Tatyana Vasilyeva and her daughter-in-law: personal life. Former daughter-in-law of Tatyana Vasilyeva: “I will no longer be silent! Vasilyeva's former daughter-in-law

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Crazy love for your loved ones, it turns out, can turn into an incredible tragedy. Tatyana Vasilyeva could not even think that the day would come when she would be required to pay for visits with her own grandchildren!

A terrible scandal broke out in the family of Tatyana Vasilyeva. Her daughter-in-law, wife only son, took the actress’s grandchildren, Grisha and Vanya, to Germany. And she said that the grandmother would not see the boys until she started transferring 200 thousand rubles to her every month.

Those who know Tatyana Grigorievna personally seriously fear that now, at 69 years old, she will begin to work like hell. To earn the necessary money and pay the blackmailer. Because for the sake of her children and grandchildren, Vasilyeva is ready to do anything...


This story began last fall. Then his wife unexpectedly ran away from Vasilyeva’s son Philip, taking no less than 350 thousand euros - that’s more than 20 million rubles! She ran away and disappeared - the phone doesn’t answer, her friends look away, they whisper behind her back: they say she switched to another man.

Philip, who selflessly loved his wife, was in deep shock. But his mother was almost not surprised. Tatyana Grigorievna had long suspected that her daughter-in-law, actress Anastasia Begunova, was not faithful to her husband. Stas Sadalsky, a close friend of Vasilyeva, said that she even hired a detective to lead Nastya to clean water. Philip, of course, could figure it out himself - after all, he’s not a young man, he’s already 35 years old. But Vasilyeva is from that category of fanatical mothers who take care of their children until they retire.

It was like this from the very beginning, from their birth. “I apparently have too strong a feeling of motherhood, it’s on some animal level,” says Tatyana. - I was on guard all the time. I knew what my children were doing, where and with whom they went, and what time they returned. And I had no peace, no and never will. Even when I’m at performances, on set, on tour in another city, I’m still with them. I never turn it off mobile phone, I always have it at hand. I understand that it’s time to let the children go. But every time I get scared: what if something happens and I don’t know?


She still supports both Philip and her youngest daughter Lisa, who is already 28 years old. Both of them don't really work - like, from time to time. The mother justifies her son and daughter: they are not idle, not dependents - they are just looking for themselves. Lisa still can’t decide what she would like to do; Philip is already planning to receive his fourth education. We need to push ourselves and help the kids. Therefore, my mother, who has long been a pensioner by age, tirelessly travels on tour. She bought the children a spacious apartment in Moscow, a dacha, regularly gives her son and daughter money to live on, and she carries bags of groceries and stocks the refrigerators herself.

It is believed that I created some luxurious conditions for them. “And I simply provided them with what they needed,” says the actress.

Vasilyeva’s daughter is not married, and her son has been single for a long time. Now the actress is eating herself for not dissuading him from marrying this Begunova. Moreover, she herself also pushed for the wedding: Nastya became pregnant, and Vasilyeva insisted: to the registry office and that’s it...

I didn’t expect Philip to have children at all. Because for all his courageous appearance, he is quite infantile. I always considered him a mama's boy. And he was. I was shaking over him so much that he grew up under my constant reservations: “Don’t go here, you’ll fall there, don’t do this...” His character has selfishness, pride, ambition, and an explosive temperament. But he became a good father.


Tatyana Vasilyeva doted on her grandchildren, born two years apart. Every free minute I flew to them - to babysit, play, develop. She didn’t spare anything for Vanya and Grisha. Philip decided to study in Germany - she immediately gave him money to buy housing there so that the boys and his wife could go with him. For some reason, my son postponed his studies, but he still had money in his account. From there, according to Philip, Nastya took them off when she ran away from him.

She was always greedy. All this time she lived at the expense of our family,” Philip now complains. - That’s what she said: “Why should I bother if your mother has a lot of money?!”

