Rules for the sale of spare parts for cars. Returning spare parts ordered online

IN modern world It’s hard to find a person who doesn’t use a car. Each owner of this vehicle at least once a year carries out its maintenance, which includes the direct replacement of some parts.

Not every owner can afford full after-sales service and buys parts from private stores. Which, in turn, is becoming more and more due to growing demand.

Unfortunately, not every seller of these auto parts behaves decently towards their customers.

Often, having sold him a spare part of low quality or not suitable for the car model, the seller refuses to accept it back, probably counting either on the buyer’s legal illiteracy or on the latter’s reluctance to go to court because the purchase amount is not too significant.

These relations between the seller and the buyer are regulated by the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, which defines auto parts as a non-food product and allows its replacement with another or a refund for it.

So, car spare parts can be returned in the following cases:

  • if they do not suit the buyer in size, shape, dimensions, color, and so on;
  • if less than 14 days have passed since the purchase of automobile spare parts (the day of purchase is not included here).

The seller may extend the fourteen-day period for returning and exchanging a car spare part, but he does not have the right to make this period of time shorter. This action is also provided for by the current legislation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”.

Failure to provide the buyer with complete information about the product

If the seller hid or did not completely provide any information about the part, and he is obliged to provide the data exclusively in Russian, the buyer, in turn, can either not purchase the product or return it back with a full refund of all expenses spent on it. Money, in case of purchase.

From the above, it follows that if the buyer purchased a car part, but there is no information about it and its characteristics in Russian, or for this reason it does not fit the car that the buyer owns, then the latter has the legal right to return such a car part back to the seller and receive back your money.

What auto parts cannot be returned?

It is not possible to return only “numbered units” back to the seller, for example an engine, but only on the condition that it will be of proper quality.

The store must accept back all spare parts that do not meet quality standards, as the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” says.

How can I return a purchased auto part if its quality is as stated?

Russian legislation in Art. 25 of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” clearly states that the buyer has the opportunity to return a product of poor quality back to the seller within 14 days from the date of purchase, if this product does not suit him in terms of color, size, or other parameters.

In a complaint, the seller should this fact be sure to indicate, that is, describe that the automobile replacement part does not fit, for example, in terms of dimensions.

If the buyer indicates that he simply did not like the spare part as the reason for the return, the seller will refuse this citizen, and this response will be in accordance with the law.

And also if the time interval between the purchase and return of the goods is more than 14 days, then in this case the store can also quite legally not accept this product back.

Among other things, the buyer must know that the product can be returned only if it has not been used, that is, all labels, seals, etc. must be in place, and the product itself must have marketable condition. Otherwise, the seller may also refuse a refund.

Also, after making a purchase, you should keep the receipt issued to you as confirmation that the product was purchased from a specific seller. If you lose a receipt, you can use testimony, but convincing the seller may not be easy, therefore, when making any purchase, always try to save the receipts.

When returning a part that is not suitable for the car, the seller can offer the buyer another one, the right size or configuration. If it is not available at the time of the buyer’s request, the seller must return the money.

Refunds by the seller for defective goods must be made within 3 days. When making a return, you should draw up a document about this and seal it with the signatures of the buyer and seller ( this document must be kept until the seller pays the amount of money for the returned part). If the seller refuses to sign this paper, you can provide visas for two witnesses.

How can a buyer return a defective auto part back to the store?

Product returns are regulated poor quality Article 18 of the current legislation protecting the rights of buyers.

In accordance with it, the buyer, having purchased a low-quality part, has the right:

  • demand repair of a car part without depositing funds;
  • refund of money spent on repairs yourself or by third parties;
  • exchanging a low-quality automobile spare part for a similar one or another manufacturer with a revision of its cost;
  • refund of the amount paid for a defective car part.

Terms for returning auto parts of inadequate quality

In this case, the legislation reads as follows:

  • If the manufacturer has established a warranty for a car spare part, the seller cannot refuse to accept the goods within a given period of time. Therefore, if you find any shortcomings in the purchased product, read the service documentation and product packaging in detail;
  • if a warranty for a car spare part is not provided by either the manufacturer or the store, then, guided by clause 1 of Art. 19 of the current legislation on consumer rights, the buyer can make claims to the seller within 2 years from the date of purchase of the product.

