The unenviable fate of members of the Orekhovskaya organized crime group (16 photos). Orekhovsky Sergei Timofeev, nicknamed Sylvester

Crime department

After the murder of the famous crime boss Sylvester, the Orekhov group he led broke up into fifteen small brigades, which after some time began to divide his inheritance. The division led to a real war breaking out in the south of Moscow. Its first victims were Sylvester’s friends, who made up the top of the Orekhov brigade. Then a significant part of their henchmen, ordinary militants, was killed. According to law enforcement agencies, now the south of the capital is actually ruled by 20-year-old “jocks”, whom even crime bosses call “frostbitten” or simply “bandits.” This situation is reminiscent of the beginning of 1993, when uncontrolled Orekhov brigades staged showdowns in the south, and the police sadly noted an increase in the number of intentional murders.

First blood

The formation of youth brigades in the south of Moscow dates back to the early 1980s. It was then that the first underground entrepreneurs appeared in Brateevo, Orekhovo, Zyablikovo, Biryulyovo and Chertanovo, who needed protection from stray criminals. The brigades were mainly formed from the children of the proletariat, who regularly visited the “rocking chairs” located in basements and semi-basements. With the beginning of the cooperative movement, the “muscles” began to take control of commercial tents and cooperatives.

Characteristic feature Orekhov's brigades were a denial of the rules and concepts established in the criminal world. Prison merits were not recognized in Orekhovo: the one who was stronger was superior. It was then, in the late 80s, that the first showdowns among youth gangs began.

In 1992, the showdown escalated into a real gang war. The Orekhovskaya, Nagatinskaya and Podolsk brigades fought for spheres of influence in the south of Moscow. After a series of murders of members of the opposing teams, the authorities of the older generation tried to extinguish the conflict. However, the young bandits (the old men call them “frostbitten”) did not agree to compromise and tried to eliminate the leaders of the older generation. They, in turn, struck back.

Sergei Timofeev (nicknamed Sylvester) - famous crime boss Russian history times of perestroika, leader Orekhovskaya organized crime group, founded in 1986 in Moscow. He became widely known for his hostile and radical attitude towards members and leaders of Caucasian organized crime groups.

Sergei Timofeev: biography

Born on July 18, 1955 in the village of Klin, Novgorod region (USSR). He was a modest and inconspicuous boy, studied at a secondary school and at the same time worked as a tractor driver on the collective farm of his native village. In his youth, the guy was actively involved in sports: he regularly morning jogging, worked out on the horizontal bars, and at home, lifted dumbbells. At the age of 1-8 he joined the army and served in Moscow. In 1975, Sergei Timofeev was demobilized, and soon the guy decides to stay in the capital. Together with best friend they move into a hostel in the vicinity of the Orekhovo-Borisovsky district.

Finding myself

While living in “white stone”, Timofeev began to get involved in art hand-to-hand combat, and soon began working as a trainer in the housing and communal services of Glavmosstroy. Very soon Sergei will get married and change his place of residence. Now he lives on Shipilovskaya Street. Soon, the future Sylvester ends with sports, but continues to maintain his physical strength in good shape and at the same time is engaged in private transportation. Understanding that working in this area, big money you can’t earn a living, Timofeev is looking for other ways of self-realization.

Beginning of criminal activity

In 1984-1985, Sergei Ivanovich Timofeev got involved with the “Orekhovskaya” punks and organized a business - the guys were engaged in fodder business. During this period, Timofeev’s criminal activities began. Being a powerful, physically fit and strict man, Sylvester actively recruits other people to his gang. This included representatives of many popular illegal professions at that time - car thieves, thimble makers, private cab drivers and many others. A gang from the southern outskirts of Moscow begins to quickly gain authority and influence the entire capital. Here at a fast pace the punks of the Orekhovo-Borisov region are catching up, which they have begun to attract younger brother Timofeev, nicknamed Ivanovich Jr.

Law “On Cooperation” and the fight against Caucasians

Gorbachev’s law “On Cooperation”, so to speak, “transformed” a criminal group into a legal organization. The composition of the group was predominantly made up of strong guys and former athletes (they say that former KGB and GRU officers joined Sylvester’s gang). The main activity of Timofeev and his army of thugs was racketeering.

