Exercises for the horizontal bar at home. Basic exercises on the horizontal bar and parallel bars

Hello blog readers. Literally every time you pass by the sports ground, your eye is pleased to watch the athletic boys constantly practicing on the horizontal bars and parallel bars. How great it is that an athletic body healthy image life, today have become fashionable and almost obligatory attributes of a modern person.

I agree that not everyone has the opportunity to visit gyms. However, this does not mean that playing sports, shaping beautiful body, in this case are not available. Because a properly selected training program on the horizontal bar and uneven bars is not less effective, and in some ways, perhaps even more effective, than the indoor iron press.

Of course, if you want to pump up every muscle, then without exercise equipment that allows you to work on it in isolation separate groups, can't get by. But if the goal is an athletic, fit, moderately pumped body, then it is quite possible to limit yourself to the sports field and study.

Training program

So, the program. The one that I have prepared for you is scheduled for a week and is perfect for both people who already have some training and for beginners. It includes exercises on the horizontal bar, parallel bars, press push-ups, that is, you can do absolutely everything on your own. Considering that bodyweight exercises are strength exercises, they are effective for gaining muscle mass, which you can speed up and increase with proper, appropriate nutrition, as well as with the use of sports food additives, such as protein, for example. At the same time, such training is aimed at strength and endurance. In general, there are no cons.

Each training involves performing it in four approaches, each to the maximum. While doing the first 3, try to still leave some resource for completing the next ones. Do the last, fourth, until you are completely exhausted.

If your training allows you to do 15 or more repetitions in each approach, then to gain muscle mass you need to add weights. It could even be a bag of sand, or you could hang a dumbbell or barbell plate from your belt or put it in your backpack, if you have one. If your goal is to work on relief, then weights are not needed, and the pace of execution should be extremely intense.

Naturally, for beginners, such a number of repetitions may seem impossible. Therefore, do as many as you can, and also increase the breaks between approaches. But try to work in the same mode: each exercise is performed in 4 approaches. Then you yourself will not notice how the number of your repetitions reaches the limit when additional loads are needed.

Believe me, the effectiveness and benefits of street training are even off the charts!

For my part, I offer you a program for a week, classes in which are supposed to be on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, alternating between heavy workload and lighter workload. In principle, specific days are not necessary - the main thing is that you understand the principle and are not lazy. Shall we get started?


Monday is a hard day. Therefore, I also decided not to relax too much and do a harder lesson that day. As always, we start only after the warm-up.

  • The first will be standard, that is, a straight grip, hands shoulder-width apart;
  • Next are the parallel bars - push-ups on the chest, that is, the torso is tilted forward a little, about 10 degrees, and in the process we move the elbows to the sides. But in the photo you can see the correct execution of this exercise;

  • Again the horizontal bar - pull-ups behind the head, that is, hands about 2 shoulder-width apart, at the top point we touch the crossbar with the back of the head;
  • We lie down on the floor and do, hands slightly wider than shoulders;
  • Again the horizontal bar, but this time we work on the abs - we raise our legs while hanging;

  • The last one is parallel bars, and also on the press. That is, on the uneven bars, we raise our legs - you can do it with straight arms, which is better, you can rest on your forearms.


The lesson will be easy compared to Monday, since the muscles should have time to recover. Otherwise, you will get the effect of catabolism, that is, when you train and train, but muscle mass not only does not increase, but even decreases.

  • Let's start with push-ups - place your hands shoulder-width apart;
  • We continue with push-ups, only this time spread your arms as wide as possible;
  • And the last push-ups for today - narrow grip. That is, place your palms on top of each other.

Look at the photo so that the similar position is correct - this is important

  • Now lie on your back and raise your legs - we are working on the abs;
  • Also, lying on your back, do a bicycle - the movements characteristic of pedaling. By the way, the socks here should also work as if there were actually pedals under your feet - this is the correct execution;

  • Let's finish the easy day with simple crunches. Of course, for greater efficiency, I would recommend doing them with lateral turns of the torso, so that the oblique abdominal muscles are also involved


After a day of rest, I’m sure you will have enough strength and energy for more workload.

