Call to action: phrases that work. A selection of the best inspirational quotes to motivate yourself for success.

Selling texts. How to turn a reader into a buyer Sergey Bernadsky

Call to action

Call to action

Many will not lift a finger unless you give them precise instructions. This is important to consider when writing selling texts. A customer may love your product, but if you don't tell him exactly what to do, he'll forget about you within five minutes.

Therefore, it is very important to write a specific call to action.

The first thing you need to do is determine the end goal of your text. What action should the reader take? Call, write, click a button on the website, come to the store? Tell your readers what you want them to do. For example, like this: “To place an order, call 123–45–67 right now.” Or: “Press the button "Pay" to order your copy of the book."

You don't just provide contact information. You say what needs to be done (“call”, “click”, “write”). Feel the difference. It seems insignificant, but this is exactly what gives a noticeable increase in orders.

Some tips.

You can clarify exactly when you need to take the action.(“Call 123–45–67 right now"). But make sure that the phrase does not sound too rude and assertive.

Give clear instructions. For example, if you ask for an answer by e-mail, then tell me what the heading should be in the letter (“Write to me marked “Participation in the competition”"). If you indicate a phone number, write who will answer the call (“Call 123–45–67, and our manager will be happy to answer all your questions»).

The action should be simple and unambiguous. The simpler the better. If you have to register somewhere twenty times, fill out a three-page form and then call somewhere, it’s unlikely that anyone will like it very much. The simpler the purchasing process, the better.

Be precise in your wording. If you say: “Find out details by phone,” then the person will call and find out the details. If you say: “Call and place an order,” then the person will call and order.

Use the imperative mood. Be careful with the word "if". For example, the phrase “If you want to order a product, then click the payment button” will not work very well. It expresses doubt that the reader wants to place an order. You must lead the consumer, guide him.

Don't give too many options. You must clearly lead to a sale. Big choice may be in the payment methods, but there should be no more than two or three options for action: “To order a consultation, call 12–34–56 or write to: address@mail. RU".

Examples of calls to action

- In order to register in time new group, call right now at 123–45–67.

– Click the “Pay” button to take part in the training.

– To participate in the competition, write to: info@samplemail. ru marked “Competition”.

From the book Selling Texts. How to turn a reader into a buyer author Bernadsky Sergey

Call to Action Many won't lift a finger unless you give them precise instructions. This is important to consider when writing selling texts. The consumer may like your product, but if you don't tell him what exactly needs to be done, he will forget about you within five

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From the book Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go. Employee development in practice author Giulioni Julia

From the book Selling Mailings. Increasing sales using email marketing by Brodie Ian

How to create a call to action? What your call to action looks like depends largely on the frequency of your email. Failure to understand this rule can lead to serious mistakes. As we have already said, to take a step (follow a link, make a purchase or order a personal

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From the book Effective Commercial Proposal. Comprehensive Guide author Kaplunov Denis Alexandrovich

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Call to action - single person Reminds me of a plot from the show Comedy Club when the professor suggested that the student take Examination ticket: “Well, don’t delay, don’t delay.” The student did not know what to do: on the one hand, the examiner asks to pull the ticket, and then says “don’t pull.”

From the book The Ultimate Sales Machine. 12 Proven Business Performance Strategies by Holmes Chet

Where does the call to action begin? A call to action begins with a verb that shows what exactly needs to be done. If in failed constructions the authors begin their presentation with uncertain “If __________”, “We hope you will be interested in __________” and so on, then

From the author's book

From idea to action Let's start at the beginning and see how people choose an idea for their project. At this stage, there are two main

Here are some examples of how these words can be used in conjunction with the above clichés.

"Contact us for a free sample and try a new taste!"

"Fill out the coupon, cut it and send it to us today!"

"Listen to the splash of the waves, inhale the scent of flowers, drink wine and enjoy life!"

"Call and buy now!"

Of course, it is better to use short verbs, but long ones can also have a positive effect.

When entering text, the copywriter, of course, can use any verbs, but the above words help give the text dynamics. However, a copywriter has many other techniques at his disposal.

Emotional words

These are adjectives, words that describe facts and make them more attractive. For example, under a photograph in a travel brochure you could put the following caption:

"View from the bedroom window."

This phrase is not very meaningful. She doesn't make an impression. If the reader takes a good look at the photograph, he may like the view from the window. So, in order to draw the following conclusion, the reader must make some effort. But why force him to do this? A copywriter can do this for him, adding one more word to the phrase: “Magnificent view from the bedroom window.”