Timofeev Sergei Ivanovich (Sylvester) had an extremely negative attitude towards “colored” organized criminal groups. At the end of the 80s, Sylvester's brigade already had several serious conflicts with representatives of Chechen organized crime groups who were rapidly conquering the Moscow South Port market. The leader of the Orekhovskys desperately and fearlessly fought with them. The ambitious Sylvester fought not only for a piece of the tasty criminal pie, but also “for the idea.” According to unofficial data, local law enforcement agencies respected him for this.

In order to strengthen their positions and confidently eliminate Caucasians from criminal world, Timofeev makes acquaintance with the leader of the Solntsevskaya gang, Sergei Mikhailov, nicknamed Mikhas. United together, they led brutal war against "colored" groups.

First imprisonment

In 1989, Sergei Ivanovich Timofeev, together with accomplices Sergei Mikhailov, Viktor Avernim and Evgeniy Lyustarnov, were taken under arrest and charged with extortion activities from the Fund cooperative. During the investigation and proceedings, everyone except Timofeev was able to escape imprisonment. The leader of the Orekhovskaya organized crime group, Sylvester, was sentenced to three years.

According to some rumors, Timofeev extorted money from Vladimir Kuzmin himself ( Russian singer), who at that time was in a relationship with Alla Pugacheva. For the times of the late 80s and early 90s, this was standard practice - every profitable activity should be “under a roof.” It is not surprising why some famous pop artists are directly related to the authorities of the criminal world.

Activities of Sylvester and his team

Sergei Timofeev did not serve the full term, but only half of it. In 1991, Timofeev was released and immediately continued his active criminal activity, and was soon able to unite many small gangs operating in the Orekhovo-Borisovsky district of Moscow. The gang turns into a highly organized criminal structure that subjugates many large establishments and organizations (nightclubs, cafes, restaurants, auto repair shops, repair services, etc.) in the South-West of Moscow. The activities of the Orekhovskaya group unfolded in criminal wars against neighboring gangs; they sought to conquer as much Moscow territory as possible.

Sergei Timofeev, nicknamed Sylvester, became famous not only within the capital, but throughout the CIS. According to some unofficial data, there is information that Timofeev was offered to join the ranks of thieves in law, but for unknown reasons Sylvester ignored this offer from the “tops” of the criminal world.

To the top of the criminal hierarchy

Authoritative figures in the CIS criminal world began to take an interest in Timofeev’s personality. So he had the opportunity to meet such famous thieves as Mishka Yaponchik, Petrov Alexey Dinarovich (nicknamed Petrik), Khachidze Jamal Konstantinovich (Jamal), Pavel Tsirul (Tsirul) and Otari Kvantrishvili. Friendship and joint business led Sylvester to the heights of the criminal conjuncture.

Now Sergei Timofeev’s capabilities have become even greater, he is becoming a real Moscow “Don Juan”. Big money and power integrate luxury and permissiveness into his life. To resolve some conflicts, Sylvester could turn to Izmailovskaya, Golyanovskaya, Taganskaya and Perovskaya organized crime groups for help. In addition, Timofeev collaborated with criminal gangs from the Trans-Urals, who provided him with their own lands for business.

Contract killings

At the beginning of 1992, he married Olga Zhlobinskaya and became a citizen of Israel. A little later, his wife Olga took the position of general director of the Moscow Trade Bank, into which the commercial funds of Boris Berezovsky's All-Russian Automotive Alliance were invested in 1994. As a result, the bank for a long time did not pay funds to Berezovsky. In 1994, Timofeev began a conflict with some authoritative leaders of Moscow criminal groups, as well as with Caucasians. Purposeful Sylvester eliminated all competitors standing in his way. Subsequently, he began to show his interest in the oil business, which is why he had disagreements with the Mutual goal of taking over the Tuapse oil industrial plant led to Timofeev ordering the murder of Kvantrishvili in 1994.

In 1993, Timofeev came into conflict with a Caucasian crime boss nicknamed Globus. The thieves simultaneously pursued the same goal - to seize the property rights of the Harlequin nightclub. According to the classics of the genre, Timofeev decided to eliminate his competitor by turning to the hired killer Alexander Solonik.

In June 1994, an attack was organized on the life of Boris Berezovsky himself. The oligarch's car was mined and blown up - the driver died, and Berezovsky himself escaped with a moderate injury. This fact attracted maximum interest from the press and public. President Russian Federation for the first time officially declared that criminal “lawlessness” reigns in Russia.

