Rose of tomb raider walkthrough. Rise of the Tomb Raider, "Challenge Tombs" Walkthrough

The puzzle is not difficult - you need to knock down the ice and climb up. To do this, launch the mechanism with an ice ax, double jump up the mast and jump over to the right pendulum. Wait until he goes down, get off and climb up the wall cleared of ice. Again the mechanism. Twist the stick until the left pendulum lowers to an acceptable height for jumping. Walk along the mast and jump onto the pendulum to break the ice here too. Descend and climb the ice wall using ice axes. There's a ton of treasure waiting for you, including a holy book that improves your archery skill, a second level of Greek, and a ton of gold. Having collected everything, go down the cable car and pick up a medallion next to the descent, which, after examination, will reveal an important secret to you. You can continue the story mission. Upon leaving the cave and after swimming in the water, do not forget to pick up the scroll on the right.

Cistern in the Cave (Tomb of Trials)

You can immediately run towards the relic, but the boards will break off and you will fall into the water. If you go to the lower right corner, you will find a passage to a hatch and a canister. Blow up the canister and add some water. Now go back around the structure and you will find three canisters on the right. You have a difficult trick ahead of you. You need to take the canister and throw it on the raft. Then jump onto the beam and drive the raft with the canister to the other side with water. Jump off and wait for the raft with the canister to float next to the hatch. Blow up the canister and a new passage will open. Inside you need to climb up and break the wall. Jump down. Throw the canister back onto the raft and repeat the trick with the lever. Now you need to have time to swim to the raft and throw the canister into the broken window. Go all the way back, take the canister and blow up the last hatch inside. The water will reach its limit and you will be able to take away the skill. Head back to the Soviet base. You can explore the wolf caves, but there's nothing special there. The cave in front of the story marker will open up another dungeon for you. You can go in and complete the task in the dark. Return to the last bonfire, destroy all the enemies at another camp. Enter the back ones and discover a merchant who is ready to exchange valuable items for gold coins. Higher up and down. Enjoy the plot twist.

Voice of God (Tomb of Trials)

You need to go forward and only be afraid of the second collapsing ice beam - have time to jump in time and grab the wall. On the other side, shoot at the post and tie the rope. Now you need to go inside the tomb. There will be a map, a note and some gold. The far counterweight is stuck so you can't lift the second gate. Lower the first ones. Climb up them and get over to the other side. Jump down to the right and attach one end of the rope to the counterweight and the other to the reel. Pull the rope as tight as possible and remove the bolt on the right. If you did it correctly, the coil will no longer be active. Go back and break through the wall to the other side. Raise the gate again and you can secure the counterweight in position. Go back to the lever and pull it to the maximum and then cut the rope on the right. The ice is destroyed - you can raise the gate and take away another useful skill. This will restore your health in battle in case of critical damage. Go back using arrows and cables to the base camp. You can return to the Wilderness Hideout and open the previously inaccessible cave with an arrow and rope and return to Jacob's slips.

Uranium Mines (Tomb of Tests)

You need to go lower and lower, fall into the water and go around all the forks. During the jump, the structure will fall apart. That's how it should be. Along the way, you will come across a pipe with water covering a flammable structure - just throw the incendiary mixture over the top. Next, a puzzle awaits you. You need to jump onto the far counterweight and break the paths. Rise higher and shoot an arrow with a rope at the mechanism, thus pulling out the trolley. Then jump over the pin in the wall to the other side and go up. Near the pillar, shoot an arrow with a cable at the trolley. Go down, jump on the counterweight, and the trolley will close the water source. Throw an incendiary mixture at the opened flammable barrier. Jump inside and pick up the Keen Eyes skill - it gives you the ability to see traps. Go back.

Chamber of the Suffering (Tomb with Trials)

Go to the bottom corner of the map straight to the waterfall. You need to get over to the opposite side - the cable will help you with this. Then we crawl under the gate and kill several hostile animals. We break the grate and go into the cave, where the tomb is located. Here you have to solve a fairly simple puzzle. We roll out the reel with the cable to the very edge. Next, we attach a figure eight to the beam and go to the far corner with the bucket. We pull the rope to lower the bucket down. We tie the bucket to the cart on which the reel is located. That's it, a solution to the problem has been found. We go up the steps and take a new relic with the “Fast Healing” skill. Now you can return to the valley.