According to rumors, Nastya now lives abroad with her lover, whom Vasilyeva’s grandchildren already call dad. They say she is expecting a child from her partner, although she is officially still married to Philip. Knowing how madly Tatyana Vasilyeva loves her family and grandchildren, Anastasia decided to twist her mother-in-law’s arms and get support from the actress.

She set a condition for my mother and me: if you want to communicate with the boys, pay 200 thousand rubles every month! - Philip is indignant. - For the sake of her grandchildren, my mother is even ready to forgive Nastya those 350 thousand euros, but paying for visits with Vanya and Grisha is too much. I want them to live in their homeland, in Russia. If Begunova does not understand this, we will resolve the issue in court...

Magazine "Revelations of the Stars"

Photo by V. Goryachev, V. Rasskazov.

A terrible scandal broke out in the family of Tatyana Vasilyeva. Her daughter-in-law, the wife of her only son, took the actress’s grandchildren, Grisha and Vanya, to Germany. And she said that the grandmother would not see the boys until she started transferring 200 thousand rubles to her every month.

Those who know Tatyana Grigorievna personally seriously fear that now, at 69 years old, she will begin to work like hell. To earn the necessary money and pay the blackmailer. Because for the sake of her children and grandchildren, Vasilyeva is ready to do anything...


This story began last fall. Then his wife unexpectedly ran away from Vasilyeva’s son Philip, taking no less than 350 thousand euros - that’s more than 20 million rubles! She ran away and disappeared - the phone doesn’t answer, her friends look away, they whisper behind her back: they say she switched to another man.

Philip, who selflessly loved his wife, was in deep shock. But his mother was almost not surprised. Tatyana Grigorievna had long suspected that her daughter-in-law, actress Anastasia Begunova, was not faithful to her husband. Stas Sadalsky, a close friend of Vasilyeva, said that she even hired a detective to bring Nastya to clean water. Philip, of course, could figure it out himself - after all, he’s not a young man, he’s already 35 years old. But Vasilyeva is from that category of fanatical mothers who take care of their children until they retire.

It was like this from the very beginning, from their birth. “I apparently have too strong a feeling of motherhood, it’s on some animal level,” says Tatyana. - I was on guard all the time. I knew what my children were doing, where and with whom they went, and what time they returned. And I had no peace, no and never will. Even when I’m at performances, on set, on tour in another city, I’m still with them. I never turn off my mobile phone; I always have it at hand. I understand that it’s time to let the children go. But every time I get scared: what if something happens and I don’t know?


She still supports both Philip and her youngest daughter Lisa, who is already 28 years old.
Both of them don't really work - like, from time to time.

The mother justifies her son and daughter: they are not idle, not dependents - they are just looking for themselves.
Lisa still can’t decide what she would like to do; Philip is already planning to receive his fourth education.
We need to push ourselves and help the kids.
Therefore, my mother, who has long been a pensioner by age, tirelessly travels on tour.
She bought the children a spacious apartment in Moscow, a dacha, regularly gives her son and daughter money to live on, and she carries bags of groceries and stocks the refrigerators herself.

It is believed that I created some luxurious conditions for them.
“And I simply provided them with what they needed,” says the actress.

Vasilyeva’s daughter is not married, and her son has been single for a long time.
Now the actress is eating herself for not dissuading him from marrying this Begunova.
Moreover, she herself also pushed for the wedding: Nastya became pregnant, and Vasilyeva insisted: to the registry office and that’s it...

I didn’t expect Philip to have children at all. Because for all his courageous appearance, he is quite infantile. I always considered him a mama's boy. And he was. I was shaking over him so much that he grew up under my constant reservations: “Don’t go here, you’ll fall there, don’t do this...” His character has selfishness, pride, ambition, and an explosive temperament. But he became a good father.


