Gurchenko's last husband, Sergei Senin. Gurchenko's husbands: names, biographies

Odessa relatives of Sergei Senin emigrated to Israel

Express Gazeta turned out to be the only publication that Sergei SENIN, the widower of Lyudmila GURCHENKO, allowed to film at her funeral. Only the closest people gathered in one of the restaurants in the center of Moscow. If at the farewell ceremony Senin ordered the microphone to be removed from the stage of the House of Writers in order to avoid loud statements at the coffin of his wife, then he still allowed those who came to the funeral meal to make speeches for the repose great actress. Sergei Mikhailovich himself sat at the central table. Few people know that, having met Gurchenko 20 years ago, Odessa resident Senin left his family, leaving his wife and little daughter in his hometown.

Gurchenko casually said that her affair with Senin got into trouble on the set of the movie “Sex Fairy Tale.”

It was exactly 20 years ago in Vilnius,” the actress shared Alena Lisovskaya, who made her debut in this film. - It turned out that Lyudmila Markovna and I were traveling to the Lithuanian capital from Moscow in the same compartment. At ten o'clock in the evening Gurchenko suggested dinner. I replied that I don’t eat at night. “Well, in vain,” he says, “but I always eat!” I had a hungry childhood." She laid out delicious supplies on the table: smoked sausage, cucumbers, fresh bread... In the morning, Sergei Senin met us on the platform and gallantly kissed our hands. Then he was not yet Gurchenko’s husband, but simply the producer of the film. Their romantic relationship unfolded before my eyes. I remember Sergei was very upset when Gurchenko refused to come to the banquet on the occasion of the start of filming. I walked along the hotel corridor past the door of her room and was indignant. They say, how can it be: she has the main role, but the team ignores her.

But, according to Lisovskaya, in a critical situation Lyudmila Markovna behaved very collectedly. It was then that unrest began in the Baltic states and tanks took to the streets. All train and flights have been cancelled. The film crew could not return to Moscow. And Gurchenko, who instantly transformed from a movie star with her head in the clouds into business woman, helped Senin quickly solve this problem.

“I think it was then that Sergei completely fell in love with her,” Lisovskaya recalls. - After all, Lyudmila Markovna radiated incredible energy. At the premiere, the producer was already tenderly holding the actress’s hand. “Sergei Mikhailovich,” we joked, “you said before that your heart is adamant.” “I think I was wrong,” he shook his head with a good-natured smile.

Metamorphoses of love

Sergey Senin is from Odessa. There he graduated from school and the Institute of Civil Engineering, and then remained to work at his alma mater in the laboratory at the department of hydraulic engineering. Colleagues remembered him as a cheerful and cheerful person who even approached serious scientific issues with a creative approach. It is no wonder that a few years later Senin abruptly changed his field of activity and got a job at a film studio.

“I knew Serezha even before Gurchenko,” said his colleague Elena Zimina. - We used to often meet at film markets in Moscow, where he represented the Odessa studio. I also talked to him younger brother Alexander until he left for Canada. One day Sashka called me and began to tell me with excitement that grief had happened in their family. Like, Seryozha left his wife and little daughter and left them for Gurchenko! I was only casually acquainted with Senin’s then wife. It seems she is also Lyudmila. Only much younger and, in my opinion, more attractive than the actress.

Eyewitnesses spoke about an incident that put an end to the relationship between Senin and his Odessa wife. At first, Sergei was in no hurry to divorce her and lived with Gurchenko in Moscow as a lover. The couple continued to make films together. Their next work was the film “Listen, Fellini!” Sergei and Lyudmila came to Odessa to present it to the public. In the midst of the presentation, Senin’s legal wife and daughter entered the cinema hall. Seeing her husband with her star partner with her own eyes, she turned around and silently left with her head held high. On the same day she filed for divorce. “Having acquired the status of the legal husband of Lyudmila Markovna, Senin has changed a lot,” Zimina is sure. - From a tall, stately blond, he began to turn into a gloomy brunette with a beard. Alas, Seryozha began to age rapidly. It's scary to look at him now. He was probably adjusting to his age new wife. IN recent years no one could even guess that Senin was almost 20 years younger than Gurchenko. Metamorphoses of love! By the way, Serezha’s ex-wife and daughter have been living in Israel for more than ten years. I hope the woman found her true happiness there. After all, Seryozha was a loving man from his youth. There were rumors that, while still living in Odessa, he dated many ladies, not very worried that his other half would find out about it.

