Female and male red-eared slider. How to determine the age of a red-eared turtle by external signs? Determining the sex of the red ear by external signs

IN modern houses and apartments you can find a wide variety of pets. Often, as such, you can find not a fluffy cat or a faithful dog, but more exotic animals - the land Central Asian or aquatic red-eared turtle.

When a family gets a pet, its age is of natural interest. There is no 100% way to determine the age of a turtle. There are several ways in which age can be determined fairly accurately.

Determining age by the number of rings on the shell

If you want to figure out how to determine the age of a land turtle, you should first look at its shell. Rings on a turtle's shell appear in early age when she is not yet one year old. During this period, the most active growth occurs, and 2-3 rings grow on each shell scale per year. Subsequently, growth slows down and on average one ring grows per year. True, the number of rings is influenced by a number of other factors, such as the conditions under which the reptile is kept or the number of periods of its hibernation. To more accurately determine the age, you can count the rings on several scales of the shell and then derive the arithmetic average.

Determining age by shell length

Wanting to know how to determine age red-eared turtle, you need to measure the length of its shell. It is worth noting that the red-eared aquatic turtle at good conditions content lives 30-50 years and reaches a size of 28-30 cm, while the length of the shell varies as follows:

  • First year: 6 cm;
  • Second year: female – 9 cm, male – 8 cm;
  • Third year: female – 14 cm, male – 10 cm;
  • Fourth year: female – 16 cm, male – 12 cm;
  • Fifth year: female – 18 cm, male – 14 cm;
  • Sixth year: female – 20 cm, male – 17 cm

For the Central Asian land turtle, the relationship between shell length and age is as follows:

  • First year: 5 cm;
  • Second year: 6 cm;
  • Third year: 8 cm;
  • Fourth year: 10 cm;
  • Fifth year: 12 cm;
  • Sixth year: 14 cm

It is worth noting that as turtles age rapid growth the shell slows down and almost always stops at a length of 18 cm. However, there are cases when the shell Central Asian turtles reached a length of 25-28 cm

If you decide to buy a turtle as a pet, you will definitely want to come up with a name for it first. The name usually depends on gender. But how to determine it? Scientists have found that determining the sex of reptiles is not an easy task, and in some cases, completely impossible, because in nature there are exceptions for everything. This applies primarily to fish, frogs, lizards and turtles. One of the frequently asked questions concerns red-eared turtles. So, how can you determine the sex of this turtle breed?

Red-eared turtles: how to determine gender?

Main features

There is a period in the life of turtles when sex determination becomes noticeably easier. In between between five and seven years old. Perhaps an experienced amateur turtle breeder knows how to determine sex before this time, but a young naturalist will certainly experience difficulties in this matter.

Basically, many buyers who come to a pet store determine gender by comparing three characteristics in animals:

  • length and shape of the turtle's tail
  • features of the plastron shape
  • length and shape of reptile claws

The first point is based on matching two tails. The male has more long tail compared to the female's tail. In this case, the male individual has a thick tail at the base, and gradually tapers towards the end. Females have a straight tail that has neither narrowing nor widening; they have a more rounded tail. This criterion for identifying sex is the most common among naturalists.

The second sign of determining the sex of an animal is based on the shape of the plastron. This formation is located in the back of the shell. Inside the plastron are the genital organs of turtles, which have different shapes , which can make it easier to install the reptile's floor.

Boys have a concave back, this shape is convenient for mating. In female representatives, no noticeable changes are visible in the posterior part of the shell; the surface is fairly smooth.

The third sign by which gender can be determined red-eared slider- this is the shape and length of the claws. In the male, the fingers with claws are elongated and often the claws themselves may have a slightly curved appearance. In females, the fingers are noticeably shorter and often practically devoid of claws, having a rounded rather than pointed appearance. But determining only by the third sign, you can get into trouble, since a turtle living in an aquarium, over time, the claws can wear off on hard ground and change their shape. Also, when comparing the claws of a young turtle, you may come to the erroneous conclusion that it is better to wait until the reptile reaches the age of five.

Additional indicators

If it was not possible to determine the gender of the red-eared turtle based on the main characteristics, then they will come to the rescue additional options.

  • you need to compare the body sizes of turtles;
  • compare the shapes of the posterior part of the plastron of both sexes;
  • compare the anal openings of individuals;

The first sign for determining belonging states that the female must be larger than the male; this state of affairs is inherent in nature and is necessary for the successful bearing of eggs with future offspring.