Aquifer Cave (Tomb with Challenges)

Drag the rope to the other side and walk along it. On the right you will need to go around the small graves and go up. Here you will see a temporary parking lot. To solve the puzzle you will need all your ingenuity and dexterity. You will need to hook the boat to the devices, and then quickly jump to the next point. After getting to the island, you will need to hook the rook from one millstone to another. You will have to pull the rope using a lever. After doing several similar exercises, you will still end up on land. There you will find a relic that will give Lara the ability to hit animals directly in the heart. Unfortunately, there is little benefit from it, since it does not work on bears and leopards. Now you can return to your main route.

Ketig Baths (Tomb of Trials)

Swim underwater, then wait and run between the streams of water to the fire. Jump over the trap and crawl between the roots. There is a lot of water waiting for you below. You need to attach the boat to the beam on the left and then lift it to the edge. As soon as you climb up, run to the lever and drain the water. Secure the cable to the lever and winch. Wind up the winch. One water level has gone down. Go down and pull the boat to the right beam. Climb inside and drain the water on the right. Attach the lever to the boat with a cable. Now go down, blow up the barrels and take the manuscript. It will give you a climbing bonus. The cave has been completed. Return to the main route - you can simply teleport to the nearest camp. As soon as you get the climbing arrows, you can climb the mountain next to that very cave with the wolves. Walk forward until you reach scientific station Trinity.

Pit of Redemption (Tomb with Trials)

Now you have an oxygen apparatus, and therefore we advise you to return to the Geothermal Valley and find a cave there, where you need to swim underwater for a long time. Then we emerge and walk along railway located on the right. Somewhere nearby there will be a new tomb with a puzzle. We go upstairs and roll out the cart. Next, you need to turn the platform with wooden fences in the opposite direction. Order Lara to push the cart down.
Then find a small post to your right and tie a rope to it. She will help you move to the second platform. Get to the very top and use the lever to lower the platform down. Unfold the three-legged structure, and then move the cart onto the platform. Next, turn it so that it looks on the opposite side from Lara. Raise the platform and drop the cart again. This will give you access to a new relic, which will give you the skill of a geologist (unfortunately, there is little benefit from it). Now you can return to completing the main quest.

Chamber of Exile (Tomb of Trials)

Once you kill the clubfoot, start looking for a wall with cracks. Destroy it with an ice ax and move forward. Take the explosive arrow and use it to create a passage. You will find out exactly where you can make a hole through the gas pipe. Then rotate the two levers using the cable arrows. Run a short distance to the cage with the skeleton and cut the chain. Then wait for the gas to dissipate or simply explode. Now you can try to lift the cage using a crane. You need to turn it straight towards the gate. Next, climb up to the upper ledge again and release some gas by activating the two levers. Explode the gas by shooting a fire arrow at it. Take the relic that gives a bonus to fire damage and continue with the main story quest.

Location - Ice cave


On her way to the Soviet base, Lara unexpectedly stumbles upon an ancient ship stuck in the ice. The ship is full of secrets and Lara needs to find out. To do this, you need to go upstairs, which turns out to be not such an easy task.

Trial:knock down the ice to climb up and get your reward.

First you need to use an ice ax to start the mechanism on this ship. Next, we climb up the mast using a double jump.

We jump from it onto the pendulum, which will break the ice

We wait until the pendulum goes down, get off and climb the wall where we broke the ice earlier

Another mechanism appears on our way; using an ice ax we lower the second pendulum

Then, as quickly as possible from the mast, having correctly calculated the time, we jump onto this pendulum.

He will break the ice, go down, and we will climb the wall to the very top.

On the deck there are many different treasures, diaries that will tell us about what happened and, of course, the main reward - a sacred manuscript on which is written about the ancient Byzantine archery technique. Mission completed

Reward - "Ancient Skills" skill

Lara fires two arrows in a row without having to remove them from her quiver. Fire two shots by quickly pressing and releasing [LEFT MOUSE BUTTON] after the first arrow is fired.

Ancient cistern

Location - Soviet base

It seemed that getting to the manuscript was a piece of cake. But Lara forgot that she was on a shaky structure and, accordingly, the wooden beam could not support her weight, and Lara fell down, now she needs to raise the water level in the tomb to get to the reward...

Trial:raise the water level in the tomb to reach the manuscript.