Sergei Timofeev Sylvester: crime boss exploded in his own car

On September 13, 1994, at 19-00 Moscow time, a Mercedes-Benz car was blown up, in which the leader of the Orekhovskys himself died. According to the investigation, the car was loaded with explosives. The explosion itself was carried out using a radio signal when Timofeev used cellular communication services on a mobile phone.

It is still unknown who committed the assassination attempt on Timofeev. There are many options and opinions that contradict each other. And this is not surprising, because Sergei Timofeev had a lot of enemies and ill-wishers.

We will talk about Sergei Ivanovich Timofeev, nicknamed Sylvester. This is one of the most authoritative brigadiers during the criminal wars. Distinctive feature Sylvester was that he could not stand “colored” criminal groups, for which law enforcement agencies respected him very much. He served only a year and a half in prison. Sylvester is a typical representative of the “sports-military” banditry of the early 90s.
Ruined the marriage union?..
The future crime boss was born in 1955 in the Novgorod region. After graduating from school, he worked as a tractor driver on a collective farm. In 1975, he moved to Moscow on a limited basis, where he began working as a sports instructor in the housing and communal services department of Glavmosstroy. In the early 1980s, he joined the criminal group of repeat offender Ionitsa from Orekhovo-Borisovo. Gradually Timofeev gained more and more influence in the group. By the end of the 1980s, the Orekhovskaya group brought under the control of card sharpers in the South and South-West of Moscow, several cooperatives for car repairs and the sale of spare parts, as well as several restaurants.

Timofeev received his first term in 1989. He was sentenced to 3 years for a crime typical of those times - extortion. True, something else is curious here. Sylvester extorted money from no one but ex-boyfriend Al-ly Pugacheva Vladimir Kuzmin. Then there was such a practice - bandits “protected” artists, even those of the first magnitude. Hence the close connections of some silver screen stars with the stars of the criminal world.

However, Timofeev served only half of his sentence - he was released on parole. Once free, Sylvester again went about his usual business. There was huge money floating around in Moscow back then, you just had time to grab it. Sylvester's fate was largely determined by... marriage. In 1992, he signed with Olga Zhlobinskaya, who, no less, headed the Moscow Trade Bank. It was there that in 1994 Boris Berezovsky’s commercial structure, the Automobile All-Russian Alliance, placed its money. The bank delayed the payment of this money to the great and terrible BAB...

In the same year, an assassination attempt was made on Berezovsky... Boris Yeltsin then publicly announced to all of Russia, as if no one knew this before, that “there is criminal chaos in the country.” As a result, the bank returned the money to the oligarch. But the Moscow RUBOP still arrested Olga Zhlobinskaya. And on September 13, 1994, the Mercedes in which Timofeev was driving was blown up. The crime boss died...

In principle, the cause-and-effect relationships in the story with his death are recognized quite simply, taking into account the above facts. However, there is information that before this Timofeev accused Ivankov’s son Edik of embezzling 300 thousand dollars received from drug trafficking (source: Ogonyok magazine, No. 18, 1997). According to some reports, Ivankov gave Timofeev’s commercial enterprises, after the latter’s death, to the Solntsevsky leader Mikhailov.

Already in the fall of 1994, the Orekhovskys split into several dozen groups and came into conflict with each other. In 1995, the leaders of the Orekhovskys were killed: Viktor Kamakhin, Alexander Gubanov, Vladimir Gavrilin, Alexander Kleshchenko, Viktor Chursin and others. In particular, on January 9, 1995, P. Pyatin and I. Maksimov were killed (the latter claimed to take the place of Sergei Timofeev in his criminal group); On October 25, 1995, the authority of the “Orekhovsky” Gu-shchina was killed; On December 2, 1996, the authority Valery Landin (Tolstoy), a former boxer engaged in commerce, was killed. Some of Timofeev’s associates continue to engage in legal business in Moscow and are part of the management of a number of well-known commercial structures.

Timofeev's grave is located in Moscow at the Khovanskoye cemetery. True, then there were rumors that Sylvester staged an assassination attempt in order to go to a distant foreign country with a clean biography (as shown with the criminal authority Sasha Bely in the television series “Brigade”). But such rumors arise only around highly respected and significant persons who are buried in closed coffins...

