Presentation national parks and reserves of Africa - presentation. Presentation on national parks and reserves of Africa Presentation on the topic of protected places in Africa

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Main attraction of Kenya - about 59 national parks and nature reserves, occupying a total of about 7.5% of the country's territory. Parks such as Tsavo, Sibilon, Mount Kenya, Masai Mara, Aberdare, Mount Elgon, Samburu, Amboseli and others are widely known far beyond the country's borders.

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National Park The Maasai Mara (area 320 km²) lies 275 km west of Nairobi, at an altitude of 1,650 m above sea level. His western part borders the Serengeti National Park of Tanzania, so between July and September you can see the movement of huge masses of animals that migrate from the Serengeti in search of food. Here, in the savanna and dense thickets of acacia along the Mara River, almost all the animals inhabiting East Africa are found, including a population of unique black lions, and the Mara River itself is literally teeming with crocodiles and hippos.

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national reserve Amboseli (area 392 km²) is located at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest peak. Amboseli was created to protect representatives of the "magnificent five" animals of Africa - leopard, buffalo, rhinoceros, elephant and lion. This is exactly the place where everyone can get the most classic idea of ​​Africa.

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Mount Kenya National Park lies 150 km from Nairobi. The mountainous terrain of the park allows you to combine observation of animals, most of them rare mountain subspecies, with rock climbing and trekking. Below alpine meadows, in dry sparse forests, you can find elephants, black rhinoceroses, Cape buffalo and antelope. The famous Safari Club and comfortable hotel rooms installed on stilts or treetops are also located here.

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Samburu National Park protects representatives desert flora and fauna. The Kakamega Forest Reserve is an area of ​​pristine tropical forest in the heart of the agricultural region in Western Kenya. It preserves relict tree species that are not found anywhere else in the country, as well as many wild animals, including one of the largest populations of primates in the country.

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Aberdaray National Park is one of the wettest places in the country. Here, on the slopes of the mountain range of the same name and on the Kinangop plateau, there are rain forests and alpine heaths, home to dozens of endemic species of animals and picturesque cliffs from which crystal-clear waterfalls fall.

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The Serengeti is located in northern Tanzania near the border with Kenya, 335 km from Arusha. The Serengeti is the most famous national park in Tanzania, and by some estimates the best in the world. Its name comes from the Maasai word “siringet”, meaning “elongated platform”. To establish this park in 1951, 14,763 square meters were allocated. km and since then the Serengeti is the second largest park in the country after Selous Park. The Serengeti ranges from 920 to 1850 m above sea level and its landscape varies from long and short grass in the south to savannas in the center and forested hills in the north. And the real forests are located in the western part of the park.

Kilimanjaro National Park was founded in 1973 and now covers 756 square kilometers. km. The base of the mountain is at an altitude of 1829 m above sea level, and Kibo Peak is at an altitude of 5895 m. At this altitude, Kilimanjaro is the highest African mountain and the highest peak in the world on which you can walk. The diameter of the base is as much as 60 kilometers. Kilimanjaro National Park was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1987. Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest single mountain in the world. Mount Kilimanjaro was formed through a series of volcanic movements. As a result of volcanic activity, three peaks were formed - Shira, Kibo and Mawenzi. Although Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano, it is not an extinct volcano. In other words, sometimes you can hear a threatening noise and observe gas emissions from the crater openings. History first mentions Kilimanjaro in the 2nd century AD. On geographical map Ptolemy (Ptolemy - ruler of Egypt) can see these mountains. However, Europeans did not take these references seriously until the 17th century, when they saw with their own eyes “glaciers in the heart of Africa.” Animal world Kilimanjaro National Park is incredibly rich: on the northern slope there are lions, elephants, rhinoceroses, leopards, buffaloes and eland antelopes, and on the southern slope there are monkeys: African lemurs, thickbodies, hyraxes, duikers. Birds are not inferior to animals in their diversity and abundance: hornbills, buzzards, bearded vultures, crowned eagles, as well as many small birds. The world of insects also amazes with its diversity.