Name: Lyudmila Gurchenko

Age: 75 years old

Place of birth: Kharkov

Place of death: Moscow, Russia

Activity: theater and film actress, pop singer

Marital status: was married to Sergei Senin

Lyudmila Gurchenko - biography

This actress has always evoked conflicting feelings. Someone idolized her talent. She annoyed some people. But, undoubtedly, the life of Lyudmila Gurchenko has become an integral part of the era. The biography of this person is the fate of a woman who sacrificed her life and personal happiness to her profession.

Lyudmila Gurchenko - Childhood

Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko was born in Kharkov. Her father was an accordion player who held matinees in schools and holiday evenings in factories. This man's attitude towards his daughter predetermined her fate. Mark Gavrilovich with early childhood convinced his wife, acquaintances and neighbors that Lucy would become a real artist.

The daughter believed in her uniqueness and talent thanks to her father’s boundless love. This confidence gave her strength even when, many years later in Moscow, she realized that being different from everyone else was difficult and, at times, unbearable. And the love and affection that the actress felt for Mark Gavrilovich may have deprived her of personal happiness. She always dreamed of meeting a man like her father.

The first years of my life future actress and the singer held backstage. Parents often took their little daughter to their performances. She learned to sing before she spoke. According to the memoirs of Lyudmila Gurchenko, her life before the war was music, during the war it was waiting for her beloved father.

Mark Gavrilovich reached Berlin and returned home in 1945 safe and sound. His daughter always stood out favorably from her peers. She was dressed differently, self-confident, and already in her adolescence she began to be popular in some areas of her hometown thanks to her numerous performances.

Lyudmila Gurchenko in Moscow

Relatives and friends saw young Lyudmila as a future pop star. But she unexpectedly chose a slightly different path to fame. After graduating from school, Gurchenko went to the capital to enter the Institute of Cinematography. VGIK accepted her on the first visit. The teachers of the future film and pop star were the famous teachers Gerasimov and Makarova.

The course brought together the most gifted young people who dreamed of acting fame. But even against this background, a petite girl with a soft Kharkov accent stood out. She had the thinnest waist, boundless charm and unique energy. And most importantly, Gurchenko was extremely self-confident. It is such people who, as a rule, achieve their goals.

It was not so easy to get rid of the Ukrainian accent. But the future actress understood that with this flaw, all roads to cinema were closed. And therefore, she made a lot of effort, and in the third year her speech became almost perfect.

Lyudmila Gurchenko - Star Trek to the cinema

Lyudmila Gurchenko began acting in films immediately after graduating from VGIK. The biography of this person includes periods when she was not at all in demand as an actress. She made a living doing voice acting, performed at all sorts of concerts, and took on almost any job. But that was later. The journey of the young VGIK graduate began brightly and promisingly. She played two minor film roles in films whose titles will mean nothing to the modern viewer. But then, fate brought her together with the young director Eldar Ryazanov.

The main female role in the film " Carnival night"made her a screen star in a matter of days. And this film has firmly entered the history of Soviet cinema.

Only a few years passed after the release of the famous film when the public suddenly turned away from Gurchenko. The reason was the scandal that erupted around actors who allegedly earned their living by dishonest means. "Capitalist approach to art" -
the accusation brought against the artist by the Soviet press.