To begin with, we swim to the left, there will be a small room where, having shot through the oil lamp next to the round fence, Lara, although not much, will raise the water level, we return back to the main hall.

We swim to a place opposite the raft, go up the stairs, go to the right, where we find several oil lamps, take one and throw it onto the raft.

Then we go up the stairs and jump onto the beam to release the water, which will send the raft to the other end of the room.

We go down and wait until the raft floats along the fence, when we wait, we shoot at the oil lamp and the fence explodes.

Now we swim there and find ourselves in another room, but there are no oil lamps there. Therefore, we need to go to the fragile stone barrier on the right and break it down with an ice ax.

We return to the main hall, perform the operation with the raft, lamp and beam again, only now instead of shooting at the lamp, you need to swim to the raft and throw the lamp towards the obstacle we broke down.

We jump there ourselves, take the oil lamp and go into the room, throw the lamp.

We blow it up with a shot.

Voila, the water level has now risen enough for us to reach the relic.

Reward:skill "Innate Instincts"

All nearby resources are automatically marked on the map. They light up when approaching.

Voice of God

Location - Soviet base

Entrance to the tomb


There are two small halls in the tomb, two gates are located in the main hall, and their counterweights are located in the additional one. Through the first gate we entered the mortuary, and behind the second there is a valuable manuscript. The counterweight of the second gate is in the ice, and without breaking this ice we will not be able to open it.

Trial: open the second gate to gain access to the reward.

To get into the additional hall, we will need to lower the first gate and raise the counterweight; to do this, we turn the nearby wheel using an ice ax. We go up through the ledges on the gate, climb to the left and make our way into the additional hall.

In the additional hall we go down, go right to the wheel, which is located opposite the counterweight. We launch a rope arrow as a counterweight and attach it to this wheel.

No further action is required with it for now. We go to the left where there is a fragile passage, break it through with an ice ax and return to the main hall.

There we return to the wheel and our task is to open the first gate.

We return to the additional hall, where we use the wheel to pull the counterweight towards us.

Now, with the help of a knife, we must cut the rope, and not just cut it, but precisely when the wind blows, so that it directs the counterweight towards the second one and breaks the ice that prevents us from opening the second gate.

We return to the main hall again and open the second gate. The test has passed.

Reward:"Hidden Power" skill.

If Lara receives critical damage in battle and the screen turns gray, health is automatically restored. Instant health replenishment occurs once per battle, the cooldown time of the ability is reset between fights with the enemy.

Location- Soviet base


The tomb is a uranium mine with several rooms, one of which contains a valuable relic. But the problem is, it is fenced with wooden beams, which could easily be set on fire with a Molotov cocktail, but this is not so easy to do. First you need to stop the flow of water that flows without stopping.

Trial:block the flow of water to set the tomb fence on fire.

To begin with, we go to the other side, rise a little higher and see two containers, one higher, the other lower. The higher one blocks the path of the cart, which could block the flow of water. We jump onto the nearest container and clear the way for the cart so that it can reach the water along the mini rails. But the rails break, the trolley falls, and we need a plan B.

To begin with, we go a little to the left and shoot at another cart with a comet, then we attract it, and now it already takes the place of the first cart.

We shoot at the cart with a comet and attach it to the mount. We go back, jump onto the container, release the cart, it closes the flow of water. The task is completed.

All that remains is to use a Molotov cocktail to set fire to the fence and go into the room with the relic

Reward:"Clear Eyes" skill

All nearby traps will automatically light up when using improved SURVIVAL INSTINCTS.

Chamber of the Suffering

Location - Geothermal Valley


Our reward is high, but our way up is blocked by a large bucket

Trial:find a way to lower the bucket and climb up.

First, we connect the mechanism and the platform, which is located nearby using a comet

Opposite the bucket there is a cart that needs to be pulled out a little towards you. Then you need to shoot the lever next to the bucket to fill the bucket with water.

The bucket full of water will begin to sink. It is necessary to attach this bucket to the cart using the comet as soon as possible.

The task is completed. Now jump over the beams and platforms to the balcony where our reward is located.

Reward - skill "Fast healing"

Dressing wounds takes less time. Hold the heal button to heal the wound.

Catacombs of the Sacred Waters

Location- Geothermal Valley


Ancient catacombs. They represent one vast room with a small room in which the relic is stored, which we first of all want to get to.