In honor of Stallone

And now a little more about the personality of Sylvester, a man who grew from a simple tractor driver into one of the most influential people in Moscow. He was extremely ambitious. In the Orekhovskaya group there were many strong personalities and generally frostbitten people, but he managed to become their leader. He also hated Caucasians. And then the Chechen organized crime groups were very strong in Moscow - and Sylvester desperately fought with them. And not only for a sweet piece of the criminal pie, but also, so to speak, “for the idea.” He also fought against Azerbaijani organized crime groups. By the way, unofficially, of course, but the capital’s police respected him very much for this. In addition, several years ago the prosecutor’s office proved, and the court agreed with it, that it was Sylvester who once ordered the influential crime boss Otari Kvantrishvili. It was the Orekhovsky fighters who shot him.

The authority Sergei Timofeev relied on former athletes and military personnel in the personnel matter. Even former KGB and GRU officers “served” for him. Timofeev himself was very fond of sports, he swung, for which he received his nickname in honor of Sylvester Stallone. Another nickname for Timofeev is Seryozha Novgorodsky - this is after his place of birth.

Sylvester had influential acquaintances who helped him quickly rise to the top of the criminal hierarchy. He was friends with influential thieves in law: Rospisya, Yaponchik, Petrik, Jamal and Pasha Tsirul, as well as the “Solntsevsky” authority Sergei Mikhailov. At one time, the “Orekhovskaya” group even united with the “Solntsevskaya” group in order to more effectively resist the “blacks” in Moscow.

In addition, in resolving conflicts, Timofeev sometimes resorted to the help of “Izmailovtsy”, “Golyanovtsy”, “Tagantsy”, “Perovtsy”. Timofeev also had connections with Yekaterinburg groups, which, in exchange for a share in the income from the Domodedovo airport, ceded to him part of the Ural business, including shares of some of the largest privatized metallurgical enterprises.

But distinctive feature The “Orekhovskaya” group was that they did not recognize authorities in the criminal world, they denied rules and concepts. On this basis, in August 1992, a conflict arose between the Orekhovskys on the one hand, and the Nagatinskys and Podolsks on the other.

In 1993, the Orekhovskys killed Viktor Kogan (Monya), who tried to invade their territory and establish a gambling business in the Orekhovo-Borisovo area. Timofeev himself was not involved in any dubious matters. To do this, he attracted another well-known Moscow authority, Sergei Kruglov (Seryozha Boroda), who, according to operatives from the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, had about 300 militants at his disposal. Kruglov himself had connections in the United States and claimed to be an emissary of the drug mafia in Russia. He even negotiated the allocation of 400 million dollars for him to establish a drug business in Russia. In 1993, Kruglov disappeared. On January 5, 1994, his body was found in Yauza. It seems that Sylvester had nothing to do with this.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that Silvester is a typical example of how an influential criminal strived with all his might to enter into legal business. All these grandfather’s criminal concepts were absolutely alien to him. And if Sylvester had not died in the dashing 90s, then perhaps now he would be some kind of oligarch, equidistant, with a white yacht and a personal football club. But Sylvester was simply unlucky.

Konstantin Zhukov


The Orekhovskaya group was one of the most famous and brutal in the capital. It included 50-60 people. Bandits controlled banks, oil companies, and capital markets. In 1994, shortly after the murder of Ot-ari Kvantrishvili, Sil-vester dies at the hands of killers. The group splits into “Orekhovskys” and “Medvedkovskys”. And in 1997, the gangs united again. At the head are Alexander Butorin, nicknamed Osya, Andrey and Oleg Pylev. The new leaders preferred to lead from Spain. Oleg Pylev (General, Sanych) was sentenced to 24 years in a maximum security colony. Alexander Pustovalov (Sasha Soldier), who killed Solonik, was sentenced to 23 years as a “strict man.”

Based on newspaper materials
“Behind Bars” (No. 11 2009

The ghost of Sylvester wanders among bandits and policemen
Last September, a Mercedes-600 was blown up in the center of Moscow. A mutilated corpse was found inside the car that burned after the explosion. A few days later, detectives from the Moscow criminal investigation department announced that a well-known criminal authority, the leader of the Orekhov group, Sylvester (in the world Sergei Timofeev), had been killed. The body was solemnly buried at the Khovanskoye cemetery. IN last path Sylvester was escorted by over 300 thieves in law and authorities. And recently rumors spread throughout Moscow that Sergei Timofeev was alive. Sylvester was allegedly seen in Odessa, in the company of another authority nicknamed Painting (by the way, they also tried to blow him up), and then met in Moscow and Vienna. Even MUR employees say that the authority is more alive than dead. Now they remember that in the crowd surrounding the blown-up Mercedes, they saw a man similar to Sylvester. He allegedly looked at the policemen and smiled. The case of the murder of Sergei Timofeev is still being investigated by the Tver Interdistrict Prosecutor's Office. Correspondents from the Kommersant CRIME DEPARTMENT conducted their own investigation into the life and death of Sylvester.

