Tatyana Navka: “The daughters know that home is their reliable rear. Tatyana Navka spoke about the difference in raising her eldest and youngest daughters

0 April 5, 2016, 6:30 pm

Tatiana Navka and Alexandra Zhulina

15-year-old Alexandra Zhulina, the daughter of Olympic champion Tatyana Navka and coach Alexander Zhulin, is striving to build a career as a singer. Since April last year, Sasha began to study vocals, and already in September she released her debut song “I will dance” under the pseudonym Alexia.

After his musical debut, the media started talking about Sasha, so the site collected more information O rising star scenes.


Alexandra Zhulina was born in America on May 2, 2000: then her parents lived and worked in the USA. Sasha lived in New Jersey and New York for 5 years, and then, in 2006, the family returned to Russia. Alexandra was initially actively involved in tennis: the girl took to the court from the age of 5, regularly participated in competitions and won victories. In one of her interviews, Tatyana Navka commented on her daughter’s successes:

Sport is such a difficult thing, no one can guarantee one hundred percent success. And even if she later chooses a different path, sports will in any case help her overcome difficulties.

Tatyana Navka lived in marriage with Alexander Zhulin for 10 years; after the divorce in 2010, the couple kept friendly relations, so now Sasha often spends time with both mom and dad.

Photo from Instagram of Sasha Zhulina (with mother Tatyana Navka)

Passion for vocals

At some point, Zhulina decided to realize her potential on stage and exchanged her racket for a microphone. On one of the pages in social network Sasha explained her decision to quit tennis:

I was sure of this, so I don’t regret it at all. And I don’t regret that I devoted 9 years to tennis; it will still be very useful to me in life. And so, there is no more free time, I am busy with studying.

Photo from Instagram of Sasha Zhulina (with tennis player Andy Murray)

Sasha Zhulina with Vladimir Putin

By the way, during the presentation of her new song, Sasha looked very confident and danced well, you can see this by watching the video of the aspiring singer’s performance.


Now Sasha is still in school, but this does not stop her from making plans for the future. Perhaps the girl will decide to connect her career with the profession of a singer; she still has time to think. Now he dedicates Zhulina free time studies, sports and vocal lessons.

By the way, the track “I’ll Dance” was included in the rotation of “Russian Radio” and at that time took 67th place in the station’s hit parade out of a possible 81, ahead of the tracks of Natasha Koroleva, singer Dan Balan, the group “Dune” and more .

In addition, 15-year-old Sasha managed to try herself as a model: last October she posed, and later opened the brand’s show and made a real splash at the show.

We will follow the successes of the aspiring artist - We are sure that we will hear more than once about the daughter of Tatyana Navka and Alexander Zhulin!

Instagram photo

shot the first video

Why Alexia?

By the way, you also tried yourself as a model. At the fashion show, designer Bella Potemkina appeared on the catwalk in a dress in the colors of the Russian flag. Did you like it?

For the first time I found myself in the role of a model, Bella invited me to appear in a lookbook, and then to go on the catwalk in her dress. I thought, why not? But this is a one-time experience, I don’t plan to study modeling career Moreover, my height is not suitable. I was actually surprised that they took me. (Laughs.)

Sasha, you don’t go to the social events, while many of your peers who also decided to conquer show business - Stefania Malikova, Yurkiss - do not miss anything significant...

Well, why, sometimes my mother and I go to events, recently we were together at the awards of the RU.TV channel, and now, after our interview, I’m going to the awards of the Fashion TV Russia channel - Fashion Summer Awards 2016. (At the ceremony, Sasha received an award in the category It girl. - Ed.) But in general, I have practically no time for parties: I used to play tennis, now I play music. In general, my main plan for the next two years is to finish school and go to university.

Are you really an excellent student?

Yes, I got almost all A's.

Where are you planning to go?

At MGIMO, I want to get an economics education. I've always liked mathematics.

What about Gnesinka and dreams of the stage?

Many successful actors and singers do not have a diploma from any special institution, but this does not prevent them from being professionals in their field. I think private lessons with teachers will help me, and in a few days I will be going to New York - I will spend the summer holidays studying performing arts at the New York Film Academy. This summer camp for children from 14 to 17 years old, where lectures are given by Kevin Spacey, Steven Spielberg, Al Pacino. I think this experience will be useful to me.

You were born in New York and lived there as a child. Did you miss the city?

I haven't been there since I was 6 years old, so I don't remember it well. So I will practically get to know him again.

Is this the first time for you to be separated from your family for such a long time?