  • Let's start with the horizontal bar and work on the biceps - pull-ups with a reverse grip, hands shoulder-width apart;
    We will do push-ups on parallel bars, focusing on the triceps. That is, in the process, the arms are pressed to the body, and even try to tilt the body back a little, for greater effect;

  • Let's go back to the crossbar. We will do pull-ups with a reverse grip, that is, the palms are facing you, and the width of the arms is extremely narrow - no more than a fist;
  • Let's complicate the push-ups - today the same standard ones, from the floor, with hands shoulder-width apart, but on fists;
  • We will pump the abs in the same way on the bar, but today by raising the knees to the shoulders. That is, in essence, reverse crunches while hanging;

  • Let's finish with the familiar leg raises on the uneven bars from Monday.


After yesterday's load, it would be logical to conduct an easy lesson, which is what we will do.

  • Let's start with standard push-ups, arms width - shoulders;
  • The next push-ups are essentially the same, only, firstly, already on the fists, and secondly, the elbows should not leave the body during the process;
  • The third push-ups for today are narrow. Place your palms on top of each other so that they form something like a rhombus;
  • Press – we perform crunches, but only with torso turns to the sides to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles;
  • We also raise our legs while lying down - the lower abs also require attention;
  • We end the week with simple crunches all the way.

As you can see, everything is quite doable, and the effectiveness, believe me, is extremely high. Of course, it will not be possible to replace basic exercises with a barbell with a sports ground alone. But our goals are somewhat different - we are not chasing the title “Mr. Olympia”, but simply want a beautiful, toned, athletic, moderately pumped, strong body. Finally, watch a relaxing video of training on the uneven bars and horizontal bar. Don't be lazy, get busy. See you soon.

Friends, I wish you all the best! IN lately I got completely lazy and even stopped coming up with materials for new articles, but why? You also cope well with this task, in particular - through the form feedback We receive a lot of letters in which you ask us to cover this or that topic. Today this topic is “Types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar” from one of our readers. We will consider in as much detail as possible what types of them exist, how to perform each of them correctly, what muscles are involved in the work, and other miscellaneous things.

So, if everything is assembled, I think we can start, slowly.

What types of pull-ups are there?

Before moving on to the essence of the issue, let me remind you that in one of our previous articles we have already devoted quite a lot of time to this. Therefore, whoever is not yet familiar with this creation, I strongly recommend that you pay your respects to it. Well, now that you are up to date with events, I propose to move on to the types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar, which (I’ll say it in advance, looking ahead) there are a great many.

All of them (regardless of version) almost the same muscle groups are involved, in particular, the load is received (see image).

And a more “detailed” option.

Now let's go through the classification of pull-ups, i.e. what they are like.

Types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar: main varieties

No. 1. By grip type (hand position, grip of the bar) :

  • Upper (straight/normal, 1 ) ;
  • Lower (reverse/“womanish”/biceps, 2 ) ;
  • R opposite name ( 3 ) .

Depending on the type of grip, the emphasis on the impact of the load on the muscles shifts. A straight grip more actively engages the back muscles. The reverse grip engages the biceps. Neutral grip (palms facing each other) engages the brachialis/brachioradialis and biceps muscles more.

No. 2. Depending on hand placement (distance between hands), grip width:

  • Narrow (accentuated work of arm muscles, 1 ) ;
  • Average (even distribution of load between the muscles of the back and arms, 2 ) ;
  • Wide (back muscles, “wings” are involved, 3 ) .


When changing the width of your grip, you must remember that the position of your hands affects the degree of muscle load. So, for example, with a wide stance, the amplitude decreases and the torso travels a shorter distance, therefore the load decreases. A narrow grip requires maximum load. Take this into account and adjust the load by increasing/decreasing the number of repetitions depending on the “breadth” of your arms.

No. 3. At the point of contact of the crossbar:

  • Standard (chest touches the bar, 1 ) – the load is distributed evenly, the entire layer of the latissimus dorsi muscles is more involved in the work;
  • By the head (the crossbar touches the neck, 2 ) – the emphasis shifts to working on the “top”.

No. 4. By cleanliness of pull-ups:

  • “Clean” pull-ups – a smooth and slow phase of lowering and lifting;
  • With swinging - lifting the body with a sharp movement (cast to the top);
  • With incomplete extension – the arms at the elbow joint are not fully extended.

No. 5. In relation to the desired result:

  • Meat Mass-gaining pull-ups – fast rise, slow descent;
  • Quantitative – slow rise, fast descent.

Actually, we’ve sorted out the classification, let’s move on.