If the warranty period for the purchased product has expired, the buyer should conduct an examination of the automobile spare part exclusively at his own expense by contacting an independent expert or service service.

The expert's conclusion about a factory defect in the product will be evidence for the seller. This conclusion should be attached to the completed claim. If the seller refuses to return the amount paid now, then you should then go to court.

TO statement of claim should also be attached expert opinion and a receipt for this procedure. The store will not only refund you the entire amount for a low-quality car part, but will also cover the cost of the examination.

Those who own cars know that the purchase of auto parts for it will sooner or later loom on the horizon. The condition of the roads in the country leaves much to be desired, and manufacturers include a service life in spare parts. Any professional or car enthusiast puts up with this state of affairs and is ready to spend money on repairing or replacing one or another part of the iron horse when it suddenly leaves the race.

Something happens, you diagnose the problem, buy replacements for the failed parts, and then it turns out that you could have done without “ little blood" You have expensive parts on hand that you no longer need. Or you have become the owner of a spare part with defects and malfunctions that you discovered during their installation in your car. A return is required, so you go to where you bought the parts and stumble upon...

Consumer rights under the law

The first question you should ask yourself is whether it is even possible to return what you purchased.

Auto parts are definitely non-food products, so they can be exchanged or returned. However, there is one significant exception to this rule. It includes spare parts that are considered “registered units,” for example, a car engine. If you purchased a working engine and it did not suit you, you cannot exchange it or return it and get your money back.

According to the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, those spare parts that are not numbered units, You can return it to the seller if:

  • you were not satisfied with the size, shape, configuration, dimensions and colors
  • if they turned out to be faulty
  • you applied for a return within two weeks from the date of purchase (counting starts from the next day).

How to return

Naturally, you need to contact the seller with a statement, although this also has its own nuances.

Good quality

You have already understood that if the sold car part simply did not suit you for some reason (a replacement is no longer needed, the size was not calculated correctly, etc.), but it works properly, you can return it or exchange it.

We remember that this can be done with any spare parts, except for numbered units.

You need to be prepared for the fact that any seller will do their best to avoid returning your money. There is even a law regarding this. So, before you give the money, you will be offered:

  • exchange goods for similar ones in terms of characteristics and price
  • wait if there is no similar product available for exchange in the store
  • exchange spare parts for spare parts from another manufacturer (for example, if the required size is not available).

In this case, the following conditions must also be met:

  • it is necessary to preserve the presentation and properties of the purchased spare part (do not tear off labels, do not scratch, preserve seals)
  • do not use the product
  • have a document confirming the purchase (any type of receipt) or have a witness to the purchase made (prove that you bought the spare parts from this seller).

Many stores also set their own additional rules, but the most common point of contention is traces of use of the part. Sellers actively use vague language, arguing that if you opened the package and installed the part in the car, and then realized that it does not suit you, then you cannot return it. In fact, the law only says that a return is possible if the spare parts were not used - that is, you did not drive with them for a long time, and then decided to get rid of them.

You can only get your money back if the store does not have spare parts available for exchange on the day of your request. If you are not satisfied with the exchange, you will have to write a full complaint to the store. All this must happen within 14 days from the date of purchase.

Similar The claim will be considered within 10 working days, and if the seller agrees to satisfy your requirements, the money will be returned to you within three days after that.

Poor quality

Any faulty spare parts, including numbered units, You can return them to the store for replacement. In this case, you will be offered:

  • check the spare part if you have doubts about the cause of the breakdown
  • replace the product, if possible (the necessary spare parts are in stock)
  • take for temporary use a product that has similar properties, if the seller needs a period of more than seven days to replace the product.

Naturally, all conditions regarding packaging, presentation, etc. must be complied with. Even if you have torn the packaging, you will need to present it. However, you can often hear about unlawful requests from a store to provide documents from the car service center that installed the parts for you. Thus, sellers are trying to avoid even returns and exchanges poor quality goods- they try to prove that the part is broken due to the fault of the car service or your own fault.