The tractor driver was fed by Arbat prostitutes
Sergei Timofeev was born on July 18, 1955 in the remote village of Klin, Novgorod region. After school, he worked on a collective farm as a tractor driver. People who knew Timofeev claim that he drove a car well and loved to do it. In the army, Timofeev served in a sports company. The future authority moved to Moscow according to the limit in 1975. He registered in one of the Orekhovo-Borisov hostels and worked as a sports instructor in the housing and communal services department of Glavmosstroy. At that time, Timofeev could often be found near the Arbat restaurant. He was still a harmless loser, but he met Arbat prostitutes, and later they already paid him tribute. Among the local punks he was nicknamed Seryozha of Novgorod.
In the early 80s, Seryozha became friends with punks from Orekhovo-Borisovo and joined the gang of the now unknown repeat offender Ionitsa. Timofeev got the gang drunk (Ionitsa later became an alcoholic and retired). But Seryozha himself, on principle, did not drink and worked hard in the “rocking chair”. The Orekhovskaya group initially, like many teams in the capital, existed at the expense of thimble-makers and gamblers. Timofeev was also taken on the case. Soon Seryozha Novgorodsky succeeded, picked up the Orekhovskys and turned into the authoritative Sylvester (he received this nickname because he looked like Sylvester Stalone). His personal life also changed. Timofeev divorced his wife Lyubov (he lived with her for 7 years and had two children from her). And he married a certain Olga Zhlobinskaya. A few years later, Timofeev took her last name, and the couple applied to leave for Israel. But later she stated that the marriage was fictitious.

Sylvester became friends with Cyclops
The criminal business flourished. Having subdued the cheaters in the South and South-West of Moscow, the Orekhovskys took control of several cooperatives for car repair and sale of spare parts. Soon the restaurants Orekhovo, Kerch and Zagorye came under their control. In 1989, when the “Slavic” teams began to have conflicts with the Chechen ones, the Orekhov group found allies in the Solntsevo and “Leninist” bandits. The Solntsevskys at that time were headed by a former waiter of the Khrustalny restaurant, Sergei Mikhailov (nickname Mikhas), and the Leninskys were commanded by a native of the Solntsevo brigade, a former firefighter Boris Antonov (nickname Borya-Anton). In one of the showdowns with the Chechens that took place in the Havana restaurant, Borya lost an eye. After this, Antonov got a new nickname - Cyclops.
Soon Sylvester, Mikhas and Cyclops became friends. They were united by hatred of Caucasians and sports. Cyclops and Sylvester were actively involved in martial arts. It is interesting that even when Antonov was a firefighter, one of the future police generals (last name has not yet been disclosed) visited the gym with him. When he took up a high post, the son of this policeman ended up in the Cyclops brigade. By the way, this son was once under investigation for robbery and inflicting grievous bodily harm on an internal affairs officer.

The authority became interested in oil
By mid-1989, Sylvester, in addition to Orekhov, held the odd side of Leninsky Prospekt. The even one belonged to Bor-Anton-Cyclops. In the fall of that year, employees of the Russian Ministry of Security and the MUR arrested Sylvester, Mikhas and Avira (one of the leaders of the Solntsevo group) for racketeering. Sylvester spent two years under investigation and was released in 1991, since, according to the court verdict, he served his term in a pre-trial detention center.
By that time, significant changes had occurred in Sylvester's brigade. Left without a leader, some of Timofeev’s people temporarily joined the team of Mikhas, who had left earlier (according to some sources, he had to pay a bribe of about 2 million rubles for his release) and other brigades. When Sylvester came out, his brigade gathered again. In addition, his people brought with them part of Solntsevo. Sylvester’s relations with Solntsevo became cooler: Timofeev was not satisfied with the fact that he former allies made peace with Chechen groups. Even without powerful Solntsevo support, Sylvester successfully carries out several showdowns with the Chechens in the Tsaritsinsky Ponds area and gains control of Sevastopol Avenue.
After this, Sylvester began to actively engage in legal business, for which he registered a network of offshore companies in Cyprus. According to some reports, he invested his group’s money in Russian oil-producing enterprises. Timofeev carried out several commercial projects with the reputable athlete Otari Kvantrishvili. In addition, Sylvester gets along with such thieves and authorities as Painting, Petrik, Zakhar, Tsirul and Yaponchik. All of them were again united by their rejection of the “wild Caucasus” that had invaded Moscow. Timofeev's Orekhovskaya brigade actively cooperates with the Galyanovsky, "Leninsky" and Tagansky bandits, and Sylvester enjoys undeniable authority in these groups. According to some reports, at that time several “Slavic” thieves offered Sylvester to become a thief in law, but for an unknown reason he refused. By the way, Sylvester’s friend Bore-Anton was denied coronation because he had previously worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Nevertheless, Timofeev was listened to at all thieves’ gatherings.