A national park is an area where, for protection purposes, environment human activity is limited. Unlike nature reserves, where human activity is almost completely prohibited (hunting, tourism, etc. are prohibited)

Virunga National Park is one of the oldest national parks in Africa. It is located in the northeast Democratic Republic Congo. For 300 kilometers, the park border coincides with the state borders of Rwanda and Uganda. The year of official birth of Virunga Park is considered to be 1929. It was then named Albert and Kivu National Park. In 1969, the separate Virunga National Park was separated from the single conservation area of ​​Albert and Kivu. Currently, the park borders the lands of the Ruzwenzori National Park in Uganda and the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda.

The area of ​​Virunga National Park is 790 thousand hectares. The landscapes within the national park are very diverse. Here you can find grassy and woody savannas, constantly stunted rain forests, bamboo thickets, swamps, meadows, glaciers, snowfields and vast lava plateaus. The park territory stretches from north to south and consists of three various parts. The northern part includes the Rwenzori Mountains and the Semliki Valley, in the center are Lake Edward and the plains of Rwindi, Rutshuru and Ishasha. Southern part- lava plateaus of Nyamlaghira and Nyaragongo, as well as part of the Virunga volcanic massif.

Air and Tenere Nature Reserve The Air and Tenere Nature Reserve is located on the southern border of the Sahara Desert. Its area is 77,000 sq. km. The reserve was founded in 1988. Immediately, about 15% of its territory was allocated as a special reserve with a strict protection regime to protect the addax antelope. In 1991, the reserve was included in the list of World Natural and cultural heritage UNESCO.

There are many interesting geological monuments on the Air plateau. Both plateaus and mountain ranges are dissected by deep valleys. However, only temporary watercourses flow here, which come to life only during short time after the rains. The climate of the reserve is typical for Central Sahara: very hot and dry. Nowhere in the reserve does more than 100 mm of precipitation fall in a year.

Serengeti National Park is a 30,000 square kilometer low-grass, hilly valley located in Tanzania and Kenya. They are covered with lush grass, which grows well on fertile soil of volcanic origin.

The Serengeti is a paradise for animals that delights everyone who visits it. "Serengeti" means "endless plains" in the Maasai language.

Europeans first learned about these places only in 1913. Unfortunately, the Serengeti plains quickly became a place of mass pilgrimage for hunters from Europe. In 1929, part of the Serengeti plains was declared a game reserve. In 1940 the plains became a protected area. However, due to material difficulties, the Serengeti plains remained a protected area only on paper. In 1951, the territory was given the status of a national park. However, international status The park received only in 1981. At the same time, it was recognized as a UNESCO World Natural and Cultural Heritage Site.

The world's largest pack of lions, or as zoologists call it - pride of lions, was discovered in the world famous Serengeti National Park in 2005. The pride consists of 41 lions. They are ruled by three adult males, each of whom is 10 years old. The flock also includes eight 4-year-old lionesses and 9 young “princesses” who are two years old. There are also 13 lion cubs in the pride, aged from 4 months to a year, and formally there are eight young lions - the foster brothers of the young lionesses. They sometimes take part in the general hunt of the pride, but most of the time they stay away. Their “sisters”, who do not tolerate competition from “brothers” next to them, clearly let them know about this. Nowhere in Africa has there previously been such a large flock as this; typical prides are 15-20 lions.

Ishkel National Park is located in the very north of the African continent. It is located in close proximity to the inhabited areas of Tunisia. The main reason for the creation of a national park in this area is the enormous importance of the wetlands of this area for migratory and waterfowl.

First mentions of environmental status Ishkel dates back to the 13th century, when the then ruling Hafsid dynasty in the Arab Caliphate banned hunting in the vicinity of the lake. Ishkel acquired protected status in the modern sense in 1891. The national park within its current boundaries was founded in 1980. At the same time, the park was included in the UNESCO List of World Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites.

Thanks to the diversity of the park's territory, its fauna is very rich. The lake is home to quite a few fish: eel, mullet, laurel, barb and others. eel barb laurel The abundance of food attracts waterfowl here. Many of them fly here for the winter, but some simply stop here during their flight to the south. mullet

Mammals also live on the territory of Ishkel National Park. There is an otter in the lake. Extensive populations wild boars and genetta porcupine mongoose meerkat otter There are small populations of porcupines and mongooses. There is also an Indian buffalo, which was apparently brought here by humans.