I live with my mother, I’m used to seeing her every day. Of course I'll miss you. Now she is in Sochi, playing in the musical on ice "Carmen", but when she is not on tour, we see each other every day. Mom for me in general close person, we are in very warm relations. Unlike many children of athletes, I was never an abandoned child; I always had enough attention from both my mother and father.

How are things going with your friends? Are you friends with any of the celebrity children? For example, do you know Stesha Malikova?

Yes, we know each other, we say hello, but we are not close friends. Most of the guys whose parents are famous have known each other since childhood, so they are friends. They studied at the same schools - Lomonosov or the President school in Zhukovka, and I studied at a regular state school, so my friends are not “golden youth”. (Laughs.)

Do you take the subway?

I usually don’t go on the subway, only if I’m late.

Do you suffer from popularity and recognition? Can you go to Gorky Park for a walk without security?

Can. I don't have security, why? I am rarely recognized on the street.

And the armored car doesn't follow you?

Of course not. (Laughs).


Singer Alexia: “I don’t want to be presented as Tatyana Navka’s daughter”

Sasha Zhulina is a 16-year-old Moscow schoolgirl who is determined to become a singer. A girl performs under the stage name Alexia and demands to be called that way. She spoke about her first steps in the profession and not only in an interview with the HELLO.RU website.

Sasha is moving towards her goal slowly but persistently: she practices vocals, plays the piano, records songs, and recently, together with MBAND lead singer Nikita Kiosse, she shot her first video. In the very near future, when her peers are enjoying their summer holidays, Sasha will go to America - she entered the prestigious New York Film Academy, where for several weeks she will study acting and the art of musical theater. The ability to clearly set goals and achieve them is in Sasha’s blood: the daughter of renowned champions in figure skating Alexandra Zhulin and Tatiana Navka could not be different. However, Sasha does not want to take advantage of her parents’ fame, which explains the fact that she took a sonorous pseudonym for the stage - Alexia.

Sasha, many people think that in front of children famous parents all doors are open. Why do you think otherwise?

I don’t want them to announce before my performances: “Tatiana Navka’s daughter is on stage.” I want to go my own way, even if it means working three times as hard. I'm ready for this.

Why Alexia?

I like the name Alexandra, so I wanted to find a consonant pseudonym. Alexia - beautiful, in my opinion.

International name. Are you planning to work not only in Russia?

Not yet, I am determined to work in Russia. And it will be seen there.

You played sports professionally. How did it happen that you finally decided to connect your life with music?

I went in for sports from 6 to 15 years old, played tennis. It occupied most of my life, there were successes. At 12, I won the Russian championship in pairs among athletes in my age category, and took prizes in international competitions. In general, everything was serious. However, then I received an injury, due to which I missed six months of training. I didn’t play tennis at all, I went to see doctors. No one could make an accurate diagnosis, and the injury made itself felt constantly; my back hurt a lot. I had to give up my dreams of tennis. And then I remembered another hobby of mine - since childhood I loved to sing when no one was at home. But there was no time to do this seriously, since all my energy was spent on sports. A year ago I started studying vocals with a teacher, and I’m also taking piano lessons.

When did you decide that you wanted to sing not for yourself, but for the audience?

The idea to record a song arose when I was preparing a gift for mom's wedding. I performed “I Will Dance” for the first time there. There were no thoughts about the stage, I just wanted to please my mother. That's when my first happened public speaking. I didn’t think the song would get on the radio, but it did, and the question arose of what name to broadcast it under. Then the pseudonym Alexia and plans to build a career on stage appeared.

One of your first performances on a serious stage took place on June 12 on Red Square, at a festive concert in honor of Russia Day. How did the audience receive you?

Okay, people were smiling and dancing. I was very worried, but then I didn’t want to leave the stage - the audience gives such energy! I see different comments on social networks. There are more good, kind people when they praise their songs and voice. But there are also negative ones, which upset me at first. I was very worried, I thought - why can’t I do what I like? Am I really doomed to read unflattering reviews all my life and will always be treated with prejudice? But then it let go. I think that normal people They won’t waste time writing nasty things under the article. Fortunately, there are only a few such people.

The other day you starred in your debut video for the song “You Breathe with Me.” Tell us about how the filming went.

