Analysis of the poem “I, a youth, light candles” (Alexander Blok). I, a youth, light candles (Block Alexander Poems)

“I, a youth, light candles...” Alexander Blok

He who has nepesta is a bridegroom; A
friend of the groom standing and listening
whoever gives him joy rejoices,
hearing the groom's voice.
From John, III, 29

I, a lad, light the candles,
Censer fire on the shore.
She is without thought and without speech
On that shore he laughs.

I love evening prayer
At the white church above the river,
Before sunset village
And the dusk is dull blue.

Submissive to the tender gaze,
I admire the mystery of beauty,
And beyond the church fence
I throw white flowers.

The foggy curtain will fall.
The groom will come down from the altar.
And from the tops of the jagged forests
The wedding dawn will dawn.

Analysis of Blok’s poem “I, a youth, light candles...”

The meeting of seventeen-year-old Alexander Blok with sixteen-year-old Lyubov Mendeleeva, which occurred in 1898, forever changed the lives of both. The young poet fell in love almost at first sight; the daughter of the famous chemist at first did not want to have anything to do with him, considering him “a poser with the habits of a fop.” Then she relented, but the romance turned out to be short-lived. Blok’s feelings for Mendeleeva were fully reflected in the cycle “Poems about a Beautiful Lady,” which includes the poem “I, a youth, light candles...”, written in July 1902. At this time, the poet was interested in mysticism and the philosophy of Solovyov, as a result of which he greatly idealized the image of his beloved girl. The rational and sober-minded Mendeleeva did not share the ideas of her admirer, sometimes moving away from him, sometimes becoming closer. However, a tormented affair in 1903 led to marriage.

The poem “I, a youth, light candles...” reflects the devoted worship of the lyrical hero of Her image - pure, beautiful, feminine, eternal. An important place here is given to white (flowers, church). According to the memoirs of Sergei Solovyov, Lyubov Mendeleeva, the owner of “Old Russian” and “Titian” beauty, wore white clothes especially well, although she was also good in bright red. There is one more point. White personifies purity, innocence, faith.

Love, as in other poems by Blok, appears as a symbol. Therefore, Her image in the poem is immaterial, therefore the lyrical hero will never meet her:
She is without thought and without speech
On that shore he laughs.

There are also Christian motifs in the poem “I, a youth, light candles...”. Special attention deserves the epigraph prefaced by Blok. It is taken from the Gospel of John (III, 29) and reproduces the words of John the Baptist, the closest predecessor of Jesus Christ, quoted by John the Theologian. According to Orthodox Christians, this phrase contains the grain of the narrative unfolding in the Apocalypse, a book whose moods and images appear more than once in Blok’s work. The poet perceives the work of John the Theologian as a story about the hard way, that the world is passing through in order to be freed from filth, and not as a story about the end of the world.

“I, a youth, light candles...” can very conditionally be considered a kind of prophecy by Blok. In the last quatrain he talks about marriage, which at the time of writing the poem was only a few years away. more than a year.

“I enter dark temples...”

I enter dark temples,

I perform a poor ritual.

There I am waiting for the Beautiful Lady

In the flickering red lamps.

In the shadow of a tall column

I'm shaking from the creaking of the doors.

And he looks into my face, illuminated,

Only an image, only a dream about Her.

Oh, I'm used to these robes

Majestic Eternal Wife!

They run high along the cornices

Smiles, fairy tales and dreams.

Oh, Holy One, how tender the candles are,

How pleasing are Your features!

I can't hear neither sighs nor speeches,

But I believe: Darling - You.

The poem is permeated with a mysterious, magical, enigmatic atmosphere. It is created using color range(“dark”, “red”), temple details (lamps, columns). This atmosphere is also emphasized by the emotional state of the lyrical hero, conveyed through the verbs “waiting”, “trembling”. The hero is almost motionless, but this is the motionlessness of intense expectation, expectation of the Beautiful Lady. The heroine of the poem is devoid of external features, the human appearance that we are accustomed to seeing. The author does not describe her, since her image exists only in his imagination, in his dreams. He is the way the hero wants him to be: pure and bright, beyond description by ordinary words. This image is unearthly, and therefore cannot be described by human invention - words. The author emphasizes the “etherealness” of the heroine (“Only an image, only a dream about her,” “I can’t hear neither sighs nor speech”), but the very furnishings of the temple, deep colors, majestic names (“Beautiful Lady,” “Majestic Eternal Wife” , “Saint”, “Sweetheart”), bright, euphonious epithets and the emotional state of the hero - all this creates an image that is sublime, divine and unearthly.