Nairobi National Park Just seven kilometers from the capital of Kenya there is a small savannah with tall grass and rare spreading trees - Nairobi National Park, total area only 117 sq. km. This park was opened earlier than many similar parks in Kenya, in 1946. This is one of the few parks in the world where you can simultaneously enjoy the beauty of almost untouched wildlife and don't lose sight of the silhouette big city.

Nairobi is so diverse you'd think you were in the heart wild africa, and not on the outskirts of a multimillion-dollar city. In the park you can see lions, rhinoceroses, cheetahs, antelopes, giraffes, and gazelles. gazelle The Athi River also flows there, in whose waters there are crocodiles and hippos, and in the coastal forests - birds and monkeys. There are about 400 recorded in Nairobi National Park various types birds.

One of the features of the park is large number There are about 50 rhinoceroses living in it. Here, unlike other parks and reserves, you can almost always see a black rhinoceros in its natural environment habitat. Although Nairobi was originally one of the migration points for elephants, nowadays, due to poaching and the growth of the surrounding population, elephants in the park are a rarity. The national park also has a shelter for wounded and sick animals.

Masai Mara National Park This is the northern (Kenyan) part of the Serengeti plain with an area of ​​1510 square meters. km, located at an altitude of 1650 m. The park was founded in 1948. The climate here is mild and warm, and the scenery is breathtaking. The Maasai Mara National Park is considered to be the most densely populated park in the world. In terms of the richness of flora and fauna, only the Serengeti and Ngorongoro national parks can compare with it. The park is considered the most popular wildlife park in Kenya. The landscape in the reserve is mostly flat.

The name of the national park comes from two words. The Maasai are the tribes that have inhabited this territory since ancient times, "mara" (in the Maasai language) means "spotted". Indeed, when viewed from the air, the plain looks spotty due to sparsely standing small trees. Two rivers flow through the Masai Mara National Park: Mara and Talek. The wide, rolling savannah plain and acacia-dominated woodland are divided by riparian forests along these rivers. Mara and Talek provide food and water to representatives of the animal world. Rivers all year round full of water. There are a lot of crocodiles and hippos.

One of the most unique sights is the migration of hundreds of thousands of wildebeest, gazelles and zebras from the Serengeti. Huge herds of wildebeest, zebra, gazelle and Masai giraffe are a common sight in this park. Masai Mara is the homeland of the black-maned lion. But the main thing that the Masai Mara is famous for is the “big five”, which includes the buffalo, lion, black-maned lion, elephant, giraffe, and rhinoceros. Packs of lions live throughout the national park and they can often be seen hunting.

Mole National Park (Ghana) The Mole National Park, covering an area of ​​4,840 square kilometers, was founded in 1971. Its territory is home to 93 species of mammals, 9 species of amphibians and 33 species of reptiles.

Here you can meet lions, leopards, spotted hyenas, African civets, elephants, bongos, African buffaloes, warthogs, waterbucks, duikers, genets, hares, mongooses, baboons and other species of monkeys, equine antelopes, porcupines, crocodiles and snakes, including pythons. In addition, the park is home to more than 300 species of birds. Warthog Baby African civet Baby bongo python Among the abundance of plants in Mole National Park are beautiful acacias and shea trees, or butter trees.

Kilimanjaro National Park (Tanzania) Kilimanjaro National Park was founded in 1973 and now occupies 756 square meters. km. History first mentions Kilimanjaro in the 2nd century AD. e. On the geographical map of Ptolemy (Ptolemy - the ruler of Egypt) you can see these mountains. However, Europeans did not take these references seriously until the 17th century, when they saw with their own eyes “glaciers in the heart of Africa.”

The base of the mountain is at an altitude of 1829 m above sea level, and Kibo Peak is at an altitude of 5895 m. At this altitude, Kilimanjaro is the highest African mountain and the highest peak in the world on which you can walk. The diameter of the base is as much as 60 kilometers. Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest single mountain in the world. Although Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano, it is not an extinct volcano. In other words, sometimes you can hear a threatening noise and observe gas emissions from the crater openings.

eland The fauna of Kilimanjaro National Park is incredibly rich: on the northern slope there are lions, elephants, rhinoceroses, leopards, buffaloes and eland antelopes, and on the southern slope there are monkeys: African lemurs, thick-bodied hyraxes, duikers. thick-bodied African lemur hyrax hornbill Birds are not inferior to animals in their diversity and abundance: hornbills, buzzards, bearded vultures, crowned eagles, as well as many small birds. The world of insects also amazes with its diversity.