The concept of the video - romantic story, in which two young men are fighting for my heart - we came up with it together with my mother, producer Vladimir Nichiporuk and director Felix Mikhailov. We filmed until 7 am! But I really liked the process, I thought it would be more difficult. There were no thoughts of “I want to sleep”, “I want to eat”, on the contrary, I didn’t want to leave the site even late at night. My filming partners and I - MBAND lead singer Nikita Kiosse and model Roman Shlyakiss - ran around Muzeon, rode bicycles, it was fun. And at about 5 in the morning it began to rain, and we finished filming already at dawn, in the rain - it was such a beautiful scene... In general, now I’m really looking forward to the editing of the video being ready and I’ll finally see it.

Alexandra Zhulina was born on May 2, 2000 in New York, in the family of the famous Russian figure skater Tatyana Navka and figure skating coach Alexander Zhulin. For some time, Sasha lived with her parents in the States, but in 2006 the family returned to Moscow - Navka was offered participation in the popular show “ Ice age».

When Sasha was 10 years old, her parents divorced, and the girl remained to live with her mother. Nevertheless, Sasha communicates well with his father and sees him regularly.

Unlike her parents, Sasha did not connect her life with speed skating. The girl played tennis from the age of six, but due to a back injury, Zhulina had to forget about serious sports.


At the age of 15, the girl began taking vocal, choreography and piano lessons.

“I’m not used to doing nothing. My day was always busy. Something needed to fill the void. That’s how the idea came up to take up dancing and singing.”

Already at the first lesson, the teacher highly appreciated Sasha’s vocal abilities and advised her to continue studying. At Navka’s wedding with presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, which took place in Sochi in August 2016, she performed for the newlyweds the song “I will dance,” written for the young singer by Sergei Revtov and Arseniy Ardeleanu. A video of the performance appeared on the Internet and collected several thousand views.

Alexandra Zhulina – I will dance

After that, metropolitan radio stations contacted her and offered to make a studio recording of the song. Thus, the incendiary composition by Zhulina, who took the stage name Alexia, ended up in radio rotation. With her hit, the girl managed to perform several times at various events, including a concert of the Russian Radio station on Red Square.

The girl took the pseudonym Alexia because she wanted to play off the name Sasha. When asked if she is afraid that she will be confused with “Star Factory” graduate Alexa, Zhulina replies that their style and manner of performance are different, and that season of “Factory” aired too long ago: “Those who listen my music, they definitely won’t confuse me with anyone!”

In the summer of 2016, Alexandra recorded a new song, “You Breathe with Me.” The authors of the song were again Revtov and Ardeleanu. Soon a video clip was shot for the song, in which MBAND vocalist Nikita Kiosse also appeared.

Alexia - You breathe with me

In April 2016, Alexandra, along with other talented girls - Vera Brezhneva's daughter Sonya Kiperman, actress Sasha Strizhenova and singer Stesha Malikova - appeared on the cover of Elle Girl magazine.

Personal life of Alexandra Zhulina

They tried to force romances with various famous young people into Navka’s young daughter more than once. For some time there were rumors that Alexia was in love with the nephew of the artist Dmitry Malikov ( young man also called Dmitry), but the girl denied this information.

On at the moment Alexandra’s heart is free, she pays attention not to relationships, but to studies and music. She studies, by the way, with straight A's.

Zhulina's favorite musicians are American singers Selena Gomez and Ariana Grande. The girl travels often, loves extreme species sports and enjoys attending social events with her mother.

On Monday, October 23, Tatler magazine held the traditional “Debutante Ball”, presenting new faces to secular Moscow who have every chance of getting on the pages of the gloss. Among the debutantes of the ball was the daughter of Tatyana Navka and Alexander Zhulin.

This year, young representatives of famous families took to the parquet floor of the Column Hall of the House of Unions in luxurious evening dresses and spun in a waltz. Among the twelve debutantes of 2017 were: Alexandra Zhulina, Pelageya Basmanova (granddaughter of Joseph Brodsky), Alina Novak (daughter of the Russian Minister of Energy Alexander Novak), Nina Totibadze (daughter of the artist Konstantin Totibadze), Anna Rozhdestvenskaya (daughter of the leader of the Time Machine group Andrei Makarevich ), Ustinya Malinina (daughter of singer Alexander Malinin) and other representatives of famous families.

Some shared their opinions with TV channel journalists, others posed for photographers, and still others posted selfies on Instagram and told fans how the Debutante Ball was going. The debutantes themselves languished in anticipation of the start of the ball and whiled away the time in friendly company near the table with cakes.

But finally, all the guests entered the hall, where the music started playing, and the main characters of the evening in couture dresses showed the result of rehearsals: the ability to dance ballroom classics and hold royal bearing. The debutantes waltzed in pairs with the Bolshoi Theater ballet dancers, and in the last dance the professional dancers gave way to the girls' fathers - the debutantes danced with their parents in the finale of the evening.