The best roles of Lyudmila Gurchenko

Difficult times have come in the life of Lyudmila Gurchenko. After a bright and rapid rise, they suddenly forgot about the young aspiring actress. Gurchenko's biography is a life story that cannot be presented, perhaps, even in a full-fledged book. Nevertheless, ill-wishers have repeatedly stated that for their long life this actress played very few real and interesting roles.

Perhaps there is truth in these words. But among the images created by Gurchenko on the screen, one cannot help but mention such roles as the role of Clara Bocardon in the film “The Straw Hat”, the abandoned bride in the film “The Mechanic Gavrilov’s Woman”, Tamara Vasilievna in the film “Five Evenings” and many others. According to film critics, best job Gurchenko's involvement in cinema began in the filming of the film “Station for Two”.

Lyudmila Gurchenko - biography of personal life, husbands of the actress

Lyudmila Gurchenko's relationship with her daughter has become a favorite topic of the yellow press. The actress who became a symbol an entire era, couldn't play my main role- the role of the mother. She made no secret of this. In her autobiographical works, she spoke quite sincerely about her relationship with her daughter.

It’s difficult to say how many husbands Lyudmila Gurchenko had. But according to official data, the actress was married five times. The first husband, who is also the father of Gurchenko’s only daughter, was Boris Andronnikov - a young handsome actor, in whose veins Georgian princely blood flowed. She was in her early twenties when they met. She has not yet acquired the reputation of a cold and narcissistic fury. According to the recollections of close friends, Gurchenko at that time was a young, naive person for whom her husband’s betrayal became a real tragedy.

The second husband of the actress was Alexander Fadeev. Gurchenko remembered little about him. And she didn’t talk about the third marriage, which was of particular interest to the public. The third husband of the famous artist was


After the death of the great actress, Sergei Senin drinks a lot and leads young girls

Less than two months have passed since the death of Lyudmila GURCHENKO, and her many fans and housemates are already in full swing discussing who will become the new owner of the apartment on Trekhprudny Lane. Some are sure: widower Sergei SENIN will be faithful to the memory of Lyudmila Markovna for many years to come. But there are citizens (and there are many of them!) who believe that Lucy’s place in his heart will very soon be taken by another woman.

And this must happen! Walking recently in the park near the Patriarch's Ponds and discussing the last years of the life of our favorite actress, photographer Ruslan and I unexpectedly came across a thoroughbred middle-aged man who looked incredibly like Senina. Two things were confusing. The man was very under the fly, could barely stand on his feet, and a pretty young lady of about twenty years old grabbed him by the waist and did not let him fall. Before Ruslan, who was taken aback, had time to unsheath his Nikon, the strange couple dived into the nearest courtyard and mysteriously disappeared, dissolving in it in just half a minute.

Consumed by a premonition of a newspaper “bomb,” the next morning we were already cooing near the house where Sergei Mikhailovich lived for several years with Lyudmila Markovna. There was no need to rush. Our hero looked out of the entrance into the light of day only about three hours after noon. But with a completely different girl.
Senin gallantly held the door for her, and then, with the dog under his arm, cheerfully trotted off, leaving his girlfriend behind. Like, she's not with him. And only a hundred meters later, having caught up with her, he began to heatedly discuss something as he walked. Then he unexpectedly took his companion to the nearest cafe and, sitting behind a screen in the farthest corner, ordered a bottle of wine.
We decided to leave them alone, and in the evening I called Senin, inquiring about the origin and purpose of the young beauties.

— A lot of people come to my house now. I don't even remember their faces. Girls? — Sergei Mikhailovich became thoughtful. — These are fans of Lyudmila Markovna. Now I have to calm them all down. Sometimes when I'm away, they even live in this apartment.
The next day, the superstar's widower went out into the yard alone, immediately went to an open eatery nearby and hung out there for several hours. I ordered red dry wine glass after glass and thought about his own things. Perhaps he was waiting for someone, but no one approached him...

But the next day we again found the widower with another young lady. True, this time she was waiting for Senin not far from home. Sergei Mikhailovich came out of the entrance and quickly walked past her, again hiding from neighbors and other random witnesses. The lady, looking around, followed him. Soon the widower called her over, hugged her, and kissed her. They got into the blue Audi that Lyudmila Markovna had once driven and sped away.