The task is a test of reaction speed. You need to quickly and accurately shoot comets at the fastenings, otherwise a strong current will carry Lady Croft to the rocks, on which she risks breaking her charming face.

Trial:get to the other side using a raft.

To begin with, we approach the nearest coil and, using a comet, rivet a raft to it, which it will attract to itself, then you need to climb onto it and shoot the comet at the nearest coils in turn.

We swim to the “shore” and, if desired, you can collect coins and read the diary

We look a little to the right and see another raft that needs to be pulled in with the help of a comet.

We jump over to it and shoot the comet at the nearest reel, then use an ice ax to pull the raft to this reel.

The task is completed. We make our way into the room, approach the relic and receive our reward

Reward:Anatomy Knowledge skill

Survival instincts indicate the location of the heart in animals. A shot to the heart does massive damage. However, animals with thick skins (bears and large cats) are immune to being hit in the heart.

Click [Q] to turn on survival instinct mode, or hold [RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON] to aim at the beast and see the location of its heart.

Kitezh baths

Location - Geothermal Valley


Quite a large flooded room, with several rooms. The manuscript with the reward is blocked by a grate that needs to be blown up with Greek fire, but as mentioned earlier, the room is flooded

Trial:lower the water level in the room so that you can blow up the grate with Greek fire and get a reward.

First we need to swim to the boat.

After we arrive, we launch the comet into the fence opposite us.

It contains a special lever that can lower the water level in the room. We head towards it, pull the lever and wait for the water level to drop.

Before the room fills with water again, we shoot the comet onto the reel opposite us. Using an ice pick, we turn the reel wheel so that it attracts the lever.

We perform a similar operation with another room, only instead of a reel there is a rope fastening of a boat.

The water level has dropped and now we shoot at the vessels with Greek fire and thereby blow up the grate that prevented us from receiving the reward.

The task is completed.

Reward:"True Grit" skill

Speeds up climbing on rocky and icy surfaces.

Pit of Redemption

Location - Geothermal Valley


To get the reward, Lara needs to destroy the wall, fortunately she already knows how

Trial:destroy the wall with the two carts to access the reward.

First you need to swim to the opposite shore, collect necessary documents, relics, coins and head up along the right railway (because it won’t work through the left one)

Having reached the room, you need to use an ice ax to turn the platform on which the cart is located. Then we push out this cart and it, although a little, destroys the wall.

Having reached the second room, we are in no hurry to touch the cart and platform; first we need to climb up. Using an ice ax, we lower the platform down, then through the second mechanism we turn the rails and push the cart onto this platform. We turn the platform back, lift it up and push out the cart.

The task is completed.

Reward:skill "Geologist"

Knowledge of geology allows you to successfully mine CHROME ORE. Press [E] to start mining near an underground ore vein

Chamber of Exile

Location - Lost City.


An ancient creepy place where evil spirits were exorcised. It is a small hall where Lara's reward is blocked by a huge gate that needs to be gotten rid of.

Trial:find a way to break the gate.

First, we need to release the cell that is located below. To do this, we pull two levers towards ourselves using a comet, this will release the gas and reduce the water level in the place where the cell is located. Using an ice ax we break the mechanism that holds the cage and go back. You can get rid of the gas using fire arrows or you can just wait until it dissipates. Now we go to the wheel that is located at the counterweight, using an ice ax we turn it, thereby raising the cage. We go behind the counterweight and pull it with the help of a comet.

The cage is located quite close to the gate. Using the comet, we pull the levers that release the gas, move away to a safe distance and shoot with a fiery arrow. The cage will destroy the gate. The task is completed.

Reward:Greek Fire skill

The flames of FIRE ARROWS and MOLOTOV COCKTAILs deal more damage and are hot enough to burn through enemy armor.