Tatyana Vasilyeva doted on her grandchildren, born two years apart. Every free minute I flew to them - to babysit, play, develop. She didn’t spare anything for Vanya and Grisha. Philip decided to study in Germany - she immediately gave him money to buy housing there so that the boys and his wife could go with him. For some reason, my son postponed his studies, but he still had money in his account. From there, according to Philip, Nastya took them off when she ran away from him.

- She was always greedy. All this time she lived at the expense of our family,” Philip now complains. - That’s what she said: “Why should I bother if your mother has a lot of money?!”

According to rumors, Nastya now lives abroad with her lover, whom Vasilyeva’s grandchildren already call dad. They say she is expecting a child from her partner, although she is officially still married to Philip.
Knowing how madly Tatyana Vasilyeva loves her family and grandchildren, Anastasia decided to twist her mother-in-law’s arms and get support from the actress.

She set a condition for my mother and me: if you want to communicate with the boys, pay 200 thousand rubles every month! - Philip is indignant. - For the sake of her grandchildren, my mother is even ready to forgive Nastya those 350 thousand euros, but paying for visits with Vanya and Grisha is too much.
I want them to live in their homeland, in Russia.
If Begunova does not understand this, we will resolve the issue in court...

All last year the country was experiencing the tragedy of its beloved artist: Tatyana Vasilyeva lost her grandchildren!

Her son Philip vividly described how his unfaithful wife ran away from him abroad. Taking not only the common children, but also hundreds of thousands of euros from my mother’s account...

But it wasn’t even this that shocked everyone, but the fact that the former daughter-in-law demanded payment from Vasilyeva for dates with boys - 200 thousand rubles a month.

“It’s hard for me to remain silent in response, I’m just forced to defend myself!” - the same “escaped” Anastasia Begunova made a statement before the New Year. She wants to tell the truth. My…


Now Nastya really lives in Germany. I recently gave birth to my third son - from another man. And her with Philip Vasiliev common sons It’s true that we haven’t seen grandma for a long time. But not because the actress cannot accumulate a “subscription fee” for meeting with them. Begunova assures that Tatyana Vasilyeva not only is not eager to see the little blood, but she didn’t even congratulate the boys on their birthday. And everything her son says is a pure lie.

“My marriage “with the Vasilyevs” began with deception. He destroyed our family,” sighs Anastasia.

She met Philip and his mother in 2006 - they played together in an enterprise play, toured around different cities. The actress’s son immediately laid his eyes on Nastya. He looked after me beautifully - incredible bouquets, constant readiness help, solve all problems. He wasted money and showered him with gifts.

Begunova, who hails from Omsk, was captivated: well, of course, a guy from such a family is courting her! And he even proposes marriage. How can I refuse? Moreover, Philip assured: acting is not the main thing for him, the main thing is serious business.

“After the wedding, I was very discouraged when I realized that profitable business Philippa is nothing less than mom's pocket, - Nastya admits. “The husband probably thought: with a child in her arms and pregnant with her second (our sons have a two-year age difference), my wife will not go anywhere…”


The husband, according to Begunova, did not really work and drank seriously. His mother sponsored the newly-made family. Tatyana Vasilyeva admitted in an interview more than once that she fills the refrigerator to capacity for young people and gives them money. She gave diamonds to her daughter-in-law: for a wedding, a cross strewn with stones; for the birth of grandchildren - earrings and a ring. Nastya did not refuse gifts...

“My mother-in-law moved into a two-room apartment, which she bought for her son, leaving her four-room apartment on Taganka to us,” she says. - But it would be better for the children in a more favorable area; I found a wonderful option on the Patriarch's Ponds. Having solved the housing problem, I took up construction country house on the plot bought by Philip's mother."

While Begunova was building a nest, her husband, according to her stories, was parasitizing. He took out his aggression from lack of fulfillment on his family: he could slam a kitten on the floor or be rude to Nastya’s relatives. After their breakup, Vasiliev repeatedly stated that his wife cheated on him left and right. She swears that nothing happened - except his wild jealousy out of nowhere.