Volcanic National Park of Rwanda The territory of the park is 130 square meters. km. The park is located at an altitude of 2400 m – 4507 m above sea level. Average annual temperature air +9. 6 °C. It currently borders the Virunga National Park in northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, as well as several other protected areas.

Kruger National This is the largest nature reserve in the South African region. In size it is comparable to the territory of Israel and Wales. Its area is 20,000 square meters. km. The park extends 350 km from north to south and 60 km from east to west along the border with Mozambique, between the Crocodile and Limpopo rivers. In addition, the Kruger Park is crossed by four large rivers, which divide it into conditional parts. The Kruger National Park was created in 1898 as a nature reserve on the initiative of the President of the Transvaal P. Kruger. The reserve received the status of a national park in 1926. The Kruger National Park is included in the UNESCO World Natural and Cultural Heritage List.

The Kruger National Park is unrivaled in its diversity of flora and fauna. The northern part of the park has the highest concentration of wildlife in the world. The park is inhabited by: elephant, hippopotamus, white rhinoceros, giraffe, 17 species of antelope, lion, leopard, crocodiles and other animals.

1. Using a physical and climate map of Africa, determine what causes the lack of a wetland zone equatorial forests in the east of the continent: 1. Relief features 2. Insufficient precipitation 3. Influence of currents Indian Ocean. 4. Direction prevailing winds. Features of the relief. 2. Which inhabitants natural areas is a cheetah? Desert savanna Tropical desert.

1. Where do pygmies live? In the woods central Africa. 2. The subsoil of which part of Africa is rich in gold, platinum and diamonds? Subsoil of South Africa. 3. Where do lemurs live? In Madagascar 4. What are moist multi-story forests called? Hylaea. 5. Where does the date palm grow? In the oases of the Sahara Desert. 6. Where do olive groves grow? In the subtropics of northern Africa.

1. Guess how many kilograms of meat an adult lion can eat in a day? kg. 2. What is the fastest animal in the world? Cheetah. 3. Who, after the chicks hatch from ostrich egg takes care of them? Male. 4. Name at least one nature reserve or park in Africa? Virunga, Tenere, Air, Kilimanjaro. 5. Where do turtles lay their eggs? Into the sand (on land) 6. Who did the ancient Romans consider to be the embodiment of the souls of the dead? Lemurov.

Sharp reduction in forest area of ​​the equatorial climate zone As a result of human activity (uprooting and burning for pastures and arable lands), savannas have now formed in their place. Due to improper management agriculture Over the course of many centuries, savannas give way to deserts. So over the past half century, the Sahara has moved significantly south and increased its area by 650 thousand km 2

Virunga is one of the oldest national parks in Africa. It is located in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Virunga National Park was officially established in 1929. It was then called Albert and Kivu National Park. In 1969, the separate Virunga National Park was separated from the single Albert and Kivu conservation area.

The Air and Tenere Nature Reserve is located on the southern border of the Sahara Desert. Its area is sq. km. The reserve was founded in 1988. Immediately, about 15% of its territory was allocated as a special reserve with a strict protection regime to protect the addax antelope. In 1991, the reserve was included in the list of UNESCO World Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites.

Mount Kenya is the second highest African peak, after Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, with Batian Peak (5199 m). It is located in the center of the country, slightly below the equator. There are 11 glaciers on its snow-capped mountain peaks. Here, among the eternal snows and alpine meadows, many rivers flow, including the Tana River, which is the most big river in Kenya. Thanks to the fertile soils, intensive farming is carried out up to an altitude of 2000 meters. Then it begins cedar forest, in which olive trees, ferns, vines and mosses grow. At an altitude of 2500 meters, thickets of giant bamboo up to 12 meters high appear. And already at an altitude of 3200 m the vegetation becomes poorer and this is where the Mount Kenya National Park begins, with an area of ​​492 sq. km. Animals in the national park include elephants, buffaloes, as well as lions and leopards, which live in the forest zone.

Volcanoes National Park is one of Rwanda's most famous attractions. The Volcanoes National Park area currently borders the Virunga National Park in northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, as well as several other protected areas.

This is the most fast beast on Earth. Neither a horse nor an antelope will overtake him: 112 km/h. This happens because he is the only one whose claws do not retract, which is why he runs like a sprinter, wearing “spikes.” The Cheetah is not a scavenger. He will never return to an uneaten victim. He eats only fresh meat.

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A national park is an area where human activity is limited for environmental protection purposes. Unlike nature reserves, where human activity is almost completely prohibited (hunting, tourism, etc. are prohibited), tourists are allowed into the territory of national parks, and economic activity is allowed on a limited scale. In the first half of the last century, in the 20-30s In East Africa, the first territories appeared that became nature reserves and protected states. In the middle of the 20th century, there were significantly more such parks, including the most famous national parks of Tanzania and Kenya. From the very beginning, the management of parks and reserves strongly encouraged tourists to visit protected areas, trying to attract as much attention as possible from people, cultivating in them love and careful attitude to nature. But you shouldn’t imagine that national parks and reserves East Africa- these are large zoos or menageries where there are no cages. In a menagerie or zoo, animals depend completely on humans; there is captivity for the animals. In National Parks the opposite is true. Nature and its rules reign here. The beast is the master here, he can be hospitable or suspicious and distrustful. Therefore, when going on a safari to a national park, remember - you are a guest here! And behave respectfully towards the owners.

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Forming the border with Eastern Lesotho, the Drakensberg Mountains (the highest point is Mount Tkabana Ntlenyana, 3482 m) are a colossal basalt wall with a length of about 250 km, which is an excellent area for active recreation and just amazing beautiful place. Most of the mountainous areas are occupied by national parks, of which the Royal Natal National Park is considered the most spectacular. The southern border of the park is formed by the so-called “Amphitheater” - stretching for 8 km. a cliff that has an absolutely fantastic view. The famous Tugela waterfall (948 m) of five cascades is also located nearby. Lake Santa Lucia and surrounding areas (275 thousand hectares) are included in the list World Heritage UNESCO, and Lake Sibaya is considered the largest natural freshwater lake in South Africa(area 77 sq. km.). At the same time, there are many nature reserves in the vicinity - Loteni, Heimville, Swamp, Giant Castle, Itala, Valley, Ndumo, Mkuzi, Wilderness, Royal National Park, etc. In the eastern part of the country, not far from the borders of Swaziland, they stretch for many kilometers beautiful reserves of Umfolozi (more than 50 thousand hectares) and Hluhluwe.

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Amlanga Rocks (one of the most fashionable resorts in South Africa) is home to the Shark Research Institute and the Hauan Conservation Forest, and the Umgeni River Bird Park is considered one of the best in the world. The North Western Province is famous for its beautiful natural conditions for active recreation and a rich wildlife, as well as many caves (most of which are of great interest from the point of view of studying the origins of man), clean lakes and streams. National parks Pilanesberg, the Medikve, Botsalano, Faan-Meintjies nature reserves, the Wildlife Reproduction Center in Lichtenburg, the Reptile and Animal Park in Hartbeespoort - all this attracts many visitors. Port Elizabeth is home to the beautiful Aquarium, Elephant Park and Port Elizabeth Museum complex, as well as the Victorian quarters of the old city. The real pearls of the area are the “most English” city of South Africa - Grahamstown, the ecological reserve of Cape Recife and the Shamwari nature reserve with the only real traditional village of Kaya Lendaba in South Africa, as well as the Eddo Elephant National Park (Addo) - one of the main attractions of the whole country. In the Kalahari you can visit Augrabies National Park with its famous two-stage waterfall, as well as the beautiful Kalahari-Gemsbok National Park with an area of ​​2 million hectares.

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The Eastern Cape has many national parks and reserves of interest (Tsitsikamma, Naches Valley, Donkin, Mkambati, Mount Zebra National Park and Addo Elephant National Park). South of the Orange River lies the semi-desert Karoo plateau, famous for the Karoo National Park and the country's largest river port, East London. The City of East London Aquarium contains about four hundred different species of marine and freshwater fish, and the East London Museum is famous for the rare exhibits presented here. Also of interest are the Franci Pienaar Museum in Prince Albert, the Grote Kerk church (1886) and more than 200 historical monuments in Graff-Reinet, the Schreiner House Museum and the Tuishuise Hotel Museum in Cradock, the "ostrich capital" Oudtshoorn, as well as the Gamka Mountain nature reserves, the sand dunes and forest of Alexandria, as well as the famous Cathedral of St. Michael and George (1824-1952 gg.) in Grahamstown, the picturesque Little Karoo plateau, the unique Kamkasloof valley, etc. Kruger National Park, located in the Eastern Transvaal - business card countries. Equal in area to a small state, this unique reserve protects the flora and fauna of the savannas and semi-deserts of southern Africa - more than 50 species of fish, 114 species of reptiles, 507 species of birds and 147 species of mammals. Several equally original reserves are concentrated around it - Sabi Sand, Skukuza nursery, Manieleti Game, etc.

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Virunga National Park. Virunga is one of the oldest national parks in Africa. It is located in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Virunga National Park was officially established in 1929. It was then called Albert and Kivu National Park. In 1969, the separate Virunga National Park was separated from the single conservation area of ​​Albert and Kivu.

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Air and Tenere Nature Reserve The Air and Tenere Nature Reserve is located on the southern border of the Sahara Desert. Its area is 77,000 sq. km. The reserve was founded in 1988. Immediately, about 15% of its territory was allocated as a special reserve with a strict protection regime to protect the addax antelope. In 1991, the reserve was included in the list of UNESCO World Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites.

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Serengeti National Park Serengeti National Park is a 30,000 square kilometer area of ​​short grass hilly valleys located in Tanzania and Kenya. They are covered with lush grass, which grows well on fertile soil of volcanic origin. The Serengeti is a paradise for animals that delights everyone who visits it.

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Ishkel National Park The first mention of Ishkel’s conservation status dates back to the 13th century, when the then ruling dynasty of the Arab Caliphate banned hunting in the vicinity of the lake. The national park within its current boundaries was founded in 1980. At the same time, the park was included in the UNESCO List of World Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites.

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Nairobi National Park Just seven kilometers from the capital of Kenya, there is a small savannah with tall grass and rare spreading trees - Nairobi National Park, with a total area of ​​only 117 square meters. km. This park was opened earlier than many similar parks in Kenya, in 1946. This is one of the few parks in the world where you can simultaneously enjoy the beauty of almost untouched wild nature and not lose sight of the silhouette of a big city.

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Masai Mara National Park Masai Mara National Park is the northern (Kenyan) part of the Serengeti plain with an area of ​​1510 square meters. km, located at an altitude of 1650 m. The climate here is mild and warm, and the landscapes are breathtaking. The Maasai Mara National Park is considered to be the most densely populated park in the world. In terms of the richness of flora and fauna, only the Serengeti and Ngorongoro can be compared with it.

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Mole National Park (Ghana) Mole National Park is located in the Northern region of the African state of Ghana. The Mola Nature Reserve, covering an area of ​​4,840 square kilometers, was founded in 1971. Its territory is home to 93 species of mammals, 9 species of amphibians and 33 species of reptiles. In addition, the park is home to more than 300 species of birds.

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Kilimanjaro National Park (Tanzania) Kilimanjaro National Park was founded in 1973 and now occupies 756 square meters. km. The base of the mountain is at an altitude of 1829 m above sea level, and the Kibo peak is at an altitude of 5895 m.

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Dzanga-Ndoki National Park Dzanga-Ndoki National Park is located 480 kilometers from Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic, in the southern point Central African Republic - between Cameroon and the Republic of Congo.

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Rwanda Volcanoes National Park Volcanoes National Park is one of the most famous attractions in Rwanda. The Volcanoes National Park area currently borders the Virunga National Park in northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, as well as several other protected areas.

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Kruger National Park (South Africa) Kruger National Park is the largest nature reserve in the South African region. In size it is comparable to the territory of Israel and Wales. Its area is 20,000 sq. km. The park extends 350 km from north to south and 60 km from east to west.

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