The 2013 Tomb Raider game was a reboot of the legendary series about Lara Croft, who is also known to everyone as Tomb Raider. In the nineties and zeros, everyone played a third-person shooter with great pleasure, full incredible adventures, waited for the release of new parts until the series gradually faded away. However, there were developers who decided to restart the legendary series, talking about how Lara became such a fighting and invincible woman. And in the first game of the restart, you play as a timid and timid archaeological university student who goes on research. The project turned out to be so successful that the developers began creating the second part, which was called Rise of the Tomb Raider. You have further passage ahead storyline for the main character, however special attention are attracted to the game. There are only nine of them, and they all offer special tests. It is not necessary to complete them, but an impressive reward awaits you in each of the tombs. So it is still recommended to pay special attention to what you can be offered in the game

Ice ship

The Ice Ship is the first challenge you will face in Rise game of the Tomb Raider. The tombs will differ thematically, and the setting in them will be different accordingly. In this case, you will be tested in a ship stuck in the ice. Your task here will be to climb to the very top, but to do this you will need to get rid of the ice that is blocking your path. Don't think that this is easy to do - of course, you are unlikely to have any difficulties understanding in what order what exactly needs to be done, but sleight of hand will come in handy in this case. When you find yourself on deck, you can read several diaries and journals, from which you will learn what happened to the ship. However, your goal is an ancient manuscript, with the help of which you will receive a skill called “Ancient Skills”. What does it give? With its help, you will be able to handle your bow more efficiently, shooting twice in a row without having to take out a second arrow from the quiver - this will be very useful to you in your further adventures in the game Rise of the Tomb Raider. The tombs, of course, don’t end there - there are still many challenges ahead.

Ancient cistern

Chamber of Exile

Well, the last tomb of trials is the “Chamber of Exile”. It is located where you will need to break the gate blocking the path to the manuscript. To do this, you will have to do a lot of tricky operations that will require not only your intelligence, but also your dexterity. Eventually you will be able to blow up the gate using the released flammable gas, and if you complete the task, you will receive the Greek Fire skill. This means that your fire arrows and other fire attacks will deal much more damage to the enemy, and they will also be able to penetrate even a layer of armor thanks to the extremely high temperature fire. Are you wondering why there was no mention of how the Tomb of the Prophet is played in Rise of the Tomb Raider? The thing is that this is not a tomb of challenges, but a full-fledged game story level, which has nothing to do with this article.

"Rise of the Tomb Raider" - computer game from the series " Tomb Raider", serves as a sequel to the 2013 game. The project was announced on June 9, 2014, and released on November 10, 2015. Richard Croft, Lara's father, was obsessed with finding the tomb of the prophet and source eternal life , main character decides to finish what he started and goes to Siberia to find the lost city Kitezh. On her journey, Lara encounters resistance from a mysterious and ancient sect Trinity who wants to take possession of the source of life at any cost.


Objective: Reach the peak of the mountain

Lara Croft And Jonah Maiava find themselves in Siberia at the foot of a mountain, the hired workers refuse to go further, and the main characters begin ascent on one's own. At this stage we are going along the mountain ridge for Jonah; after a short period of time it will happen avalanche and Lara will begin to fall into the abyss, you must use it while ice ax to avoid death ("action" button).

We climb up along small ledges; then the player will find a frozen sheer wall(highlighted when using Survival Instinct yellow), along which Lara can also climb (to catch the wall, we jump and use an ice ax).

After the avalanche incident, Lara and Jonah continue climbing to the top. After exploring a small cave, the main characters begin again climb a sheer wall, collapses will occur periodically.

Lara climbs up and discovers ruins of the lost city of Kitezh, at that moment lightning strikes the rock and Lara begins to fall. Jonah insures the girl, but cannot hold her for long; you need to swing and grab the ice ax onto the sheer wall on the other side of the cliff.

Storm continues to gain strength, as a result an avalanche begins again; Jonah returns to the cave, and Lara is forced to flee from a huge mass of snow. At this stage, any delay is tantamount to death; it is necessary to constantly move forward.

As a result, Lara Croft still falls under an avalanche and loses consciousness. The game moves forward two weeks ago, in London, Lara returns to her father's apartment. It is possible to listen to the audio diary; it contains information about the sect" Trinity", who wants to obtain the source of eternal life at any cost.

Lost Tomb

Objective: find the ruins

Richard Croft, Lara's father, was obsessed with finding the tomb of the prophet and the source of eternal life, the main character decides to finish what she started and goes to Syria. Lara hires a driver, but near the border the car comes under fire. After the accident, the heroine comes to her senses, we begin to move along a small mountain path, which will lead Lara to the entrance to the cave (to the right of the entrance you should pay attention to relic box).

Objective: Explore the Chamber of Frescoes

Inside the cave the player discovers small hall, decorated with ancient frescoes. It is recommended to study the found historical evidence, this will allow improve language skills and translate more complex documents ( monoliths), which in turn can indicate the location of the relics.