But even such a phrase is quite cold. It does not “catch” a potential tourist who has not yet decided whether the proposed vacation spot suits him or not. So why not say:

"You'll love the magnificent view from your bedroom window."

Well, it’s already “warmer”, but this very view is a view of what? The photograph itself doesn’t explain anything, so why not do it for it by adding one more word to the description:

"You'll love the magnificent view from your bedroom window of the majestic Mount Horn."

Now the reader “will be in the know.” The impression of the text is enhanced by the alliteration “Mount Horn” (see Point 8).

Adjectives that can be used in advertising text include:

You can also use “emotional-practical” words and phrases like:

Economical Inexpensive Profitable Worth the money

These words don’t actually explain anything, but they help create a mental image of a product or service and themselves arouse desire and inspire confidence. A car is economical because it uses less fuel, travel is inexpensive, and a “worth the money” product implies some additional benefit.


Alliteration occurs with the repetition of sounds, hence it is a form of repetition (see example in point 7). This repetition of sounds should be pleasant to the ear, and not too frank and intrusive, because then it begins to irritate. All of the advertising copy writing techniques we talk about in this section should be applied in such a way that the reader perceives the text as a natural combination of words, although in fact its effect has been carefully calculated. The text should write clever man, however, he should never look too smart, because then he will sound false and the reader will think that he is being deceived. However, if the reader is thinking about where to go on vacation, he expects a vivid story about this place. He doesn't want the text to sound like a court verdict. Below are famous examples good use of alliteration and rhyme. (The examples are presented in the original language with literal translation, since their literary translation into Ukrainian language doesn't make sense. Pay attention to how well the verb, adjective or adverb is chosen to match the name of the product, service or company. - Note, trans.)

Players please / "Player, please"

Mars are marvellous / "Mars is a miracle"

Let the train take the strain / “Let the train run!”

Three Nuns, none nicer / “There is nothing better for three Nuns!”

Do not be vague, ask for Haig / "Don't hesitate, buy Haig"

Go well, go Shell / “drive with the breeze, refuel at Shell!”

If anyone can Canon gland / “If it is possible, Canon will do it” Alliteration serves very well the authors of advertising slogans, contributes to their memorization, but it can also be unobtrusively used in texts. For example, this phrase:

"Take a ride round the town in the new Crown roadster" / "ride around the city on the new Crown bike.

Blur expression

When prestigious advertisements in the Times and serious advertisements in technical and professional magazines were written only in perfect English. They were even invited to write some prestigious advertisements famous writers to provide the ad with literary sophistication. However, all this is in the past. Prestigious and professional newspapers and magazines publish striking, short texts that are so popular with manufacturers of consumer goods.


A modern copywriter would hardly pass an exam in his native language, if only because of the abuse of punctuation marks in order to achieve the desired effect. Phrases - from one word, with which no philologist would ever agree. Prepositions and conjunctions that are omitted, nouns, verbs, adjectives and pronouns, are combined with dots and dashes. Punctuation marks are used as desired by an author who can write the following sentence:

"Today - special offer - only 50p, if you hurry - the best big discount, which you have ever seen." Or:

"Today. Special offer! Only 50p if you hurry. Biggest discount you've ever seen."

"Screamer", that is Exclamation point, is used quite freely and often. On the other hand, copywriters pay great attention to the use of a period at the end of some slogans. This is done specifically to add spice to the sentence and is called an emphatic point. Here's an example:

"Write his name in gold." (Rémy Martin)

"Save the children. Now."


Can be used Various types repetitions

a) start each paragraph of text with the same word;

b) repeatedly mention the name of the company or trademark in the text;

c) the name may be present in the title, illustrations, signatures, subtitle, text, advertising slogan and logo;

e) you can repeat the commercial itself or make a series of commercials in the same style; all advertisements in the press should be designed in the same way. Repetition can be considered placement advertisements always in the same place in a given publication, although this is already a matter for the employee responsible for purchasing advertising space.

Many websites, especially commercial ones, have a call to action. What should it be like? Of course, effective, encouraging the user to take some action, for example, subscribe to a newsletter or buy something. For designers and marketers, creating a call to action is a very difficult task and not everyone copes with it 100%.