In creating the image of the Beautiful Lady, both the music of the verse (the poem is built on assonance) and rhythm (the dolnik well conveys the hero’s emotion, giving the poem melodiousness and melody) are involved.

The heroine is beautiful in her under-incarnation, which is why the motifs that create a feeling of vagueness and invisibility are so significant in the poem - the motifs of sleep and shadow.

This is the most characteristic assonance for the poem.

Blok performs a trilobe (free tonic meter), emphasizing the melodiousness and “song-ness” of romantic lyrics between the stresses of 1-2 syllables.

V. Zhirmunsky believed that it was with Blok that “the decisive liberation of Russian verse from the principles of counting syllables in footsteps begins...” “In this sense, all the newest Russian poets studied from Blok” ( we're talking about about poets of the early twentieth century).

In rhyming vowels and uniform alternation of female and male cross exact rhyme There is also amazing harmony. Even the consonants in rhyming words are the same: 2-4-d; 9-11-…deputy; 13-15 years; 12-14-t.

The emotional power of the Poems is enhanced by their latent dialogic form. He addresses her as "You". The 2nd person pronoun, written with a capital letter, combines reverence and loving intimacy.

At first She has lyrical epithets: calm, quiet, clear, melodious, distant, bright... then - the sunset Mysterious Virgin and finally (February 1902) her true face is revealed: She is the Lady of the Universe.

Only once in the book is she called a Beautiful Lady (“I enter dark temples”).

“I, lad, light the candles...”

He who has a bride is a groom; and the groom's friend,

standing and listening to him, with joy

John III, 29

I, a lad, light the candles,

Censer fire on the shore.

She is without thought and without speech

On that shore he laughs.

I love evening prayer

At the white church above the river,

Before sunset village

And the dusk is dull blue.

Submissive to the tender gaze,

I admire secret beauty

And beyond the church fence

I throw away old flowers.

The foggy curtain will fall.

The groom will come down from the altar.

And from the tops of the jagged forests

The wedding dawn will dawn.

The atmosphere of the poem is again created with the help of temple details: candles, incense fire, evening prayer, white church, church fence, altar. The dominant color in the poem, white - a symbol of holiness - is associated with the image of the bride. A hero is a youth (one of the meanings in Dahl’s dictionary is a knight), who has completely devoted himself to waiting, which he perceives as service to an ideal, admiration for it. The heroine is only a vague image, she is invisible and inaudible (“She is without thought and without speech // On that shore she laughs”). The image of the other shore is evidence of the unearthly essence of the Beautiful Lady, her heavenly origin, her specialness and holiness, purity and innocence, detachment from the darkness, the evil of this world, the “this-worldly” world.

The motif of dusk and fog (“dusky blue dusk,” “foggy curtain”), like the motif of sleep in the poem discussed above, creates a feeling of vagueness and understatement. However, the finale expresses the poet's faith in the possibility of reuniting the heavenly and earthly.

The lyrical plot of most of the poems of the early Blok cycle is the expectation of a meeting between the lyrical hero and the Beautiful Lady. The image of the hero is endowed with psychological depth, he is given the features of a novice, a youth, a knight - an earthly man, trembling in anticipation of the appearance of his beloved. In The Beautiful Lady, on the contrary, her ethereality and “incomprehensibility” are emphasized. She all belongs to the ideal, unearthly world. The lyrical plot becomes a poetic embodiment of Vladimir Solovyov’s idea of ​​two worlds, the need for a synthesis of the earthly and the heavenly through love for a woman.

“I have a feeling about you. Years pass by..."

And the heavy sleep of everyday consciousness

You will shake it off, yearning and loving.