The bandits spared no ammunition for thieves and policemen
In April 1993, thief in law Globus (Valery Dlukach) was shot dead near the Olimpiysky sports complex. According to some reports, Sylvester was directly involved in his murder. The murder of Globus was allegedly the result of a showdown related to the oil business. It is interesting that soon after this murder, a gathering of thieves in Podolsk recognized the liquidation of the Globus as correct. However, the friends of the deceased decided to take revenge on the killers.
Sylvester's brigade suffers significant losses. Lenya Kleshch, who started with Timofeev in the Orekhov team, was killed. Some time later, a corpse is found in the Moscow River, which is identified as the leader of the Galyanovsk group, Sergei Boroda (relatives identified him by his shoes).
Sylvester's group also strikes back. In January 1994, on the Volokolamsk highway, the car of the authority Bobon (Vladislav Vanner), an associate of Globus, was shot up. Bobon and his driver were killed, but Vanner's young son, who was with them, was not injured. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Bobon's people vowed to destroy Sylvester.
It is interesting that the police consider the murders of Globus and Bobon solved. In October last year, during a police operation at the Petrovsko-Razumovsky market, the perpetrator of the murders, a 34-year-old resident of Kurgan, was detained. His detention cost the lives of four policemen. Three more were wounded. According to the detainee, he himself carried out the liquidation of Globus and Bobon on the orders of criminal structures. However, it is possible that the police could simply pin the liquidation of authorities on this person (to increase the detection rate), since the detainee has nothing to lose anyway - he will be shot.

Sylvester's last case
According to the police, at the end of 1993, Timofeev’s brigade took control of the Moscow Trade Bank. The group introduced its own people into the management of the bank, and Sylvester’s wife, Olga Zhlobinskaya, became the chairman of the bank’s board.
Then Sylvester's people began to receive loans from various branches of Sberbank of Russia and Moscow Sberbank, as well as from a number of commercial banks. In total, 20 banks provided loans to Sylvester’s people. Received cash However, they did not go to the official account of Mostorgbank, but to various accounts opened by Sylvester’s accomplices in a number of other banks. After this, the money was transferred to the accounts of private companies "International Financial Group "Justinlev Inc", "Concord", "Arealinstrakh", the leaders of which, according to operational data, were also members of Sylvester's brigade or were under its roof.
Then the amounts were converted and transferred under fictitious contracts to Israel and Switzerland to the accounts of the companies "Seven starts Ltd." and "Sit AG". It is noteworthy that the head of "Seven starts Ltd." is Grigory Lerner, who in the fall of 1993 was put on the federal wanted list for theft and fraud. By the way, in 1990, the former general director of the LOMOS Consortium association, Grigory Lerner, was suspected of embezzling 40 million rubles, but hid from the police in Switzerland. However, in the same year, at the request of law enforcement agencies, he was extradited to Russia. In 1992, he was released from prison on bail and the charges against him were dropped. Since April 1994, Sit AG chief Sergei Smolyanitsky has also been on the federal wanted list. In 1993, while heading the Mass Information Communications LLP, he stole more than 6.5 billion rubles. According to the police, in total more than 18 billion rubles were stolen by the fraudster in this way.
And on March 16, 1994, Mostorgbank sold two of its bills of 500 million rubles each to the All-Russian Automobile Alliance with a maturity date of April 6 of the same year. However, the bills were not repaid, and the people who entered into an agreement with AVVA on behalf of Mostorgbank disappeared. A billion rubles were converted by scammers in one of the banks and also sent under a fictitious contract to Israel. According to the police, AVVA's security service attempted to recover the stolen money. They managed to find one of the organizers of the fraud, a former employee of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Defense Ministry. He promised to return the money, but only if AVVA management did not contact law enforcement agencies. However, according to some reports, Boris Berezovsky nevertheless decided to report to the police. Employees of the Moscow regional department for organized crime reported that the meeting with general director AVVA was appointed at the RUOP office on Shabolovka on June 6. However, due to the businessman’s busy schedule, it was postponed to the next day. And on June 7, an attempt was made on Berezovsky. It is interesting that RUOP employees received information about the terrorist attack at the moment when they were expecting the arrival of the entrepreneur. Three days after the failed assassination attempt, the money with interest (a total of 1.2 billion rubles) was transferred to the bank account of the All-Russian Automobile Alliance.
On June 14, several participants in the theft of loans, including Zhlobinskaya, were detained by employees of the Moscow RUOP, but three days later the investigators for some reason released them on their own recognizance. Their further fate is unknown. According to some reports, they left for Israel. In any case, as the police established, all the detainees had foreign passports with open visas to this country.
Employees of the Moscow city prosecutor's office, investigating the assassination attempt on Boris Berezovsky, reported that they were on the list of suspects in the organization terrorist attack There were many thieves in law and authorities, including Sylvester. However, his involvement in the assassination attempt could not be proven.
According to AVVA’s financial director Mikhail Antonov, in the spring of last year the alliance actually acquired two promissory notes from Mostorgbank. When their maturity date approached, the persons who sold the bills asked to defer payments, citing financial difficulties. As a result, the money was returned after lengthy negotiations. Berezovsky himself did not directly participate in the negotiations, but monitored their progress. As Mr. Antonov noted, the head of the alliance had no reason to contact law enforcement agencies, especially the RUOP.
Mostorgbank, according to the Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the Moscow Region, was deprived of its license to conduct banking activities in September 1994. The Mostorgbank case is now being investigated investigative department Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate.