Types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar: lyrical digression

As you know, I am an ardent opponent of plagiarism, the dominance of “copy-paste” information that migrates (hey, I dropped a word :)) from site to site. So, after analyzing the state of affairs on the subject of the article on the Russian-language Internet, I realized that things are quite deplorable, because everywhere there is the same type of information, the same pictures and, the funniest thing, the same phrases with “Ashiboki”. It somehow reminded me of a gramophone playing the same fragment of a record in a circle.

Personally, it was unpleasant for me to re-read the same information under different sauces (read on different sites). Therefore, the decision was immediately made to dig much wider, deeper and more voluminously. Now you will find out what came of it, let's go.


Types of pull-ups (variants) on the horizontal bar - how the relationship with each new girl, i.e. each has its own unforgettable features and specific features.

So, I present to your attention the most detailed list of types of pull-ups. And first in line...

No. 1. Classic (pronated) version

The most popular, i.e. the most popular option. The grip is slightly wider than the shoulders, the movement begins with a controlled rise up from the bottom point using the muscles of the back and arms. As soon as your chin passes the bar, you are given a “clean” repetition.

No. 2. Neutral

Most secure (from the point of view of the load on the joints). This grip works best on the upper back muscles. It is this option that allows you to avoid excessive internal/external rotation of the shoulder joints and protect your shoulders from injury.

No. 3. Supinated

Pulling occurs using supination (turn towards the outside) biceps So if you want to build massive biceps, include this option in your routine. The supinated method puts significant stress on the biceps tendons, so to avoid injury, avoid slow eccentrics (lowering phase), explosive lifts and dead hangs with this variation of gripping the bar.

No. 4. Mixed

Grip the bar as you would a barbell when doing a heavy deadlift. A mixed grip allows you to strengthen your grip on the bar, as a result of which you can perform more repetitions or use additional weights (as a weight tied to a belt). This good option to develop maximum strength.

Working with this grip (one hand in pronation, the other in supination) will balance the internal and external rotational load on your shoulders.

No. 4. Chest pull-ups (Gironde)

They are named after their inventor, professional bodybuilder Vince Gironde. This option is more advanced and requires the athlete to have good physical training and developed strength, because involves a large range of motion (compared to previous options). It starts with a dead hang at the lowest point, and then pulling up the entire sternum (instead of her top) to the crossbar. This is best done with a neutral or supinated grip. In this variation, the latissimus dorsi muscles gain a greater range of motion.

No. 5. Transverse pull-ups

This is one of the most unusual and fun exercises. Movement occurs in two planes - longitudinal and transverse.

Starting position – you are perpendicular to the horizontal bar (strictly below it). You need to grab the bar with both hands on opposite sides, leaving a little space between your hands. From this position you will pull and turn 90 degrees your body, bringing your chest to the bar. It is important to keep tension in your buttocks and abs throughout the movement. This is a good accessory exercise to improve shoulder mobility. It's best to use it at the end of your workout.

It perfectly develops and strengthens the athlete's shoulder girdle and makes the body stronger in rotational movement patterns. The direction of rotation can be alternated with each repetition.

No. 6. Half-Moon (half moon)

A relatively new (unused) type of pull-up. The exercise prepares you to perform something more complex – on one arm. Can be performed with almost any grip, but pronation and neutral are preferable.

Get down (with arms fully straightened), pull your body towards the bar to one side, either using only your left, or right hand. Return to the starting position under control and immediately begin to stretch in the other direction. You should have a tension in one hand and a pull in the other. Otherwise you will have a “triangle” instead of a “half moon”.


If pull-ups aren't your thing strong point, then reduce the number of variations in your training program before reaching the Half Moon.

So, we can say that we have looked at the basic types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar, but there are several more specific ones, which we will talk about later.

No. 7. Hand-swithes (hand switches)

This variation of pull-ups will develop your “grasping-and-releasing” abilities, because... it is aimed specifically at the development of such phases of movement. These pull-ups are also great for developing the explosive power of the concentric phase (lifting the body). They are performed powerfully, with a clap at the top of the trajectory.

No. 8. Pull-up with rope

Another exotic option is to throw a rope/rope over the handles of the horizontal bar. Due to the reduction in adhesion area (replacing the crossbar with a rope), pull-ups are much more difficult for an athlete. In connection with the replacement of the fulcrum, many small muscles are involved in the work to stabilize the position of the body in space.

