Royal bearing. Rules and exercises for creating royal posture

Royal posture makes others admire a person’s “camp” and gives confidence to its lucky owner. It is not congenital, but is formed during life. The path to its formation is quite difficult, but rewarding. Let's consider the basic principles of its creation.

The importance of a straight back for health

The human body is a balanced system in which the state of one structural link affects the functionality of all the others.

Several anatomical structures are involved in maintaining the vertical axis of the body:

  • Balance of skeletal muscles of the back and lower extremities;
  • Condition of the osteoarticular system;
  • Features of blood supply;
  • Body proportions.

The muscle corset provides a certain range of movement for the torso and limbs. It should be uniform on both sides and work synchronously when performing physical exercises. If muscle tone is impaired, the royal posture will turn into something more imperfect: stoop, vertebral hump, flat or round back (types of poor posture).

The osteoarticular system directly affects the condition of other organs. Spinal deformities lead to asynchrony of muscle contractions and uneven distribution of the center of gravity, which creates additional stress on the spinal column and joints of the lower extremities.

Impaired blood supply to the spinal column leads to the appearance of cracks in the intervertebral discs, their flattening and loss with the formation of a hernia. The consequence of the process is deformation of the axis of the spinal column, such as scoliosis or osteochondrosis. If there is a spinal deformity, a person will not have a royal posture, and pain in the lumbar region will become a constant companion in life.

The proportions of the body significantly affect the functionality of all organs. A large belly pulls the lumbar spine forward. Against this background, the curvature in the thoracic region (“vertebral hump”) increases. It’s easy to imagine this type of back deformity – you need to stick out your stomach, hunch over and grimace a little. The result is a somewhat proud posture, which cannot be compared with the “royal figure”.

How to Assess Posture

Royal posture is assessed in a vertical position with close contact of the vertical torso and lower limbs with the wall.

In this case, the following parameters should be assessed:

  • Convexity of the line from the tragus to the neck on both sides;
  • Evenly and level of the shoulders on the right and left;
  • The distance between the shoulder blades and their position;
  • The severity of the curves of the spine.

Royal posture presupposes the ideality of the parameters described above, in which they are symmetrical and identical on both sides of the body. With it, the physiological curves of the spine (cervical and lumbar lordosis, thoracic and sacral kyphosis) must be within physiological limits (assessed by radiographs).

There are also indirect signs of the correct location of the anatomical structures of the body, which are assessed by a person’s appearance:

  • The chest has no protrusions or depressions;
  • The abdomen is symmetrical, and the navel is located in the center;
  • The angles of the shoulder blades are on the same horizontal line;
  • The ilia are located symmetrically;
  • Same waist lines on both sides.

It is difficult to meet the ideal person, but when assessing posture you should focus on the above indicators.

How is the “royal posture” formed?

Proud posture (royal, royal) should be formed from early childhood. The spinal column is constantly undergoing restructuring until the age of 24. Its cartilaginous structure is gradually replaced by permanent bone tissue over the years. If during this time it receives a sufficient amount of nutrients and is not damaged, you can count on its correct formation if the following conditions are met:

  1. Daily physical exercise and exercise;
  2. Sleeping on a hard bed;
  3. Compliance with the rules of sitting and standing for long periods of time;
  4. Adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D.

Proud posture is a constant work on yourself. It is necessary due to the fact that people have not lived in the forest for many centuries, so their spine does not receive enough physical activity. Despite this, nature still maintains the “extreme” functionality of skeletal muscles in case of a threat. In modern society, a person does not have to react to a threat using the “fight or flight” principle, but this mechanism of response to stressful situations prevails during the work of the muscular system. As a result, muscle tension accumulated during the day should be eliminated by night rest.

During sleep, the back muscles should relax, because they perform intense physical work during the day. In this case, the regal pose is lost, as the skeletal muscles “rest.” To maintain the vertical axis in the correct sleeping position, a firm mattress is necessary. On a soft bed the body will sag.