Timofeev was identified by his teeth
On September 13 at 19.05 in the center of Moscow near house #46 on 3rd Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street there was an explosion powerful bomb. An explosion occurred in a brand new Mercedes-600. After the explosion, the car caught fire. Firefighters and police officers recovered a charred corpse from the wreckage. The documents in the pockets of his clothes were burned, and several business cards and customs declarations. Among them are a business card and a declaration addressed to manager Sergei Zhlobinsky ( new surname Sylvester). According to employees of the Tverskaya Interdistrict Prosecutor's Office, investigating the explosion on Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street, the identity of the deceased was established by business card, declarations and jaws. Investigators contacted Sylvester's US-based dentist. The deceased's fillings and teeth were described to him, and the doctor acknowledged his work.
Subsequently, Sylvester’s corpse was identified by his older brother Vladimir, a village tractor driver. During the identification, he burst into tears and said, “Well, Seryoga, I told you: give up this business and we’ll collect saffron milk caps in the village.” The authority figure was buried, and his killers have not yet been detained.
According to prosecutors, some time after the funeral, rumors spread throughout Moscow that Sylvester was alive. The prosecutor’s office believes that these are nothing more than rumors and they are beneficial not only to the authority’s brigade, which still uses his name, but also to those commercial structures that were under Sylvester’s roof. In others law enforcement agencies, in particular in the MUR and RUOP, there is an opinion that authority is actually alive, and his death is just a clever trick. Sylvester needed this in order, firstly, to cover up the traces he left in a number of criminal cases. And secondly, to save their lives: the people of Globus and Bobon intended to deal with him. Police officers do not exclude the possibility that Timofeev, who has several large companies in European countries and real estate (in particular, in Tel Aviv, Sylvester owned a luxurious mansion in a prestigious area), he decided to simply retire. And recently, the police received information from their agents in the criminal environment that Sylvester came to Odessa, where he met with an authority nicknamed Painting. He was also seen in the company of other thieves in Moscow, Tambov and Cyprus. The bandits themselves claim that he lives in Vienna. Rumors about Sylvester’s “resurrection” became all the more plausible after Timofeev’s friend Sergei Boroda, allegedly killed in January last year, turned up. After his “death” he actually went to Latin America, and when his enemies almost forgot about him, he reappeared in Moscow.