You can tell if a turtle is a female or a male by its plastron, it is main part the body of a turtle, with its help you can accurately guess who is in front of you. Males are distinguished by the pointed lower part of their shell, which looks Latin letter"V". In females, the end of the plastron does not have any distinguishing features, but simply ends in a roundness.

The anus is the last circumstance that will help establish gender of the turtle. In males, this part of the body is located closer to the pointed end of the tail and has the shape of an oblong line. Females have a cloaca shaped like an asterisk, and it is located closer to the base of the tail.

Features of behavior of both sexes

If you are still unable to determine the sex of your red-eared slider, you must first select one turtle. When she grows up a little, you will be able to clearly verify the truth of her gender. After some time, you will be able to understand the behavior of turtles and assign it to a specific gender. But for such an analysis you need to have sufficient experience in breeding turtles of both sexes. You can observe their behavior in the pet store.

Many experienced amateur naturalists have come to the conclusion that females are the calmest. The fact is that the boys are very active, moving around their property and tasting everything that comes their way. Their interest in their chosen one is clearly manifested.

Owners of red-eared turtles may witness the male trying to catch up with the female and bite her on the neck. Experts say males give themselves away active head nodding.

Another sign for determining the sex of a turtle can be the shape of its muzzle. But this sign is very controversial and cannot be the main one, since it has no basis in confirmation by zoologists. Males have a more pointed muzzle than females - this is distinctive feature this method.

How to determine the sex of a land turtle?

Everything is clear with the main criteria and additional ones; this list for determining the sex of turtles can be continued by also including species characteristics land turtles.

  • By the color of the nose, you can recognize whether the Indian yellow-headed tortoise is a boy or a girl. In males it is pink, and in females it is normal.
  • Eye color will give away Carolina Box Turtles. Males differ from females by having bright red eyes; females have slightly reddish eyes. Spengler's girls of mountain species are endowed with blue eyes, males are brown.

To obtain offspring from a turtle, sex determination is especially important. But since these animals do not have a clearly defined gender characteristic, it is difficult to say unambiguously where the “boy” is and where the “girl” is. Therefore, being the owner of such an exotic animal and wondering how to distinguish the sex of a turtle, you will have to be especially observant, paying attention to studying the distinctive external characteristics your pet and the characteristics of its behavior in a group of relatives.

How to distinguish the sex of a turtle: general nuances

No matter how much you strive when purchasing this exotic pet Finding out its gender is almost impossible, unless you are offered an adult. Typically, in most species of turtles, the distinctive sex-recognizable characteristics appear by the time they reach sexual maturity. If you have only one turtle in the house, then you will have to focus on the standard differences inherent in these animals. appearance. If you have several of them or have the opportunity to compare your pet with similar pets of your friends, then the most accurate answer to what gender your turtles are can be given by a comparative analysis of the behavior of these animals.

How to distinguish the sex of a turtle by external characteristics

To find out the sex of a turtle, you should pay attention to following features anatomical structure these animals.

Carapace and plastron

The shell of males is more elongated, elongated in shape compared to the shell of females. The ventral side of a turtle's shell (plastron) is one of the most characteristic features, by which you can quickly and easily find out the sex of the animal. One has only to turn the turtle over - and the differences will be noticeable: the back of the plastron of the male is slightly concave, while that of the female is flat, which ensures the convenience of mating for these animals. True, this applies only to sexually mature individuals, the length of whose shell reaches 11 cm. In most species of turtles, males are usually smaller than females.

Tail, cloaca and claws

Nature has endowed male turtles with tails that are longer and wider at the base than females. An additional definition will be the shape of the tail. In males the tail is usually curved towards the ground, while in females it is very short and straight.

In a female turtle, the anus is located closer to the top of the shell and the tip of the tail and has the shape of a star, while in males it is in the form of an oblong line. Another distinctive feature of these animals is their claws. In males, they are usually much longer on the front legs than in females (with the exception of panther turtles, in which the opposite is true). Male box turtles have thick claws on their front legs and curved downwards on their hind legs.


Males of the Carolina box turtle have red irises, while in bog turtles, females have yellowish eyes and dark brown eyes in males, which in this type can also be distinguished by their whitish color. upper lip. TO distinctive features Female turtles also have more developed jaws than males. Male red-eared turtles have a pointed muzzle with a longer nose than females.

