Last.) * Laziness (Last.) * Love (Last.) ) * Error(Last) * Nature(Last) * Work(Last) * … Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    - (Saints) the annual circle of the Russian peasant, expressed in oral folk art and painted according to the days of each month, to which individual signs, customs, rituals, beliefs and observations of natural phenomena are assigned. Days of the month... ... Wikipedia