With a pretty brown-haired girl...

...and kissed his friend on the cheek

She was married five times and had many admirers. Her stormy, passionate and amorous nature, as Lyudmila Gurchenko admitted, required an outlet. And her numerous men were, in some way, temporary fireflies who flew towards the bright light to bask in its rays and show themselves.

Today it is no longer a secret to anyone that they often very skillfully used the popular fame of Lyudmila Markovna, extracting considerable benefit for their personal person. However, Gurchenko was never a whipping girl. She had a strong and domineering character, sometimes capricious to the point of indecency. And we must admit that life together with the star was far from glamorous.

Vasily Ordynsky

Eighteen-year-old Lucy's first lover was film director Vasily Ordynsky. Gurchenko met him in her second year at VGIK.

The romance that began between them lasted no more than a year. For Lyudmila, everything that happened remained behind the scenes, just a touch in the beginning biography of the actress. There is no doubt: there was a certain benefit in these relations.

Vasily Ordynsky even invited her to play the main role in one of his films. But members of the artistic council, respecting the honor and conscience of Soviet cinema, gave a complete refusal to the young artist. And yet the status of “passion” is quite famous director made itself known. Otherwise, she would not have been invited to the main role in Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Carnival Night,” which brought Lyudmila Gurchenko phenomenal success and national recognition.

Boris Andronikashvili

Parting with Ordynsky was easy and painless. Soon on her life path met Boris Andronikashvili, a student of the screenwriting department of VGIK, a recognized idol of the girls of the course, with an irresistible appearance. Lyudmila, without knowing it herself, succumbed to the charms of a spectacular young man and married him. Boris became the first official husband Gurchenko and the father of the actress’s only daughter, Masha. After two years together family life they broke up: “ice and fire” in the relationship turned out to be completely incompatible.


Lyudmila Gurchenko later recalled this marriage in her book “Lyusya, Stop!”

“With this young man, we approached each other as in the song: “You and I are two banks of the same river.” This can be seen from the bell tower today, but then...

Despite his refined appearance, from which you initially did not expect anything deep, he was a complex person with a set of extraordinary qualities - large and small. All his pockets were stuffed with rare books mixed with newspapers and magazines. I read everything in the world. He had a special sense of humor.

He believed that his personal criticism was the most accurate and original. He was distinguished by his musicality and masculine charm.”

“Everything about him was unattainable for me. And vice versa. He treated my profession with irony. He considered a musical comedy a spectacle far from art. Well, success with the public... When I delved into a field that was not “my” (I was interested in his complex screenwriting profession), I was always amazed at how much irony my “leap” from a frivolous, primitive acting life into his mysterious world... He somehow talentedly knew how to live side by side, being only on his own shore. With incredible willpower we had to learn to live alone together... website

Unexpected Lucy: rare photos Lyudmila Gurchenko

On November 12, the beloved actress would have turned 80 years old.

Her husband Sergei Senin shared rare archival footage with Antenna and Woman's Day.

1993, still from the film “Love”.

— This is our second with Lyusya collaboration, - says Sergei Senin. “The musical film was her long-standing idea, and I found the opportunity to make it happen. The film was directed by Fyodor Sergeevich Bondarchuk. Lyusya always addressed Fyodor by his first name and patronymic. The artists were Boris Krasnov and Valentin Yudashkin. Cameraman: Mikhail Mukasey. The television premiere took place in New Year's Eve. This is a benefit performance: songs and monologues.

Lyudmila Markovna dreamed of being a musical film actress. Her greatest pain and melancholy regarding her profession was that, unfortunately, in our country Lyusin’s musical talent was not in demand. She was calm about even her best dramatic roles, believing that any other good actress could have played them. Here's a musical! It was a dream...

Approximately 1939−1940.