No. 9. Flip hand grip

Pull-ups are aimed at developing grip strength and involve gradually changing the position of your hands on the bar. While the location of one hand changes, the other provides support for your body.

No. 10. Unclear hand placement

The exercise consists of one hand, as if you miss the crossbar and grab the thrown belt/rope. Your hand is adapted to grip smooth and even surfaces. The same hand attachments add grip strength and enhance your grip.

Now a couple of specific techniques for developing and strengthening stability.

No. 11. Disturbance/Displacement

Another technique that involves disturbing your stable body position from the side. You pull yourself up halfway, and your partner tries to move you to the side. The guinea pig athlete strains all the “core” muscles and, creating (own body) direct pressure, trying in every possible way to prevent this process. An option with a belt around the waist is also possible, it turns out that here they already want to pull you like a bull by a rope, but you resist to the last :). You don’t need to pull or push very hard, just slightly throw the person off balance.

No. 12. Leg movement

Adding leg movement while hanging from the bar is also a great exercise for developing and strengthening core stability. There is a transfer of force from the tension of the upper body, while a simultaneous stabilizing movement comes from the legs.

These exercises develop overall athleticism, coordination and the “longevity” of hanging on the horizontal bar.


If your pull-ups on the horizontal bar look like convulsions :), then you lack consistency in movements, then use these two techniques. Incorporate them into your pull-up training cycle. Also make up your own moves. (for example, scissors, etc.), and everything will be fine with your motor skills.

Actually, that’s all I have, of course, this is far from the most full list what you can do on the horizontal bar, but for the first time, I’m sure it’s enough for you. Well, let's sum up some results and say goodbye.


Well, here comes another one (Who's counting which one?) According to the article - types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar. Despite the fact that the horizontal bar is just a double-edged sword, this simplicity does not in the least prevent this apparatus from comprehensively developing our body. As they say: “everything ingenious is simple!”

See you again, friends. Write letters, and maybe your message will serve as the topic for the next article.

PS. Anyone who wants to improve more needs to increase their karma points by clicking on the social sharing buttons, let's act!

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Exercises on the horizontal bar require great physical strength and endurance, but at the same time they develop all muscle groups well. To date, many special programs have been created, some of which are suitable even for novice sports fans. Among them we can highlight a set of 28 exercises on the horizontal bar. It consists of 3 stages of preparation, each of which has its own complexity, and is therefore intended for a specific group of people.

Exercises on the horizontal bar do not have to be difficult. After all, not everyone can pull themselves up or do it many times. For such people there are special exercises on the crossbar:

  • Negatives. To perform this type of pull-up, you will need a chair or any other object that you can climb onto. It is on this that you need to stand and grab the bar with a reverse grip. Then you can slowly get off the support and lower yourself onto straight arms;
  • Jumping. This exercise does not require special equipment and all you need to do is stand under the bar and jump with your arms outstretched. You need to grab the horizontal bar with your elbows bent, and then slowly lower yourself down;
  • Depreciation. Before training, you will have to wrap the bar with special rubber and rest your foot on its end. Due to such shock absorption, even a person who cannot do pull-ups will be able to perform this exercise.

The listed part of the workout is included in the list of what exercises can be done on the horizontal bar for all muscle groups for beginning athletes. Over time, you will be able to move on to training for experienced ones.

Average skill level

The best exercises on the horizontal bar for the arms can only be done by experienced athletes, and they can be done at home. After all, for such training it is enough to have a crossbar. Pull-ups for experienced ones look like this:

  • Reverse grip. It is performed with the palms facing oneself and serves as a reliable prevention of injuries to the shoulder joint. In this case, the hands are placed slightly wider than the shoulders, and the chin after pulling up should be higher than the crossbar;
  • Straight grip. In this case, the palms should be facing away from you. The technique is similar to the reverse grip;
  • Wide grip. First you need to hang on the horizontal bar, placing your hands wider than your shoulders. While doing pull-ups, you should gradually bring your shoulder blades together and try to touch your chest to the bar;
  • Different grip. The peculiarity of this exercise is that you need to grab the horizontal bar with one hand, and vice versa with the other. It is advisable to stretch as high as possible so that your chest reaches the bar. The grip needs to be changed after each approach.

High level of skill

The complex of 28 exercises for all muscle groups on the horizontal bar also has a section for experts.

Only experienced specialists are allowed to use movements from this part of the program for training.