Vladimir Soloviev

I have a feeling about you. Years pass by -

All in one form I foresee You.

The whole horizon is on fire - and unbearably clear,

And I wait silently, yearning and loving.

The whole horizon is on fire, and the appearance is near,

But I’m scared: you’ll change your appearance,

And you will arouse impudent suspicion,

Changing the usual features at the end.

Oh, how I will fall - both sadly and low,

Without overcoming deadly dreams!

How clear is the horizon! And radiance is close.

But I’m scared: You will change your appearance.

The poem “I, a youth, light candles” consists of four stanzas, where the lines clearly rhyme with cross rhyme. Poetic thought moves from stanza to stanza with the help of a lyrical plot that conveys the internal state of the lyrical hero (praying, admiring, admiring), who appears before us in the guise of a devoted, kneeling, obedient young admirer of Her image.

The mention of candles, censer fire, church fence, altar, as well as the dominance of white color (white church, white flowers) testify to the holiness of the image of the heroine, emphasizing Her purity and purity. In addition, the color white in Christian symbolism represents Faith.

In “Memoirs of Alexander Blok” by Sergei Solovyov we read: “The silence, modesty, simplicity, grace of Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva charmed everyone... Her Titian and ancient Russian beauty also benefited from her ability to dress elegantly, white suited her most, but she was also good in white, and bright red..."

Now we can say with confidence that the symbolism of white is not accidental: it is impressed by a romantic experience - A. Blok’s passion for L. D. Mendeleeva, and also personifies Faith in the Eternal, Pure, Beautiful, Feminine as the appearance of the sublime.

Fire and candles are associated with the color red, which symbolizes love. But for A. Blok, love is a mystery, something perfect, unearthly. We have not encountered any poems by A. Blok in which he wrote about love as a reality. Love is always just an image, a symbol, that is, the feeling of love available to the soul is never embodied in a real person. That is why Her image in the poem is immaterial: “She is without thought and without speech // on that shore she laughs.” They cannot meet - they are separated by a river. For the hero, she is a symbol of the ethereal concentration of Faith, Hope, Love.

He is a humble youth, lighting candles, ready to do anything for Her sake, in order to capture Her unearthly Face. Only through Her image can he comprehend the secrets of beauty and marriage.

Color scheme of the poem:

1 stanza. The red color of the incense fire and candles on the dark background of the interior church decoration. Blue river background. Her image on the other side in a white dress.

2nd stanza. White church against the backdrop of an evening sunset in a dusky blue twilight.

3 stanza. Her appearance is in bright light colors, a white church, a church fence, white flowers.

4th stanza. Dawn against the backdrop of a foggy veil with a hint of scarlet.

Sound recording.

The vowels “a”, “o”, “e” dominate, which indicates the contrast of dark and light backgrounds: “a” - light, wide, “e” - warm, narrow, “o” - dark, endless. These sounds add beauty, smoothness, and melody to the sound of the poem.

Analysis of the poem by A.A. Block " I enter dark temples…»

The poem incorporates the main motifs of the cycle “Poems about a Beautiful Lady.”

The reason for creating the poem was the meeting of A. Blok with L. D. Mendeleeva in St. Isaac’s Cathedral. An image appears before the lyrical hero that can only be compared with Pushkin’s Madonna. This is “the purest example of pure beauty.” In the poem, with the help of color, sound and associative symbols, the image of the Beautiful Lady of the lyrical Hero mysteriously and indefinitely appears before us. All words and stanzas are full of special significance: “Oh, I’m used to these vestments,” “Oh, holy ..." - with the help of anaphora, the author emphasizes the importance of the event.

The intonation is solemn and prayerful, the hero longs and begs for a meeting, he trembles and trembles all over in anticipation of her. He expects something wonderful, majestic and completely worships this miracle.

“The flickering of red lamps” does not allow us to clearly see the image of the Beautiful Lady. She is silent, inaudible, but words are not needed to understand and respect Her. The hero understands Her with his soul and raises this image to heavenly heights, calling her “The Majestic Eternal Wife.”