An effective call to action should be present in one way or another on all sites where user encouragement is required. Every website has its own purpose and goals. Even if the goal is the most common filling contact form, the user must be correctly led to the idea of ​​performing this action. A well-crafted call to action attracts attention, sets the right direction, and can have a significant impact on the success of the site as a whole. How to create an effective call to action? Here are 10 methods that will help you achieve your goal.

Focus on the meaning of the call

Before the user commits required action, he needs to be convinced that he is making the right decision. Therefore, it is necessary to provide people with reliable information. The following approach works very well: you need to point users to a problem, identify it, and only then offer a product or service that solves this problem. You also need to explain what benefits site visitors will receive if they take the proposed action. At first glance, everything is simple, but even large companies make mistakes when trying to reach the user.

Let's take Skype for example. A user who wants to install this messenger on his computer sees the following picture:

This isn't the best call to action, although it looks pretty compelling and the CTA button is clearly visible. But in an attempt to create a powerful call to action, Skype's designers and copywriters lost focus and were unable to clearly explain what exactly the messenger was for. The appeal is emotional, but the benefits are not obvious. And it must be both.

Answer user questions

In order for a user to take an action, you must first gain his trust. Many actions involve making a payment or providing personal data, and some users are wary of this. They immediately have a number of questions to which they try to find answers. People often want to know in advance what will happen if they click a button, fill out a form, or follow a link. These answers should always be before their eyes.

Under no circumstances should site visitors be forced to search for how much delivery will cost or what the product return system is. All this should be present next to the call to action. If the site owner offers to subscribe to the newsletter, then he needs to mention how often notifications will be sent by email. It is advisable to immediately indicate how easy it is to unsubscribe from the mailing list. Users want to know the answers to such questions, so they cannot be kept in the dark.

Reduce the number of calls to action

When designing a call-to-action page, you need to focus on what's most important. If there are too many calls on a page, it can confuse the user. Research has shown that if a person is faced with too many products to choose from in a supermarket, the chances that he will make a purchase are significantly reduced. On a site where there are a lot of calls, everything happens exactly the same.

By limiting the number of actions the user must take, the designer relieves the user of the need to think. All people need is step by step guide. This approach works everywhere - from navigation to contact forms. The number of calls to action may vary depending on the purpose of the site. But there should not be many of them and it is desirable that they do not duplicate each other.

Positioning the call to action

It is very important that the call to action is in a prominent place. Ideally, it will be located on the first screen and in the very center of the page. Here's how in this example:

But you need to be careful, as good positioning does not always guarantee success, especially if there are images of people on the page. The illustration with the heat map shows that the user’s attention is first of all attracted to the girl’s face and only then to the CTA button. This is mistake.

But everything can be corrected by simply choosing a different picture. If the image and the call are closely related, the action button will be more prominent. If the person on the page looks at the call to action, it will definitely grab the users' attention.

Surround the call with empty space

Positioning your call to action is important, but it will be useless if it gets lost among other design elements. There should be enough empty space around any call - this will make it more noticeable. The more emptiness there is around the call, the more attention it will attract. It's better to explain this with an example. In the picture below we see the main pages search engines Google and Yahoo! And it’s immediately clear where the call to action is more noticeable. Of course, this is a Google page.

Working with color is effective way drawing attention to design elements. However, color works best if the main color scheme of the site has limited quantity shades. Here good example: The color scheme uses muted blues and grays, and the call-to-action button is bright green. This stark contrast leaves the user in no doubt about what he must do. Of course, you shouldn't rely on color alone, as many people are colorblind. Color must be used in conjunction with positioning and white space.

Size matters

Many web designers get annoyed when a client asks them to make an element larger. This approach often disrupts harmony and deprives the design of integrity. But sometimes the client is still right. Especially if he asks to make the CTA button larger. In this case, size really matters. The larger the call to action, the more noticeable it will be to site users. A big appeal is more persuasive, but only if it is accompanied by quality text surrounding it.

Scarcity as a means of encouragement

Understanding psychology can help designers and marketers create effective calls to action. The human brain reacts very actively to limitation, so this property can be used in work. For example, you can create a sense of urgency in the user by informing him that the promotion will end very soon. Many people are afraid of missing out on something interesting and will be more willing to click on the call button. To make the user want to act, you can use the following psychological tricks:

  • Limit offer by time
  • Limit the number of products
  • Show how quickly an item sells out

Users who are faced with a limited supply subconsciously feel that the shortage is directly related to the value of the product or service, so they are initially motivated to perform the desired action.