A small soft orthopedic pillow makes it possible to hold the thoracic and cervical spine in a physiological position.

According to scientific research, sleeping without a pillow helps reduce wrinkles on the face. You should not allow one part of the body to squeeze another in bed. Don't put your hands under the pillow.

Daily moderate exercise provides the muscular system and spinal column with the necessary amount of nutrients due to increased blood supply, and strengthens the muscular corset of the back.

There are special exercises to correct vertebral dislocations that occur in the morning. They must be performed after waking up.

Exercise "eight":

  • Lie on your back and move your pelvis in the form of a figure “8”;
  • Men perform the exercise clockwise, and women do it counterclockwise;
  • Do not lift your pelvis from the bed;
  • The rhythm of execution is slow.

Having spent a few minutes in the morning doing this exercise, royal posture will delight you throughout your life. If you wish, you can perform other exercises that can be found in specialized literature. Good health to you!

Royal bearing is not just a beautiful characteristic. In addition to aesthetic appeal, a silhouette with a straight back helps a person forget about many unpleasant and even painful sensations. Correct posture gives a person strength and energy, makes him more self-confident and successful in society.

Correct and royal posture - what is it?

Posture is usually called the posture of a person that is familiar to him in a standing position or when walking.

If we are talking about correct posture, then when viewed from behind, the head should be in the same vertical line with the body. The shoulder blades are symmetrical and pressed against the back, and the shoulders are level with each other. If you look at a person from the side, then with correct posture the curves of his spine should not exceed 3-4 centimeters.

The royal posture must certainly be correct. But correct body positioning alone is not enough. The distinctive features of royal posture and gait are grace, elegance and harmonious movements. A necessary condition for achieving such results is the performance of special exercises that strengthen the muscular corset, correct imperfections in posture and provide flexibility to movements.

The importance of correct posture for the body

When problems with posture occur, not only a person’s appearance suffers. A slouched back and crooked spine can cause many unpleasant sensations and even lead to the development of certain diseases.

A curved back is typical for people who spend long periods of time sitting. As a result of the flexion of the spine, the condition of the cervical spine does not change for the better. Such a change entails disruption of the circulatory system, deterioration of the muscles and ligaments, and, as a result, leads to chronic headaches.

Due to irregularities in the spine, the heart and lungs are primarily affected. A crooked back can cause rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath even with minor exertion.

The so-called “office syndrome” is also inextricably linked with poor posture, which is equated to lack of sleep and lack of rest. Incorrect position of the spine leads to unbalanced muscle function and, as a result, additional stress on the body.

Other unpleasant consequences of poor posture include back and chest pain, as well as an increased risk of injury when playing sports.

Royal posture: beauty secrets

A straight back, accompanied by ease of movement, can be achieved simply by developing a habit. To do this, you need to monitor your body position while walking:

  • the gaze should be directed straight, while the head should be held high, without protruding the chin forward;
  • To position your shoulders on the same horizontal line, there is a simple exercise: you should raise your shoulders, move them back, and then lower them;
  • The chest, stomach and pelvis should not stick out.

One should not forget about posture when sitting. Just like when walking, you should keep your head straight. Crossed arms, elbows spread out to the sides, and legs stacked one on top of the other will prevent your spine from remaining in an even position. The body should be positioned straight, but this posture should not hinder movement.

Beautiful posture is inextricably linked with gait. An attractive gait is distinguished by the position of the feet when walking: the toes should be slightly spread, and the heels should be placed as if with each step they fall on the same line.

There are several useful habits that will help you restore and maintain the correct position of your back and not have to think about how to achieve royal posture in the future:

  1. Even a small mirror at your workplace will help you monitor the position of your head and shoulders. You just have to look into it periodically and, if necessary, straighten your posture.
  2. The loads from bags and bags should be distributed evenly: the bag in the right hand should weigh approximately the same as the bag in the left.
  3. You need to take a break from working at the computer every hour. During the break, the muscles of your back, chest and shoulders will appreciate a light warm-up.
  4. Using a posture corrector will not affect muscle strengthening, but will help the body “remember” the required position.


An effective system of exercises for royal posture is presented in the Pilates fitness method. Pilates focuses on the correct breathing rhythm during training, ensures muscle development, improves coordination and posture.

To achieve royal posture, exercises aimed at developing and strengthening the back muscles will be the most effective method. The system includes the following exercises to improve posture:

  1. When lying on your back, your arms are extended along your body, your legs are bent. As you exhale, the leg straightens and the stomach retracts. When performing the exercise, the legs alternate.
  2. In a position lying on your side, your legs and the arm closest to the floor are extended in line with the body. As you inhale, the upper leg rises, and as you exhale, it lowers. The exercise is performed on the left and right sides.
  3. In a sitting position, your legs are spread apart. The arms stretch forward, followed by the entire body. The position is “fixed” for a few seconds.
  4. In a lying position on a retracted stomach, your arms are bent. As you exhale, your arms and shoulders lift off the floor, the top of your head stretches forward, your shoulder blades move down toward your lower back. The position is “fixed” for a few seconds.
  5. In a kneeling position, the back is straight, the weight is distributed between the knees and palms as evenly as possible. As you exhale, the leg is pulled back, the toe remains on the floor. Fully straightened, the leg rises, the lower back bends. After returning to the starting position, the exercise is performed on the other leg.
  6. In the supine position, the arms are located along the body and slightly spread to the sides. The body and hips rise so that a straight line is formed between the shoulders and knees. The position is “fixed” for a few seconds.


The Indian teaching of yoga also offers exercises - asanas - to strengthen the back muscles and correct posture. Yoga asanas are performed at a slow pace, with postural holds.

The starting position of the Warrior Pose is a straight back, arms extended along the body, one leg standing in front, the other laid back. As you inhale, the front leg bends, hands with closed fingers rise and stretch upward.

In lizard pose, one leg is bent and the knee is extended forward, with the heel under the buttocks. The second leg is extended back. The back bends, the body stretches upward. Then, as you exhale, the body lowers to the knee.

Bridge pose is performed from a lying position. The knees are bent, the hands are clasped behind the head. At the same time, the arms, body and pelvis rise.

In Baby Pose, kneeling, the back is straight and the arms are extended upward. After a short delay, the buttocks are lowered onto the heels, the body lies on the legs, hands behind the head on the floor. The body and neck should relax.

Roller exercises - Fukutsuji Method

The Japanese technique for correcting posture using a special roller was developed not so long ago - the easy-to-use technique is only about 10 years old. The main result of its use is the placement of the skeleton in a natural position and alignment of the back. A pleasant surprise from the classes will be a reduction in waist size.

The exercise is performed in a lying position on a hard horizontal surface. A dense roller of strictly defined dimensions is placed under the lower back so that it lies in the area under the navel. The legs and arms are extended in line with the body and are positioned in a special way. One session lasts no more than 4-5 minutes - during this time the bones and joints move slightly. Therefore, it is advised to perform the exercise and finish it with extreme caution.

Graceful Posture Method

To achieve royal posture, the Japanese method suggests performing an exercise that only takes a few minutes. Performing the exercise daily can improve the condition of the upper back, including working the arms and shoulder line.

In a standing position, with your feet shoulder-width apart, you should slowly and smoothly raise your arms across your sides until your palms touch. Then the palms are unfolded and the backs of the hands are joined. To complete the exercise you will need 10 similar turns.

Author's technique of Alexandra Bonina

Many experts in the field of fitness and working with back problems offer their own versions of sets of exercises for correct body position. One of the most notable techniques is the video program presented by Alexandra Bonina - “Royal Posture”. A set of exercises from an international-level fitness trainer and a qualified physical therapy doctor helps at home to get rid of slouching and straighten your shoulders, as well as restore poor posture.

The course is based on strengthening the muscles of the back and shoulders, as well as stretching the pectoral muscles. 20-30 minute workouts performed daily help restore balance between muscle groups, and, as a result, eliminate problems associated with poor posture.

To date perfect posture and proud head position Not everyone can boast. Royal posture and correct gait not only please the eye, but are also the key to your health and normal blood circulation. In turn, stoop and curvature of the spine are often the root causes of headaches, pain in the neck and back.

Today on the weight loss website “Lose Weight Without Problems” we will talk about what royal posture is, talk about an effective set of exercises to restore a straight back, and also give some recommendations for maintaining ideal posture when working in the home and office.

Is your posture royal? Posture check

Posture check is carried out as follows. You need to stand with your back close to a flat vertical surface (door or wall). The head is pressed against the wall, feet together, hands at the sides. Now let’s check how tight your palm between the wall and the lumbar region. If the distance is too great, it means that the abdominal muscles are too weak and the spine is pulled forward.

If you have good posture, then your chest is slightly convex, your stomach is slightly tucked in, the closure of the parts of your legs (hips, knees, heels and shins) occurs without any problems, there is an arched arch on the inside of the foot, your shoulders are turned and balanced, your shoulder blades are slightly retracted together, and the head is slightly raised.

We stand, sit and walk correctly!

Stand should be straight, equally distributing the weight on both legs. Any bending or putting your legs forward puts more strain on one half of the body than on the other and, ultimately, can lead to curvature of the spine. The stomach is slightly drawn in, the breathing is deep and even, the shoulders are straightened, we try to bring the shoulder blades as close to each other as possible, while the chest is slightly protruded forward and raised. We keep our neck vertical, head slightly raised. The same should be done when moving: walking or running.

As the site notes, a typical sitting mistake is excessive forward bending or protrusion of the pelvis.

With the right position sitting the chest should be slightly bent forward, we should not raise our shoulders, the abdominal muscles should be slightly tense, but we do not recommend moving the pelvis back, otherwise the load on the lower part of the spine will increase. You should lean on the back of the chair.

Note to office workers

Yoga is one of the most effective methods of stretching all muscle groups, the spine and a way of deep relaxation. Yoga classes help not to restore defects in the intervertebral discs, but also to correct posture over time.

If it is not possible to regularly do deep stretching, then while working at a desk or computer, you can do the following: every 30-45 minutes you should stretch up as high as possible, then spread your arms to the sides and down.

The following will also relieve excessive stress on the spine: hands clasped behind you, we try to raise them as high as possible, with the shoulder blades brought together.

We bring our shoulder blades together, our arms at our sides, our abdominal and back muscles tense, our head thrown back. You should remain in this position for 20-30 seconds.

Rising from the table, bring your heels together, toes apart, stomach slightly pulled in, leg muscles tense. Slowly rise up on your toes as high as possible, you can hold your breath a little and raise your arms up.

Note to housewives

Below are some rules, which should be followed by everyone who wants to become the owner of a wonderful royal posture.

Ironing, washing, cleaning

When using an ironing board, ensure that the distance between your elbow and the board is 10-15 cm. When loading the washing machine, it is recommended to squat down rather than bend over to place the necessary laundry in the machine compartment. To avoid constant body bending and bending, use electrical appliances with long tubes and attachments. This will significantly reduce the load on the back muscles during wet cleaning or when using a vacuum cleaner. A brush or broom with a long handle should become a faithful friend of your royal posture.

Cleaning and washing something

When standing at the sink or washbasin, you should try to slightly bend your knees, then the load on your back will be minimal and it will be much easier to keep your back straight. When preparing homemade meals, you should always sit on a chair when cutting and peeling vegetables and fruits. Bending over the table is highly discouraged.

Lifting heavy objects from the floor

Safety precautions should be taken when lifting heavy objects from floor level. It must be remembered that the muscles of the legs should also be involved, not only the muscles of the back and torso.

First, you should squat down comfortably, keeping your back straight at all times. We grasp the object with both hands, trying to keep it as close to the body as possible. By doing this you help alleviate the stress on the spine and intervertebral discs. The rise should be moderately slow. If the object needs to be unfolded, this should be done after the body has completely straightened. In the case of a light subject, it is recommended to lean slightly forward with slightly bent knees.

A set of exercises for royal posture

This set of simple exercises should be done at least 5 times a week. Before starting any exercise, it is recommended to stand against a wall and correct your posture as much as possible, remembering the feeling of being fit. Then check the image in the mirror to see if royal posture has really been achieved.

  1. You should stand against the wall and place the mirror on the side. The back is straight, the heels, buttocks and shoulder blades are pressed as much as possible against the wall. Take two or three steps forward with your eyes closed. Then stop and check the position of your back in the mirror.
  2. Stand in front of the mirror and check your posture. After performing a few simple exercises (alternately arms and legs to the sides and up, head turns, squats), check in the mirror whether your royal posture has changed.
  3. It is recommended to squat or do balance exercises on both legs with a small load on your head (a book or magazine).
  4. Practice walking with your back as straight as possible while simultaneously practicing diaphragmatic breathing (inhale for two steps, exhale for the next two steps).
  5. You can complete a set of exercises to practice correct posture as follows. You need to lie on your stomach with emphasis on your palms, arms bent at the elbows. We raise the upper part of the body, without bending the spine. We linger in this position as long as possible. You can practice slow push-ups from the floor with emphasis on your knees or from a wall. We repeat this exercise at least 8-10 times.

To develop good posture, it is necessary to maintain a balance of all muscle groups, without exception, and carry out the small exercises given in this article as often as possible. We wish you good luck!

Queen of the male kingdom Parabellum Andrey Alekseevich

"Royal Posture"

"Royal Posture"

The first exercise is quite famous. You need to stand on your heels and go to a flat section of the wall, where there is no furniture or baseboard. Press your back against the wall. Place your legs together. Press your heels, buttocks, shoulders and back of your head against the wall. Make sure your chin is parallel to the floor. Stand straight, lower your shoulders, don't lift them up. Relax your hands.

And now that second secret. With your spine, the one around your waist, you are trying to reach the wall. Trying to move your spine. At the same time, it is necessary to breathe. Relax. Don't raise your shoulders to your ears. Don't tear your head off. The back of the head is straight. Stretch your lower back towards the wall. The good news is that this is absolutely impossible to do physically, so don’t break yourself too much.

Now, in this absolutely level position, take a step forward from the wall. Then the second one. And you walk straight, placing one foot in front of the other, but without changing your posture. Turn around and return to your wall. They checked again - the heels are in place, the head, back, shoulders are down, the chin is parallel to the floor.

First you tear off the leg, then the rest of the body comes. You take a few steps. Be sure to watch your posture. Take five or six steps, control your shoulders. They must be motionless. Only the legs move. Once again we returned to the wall. We checked how smooth everything is. The chin is parallel to the floor.

Make several passes like this.


The sensations from gait are lightness, naturalness, smoothness, softness, shoes are an extension of the legs, for the spine - joy and pleasure.

New for me about placing my foot from a heel. I always walked with a straight back (many people compliment me on my posture). BUT - now I pay attention to my chin, because, although I tried to hold it before, the habit of looking at my feet was taking its toll due to poor eyesight.

It was not difficult for me to perform the exercises against the wall and with an inclination parallel to the floor (good, I'm doing some stretching). But the unforgettable feeling of walking with your feet off the wall (and not body and head forward)It turned out to be a OPENING for me.

A very important point is also about straightened knees - when you walk with your leg, it has time to straighten, and the supporting leg has time to straighten (a feeling very familiar from dancing, but I haven’t drawn an analogy with gait before, but in vain). It's hard to practice walking with a book on your head.

The sensations from gait are lightness, naturalness, smoothness, softness, shoes are an extension of the legs, for the spine - joy and pleasure.

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