Remember, if the store conducted an examination and found that you were to blame for the malfunction of the spare parts (you were too zealous during installation, carelessly replaced parts), you have the right to order an independent examination and bill the seller for its conduct. However, if during the examination it turns out that it is you who are at fault, you will have to pay for it.

Typically, car parts come with a warranty - it specifies when and under what conditions you can return a faulty product. When purchasing, carefully read the warranty conditions so as not to be refused a return or exchange at the store.

If the defect is obvious, but you are still refused an exchange or refund, you need to write a complaint to the store with links to articles of law and clear requirements. It would also be useful to have evidence of the seller’s unlawful actions (recording of a conversation with the manager with a warning that you are recording this conversation; correspondence via communications).

To the online store

If you purchased parts online, you need to contact the seller via communication and clarify the possibility of a return. The rules for returning goods purchased remotely are exactly the same as when purchasing in offline stores, but here there are some nuances:

  • Be prepared that shipping costs will not be refunded.
  • be prepared that the money will not be returned if the store has a similar product for which you can exchange spare parts that do not suit you
  • be prepared that you will have to bring the goods to an offline store location (if there is one in your city) and arrange a meeting with the courier
  • The return period for goods is shorter than when purchasing in a store - only 7 days if you want to return the goods not under warranty (defective goods).

You can refuse the product at any time until you pay for it and you will be given a receipt (before the actual purchase is made).

Return period

Serviceable spare parts (of proper quality) can be returned to the seller within the first two weeks from the date of purchase. If this condition is not specified, the period is extended to three months from the date of purchase or from the date of production (application of the manufacturer’s conditions). When purchasing from an online store, the time is reduced to seven days.

Faulty spare parts (of inadequate quality) must be returned within the warranty period. Moreover, if the request to replace them is satisfied, such a replacement must be made by the store within thirty days.


An application for return/exchange of goods is written according to the sample provided by the store. Also, you can find examples on the Internet. The application must indicate:

  • to whom are you writing the application (full name of the store, address, etc.)
  • who you are (your details along with your address and contacts)
  • when the purchase was made
  • what is the essence of the application (what do you want from the store - return the money, exchange the goods, conduct an examination)
  • Why didn't the parts you bought work for you?
  • What do you include with your application (cash receipts, inspection reports, etc.)
  • date and signature (required).

If you have any complaints about what you purchased - the spare parts turned out to be faulty and a defect was discovered, you must report the breakdown and defects in a statement.

What to do if the store refuses to give money or change spare parts?

You complied with all the conditions, but they still decided to refuse you, citing the store’s internal rules, unreliable examination, or for any other reason. In these cases, you have the option:

  • submit a claim by attaching a documentary refusal signed by the manager
  • contact Rospotrebnadzor or another service to protect your rights
  • in case of silence on the part of these services, sue.

It should be noted that sellers rarely go to court - most likely, at the stage of demanding written refusals, they will meet you halfway and still decide to comply with the law, so do not be afraid to demand written refusal with the personal signature of the responsible person.

Due to the growing demand for cars in Russia, the number of stores selling auto parts has also begun to grow. Very often we have to deal with unscrupulous sellers who refuse to accept back low-quality auto parts or those that do not fit, counting on the fact that the buyer will not go to court over a small amount of money paid for the auto part. However, these cases are regulated, and it is very important to know your rights and be able to defend them. In this article we will talk about how to protect consumer rights when purchasing auto parts and how to return low-quality auto parts.

Failure to provide the buyer with complete information about the product

The law obliges the seller to provide the buyer with all complete and reliable information about the product in Russian. If this rule is not complied with, the buyer may refuse to purchase, and if the product has already been purchased, he has the right to refuse the product and return his money for it.

Thus, if you bought a car part, but did not find information in Russian about its characteristics, or it did not suit you for this reason, you have the right to return it and take your money.

Return of auto parts of proper quality that do not fit in size, color or other characteristics

Article 25 of the Law states that the buyer has the right to proper quality, if it does not match the color, size and other parameters, within 14 days from the date of purchase.