No distractions

If it turns out that many users are not responding to a call to action, then there is something wrong with the design. The designer was unable to guide the user to the call and somewhere along the way the visitor got distracted by something else. This is bad. Distractions were triggered and the person did not perform the desired action.

However, you need to remember that distractions can reduce the effectiveness of the call, even if the user clicks on the button or follows the link. What happens after the transition? There are many options: it can be filling out a contact form, registration, electronic payment, and so on. It is very important that there is nothing superfluous in the design; all the efforts of the designer should be aimed at ensuring that the user follows the path indicated to him to the end.

Don't annoy users

A well-designed call to action can significantly increase your conversion rate. However, often marketers, in pursuit of efficiency, go too far and make the tone of the call too aggressive. Any call to action is inherently manipulation, and people are very aware when they are being manipulated too openly. This causes a sharply negative reaction and in this case you can forget about conversion.

The user needs to be convinced, and not try to sell him your product at any cost. You need to act softer and smarter, and then even such an annoying element as a pop-up window will be perceived normally by users. When it comes to calling to action, you need to be very careful. Don't just focus on transformation; you also need to think about perception. This is the only approach that works in the long term.

Hello dear readers and new blog visitors. Pavel Yamb is in touch. Today I decided to please you with a hot topic that will be of interest to those who are just learning to write advertising texts, the goal of which is to get a person to make a purchase. How to make a call to action correctly? This question is perhaps the most important for a copywriter. Why? Because in life, many of the sales letters do not work, because their authors do not know how to properly put the squeeze on the client and force him to place an order.

In this article I want to look at several different techniques used by different authors of sales letters. They set themselves the goal of implementing a Call to action. Some of these texts do not shine with originality, but among them there are quite interesting techniques that were used by famous personalities in history. I drew a parallel between modern selling messages and classic invitations, as they were composed in the early stages of advertising. From my observations, I drew conclusions to find some general performance indicators. These examples will give you the opportunity to use them in advertising texts, regardless of their purpose.

Classic invitations (this is what they did before)

Let's take an example different kinds classic appeals. They were composed back in the days when advertising was just beginning to take its first steps. I read many such letters and discovered some patterns that are present in almost all texts. I wonder if you can spot them among these advertisements published in the foreign press?

Issue "Sales and Marketing Management"

“Have you waited a long time to finally get this opportunity? The time has come! Your free copy is here!

Publishing house "Beyond the Limit"

"Explore interesting world, surrounding you! Subscribe now!”

Newspaper "Luck"

“Feel the taste of “Luck”! Fill out the subscription form below and we'll send you the next issue for free!”

Harpers Magazine

“Will you allow me to send you our issue? We don't ask for money from you! If it’s not difficult for you, and our gift is interesting to you, please respond before December 31!”

Publishing house "Home and Garden"

“Don’t deprive yourself of pleasure, you are on the threshold of happiness! We don't demand anything from you! And in return you will get so much! Get your value by subscribing to Home and Garden today!”

These appeals were considered very creative in their time, although they all sounded approximately the same. Pay attention to the hidden meaning of these letters.

Standard techniques are used everywhere:

- “Answer us if you agree!”

– “Act immediately, and without hesitation! We pay for you! You only get benefits without losing anything!”

– “Direct benefit without payment! Just send us your card!”

- “If you are interested in new releases of adventures, then they are waiting for you in our publication, you just need to send us the card enclosed in the letter!”

Have you noticed, friends, how these appeals were structured?!

These promotional mailings ask readers to send a coupon that is included in an envelope. Do you catch the analogy?! IN modern internet— in marketing, you are also asked to click on the subscribe button! All other movements of the reader are not important, it all comes down to getting him to subscribe.

Now take a close look at the examples I have given below. You will see three interesting nuances that exist in the text of each appeal:

  1. Not a word is said in each letter about money or any obligations. On the contrary, you are offered a free trial period. This is perceived by readers as a gift, and they do not feel obligated to anyone. One of the phrases goes like this: “Try it and you will see that this product you'll like it!" This period looks like a delay that gives people the opportunity to think a little before buying.
  2. Please note that modern mailings contain the same phrases that were once heard: “Send us a card and we will understand that you agree!” True, there is still a slight difference - in modern marketing you are just asked to “click on the subscribe button.”
  3. Please note that many invitations require you to respond immediately. This is right. Don't give readers the opportunity to think for a long time. You shouldn’t do this because if you give them time to think, they will forget about your letter in the next two or three minutes after they read it.