Hidden oasis

Objective: find the way to the tomb

We break through the wall at the end of the corridor and find passage to the Hidden Oasis, move to the left and along the stone columns we get to the entrance to the tomb (use double jump to get to the ledges).

Objective: Explore the passages of the tomb

Lara makes her way through a narrow cave and ends up right at the site of the battle between the defenders of the prophet and the pilgrims of the order; in this entrance hall it is worth paying attention to the container, relic(message from the head of the Trinity) and fresco.

Further down the corridor the player will find trap, which will block the way; it must be destroyed pistol shot. Meanwhile, the Trinity Order's attack helicopter continues to pursue the main character; an explosion occurs in the tomb, resulting in floor the room collapses. We shoot at the block, holding the wooden platform, after which break through the wall, allowing the flow of water to fill the hole.

In the next corridor Lara Croft falls into a trap that fixes her leg, the room begins to fill with water; use the ice ax and quickly swim forward to the light source.

Prophet's Tomb

Objective: climb to the top of the hall

We pass through the fog and find a large one, decorated with columns hall; at this stage it is necessary break through the wall and raise the water level in the room. Next, we climb up the shelves and jump onto the wooden platform, under the weight of the girl the platform collapses and opens water seal and the hall continues to fill with water.

At this point in the room the player can access relics(wooden cross, several caches of coins, historical document, a map and a couple of containers with spare parts).

After exploring the hall we climb on the central column, you need to be prepared for a trap with spikes (there will be another one on the right document).

We jump over the columns and move through a small corridor, it is worth paying attention to traps, which can be neutralized with a pistol shot (trap, trap with spikes).

At the exit from the corridor on the right there will be another letter to the head of the Order of the Trinity(on the opposite side of the hall there are coins on the floor). For further progress it is necessary break through the wall, raising the water level; further, shoot at the block holding a small raft; finally, all that remains is to jump onto the wooden platform, continuing to fill the hall with water. The resulting stream will throw the raft towards the stone column, we quickly climb onto the raft and jump to the ledge of the column.

We use a wooden beam and open the water to full power; the stream carries Lara to the central column, we go up and discover the tomb.

Unfortunately, the main character fails, the sarcophagus turned out to be empty; Moreover, armed soldiers descend into the hall, and Lara uses the tomb as a shelter.

Objective: get out of the tomb

The Trinity soldiers open the sarcophagus and discover Lara; after a small verbal altercation with Konstantin, the main character takes possession of the detonator and blows up explosives planted by the order. A small shootout will follow, after which the girl must get out of the tomb alive.

The action of the game is again transferred to England, Lara continues to study the materials. In the tomb, the main character saw a symbol that was previously mentioned in the works of Richard Croft when describing the lost city Kitezh. In the office, Lara is attacked by an order killer, but Jonah intervenes.

Cold shoulder

Objective: find shelter

After the avalanche, Lara comes to her senses, at this stage it is necessary to find place for heating and relaxation. We move forward and discover abandoned camp; to survive the coming night you need to collect dry rags. In the camp, the player can upgrade weapons and use skill points, and camps also serve as points for quickly moving around the global map.

Objective: search the forest

At this stage, it is recommended to spend time hunting and collecting resources (required for upgrading equipment and making consumables). In the forest, on a small ledge, it is worth paying attention to the abandoned camp of a ranger of the order ( document). Hidden nearby spy agent corpse Trinity, next to which there will be another historical message.

In this location in the south there is two caches, however, the passage can only be opened after receiving comets and explosives. Near the blocked entrance on the ledge, pay attention to the backpack, inside there will be emergency cache map.

Located in the center of the location another monument, decryption of which will allow you to gain access to the location of caches with coins. On one of the wooden platforms there will be map of historical documents.

In the north, you should pay attention to the narrow passage that will lead Lara to the location ore. In addition, at the end of the cave there will be another historical document. Near the entrance to this cave there will be a hidden artifact box.

Objective: Explore the ruins

After exploring the forest, we go east, Lara intercepts the conversations of the Trinity patrol; Based on the conversations, it becomes clear that the soldier was attacked bear.

Objective: escape from the bear

After a small cat scene, we begin to run away from the predator, deep snowdrifts slow down movement, so you need to jump over them. This will be followed by several more cat scenes, during which the player must dodge (C key) and attack the beast with an ice pick (action).