The training process includes the following types of pull-ups:

  • Diagonally. For correct execution For this type of pull-up, you need to alternately reach your chin towards your right and left hand, using a wide grip;
  • In a circle. Initially, you should grab the horizontal bar, spread your arms wide and reach for your left hand. Next, without going down, you need to move your body to the right upper limb, and then you can return to the starting position;
  • With a bang. In this case, you need to place your hands wider than your shoulders and then stretch sharply. When the bar is at chest level, release it and clap. Next, you need to immediately grab the horizontal bar and return to the starting position;
  • With weights. Before you begin a more complicated type of exercise, you should tie yourself to a rubber band and attach an object to its end, for example, a weight. Having made all the preparations, you can grab the bar with a reverse grip and pull yourself up;
  • With 3 pauses. Initially, you should clasp the horizontal bar with your palms facing you, and then you can begin to bend your arms to the middle and hold for 2-3 seconds. Next, you should reach the crossbar and stop for the same period of time. The last pause is performed halfway to the starting position;
  • Corner. A special feature of this exercise is the legs raised 90°. Otherwise, the execution technique is no different from standard reverse-grip pull-ups;
  • With a towel. It serves to make the training process more difficult. A towel or any other fabric should be wrapped around the horizontal bar, and then pulled up in the standard manner;
  • On a towel. Unlike the previous type of exercise, in this case the pull-up is carried out on the fabric itself, which is thrown over the horizontal bar. To make it more difficult, you can stretch on 2 towels (1 in each hand);
  • On one with help. Initially, you should grab the horizontal bar with your left hand and a wide grip with your right hand. You need to stretch precisely on the first limb, and the second only helps;
  • One with a towel. This type of exercise differs from the previous one only in the presence of a towel, which you need to grab with one hand. The other limb should hold the horizontal bar and you will need to stretch with it;
  • On one. An experienced and strong athlete should perform this type of pull-up, as it is the most difficult. To perform, you will need to grab the horizontal bar with one hand, palm facing you, and fix the other at chest level;
  • A combination of burpees and pull-ups. This type of training is quite interesting and develops not only muscles, but also dexterity and endurance. It is divided into the following stages:
    • Stand under the horizontal bar;
    • Squat down with your hands on the floor;
    • Take a prone position while jumping;
    • Perform one push-up;
    • Squat down while jumping;
    • Pull yourself up in a jump;
    • Gently jump to the floor.

Exercising on the horizontal bar tones everything up well muscle tissue, especially on the hands. You should choose a complex for yourself carefully, weighing the degree of your skill, so as not to harm your health. It's better to start low and work your way up to more challenging exercises than to injure yourself doing movements recommended for experts.


What muscle groups can be pumped using a horizontal bar? How to competently build a training program. Exercise technique.

The horizontal bar is one of the most accessible and sporting equipment for an athlete. With its help you can pump up your arms, back muscles and even your abs. At the same time, many argue that to achieve good results and develop the torso, one bar is enough. Let's look at how to pump up muscles on the horizontal bar, and which program to give preference to. An interesting fact is that you can train your arms and body at home, which significantly speeds up the process.

As an introduction

Correct work on the horizontal bar at home or in the gym is an opportunity to perfectly develop all muscle groups of the upper body, including the abdominals and back. The only thing needed is quality program at hand and strict adherence to it.

The ideal number of weekly sessions is four, training time is 20-30 minutes. For example, you can organize classes on all days except weekends. But here you can plan your schedule yourself, taking into account your work and rest schedule. Below we will look at how to pump up on the horizontal bar the fastest.

Simple program

All training is carried out at home, so there may not be a special time limit. But for greater efficiency, it is still advisable to adhere to a certain schedule and load the body at a certain time. The home study program itself looks like this:

  1. Monday. Do four sets of 7-8 reps with your arms wide. In this exercise, try to lift your body up to your chest. Then place your hands with a medium grip, turn your palms away from you and do 3-4 sets of 7-8 repetitions. Finally, do the hanging abdominal exercise – 3*7.
  2. Tuesday. Place your hands on the horizontal bar as wide as possible and do pull-ups behind your head. As in the previous case, there should be four sets of 7-8 repetitions. After this, switch to a medium grip (with your palms facing you) and also do four sets of 7-8 repetitions. Finally, pay attention to your abs. In the latter case, do 2-3 sets of 7-9 repetitions. At the same time, orient yourself in such a way as to increase the number of approaches over time.
  3. Wednesday. On this day you should take a break and pay attention to your business. Even if you are at home all day, it is better not to approach the horizontal bar (you should rest your hands).
  4. Thursday. Here you completely duplicate the program that was made on Monday.
  5. Friday. Now repeat the exercises in the same cycle that you need to do on Tuesday.