Let's look at a few more samples I prepared, which can often be seen in modern digital CTAs (Call to action). They exactly reflect proven conservative methods. Look at these texts below.

You often see examples of these patterns (templates) in modern advertising. They are almost no different from their predecessors:

  1. “Try it, you will like it!” Notice that the first word is in bold!
  2. Here is another phrase that is used in modern marketing: “We do not require any commitment from you!” Previously, it was used in this form: “you don’t have to pay for anything!”
  3. Request: “Answer us today!”
  4. “To subscribe, click on the “Subscribe!” button.

Let's look at a few more samples.

The “why not?” argument

Look at this form of address, which does not seem to tire the reader much, but there seems to be no reason for refusal. Well, they asked good people, why not do it? In approximately the same vein, Double-Y Store magazine used this technique in its advertising campaign:

“This promotion ends soon! Take advantage of the moment, order our publication immediately and now. You will not lose anything from this, but will only gain!

One article recently made this point about using CTA elements:

“When you use CTA elements, you understand that their main task is to push the person to do what you need. It is quite clear that they cannot like this in any way. A good incentive always were low prices, but that's not the most The best decision for your business. And therefore, it is better to use a simple “why not?” technique.

Focus on the benefits

Do you want to learn how to write articles and make money online? Right now I am recruiting for free education according to the author's method. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH PAVL YAMBU

It's good if you have some kind of elite club or group. Then you will have a good bait for people to become a member of this club. It's a good advertising gimmick and it really works. But what if you don’t have such a club? What should I do? Think about the benefit that a person will receive, focus his attention on this, and he will send you his data.

You can act like this in an interesting way. See how the call that was once made in the press works:

"You have free time? Don't know where to spend the summer?!

Want to become a volunteer?! Spend unforgettable days at wildlife, in project, dedicated to the world animals in the tropics?! Or maybe you have a dream to take part in archaeological excavations? If you are busy now, this will be relevant for another month! You can contact us later!”

I would replace the last sentence with “You should contact us later!” and tested it.

This text already contains tempting words (spend your summer in the tropics for free)! Well, who wouldn’t want that! And it's free too! In such articles, for complete beauty, it would be nice to insert a large red button that will smoothly transfer fans of free voyages to the subscription page. But, unfortunately, not everything is so smooth in this text. The fact is that a successful CTA should immediately lead the reader to the design, and this one does not quite meet the standard, since it invites action to be taken later. That is, this sentence lacks the main criterion: “Answer right now!”, and therefore people will be irrevocably missed.

The title does not always have to be standard. His attractiveness may vary. Consider another example of a CTA sent out by Earth Patrol: “If you would like to become an active participant in our campaign, or otherwise contribute to us, you can simply send us an order form. Do this when it's convenient for you. For our part, we promise that your adventures can begin in the next issue of Earthwatch.

Is it possible to make a lead an invitation? For the last example, yes, this method is suitable. But to do this, you need to instruct people what to do next. For example, I will give the following message: “After clicking, you will go to such and such a page. There is nothing here except the CTA.” Is it possible to make a lead such that it calls for further action? In Earthwatch's version we see that this is possible.

Nowadays, there is a good alternative to the previous mailings - digital offers, so you can not make very confusing instructions and directions, but simply provide links in the text or make buttons leading to address pages.

Offer a trial version

For this case, I will give the following example: let’s say you received a message from a website promotion company. Experts suggest you calculate how much their work will cost. It says something like: “Let us calculate for you absolutely free how much it will cost to analyze your site and promote it.” Here is a typical example of low commitment. You don’t need to pay for anything just yet!

Or, let’s say this option: you receive a letter in the mail with the following content: “Do you want to receive a digest that will contain reviews of the latest innovations in the world of gadgets? No need to pay! As another bonus, it will have interesting feature articles that you won’t see on other sites.” This is another example where readers' attention is focused on the lack of commitment. Wow! Again they offer something for free, and even an exclusive that no one has. Who wouldn't sign up for this!

Why does not it work?

Incomprehensible design

In digital marketing, a CTA will work if you provide a beautiful and simple page design. But a subscription can easily be ruined by deciding that all users are quite advanced and will figure out what to do next.

To achieve good results, do the following:

  • Remove all unnecessary floating menu items from the page;
  • Remove all annoying pop-ups with the registration form. Visitors simply leave such pages.
  • The page must contain a clearly formatted appeal.
  • Read mine.

How to register correctly

Effective writing must include two basic requirements.

  • Contain a personal CTA.
  • Focus on benefits.

And speaking in detail, the call should consist of the following elements:

  • The CTA should not require any effort on the part of the client.
  • Must contain a request for service or assistance.
  • Should not contain any meaningless buttons like “Click!”
  • There must certainly be a large, bright button with a clear inscription about personal benefits (discounts, promotions).

There must be a reminder that this must be done urgently.

Three effective criteria for strengthening

  1. Don't forget to offer people something free to try.
  2. The text should not contain unnecessary instructions. Only a direct link and a large button (for example, “Find out the cost”), which will be more understandable for users.
  3. Ask people to respond immediately, without delay. Remember: a delayed response is delayed forever!


Accompany texts as much as possible simple instructions. If they contain special terms, you need to explain the meaning of these words (webinar, coaching, banner). Tell us what will happen after the person signs up (our manager will contact you and we will place an order).

That's probably all for today! Let me end my review here. Hope it was useful to you? Please write in the comments which of these techniques do you use? Don't forget to like on social networks. See you again, friends!

Cost Per Action(from English - “price per action”) - a payment model for online advertising, in which only certain user actions on the advertiser’s website are paid.

In clear words, this is a call to action - an element that creates magic in sales. Regardless of where he is. Whether it's a landing page, outdoor advertising, a post in in social networks or just a manager's speech. And such calls to action have a huge number of different variations. In this article, we'll look at both offline and online calls to action.

How to end a commercial proposal

An example from life... A friend, an online business owner, contacts me so that I can help him solve a problem with a lack of sales. When I suggested to him, as one of the solutions to the problem, the use of Email marketing and a landing page, he immediately objected: “I have such crap! A beautiful infection, but it doesn’t work!”

What I subsequently saw in the browser window answered all my questions.

The subscription page was indeed very beautiful and also original. But the whole problem lay on the surface. There were no calls to action on the site. More precisely, on the landing page it was the only one at the end of the page, and then in the form of a call back.

The page didn't work! People visited the site, received aesthetic pleasure and then simply left with the words “Thank you, it was nice to meet you.” And all because they did not understand what they could get from this offer and, moreover, did not see steps for further action.

Call to action, why does it work?

A call to action affects a person’s subconscious. Kind of like motivation. People understand that they are being controlled, but they do not contradict and agree, because they feel that you are helping them. When a person understands what he needs to do to get this or that result, it becomes easier for him to act. Because he doesn't think, he just does. In addition, these kinds of messages create the effect of urgency of action.

One rule

Call to action has different variations and depending on the area of ​​business, calls to action will be different. And, of course, you will get different results.

And remember once and for all the most important rule: the easier the action, the less it obliges the client, the higher the conversion of your page will be.

High conversion is not always good; with such conversion, you begin to receive more “dirty” traffic, which takes time, money and clutters up the total volume of subscribers and potential clients. Maintain a balance between effortless action and targeted action.

Call to action structure

Now I will tell you how to write a call to action. To do this, we will highlight 4 ready-made formulas that are used to create all the call buttons on the site:

1. Action
Example: Request a call / Call by phone
2. Action + time limit
Example: Download now / Get next day.
3. Action + benefit
Example: Get selection 5 best tours/ Order a free visit from a specialist.
4. Action + benefit + deadline(it’s not always possible to use)
Example: Get access for 7 days only today / Place an order at night and receive ____ as a gift.

Types of appeals on the Internet

In practice, offline with calls everything is simpler. Everything is more complicated online. Since potential buyers at one point in time can see different advertising materials or be on several sites at the same time. And as we know, everything is relative, so calls to action on the site should be on target.

Download price list

This option will work if you have a fairly large catalog of models with at different prices. And, of course, this is the most popular button in the wholesale industry.

Find out more

If your block does not reveal all the advantages of your products, then by placing such a button, you will help tell the visitor more. This is an example of an intermediate call to action.

Subscribe to _____

You can, of course, use more original options from the “I’m in the know” series, but the point is the same - getting something useful.

Request a call back
Accordion, accordion, so we will not dwell on this.
Get a discount/gift

It is used if it is in a place where the client wants to receive something, but does not know how.

Try 7 days free
You can give demo access or a trial period for your product, so what are you waiting for, hurry up!!! And the word “try/test” itself has a very soft character, which has a positive effect on performance.
Buy/add to cart

Do people buy your product emotionally? Or are you an online store? You simply cannot live without these options.

Receive an offer with full prices/book by e-mail
We have this button on this moment showed the best option among the A/B tests, but it is not final, obviously we will find something even better. And those who are not ready to wait, try it.
Calculate my project for free

People like to receive calculations before concluding a contract, as well as measurements. It’s also definitely worth using.

I want to work with you

You can call this button an analogue of “Buy”, only it is more relevant in the B2B segment.

Write a question
Surprisingly, not all people like to call. Some are embarrassed and therefore write, write and write, washing their hands until they bleed, just so as not to call. Therefore, this option also has a place.
Order ______.

Here, out of nowhere, there may be your product right away, or there may be part of it from the “Order a prototype” series, as we use this on our website for creating landing pages.

Book a place/Sign up for a seminar

Relevant for events, both online and offline. Moreover, as you can see, “Book a place” is an easier entry than “Sign up for a seminar.” But again, you need to think about what is more important to you - more traffic or more targeted traffic.

Important! All buttons must have different option calls to action, otherwise you will get the opposite effect, lowering the site's results.

Probably, in this case, it is better to over-salt than under-salt. Since the more buttons there are, the more likely it is that the client will notice and click on it.

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Don't forget to place the buttons on the first screen. The one that the client sees as soon as the site loads. Moreover, here there should be the strongest, highest-converting action, the best call to action, if you like.

The next rule will be: the meaning of the block matches the text on the button.

The most important thing here is that a person sees and receives what you announce!

Button design

How can marketers not pervert the design, including the design of buttons. And this is correct, since, although only a small part, design still affects performance.

Button color

Many people believe that by changing the color of a button, especially to red, it will convert more. This is wrong! The most important thing when choosing a color is to pay attention to:

  • general style of the site;
  • contrast between button and background.

The button should stand out relative to the background, should be conspicuous, correspond general style, but there is no way to be red in all cases. Don't forget about the red light or the red rag for the bull. And yet, changing the color can have a positive effect on sales growth if you initially chose not the best option.

Important! Use different colors buttons on the site to focus attention on certain calls.

Button size

It's much simpler here. The size should be large enough that it can be easily seen and easily pressed, but again not so large that it disgusts her. You can double your conversion by doubling the “BUY” button on your website. So, size matters here.

Button length

As for this parameter, of course, all this happens due to the length of the text on it, which again is definitely worth working on, because short and punchy texts convert better than long and blurry ones.

Secrets and tricks of Call To Action

1st person text

We are creating a website, a blog for clients, so I just want to write Yours, Yours, You, BUT it would be more correct to write on the buttons the way the client reads - Mine, Me, Mine. This approach can double your conversion rate! Using an example, to make it clearer, the option “Get your training plan” is worse than “Get my training plan”, if this approach does not mislead the person.

Button animation

Many people forget about this. Your buttons should blink, enlarge, move, either on hover or just being on the screen as shown above. There is no need to go into fanaticism, of course, and make a button in the “elusive avengers” style so that the client runs the mouse across the screen trying to catch it.

Double forms

This is what we call a form that contains both Additional information, and the form itself to fill out. It is required if the button calls for more information or to receive something. That is, when clicked, the client expects to receive something when clicking the button.


There are situations when the client seems to want to click, but something stops him. To do this, many marketers, especially under the “Buy” and “Subscribe” buttons, recommend, for example, payment options or text from the “We are against spam” series.


If a person may assume in their thoughts that your product has an expiration date/lifetime, then you can add words like “Now/Today” to the button to create the effect of urgency.

Example: “Get a 50% discount right now.”


Additionally, attract attention not only through animation, color and size, but also with the help of an additional element in the form of an arrow, which, by the way, can be animated in an interesting way.

Let's sum it up

From the above, we can conclude that there are simply tons of options to beat your target action. Until you test several options, you will not know whether the call to action option is the best for you now or not. You understand perfectly well that there is no limit to perfection, that it can always be better, and thanks to a call to action you can increase conversion.

Checklist for what the ideal call to action button should be:

— Clear call;
— Easy entry;
— Bright and eye-catching;
- Located in the right place.

Therefore, do not put it off until later, but take it and go test these small and so important elements, especially since now you already know exactly how to write a call to action.

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