Objective: treat wounds

The collision with the bear did not pass without a trace, Lara received several torn wounds that require processing. We move forward and collect herbs for a medicinal poultice; after treating the wounds, the main character discovers abandoned complex during the Second World War, which became the base of the Order of the Trinity.

Best plan

Objective: defeat the bear

The further path to the lost city is blocked evil predator, to more effectively counter the bear, Lara decides to make poisoned arrows(poison can be obtained from toadstools). Before returning to the forest, you should pay attention to the ledge to the left of the vertical wall (container). At the forest location we go north, just before the entrance to the cave with ore in the north you can find mushrooms.

Objective: get past the Trinity soldiers

We return to the camp and “craft” poisoned arrows, after which another video from the main character’s childhood will be played. Lara Croft decides to rest and soon wakes up from gunshots, the order's people gave chase to the unknown people, and one of the soldiers noticed smoke from the fire in the camp. Small cat scenes will follow, demonstrating to the player the possibilities of stealth killing. At this stage it is necessary to cross the location of the forest, in gameplay provided secret passage mission, but no one forbids openly attacking the squad. Used as shelters dense thickets, also the main character can climb trees. Near the old Mongol ruins, soldiers set up an advanced camp, on the table there will be personal diary one of the mercenaries.

Objective: defeat the bear

It's too crowded inside the den, so it's better to lure the animal out open space. Being hit by a poison arrow will stun your opponent for a short period of time, giving Lara the opportunity to deal damage with her main arrows.

Objective: explore the cave

After eliminating the bear, do not forget to skin him; inside the cave there will be several containers with spare parts, a container with weapon upgrades and historical document. We break through the fragile wall and go to the location Ice cave.

Objective: follow the Mongolian trail

An attempt to climb up a steep wall will end in failure, immediately after the cat scene we turn around and climb onto the ledge (another historical evidence). We continue to move along the ice cave, on the left there will be relic(arrowhead).

We go down into the water and swim forward, on the right you should pay attention to the branch of the cave, the passage will lead Lara to the abandoned camp ( relic). We continue to move through the underwater part of the cave and discover base camp on the Mongolian trail.

There will be two containers with spare parts near the camp; after upgrading the equipment and using skill points, we continue to explore the cave and discover Byzantine galley.

The exit from the tomb is worth exploring relic box(medallion with the image of the prophet); further, we move along a narrow corridor and dive under the water, you need to quickly swim through this section, otherwise Lara will drown (there will be another historical message). We continue to move through the cave and go to the location Soviet base.

Tomb Ice Ship

The ship in the game is designated as a tomb, the study of which gives additional experience; to climb to the tomb, it is necessary to break the ice frozen on the wooden beams; This can be done by using a hanging mechanism. Inside the tomb Lara will find secret map And historical document, in addition to this will be received ancient skill archery.

Keywords: tomb raider, Lara Croft, Ascension, Lost Tomb, Hidden Oasis, Tomb of the Prophet, Cold shoulder, Echoes of the past, Best plan, Kitezh, Jonah Maiava, Siberia, description, Trinity, source of eternal life, Richard Croft, boxes with relics, monoliths ,frescoes, caches with coins, bear, Siberian wilderness, Ice cave, tomb, ice ship, historical documents

The game Rise of the Tomb Raider continues the story of young Lara Croft - this is the second part of the restart of the series and the tenth game in the Tomb Raider series. This time the adventurer goes in search of the secret of immortality to Siberia. In this Rise of the Tomb Raider walkthrough, we'll show you how to complete the first few missions, as well as how to complete a tomb or two and complete some challenges.


Lara Croft's new adventure begins deep in Siberian mountains. Lara and her friend Jonah will climb up as the storm gets stronger and stronger. Lara believes that the home of a historical and religious figure called the Eternal Prophet is located between the mountains. Go ahead, find out about the heroine's capabilities - there is nothing more to do here.

London and Syria

In fact, Lara's adventure began two weeks earlier, in the heart of London. She decides to go to a lost tomb in Syria. Walk along the cliff, don't jump off the edge. Use the technique from the previous mission to grab onto the stone at the moment when you almost fall down. Walk forward until you reach what appears to be a sewer entrance. Come inside.