The program described above is called “two plus two” and is the simplest. Work until you can do the required number of repetitions in each approach. At the initial stage, while the hands are still weakened, there may be questions with full pull-up. Don't despair. Until all muscles are strengthened and qualitatively developed, it will be enough to simply try to lift the body (strain your arms) for the attempt to be counted.

The time to implement this program is about two to three weeks. If there are no visible successes at home yet, you can work in this mode for a few more weeks. Then move on to the more complex program presented below.

Complex program

For many more experienced athletes who are interested in how to build muscle on the horizontal bar, the following program is often recommended for training at home or on the horizontal bar in the gym:

  1. Monday.
    • Take your hands with a wide grip and do pull-ups behind your head. In this case, you need to do at least 3-4 approaches with 7-9 repetitions in each. The big advantage of this exercise is the inclusion of the back muscles in the work (work on width).
    • For the next exercise, place your palms facing away from you and do the same number of approaches and repetitions as in the previous case. This type of pull-up is the most difficult, because almost all muscle groups are stressed in it. Here, paired round muscle fibers, trapezius muscles and latissimus muscles are best loaded. In addition, the deltoids, the outer side of the biceps and the upper chest are perfectly worked out.
      Place your hands so that your palms are facing your face ( reverse grip) and do 4*8 reps. The advantage of this exercise is the inclusion of biceps in the work.
    • The last stage is the press. Raise your legs until they reach a 90 degree angle. The number of repetitions and approaches is 4*8.
  2. Tuesday.
    • To work your chest and biceps, start your workout with pull-ups along the horizontal bar with different grips – 4*8.
    • Then switch to a wide grip, turn your palms towards your face and do 4*8. The advantage of this exercise is that it works the delta and serratus muscles.
    • The third exercise on Tuesday should be a close-grip pull-up (classic hand position) - 4*8. With the help of exercise, you can quickly increase the volume of your biceps and improve its shape. Due to the fact that the external and internal parts are worked out here, you can achieve an excellent increase in muscle mass (even when training at home).
    • Next, place your hands with a narrow grip, turn your palms towards your face and work in 4*8 mode. This type of exercise almost completely duplicates lifting a barbell (when training biceps). The only difference is that the back takes on a small share of the load. The hands, in turn, are a little unloaded. The number of approaches and repetitions is 4*8. If you are very tired, you can do the exercise on Friday.
    • The last two exercises of Tuesday are for the abs. The first is to raise your legs while hanging until you reach right angle– 2*8. The second is a similar exercise, but the legs are already bent at the knees. In this case, at the maximum point you need to touch the chest.
  3. Wednesday. Completely duplicate Monday's workout here.
  4. Thursday. On this day, duplicate Tuesday's workout.


As practice shows, you can achieve success on the horizontal bar even at home, following a simple and understandable program. The advantage of such exercises is uniform load distribution, high efficiency and minimal risk of injury. In addition, training on the crossbar is an opportunity to relieve stress from the vertebrae and forget about such a symptom as overtraining.

Please note that abdominal training should be included in every lesson. If you can’t do the exercise with straight legs, then you can bend them in knee joint. As for other exercises, you are allowed to work in half repetitions until you have enough strength for a full workout.

The horizontal bar and uneven bars are among the most favorite equipment among most professional athletes and many amateurs. This is not without reason, because with the help of these tools you can effectively load the main muscle groups, such as biceps, triceps, chest muscles, hips, back and others.

Regular exercise can turn a person with an average physique into a resilient and attractive athlete and help lose weight. extra pounds and just increase your self-esteem. Another advantage of these equipment is their prevalence, since now there are many gyms and sites where you can safely carry out training sessions.

Many novice athletes assume that the purpose of the horizontal bar is to do pull-ups, and the purpose of the parallel bars is to do push-ups. In fact, there are many exercises that are performed on this sports equipment.

Beginners should know that thanks to different grips and distances between hands, you can vary the intensity of the load and target specific muscle areas.