How to find out the sex of a turtle: behavior analysis

To determine the sex, it would be ideal to observe your pet in the company of its relatives. Male turtles are more active and pronounced, especially during the mating season. aggressive behavior, and females usually tend to hide their heads in their shells more often. In the company of their own kind, male turtles show increased aggression: they bite the paws of females and fight with other males with their shells. During the mating season, the male actively flirts with the female: he scurries around in front of her muzzle and specifically shakes his head.

Red-eared turtles are amazing and funny creatures that today are found not only in natural environment, but also in many home aquariums. The popularity of these pets is only increasing over time. They are cute, cheeky, lively, and are not averse to quarreling with their relatives and putting on a hilarious face. Of course, reptiles differ from the more common pets - cats, dogs, parrots; they require special conditions of maintenance and nutrition. In addition, they raise a lot of questions among novice owners, for example, it is not always clear why they behave one way or another, and even sexual difference individuals often remain in question . How to determine the sex of red-eared turtles, what to look for?

Unfortunately, it is not so easy to distinguish a male red ear from a female, and even a specialist will not be able to select babies of the desired sex among the young animals. More or less obvious signs appear only during puberty of individuals.

Red ears can reproduce from the age of 6-8 years; it is during this period that sexual differences are most noticeable. But indirect signs are also present in 1.5-2 year old turtles, and if you compare them all, you can find out the sex of your pet.

An owner who is tormented by the question of the gender of a reptile living in his aquarium should pay attention to a number of physiological characteristics these reptiles.

Claw length

Males of this breed, however, like most representatives of other varieties of turtles, have forelimbs equipped with elongated claws. Females also have them, but their length is much more modest, and there are no points at the ends. The male uses them during mating, holding the female with them, eliminating the possibility of slipping.

There is one caveat - when living in an artificial tank, a turtle can grind its claws on an island of land. In this case, it all depends on the material from which this section is made.

Features of the carapace

When determining the sex of a reptile, you can also take a closer look at the armor in which its body is packed. In order for the fertilization process to proceed most successfully, in males the surface of the plastron - the abdominal shield - has a slight concavity. Females do not have this sign.

There are also differences in the shape of the carapace - in males it is more oval, elongated, and in the tail area it resembles a pointed tick. In females, part of the shell at the tail is rounded; here you can see a decent-sized hole, necessary for the trouble-free laying of eggs.

Condition of the tail and cloaca

Since the male reproductive organ of turtles is located in the tail, this part is wider and longer in males than in females. The gender of individuals is also indicated by the location and shape of the cloaca. In females, it resembles a polygon like an asterisk and is located close to the shell. In males, the cloaca is located a little further from the carapace, and its shape is quite normal, resembling a straight line.

Other sexual characteristics

If turtles of the same age live in the same tank, then it is worth trying to find out the gender of the reptiles based on their size. Females are larger individuals - nature made sure that they could bear offspring and make a full clutch.

Experienced breeders or zoologists are able to distinguish between boys and girls by their muzzle - in the male it is more elongated, and in the female it is blunt, with smooth, rounded lines. It is natural that we're talking about about an indirect sign that an ignorant person is unlikely to notice. On the limbs of males you can find noticeable spurs on the hips, which indicates their strength and stability when compared with the legs of females.

Behavioral features

Most animals have a temperament during mating games changes, and red-eared turtles are no exception. By some habits you can understand which sex a particular individual belongs to. First of all, at this time the males perk up, become more active and mobile. How could it be otherwise? After all, the primary task is to attract the attention of a female who is ready to mate. To do this, they stage real performances demonstrating their own capabilities and advantages.

If an individual begins to wave its front legs with long, large claws in front of another turtle, then there should be no doubt that this is a male. In addition, gentlemen at this time become incredibly intrusive and literally do not give the “brides” passage, while making enticing, playful head movements.

Video on how to determine the sex of red-eared turtles

Why know the gender of a reptile?

When breeding these domesticated reptiles, knowledge of the sex of the individuals is necessary, because if you miss this point, you may not get stable pairs of red eared birds that are ready to produce offspring. Turtles begin choosing a partner long before they reach sexual maturity. And if you place small individuals of different sexes in a tank, you can subsequently expect the appearance of small turtles.