Walk forward through the darkness until you find yourself in a lit room. A video will start, after which you go through a short tutorial and go into a small room with a fresco and a crack in the wall. Break the wall - you will find yourself at the entrance to a beautiful ancient temple. Go left, jump in time and stop. Go forward and climb into the dark passage.

The first serious trap awaits you, which you will have to either jump over or activate and jump back. Then there will be another trap - the floor under you will break and you will fall into the water. Shoot the pulley holding the platform, break the crack in the wall to let more more water. Get out of here and move on.

There will be two traps in the passage. Quickly shoot at weak point swinging trap and quickly press the action button to escape from the trap. Now swim forward as quickly as possible to get out of the flooded area.

Jump into the water or turn right and run along the wall to reach the broken wall. Break it to flood the area even more. Then go to the left side and climb up the shelves on the wall. Jump onto the wooden platform to raise the barricade holding the water. Swim to the far part, preferably to the right, and climb up. Climb up the right side of the temple and cross the room, but beware of the trap - a hole in the floor. It's better to jump over it.

Jump over to the left and enter the corridor. Beware of the trap hanging from the ceiling. You need to press the red button. The next area will have a simple puzzle. Ignore the platform that you can jump on, first knock down the other platform so that it falls down. Then go to the far right side and break the wall to flood the area. Now jump onto the platform and you will end up in the water. Climb onto the platform you knocked down and jump onto the pillar. From there, jump onto the beam above the platform to activate the barricade. Now climb up to trigger a cutscene. Now just run.


Once you enter the tomb, look to the right. There is an incense burner hanging from the ceiling of the structure that needs to be knocked down. Then immediately turn to the other side of the room and knock down the second incense burner. On each side in the center of the tomb there is one incense burner - on the left, in the center and on the right. Then, from the lower level of the central sanctuary, jump to the pillar to the left of Lara, located at eye level. First jump onto the first pillar, then onto the second. Look ahead and up to see another incense burner hanging from the ceiling. Now turn to the central shrine. Under the arch, right under top part sanctuary, there is the last incense burner.

Siberian Wilderness

At first you will enjoy the warmth and shelter. Walk through the snowstorm and search necessary materials- wood and skins. Just walk past the old camp towards the small trees. When you have everything you need, return to camp.

Ice Ship

Enter the tomb and jump onto the ship. Use the ax on the mechanism in front of you. There is a document to the right of the pillar. Grab it, then climb up the middle pillar and follow the beam until you reach the hanging object. Jump and the ice will break.

Use the ax on the mechanism again. When you're done, quickly walk along the beam, turn right and jump onto the object. Time is limited, so do everything quickly. If you do everything correctly, the ice blocking your path will be broken.

At the top there is a map of the area, a document and arrows. Also, for completing the tomb you will receive a new skill, Ancient Abilities.

Soviet Installation

Ancient Cistern

Trying to jump onto the central pillar will cause Lara to fall into the water. The main task in this tomb is to flood everything so that Lara can swim to the central pillar. Collect useful things first, otherwise they will become inaccessible due to water.

Swim to the platform behind the pillar and throw the canister onto the raft. Go up the stairs, jump and grab onto the beam to release the water. Jump down and shoot the canister when the raft is in front of the round door. Swim through the tunnel and climb the stairs into the next small tunnel. Break the wall and jump back into the water.

Throw another canister onto the raft. Now you need to flood the room, climb onto the raft and throw the canister into the room through the broken wall. Do all this, return to the room and throw the canister onto the ledge. Shoot the canister and swim to the center pillar to claim your reward.


There are four challenges in Soviet Installation, some of which require special items.

DataCorruption- Destroy 10 laptops in the Gulag. The first five laptops are in the combat zone, where Lara decides to split up with Jacob to find a way to open the gate. The sixth laptop is right outside the gate. On the way to the railway you will find the rest of the laptops. The seventh is in the room Lara enters after her first major fight with her new gun. After the camp, in the combat zone, there are two more laptops - in wooden shacks. The last laptop is in the room where Lara finds the dead soldiers, in front of the railroad.

DifferenceofOpinion - burn 7 astronaut posters. They are located in Copper Mill Yard.

Into Darkness - explore 5 caves in Soviet Installation.

CapturetheFlag- Destroy 7 Soviet flags. They are located in the main part of the zone, one is at the entrance to Copper Mill Yard. Lara will need a knife to complete this challenge.