— Lucy in kindergarten in Kharkov. “My first groom is Semochka,” she smiled, looking at the photo. Here he is pushing her on a sled.

Circa 1936. With dad Mark Gavrilovich.

— Her father was the most dear person to her. This photograph in his book “Lucy, stop!” she signed it like this: “With early years I listened carefully to my father’s instructions.”

1953 Outlet.

— Kharkov girls’ school No. 6. There is now a class there that is dedicated to Lyudmila Markovna. In 2013, a memorial plaque was unveiled at the school (now a gymnasium). Sitting in front of Lyusya (she is on the far right) is Mila Gitstein, her closest friend. They were born on the same day and in the same year.

Late 1950s. With my friend Mila.

— These are houses in Kharkov. Photo taken by Lucy's dad. Now Mila lives in Chicago, but they walked through life side by side and always kept in touch.

Sergei Senin and Lyudmila Gruchenko lived together for 20 years. Despite big difference aged (the artist was 25 years older than her husband), all decisions in the house were made by Sergei. About how the relationship between Gurchenko and her last husband developed - in our material

Sergei Senin and Lyudmila Gruchenko lived together for 20 years. Despite the large age difference (the artist was 25 years older than her husband), all decisions in the house were made by Sergei. About how the relationship between Gurchenko and her last husband developed is in our material.

Before meeting each other, Sergei Senin and Lyudmila Gurchenko lived their entire lives. He managed to get married, raise a daughter, get divorced, live in Odessa, Israel, and return. She was married five times. They met in Vilnius in 1990 at film set film "Sex Tale" based on Nabokov. Margarita Terekhova, who was supposed to play the main role in the film, unexpectedly refused. She was replaced by Lyudmila Gurchenko, who at that time was divorcing her next husband and, in order to distract herself, agreed to any job. On the set, Senin turned white when he saw the actress, but a close acquaintance did not take place then. Later, when the picture was released, he called ex-wife Galina (at that time the divorce papers had not been completed, but in fact the spouses had not lived together for a long time) and asked him to organize Gurchenko’s tour to Israel (this would have brought good dividends for her). Sergei at first refused - he did not know the artist so closely to ask her for such a favor. But later I decided to help ex-wife- and called Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko. And she, being depressed, looked for any opportunity to leave home. And she agreed to tour in Israel.
The relationship was purely business-like: he filled out all the documents, took the artist to the airport, and then met her. And so their relationship began: first - work, then - friendly, and, finally, love.

Lyudmila Markovna was embarrassed by Sergei's age. At that time he was thirty-two, she was fifty-seven. But he reminded her so much of her father, whom she had extolled all her life, that she could not refuse Senin.
“Believe it or not, we didn’t get tired of each other. Of course, they swore, they could quarrel until they broke plates, but in exactly three minutes it was all over,” Sergei Senin told the “Caravan of Stories” correspondent.
Quarrels, of course, happened, but over trifles. Sergei was the first to reconcile, since the artist, he notes, did not know how to admit her mistakes. True, he explains, he does not consider this a disadvantage. Senin always notes that Lyudmila Markovna taught him a lot. “The main thing that Lucy taught me is to be attentive to people. Be more tolerant. Lucy herself was an extremely trusting person. But over the years I have cultivated a certain caution in myself. I think what I valued most in me was easygoingness,”
Senin and Gurchenko got married only after six years of living together. Sergei was a citizen of Ukraine and in this regard many difficulties arose.
Sergei Senin was with Lyudmila Markovna before last minute her life. He doesn't remember well the first year after she left. He says friends helped. Despite everything he did for her and for her sake, Senin blames that he did not have time to give much. “Still, I was often very dry with Lyusya, tired of her suspicion towards people, sometimes out of stubbornness I argued, realizing that she was almost always right. And it infuriated me. I regret a lot. But death is such a thing, it happened, and you understand: “Oh, boy, you were late, you didn’t give enough love, attention, you didn’t stroke your broken leg once again...”, Senin said in the same interview with Caravan of Stories.