When making a claim, refer to the fact that the auto part is not suitable in terms of dimensions, configuration, size, shape or color. If you refer to the fact that you simply don’t like the auto part, you can get a refusal, which will be completely legal. If more than 14 days have passed since the date of purchase, the seller also has the right to refuse you. In this case, the product must not be in use: its presentation, factory labels, and seals must be preserved. If you have already used the product, it is no longer possible to return it in proper quality.

When contacting the seller, you must have a document confirming the fact of purchasing the goods from this seller- commodity or cash receipt. If you have lost your receipt, you can refer to witness testimony if you were not alone at the time of purchase. However, in this case, it will be more difficult to convince the seller that you are right, so keep receipts and labels on the goods.

The seller has the right to offer you a spare part of a different size, color, or configuration. A refund for an item is only possible if at the time of your request the seller does not have a similar item.

The seller is obliged to return the money for goods of proper quality within three days. When returning auto parts to the seller, draw up a document with the seller's signature and date, and keep this paper until you receive the money in your hands. If the seller refuses to sign this act of transferring the goods to him, certify it with the signatures of two witnesses.

Purchasing auto parts from a catalog, to order, or other remote means

Buying auto parts from a catalog or to order is not uncommon these days. Therefore, it must be remembered that on the basis of clause 4 of Art. 26.1. According to the OZPP Law, you have the right to refuse it at any time before the goods are delivered to you. If you have already received the goods, you can refuse it within 7 days. However, the seller has the right to charge you the shipping costs for the item you returned.

Return of auto parts of inadequate quality

The return of goods of inadequate quality is regulated by Article 18 of the Law “OZPP”. In accordance with the law, you have the right to demand gratuitous elimination of a defect in a spare part or reimbursement of the costs of eliminating the defect yourself or by third parties, replacement of a low-quality spare part with a similar or different brand with recalculation of the purchase price, as well as a refund of money for a low-quality spare part.

Terms for returning auto parts of inadequate quality

If the manufacturer has established a warranty period for an auto part, the seller does not have the right not to accept the goods within this period. Therefore, if you find any shortcomings in the purchased product, study the service documentation and product packaging.

If the warranty period for the auto part is not provided by either the manufacturer or the seller, then on the basis of clause 1 of Art. 19 of the Law “OZPP” you have the right to make claims to the seller within two years from the date of purchase of the goods.

However, if the product is not under warranty, you will have to conduct an examination of the auto part at your own expense to prove to the seller that the defects in the product were not your fault and before the time of purchase. To do this, you need to contact an independent expert or service center, and with their conclusion, make claims to the seller.

If you receive a refusal from the seller to satisfy your demands, then the last resort remains - the court. The statement of claim requires an expert opinion and a check for the examination carried out using your money. The seller will return you not only the cost of the low-quality auto part, but will also reimburse the cost of the examination.

The Exist online store sells inexpensive spare parts for foreign cars, which is why it is very popular. However, there are situations when the selected part for some reason does not fit or turns out to be defective, after which the buyer wants to return it and get a refund.

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  • when the goods can be returned;
  • how to return an item;
  • how to get money back for a defective spare part;
  • how to get a refund for an incorrectly selected product;
  • what to do if office workers refuse to accept the goods back and return the money.

In what cases is it possible to return goods?

All issues related to the return of goods are regulated by the Consumer Rights Protection Law (CPL). This law provides for the responsibility of the manufacturer and seller both for the quality of the product and compliance with the stated requirements, and for correctly informing the buyer about all the characteristics and purpose of the product.

In addition, the law allows you to return purchases, including car parts, if for some reason they do not fit, within a week, but the buyer is obliged to compensate the supplier for the costs of delivering the goods. If a defect is found in an auto part, you can replace the bad part or return it within two weeks.

In addition, you can cancel your order at any time before the purchase is sent from the warehouse to the office and you are required to return the entire payment. If you refuse after sending the goods, then you have the right to withhold the costs of returning it.

How to return an item to a store

Managers of the Exist office inform customers that the return of spare parts due to non-compliance with the car is possible only if the part was selected by a store representative from its own catalog.

If you want to return a serviceable product that did not fit for some reason, then you need to bring the purchased spare part so that the manager of the representative office can inspect it and make sure there are no damages or defects.

If you return a part due to some kind of malfunction, the manager will check to see if there is any recent damage to it. After that, he will give you a form and a sample application for the return of the purchase, which you will write by hand.

The store has the right to demand that you compensate for the cost of delivery of the part if you yourself chose it from the catalog and then refused it because the spare part did not fit the car. If the manager chose the part, then you are required to reimburse its full cost.

In what situations will you not be able to return the item?

There are several reasons why Exist representatives may refuse to accept a spare part or consumable from you:

  • the part has visible damage or signs of use;
  • cardboard packaging is badly damaged;
  • The deadline allowed by law for returning the part has expired.

What to do if store employees refuse to pick up the goods and return the money for them

If store employees declare that returning the goods is impossible or do not return the money because you do not have a check, contract or receipt, then their actions are illegal, so you can contact the consumer rights protection department (CPD) or the prosecutor's office.

Often after this step, store employees take the sold parts and return the money. If this does not help, then contact the OPP at the local administration, they will help you draw up a statement, conduct an inspection and, if necessary, go to court.

How to withdraw money from your balance

Often, after making a purchase, your account personal account There is some amount (balance) left on the Exist website that can be used to pay for further purchases.

To return money from your balance, you must write a statement, a sample of which is available in any office, and store managers are required to give it to you within the period prescribed by law.

You can be refused only in one case - if you ask to withdraw money, but for some reason do not want to write an application.

Refund methods

Store employees can refund money in the following ways:

  • cash withdrawal;
  • transfer to the account from which the purchase was paid;
  • transferring money to a bank card;
  • transfer to personal account.

Cash withdrawal is the most popular way to get your money back. Refunds may take up to 10 days, depending on the financial situation of the Exist office. If you paid for your purchase using a bank transfer, then store employees may refuse to issue cash, returning the money to your account within the period prescribed by law.

Store employees can return money to the card if you paid for the purchase with it; this action is not available with other payment methods. You can also get your money back to your account in the store, thus replenishing your balance. In any case, within 10 days from the date of delivery of the defective or recommended spare part by the store manager, you will be paid its entire cost, but if you chose the spare part yourself, then you will be charged the cost of its delivery from the office to the warehouse.

The rules for returning goods purchased remotely are exactly the same as for purchases in offline stores, but there are some nuances here:

  • Be prepared that shipping costs will not be refunded.
  • be prepared that the money will not be returned if the store has a similar product for which you can exchange spare parts that do not suit you
  • be prepared that you will have to bring the goods to an offline store location (if there is one in your city) and arrange a meeting with the courier
  • The return period for goods is shorter than when purchasing in a store - only 7 days if you want to return the goods not under warranty (defective goods).

You can refuse the product at any time until you pay for it and you will be given a receipt (before the actual purchase is made).

Returning spare parts ordered online

You have expensive parts on hand that you no longer need. Or you have become the owner of a spare part with defects and malfunctions that you discovered during their installation in your car. A return is required, so you go to where you bought the parts and come across... back to contents Consumer rights under the law The first question to ask yourself is whether you can even return what you purchased.

Auto parts are definitely non-food products, so they can be exchanged or returned. However, there is one significant exception to this rule. It includes spare parts that are considered “registered units,” for example, a car engine. If you purchased a working engine and it did not suit you, you cannot exchange it or return it and get your money back.

Return of spare parts

If the results of the examination show that the reason for the defective part is indeed a manufacturing defect, then the store is obliged to return the cost of the inspection to the buyer. Information The period for checking goods of inadequate quality can be from 7 to 30 days. If the examination proves a manufacturing defect, the buyer will be offered:

  • Exchange a defective spare part for a high-quality spare part, similar to the first one or another brand, but with the possibility of recalculating the purchase price;
  • Refund the full cost of the auto part in exchange for the return of the part itself;

What auto parts cannot be returned? The Consumer Protection Law establishes that only those auto parts cannot be returned to the store good quality, which are "numbered units" (for example, an engine).

Any auto parts of poor quality can be returned to the store.

How to legally return a car part to a store?

Return period Serviceable spare parts (of proper quality) can be returned to the seller within the first two weeks from the date of purchase. If this condition is not specified, the period is extended to three months from the date of purchase or from the date of production (application of the manufacturer’s conditions). When purchasing from an online store, the time is reduced to seven days.
Faulty spare parts (of inadequate quality) must be returned within the warranty period. Moreover, if the request to replace them is satisfied, such a replacement must be made by the store within thirty days. to contents Application An application for return/exchange of goods is written according to the sample provided by the store. Also, you can find examples on the Internet.

Purchase and return of auto parts: consumer protection

READ ALSO: Why car battery Discharges quickly Return period The buyer can contact the store within 14 days with an application for an exchange or return of the goods.

  1. When purchasing a defective product, the store must replace it within 7 days from the date of submission of the request for replacement.
  2. If the seller is forced to check the condition and functionality of the replaced product - within 20 days.
  3. For the time required to order and deliver the required part, if the buyer needs this part for operation, the seller is obliged to provide, within three days, free of charge a spare part with similar performance properties for short-term use.

The exchange of the product occurs immediately if the seller has in stock a similar one that meets the buyer’s requirements.

Are auto parts returnable?

Sellers actively use vague language, arguing that if you opened the package and installed the part in the car, and then realized that it does not suit you, then you cannot return it. In fact, the law only says that a return is possible if the spare parts were not used - that is, you did not drive with them for a long time, and then decided to get rid of them. You can only get your money back if the store does not have spare parts available for exchange on the day of your request.
If you are not satisfied with the exchange, you will have to write a full complaint to the store. All this must happen within 14 days from the date of purchase. Sample return claim.doc Such a claim will be considered within 10 business days, and if the seller agreed to satisfy your requirements, the money will be returned to you within three days after that.

Return of auto parts according to the law

The countdown begins only from the next day); The store can also set longer deadlines for returning goods. But they cannot be less than those required by the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

  • If similar (in price and characteristics) auto parts in this moment are missing, then the buyer can agree with the seller to wait until the batch with the necessary auto parts appears in the store again;
  • If similar auto parts (of the required color or size) are not available, the seller can offer auto parts of the required size, but from a different company with a recalculation of the cost.

So, for example, if a buyer bought more parts than needed for his car, and when returning the store, no spare parts of the appropriate size were found (which cost, for example, 5,000 rubles), then the seller can offer suitable ones, but more expensive (for example, for 6,000 rubles).

How to return auto parts to the store?

If it takes more than seven days to replace a product, at the request of the consumer, the seller (manufacturer or an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur), within three days from the date of presentation of the request to replace the product, is obliged to provide the consumer, free of charge, for temporary use during the replacement period, a durable product that has these same basic consumer properties, ensuring its delivery at your own expense. Returning auto parts according to the law If the defect is obvious, but you are still refused an exchange or return, you need to write a complaint to the store with links to articles of law and clear requirements.

The store does not want to accept spare parts ordered online


Just, damn it, friends - really read this one yourself normative document, and not stupid excerpts from it on all sorts of sites. Learn to read regulations from the original source. This will give you a later understanding of which sites bring you blizzards, and which give you mana from heaven. In fact, let's take the first three sites I came across. Did you notice what I highlighted in these screenshots with a yellow fill? Everywhere it is written that auto parts are not included in the List of goods that cannot be returned or exchanged.

Do you believe this? Well, of course - after all, on the first screenshot website, even the associate professor of some law institute himself wrote this! How can you not believe him, Evgeny? Well, let me show you that what is written on many sites and highlighted in yellow in the screenshots above is not entirely true.
If the seller (manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) at the time of presentation of the demand, the goods necessary for replacement are not available, the replacement must be carried out within a month from the date of presentation of such a demand. Is it possible to return a spare part to the auto shop? In the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, the consumer’s demand for replacement of goods is subject to satisfaction upon his application within the time required for the next delivery of the corresponding goods to these areas, if the seller (manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) does not have the necessary to replace the goods on the day of presentation of the specified request.