Is it possible for a one-year-old child to receive communion? Communion of Infants

(Reflections on the upbringing of the children of priest Ilya Shugaev, a father of many children)

Children, like adults, prepare for Communion by fasting, confession and prayer. But preparing children for Communion is different from preparing adults.

0–3 years. One can say very simply about preparing children for Communion at this age: children are not preparing in any way yet. You can feed infants when they require it and come to church. Moreover, you don’t have to arrive at the start of the service. At this age, children do not fast because they cannot fast. Kids have not yet fully learned to manage their feelings and their behavior. For example, a child, going into the kitchen in the morning and seeing cookies there, will take them, although two minutes ago his mother strictly reminded him that he was not allowed to eat before communion. He understood this and easily agreed with his mother; his desire completely coincides with his mother’s desire. But now there is a cookie in front of him, and a new desire arises. A child has two desires, but he does not yet know how to control them, so, as a rule, the last one wins. The child will eat these cookies, and it will not be his fault. You cannot demand from a child what he is not yet capable of. Therefore, the child can be fed before Communion at this age, if necessary. Closer to the age of 3, it is advisable not to eat before communion, but if a child accidentally eats something, this does not prevent him from receiving communion. Special prayers before Communion with a child are not yet read. Obviously, there is no confession yet either.

You can come to the Liturgy 15 minutes before Communion. If the church service starts at 8.00, then you can come with the kids around 9.15. We arrived, in 15 minutes there will be Communion, we took communion, in another 15 minutes the end of the service. A child spends about half an hour in the temple, so almost any child, even the most restless, usually endures this time in the temple. You just need to find out in advance at the church where you will go and when it is better to come with your child to communion.

It is best for children at this age to receive communion every week. All Christians received communion just as often in ancient times. Now, due to the fact that it is customary for an adult to fast for two or three days before communion, adults receive communion somewhat less frequently: once every two to three weeks or once a month. Every week there are already two fast days (Wednesday and Friday), and add a few more fast days It will be hard as adults. Since children do not fast, they can receive communion every week.

3–7 years. At three years old, a child reaches a certain transitional age, he grows up and already controls his feelings and actions. Therefore, from 3 to 7 years old, children receive communion on an empty stomach. At three years old, you can explain to a child that he cannot eat before the service, and he can already stop himself at the sight of an accidentally left delicacy. If a child accidentally eats something, he may not be allowed to receive Communion, which the priest must decide, taking into account the age of the child, the church affiliation of the child and parents, and much more.

At this age, the child is also not brought to the beginning of the service, although a little earlier than toddlers. At home, together with his parents, the child can read 2-3 familiar prayers. The child is brought to church 15–30 minutes before communion. Children can receive communion every week. Children at this age do not confess. Some children can quite consciously confess before the age of seven, for example, already at the age of six.

7-14 years old. At seven years old, the next stage of child development begins. He becomes a little adult, so he does everything like adults, only to a lesser extent. For example, adults fast for two to three days, but a child should fast for at least one day. Adults read the full prayer rule, and a few short prayers are enough for the child. And finally, from the age of seven, children begin to confess. Further, as they grow older, children become closer and closer to adults: they fast a little longer, read more prayers, and confess more seriously.

Therefore, at this age, the child fasts for 1–2 days before Communion. From the moment a child learns to read, he reads special prayers for Communion. At the age of 7, you can read only 3-4 special prayers, but what older child, the closer his prayer rule is to an adult.

Communion is one of the main sacraments of Orthodoxy. It is generally accepted that every Christian should regularly receive Holy Communion. The sacrament is performed in the church. You need to prepare for it in advance. The first time a Christian goes to communion is after baptism. It is generally accepted that the human soul, purified by communion and baptism, is protected by angels.

Why is communion necessary?

Many consider the sacrament of communion to be an ordinary Orthodox tradition. In fact, its significance is very great for the Christian soul. The sacrament helps to guide a person on the true path, to cleanse his soul.

The first communion after baptism reveals a person’s soul to spiritual creatures. The sacrament prepares her for the future Resurrection by the Lord. We can say that communion is a preliminary preparation of the soul for a meeting with the creator.

First Communion after Baptism

The first communion after baptism is a whole event not only for the child, but also for his spiritual parents. During the sacrament, his soul will open for the first time heavenly powers. What do parents need to know about the timing of communion? It goes away after the child has been baptized. If the baby is still too small, many parents prefer to neglect the sacrament of communion or postpone it until later. late date. Orthodox Church does not approve of this behavior.

According to the rules established by the clergy, the communion of infants after baptism is carried out on the second day. Postponing it to a later date is highly not recommended.

The process of performing the sacrament

How is it carried out after? Parishioners stand in line. Babies should be held by their parents. Adult children stand on their own. They need to fold their arms crosswise across their chest. In this case, the right hand should be at the top.

During the sacrament, a divine service takes place. Under prayer requests the clergy bring the Chalice with sacred wine and special consecrated bread to the middle of the temple. They symbolize the blood and flesh of Jesus Christ, who took upon himself all human sins. A special service is held over the Chalice, during which divine grace descends on those praying.

Believers take turns approaching the clergyman and asking for his blessing. Approaching the priest, you should call christian name given at baptism. After the clergyman completes the blessing ceremony, you must approach the sacred Chalice, drink wine and eat bread. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that there are no drops or crumbs. Children should be taught that divine gifts should be eaten completely. If a child spills wine, you should tell the priest about it.

After the communion after baptism is completed, the child is brought to a table with prosphoras and given to him to eat one of them. You can also wash down the gifts of the sacrament there. After this, you can take the child to the icons and show how to pray.

Preparing a child for communion

How to prepare for your child's first communion? The sacrament requires adherence to strict rules in preparation. They are necessary for the complete purification of the human soul. However, it is difficult for children to comply with the necessary restrictions, so the rules for preparing for the sacrament are much weaker for them:

  • Feeding. If the person receiving communion is an infant, it is recommended to feed him no later than 2 hours before the start of the sacrament. Older children should not eat during the day before communion. In this case, you should begin preparing for the sacrament in advance. In order for the child’s body to calmly withstand forced fasting, it is necessary to prepare it first.
  • The first communion after the baptism of a child is the most important sacrament of Orthodoxy. During it, loud conversations, noise, and running are unacceptable. The child should be informed in advance about the basic rules of behavior.
  • During the sacrament, the child and the adult who is holding the communicant baby in their arms must be

What to do if a child refuses to take communion

Older children may refuse to go to communion. What should parents do in this case? It is necessary to find out the reasons for his behavior. Maybe the child is simply frightened by an unfamiliar environment. In this case, you can simply calmly tell him what the sacrament is.

While in church, it is worth drawing the child’s attention to other children and setting them as an example. Seeing that other children are standing calmly and not showing signs of anxiety, the child will calm down.

You can come to the temple in advance and show your child where and how the communion will take place. Perhaps he will be interested in burning candles and icons. Explain their meaning to your child.

After the baby has made up his mind and went to communion, he must be praised and express his admiration for his action. Gradually, the baby will calmly accept the sacrament. Having celebrated the sacrament after the child’s baptism, he can be introduced to the priest. The priest will also praise and encourage the baby.

Adult Communion

Not everyone comes to Christ in at a young age. Everyone has their own road to Orthodoxy. Increasingly, in churches you can see adults preparing to accept Christianity. Communion after the baptism of an adult is carried out in the same way as for children, on the second day after the sacrament.

However, more stringent requirements are imposed on adults during preparation:

  • Sacrament of repentance. First, a Christian must undergo the secret of confession. Only after the remission of sins is he allowed to partake of the Holy Mysteries. However, if the sacrament is celebrated after the baptism of an adult, the sacrament of confession is not necessary. His soul is completely cleansed of sins during baptism.
  • Observe strict fasting for 3 days. These days you should not eat meat or dairy products.
  • Behavior. In addition to cleansing the body, before communion it is necessary to cleanse the soul. Best to spend preparatory days in prayer. It is also worth discarding all bad and evil thoughts.

The sacrament of communion is necessary for the salvation of the soul of every Christian. During its celebration, Divine grace descends on the Orthodox. The first communion after baptism is especially important for a person. It is at this moment that his soul opens up to spiritual world. Compliance with the basic requirements when preparing for the sacrament will allow human soul open the way to the world of spiritual grace.

On what days do children receive communion in church: features of the sacrament.

Is it necessary to give communion to a child?

A child's meeting with God - an important event in the life of the first. He had not yet formed his attitude towards the Lord. Here you need to help your son or daughter adapt to a new environment. Parents even note that their baby gets sick less when he begins to take communion.

1. The child must participate in this ritual, because then his Heavenly Patron will be nearby.

2. Young parents often wonder how often to give communion to their children.

3. Until the age of 7, this can be done regularly at the liturgy, which is served on Sundays and holidays.

Adults who have taken part in church sacraments since childhood think more broadly, devoting Special attention spiritual values. This helps them maintain moral purity, the desire to be merciful to the weaknesses of others, and the belief that everything in our lives happens for a reason.

On what days children receive communion in church - rules.

How to give communion to a child correctly?

Children are allowed to receive communion from the moment of baptism. Then this is done if possible by the parents. If the baby is 2-3 years old, parents should explain to him that he will go to visit God. How does the ceremony itself take place?

1. An adult receives communion on an empty stomach and fasts before the sacrament. A child under 3 years of age is not restricted in food. It is better to feed the baby 1.5 hours before communion so that he does not burp.

2. Parents know the schedule in advance. church services. In some churches, the liturgy begins at 7, 8 or 9 in the morning. The baby is brought to the communion itself, which takes place an hour later.

3. Before the ceremony, take a blessing from the priest. Then the babies are placed on the right hand, and older children fold their arms crosswise on their chest (the right should be on top of the left).

4. The child is brought to the chalice and the name given to him at baptism is called. The priest gives the very young a little wine on a spoon, and the older ones a piece of bread.

Make sure that the baby does not twitch or squirm. Communion is a sacred thing that should not be spilled or dropped! After the sacrament, everyone is escorted to a special table, where they are given prosphora and drink. Then they wait until the end of the service and, having venerated the cross, leave. Now the answer to the question on what days children receive communion in church has been received.

About the communion of children

P communion - it's a secret. But without partaking of this mystery, we will not be able to be full members of the Church, grow spiritually, and, ultimately, without partaking of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, we will not be able to become heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven (John). By receiving communion, a person receives the fullness of grace Holy Spirit, i.e. all the best that he can only get on earth for his life, for his development.

The practice of giving communion to infants is explained by the attitude taught by our Lord Jesus Christ: “They brought children to Him so that He would touch them; but the disciples did not allow those who brought them. Seeing this, Jesus was indignant and said to them: Let the children come to Me and do not hinder them , for of such is the kingdom of God... And having embraced them, he laid his hands on them and blessed them" (Mark 10:13-16).

The Lord showed that physical communication, physical closeness to Him is just as real as intellectual or spiritual communication, and that infants’ lack of understanding of the “truths about God” does not prevent real closeness with God.

When giving Communion to children, you need to take into account that for children from one to three years old there is no preparation before Communion; they can even be fed. It is also important to prepare the child for Communion. Say that we are going to church, that the priest will give you communion, that you will open your mouth.

Moreover, by about two years of age, a child, especially if he is not used to receiving communion, must be explained what Communion is and how to begin the Sacrament. There is no need to use blasphemous formulations like: “Father will give you a delicious compote” and the like. It’s better to say: “Father will give you Communion – holy, good...”. Or: “We will partake of the Body and Blood of the Lord.” So gradually, thanks to the attitude of adults towards the child-communicant - how they congratulate him, kiss him, try to dress him in a festive way on this day - he begins to understand that Communion is a joyful, solemn, holy event.

If the baby has never received communion, then when he is brought to the Chalice, he may be afraid. He does not understand what they are trying to do to him or, for example, he thinks that they want to give him medicine, or there may be another reason. In such cases, there is no need to force the child to receive communion. It’s better to let him watch how other children receive communion, give him a piece of prosphora, bring it to the priest for a blessing when they venerate the cross, and tell him that he will receive communion next time.

By the age of three or four, it is possible and necessary to explain to children the meaning of the Sacrament of Communion. You can tell children about Jesus Christ, about His Nativity, about how He healed the sick, fed the hungry, and caressed little children. And so, when He found out that he would soon die, He wanted to last time get together with your student friends and have dinner with them. And when they sat down at the table, He took the bread, broke it and gave it to them, saying: “This bread is I myself, and when you eat this bread, I will be with you.” Then He took the cup of wine and said to them: “In this cup I give myself to you, and when you drink from it, I will be with you.” This is how Jesus Christ gave communion to people for the first time and bequeathed that all who love Him should also receive communion.

Starting with simple explanation, growing children can be told about the Last Supper in more detail and more fully, following the Gospel text. During the liturgy they will hear the words: “Take, eat, this is My Body, which is broken for you for the remission of sins” and “Drink of it, all of you, this is My Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for you and for many for the remission of sins.” And they need to be prepared for this. But no matter how we simplify the gospel stories, it is important that their meaning is not distorted.

A small child may cry during the service, which will disturb those praying, and it is not easy for parents and their child to endure the entire service. Therefore, it is better to come to the temple 10-15 minutes before Communion. This may also apply to some children over 3 years of age. Children should be accustomed to the Temple gradually, not forced to defend the entire service, since in the future this may have the opposite effect, and the child will not want to go to church at all.
Gradually, by the age of four, you need to teach your child to take communion on an empty stomach. This liturgical fast is an excellent preparation for receiving the Sacrament, and how earlier child gets used to it, the better, and the easier it becomes.

From the age of five, children can already fast the day before communion. Not strictly: abstain from meat, sweets, watching cartoons, try to behave better, be more obedient, etc. It is good to read out loud one or more prayers for Holy Communion with them.

Parents are called to teach their children how to approach communion: fold their hands on their chest, and when approaching the Chalice, do not cross themselves, so as not to accidentally push the Chalice. You should tell the priest your name. After communion, we are given a piece of prosphora to eat and a little wine and water to drink - this is called “zapivoka.” All these are external rules, and they cannot be confused with the meaning and significance of the sacrament, but the behavior established by tradition in the temple is of considerable importance. It is important for children to feel in solemn moments that they know how to behave like adults.

Speaking about the frequency of Communion, we note that young children can receive Communion often, but starting from the age of six or seven, it would be more prudent to coordinate this issue with their confessor. Or with any priest who will be aware of your circumstances.

From the age of seven, a child must be brought to confession, for which he should also be prepared: tell that in this sacrament the Lord himself forgives sins. Of course, we teach children even earlier to analyze what is good and what is bad, so the age of confession can be reduced if the child understands what kind of Sacrament this is and is aware of his actions. It is important that the child is not afraid of this Sacrament, and therefore you should try to warn the priest that your child is having his first confession.

From the age of seven, the child must gradually be accustomed to the other requirements for Communion. But it's important to remember that this external preparation to Communion, but the internal one is also important. Parents themselves must strive to love the temple, love God and fulfill His holy commandments. Remember that in the Sacrament of Communion we meet Christ and we must strive for this meeting, rejoice in it, desire it (as we desire a meeting with a loved one). It is important to instill this love in a child. And therefore, here we need gradualism in everything and, most importantly, a personal example, otherwise we can only tear the child away from the Church and God. The Lord accepted children and rejoiced in them, did not burden them. So we must gradually and lovingly lead children to Christ. Striving ourselves to be an example of not just formal fulfillment of church instructions, but an example of love, understanding, moving away from rubbish, anger and malice. After all, a child judges faith by looking at us, and if we do not live Christianly, then the mechanical Communion of children is unlikely to bear fruit. Only with an understanding of the essence of the Sacrament, only with desire and love for it, and therefore for God, will Communion be beneficial for a person, will be a cure for both spiritual and physical ailments. And of course, a firm faith in God and faith in His love for Us is necessary. “I give myself to Christ, and Christ comes into my life.” His life in me is what the sacrament of Holy Communion consists of, and this is where the meaning and purpose of our life is revealed.

According to the custom of the Church, after their baptism, infants up to the age of seven can receive communion very often, not only every week, but every day, moreover, without prior confession and fasting. Starting from 5-6 years, and if possible - from more early age, it is useful to teach children to take communion on an empty stomach.
You should come to church with babies not for the communion itself, but in advance, calculating the time so as not to be late for communion, but at the same time so that the child can attend the liturgy to the best of his ability and age. Of course, everyone has their own measure here, but children must be taught to pray in the Church. This should be done gradually so as not to tire the baby and not cause disturbance to those praying in the temple. Children 6–7 years old, if they have been properly accustomed to the service, can be present at almost the entire liturgy.

Until a child is seven years old, he can receive communion without confession or fasting. From the age of three to four, infants are usually given communion on an empty stomach. From about the age of three, children together with their parents on the eve of communion can read two or three prayers known to them.
Of course, a lot depends on what kind of life the parents themselves live, whether for them the temple is the home of a longed-for meeting with God, and whether prayer is a second wind. Many parents bring their children to the beginning of the service, pray with them, receive communion themselves and bring their children to the Cup of Life, and do not face the question of when to bring their child to communion. If the situation in the family is somewhat different, then you can bring small children to the beginning of the Eucharistic canon or directly to the very moment of communion.

But it is necessary to accustom your child to a gracious church atmosphere, then there will be fewer problems with the child’s behavior at the Holy Chalice. The decision on what to do if a child cries and does not want to receive communion should be made by the priest who at that moment himself sees the child’s behavior. The child must also be prepared for communion. Read a canon, an akathist, a passage from Holy Scripture over his crib. All this will contribute to the spiritual growth of your child.

When approaching the holy chalice, infants should be held horizontally, with their heads on their right hand. Handles should be held so that the child does not accidentally push the bowl or grab the spoon. Infants should not be fed heavily before the liturgy, so that after communion they do not vomit.

Parents, when giving communion to their children, should also try to begin the holy mysteries, thereby setting an example for their children. A family is a small church where people go to God together, are saved together and partake of the same cup.

Young children are usually given communion under one form (only the blood of Christ). But if the baby receives communion often and behaves calmly at the chalice, the priest can give the child (not the infant) a small particle.

At the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, infants who do not receive a particle are not given communion, because at this liturgy the body of Christ, watered with blood, is in the chalice, and wine is poured, which has not been transformed into the blood of the Savior.

Some parents, due to their foolishness and lack of faith, are afraid to give communion to their children, thereby depriving them of saving and strengthening grace. They explain this by saying that a child, taking communion from the same spoon and cup with everyone else, can become infected with some kind of disease.

This fear is a lack of faith in the saving power of the sacrament. As a rule, non-church and low-church people, who know nothing about the life of the Church, reason this way. The Eucharist is the greatest miracle on earth, performed constantly, and another proof of the truth of this miracle is that the liturgy was not interrupted even during terrible epidemics of plague, cholera and other contagious fatal diseases.

In Kyiv in the XVIII – early XIX century, the very famous Archpriest John Levanda served in the city. He was famous for his gift as a preacher; people especially flocked to listen to his sermons. He served in an area called Podol. In 1770, a plague epidemic began in the city, which was especially rampant in Podol. The bodies of the dead were taken away in whole convoys. In two months, six thousand people died in the region. And this priest did not interrupt his service. He confessed, gave communion, nourished, consoled his parishioners, and illness did not touch him. And there are a lot of such cases. The clergy - deacons and priests - after communion with the faithful, consume the remaining holy gifts. They always did this, at all times, without fear of becoming infected during terrible epidemics.

Metropolitan Nestor (Anisimov; 1884–1962), a missionary, when he was Bishop of Kamchatka, built a leper colony for lepers and consecrated a temple there. After all the lepers had received communion, the clergy consumed the gifts, and none of them became infected.

One official submitted a report to Saint Philaret (Drozdov) of Moscow, where he spoke about the courageous act of one priest and asked to be nominated for a reward. This official witnessed how a priest came to one of his relatives, who was sick with cholera, to administer the holy mysteries. But the patient was so weak that he could not hold a piece of Christ’s body in his mouth and dropped it from his mouth onto the floor. And this clergyman, without hesitation, consumed the fallen particle himself.

Neither priests nor deacons, who consume the holy gifts and then wash the holy cup by drinking the water, get sick more often than any other people. Therefore, those who give communion to children and those who begin to receive communion themselves must abandon all disgust, fear and lack of faith.

O. Pavel Gumerov