How a quiet boy from a Novgorod village became a legendary “authority”

On September 13, 1994, near house 46 on 3rd Tverskaya-Yamskaya, a car was blown up - a 600 silver Mercedes. The next day, information will appear in the newspapers that Sylvester himself, the crime boss who had taken control of the entire capital, burned down along with the car. However, there are still people who are sure that Sylvester is actually alive.

He was a good guy

Sergei Timofeev, the future leader of the Orekhovsky gang, Sylvester, grew up in the village of Felistovo, Novgorod region. Teachers at the school where he studied remember Seryozha as a quiet, kind-hearted boy - a non-smoker and non-drinker, who worked part-time during the summer holidays. Like, he went in for sports, was fond of bodybuilding, was an exemplary Komsomol member - and in general it is not clear how he managed to organize a criminal group in Moscow, because at school he did not differ in any special leadership talents and generally did not particularly stand out from the crowd.

Timofeev came to the capital back in the 70s - he came to work together with a classmate. He lived in a hostel in the Orekhovo-Borisovo area and worked at a construction site. In the building where the dormitory was located, there was a hand-to-hand combat section, which he attended.

Read also:

From Novgorod to Stallone

In the early 80s, Sergei made new acquaintances - from among the Orekhovo-Borisov punks. They accept him into their circle and call him Seryoga of Novgorod. However, he does not bear this nickname for long; soon, for his spherical muscles and love for the “rocking chair,” he is called Sylvester - as Sylvester Stallone, the idol of bodybuilders of those times. Timofeev does not linger for long among the street gop-stoppers: this is not enough for him, he wants to turn around.

In 1988, by uniting several small gangs, the Orekhovskaya organized crime group was born. criminal group, which very quickly turned into one of the most powerful criminal structures in the country. The Orekhovskaya gang start by robbing truckers: they pull on masks, jointly attack cars, throw the driver onto the side of the road, and sell the cargo, like the car itself. Another profitable business is collecting tribute from the moths working near the Arbat restaurant: the “girls” willingly pay to be protected from other hunters for easy money - and also to not be touched.

The head of the group is none other than Timofeev-Sylvester

Wearing comfortable sweatpants

Soon the “Orekhovskaya gang” begins to consider the entire south and southwest of Moscow as their territory. Their ranks are constantly replenished by loser athletes who understand that they won’t make it sports career and will not find a highly paid job, it is much easier for them to engage in robbery. Perhaps they are the ones who introduce tracksuits into fashion among the “bros” - and not only the “Orekhovsky ones”. Even Sylvester himself did not dress up in expensive suits, like the hero of the film " Godfather"; he preferred T-shirts and stretchy sweatpants.

By the beginning of the 90s, all the surrounding apartment and car thieves, private taxi drivers, and car salesmen turned out to be Sylvester's tributaries. And businessmen in the south of the capital prefer to pay him - it’s calmer and ultimately cheaper than dealing with his thugs.

Read also:

Growing Appetites

At first, Sylvester still behaves relatively quietly: yes, in the territories that he considers his own, a strict criminal order reigns - but there are no mass murders or particularly high-profile robberies. This is one of the reasons why the police do not touch him.

Another reason is his opposition to the Caucasian crime bosses.

However, quite quickly he begins to be interested in more and more fatty pieces - such as the oil business, Moscow banks, drug trafficking in the capital. By order of Sylvester, a thief in law nicknamed Globe, closely associated with Caucasian groups, is removed Otari Kvantrishvili, who is in conflict with the head of the Orekhovskys over the Tuapse oil refinery. In the summer of 1994, Timofeev faces charges related to drug trafficking. And in September of the same year, his car suddenly exploded.

There is information that a few days before his death, Sylvester literally said the following in a narrow circle of brothers: “Brotherly life will end only when I am gone.” And soon he really was gone.

Sylvester's car after the explosion

Is Sylvester alive?

It is known that Sylvester carried out very profitable frauds through the Moscow Trade Bank, which was managed by his wife Olga Zhlobinskaya: his wards took out large loans from other banks and transferred the money abroad - to the accounts of non-existent companies. In this way, about 18 billion rubles were stolen.

It is also known that the only one who was able to identify Sylvester’s burnt corpse was his personal dentist; he was specially invited to identify his former patient by his teeth.

There is a version that Sylvester, who was well aware of how many people wanted him dead, decided to retire and staged his own death by bribing his personal dentist in advance - and is now living comfortably somewhere abroad with the stolen billions.

It is not possible to prove or disprove this version.