Another nuance is that male red-eared turtles are quite aggressive towards their fellow turtles and can inflict serious injuries on their opponents. The reasons for this behavior are related to their territoriality, and even beyond mating season they are unfriendly. In addition, any pet must have its own name, and so do the red-eared cats. What do you call a reptile without a specific gender?

Exoticism never ceases to attract people and forces them to make incredible decisions - to have snakes, boa constrictors, crocodiles, alligators and other incredible, and sometimes dangerous, living creatures. Among such inhabitants, the red-eared turtle looks more than modest, and it may seem that it is very unpretentious and tenacious. But redfish are still reptiles with all the ensuing consequences.

The owner needs to provide the pet with suitable conditions and become familiar with the breed characteristics before purchasing. Otherwise, it will be difficult to understand what this turtle likes and dislikes, and whether it is a boy or a girl.

Red-eared slider - very cute pet, which requires a minimum of attention and care, looks great in photos and delights children with its friendliness. Therefore, owners often try to breed these reptiles by crossing them with each other. The question of determining the sex of the red-eared turtle in this case plays a very important role. However, this task is not at all easy, and its solution causes difficulties even for specialists.

The easiest way to do this is comparing two different-sex creatures.

This is clearly shown in the video

Then the differences can be seen clearly and the gender of the turtles can be most accurately determined.

  • Length and shape of claws

Adult males who have reached the age of five have long curved claws, pointed at the ends. While females have short claws and are not sharp at all. If you look closely through a magnifying glass, you will notice that their ends are rounded.

This sign must be considered in conjunction with the others, since it cannot be considered completely reliable. Some turtles living in a terrarium with hard ground may simply have their claws worn down. In this case, both their length and shape will change. And the male can easily be mistaken for a female.

  • Shell differences
How to determine the sex of a red-eared slider? - plastron will help - ventral part of the shell.

Nature made sure that mating of reptiles took place effortlessly, giving the males the concave shape of this part of the shield. It is inside the plastron that the genital organs of turtles are located. And thanks to the V-shaped shape of the abdominal part, the male is securely fixed on his partner during mating. In females, the plastron is completely flat and has no grooves.

The shape of the shell itself can also tell you who is who. Males sport a narrow, elongated shield, while females wear more rounded and shorter houses.

  • Tail and cloaca

Females have a tail so shorter than the male's that it is visible to the naked eye. In addition, the form of this formation differs. The tail of “boys” has a large thickening near the base and a thin, pointed tip. In females, the tail is even along its entire length, without thickening, the end has a rounded shape.

In the red-eared turtle, the cloaca is located on the tail, and its location can also indicate gender. The anus of males resembles a thin line, located in the lower part of the tail. In females, the cloaca is zigzag-shaped, similar to half a star, located near the base.

Detailed story on this topic

Additional external signs

If you are still in doubt what gender your pet belongs to, evaluate other determination criteria:

  • The diameter of the hole between the dorsal and ventral parts of the shell. In females it is noticeably larger, because they are the ones who lay future offspring.
  • Body dimensions. Girls are always larger than boys by about a couple of centimeters. If a five-year-old female reaches 17–19 cm in length, then the male will not grow more than 15. By the age of 6, the length of the female is on average 19–21 cm, and the male is only 16–18.

Features of behavior

Try watching red-eared sliders in a pet store or on video.

You can easily distinguish males by their behavior. Boys are more active and curious, they constantly move, try out all available objects, and pester girls. This is manifested by the fact that the male catches up with the possible partner he likes and tries to lightly bite her neck. The suitor invites the female to mate by fluttering his claws right in front of the female’s eyes.

Males constantly “nod” their heads, like Chinese tangerines.

In addition, “men” compete with each other, trying to drive the rival away from their territory or from the female. It almost never comes to a serious fight, but males can push and bite for a long time until one of them retreats, leaving the battlefield to a more successful competitor.

Age determination

This reptile lives for about 55 years, reaching sexual maturity at 5–6 years.

It is at this time that her gender needs to be determined. How to understand how old a pet is? It's not hard to do if you know her dimensions:

  • In a year, the length of the shell is 5–7 cm;
  • at 2 years - 9cm;
  • at 3 years - from 11 to 14 cm;
  • at 4 years - 13 cm for males and 17 for females;
  • at 5 years old - 15 and 19 cm.