“I suspect that such thoughts were inspired by the biography of Tatyana Grigorievna, who had theatrical romances,” says

She was generally annoyed that her husband - Sissy. I won’t take a single step without her advice.

“She called seven times a day: “What did you eat? Where did you go? The control seemed intrusive to me, I handed the phone to my husband, and he happily reported back. I've been used to it since childhood. I also could not solve all everyday issues without my mother. The sink is clogged - he calls not the plumber, but his mother, and she calls the technician.”


And then they went abroad - Philip was going to study to become a film director. We moved to Germany. Tatyana Vasilyeva gave 300 thousand euros to buy housing in Berlin. But the money quietly disappeared. Philip claims that Nastya stole them. She has a different version: her husband simply did not notice how everything was spent on life: language courses, children, a rented apartment, health insurance...

“Philip was not used to saving money - he bought four pairs of expensive sneakers, five pairs of fashionable shoes. I bought a Porsche for 80 thousand euros..."

Begunova hoped that her husband would stop drinking while abroad. But things only got worse. Once, as Nastya says, in a fit of aggression, he rushed at her with a fork.

“Vasilieva took her son’s side: they say, it was you who provoked him! Philip said that he was going to his mother. Apparently, she also made the decision about our divorce,” says Begunova.

She herself remained in Germany - she fell ill younger son, needed treatment. And she was offended that her husband and mother-in-law were resolving property issues at that moment:

“Vasilieva offered two thousand euros a month to support the children, so that I would give up that very apartment on Patriarch’s, bought during marriage. I did not agree to ephemeral compensation: children should have housing. Philip wrote a text message: “Damn you, witch, with all your degenerates!” I clarified: “Are these ‘geeks’ our sons?” Then he quickly made a deed of gift in favor of his mother. As a result, the apartment remained with them, and Vanya and Grisha also did not receive financial assistance.”

After that, Anastasia claims, all these fables started pouring in about how she robbed everyone:

“I waited a year for Philip and his mother to come to their senses and move on from groundless accusations to normal human communication,” she says. “It hasn’t happened yet, but I don’t lose hope...”

Photo by G. Usoev.

Turns 70 years old. An unpleasant gift for the actress’s anniversary was the appearance of her ex-daughter-in-law Anastasia Begunova in the talk show “Let them talk” on Channel One. The ex-wife of Philip Vasiliev said that she could no longer remain silent and accused Tatyana Grigorievna of doing everything to deprive her grandchildren Vanya and Grisha of the square meters they were entitled to.

Anastasia Begunova also voiced incriminating evidence on ex-spouse, providing audio recordings in which Philip Vasiliev is able to alcohol intoxication admits that he wanted to kill his wife and mother-in-law, and also that he needs help, as he suffers from alcoholism. In addition, Anastasia is sure that it was Tatyana Grigorievna who is to blame for the fact that her marriage with Philip broke up, calling Vasilyeva’s son absolutely spineless: “I divorced not my husband, but my mother-in-law.”

In Andrei Malakhov's program, Begunov complained that she and her two sons received an offer from the famous grandmother to give up Moscow real estate in exchange for monthly payments of 2,000 euros. Ex-daughter-in-law Tatiana Vasilyeva claims that money ( we're talking about about the amount of 350 thousand euros), which the actress once gave to her and Philip and which she allegedly stole, her ex-husband squandered right and left, and Anastasia withdrew the rest, since she needed to live on something. Now she and her children live in Germany and live in a modest apartment.

Begunova, like Philip Vasiliev, married a second time and gave birth to a child for her new husband. However, she will always be glad if Tatyana Vasilyeva and her son show a desire to meet Vanya and Grisha. But, according to Anastasia, since she refused monthly payments, the grandmother no longer called her grandchildren. At the end of the program, Andrei Malakhov explained that Tatyana Vasilyeva was invited to take part in the show, but the actress refused.

Former daughter-in-law of Tatyana Vasilyeva Anastasia Begunova and grandchildren famous actress Vanya and Grisha

Let us remind you, Philip Vasiliev, ex-husband Anastasia Begunova, married for the second time in October 2016. With an actress Maria Bolkonkina, who was already in her ninth month of pregnancy, he signed at the Tagansky registry office. Before that, he said in an interview that his first wife broke his heart. “I fell in love with Begunova at first sight, but she was always arrogant and cold. However, she accepted my advances. After some time, Nastya became pregnant. You can't imagine how happy I was! He immediately proposed to her. Vanya was born to us, and two years later Grisha was born. It seemed to me that everything was fine with us, although over the years I kept hearing rumors that my wife was cheating on me,” said Tatyana Vasilyeva’s son in an interview with EG.RU. “But I loved her so much that I didn’t trust anyone. Even my own mother. In vain! Now I’m figuring it out: not only did Nastya leave the family, but she also stole money from us - about 350 thousand euros!”

The former daughter-in-law of Tatyana Vasilyeva gave frank interview Andrey Malakhov

Philip Vasiliev is a supporting actor and participant in enterprise performances. The artist's name is more often associated with famous parents- People's Artist and star of "Crew" and "Matchmakers".

Childhood and youth

Philip Vasiliev was born on September 15, 1978 in Moscow into the family of artists Tatyana and Anatoly Vasiliev. His parents divorced when Philip was four years old. In 1986, Philip's sister Elizaveta was born, daughter of Tatyana Vasilyeva and. Tatyana Vasilyeva also divorced her second husband, Georgy Martirosyan. She raised her children alone.

Philip Vasiliev with his mother Tatyana Vasilyeva and sister Elizaveta

Having received a serious legal education, Philip once told his mother that he wanted to try his hand at acting.

“Play. If you succeed at something, then go learn. He and I rehearsed together, then played in the same play. And I realized that he is an actor,” Tatyana Vasilyeva responded to this.

In 2000, Philip graduated from VGIK (workshop), and in 2012 from RATI-GITIS (workshop of Tatyana Akhramkova).


Philip Vasiliev inherited his bright appearance from his artist parents (height - 198 cm). According to his famous mother, he has all the character qualities to be an actor. Creative biography The artist's career began in 2006 with a cameo role as an attending physician in the film “Ivan Podushkin. Gentleman of Detective 1." Playing in Andrei Marmontov's detective series, Philip went out on one film set not only with the mother, but also with, etc.

Philip Vasiliev’s next film work was the detective series by Vyacheslav Nikiforov “The Witch Doctor”. The actor played the role of the prisoner Hans, who meets the main character of “The Witch Doctor” in prison. After a cameo role in the film “Bet on Life,” the actor in 2010 was invited by Alexander Kholmsky to play the role of a monk from the monastery of Father Jonah Alcides in the historical drama “In the Forests and on the Mountains.” The series tells about the life of the inhabitants of a provincial town on the Volga.

After the roles of Rastorguev in the action movie “Wild-3” and Gosha in “A Matter of Honor,” in 2013, Philip played in Marat Kim’s series “Women on the Edge.” The series was filmed as an adaptation of the Argentine film “Killer Women”. Each episode of the film tells the story of a woman who finds herself in a terrible life situation. The series was based on real stories. Philip Vasiliev starred in the episode “Easy Character” in the role of advertising executive Arkady Nikitkov, who is killed by his wife in his own office. In the same year, the fourth season of “Zemsky Doctor” was released. Philip starred in the role of the sanatorium doctor Ivan Andreevich.

In 2015, the artist was invited to the film “The Secret of the Idol” by Alexander Baranov and Yuri Mazur. Movie - Detective story about the events that happened on the eve of the 1980 Olympics. Main character paintings - a favorite of women and the party elite, a handsome musician. Philip Vasiliev played the role of a jeweler in the film. Last work in the cinema of Philip Vasiliev - the role of Gorokhov, nicknamed Melky, the childhood friend of the main character in the crime melodrama by Stanislav Shmelev “Provocateur”.


In addition to working in films, Philip Vasiliev appears on the theater stage. The artist plays in theatrical enterprises. Entreprise is a phenomenon that is playing an increasingly important role in theatrical life. While in academic theaters they think about how to keep their artists busy; actors known throughout Russia decide for themselves who will become the new director, what play to stage, what stage to play on.

Philip Vasiliev performed his first performance in 2005. It was Dmitry Petrun’s production of “Second Wind” based on the play. The entreprise was played by Tatyana Vasilyeva and. Philip Vasiliev played a security guard, the son of a teacher of Russian literature. In the story, a teacher goes to work in place of her sick daughter. And my daughter works" night butterfly" The performance turned out to be light and funny.

The 2006 performance “Bella Ciao” ​​directed by Rodion Ovchinnikov received mixed reviews from the audience and a lot of critical reviews in the press. In the play “The Draw,” son Philip appeared on stage with his parents Tatyana and Anatoly Vasilyev. Alexander Gorban's production of Napoleon's 13th Button received a lot of positive feedback from the public and critics.

Tatiana Vasilyeva, Philip Vasiliev, Valentin Samokhin took part in the performance. In 2011, Philip Vasiliev played in Mikhail Lashitsky’s play “View of the Sea from the Wardrobe” based on the work of Hanna Slutsky and Valentin Gorlov “Love me as I love you.”

Personal life

In 2008, Philip Vasiliev married the actress of the Theater. Evgenia Vakhtangov Anastasia Begunova. The marriage produced children Ivan and Grigory. The family settled in Berlin. The marriage did not last long - the couple separated in 2015. A few years ago, there was a heated discussion on the Internet and on television about the scandal that broke out in the Vasiliev family. Philip's wife, Anastasia Begunova, is rumored to have started an affair and left Vasiliev.

During the divorce, the wife took a large sum money donated by mother-in-law Tatyana Vasilyeva. The subject of the scandalous discussion was also an apartment in the center of Moscow, bought for the young couple by Tatyana. Now Anastasia Begunova lives in Germany with her new husband and sometimes gives impartial interviews in the press regarding her former mother-in-law and husband.

In October 2016, Philip Vasiliev married the actress. Daughter Mirra was born on November 6, 2016. At first, the couple hid the news of the baby’s birth. Two weeks after birth new wife Vasilyeva posted a photo of the newborn with comments on Instagram.

According to Tatyana Vasilyeva, she will do everything to make her loved ones comfortable. The actress is so used to the fact that the well-being of her children depends only on her that she continues to look after her long-grown offspring. A friend of the Vasiliev family posted a photo collage dedicated to Mirra on Instagram, captioning the photo with the comment that the baby is very similar to her father.

Philip Vasiliev now

Philip Vasiliev is now surrounded by a new wave of scandal around ex-wife. On September 6, 2017, Anastasia Begunova gave a scandalous interview to Komsomolskaya Pravda about her two-year legal battle for an apartment with the Vasiliev family.

Today Philip Vasiliev takes the stage in the entreprise “Catch Me!” Can you?” The play begins with a banal situation: a wife returns home and finds her husband in the arms of another. Philip plays together with Tatyana Vasilyeva, and others. The performance is staged by director Nina Chusova.


  • 2006 - “Ivan Podushkin. Gentleman of Detective-1"
  • 2008 - “Medicine Man”
  • 2008 - “Bet on Life”
  • 2010 - “In the forests and on the mountains”
  • 2012 - “Wild-3”
  • 2013 - “A Matter of Honor”
  • 2013 - “Women on the Edge”
  • 2013 - “Zemsky Doctor. Return"
  • 2015 - “The Secret of the Idol”
  • 2016 - “Provocateur”