Alexandra Zhulina appeared at the Tatler Debutante Ball 2017 in a dress from Elie Saab.
« I was looking at photos from the Elie Saab show at French Fashion Week. I didn’t plan anything, I was waiting for what they would offer me. But then I still sent the editor a photo of the dress, which I really liked. I didn’t hope for anything, but a miracle happened - the dress ended up in a Parisian store, - said Sasha Zhulina in an interview Tatler magazine, - I was incredibly happy. This is exactly the kind of fabulous dress I wanted to wear to the ball.».

In the new Mercury Flower collection, Sasha chose earrings with pearl drops and two white gold necklaces with diamonds and pearls, which were successfully combined into one, and decorated her wrist with a diamond bracelet.

A whole month of rehearsals and photo sessions in Bolshoi Theater Sasha stood firm and didn’t miss a single one. And at home, her half-sister Lisa Peskova helped her prepare: her own social debut took place on the parquet floor of the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions two years ago.

Daughter of Tatyana Navka. Today we will talk about the features of her creative and life path. The performer recently took up the challenge of conquering show business.


To understand the question of how old Tatyana Navka’s daughter is, it is enough to consider that she was born on May 2, 2000. The future performer was born in the USA. Tatiana Navka's daughter's name is Alexandra Zhulina. Beauty and pleasant voice The girl inherited it from her mother. is the father of an aspiring performer. The family lived in New York. In the USA, Navka and Zhulin devoted time to coaching and also participated in tournaments.

In 2006, the couple and our heroine returned to Russia. Her parents decided that the girl should devote herself to sports and sent her to training. She attended the tennis section several times a week.

In 2007, the future performer entered 1st grade. Teachers praised the student’s diligence and behavior. In 2010, the parents divorced. For the sake of their daughter, they managed to maintain their relationship.

In 2014, Navka became a mother for the second time. younger sister The aspiring performer was named Nadya. Father is Dmitry Peskov.

Our heroine devoted almost 9 years to the tennis court. She participated in international competitions. However, Alexandra decided to leave tennis. First of all, playing sports took up too much time. In addition, the girl wanted to test herself in another area.


Tatyana Navka's daughter announced herself as a singer in 2015. The girl presented the composition “I will dance” to the public. Singer Alexia managed to find fans among the audience aged 14-30 years. The video premiered in 2016. It was filmed for the composition “You Breathe with Me.” In this video, our heroine appears in a romantic image.


Tatiana Navka's daughter successfully combines school studies with creativity. At the same time, the girl has already achieved some success in Russian show business. She devotes a lot of time to vocal training and sports. The song “I’ll Dance” that she recorded ended up on Russian Radio. In one week, the composition took 67th place out of 81 in the station’s ratings. Our heroine does not want to stop there. The singer plans to actively continue recording new compositions.

To her strengths should be attributed to the bright appearance. She has already tried herself in modeling business. In 2015, the girl posed for the Bella Potemkina brand. Our heroine also participated in presenting this brand. The girl's appearance on the podium was very successful. After this, photographers bombarded the singer with job offers.

Tatiana Navka's daughter Alexandra was named in honor of her father. Our heroine came to Moscow in 2006. This trip was caused by the fact that her mother signed a contract to participate in the reality show “Ice Age”. Our heroine, according to some sources, has dual Russian-American citizenship. There is a version that the girl left big sport for a reason. The cause was a back injury.

The girl actively devotes time creative learning: vocals, choreography, solfeggio, piano. Sasha initially did not plan to connect her life with music. She was preparing to study at MGIMO. She was interested in the Faculty of Economics. The composition “I will dance” was prepared by the girl as a wedding gift for Tatyana Navka and Peskov. However, someone present at the celebration filmed this performance. The resulting video was then published on the Internet. The composition gained large number views on the Youtube portal.

The video for the song “You Breathe with Me” was created with the participation of the vocalist of the MBand group. Our heroine is quite young. At the same time, they are already trying to attribute several novels to her at once. There is an opinion that it consists of romantic relationships with the nephew of singer Dmitry Malikov. The young man received the same name as his uncle. However, it is likely that Dima and Sasha are connected by friendship. The girl does not need a relationship, since now she devotes most of her time to study and musical creativity. Our heroine practically doesn’t go on dates.

Now you know how you started your creative path daughter of Tatyana Navka. Photos of the performer are attached to this material.