Church vocabulary (lamps, candles) places the image of the Beautiful Lady on a par with the deity. Their meetings take place in the temple, and the temple is a kind of mystical center that organizes the space around itself. A temple is an architecture that strives to recreate a world order that amazes with harmony and perfection. An atmosphere is created corresponding to the anticipation of contact with the deity. The image of the Mother of God appears before us as the embodiment of the harmony of the world, which fills the hero’s soul with reverence and peace.

He is in love, selfless, impressed wonderful man. She is that beautiful and ethereal thing that makes the hero shudder: “And an illuminated image looks into my face, only a dream about her,” “I tremble from the creaking of doors...” She is the concentration of his faith, hope and love.

Color palette consists of dark shades of red (“In the flickering of red lamps...”), which carry sacrifice: the hero is ready to give up his life for the sake of his beloved (red is the color of blood); yellow and gold colors (candles and church images), carrying warmth directed towards a person and the special value of the surrounding existence. Tall white columns elevate the significance of both the image of the Beautiful Lady and the emotional feelings of the hero. Blok wrapped everything that happened in the poem in darkness, covered it with a dark veil (“dark temples”, “in the shadow of a high column”) in order to somehow protect this closeness and holiness of the characters’ relationship from the outside world.

Color painting. Sound recording.

Stanza 1: the sounds “a”, “o”, “e” combine tenderness, light, warmth, delight. The tones are light and shimmering. (Color white, yellow.)

Stanza 2: sounds “a”, “o”, “and” - constraint, fear, darkness. The light is diminishing. The picture is unclear. (Dark colors.)

Stanza 3: The darkness leaves, but the light comes slowly. The picture is unclear. (A mixture of light and dark colors.)

Stanza 4: the sounds “o”, “e” carry ambiguity, but bring the most big flow light, expressing the depth of the hero’s feelings.

Analysis of the poem by A.A. Blok “The girl sang in the church choir” .

In this poem, the poet conveys the interaction of the Eternal Feminine, beauty with the reality of life, that is, the connection between the earthly and the Divine.

At the beginning of the poem there is peace, tranquility. A church is depicted, a singing girl, and in the background there are ships sailing into the sea, people who have forgotten their joy. The girl in the church song empathizes with “...the tired in a foreign land, the ships that have gone to sea and forgotten their joy.” Her song is a prayer for those torn away from their native home, for those abandoned to a foreign land. The peaceful singing encouraged everyone from the darkness to look at her white dress and listen to the mournful song. The darkness and her white dress symbolize the sinful and the holy in the midst of it cruel world. With her singing, she instilled in people a piece of sincere kindness, hope for a better, brighter future: “...And it seemed to everyone that there would be joy, that all the ships were in the quiet backwater, that tired people in a foreign land had found a bright life for themselves.”

We see the unity of those present in the church in one spiritual impulse. Even at the beginning of the poem there was no hope for happiness, a bright life. But when her gentle voice was heard from the darkness and a white dress appeared, illuminated by a beam, then the confidence came that the world was beautiful, it was worth living for the sake of beauty on Earth, despite all the troubles and misfortunes. But in the midst of universal happiness, someone will be deprived and unhappy - the one who went to war. And now the warrior will live only with memories, hoping for the best.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

He who has a bride is a groom; A
friend of the groom standing and listening
He who gives him joy rejoices,
hearing the groom's voice.
From John, III, 29

I, a lad, light the candles,
Censer fire on the shore.
She is without thought and without speech
On that shore he laughs.

I love evening prayer
At the white church above the river,
Before sunset village
And the dusk is dull blue.

Submissive to the tender gaze,
I admire the mystery of beauty,
And beyond the church fence
I throw white flowers.

The foggy curtain will fall.
The groom will come down from the altar.
And from the tops of the jagged forests
The wedding dawn will dawn.

Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva and Alexander Blok, 1903

The meeting of seventeen-year-old Alexander Blok with sixteen-year-old Lyubov Mendeleeva, which occurred in 1898, forever changed the lives of both. The young poet fell in love almost at first sight; the daughter of the famous chemist at first did not want to have anything to do with him, considering him “a poser with the habits of a fop.” Then she relented, but the romance turned out to be short-lived. Blok’s feelings for Mendeleeva were fully reflected in the cycle “Poems about a Beautiful Lady,” which includes the poem “I, a youth, light candles...”, written in July 1902. At this time, the poet was interested in mysticism and the philosophy of Solovyov, as a result of which he greatly idealized the image of his beloved girl. The rational and sober-minded Mendeleeva did not share the ideas of her admirer, sometimes moving away from him, sometimes becoming closer. However, a tormented affair in 1903 led to marriage.

The poem “I, a youth, light candles...” reflects the devoted worship of the lyrical hero of Her image - pure, beautiful, feminine, eternal. An important place here is given to white (flowers, church). According to the memoirs of Sergei Solovyov, Lyubov Mendeleeva, the owner of “Old Russian” and “Titian” beauty, wore white clothes especially well, although she was also good in bright red. There is one more point. White color represents purity, innocence, faith.

Love, as in other poems by Blok, appears as a symbol. Therefore, Her image in the poem is immaterial, therefore the lyrical hero will never meet her:

She is without thought and without speech
On that shore he laughs.

There are also Christian motifs in the poem “I, a youth, light candles...”. The epigraph introduced by Blok deserves special attention. It is taken from the Gospel of John (III, 29) and reproduces the words of John the Baptist, the closest predecessor of Jesus Christ, quoted by John the Theologian. According to Orthodox Christians, this phrase contains the grain of the narrative unfolding in the Apocalypse, a book whose moods and images appear more than once in Blok’s work. The poet perceives the work of John the Theologian as a story about the difficult path that the world goes through in order to free itself from filth, and not as a story about the end of the world.

“I, a youth, light candles...” can very conditionally be considered a kind of prophecy by Blok. In the last quatrain, he talks about marriage, which at the time of writing the poem was a little over a year away.

The meeting of seventeen-year-old Alexander Blok with sixteen-year-old Lyubov Mendeleeva, which occurred in 1898, forever changed the lives of both. The young poet fell in love almost at first sight; the daughter of the famous chemist at first did not want to have anything to do with him, considering him “a poser with the habits of a fop.” Then she relented, but the romance turned out to be short-lived. Blok’s feelings towards Mendeleeva were fully reflected in the cycle “Poems about a Beautiful Lady,” which includes the poem “I, a youth, light candles...”, written in July 1902. At this time, the poet was interested in mysticism and the philosophy of Solovyov, as a result of which he greatly idealized the image of his beloved girl. The rational and sober-minded Mendeleeva did not share the ideas of her admirer, sometimes moving away from him, sometimes becoming closer. However, a tormented affair in 1903 led to marriage.

The poem “I, a youth, light candles...” reflects the devoted worship of the lyrical hero of Her image - pure, beautiful, feminine, eternal. An important place here is given to white (flowers, church). According to the memoirs of Sergei Solovyov, Lyubov Mendeleeva, the owner of “Old Russian” and “Titian” beauty, white clothes especially suited her, although she was also good in bright red. There is one more point. White color represents purity, innocence, faith.

Love, as in other poems by Blok, appears as a symbol. Therefore, Her image in the poem is immaterial, therefore the lyrical hero will never meet her:

She is without thought and without speech
On that shore he laughs.

There are also Christian motifs in the poem “I, a youth, light candles...”. The epigraph introduced by Blok deserves special attention. It is taken from the Gospel of John (III, 29) and reproduces the words of John the Baptist, the closest predecessor of Jesus Christ, quoted by John the Theologian. According to Orthodox Christians, this phrase contains the grain of the narrative unfolding in the Apocalypse, a book whose moods and images appear more than once in Blok’s work. The poet perceives the work of John the Theologian as a story about the difficult path that the world goes through in order to free itself from filth, and not as a story about the end of the world.

“I, a youth, light candles...” can very conditionally be considered a kind of prophecy by Blok. In the last quatrain, he talks about marriage, which at the time of writing the poem was a little over a year away.

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Analysis of Blok’s poem “I, a youth, light candles...”