Basic grips when working on the horizontal bar and parallel bars

Let's look at the main types of grips on the horizontal bar, namely:

  • straight - in which the palms are directed away from you;
  • reverse – palms facing the athlete’s face;
  • mixed - 1 and 2 at the same time;
  • parallel - performed exclusively simultaneously on two closely spaced projectiles, palms facing each other;
  • wide – the distance between the hands is from 50 to 80 centimeters;
  • medium - hands are located from each other at a distance equal to the width of the athlete’s shoulders;
  • narrow - placing the hands as close as possible to each other.
  • It is also worth knowing that when doing pull-ups with a wide grip, the back muscles are perfectly loaded, while narrow and medium grips put more stress on the muscles of the arms and chest. A thicker bar makes the workout more challenging. And accordingly, the amount of energy and effort expended increases.

Basic rules for training on parallel bars and horizontal bars

The first thing a novice athlete needs to know about the horizontal bar and parallel bars is to perform a high-quality warm-up, which should include light jogging and stretching exercises. Second, you should avoid sudden movements that can damage your muscles. All exercises must be performed smoothly and carefully. Rule three - compliance correct technique performing exercises, which reduces the likelihood of injury and improves training results.

At the initial level, you should exercise four times a week, optionally alternating them with cardio training. In this rhythm, two out of four workouts must be done as unloading, providing rest and giving the body the opportunity to properly recover. Figure 1 shows a training schedule, following which you can qualitatively master pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

Mass exercises on the horizontal bar and parallel bars

In order for muscle mass to constantly grow, exercises on the horizontal bar and uneven bars should be supported by active work with the barbell on the bench press. When each approach on the considered apparatus is performed with ease, then you can gradually increase the working weight. The easiest way to do this is to add a few kilograms by wearing weights on your legs or belt.

In order for weight growth rates to be good, you should adhere to a training regimen. Consider a two- and four-day training system.

The system is that training exercises are performed on the first and second days, while the third is devoted exclusively to rest, after which the circle is repeated.

  • push-ups using a medium grip;
  • medium-grip push-ups on a bench;
  • wide-grip push-ups from the floor, feet on a high bench;
  • dips;
  • hanging from the bar with straight legs raised to the head.

On the second day, the bulk of the work is performed, namely:

  • pulling up by the head using a wide grip;
  • Pull-ups on the bar with a wide grip to the chest;
  • Pull-ups using a medium grip;
  • pull-up on the bar with a narrow grip;
  • parallel grip pull-up;
  • hanging on the horizontal bar with straight legs raised to the head.

The number of repetitions per approach should be the maximum for the current physical fitness. After the body’s capabilities increase, you should first increase the number of repetitions, and then the number of approaches for each individual exercise.

A four-day workout differs from a two-day workout solely in the absence of a break. Thus, after working for the first two days, the athlete immediately begins to repeat the circle, followed by a one-day break intended to restore the body.

Exercises to work out the relief on the uneven bars and horizontal bar

The following system, which is designed for four workouts over the course of a week, will help you acquire a sculpted body. The scheme is very simple: two training days are carried out, after which there is a break for muscle recovery. After rest, two more workouts are performed, then a rest. During training, you should gradually increase the number of repetitions and approaches.

On the first day the following exercises are performed:

  • wide grip pull-up;
  • dips;
  • pull-up with a wide grip behind the head;
  • wide grip push-ups;
  • hanging on the bar with straight legs raised to the head;
  • press on uneven bars.

On the second day you need to perform the following program:

  • in a supine position - simultaneous raising of both legs;
  • twisting on the horizontal bar;
  • hanging on the bar with your legs raised to your head.

Training on the third day involves performing the following exercises:

  • pull-up on the bar with a reverse grip;
  • dips;
  • pull-ups with a narrow grip, in which the palms are turned towards the face;
  • medium grip push-ups;
  • hanging on the horizontal bar with knees raised;
  • raising legs - hanging on uneven bars.

On the fourth day, the following exercises are performed:

  • push-ups;
  • push-ups from the floor, feet on a bench;
  • classic press on the floor;
  • raising your legs to an angle of 90 degrees;
  • twisting on the horizontal bar.

By following the described training systems, you can significantly improve your physical condition and acquire an attractive physique. The main thing is to stick to your training routine and eliminate alcohol consumption throughout the entire training period.

Video with an example of exercises for a training program on the horizontal bar and uneven bars: